=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2556/paper4 |storemode=property |title=The Use of Self-Learning Systems to Solve the Problems of Finding Failures on the Railway |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2556/paper4.pdf |volume=Vol-2556 |authors=Ekaterina A. Blagoveshchenskaya,Sergey V. Bochkarev,Nikolay V. Gruzdev,Denis V. Zuev }} ==The Use of Self-Learning Systems to Solve the Problems of Finding Failures on the Railway == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2556/paper4.pdf
                 The Use of Self-Learning Systems to Solve the Problems of
                             Finding Failures on the Railway

                Blagoveshchenskaya E.A.,                                            Sergey V. Bochkarev
        Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State                           LLC "GC IMSAT", Saint-Petersburg, Russia
                  Transport University,                                           bochkareffsv@yandex.ru
     Peter the Great St. Petersburg State Polytechnic

                Nikolay V. Gruzdev                                                     Denis V. Zuev
    LLC SvyazStroyServis, Saint-Petersburg, Russia                         LLC "GC IMSAT", Saint-Petersburg, Russia
                 Nik_gru@mail.ru                                                     zuevdv@gmail.com

                                                                   1 Introduction
                                                                   The share of railway freight turnover in the
                                                                   transport system of Russia is 45%, while the growth
                                                                   of freight traffic of Russian Railways continues, in
                         Abstract                                  2018 it amounted to 2596.9 billion ton-kilometers.
                                                                   By order of the government dated March 19, 2019
    The most frequent reason for the violation                     No. 466-r, a long-term development program for
    of the train schedule is the failure of the                    Russian Railways until 2025 was approved, which
    technical facilities of the infrastructure                     provides for the transition to a digital railway. In
    complex. The number and duration of train                      accordance with this, the active development of
    downtime and, as a result, the economic                        technical diagnostic and monitoring systems
    losses of Russian Railways depends on the                      (STDM) continues.
    time of search and elimination of failures.                    Technical diagnostics is the determination of the
    Today, failure search is carried out in an                     technical condition of an object [Efa12]. The object
    intuitive way. In practice, such a path leads                  of railway automation and telemechanics can be in
    to unnecessary time costs.In the study of                      one of the following states [Efa12] (Figure 1):
    methods for constructing algorithms, they                          1) Intact - this is the state of the facility, during
    were classified in terms of the possibility of                 which it meets all the requirements established in
    constructing a model in which each step is a                   the normative and technical documentation for it.
    function of all previous steps and the                             2) Faulty - the state of the facility in which it
    functions cover the entire space of failures.                  does not meet at least one of the requirements
    We built these functions and described the                     established in the normative and technical
    generation model of such functions. Such a                     documentation for it.
    model for constructing functions can be                            3) Workable - the state of an object in which the
    applied to any technical branch. For the                       values of all parameters characterizing the ability to
    railway infrastructure, 6 functions were                       perform specified functions meet the requirements
    obtained. An automatic self-learning system                    established in the regulatory and technical
    has been developed, which is a multilayer                      documentation for this object.
    neural network constructed according to a
    recurrence model. Based on this model, a
    hardware-software         complex         was
    implemented and tested.

Copyright c by the paper's authors. Use permitted under Creative
Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). In:
A. Khomonenko, B. Sokolov, K. Ivanova (eds.): Selected Papers
of the Models and Methods of Information Systems Research                  Figure 1. The technical condition of the
Workshop, St. Petersburg, Russia, 4-5 Dec. 2019, published at                           facilities

    4) Inoperative - a state in which the value of at        number of pre-failure conditions accumulate, since
least one of the parameters characterizing the               any minor changes in the diagnostic parameters (for
ability to perform specified functions does not meet         example, voltage) are noted by the system [Kal09,
the requirements in the normative and technical              Efa12] (Figure 2). The fixation of “false” pre-
documentation for this object.                               failure conditions can lead either to a failure, which
5) Failure - the state of the object, characterized by       can cause a violation of the safety and uninterrupted
an increased risk of its failure [Efa12, Boc12].             operation of trains, or to a “false” response of
Failure - an event consisting in the violation of the        service personnel, which will lead to an increase in
operational state of the object. In the absence of           labor costs.
logical analysis and analytical forecasting, a large

