=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2555/paper19 |storemode=property |title=The impact of the Strategic Learning Achievement Program in primary education students in Arequipa |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2555/paper19.pdf |volume=Vol-2555 |authors=Sonia Esther Castro-Cuba-Sayco,Silvia Marisel Espinoza-Suarez,Maria Elizabeth Bejarano-Meza,Elena Martinez-Puma,Teresa Ramos-Quispe,Alicia García-Holgado }} ==The impact of the Strategic Learning Achievement Program in primary education students in Arequipa== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2555/paper19.pdf
     The impact of the Strategic Learning Achievement
    Program in primary education students in Arequipa

        Sonia Esther Castro-Cuba-Sayco1, Silvia Marisel Espinoza-Suarez2, Maria
   Elizabeth Bejarano-Meza3, Elena Martinez-Puma4, Teresa Ramos-Quispe5, Alicia
                    1Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa, Peru
                                             2 TECSUP

                          3 Universidad Católica de Santa María, Peru

                           4 Universidad Católica de Santa María, Peru

                                 5 Universidad Continental, Peru

                   6 GRIAL Research Group, University of Salamanca, Spain


       Abstract. This work aims to determine the relation of the results of the
       Peruvian national assessment of students that finish the third cycle of
       compulsory education in the area of mathematics and the knowledge and
       development of abilities considered at second level in the national assessment
       of students by the elementary teachers of nine schools under feedback-based
       monitoring by the Strategic Learning Achievement Program in the Local
       Educational Management Unit of South Arequipa. According to the results
       obtained, there is a high correlation between the Educational Quality Exam
       results and the results of the teachers’ test and the observation form applied to
       the teachers. In light of the results, it is found that the ignorance of the
       prioritized skills of mathematics in the Peruvian national assessment and the
       deficient application of strategies by the teacher influences the low results in
       learning achievements of students who finish compulsory education. The
       research concludes that the high correlation (0.9) between the strategies used by
       the teacher to develop skills prioritized by the census evaluation, in the area of
       Mathematics, and the number of students.

       Keywords: Mathematics skills, general assessment, monitoring, learning
       program, primary education.

Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons
License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
1 Introduction

