=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2570/paper11 |storemode=property |title=Designing of architecture of an intelligent management system for assets by using hydrotreating process as an example |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2570/paper11.pdf |volume=Vol-2570 |authors=Elena Andieva,Ilya Kolganov }} ==Designing of architecture of an intelligent management system for assets by using hydrotreating process as an example== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2570/paper11.pdf
    Designing of architecture of an intelligent management
    system for assets by using hydrotreating process as an

                              Andieva E. Yu. and Kolganov I.P.

    Omsk State Technical University, Pr. Mira 11, Omsk, Omsk region, Siberian federal region,

         Abstract. The article suggests the architecture solution based on the digital
         twin object model. The solution is based on a synthesis of relevant knowledge
         about international concepts of digital transformation of production systems.
         The design model is an information object model. The architectural concept is
         based on that the state of values of properties material assets, petroleum
         products, is affected by the state of the values of the parameters of the role
         equipment. On the one hand, the process control contour boundary is a cost
         center, on the other hand – is a profit center. The presented model is a digital
         twin of the hydrotreating process. The architecture solution can be replicated
         for other technological processes (or their segments) of production, which have
         continuous production in their life cycle. The architecture is consistent with the
         architecture of IoT, provides the ability to use synthesized machine learning
         technologies, takes into account landscape interoperability, provides business
         logic SAP ERP. Designing model approach as part of a software solution bases
         on the principles of system engineering (Model-based systems engineering,
         MBSE, system modeling notation SуSML).

         Keywords: Architecture Solution, Assets, Digital Twin, Hydrotreating, System
         Engineering, Neural Network Technology.

1        Formulation of the problem

The main focus of the article is the management system for assets as a result of the
business activities of a vertically integrated oil and gas company (VIOC) at the stage
of refining petroleum products at the hydrotreatment process.
   The Design of digital twins in I4.0 solutions is a main way. There are different
points of view on this question. A digital twin is a synergistic mathematical model
that aggregates knowledge about an object and / or a system of objects [1]. Accept the
fact: «one of the most important steps in engineering design is the choice the structure
of the designed system or analysis of structural representations of the behavior and the
system activity. Even, if we have a detailed mathematical model, it does not fit for
this purpose» [2]. The question is one of priorities.

Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
ICID-2019 Conference
   Let’s accept that the system view of the digital twin complex manufacture control
system [3, 4]. The chosen approach is consistent with Gartner agency definition of a
digital twin, which based on the consolidated opinion of experts: «A digital twin is a
digital representation of a real-world entity or system. The implementation of a digital
twin is an encapsulated software object or model that mirrors a unique physical
object, process, organization, person or other abstraction. Data from multiple digital
twins can be aggregated for a composite view across a number of real-world entities,
such as a power plant or a city, and their related processes» [5].
   To design the digital twin for state assets management, the hydrotreating process as
an example, we use a model-based methodology of system engineering – MBSE [6-
8]. This methodology has a high development rate today in practice [9-12].
   SySML technology, as part of the MBSE methodology, will be used as the main
design tool in the study of complex systems of various nature, which should include a
hydrotreatment system [12].

2      Design of structural view of the behavior and activities of the
       hydrotreatment system

The concept of Digital Transformation of Petrochemical Production was proposed in
[3]: «The main object of management in the new client-driven dynamic business
model I4.0 is the product. As the unit of management, the state of the product is taken
at a certain stage of its life cycle. This concept solves one of the key problems of the
disagreement between the principles of continuous production with a multitude of
simultaneous parallel production processes determined by petrochemical technologies
and the discrete nature of all software systems (SS)». Particular attention is given to
the digital reference architecture transformation concept [3].
   As the main material asset, we denote control object – real oil state overall value
chain of the production process from crude oil to marketable products of various
nomenclatures – digital twin based on actually measured [4].
   Assume a feature point of view: value chain – corresponds to the stages of the
material asset life cycle, oil, at the production stage (provided that the oil product is a
system [3, 13, 14]); production stage is a set of technological processes: process
segments, operation, operation segments [15]; process boundaries determine where
profit center according (SAP logic) [16].
   To ensure the required actual condition of the control object, the oil product
requires resources. Denote the asset systems that provide the required state of material
assets at the process boundary. These are resource objects – equipment, staff and
other (not related to the place of the Profit center according). Assume a feature point
of view: object resource equipment at the stage of its operation (provided that the
equipment is a system [3, 13, 14]); production stage is a set of technological
processes: process segments, operation, operation segments [15]; process boundaries
determine where cost center accounting (SAP logic) [17].
   Conceptual view of technological process management system (see Fig. 1). We use
the domain approach [15]. To describe structure of technological process management
system was used structure diagram, which designing according SysML [18].
   The conceptual view of product is represented on Fig. 2. It consists list of products
from hydrotreating process [19]: diesel, hydrocarbon gas, hydrogen gas, MEA,
gasoline, sour gas. Also, it shows connection (dependences) between products. The
block diagram is represented on Fig. 3, which is the object model of structure.
Conceptual view of equipment of the hydro treating process: ReactorBlock,
StabilisationBlock, CleaningGasBlock, GasolineCleaningBlock.