                        Figure 2. Distribution of pre-cancers resulting from STDM deficiencies

To improve quality and reduce troubleshooting                    With an increase in cargo turnover, the
time, monitoring systems for railway automation              throughput of railways should be increased, which
and telemechanics are being actively developed.              requires serious resources. In 2018 alone, about 300
Directions for the development of technical                  billion rubles were spent on the development of the
diagnostics and monitoring of HEAT:                          railway infrastructure of Russian Railways. But all
    1) A full range of measurements.                         investments are leveled in cases of technical
    2) Analysis of the operation of devices.                 equipment failure.
    3) Forecast of changes in the status of devices.         The most common cause of train schedule
    4) Issuing service recommendations devices.              disruptions is the failure of infrastructure facilities.
    5) Coverage of all devices with diagnostic tools.        The number and duration of train downtime and, as
To date, the disadvantages of technical diagnosis            a consequence, the economic losses of Russian
include: - “manual” processing of diagnostic                 Railways depend on the search and elimination of
information, which leads to an increase in the time          failures.
for its analysis and decision making; - lack of              To date, the search for failures is carried out
identification of the reasons for the failure; - lack of     intuitively. In practice, this way leads to
evidence-based methods for fixing pre-failure                unnecessary time costs.
conditions; - lack of troubleshooting algorithms
built into STDM; - lack of an optimal set of                 2 Failure search process
controlled diagnostic parameters, which leads to
low reliability of determining the technical                 The analysis of the revealed failures shows that
condition.                                                   their main reason is a violation of the technological
Therefore, expanding the functionality of systems            process of operation (operational failures).
for identifying the causes of failure, determining the       Operational failures account for up to 86% of all
optimal algorithm for troubleshooting and                    failures                                           of
determining the optimal set of monitored                     railway AT devices [Ana12, Ana09, Sap02].
parameters is an urgent task.                                According to statistics, most of the operational
                                                             failures cause train delays.

Despite a number of measures to increase the                           improve its quality, and this is only possible by
reliability of railway AT devices, which include                       increasing the level of its (technological process)
scheduled preventive maintenance, the organization                     automation.
of new maintenance methods [Aks09], and training                       The troubleshooting process takes place in the
of maintenance personnel rules and troubleshooting                     following sequence: After the failure information
methods, the time to search for localization and                       appears, preparatory steps for troubleshooting are
troubleshooting remains relatively large.                              started: identification of the failed device,
The long time to find and eliminate the failure is                     collection and analysis of additional information,
explained by a number of objective and subjective                      study of technical documentation, analysis of the
factors. Objective factors include territorial                         train situation to localize the location of the failure
dispersal, difficult access to some outdoor signaling                  and its nature, then collection of necessary tools
devices, and sometimes lack of complete technical                      and materials. Delivery of the employee to the
documentation. Subjective factors include the lack                     place. Additional checks and elimination of the
of experience and qualifications of the service                        detected malfunction are carried out on site (Figure
personnel of the distance, the inability to read the                   3).
schematic and wiring diagrams.
Reducing the influence of the human factor on the
technological process is a necessary measure to

      Informing            Preparing to                   Arrival                 Search              Troubleshooting
    - from                                              - afoot;
    chipboard;      - determination of the place and    - transport.        - measurements,
    - from          nature of the failure;                                                          - replacement of faulty
                                                                            inspections and their
    SHCHD.          - determination of the failed                                                   elements of the device,
                    device;                                                                         adjustment;
                    - collection and analysis of                                                    - check the working
                    diagnostic information, tools and                                               good condition.
                    - study of technical