Since 2004, the Peruvian Ministry of Education reports year after year the results of
the national assessment (in Spanish, ECE, Evaluación Censal de los Estudiantes)
applied to second-grade primary education students in Reading Comprehension and
Mathematics. The ECE consists of the application of standardized tests to second-
grade primary students and fourth-grade primary students who have a native language
other than Spanish and attend an Intercultural Bilingual Education School. This
assessment classifies students at different levels according to their results. If students
get minimum expected achievements, they are upgrading to the second level of ECE.
   These results at the national level in the area of Mathematics are not very
encouraging. Since by 2014, at the national level, it reached 25.9% and at the regional
level in Arequipa, 32.9%. At the international level, this situation has been reflected
in unfavourable results. The results obtained by Peru in PISA 2012 in Mathematics
are low. There is no doubt that these results are due to multiple factors such as, for
example, use of educational materials, effective use of classroom time and strategies
used by the teacher, as pointed out by SERCE [12] in its report on factors associated
with the cognitive achievement of students in Latin America and the Caribbean.
   The results of learning achievements in the area of Mathematics at the national
level in ECE of students who complete the third cycle of compulsory education are
not very encouraging in the region of Arequipa, and the situation becomes even more
complicated at the national level. This is due to different factors such as the family
economic situation, the investment of economic resources by the State in education,
the differences in cultural assimilation and, of course, the quality of human resources
involved in the teaching-learning process.
   It is known from statistical results of recent years that people who choose to be
primary education teachers enter with low average performance in addition to not
having positive attitudes towards the area of Mathematics because they consider it
difficult. Besides, undergraduate universities develop few mathematical contents,
which implies that future teachers training in the area of Mathematics is insufficient.
Graduate teachers with these characteristics have the mission during their careers to
develop the mathematical competencies established in the National Curricular Design,
making the teacher an essential factor in the low performance of students in the area
of Mathematics.
   The practices that are developed in the school for the treatment of mathematical
knowledge are today subject to a substantial revision. School mathematics, its
meaning, its nature and its possible meanings have been substantially modified. Its
existence in the curriculum of compulsory education is justified by considering
Mathematics as a fundamental part of the knowledge that every citizen should have as
a minimum cultural background and, consequently, its treatment should be directed
fundamentally to study, understanding and intervention in their daily environment.
This implies different ways of understanding, knowing and making Mathematics very
distant from the dominant forms in our educational environment, in which we
basically teach and work on mathematical representations or symbols, without
facilitating a real understanding of their meaning and application [1].
    The purpose of education is to lead the student to realize his personality, given that
it is everything that contributes to project the abilities, aptitudes and possibilities of
the individual; and to create, correct and order his ideas, habits and tendencies. The
proposal of the curricular framework mediated by the eight fundamental learnings
represents today the instrument whose purpose is to concretize the ultimate goal of
our Peruvian educational system [14].
    Now, with respect to the teachers who produce a significantly higher academic
performance in their students, Brophy [3] affirms that they are those who successfully
organize the classroom, design objectives, communicate with their students, select
and design academic tasks. This same author comments that successfully carrying out
these activities demands a combination of knowledge, energy, motivation,
communication, decision making and teacher skills. According to the curricular
framework, it could be indicated that in the educational system, the teacher that in a
context of standardized evaluations evidences better learning achievements with his
students is the one who at all times in the development of pedagogical processes is
aware of competencies mediated by capabilities and these are observed through
    Nowadays, the purpose is to cover the deficiencies in the mathematical training of
teachers through in-service training programmes. On the other hand, it is assumed that
no one teaches what they do not master, clearly alluding to specialized training and
solid knowledge of mathematical concepts.
    A fundamental premise without which it is not possible to think of efficient
education systems is the centrality of learning. In short, we can say that an
educational system is of quality insofar as it provides students with significant,
relevant, and high cognitive demand learning. Unfortunately, in Peru this is only a
desire that is not fulfilled by the majority of students, as indicated by various national
assessments at the national level [6-9] and international ones such as PISA and
LLECE that have been applied in Peru.
    This work analyzes the relation between the results of the Peruvian national
assessment of students that finish the third cycle of compulsory education in the area
of mathematics and the knowledge and development of abilities considered at second
level in the national assessment of students. The main goal is to determine the impact
of the Strategic Learning Achievement Program implemented in the Local
Educational Management Unit of South Arequipa through the feedback-based
monitoring of the elementary teachers of nine schools.

2 Strategic Learning Achievement Program

The Strategic Learning Achievement Program or PELA according to the acronym in
Spanish (Programa Estratégico “Logros de Aprendizaje al finalizar el III ciclo de
EBR”) is a set of interventions and articulated actions that generate products and
results in favor of children from 3 to 7 years of age, which are being implemented to
improve the levels of effectiveness and efficiency in a sustained manner towards the
goals of learning achievements expected at the end of the third cycle of compulsory
education in Peru.
   It consists of a pedagogical accompaniment through planned, continuous and
respectful advising to improve the pedagogical performance and management of the
teachers of initial and primary education through actions of feedback and technical
support, continuous reflection, the construction of links and friendly relations.
   All the official information provided by the Peruvian Ministry of Education is
available in http://www.grell.gob.pe/datos-de-programa.

3 Materials and methods

The It is basic research, as it will expand information on the problem to be
investigated and then explain it and propose possible solutions. The research is
relational since the correlation between the results of the ECE at the end of the third
cycle of compulsory education and the knowledge of the classroom teacher about the
capabilities prioritized in ECE will be analyzed.
   In order to avoid biases due to the particular characteristics of rural educational
institutions, this research opted to take only those of urban scope, i.e., nine urban
institutions covered by the Strategic Learning Achievement Program. The techniques
were observation, testing and analysis of data recording. We worked with an
observation card and an objective test applied to nine teachers from the same number
of educational institutions, corresponding to the second grade of primary school in the
area of South Arequipa.
   The instruments used were the Observation Sheet, the Field Notebook, an objective
test applied to second-grade teachers and the results of the ECE in second grade. To
characterize the teacher's pedagogical practice, a field notebook was designed and
elaborated, considering the following categories: curricular programming,
pedagogical processes, classroom climate, educational material, evaluation, and
classroom organization.
   The data were managed quantitatively from information obtained from the
observation card, survey and field notebook, identifying the correlation with the
results obtained in the ECE 2014 in the area of Mathematics. For the statistical
treatment, the software SPSS 24 was used.

