=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2556/paper11 |storemode=property |title=Relationship Invariants Based Sojourn Time Approximation for the Fork-Join Queueing System (short paper) |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2556/paper11.pdf |volume=Vol-2556 |authors=Roman S. Khabarov,Vladimir A. Lokhvitckii,Andry S. Dudkin }} ==Relationship Invariants Based Sojourn Time Approximation for the Fork-Join Queueing System (short paper)== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2556/paper11.pdf
            Relationship Invariants Based Sojourn Time Approximation
                        for the Fork-Join Queueing System

        Roman S. Khabarov                               Vladimir A. Lokhvitckii                       Andry S. Dudkin
            MSA named                                         MSA named                                  MSA named
       after A.F.Mozhaysky                               after A.F.Mozhaysky                        after A.F.Mozhaysky
      Saint Petersburg, Russia                          Saint Petersburg, Russia                   Saint Petersburg, Russia
     xabarov1985@gmail.com                                lokhv_va@mail.ru                            andry-ll@mail.ru

                                                                        3 service channels. In the case of Fork-Join, the freed
                                                                        channel may be occupied by the subtask of the next
                                                                        task (Figure 1). When organizing the Split-Merge
                                                                        service (Figure 2), a block occurs at the time of task
                          Abstract                                      entering, and the freed channels are idle, waiting for
        The approximation method of task                                the last of the subtasks of the current task to be
        sojourn time in the fork-join queuing                           serviced.
        system based on relationship invariants is
        proposed. The idea is in application of
        intuitive proportion between the certain
        queuing systems time characteristics. It is
        shown that, compared with the known
        methods, the proposed approximation is
        more accurate with server utilization
        higher then 0.7.                                                       Figure 1: Task service chart in Fork-Join
                                                                                           queueing system

