=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2569/short2 |storemode=property |title=Integration of Knowledge and Data in Active Seismology |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2569/short2.pdf |volume=Vol-2569 |authors=Ludmila P. Braginskaya,Andrey P. Grigoruk,Valery V. Kovalevsky }} ==Integration of Knowledge and Data in Active Seismology == https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2569/short2.pdf
          Integration of Knowledge and Data in Active Seismology1

                         Ludmila P. Braginskaya, Andrey P. Grigoruk, Valery V. Kovalevsky

                   Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS
                           (ICM&MG SB RAS), Novosibirsk, Russia, ludmila@opg.sscc.ru

              Abstract. The paper presents the principles of organization of an information
              environment providing a holistic view of the subject area and various aspects of scientific
              activity in active seismology. The subject ontology “Active Seismology” is used as a
              conceptual basis and information model.
              Keywords: active seismology, ontology, knowledge portal

1        Introduction
    Since the 1970s a new direction in geophysics has been developing, which has recently been called active
seismology, based on powerful controlled vibration sources of seismic waves of the low-frequency range [1].
    The use of such sources has opened up new possibilities for investigations of the deep structure of Earth's crust and
upper mantle and the geodynamic processes in earthquake-prone and volcanic zones. The active seismology methods
have found application in new areas of geophysics and geophysical engineering. Currently, the following new
vibrational geotechnologies are being actively developed: active vibroseismic monitoring of earthquake-prone and
volcanic zones; vibroseismic action on oil formations to increase oil recovery; vibrational microseismic zoning; study
of the stability of deep structures in areas of construction and operation of environmentally hazardous constructions,
    During the formation and development of the active seismology methods, numerous theoretical and experimental
works have been carried out to substantiate the vibroseismic method, to study the processes of radiation of seismic
waves by vibrational sources, the characteristics of their wave fields and physical effects under the vibrational action
on the geological medium [2].
    Scientific teams of the following institutes of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS)
participated in large-scale experimental vibroseismic investigations in Siberia, the Caucasus, and the Kerch-Taman
mud volcanic province: The Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, the Geophysical Survey and
its Altay-Sayan Branch, the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics, and the Chinakal
Institute of Mining. Scientists of the Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Japan, USA, and Mongolia took part in a number of
experiments [3].
    Currently, active seismology works are being carried out in Russia, Japan, China, the USA, and some European
countries. In Japan, monitoring of earthquake-prone and fault zones of the Earth's crust is carried out with the
ACROSS vibroseismic system. In the USA, the fault stressed state in the San Andreas Fault Zone is monitored using
seismic vibrators.
    At ICM&MG SB RAS, research works on active seismology were started under the scientific program
“Vibrational Earth Sounding” of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the 1970–90s under the
leadership of Academician A.S. Alekseev. Experimental works on registration of the wave field from powerful
vibroseismic sources have been carried out by the Institute since 1995. More than 50 experiments were performed (in
Altai, the Baikal Rift Zone, the Taman Mud-Volcanic Province, Elbrus, and Mongolia). In these studies, a large
archive of primary field data (about 100,000 registered seismograms) and the results of computer processing has been
    In the last decade, scientists of ICM&MG have been solving a set of problems on modeling of seismic fields in
elastic media typical for earthquake-prone and volcanic zones using supercomputers [4, 5]. The results of these
studies are not only scientific publications, but also archives of wavefield images and synthetic seismograms. One of
the most important directions of the institute is the development of active seismology methods and mathematical
modeling of wave fields for the purpose of verification of Earth's geophysical models [6, 7]. To solve this problem, a
comparison of theoretical and experimental seismograms is needed.
    Mathematical models of the Earth consider specific geological objects. When solving problems of modeling of
wave fields, initial data, well logging data, values of the elastic parameters of the medium (the longitudinal and

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International (CC BY 4.0).

transverse velocities of elastic waves, the elastic medium density, and the geometry of the object of study) are used.
The final representation of the Earth model is completed by interpretations (seismic interpretation, geological and
geophysical interpretation, stratigraphic correlations, etc.)
   These problems integrate successive stages of interpretation and modeling performed by professionals of different
qualifications (geophysicists, seismologists, geologists). This raises the problem of explicit presentation of all data,
interpretations and representations related to the process of modeling of specific geological objects.
In this paper, a solution to this challenge by formalizing and integrating the knowledge and data on the basis of
ontologies is proposed.