4 Results

For the analysis of the results, the categories were considered that show the level of
knowledge of the second level of compulsory education capabilities prioritized by
ECE. Concerning curricular programming, in most cases, they do not consider the
capacity to be achieved. Those prioritized by ECE reflect expectations of low
cognitive demand since they are reduced to addition and subtraction, without alluding
to the resolution of additive problems. In this regard, it is also important to point out
that several teachers did not present their curricular programming. About pedagogical
processes, it is observed that teachers do not interact with students through questions
or additive situations of high cognitive demand, related to second level capabilities.
   In most cases, they simply ask "What is done?" or "Is it added or subtracted?".
Regarding the educational material, it is important to emphasize its importance for the
process of interaction with the student, generating reflexive questions that lead them
to complex learning. In this dimension, it was observed that teachers value the use of
educational material only in the first few months, then consider that it is not necessary
since they assume that all children are at the abstract level of mathematical thinking.
Finally, the evaluation dimension shows that a large percentage of teachers do not
evaluate according to previously established indicators and capacities, since they do
not have their curricular programming; they simply limit themselves to placing
operations at the reproductive level (mechanical and symbolic), or stop working on
problems that are not reviewed in the next class.
   Regarding the results of the observation sheet applied to second-grade primary
teachers in the Local Educational Management Unit of South Arequipa with PELA
accompaniment, urban area, it was obtained that 44.4% of teachers observed do not
use strategies for their students to compose and break down a number. From the
observation made during classroom visits, six teachers, who make up 66.7%, on no
occasion used strategies to establish equivalence relations between different ways of
representing the same number, this being the most critical capacity. The 55.6% of
teachers observed do not use adequate strategies to develop in their students' abilities
in the resolution of additive problems that require establishing relations of
equalization, comparison, combination, change, etc. The 22.2% do not use strategies
that encourage their students to solve problems involving concepts of double, triple
and half; in this case, the majority of teachers, 78.8%, do develop this ability in their
   Concerning the objective test, 55.6% do not correctly identify the ability of second
level "Identifies the composition and decomposition of a number in groups of 10
units"; while 77.8% of teachers do not identify the ability "Establishes equivalence
relations between different ways of representing a number", corroborating this
resulting with what is specified in the reports of the Ministry of Education. Moreover,
66.7% of teachers do not correctly identify the ability called "Resolve additive
problems of up to three stages that require establishing relationships, selecting useful
data or integrating a set of data".
   These results show that teachers think that the items presented for this ability
correspond to calculating additions and subtractions; that is, they do not take into
account the mathematical context. The results already show a relationship between
what has been worked in the classroom and what the teacher says he or she knows
about the capacities assessed in the ECE that are considered to be of high cognitive
demand. These results show us the need to organize and plan training programs aimed
at strengthening the professional capacities of teachers, since they are closely related
to learning achievements, as indicated in a study conducted in 2014 [4].
   The results reported in the area of Mathematics by the Quality Measurement Unit
(UMC) in 2014, for the institutions of this research are in Table 1.
     Table 1. Learning achievement results for the area of Mathematics ECE 2014, corresponding to
     the 206 students considered in the research.

    District                                         Name                                ECE 2014
Mariano Melgar           40695 Los Olivos                                                    93.3
Mariano Melgar           40139 Andrés A. Cáceres                                             56.3
Miraflores               40158 El Gran Amauta                                                30.3
Characato                40123 San Juan Bautista                                              6.7
Socabaya                 40701                                                                75
Socabaya                 40221 Pueblo Viejo                                                  27.3
Socabaya                 40676 La Mansión de Socabaya                                         28
Sabandía                 40193 Florentino Portugal                                           54.5
Socabaya                 40680 Horacio Zevallos Gámez                                        26.1

        As far as the normality test is concerned, both sets of data have a parametric
     behavior, i.e. they have a normal distribution; this is because the significance, in both
     cases, is greater than .05. This result is important because it allowed us to decide
     between Pearson's r or Spearman's rho. Therefore, Pearson's r will be used to
     determine the degree of correlation between both variables.