1 Introduction
To evaluate the efficiency of query processing in
systems using distributed and parallel computing
technologies, queuing systems like Split-Merge and
                                                                              Figure 2: Task service chart in Split-Merge
Fork-Join are used.
                                                                                           queueing system
The general idea of the Split-Merge and Fork-Join
systems functioning is as follows: tasks received in the
                                                                        A rather large number of works has been devoted to the
system are “split” into n sub-tasks, each of which is
                                                                        Fork-Join and Split-Merge processes [Alom2014,
sent to the channel with numbers 1, 2, ..., n,
                                                                        Bacc1985, Bacc1989, Fior2015, Flat1979, Harr2003,
respectively. Processed subtasks fall into the
                                                                        Khab2019, Nels1988, Olv2014, Ryzh1980, Ryzh2015,
synchronization buffer, where they wait for the
                                                                        Qui2015, Var2002, Varma1994, Wright1992]. For the
servicing completion of their related subtasks. At the
                                                                        Split-Merge system in [Harr2003], an exact solution
end servicing of the last related subtask,
                                                                        was obtained to determine the maximum service time
synchronization occurs, i.e. aggregation, after which
                                                                        of independent channels with exponential service time
task leaves the system. It is regarded that
                                                                        and various intensities, as well as approximations for
synchronization occurs instantly.
                                                                        the case of a general distribution. In [Fior2015], the
The difference between the Split-Merge and Fork-Join
                                                                        mentioned distribution was obtained for homogeneous
systems is shown in Figures 1 and 2 for the example of
                                                                        and heterogeneous servers, and its representation in
Copyright c by the paper's authors. Use permitted under Creative
Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
                                                                        matrix-exponential form made it possible to find both
 In: A. Khomonenko, B. Sokolov, K. Ivanova (eds.): Selected Papers of   the first and the moments of higher orders. It should be
the Models and Methods of Information Systems Research                  noted that this method is characterized by high
Workshop, St. Petersburg, Russia, 4-5 Dec. 2019, published at
http://ceur-ws.org.                                                                                                                63
computational complexity, which is a consequence of              of high and low system utilization interpolation
the laborious operations of inversion and the Kronecker          methods:
product of matrices that are included in it. The use of
Kronecker algebra is associated with a significant                          v1 » [H n + (Vn - H n )r ]             ,         (4)
additional memory consumption, as well as many                                                                µ -l
redundant operations with zero operands. In
[Ryzh2019], an exact solution was found for an                                          ænö                 æ i ö (m - 1)!
                                                                              å çç i ÷÷(-1) å
                                                                                 n            i -1   i
                                                                 where Vn =                                 çç ÷÷ m+1 .
arbitrary distribution of services based on Chebyshev-                           i =1                m =1
Laguerre numerical integration. The solution has a
                                                                                        è ø                  èmø i
relatively low complexity and high accuracy.
For Fork-Join systems, the exact expression for the              In this paper, we propose a method for finding the
average sojourn time with an arbitrary service                   average sojourn time for a Fork-Join queueing system
distribution was obtained only for a system with two             with an arbitrary service distribution based on the
                                                                 approximation of relationship invariants.
channels [Bacc1985, Fior2015]. For the case n > 2 and
exponential service, using various methods,
approximations of the average sojourn time were
obtained in [Nels1988, Var2002, Varma1994]. We give              2 Method idea
below a brief summary of the results.                            In [Ryzh2015], to find the time characteristics of multi-
In [Flat1979], an exact formula is given for the average         channel queueing system with priorities, a method was
sojourn time for n = 2, and the exponential distribution         used based on the invariants idea of the relationship
of the service time                                              between the desired characteristics:
                      æ      rö
                 v1 = ç H 2 - ÷ × v1( M ) ,                (1)                                                M /G/n
                      è      8ø                                          M k / Gk / n » M k / Gk / 1 ×                 . (5)
                                                                                                              M / G /1
              å 1 / i for n = 2 , H = 1.5 ,
where H n =         i =1                       2
                                                                 All designations are given in Kendall notation.
r = l / µ – system utilization,                                  Calculation methods for the systems indicated on the
                                                                 right are considered known. In particular, iterative
v1( M ) = 1 ( µ - l ) – average sojourn time in                  methods of Takahashi-Takami or matrix-geometric
M / M / 1 queueing system.                                       progression are used to calculate systems [Ryzh1980,
In [Nels1988], Nelson and Tantawi proposed an                    Taka1976]. For the non-priority systems M / G / 1
approximation for the average sojourn time in a Fork-            and M / G / n with a non-uniform task flow, the total
Join queueing system with n service channels                     intensity of the task flow and the weighted average
                                                                 moments of the servicing distribution were used.
       éH     4 æ H ö ù 12 - r 1                                 As an approximation of the service time, it is proposed
  v1 » ê n + çç1 - n ÷÷ r ú       , n ³ 2.                 (2)
       ë H 2 11 è H 2 ø û 8 µ - l
                                                                 to use a second-order hyperexponential distribution
                                                                  H 2 applicable for values of the coefficient of
In [Var2002], Varki and Merchant proposed a formula              variation, both smaller and larger than 1.0. For
                                                                 example, when replacing the gamma distribution with
                  1é              r æ n 1
          v1 »      êH n +               çå           +          the parameter 1 < a < 2 by H 2 -approximation, one
                 µë          2(1 - r ) çè i =1 i - r             of the “probabilities” will be negative, and the other
                                       1 öù                      will exceed 1.0. As computational experiments show
                 + (1 - 2 r )å               ÷÷ú, n ³ 2.   (3)   [Ryzh2015], these paradoxical intermediate results do
                             i =1 i (i - r ) ø û
                                                                 not interfere with the successful calculation of
                                                                 queueing system using known numerical methods
In [Varma1994], Varma proposed a method for                      [Taka1976].
approximating the sojourn time based on a combination

