=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2556/paper14 |storemode=property |title=Problems of Building the Intelligent Consistent Control Logic for Complex Technical Systems in Transport Industry (short paper) |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2556/paper14.pdf |volume=Vol-2556 |authors=Andrey A. Tyugashev,Alexander P. Dolgintsev,Igor A. Molodkin,Sergey E. Adadurov }} ==Problems of Building the Intelligent Consistent Control Logic for Complex Technical Systems in Transport Industry (short paper)== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2556/paper14.pdf
        Problems of Building the Intelligent Consistent Control Logic for
              Complex Technical Systems in Transport Industry

                    Andrey A. Tyugashev                                             Igor A. Molodkin
                   Samara State Transport                            Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport
                         University                                                     University
                       Samara, Russia                                            Saint Petersburg, Russia
                  a.tyugashev@samgups.ru                                              ivs@pgups.ru

                  Alexander P. Dolgintsev                                               Sergey E. Adadurov
                  Samara State Transport                                                 JSC “VNIIZHT”
                        University                                                       Moscow, Russia
                      Samara, Russia

                                                                     lot of different devices. The next essential common
                                                                     feature is a complex behavior in the external
                                                                     environment with possible unpredictable events. The
                                                                     very important problem related to the systems is
                                                                     providing them with consistent control with the right
                          Abstract                                   consideration of various kinds of complexity. The
                                                                     paper is devoted to the attempts of analysis of the
      We can review Railroad Transportation,                         various sides of this problem, and finding the ways of
      Aerial manned and unmanned vehicles, and                       the possible solutions.
      Spacecrafts as examples of a complex                           Each complex system is being built to perform a
      technical system. Their subsystems contain                     particular role. We can suppose transport passengers
      many devices, sensors, and other equipment.                    from one geographical location to another, generate
      There is an important problem how to build                     electric power, manufacture the goods, etc. There are a
      the intelligent real-time computer-based                       set of system goals to be achieved. For the systems in
      control logic for such complex of the                          the Transport Industry, for example, trains, planes,
      subsystems. The paper is devoted to this                       trucks these goals accompanied by the moments of
      problem. We focus on mathematical modeling                     time (deadlines). Moreover, to achieve a goal at a
      and finding the ways of synthesis and                          specific moment of time, it is necessary to execute
      verification of consistent control logic. The                  some preparatory processes. Other processes should be
      paper also presents some software tools                        executed after reaching the goal (for instance, cleaning
      developed by the authors.                                      of the cabin or the cargo body). So, the very important
                                                                     aspect of complexity is a Real-Time mode [Tyu06]. In
 1 Introduction                                                      many cases, the system should fulfil not just an abstract
                                                                     ‘tasks’, but the timed sequences of logically
 There are many very complex technical systems in use                coordinated and physically mutually dependent
 nowadays in different areas. We can propose Railroad                processes. Some of these processes have non-zero
 Transportation, Automated Manufactories, Nuclear                    duration, so we must model them adequately. The
 Power Plants, Spacecrafts [Koz98], etc. as good                     systems to be modeled have an active nature. It means
 examples of such systems. Named systems have some                   the existence of the plan/schedule to be implemented.
 significant common features related to the phenomenon               In Aerospace Industry, such plan is being called as
 of complexity. For example, one can note the complex                ‘cyclogram’. Moreover, frequently there are physically
 hierarchical structure; in fact, the system usually                 and logically founded restrictions not just for the
 consists of the subsystems which, in turn, consist of a             sequence of the processes to be executed, but for
                                                                     synchronization of begins and ends of them. Some
Copyright c by the paper's authors. Use permitted under Creative
Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). In: A.    processes must have no overlaps in time, and the
Khomonenko, B. Sokolov, K. Ivanova (eds.): Selected Papers of the    reasons for this issue could be very strong. These
Models and Methods of Information Systems Research Workshop, St.     requirements could be formulated using the language
Petersburg, Russia, 4-5 Dec. 2019, published at http://ceur-ws.org   of Real-Time Control Logic [Kav06].