  1   «Subsystem»                                              1     «Subsystem»
      Product                                                       Equipment
                           1           «Subsystem»

  1   «Subsystem»                                              1      «Subsystem»
       Others                                                          People

Fig. 1. Conceptual view of technological process management system (Structure diagram
technological process management system)

  1                                     «Subsystem»

         1   «Subsystem»         1      «Subsystem»    1           «Subsystem»
                Diesel                Hydrogen_gas         Hydrocarbon_gas

         1   «Subsystem»          1    «Subsystem»         1       «Subsystem»
             Gasoline                    MEA                   Sour_gas

Fig. 2. Conceptual view of oil product subsystem (Structure diagram oil product subsystem)

Assume a feature point of view: accept the fact that the equipment is divided into
equipment and role equipment [4, 15]; the state of the values of the parameters of the
role equipment affect the state of the values of the properties of the material asset, oil

  1                                 «Subsys tem»
      1     «Subsys tem»                1       «Subsys tem»
          ReactorBlock                      StabilisationBlock

                 1       «Subsys tem»             1       «Subsys tem»
                     CleaningGasBlock              GasolineCleaningBlock

Fig. 3. Conceptual view of equipment subsystem (Structure diagram equipment subsystem)

Conceptual view of subsystem equipment gasoline cleaning block is shown on Fig. 4.
Assume a feature point of equipment view: the equipment is divided into segments
according to technological process. Denote the block for moving the
monoethanolamine to the other block – MEAPumpInBlock, which include role
equipment: MEA transferring pumps: Н_5_1, Н_5_2. Denote the unit for extraction
process – ExtractorBlock that consist extractor K_6 и tank Е_6. Denote the block for
moving the monoethanolamine from the other block – MEAPumpOutBlock: MEA
transferring pumps: H_6_1, H_6_2; Denote the block for moving the gasoline out –
GasolinePumpOutBlock: gasoline pumps H_3_1, H_8_1; Denote the gasoline
production block – GasolineProductionBlock – the source of raw material – L_24_6,
L_24_7. GasolineProductionBlock is an outside system of equipment, which transfer
gasoline for cleaning technological process as a one of the material asset.
   Conceptual view of subsystem equipment stabilization block is shown on Fig. 5.
Assume a feature point of equipment view: the equipment is divided into segments
according to technological process. Stabilization block is the next stage, several
technological processes, after Reactor block, which include hydrogenation process –
purification of diesel fuel from harmful impurities oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen, by using
hydrogen and catalysts, reactions occurring under certain technological state.
Separated hydrocarbons are sent to stabilization block. According to technological
operations, the equipment included in this unit divided into groups:
StabilisationColumnBlock,                     SeparationBlock_of_StabilisationBlock,
GasolineOutPumpBlock, DieselOutCoilsBlock. Marked block for stabilization
process of diesel fuel – StabilisationColumnBlock. It consists stabilization column
K_1 and related equipment – irrigation pumps H_3_1, H_3_2; kilns for heating
diesel in the boiler P_2_R, P_2_L; diesel pumps for movement part of the fuel to the
boiler and other part out H_2_1, H_2_2, H_2_3. Next block is needed for separate
substance, one of them direct to K_1, part of them go out, and gas move to the other
technological block. Denote the separation block, which divide substance into several
layer – SeparationBlock_of_StabilisationBloc. In include some technological
equipment: for substance cooling two air coils XK_1_1, XK_1_2, and one liquid coil
– X_10, and separator C_5; Denote the block, which responsible for the withdrawal of
stable gasoline from process – GasolineOutPumpBlock. This block consists two
diesel pumps H_3_3, H_8_1. Denote heat exchange block – Dieseloutcoilsblock. This
group of equipment is a place of interaction with other blocks – Reactor block and
cleaning gas block. There are exchangers for MEA – T_4; diesel exchangers T_2_1
_n, T_2_2_n, T_2_3_n, T_2_1_v, T_2_2_v, T_2_3_v; exchangers between new
diesel and diesel after hydrotreating T_26, T_27; and the last air cooler for diesel
X_5_1, X_5_2, X_5_3.
   Assume a feature point of view: equipment – an object of management; equipment
can perform certain technological functions – it is role-playing equipment. To make
managerial decisions, we will consider only those parameters that affect the properties
of the main material asset, oil product.
   Consider the properties of role-based equipment using object – compressor
PK_1_1 as an example. First, we highlight the technological parameters: temperature
and pressure in the compressor row. For a material asset, diesel and gasoline, it is
necessary to maintain the required properties, which are achieved by the required
chemical composition of the substance under certain environmental parameters,
which are provided by a certain value of the role equipment parameters. Therefore,
we identified two main parameters of the compressor.
   To maintain normal parameters, it is necessary to maintain a certain, operational
condition of the equipment. The condition of the equipment greatly affects its
operation, and as a result, the main material asset. The compressor is a dynamic
equipment. Dynamic properties of compressor: vibro movement, vibro speed, vibro
acceleration. The listed characteristics are measured on the crankshaft of the
compressor. The rotation of the shaft and its vibrations are affected by bearings. The
condition of the bearings can be monitored indirectly by measuring their temperature.
Therefore, six more parameters are added according to the number of bearings. It is
possible to control the compressor through a system that squeezes the suction valve
when compressing gas. Therefore, the parameters in this row will change differently,
which also affects the output state of the properties of the material asset.
   So, the state of the values of the parameters of the role equipment affect the state of
the values of the properties of the material asset, oil product. So, compressor like role
equipment has some parameters: activity – one, two, three or four line, bearings
temperature: first bearing, second bearing, third bearing, fourth bearing, fifth bearing,
sixth bearing; line parameters (temperature, pressure), vibro acceleration, vibro
movement, vibro speed.
   On the next stage, parameters are divided from equipment. For example, get object
– compressor PK_1_1. We can see the object, which describe parameters of the
compressor on the Fig. 6. Each object is a specific compressors parameter. Let’s
divide substance properties and parameters of the equipment that we will have a
properties layer. So, we can see equipment parameters of the compressor. This layer
will be used in the neural network.
                          1        «Subsyst em»
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1       H_3_3:Pump
                          L_24_6:Production                                                                                                                                                                              be a ringTe mpe ra ture [1.. .. .
                                                                                                                                                             1       GasolinePumpOutBlock
                                                                     1                                                                                                                                                   na me :RhpString
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         product ion:double
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         roundSpe e d:double
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         subst a nce In:Subst a nce
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         subst a nce O ut:Substa nce
                          1        «Subsyst em»
                                                                                                       1                     «Subsyst em»                                                                                cha nge RoundSpe e d(rou.. .
                                                                                                           Equipment::GasolineCleaningBlock                                                                              compre ss(substa nce In:S. ..
                                                                 1   MEAPumpInBlock                                                                                                                                      ge t Subst a nce O ut():Subs.. .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         of f():void

