=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2556/paper16 |storemode=property |title=Mathematical Justification for the Information System for Predicting Dangerous Situation (short paper) |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2556/paper16.pdf |volume=Vol-2556 |authors=Valentin G. Degtyarev,Lidiya A. Kuharenko,Ruslan S. Kudarov,Rustem S. Kudarov }} ==Mathematical Justification for the Information System for Predicting Dangerous Situation (short paper)== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2556/paper16.pdf
                        Mathematical Justification for the Information
                         System for Predicting Dangerous Situation
                    Valentin G. Degtyarev                                               Lidiya A. Kuharenko
                    Emperor Alexander I                                                 Emperor Alexander I
                     St. Petersburg State                                                St. Petersburg State
                    Transport University                                                Transport University

                      Ruslan S. Kudarov                                                   Rustem S. Kudarov
                     Emperor Alexander I                                                 Emperor Alexander I
                      St. Petersburg State                                                St. Petersburg State
                     Transport University                                                Transport University
                   r.s.kudarov@gmail.com                                               r.s.kudarov@gmail.com

                                                                            Fn ( x) = F (an x + bn )                  (1)
                                                                        where - ๐น" (๐‘ฅ) the distribution of the amount of
                                                                        independent normally distributed random values, the
                                                                        corresponding parameters of scale and distribution shift.
                           Abstract                                     In this sense, we can talk about the stability (or, if you
                                                                        will, conformity) of the form of normal law regarding the
    The work focuses on some of the basics of the                       procedure of composition of distributions.
    theory and practice of applying extreme value                       The various distributions, which are likely to be of some
    statistics and the basics of the information model                  known law of distribution, form the area of attraction of
    for predicting dangerous states. The task of
                                                                        this law. In this sense, all distributions that meet the
    predicting dangerous situations is presented and                    conditions of the Central Limit Theoreme (e.g., Lapunov's
    solved on the basis of a statistical description of                 conditions) are part of the area of attraction of normal
    the characteristics of the object and taking into
    account the probabilistic characteristics of the
                                                                        The second property is that for an arbitrary infinite
    extreme external conditions of the object.
                                                                        sequence of distributions that meet the conditions of the
                                                                        Central Limit Theorem, the amount of asymptomatically
1    Introduction. Sustainability and the area                          normal in the sense of convergence by probability
     of attraction of some distributions                                measure. In other words, many distributions that meet the
                                                                        conditions of the Central Limit Theoreme (e.g. Lapunov's
Let's present known distribution properties, using perhaps              conditions) are part of the scope of the normal law. The
unusual terms in this context. The composition (or                      simplicity and ease of applying normal law in applications
distribution of the sum) of two independent normal                      largely determined by these properties.
distributions leads to a normal distribution. And in                    Naturally, the question is whether there are distributions
general, the sum of any number of normally distributed                  and procedures with similar properties. For example, it is
random values is a normally distributed random value.                   obvious that an exponential law is sustainable when
This property expressed by the solution of the functional               selecting a minimum for an arbitrary number of random
equation:1                                                              amounts subject to that law. However, the details of the
                                                                        properties of this law, which is a private case of gamma-
                                                                        distribution, discussed below.
Copyright c by the paper's authors. Use permitted under Creative
Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).                  In the task of modeling extreme situations, important
 In: A. Khomonenko, B. Sokolov, K. Ivanova (eds.): Selected Papers of   to note that the two-parametric double exponential law
the Models and Methods of Information Systems Research                  has similar properties: 1) the stability of the form relative
Workshop, St. Petersburg, Russia, 4-5 Dec. 2019, published at
http://ceur-ws.org.                                                     to the distribution of extreme value from any number /

equally distributed values; 2) is the limit for a certain           x max = max xi ,
class, the "3" of the original distributions in the sense of                 1 ๐‘๐œŽ, where ๐‘ฅฬ… - the average value of            The possibilities of applying these statistics to relevant
                                                               estimates are significantly limited by the fact that known
distribution ๐œŽ - its standard deviation, with ั - a pre-
                                                               distributions from which the samples are derived are
selected constant. Otherwise, if ,๐‘ฅ("+) โˆ’ ๐‘ฅฬ… , < ๐‘๐œŽ , the
                                                               assumed. Universal in this sense is the approach based on
observation is not rejected.                                   the theorem of B.V. Gnedenko [Gne43] . Here's the
Strictly speaking, the constant value is determined by the     following formulation.
level of significance of some specially chosen criterion,      Gnedenko's theorem. If the random value distributed by
and therefore in the decision-making possible errors           law (4) has a limit distribution, it distributed under one of
known in mathematical statistics 1 and 2 genus.                the following three laws after the corresponding rationing.
