=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2556/paper18 |storemode=property |title=Construction of the Simulation Model of Transportation Oil Products (short paper) |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2556/paper18.pdf |volume=Vol-2556 |authors=Vladimir I. Moissev,Tatiana S. Karpova,Vera A. Ksenofontova }} ==Construction of the Simulation Model of Transportation Oil Products (short paper)== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2556/paper18.pdf
 Construction of the Simulation Model of Transportation Oil Products

        Moissev V.I.                                        Karpova T.S                            Ksenofontova V.A.
Higher mathematics, Emperor                        Information and Computing                  Higher mathematics, Emperor
 Alexander I St. Petersburg                       Systems, Emperor Alexander I                 Alexander I St. Petersburg
 State Transport University                       St. Petersburg State Transport               State Transport University
  Saint-Petersburg, Russia                                   University                         Saint-Petersburg, Russia
    moiseev_v_i@list.ru                              Saint-Petersburg, Russia                     koc-vera@yandex.ru

                                                                                 geographical capabilities of the country, is not
                                                                                 anticipated [Car].
                                                                            2. The ability to provide bulk cargo delivery by rail,
                                                                                 unlike road transport, which has a maximum
                              Abstract                                           volume of one tank-vehicle cargo of 25 tons. At
           New method of transportation of viscous                               the same time, the specialized rolling stock in 45
           petroleum products is proposed, ensuring                              wagons is able to carry cargo weighing up to
           their high average temperature and fluidity                           3000 tons [Zhe17].
           without the use of thermal insulation of the                     3. The unisonality of transport in contrast to water
           railway tank boiler and ground heating. A                             transport.
           simulation model for the transportation of                   Let us consider in detail the scheme of transportation of
           viscous petroleum products was constructed                   viscous oil products (Figure 1).
           using a new method of modeling the                           The most energy-intensive and expensive processes are
           physical process, allowing to estimate the                   heating petroleum products before unloading and
           amount of resources consumed                                 draining, as well as cleaning the boiler of the railway tank
           Keywords. Viscous oil products, railway                      from the remains of petroleum products with preliminary
           transportation, simulation model.                            evaporation, disposal and disposal of a large amount of
                                                                        waste [Gon89].
   Oil and petroleum products are the most important
   component of freight transportation of Russian railway
   transport, yielding only coal in volume. According to data
   for 2018, oil and petroleum products account for more
   than 15.3% of the total volume of cargo delivered by RZD.
   The revenue from transportation of oil and petroleum
   products is 27.5% of the total income received by RZD
   [Khu19, Bal08].