The additional aspect of the complexity of the control     Usually, the control subsystem of the modern complex
logic is caused by the possibility of some unpredictable   technical system uses computers running a special sort
events which might require change/adapt system’s           of software – control software. In Aerospace Industry
plans to provide flexible reaction. The system must        this software called ‘flight control software’. This
successfully complete the plan both in normal              software issue commands to the onboard equipment
operations and in case of abnormal situations. In a        coded as the sequence of electric impulses. Command
picture reflecting the cyclogram, the fact that this       can means, for example, «Activate the device 2 of the
particular process has to be executed in a specific        system 1 now» or «Switch the gyrodyne 2 off». The
situation only (for example, if some event happened)       software name itself means this is a ‘soft’ entity having
can be shown by color [Tyu16]. Also, we can see the        the appropriate level of flexibility to reconfigure the
duration specified for the processes continued in time.    onboard apparatus to keep enough level of all kinds of
In Aerospace Industry this kind of plan/schedule is        the required functionality during the whole mission
usually called a ‘cyclogram’, see Fig. 1.                  [Syg19].
                                                           Of course, the system works under the influence of the
                                                           environment. The required execution of the system’s
                                                           plans is being dependent on external factors. On the
                                                           other hand, the system’s outputs and activity change
                                                           the external environment due to physical engagements
                                                           (perhaps, with some time delay). We can state the
                                                           existence of the mutual influence between the system
                                                           and its environment. This specificity caused the
                                                           following requirement for the system. The control
                                                           means should provide control that can guarantee safety
                                                           during the completion of the pre-defined set of tasks
                                                           the complex technical system was built to execute.
                                                           The safety, in this case, means not only internal safety,
                                                           i.e. keeping the devices and subsystems in serviceable
    Figure 1: Cyclogram/plan of real-time operations       ‘healthy’ conditions, but also the external safety. We
                                                           mean that the system has its own influence on the
Of course, consistent control requires such features as    external world, and we must keep various kinds of
dependability and flexibility. In case of some             influence in defined borders. Moving objects should
emergencies caused by faults of the equipment, the         not damage the humans or arbitrary external entity. The
system goals should be achieved anyway [Fi15]. This        emissions of the enterprise must be within the specified
is possible due to the redundancy of the                   limits, and so on. The other side of this problem
equipment/apparatus. The designers of the complex          connected with the accurate consumption of the
system provide structural and functional redundancy in     available resources during the functioning. Each device
several ways. First, the duplication is widely used for    requires particular resources, for instance, electric
critical mechanisms and aggregates. If some particular     power. Numerous devices can be turned to various
device will be crashed, the control system should detect   regimes with different levels of consumption of the
this abnormal situation and switch to backup one. In       resources. The control rules of the named technical
other words, there is a very important ability of          systems are being implemented by ‘control logic’.
intelligent cybernetic systems - reconfiguration.          The very important issue is the necessity of presence in
Another successfully applied [Koz98] way to parry the      control means of the complex technical system of some
device’s failures is to utilize functional redundancy to   internal ‘reflection’ of the following aspects. First, we
use another subsystem in an abnormal situation. To do      need a picture of the external environment and its
this, the control algorithms must ‘understand’             factors we should take into account when
functional abilities of the various kinds of installed     implementing our plans. Second, we should have the
equipment and existence of the opportunities to use        image of the current condition of the controlled system
another unit to execute some task instead of initially     itself with the means to describe the level of
intended for this purpose.                                 functionality/workability of our devices. And finally,
                                                           we must have the representation of the goals with the

understandings which ones are already done and which               restructuration. And finally, the set of goals to be
are waiting to be executed at which moments of time.               achieved might be updated during the operations.
In this context, we can apply the well-known Ashby’s          How we can describe the real-time control logic used
cybernetical Law of Requisite Variety: only a variety         by these systems? When we are talking about the logic,
of control means can absorb a variety of controlled           we suppose the usage of axioms and rules. Naturally,
complex system and its behavior. Or: the control              we should utilize some reasoning based on the rules of
system’s complexity (both hardware and software)              logic. What can we review as the ‘control logic’ of the
reflects the complexity of the controlled system itself.      complex technical system? Rules can be formed as ‘IF
Hereby, we need to define the models for adequate             {antecedents/assumptions} THEN {conclusions}. For
describing the presented complex systems with the             complex technical systems working in real-time mode,
corresponding representation of the real-time control         the best results could be provided by the timed versions
logic considering the requirements and restrictions           of these rules, which can be specified in the following
stated above, and to find the methods for building this       manner::
consistent control logic in practice.
                                                              a1(tu1)^ ¬ a2(t u2)^… aM(t uM) →A1(ta1)^A2(ta1)^… AN(taN) (1)
2 The Method
                                                              There are logical variables (with the values TRUE and
Let us outline the necessity of the following essential       FALSE) on the left side of the formulae, and the
features for real-time intelligently and consistently         actions on the right side. Some of the actions set or
controlled complex systems:                                   clear the logical conditions, so after the application of
• Presence of internal reflection of the external             some rule, the truth of particular conditions can be
     environment, the image of the current condition of       changed. The very important aspect of the complex
     the system including information about the actual        system interacting with the external environment by the
     level of functional abilities of the installed devices   physical processes is changing the conditions reflecting
     – ‘image of itself’, and the knowledge about the         the current situation, in time. As we presented above in
     plan (schedule) including data about already             (1), we have the conjunction of the conditions (some
     completed tasks and goals to be achieved in future.      with the logical negation) on the left side of the rule. It
• The ability of flexible self-reconfiguration based          is possible to specify several rules with the same left
     on an evaluation of the current situation and tasks      part, so these rules can be used as connected by logical
     to be executed                                           OR (disjunction). Consequently, in accordance with the
• System’s control logic based on the real-time rules         logical completeness of DNF/CNF form of logical
     which might be flexibly updated and expanded.            rules, we can declare the universalism of this approach
Druzhinin and Kntorov [Dru76] mentioned the levels            for the description of any real-time control logic.
of complexity of cybernetical systems.                        The problem of the synthesis of the consistent control
• Deterministic S1 systems with the rigid                     logic requires performing the following transitions.
     transformation rule input X into output Y                Since we have the goals to be achieved by the system
• Stochastic S2 systems with the notable influence            with the correspondent deadlines, we can then make
     of random factors to results                             the transition to the required schedule (set of the
• S3 systems           without well-defined rules of          schedules for various scenarios depending on course of
     transformation input into output                         events) of the actions (processes). Each action requires
• S4 systems implementing the plans and achieving             some specific functionality. For instance, moving
     the pre-settled goals                                    objects need some abilities in navigation and some
• S0 systems with choosing its own goals and                  abilities in communications. Meanwhile, navigation
     changing the structure and adaptive reaction for         can be performed using GPS/GLONASS satellite’s
     the inputs                                               signals or using the inertial navigation system. A power
• Using this approach, the considered systems might           supply is another kind of required functionality which
     be classified as S0 systems. The reasons are the         can be provided by different devices, for example by
     following. First, we have the flexible control logic     the batteries or by solar panels. So, we can realize the
     taking into account the different situations             transition from the process schedule to schedule of
     implemented by control software. Second, we can          necessary functionality. Then we should make a
     state the presence of the possibility of self-           transition from the functionality to the devices needed