2. If the anomaly of the observation is confirmed, it is       For maximums:
necessary to create an adequate model to plan
observations for the use of factor dispersion or, if           FI = exp( - exp( - x )), - ยฅ < x < +ยฅ.
possible, regression analysis. You can't limit yourself to a
                                                                       รฌexp( -( - x )a , x ยฃ 0, a > 0,
one-dimensional sample.
3. As we can see, this rule of abnormality testing,
                                                               FII ( x ) = รญ
proposed in n 1, solves the issue only at some, satisfying                 รฎ 1,                        x > 0.
researcher, the level of significance of one or another
                                                                            รฌ     0,                   x ยฃ 0,
criterion. Objectively speaking, necessary to recognize the
                                                               FIII ( x ) = รญ        -a
possibility of implementing elements of the sample,
anomalous in the sense of p.1, in the same observational                    รฎexp( - x ),                x > 0, a > 0.
conditions.                                                    These distributions called extreme distributions of the
3   Distribution of extreme values                             type I, II and III respectively.
                                                               The distribution of the first type, under some additional
In any case, it is advisable, on the basis of the final        conditions, caused, for example, by the task of ejecting
number of one-dimensional samples, located in a non-           the values of the stationary random process. The
decreasing order, to turn to the distribution of statistics    distribution of the second type, as we can see, is the
suspicious of abnormality. We are talking about statistics     distribution of Weibull, in particular, convenient for
of extreme values.                                             describing the strength of the object on the break.
The sample is considered {๐‘ฅ" }"(*     "() , with equally       The first distribution, called the Double Exponential Law,
distributed by law with the function of distribution F(x)      describes a wide class of original distributions that make
elements ๐‘ฅ3 ,๐‘– = 1,2, โ€ฆ , ๐‘. The extreme elements of the       up the area of its attraction. The second and third
sample represented by statisticians:                           distributions refer to random values limited to the left and
                                                               right, respectively. These distributions can brought to
                                                               the first [Dav79].

                                                                  5   Extreme Situation Forecast
                                                                  The task of forecasting strength, taking into account
4   Some properties of double exponential
                                                                  external conditions, can lead to the composition of the
    law                                                           two distributions in the following sense.
The annexes look at two forms of recording the double             The strength reserve characterized by a different
exponential law distribution function: for maximum                characteristic of the strength of the study object X and the
values                                                            real load (in the same units of measurement) that occurs
 F ( x; q, a ) = 1 - exp(- exp(a ( x - q)) (5)                    during its operation Y. If ๐‘‹ โ‰ค ๐‘Œ, the object is in working
                                                                  or extreme condition, otherwise, if ๐‘‹ < ๐‘Œ, the object does
and minimum values
                                                                  not work (suffers failure).
F ( x; q, a ) = exp(- exp(-a ( x - q)).         (6)               Thus, we will be interested for an arbitrary probability
One feature is given to another replacementxon -x. Here           event ๐‘‹ โˆ’ ๐‘Œ < ๐‘ฅ, or composition of distributions ๐‘‹ +
q- the shear parameter ฮฑ- the scale parameter. The                (โˆ’๐‘Œ).
parameters are determined by the first two moments of             It is clear that the margin of safety, for the sake of
distribution: mathematical expectation and standard               simplicity in practice, determined unequivocally by the
deviation:                                                        ratio of these values ๐‘‹/๐‘Œ (at best - the ratio of their
                g                                                 average values) does not stand up to criticism, as a
q = m1 + a , a = sp ,                           (7)               characteristic of the strength of the object. In this sense, it
                                                                  is natural to turn to the marginal distributions of statistics
whereฮณ - Euler's constant. The moments of the higher
                                                                  (2) taking into account the first two points of the original
order of this distribution have been received. Analysis of
the moments in particular.points out that it is unacceptable
                                                                  Suppose each of the component of the sum ๐‘‹) = ๐‘‹, ๐‘‹B =
to replace these distributions for the sake of simplicity
                                                                  โˆ’๐‘Œ distributed under a double exponential law with the
with a normal law. This form obtained accordingly for
                                                                  appropriate parameters:
maximum and minimum values by substitution by / (for
simplicity do not change the designations):
F ( x) = 1 - exp(- exp x),                                        F ( x; q1 , a1 ) = 1 - exp(- exp(a1 ( x - q1 )))            (11)
F ( x) = exp(- exp(- x))                                          F ( x; q2 , a 2 ) = 1 - exp(- exp(a 2 ( x - q2 )))(12)
Distributions (6) have, as mentioned above, known
                                                                  and let's turn to the distribution of the amount of
properties: 1) the stability of the form relative to the
                                                                  independent random amounts x1+x2. Note at once that the
transition to the distribution of extreme value from any
                                                                  distribution of this amount of distributions (11) and (12)
number /same distributions respectively (5) or (6); 2)
                                                                  does not retain the original distribution form. This
Distribution is the limit (after appropriate rationing) for a
                                                                  complicates the technique in comparison with the
certain class of original distributions in the sense of
                                                                  simplest model based on normal distribution of
convergence by probability.                    There's a little
                                                                  characteristics x, y which is incorrect here.