   The advantages of railway transport, which determine its
   demand, are as follows:
       1. According to data for 2018, the main volumes of
           oil cargo transportation are in the Yamal-Nenets
           Autonomous District, Omsk Region, the republic
           of Bashkortostan, the Krasnoyarsk Territory and
           other regions of Siberia. The delivery of viscous
           petroleum products from oil refineries
           concentrated in the central part of the country to
           the end user or terminals is carried out mainly by
           rail. And there is no alternative to this situation
           at this time. In the future, taking into account the
                                                                             Figure 1: Scheme Of Transportation Of Viscous Oil
   Copyright c by the paper's authors. Use permitted under Creative
   Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). In: A.                             Products.
   Khomonenko, B. Sokolov, K. Ivanova (eds.): Selected Papers of the
   Models and Methods of Information Systems Research Workshop, St.
   Petersburg, Russia, 4-5 Dec. 2019, published at http://ceur-ws.org
     A significant role here is played by:                       places of interaction between the transported cargo and the
        • Long distances and low branching of                    walls of the boiler, the viscous oil product solidifies,
             railways, which lead to long-term transport         forming a high-viscosity layer, which has a small thermal
             duration.                                           conductivity, which itself becomes thermal insulation.
        • During transportation, transported oil                 As a result, the bulk of the product remains in a fluid state
             products are cooled, and in dark petroleum          throughout the transport. In this case, when unloading into
             products (masuts, oils, paraffin oil products,      the warming-up, a small share of the transported cargo
             etc.) viscosity increases so much that their        (not more than 10%) is required. The unloading and
             discharge without long and intensive heating        cleaning process is approaching summer time standards.
             necessary for the restoration of fluidity           The advantage of this type of transport is the use of the
             becomes impossible [Moi12, Bak04].                  existing fleet of general-purpose railway tanks.
These problems lead to the fact that transportation of dark
petroleum products is a labor-intensive, long-term and           3 SIMULATION MODEL
expensive operation, which causes low turnover of tank           To assess the cost effectiveness of the proposed mode of
wagons, requiring expensive equipment and high costs of          transportation, a number of simulation models
heat energy and water (steam).                                   of various processes of transportation of petroleum
                                                                 products were developed, allowing to conduct functional
2 STRATIFICATION OF VISCOUS OIL                                  and cost analysis. As an instrumental environment was
PRODUCTS (NEW TRANSPORTATION MODEL)                              used the domestic platform Business Studio [Bis,Kse19].
The most rapid cooling of viscous petroleum products in          The modeling used BPMN notation, which allows a very
the first 20-25 hours after pouring into the railway tank,       thin and precise description of the simulated business
when the temperature of the petroleum product is high,           process.
and the viscosity is small [Zhe17].                              With Business Studio, you can see how many times each
Cooling of cargo occurs due to mixed free-forced                 process has been started, what processes are waiting to
convection through the walls of the boiler of the railway        run, and why (lack of material resources), the average
tank. As a result, cooled during transportation, the load        number of launches per day. The consumption of material
during unloading needs to be heated to restore fluidity.         resources (pair) is visible.
This problem is particularly acute in winter, which in           Let's consider one of the most expensive processes of
some regions of the country can last up to 8 months              transportation of oil products - cleaning of the railway tank
[Mik77,Mon65]                                                    from the remains of cargo, including preparatory
Now, specialized railway tanks are used to slow down the         operations, draining of residues and cleaning of the tank
freezing of viscous petroleum products: With a steam-            directly. The duration of the cleaning of the railway tank
heater cover, with stationary steam coils, with thermal          depends on the nature of the cargo, the period of delivery
insulation of the boiler walls, etc. Their disadvantage is       (winter or summer) and can amount to 5-6 hours in winter,
that these railway tanks have a large mass of containers,        unlike the summer time, when the cleaning of the tank
which, creating excessive loads on the axle of wheel pairs,      takes only 1,5-2 hours.
causes the need to reduce the weight of the load. The            We will carry out simulation of the process of cleaning the
consequence of the use of specialized trains is the non-         boiler of the tank-car in winter period at work of one drain
productivity of transportation and a very large, empty run,      device and average temperature of air -25̊С. The result of
usually reaching 50% [Mor06].                                    the simulation is visible in Fig.2.
One possible way to reduce the cost of railway                   The diagram shows that during the past day, a composition
transportation is to slow down the rate of cooling of            consisting of 22 railway tanks arrived at the wash-and-row
viscous petroleum products during transportation by              station. Of this number, 6 railway tanks were completely
transferring them to stratified state at the time of loading.    cleaned, another 17 are waiting for their turn.
This non-equilibrium condition can be achieved by                In Table 1, it is shown that process "Steaming" was
increasing the density of the cargo carried at the bottom of     launched 21 times, in 18 cases it is completed, and in 3 it
the railway tank even during loading. Directly in the            is being carried out at the moment. The queue was formed

                            Table 1: Calculate The Number Of Processes Running In Winter

                             Figure 2: Simulation Of The Process Cleaning Of The Tank In Winter

during the "Solvent washing" process, which was                                                Three climatic zones are allocated for clarity of
launched 18 times, of which in 8 cases the process was                                     calculation.

                                                                                                                                                    starts per day

                                                                                                                                     Expected the

                                                                                                                                                     The average

                                                                                                                                                                     The average
                                                                                                                     Awaits in a


                                                                                                                                                      number of

                                                                                                                                                                      number of
                                                                              in process


                                                                                                                                                                       per day


A2. Wash tank                           22            6               16                    -                   -                -              22               6
A2. Data transfer operator            22           22                0                    0                   0                0              22               22
A2. Intoduce data of system           22           22                0                    0                   0                0              22               22
A2. Steaming                          22           21                1                    0                   0                0              22               21
A2. Solvent washing                   21            7                0                    0                  14                0              21               7
A2. Washing water                      7            7                0                    0                   0                0               7               7
A2. Drying and degassing of tank       7            6                1                    0                   0                0               7               6
A2. Refilling pouring valve            9            6                1                    0                   0                0               6               6
TOTAL                                           107          91                2                    0                  14                0
completed, and in 10 cases railway tank wait for their turn.                                       1.         The 1st climatic zone, to which the south the
                                                                                                              country belongs with a duration of winter
Table 2 shows how much steam was used during the                                                              period up to 3 months and an average
"Washing water" process. In total, this process was started                                                   temperature of -9,5̊С and a summer period
6 times. In the column "Operand" we see the steam flow                                                        with an average temperature of + 30̊С.
for each running process. In the column "Output Value" is
reflected how much steam was used.                                                                 2.         The 2nd climatic zone, to which the
                                                                                                              Primorsky region belongs, the central,
                                         Table 2: Calculation Of Steam Consumption In Winter

            Process                    Date and time                     Operation                        Input valve              Operator            Operand           Output valve

 A2. Wash tank inst.№1     03.12.2019 04:40:00     A2. Washing water                           0                     +               859,4854            859,4854