2        Components of the Ontology “Active Seismology”
   In recent years, ontological models have been increasingly used to integrate scientific knowledge. Much attention
of the Earth science community has been given to defining ontologies for geological knowledge. In particular,
ontologies based on geological knowledge can now be found on geological maps [8]. An ontology is typically
constructed according to a practical purpose. Based on the goal, the subject area experts form a set of concepts
(classes); a set of binary links (relations) between the concepts; a set of instances of classes — data records
corresponding to a class or relation. Thus, structural models constructed for the oil and gas industry [9] are primarily
used to describe the geological history for quantitative determination of hydrocarbons.
   To integrate the knowledge of active seismology, we perform ontological engineering of the subject area [10]. In
this case, the terms of the upper level, for example, the types of geological objects, are extracted from the known
   The ontology “Active Seismology” is based on a method [11] developed at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
of the A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems SB RAS using two basic ontologies, namely, the ontology of
scientific activity and the ontology of scientific knowledge. The ontology of scientific activity includes a set of
concepts (classes) related to the organization of scientific activity in the field of active seismology, such as Person,
Organization, Event, Activity, and Publication. This set of concepts is used to describe participants of the scientific
activities, events, projects, and various types of publications.
   Specific classes of the ontology of scientific activity in active seismology are Expedition Works and Field
Experiments. In addition to a set of concepts, the ontology has a set of binary links (relations) between the concepts
and a set of instances of classes - data records corresponding to a class or relation. Thus, for example, the class Person
includes an object Sobisevich Leonid Evgenievich, who is connected by the relation “heads” with the object Complex
ecological-geophysical expedition “Mud Volcanoes of Taman” of the class Expedition Works.
   The second basic ontology — the ontology of scientific knowledge — contains the following metaconcepts that
define structures for describing the subject area under consideration: Science branch (to typify the research being
performed), Research method and Research object (to typify the research methods and objects and the structure for
their description), Scientific result (to typify and describe the results of scientific activity), and Means of research (to
typify the research equipment). The links between the classes are defined by different types of relations.
   Figs. 1 and 2 present fragments of the ontology of objects and means of research, which reflects the structure of
the classes “Research object” and “Means of research” and their semantic links with other classes and instances.

                                     Figure 1. Ontology of research objects (fragment)

                                   Figure 2. Ontology of means of research (fragment)

    On the basis of the ontology, a knowledge portal on active seismology has been developed.

3        Active Seismology Knowledge Portal
    The Geophysical Informatics Laboratory of ICM&MG SB RAS has developed an infrastructure to support
research in the field of active seismology. The architecture of this environment can be presented as an Internet
resource consisting of two interacting subsystems. One of them is the scientific information system (SIS) “Active
Seismology” [12], which provides users with access to data obtained during field and computational experiments and
means of their analysis, and includes a user-updated thematic digital library containing reports, full texts of articles,
and other documents. The other is the knowledge portal.
    The “Active Seismology” portal introduces formal descriptions of the subject area concepts in the form of classes
of objects and relations between them, thus setting structures for presenting real objects and their relations. In
accordance with this, the data on the portal are presented in the form of a semantic network, that is, as a set of
different types of interrelated information objects.
    Figure 3 shows the portal page containing a description of an object, Shugo volcano, corresponding to the
ontology fragment shown in Figure 1. The information objects are represented on the portal page by hyperlinks. The
hyperlinks of the knowledge portal make it possible to go to the SIS page “Active Seismology”.

                                                Figure 3. Portal page

   Fig. 4 shows the result of going to the SIS page “Active Seismology” from the portal page. The page contains a
detailed description of the "Shugo-2005" experiment.

             Figure 4. SIS page. Result of going to the information-computational system via the hyperlink

    Informative access to systematized knowledge and information resources is provided by the advanced navigation
and search tools of the portal, which are also based on the ontology. Fig. 5 presents the example of search results. In
this example, we search for publications in which the object of research is the Shugo mud volcano. The hyperlinks
allow going to a description of the publications. One of the arguments of the object Publication is the URL address of
a full-text article in the Internet; in a particular case it can be a page of the SIS library "Active Seismology".

           Figure 5. Search results page. Publications in which the object of research is the Shugo mud volcano

4        Conclusions
    In this paper, some practical solutions for integrating the scientific concepts in active seismology and related fields
of knowledge have been presented. Our solutions are based on the development of ontologies related to the subject
area. The presented knowledge portal on active seismology allows linking data obtained in field and computational
experiments with detailed information on the activity, persons engaged in the research, and text documents which can
be helpful in the subsequent use of the data and interpretation of modeling results.
    The ontology development is an iterative process. The above ontology will be supplemented with new concepts
with the increasing group of experts engaged in the creation of the ontology. In our opinion, the work done is a first
step towards solving the problems of knowledge integration in those Earth sciences which use the results of research
in the field of active seismology.

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