bit more to do with that. The first means that each
                                                                  As you know, it is possible to determine the distribution
function (8) is the solution to the functional equation
                                                                  of the amount of independent values by the characteristic
Fn ( x) = F (an x + bn )                        (9)               function expressed through characteristic functions
                                                                  component of composition: / In relation to distributions
where ๐น" (๐‘ฅ) - distribution of extreme value from the same
                                                                  we receive (6):
distributions (8), corresponding parameters of scale and
distribution shift (8).
For the convenience of using the second property, let us
                                                                  j (t ) = ei (q1 + q2 )t G(1 + ait )G(1 + ait ) (13)
                                                                                                    1             2
give a sufficient condition of belonging to the distribution
of the area of attraction of the first limit law ๐น< (๐‘ฅ)           Where ะ“(๐‘ก) โ€“ gamma function defined by Euler's
[Gne43], [Dav79]. . It is enough that the distribution
function, at least for large modules, has the appearance:                     ยฅ
F ( x) = 1 - exp(-h( x)),                       (10)              G( z ) = รฒ e - x x z -1dx, Re z > 0 . (14)
where the function h(x) increases monotonously and                            0
indefinitely. This condition is satisfied with symmetrical        However, the reverse transition from a characteristic
distributions of exponential type, including - normal law.        function/ to an appropriate function of the distribution of
                                                                  the amount is very problematic precisely because the law

(8) does not retain forms in the composition of                      In general, ๐›ผ๐œ–[0, +โˆž). But tables are sufficient for the
distributions (not stable), as will be shown below.                  proposed methodology, ๐›ผ๐œ–[0,1]. This follows from the
Therefore, we have directly turned to the roll-out of                commutativeness of the bundle of distributions. However,
distribution densities and the known formula for the                 the distribution of the option for all ๐›ผ๐œ–[0, +โˆž): is
function of distributing the amount x1+x2 that can be                associated with assigning indexes 1.2 for the original
presented in the form of:                                            distributions (11), (12). Therefore, it is preferable for a
                                +ยฅ                                   specially untrained user to complete limit distribution
                                                                     tables ๐ปH (๐‘ฅ), ๐›ผ๐œ–[0, +โˆž).
H ( x; q1, q2 ,a1,a 2 ) = รฒ F ( z - x, q2 ,a 2 )dF ( x, q1,a1 )
The immediate calculation of this formula leads to results
that can formulated in the form of the following theorem.            6 Table of probabilities of dangerous
Theorem 1. The composition of two independent                        states
distributions (9) and (10) has a distribution ๐‘ž) , ๐‘žB , ๐›ผ) , ๐›ผB :
            a                                                        The dangerous state here discussed as approximating the
     a = a 2 , a = a1 , b = q2 - q1.                                 object parameter to an unacceptable value, taking into
                2               2                                    account external influences during its operation. The
Theorem 2. The function ๐ปH (๐‘Ž๐‘ฅ + ๐‘) if ๐‘Ž = 1,                        operational characteristics of the system are known to be
                                                                     determined by the ratio of different characteristics, among
๐‘ = 0 has a view:                                                    which it is necessary to distinguish 1) the own
                                                                     characteristics of the object, and 2) the characteristics of
                                                                     its operating conditions. Considered, a pair of one-
     H a ( x ) = 1 - รฒ exp( -e x u -a - u)du                  (16)   dimensional characteristics 1 and 2 preferably of the same
                        0                                            dimension: strength and active load. Their attitude ๐‘‹) <
   Private cases: ๐ปL (๐‘ฅ) = 1 โˆ’ exp (โˆ’๐‘’ Q ).                          ๐‘‹B , ๐‘‹) = ๐‘‹B or ๐‘‹) > ๐‘‹B really determines the assessment
                        ยฅ                                            of the quality of the system. Simple Risk Assessment
                                    x -1                             Procedure is based on the probability of the probability of
    H ( x ) = 1 - รฒ exp( -e u - u )du.
       1                                                             the different characteristics ๐‘‹) โˆ’ ๐‘‹B . In this case, the
                        0                                            distribution function ๐น(๐‘ฅ) of the relevant criterion ๐‘ก =
Thus, the prediction of dangerous states of an object can            ๐‘‹) โˆ’ ๐‘‹B determined by the composition of the respective
based on the distribution:                                           distributions.