 A2. Wash tank inst.№2     03.12.2019 07:40:00     A2. Washing water                        859,4854                 +               836,8943           1696,3798

 A2. Wash tank inst.№3     03.12.2019 09:50:00     A2. Washing water                        1696,3798                +               820,7522            2417,132

 A2. Wash tank inst.№4     03.12.2019 12:40:00     A2. Washing water                        2517,132                 +               823,4373           3340,5693

 A2. Wash tank inst.№5     03.12.2019 15:40:00     A2. Washing water                        3340,5693                +               832,5056           4173,0749

 A2. Wash tank inst.№6     03.12.2019 18:10:00     A2. Washing water                        4173,0749                +               810,3542           4983,4291
                                                                                                              western and northwestern parts of the battle
With the new loading system, petroleum products come to                                                       with a duration of the winter period up to 5
the end user in a hot state and practically does not need                                                     months and an average winter temperature of
heating during draining. Therefore, the cleaning process                                                      -10̊С and summer temperature of +25̊С
will be similar to the summer time of the year. Let us carry
out simulation at work of one drain device and average
temperature of air 18̊С. The result of the simulation is
visible in Fig.3.
The wash-and-row station received a composition
consisting of 20 tank wagons. Of these, when one is
working with one drain device, completely cleaned 16.
The Table 3 show the average number of launches per day
and the material consumption.
The process "Washing water", for example, was launched
17 times, of which 16 are completed, and 1 are waiting in
the queue.
It is clear from Table 4 that during the cleaning of 16 tank
wagons in summer less steam was spent than the winter
period for cleaning 6 railway tanks.
The final Table 5 shows the amount of steam used to clean
the tank during summer and winter periods, depending on
the climate zone, calculated using the Business Studio

                        Figure 3: Calculate The Number Of Process Cleaning Of The Tank In Summer

                                   Table 3: Calculate The Number Of Processes Running In Summer


                                                                                                                                                                          completion per
                                                                                                                                                       starts per day
                                                                                                                                     Expected the

                                                                                                                                                        The average

                                                                                                                                                                           The average
                                                                                                                    Awaits in a

                                                                                                                                                         number of

                                                                                                                                                                            number of
                                                                                      in process




A2. Wash tank                                20             16                  4              -                -                -                 20                16
A2. Data transfer operator                 20             20                  0              0                0                0                 20                20
A2. Intoduce data of system                20             20                  0              0                0                0                 20                20
A2. Steaming                               20             18                  2              0                0                0                 20                18
A2. Solvent washing                        18             17                  0              0                1                0                 18                17
A2. Washing water                          17             16                  1              0                0                0                 17                16
A2. Drying and degassing of
                                                     16             16                  0              0                0                0                 16                16
A2. Refilling pouring valve                16             16                  0              0                0                0                 16                16
TOTAL                                               127            123                  3              0                1                0

                                         Table 4: Calculation Of Steam Consumption In Summer
                                                                                                               Input                                                    Output
              Process                   Date and time                           Operation                                         Operator          Operand
                                                                                                               valve                                                    valve
  A2. Wash tank inst.№02     03.12.2019 05:10:00        A2. Washing water                     401,768              +               418,703             817,471
  A2. Wash tank inst.№03     03.12.2019 06:20:00        A2. Washing water                     817,471              +              429,2333        1246,7043
  A2. Wash tank inst.№04     03.12.2019 07:40:00        A2. Washing water                 1246,7043                +              392,7268        1639,4311
  A2. Wash tank inst.№05     03.12.2019 11:50:00        A2. Washing water                 1639,4311                +              413,4642        2082,8953
  A2. Wash tank inst.№06     03.12.2019 12:40:00        A2. Washing water                 2052,8953                +              412,3968        2465,2922
  A2. Wash tank inst.№07     03.12.2019 13:40:00        A2. Washing water                 2465,2922                +              403,5332        2868,8254
  A2. Wash tank inst.№08     03.12.2019 14:50:00        A2. Washing water                 2868,8254                +              401,3142        3270,1396
  A2. Wash tank inst.№09     03.12.2019 16:00:00        A2. Washing water                 3270,1396                +              410,0197        3680,1594
  A2. Wash tank inst.№10     03.12.2019 16:30:00        A2. Washing water                 3680,1594                +              405,8139        4085,9732
  A2. Wash tank inst.№11     03.12.2019 17:30:00        A2. Washing water                 4085,9732                +              421,1948            4507,168
  A2. Wash tank inst.№12     03.12.2019 18:50:00        A2. Washing water                   4507,168               +              410,0919             4917,26
  A2. Wash tank inst.№13     03.12.2019 19:50:00        A2. Washing water                     4917,26              +              403,3065        5320,5664
  A2. Wash tank inst.№14     03.12.2019 21:00:00        A2. Washing water                 5320,5664                +              393,7696        5714,3361
  A2. Wash tank inst.№15     03.12.2019 22:00:00        A2. Washing water                 5714,3361                +              414,0233        6128,3593
  A2. Wash tank inst.№16     03.12.2019 23:00:00        A2. Washing water                 6128,3593                +              400,7783        6529,1377