to provide it. At this moment, we have the schedule                  CL – control logic presented as a set of timed
(again, schedules for various scenarios) of the work of    rules
the system’s’ devices. The next transition is the                     RS is the set of resources/emissions having
transition from this schedule to the set of rules of       an impact on consistent functioning of the system with
control logic formulated as (1). And then we can           the specified maximum allowed levels of
implement (by manual coding or by automated code           consumption/emission
generation, see [Tyu162]) this logic implemented in the    SC is the set of the constraints for right synchronization
control software. The reverse engineering problem is       of the system’s processes in the above- presented form.
the problem of verification whether the logic              Actually, the BA can be reviewed as the algebraic
implemented in control software corresponds to the         system [Tyu06] with the relation of belonging the
goals and their deadlines. It supposes the transition      device to a system, and there are relations between the
from the existing software modules back to control         devices and their working modes, and between the
logic’s rules. We can use special procedures for the       working modes, levels of provided functionality,
extraction of the control logic rules from the program     resources and emissions. The restrictions for the
code by analyzing the software modules, then for the       minimal required level of each kind of functionality
restoration of the aforementioned schedules, and then      and maximal available levels of each kind of the
for checking if the required goals are being achieved in   resources are the other essential constraint for the
time.                                                      consistent control logic along with the time restrictions
Consequently, the ‘consistency’ of the control logic       To solve the problem we can use computer simulation
means:                                                     in a special software tool to calculate the consuming of
                                                           the resources and emissions for all mission time
•    Correspondence to the set of the required             duration. Another simulation mechanism can allow
     conditions of synchronization, for example f1 <<      checking whether the levels of all kinds of required
     f2, f3 CH f5, f1->f5->f7, prohibition of the          functionality will be enough for achieving the system’s
     intersection of particular processes f11 <> f8 (it    goals even in case of arising of abnormal situations.
     can be caused by the physical reasons, for            The problem of verification of the control logic is
     instance, if the spacecraft’s solar panel can shade   checking whether 1) the specified set of rules
     the lens of Earth Remote Sensing instrument)          implements the schedule which guarantees to achieve
• Functioning without violation of the limits of           the goals with compliance of their deadlines; 2)
     available resources and allowed emissions             available/allowed levels of resources and emissions are
• Dependability, i.e. the completion of the set of         not violated, and 3) existing restrictions SC are not
     required tasks should be guaranteed regardless of     violated. In case of the abnormal situation caused by
     device failures and happening of the unforeseen       the fault of a particular device, the control subsystem
     situations.                                           should check the level of degradation of the
Whenever we have the schedule built starting from the      corresponding functionality, and then issue a special
system’s goals or extracted from the control programs,     command to activate the appropriate substitution.
its compliance with synchronization requirements can       These rules must be a significant subset of the real-time
be verified using the physical sense of the operators <<   control logic rules.
(precedence in time), <> (prohibition of the
overlapping), СН (begin-begin link), СК (end-end
link), → (direct following), see the publications          Conclusion and Future Work
[Kav06] and [Tyu16].
Further, we can define the complex technical system as     The model for the description of the real-time control
the following tuple:                                       logic for a complex technical system in the Transport
             {BA, G, CL, RS, CA, CS}               (2)     Industry has been defined in the article. We have
 Where BA is the set of the devices with the               considered fundamental problems connected with the
correspondent set of their working modes;                  consistent control logic. The first problem is a problem
           G is a set of goals to be implemented           of verification, and the second problem is a synthesis
accompanied by the deadline for each goal                  of consistent real-time control.
           FS is a set of the kinds of functionality       When we consider the future work, we can underline
                                                           that the authors lead the development of special

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