                            ยฅ                                                             ยฅ
                                         ax +b -a
H a (ax + b) = 1 - รฒ exp(-e                  u - u )du (17)           Ka ( x) = 1 - รฒ exp(-e xu -a - u )du .
                            0                                                             0
                    H                )
   Where is ๐›ผ = HR , ๐‘Ž = H , ๐‘ = ๐‘žB โˆ’ ๐‘ž) .                                                                              (21)
                        R            R
A special standard single-parametric family of                       Normalized distribution (4) linear transformation with
distributions, generated by the composition (1): is                  shear and scale parameters (๐‘Ž ๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘‘ ๐‘) determines the
introduced:                                                          desired probability distribution (19).
     F1 ( x), F2 ( x ) :                                             The risk of an error associated with accepting a
                                                                     satisfactory criterion t assessment result justifies the
                    +ยฅ                                               choice [Dav79] of a relatively difficult one for the
      F ( z ) = รฒ F1 ( z - x)dF2 ( x)                  (18)          distribution of extreme performance distributions ๐‘‹) , ๐‘‹B .
                   -ยฅ                                                This is a double exponential law, depending on two
distribution for which function value tables ๐ปH (๐‘ฅ)                  parameters ๐‘Ž, ๐‘ž, which in turn are clearly determined by
depending on ๐›ผ, ๐‘ฅ, a snippet of which is below, should be            the first two moments of the respective distributions. This
available. A reference to these existing tables does not             is an interest in the worst-case scenario: the least strength
mean a complete solution to this issue. We need such                 is the greatest load. This complexity is due to the fact that
tables in a form that corresponds to modern information              the distribution composition (1) does not retain the shape
tools, and are more convenient for the user, who does not            of the distribution component ๐‘‹) , ๐‘‹B . In the case when the
have special training.                                               distributions of independent random values are subject to
                                                                     the limit distribution of extreme values of type 1, their

composition results after the corresponding rationing ๐‘ง =
                                                       [0; 1] is sufficient to calculate probabilities by
๐‘Ž๐‘ฅ + ๐‘ to distribution [Kuk75], [Deg03], [Kuk96],      formula (4) at all values ๐›ผ.
depending on the shape setting ๐›ผ:                      However, for values ๐›ผ, ๐›ผ > 1, the proposed method
                             ยฅ                         of assessing probabilities is somewhat complicated.
                                         x -a
     ะš a (ax + b) = 1 - exp(-e u - u )du This
                                                             follows from the fact that the parameters of the
                                                       shift and the scale in formula (4), defined by the first
                             0                         two moments of input distributions, depend on the
                                                  (19) order of their chosen statistics: ๐‘‹) โˆ’ ๐‘‹B or ๐‘‹B โˆ’ ๐‘‹) .
Here are the distribution options ๐›ผ; ๐‘Ž, ๐‘ are uniquely This complication is surmountable after selecting the
determined by the parameters ๐›ผ) , ๐‘ž) ; ๐›ผB , ๐‘žB initial appropriate table column and recalculating the scale
                      HR                               and shift parameters ๐‘Ž, ๐‘.
distributions and ๐›ผ = H . At the same time ๐›ผ and ๐‘Ž not
independent, which presents some difficulties for the
distribution application (2) in the task of assessing the
probability of dangerous states. Overcoming these
difficulties in practice provided by the appropriate
function tables ๐ปH (๐‘ฅ):
Ha (x) = รฒ exp(-e x u -a - u )du (20)
Developed [Kuk96], [Kry17] Detailed feature table
๐ปH (๐‘ฅ): and a probability calculation methodology
based on this table. Below is a snippet of the
abbreviated version of this table (table.1).
                                  Table1 Distribution table
    ๐‘ฅ   ฮฑ=      ฮฑ=              ฮฑ=        ฮฑ=      ฮฑ=      ฮฑ=
        0,1     0,3             0,5       0,7     0,9     1                   Fig. 1 Schedule Distributions
-4      0.929   0.93            0.931     0.932   0.933   0.933
-3,5    0.897   0.898           0.9       0.901   0.903   0.903                          References
                                                                  [Gne43] B. V. Gnedenko (1943) Sur la distribution
-3      0.853   0.855           0.857     0.859   0.861   0.862             limite         du        terme         maximum
-2,5    0.794   0.797           0.8       0.802   0.805   0.806             d'uneseriealeatoiire//Ann. Math. Sttist. 44.
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-2      0.719   0.722           0.725     0.729   0.732   0.734             World.
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