                         3.    The 3rd climatic zone, which includes the                         5.   In the future, for more complete calculations, it
                               regions of Siberia and the far East, with a                            is planned to integrate a process that takes into
                               winter period of up to 8 months and an                                 account external factors into the existing model.
                               average temperature of -22̊С in winter, and in
                               summer +18̊С.                                                 References
                                                                                             [Bak04] Bakhtizin R.N. and other Transportation and
                    Table 5: The amount of steam used to clean the tank                                storage of high-viscosity oils and oil products.
                               in different climatic zones                                             Use of electric heating. Moscow, Chemistry,
                                        1st climate zone 2nd climate zone 3rd climate zone             2004. 193 p
                 Number of railway                                                           [Bal08] Balashov A.K. Russian railways. SPB, Peter,
                                              17                17                18
Summer season

                 tanks, pcs
                 Consumption of steam
                                           5375,68            6041,54         7061,10        [Bis]   https://www.businessstudio.ru/
                 is only, kg
                 Consumption of steam                                                        [Car]    https://www.cargo-report.info/
                 on average for one          316               355            392,28         [Gon89] Goncharov V.P. Draining of railway tanks of
                 railway tank, kg
                 Number of railway
                                                                                                       high-viscosity oil products and other cargoes
                                              5                 5                 5                    with two-phase environment // Transport and
                 tanks, pcs
Winter season

                 Consumption of steam
                                             5603             5798,35         6647,98
                                                                                                       storage of oil products and hydrocarbon raw
                 is only, kg                                                                           materials: NTIS. -M.: CNIITTEneftekhim,
                 Consumption of steam
                 on average for one         1120,6            1159,67         1329,6
                                                                                                       №4, 1989. Page 26-33
                 railway tank, kg                                                            [Kse19] Ksenofontova V.A., Karpova T.S., Moiseeva V.I.
                                                                                                     Lolips// Russian Patent No. 2019666553. 2019.
                The data obtained using the simulation model correspond                      [Khu19] Khusainov V.I., Ozhereleva M.V. Transportation
                to the data obtained from the calculation [Tkt16].                                     of coal and oil cargo by rail: Current status and
                The Figure 4 shows the change in the vapor mass (G) from                               prospects, Transport of the Russian
                the ambient temperature (t) at the thickness of the oil                                Federation, SPb, 2019 Page 22-27
                deposits on the walls of the tank 0,02m.                                     [Mik77] Mikheev M.A. and other Bases of heat transfer.
                                                                                                     M.: "Energy", 1977
                                                                                             [Moi12] Moiseev V.I. Theory and models of heat-mass

                                                                                                       transfer processes in transport operations with
                        1000                                                                           solidified liquid cargoes. Thesis for the degree
                         800                                                                           of Doctor of Technical Sciences. St. Petersburg,
                         600                                                                           PGUPS, 2012
                         400                                                                 [Mon65] Monin A.S., Yaglom a.m., Statistical
                                                                                                       hydromechanics. Moscow: "Science", 1965
                                                                                             [Mor06] Morchiladze I.G., Nikodimov A.P., Sokolov
                          0                                                                            M.m., Tretyakov A.V. Railway tanks. –
                                 -35 -25 -15         -5   5     15      25   35                        Moscow: IBS-Holding, 2006
                                                                                             [Tkt16] Tktashev R.N., Krylov E.V., Kirillova L.P.,
                                                               t,̊C                                    Erokhin A.V. Calculation of steam
                    Figure 4: Changes In Steam Mass From Ambient                                       consumption and heat up rate of cystrna boiler,
                                     Temperature                                                       Modern tendencies of development of science
                                                                                                       and technology. Belgorod, 2016, Page 113-117
                                                                                               [Zhe17] Zhebanov A.V. Management of heat-physical
                4 CONCLUSION                                                                           processes in oil products during their
                A new way of transportation of viscous petroleum                                       transportation in a heat-insulated tank. Thesis
                products is proposed. A simulation model for the                                       for the degree of candidate of technical
                transportation of petroleum products was constructed,                                  sciences. St. Petersburg, PGUPS
                allowing to estimate the amount of resources necessary for
                heating the oil product before unloading and during the
                cleaning of the railway tank.
                    Advantages of the built model:
                     1. For the first time a new method for modeling
                         physical processes was used.
                     2. To build the simulation model, a new tool was
                         used, which was previously used exclusively for
                         modeling economic business processes.
                     3. The domestic Business Studio platform was used
                         as a tool environment.
                     4. The data obtained from simulation are consistent
                         with the data obtained from the calculation.