                           Figure 3. The process of recovering the operability of the device

But there are situations that an electrician has                            t’av.p - troubleshooting time taking into account
difficulty finding a malfunction, for example, he                      STDM (14 min). ttz - technical delay (5 min).
incorrectly localized the location of a malfunction                    It is worth noting that the preparatory period is the
search: he searches for a malfunction in the field                     longest from the beginning of the failure to its
when the malfunction is in the relay room. . In such                   elimination. The safety and security of the railway
situations, the role of automated algorithms is                        transport depend on the knowledge and skills of the
increasing, which systematize and structure                            employee. Therefore, we have directed efforts to
troubleshooting.                                                       minimize the human factor.
Let us compare the recovery times of the function                      The ideal model for eliminating the problem of
of operability of devices without and with                             Heinrich Saulovich Altshuller suggests that the
automated algorithms for troubleshooting.                              problem should be eliminated by itself,
Average recovery time of TV function of                                automatically. To solve the problem in this way,
operability of devices of railway automation and                       automatic troubleshooting is implemented.
telemechanics systems in 1 region on the Moscow
Railway:                                                               3 Failure search algorithm
     Tv = topv + tav.p + tav.u + ttz = 40 min.
    where topv is the time of notification of a                        There are 2 ways to compile a failure search
malfunction (1 min);                                                   algorithm [Bla19]:
    tav.p - average time for troubleshooting (20                           1) to paint all possible algorithms and
min);                                                                  depending on the input data to give the optimal
    tav.u - average time for troubleshooting (9 min);                  search path. Although there are a finite number of
    ttz - technical delay (10 min).                                    such algorithms, from a practical point of view it is
The development and implementation of automated                        large and such a path is not reasonable.
troubleshooting algorithms minimizes the value of                          2) The second way is to build a dynamic,
tav.p. when this time tends to a minimum, the ratio                    recurrent model, where each step will be a function
will take the following form:                                          of all previous steps. But to build such an algorithm
     Tv = topv + t’s av.p + tav.u + ttz = 29 min.                      for all cases is also not optimal. Therefore, we

classified all types of algorithms from the point of     classification problem in the case of many classes,
view: the possibility of constructing such functions     it is recommended to use nonlinear classifiers
and covering the functions of the entire failure         [Kru01], i.e. classifiers that use a nonlinear surface
space. We built these functions and described a          to separate classes. An example of such classifiers
model for generating such functions. For the             is a neural network.
railway infrastructure were obtained 6 functions.        A neural network is a distributed parallel processor
Such a model for constructing functions can be           consisting      of     interconnected       elementary
applied to any technical industry.                       information processing units (neurons) that
    In general, classification methods [Dmi86,           accumulate experimental knowledge for their
Zor07] can be attributed to the following types:         subsequent processing [Kru07, Cal01]. Neurons are
    1. The linear classifier method.                     implemented by a nonlinear function of one
    2. The method of nonlinear classifier.               argument-the weighted sum of all input signals.
    3. The method of constructing decision trees.        This function is called the activation function. The
    The linear classifier [Kal09] allows one to          set of interconnected neurons determines the
determine the linear dividing surface. In the case of    structure of the network and the tasks that the
two classes, such a surface is a hyperplane dividing     neural network is able to solve. The weights that
the space of attributes into two half-spaces. Linear     characterize the strength of the connection between
classifiers include the support vector method,           two neurons are called SYNOPTIC coefficients.
Bayesian classifier, and other methods.                  The process of selecting SYNOPTIC coefficients is
In the method of support vectors [Kly87, Par13], a       called network learning [Cal01, Hai06]. In the
set of training examples is proposed for each state,     process of training, an array of input values (class
given as points in multidimensional space. These         attributes) is mapped to each class. Neural networks
points form regions in space corresponding to            are able to generalize information obtained during
different classes. The extreme points of a class are     training. Also, the advantage of using neural
called reference points, and the distance between        networks is the absence of the need to adjust the
the two reference points is the length of the            algorithms when changing the number or
reference vector. It is required to find such a          characteristics of classes. The disadvantage of using
hyperplane that the length of the support vectors is     neural networks can be a large computational
maximal. For the application of this method              complexity [Sim94] when using complex network
requires that the classes were linearly separable        structures (for example, convolutional neural
among themselves. The disadvantage of the method         networks [Cal01, Hai06, Sim94]).
is that it is suitable for solving the classification    The method of constructing decision trees allows to
problem with only two linearly separable classes.        construct a visual algorithm of object classification.
To solve a problem with a large number of classes,       The decision tree consists of nodes (also called
the division of the problem into subtasks of             vertices) and branches connecting the nodes. The
classification according to the scheme "one-against-     very first node is called the root of the tree, and the
the-others" is used. It is necessary to solve the        extreme nodes are called leaves. Each vertex is
problem of combining the results.                        mapped to some characteristic that describes the
The Bayesian classifier [Sap04] is a method based        object, and the branches-the value area of this
on the theorem stating that if the density of the        characteristic. The procedure for constructing a
distribution of each class is known, then the            decision tree is an iterative process in which the
required algorithm can be written out in an explicit     sign that best satisfies a certain branching criterion
analytic form. For each of the classes, likelihood       is selected for the next vertex of the tree [Hai06].
functions are defined, by which the a posteriori         The branching criterion is selected depending on
probabilities of the classes are calculated. The         the algorithm used. Popular algorithms for building
object belongs to the class for which the a posteriori   a decision tree are ID3 [Hai06, Sim94] (or its
probability is maximal. As a rule, in practice, the      improved version C4. 5 [Hai06, Sim94]) and CART
density of the distribution of classes are unknown,      [Hai06, Sim94]. The difference between these
and they have to be collected from the training          algorithms is in the way the branching feature is
sample. Recovery is possible only with some              selected. The advantage of decision trees is the
sinfulness, and the smaller the training sample, the     visibility of the resulting model and the simplicity
higher the probability of a retraining effect, when      of its interpretation by a person. The disadvantage
the method loses its generalizing properties and         of the method is the problem of retraining, i.e. the
correctly classifies only the examples from the          possibility of constructing an excessively large tree
training sample. Also, the efficiency of the method      that will not fully represent the data. There is also a
drops sharply when there is an error in the              need to build a tree from scratch (i.e. a complete
hypotheses about the density of the class                change in the diagnostic algorithm) when changing
distribution.                                            the number of classes and the description of the
Linear classifiers are effective for classification      input data.
problems with two classes. To solve the