     Table 2. Pearson Correlation Results

                                                                             ECE 2014
        Observation Sheet                     Pearson's Correlation            .950(**)
                                              Sig. (bilateral)                 .000
                                              N                                9
        ECE Results                           Pearson's Correlation                .847(**)
                                              Sig. (bilateral)                       .004
                                              N                                        9

     ** Correlation is significant at level 0.01 (bilateral).
        Regarding ECE, the level of correlation between the strategies used by the teacher
     in the classroom and the ECE results in the area of Mathematics is high (Table 2),
     reaching 0.950, which means a high degree of dependence.
        In this case, the correlation reaches a value of 0.847, which turns out to be high,
     which evidences a high degree of dependence between the teacher's knowledge of the
     abilities considered in Level 2 and the result obtained by his or her students in the
     census evaluation, where the least that is expected is that the student satisfactorily
     resolves the questions aimed at verifying the mentioned abilities.
   According to the results obtained, it is observed that there is a high correlation
between the Educational Quality Examination results and the results of the Teacher
Test and the Observation Card applied to teachers.
   The results presented as a product of the application of the instruments designed
for this research it is proven that the lack of knowledge of the prioritized capacities of
Mathematics in ECE and, on the part of the teacher, the deficient application of
strategies influence the low learning achievement results of students who complete
the third cycle of compulsory education in Peru.

5 Discussion and conclusions

The methodological strategies for teaching are integrated sequences of procedures and
resources used by the teacher with the purpose of developing in the students
capacities for the acquisition, interpretation and processing of information; in
addition, the use of these in the generation of new knowledge allows their application
in the diverse areas of daily life in order to promote significant learning. Strategies
should be designed to encourage students to observe, analyze, express an opinion,
formulate hypotheses, seek solutions, and discover knowledge for themselves [11].
   Currently, the teaching of Mathematics undoubtedly considers constructivism, a
paradigm by which it is assumed that each constructs and is capable of constructing
mathematical concepts through interactions with objects and actions with them; in
addition, it is considered that the student himself constructs knowledge from his
previous cognitive structures [2, 5].
   Concerning the resolution of learning problems and achievements, the Maps of
Progress and Achievement conceive learning as a continuum that is enriched
throughout the school trajectory. From this perspective, learning is not a sum of
knowledge that is acquired in isolation, but rather a process of developing
competencies that are deepened and expanded from simpler to more complex levels.
   Using the premise that factors with an average greater than 4 are adequately
considered, worked and/or prioritized in the environment of the organization, 100% (6
out of 6) of the motivational factors exceed the 4 average points, which indicates that
the work developed is good for the labor motivation of the workers. Also, since the
characteristics of the jobs in the organization allow for a positive stimulus for people,
there would be high chances that the level of motivation would improve if the
organization took into account the results of this research.
   Pedagogical accompaniment is a strategy of professional strengthening in service,
which consists of classroom counseling for teachers in their educational institution,
based on their pedagogical practice and specific needs, applying the critical reflective
approach, which is continuous and sustained. Accompaniment is provided through
dialogue, in a climate of horizontality, interaction, personal disposition, and
commitment [13]. Thus, within the framework of continuous teacher training systems,
accompaniment is combined with and complemented by other teacher training
strategies in which, in addition to training events (in its traditionally known version),
it promotes rapprochement between trainers and teachers and teachers among
themselves [10].
   Another dimension associated with changes in the in-service training model has to
do with the redefinition of the role of teachers as active subjects, protagonists of their
own training, capable of identifying their needs. An interesting analysis of the
effectiveness of teacher performance lies in the potential of personalized tutoring as a
strategy capable of changing over time, adapting to needs.
   At another level of analysis, substantive problems are identified regarding aspects
such as the lack of clarity regarding the attributions and functions of each level of
government in the hierarchical structure of the sector. These references indicate that
there is currently a line of reflection that focuses not only on the redefinition of old
forms of teacher training, but also on including in-service teacher training programs
mechanisms for rapprochement between trainers and teachers, and more personalized
and practical ways to improve teacher performance. This theoretical review coincides
with the success achieved with the teachers studied, who not only improved their
teaching performance but also perfected their practice of teaching problem-solving in
the area of mathematics.
   Therefore, this research concludes that the value obtained for Pearson's correlation
between the strategies used by the teacher to develop ECE prioritized mathematics
skills and the number of students at second level is high (0.9). The level of knowledge
of fundamental aspects to be considered for the area of Mathematics in the III cycle
by teachers is deficient and has a high correlation (0.8) with the results obtained in
ECE. The didactic-mathematical treatment of mathematical situations and tasks in
primary education, and specifically in the third cycle, must start from the selection,
study, and formulation of oriented strategies. However, with a small sample size,
caution must be applied, as the findings might not be transferable to other regions in


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