   Here we present the scheme proposed in                     3 Calculation results
[Ryzh2015] for the implementation of conversion
invariants for an n-channel priority system:                  The following are the results of calculations of the
   a) By multiplying the channel rate by n, we obtain         average sojourn time in the queueing system (Figures
the equivalent single-channel system rate.                    3-8) in comparison with the methods proposed in
   b) Calculate the waiting time distribution                 [Nels1988,Var2002,Varma1994] (formulas (2), (3),
                                                              (4)) and simulation data. The comparison was carried
moments {wi , j } for all types of requests i and the order
                                                              out depending on the system utilization and the number
of the moments j = 1, 3.                                      of service channels at three values of the service time
    c) For the same initial data on the weighted average      coefficient of variation {0.5, 1.0, 1.5}.
service times and the total intensity of the incoming
flow L as applied to the M / H 2 / 1 system,
calculate the number of requests stationary distribution
{ pi } and the average requests number in the queue:
                 Q(1) = å (i - 1) pi .
                           i =1

   d) For the M / H 2 / n system, it is similar to carry
out the calculation of state probabilities at initial
service intensities and obtain the average queue length:
                Q(n) = å (i - n) pi .
                          i = n +1                               Figure 3: Average sojourn time depending on the
   e) Recalculate the    waiting time distribution                  number of service channels, υ = 0.5, ρ=0.9
moments in the system with priorities for all i and j for
the multichannel case:
               Wi , j = wi , j × Q(n) Q(1) .
   f) Using them, according to relation (5), obtain the
sojourn time distribution moments of each task type in
a multichannel system.
   We propose a similar approach for finding the
average sojourn time in the Fork-Join queueing system
with the number of channels. We rewrite the proportion
(5) in the following form
                                     M /G/n
                FJ n » FJ 2 ×               .          (6)
                                     M /G/2
                                                                 Figure 4: Average sojourn time depending on the
Here   FJ n and FJ 2 – Fork-Join queuing systems                    number of service channels, υ = 1.0, ρ=0.9
with n and 2 channels, respectively. To find the
average sojourn time in FJ 2 , we use the formula (1).
The calculation of the remaining queueing systems
from the right-hand side of (6) will be carried out by
known methods [Ryzh1980, Taka1976]. To ensure the
equality of system utilization values, when calculating
 M / G / n queuing systems, the initial moments of
service time for were multiplied by n 2 .

Figure 5: Average sojourn time depending on the      Figure 8: Average sojourn time depending on the
   number of service channels, υ = 1.5, ρ=0.9                 system utilization, υ = 1.5, n=4

                                                  As can be seen from the figures, the accuracy of
                                                  approximation by the method of invariants of the ratio
                                                  is higher than calculated by the formulas (2-4).
                                                  Moreover, at low ρ values, the method of invariant
                                                  relations gives underestimated estimates of the average
                                                  sojourn time, especially when increasing the coefficient
                                                  of variation of the service time. Since the proposed
                                                  method (as well as other approximation methods
                                                  compared here) allows us to estimate only the average
                                                  sojourn time of task in the system, if higher moments
                                                  are necessary, the Split-Merge calculation method
                                                  mentioned above should be used, since the estimated
                                                  values of the sojourn time estimates in this case are the
Figure 6: Average sojourn time depending on the   upper bound stay in Fork-Join queuing system.
         system utilization, υ = 0.5, n=4

                                                  4 Summary
                                                  The relation invariants method showed well average
                                                  sojourn time approximation accuracy for Fork-Join
                                                  queueing system. Calculation results and simulation
                                                  data comparison showed that the proposed
                                                  approximation accuracy increases as system utilization
                                                  increasing. At high the service time coefficient of
                                                  variation values, the method gives underestimated
                                                  sojourn time of the task in the system. If it is necessary
                                                  to find the upper bounds of sojourn time higher
                                                  moments, it is recommended to use the method
Figure 7: Average sojourn time depending on the   proposed in [Khab2019,Ryzh2019]
         system utilization, υ = 1.0, n=4

Acknowledgments                                                   evaluating model of tasks multy-threading
                                                                  processing in a distributed computing
The study was carried out with the financial support of           environment with Split-Join processes].
the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project                Vestnik of Russian New University. Series
number 18-29-22064 \18.                                           ”Complex    systems:   models,   analisys,
                                                                  management”, no. 1. Pp. 26-34, 2019 (In
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