Neural networks provide multi-class classification              problem, teacher training is used. The most popular
regardless of the linear time-separability of classes.          algorithm for learning with a teacher is The
In addition, neural networks are able to determine              backpropaganation algorithm [Sim94], based on the
the presence of the analyzed example features of                gradient descent method on the hyperplane of the
several classes. The effectiveness of neural                    error function, and its modified version RProp
networks for classifying the technical condition of             [Cal01, Hai06, Sim94], which is one of the best
devices is shown in [Zue12, Zue13]. Therefore, it               first-order learning algorithms.
was decided to apply the theory of neural networks              The process of recovering the operability of the
for the development of methods and algorithms for               device with an automatic self-learning system,
fault detection.                                                which is a multi-layer neural network based on a
In order to solve the classification problem with the           recurrent model is presented in Figure 4)
help of a neural network, the network needs to be               As a result, we changed the Troubleshooting
taught examples of different images. The training               process. There was a unification of information
sample should include measures that fully describe              flows, automated process of preparation for
the image. In practical problems, to achieve the                Troubleshooting, calculation and issuance of the
most complete description of possible images in the             optimal algorithm of actions.
training sample, it is necessary to collect a                   In the course of elimination of failure there is an
sufficient number of examples. Examples can be                  adjustment of the optimal algorithm at change of
located in different parts of the corresponding                 input data (by results of measurements, change of a
image area in DK space.                                         train     situation,     the    carried-out  tests),
To solve the problem of neural network training,                recommendations are given, after elimination check
there are many algorithms [Cal01, Hai06]. To train              of operability is carried out.
neural networks designed to solve the classification                .

    Inform                Preparation                 Arrival                 Search           Troubleshooting
 - fromDSP;                to search
 - from                                        - afoot;
 SHCHD;            - the collection of tools   - transport.                               - replacement of faulty
                                                                     - carrying out
 - from STDM.       and materials.                                                        elements of the device,
                                                                     measurements (absent
                                                                     in STDM), checks.

                          Preparation                                        Search            Troubleshooting
                           to search
                                                                     - carrying out
                  - determination of the location                    additional            - check the working
                  and nature of the failure;                         measurements that are good condition.
                  - determination of the failed                      not present in the
                  device;                                            STDM, and their
                  - collection and analysis of                       analysis
                  diagnostic information in
                  - train situation analysis;
                  - analysis of technical                                                               APK-PN

      Figure 4. The process of recovering the operability of the device with an automatic self-learning system

4 Description of APK-PN system                                      - reduced operating costs;
                                                                    - development of information exchange between
The APK-PN system with a mobile measuring and                   adjacent offices.
software complex is designed for automatization of                  The main objectives of creation of APK-PN are:
fault finding of JAT devices, logging of the fault                  - reduced Troubleshooting time;
finding process, checking the device operability                    - reducing the number of train delays and their
after Troubleshooting and providing information to              duration;
operational personnel. Implementation of APK-PN                     - reducing the impact of human factors on the
assumes achievement of the following results:                   Troubleshooting process;
    - reducing the recovery time of the device's                    - reducing the complexity of work to restore the
working capacity;                                               operability     of    railway    automation     and
    - improvement of safety and continuity of trains;           telemechanics devices;

    - reduction of "post-preventive" failures.                 Devices for which the APC-PN system implements
    To automate the above operations, the APK-PN               the construction of fault finding algorithms:
system provides:                                                   - centralization of arrows and signals;
    - collection of information from STDM;                         - track blocking;
    - download technical documentation from                        - moving and barrage centralization;
ARM-VTD;                                                           - the formation and transmission of the signals
    - display the search algorithm of fault;                   of ALSN;
    - selection of possible faulty elements on circuit             - other devices had been controlled by the
diagrams and indication of additional measurement              STDM on the basis of the APK-DK.
points;                                                            On the basis of the General formulated
    - logging of the process of finding non-                   requirements to system APK-PN the hierarchical
rightness;                                                     principle of construction is chosen and two levels
    - integration with existing control systems,               are allocated:
interaction with ASU-SH2 databases.                                - linear data collection point (LPS), which is a
    On the basis of the above tasks and goals, we              mobile measurement and software system (level 1);
present the structure of the APK-PN system.                        - the Central point of construction of algorithms
System APK-PN includes subsystems:                             for fault claim in the distances of signaling,
    - collection of information in STDM;                       centralization and blocking (level 2).
    - downloads of technical documentation for the                 The hierarchical structure of the APC-PN
railway AT devices;                                            system is shown in Figure 5.
    - analysis of diagnostic information from STDM             At level 1, there are linear points for collecting
and technical documentation from ARM-VTD;                      additional      diagnostic     information     (LPS),
    - construction and display of the fault finding            performing additional measurements of diagnostic
algorithm of the railway AT device, as well as the             parameters of the control object and receiving
image of connection points for additional                      functions from the Central point of the fault finding
measurements and selection of the checked                      algorithm.
elements on the technical documentation                        In case of absence of technical documentation on
(schematic diagram).                                           the failed device, the standard scheme for the
    - check the operation of the railway AT device             corresponding EC or AB system in which the
after troubleshooting;                                         device is operated is loaded.
    - measurement of diagnostic parameters and                     .
their analysis.


                                                         Level 2
                 ASU-SH2                                                               ARM-VTD
                                               ARM-PN, ARM-SHCHD
                                                  (Central point)

                                                  Level 1               Level 1 (LPD)
                                                   Mobil           ARM-SHN
                                                   MPK                           ARM-SHNS
                                                   (LPS)           Concentrator

                                                             Devices Railway
                                       Figure 5. Block diagram of APK-PN

After receiving the full amount of information, the            necessary to carry out checks in order to reduce the
APK-PN begins synthesis of the algorithm for                   search time is issued. In case of insufficient amount
searching for faults on the basis of its knowledge             of diagnostic information to form a list of the
base and a list of the minimum number of possible              minimum number of possible faulty elements, the
irregular elements in the sequence in which it is              APK-PN synthesizes an algorithm for additional

measurements of diagnostic parameters of the
device to reduce the search area and identify the
faulty element. It also provides for the selection of
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