                                                                                                                      1 ExtractorBlock                           1     MEAPumpOutBlock

 1           H_5_1:Pump                        1          H_5_2:Pump                                                                                                                                                                      1        H_8_1:Pump
     be a ringTe mpe ra ture [1. . *]:double       be a ringTe mpe ra ture [1.. *]:double                                                                                                                                                      be a ringTe mpe ra ture [1. . *]: . ..
     id:RhpString                                  id:RhpString                                                                                                                                                                                id: RhpString
     na me :RhpString                              na me :RhpString                          1
                                                                                                                                                     1       H_6_1:Pump                          1      H_6_2:Pump                             na me : RhpString
     product ion:double                            product ion:double
                                                                                                                                 1   E_6:Tank                                                                                                  product ion: double
                                                                                                                                                         be a ringTe mpe ra ture [1. . *]:. ..       be a ringTe mpe ra ture [1.. .. .
     roundSpe e d:double                           roundSpe e d:double                           subst a cne He a vyO ut :. ..                                                                                                                 roundSpe e d: double
                                                                                                                                     volume:do.. .       id:RhpString                                id:RhpString
     subst a nce In:Subst a nce                    subst a nce In:Subst a nce                    subst a nce He a vyIn: S. ..                                                                                                                  subst a nce In: Subst a nce
                                                                                                                                                         na me :RhpString                            na me :RhpString
     subst a nce O ut:Substa nce                   subst a nce O ut:Substa nce                   subst a nce Light In:Su. ..                                                                                                                   subst a nce O ut: Subst a nce
                                                                                                                                                         product ion:double                          product ion:double
                                                                                                 subst a nce Light O ut : .. .
     cha ngeRoundSpe e d(roundSpe e d:i. ..        cha nge RoundSpe e d(roundSpe e d. . .                                                                roundSpe e d:double                         roundSpe e d:double                       cha ngeRoundSpe e d(round. . .
     compress(substa nce In:Substa nce ):. ..      compre ss(substa nce In:Substa nce . ..                                                               subst a nce In:Subst a nce                  subst a nce In:Subst a nce                compress(substa nce In:Subs.. .
     ge t Subst a nce O ut():Substa nce            ge t Subst a nce O ut():Substa nce                                                                    subst a nce O ut:Subst a nce                subst a nce O ut:Substa nce               ge t Subst a nce O ut():Substa nce
     of f():void                                   of f():void                                                                                                                                                                                 of f():void
     on():void                                                                                                                                           cha ngeRoundSpe e d(round. . .              cha nge RoundSpe e d(rou.. .
                                                   on():void                                                                                                                                                                                   on():void
                                                                                                                                                         compress(substa nce In:Subs.. .             compre ss(substa nce In:S. ..
                                                                                                                                                         ge t Subst a nce O ut():Substa nce          ge t Subst a nce O ut():Subs.. .
                                                                                                                                                         of f():void                                 of f():void
                                                                                                                                                         on():void                                   on():void

Fig. 4. Conceptual view of gasoline cleaning block (Block diagram subsystem equipment gasoline cleaning block)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 1     X_5_1:AirCoil
                                                                                                                                                                                                          1     X_5_3:AirCoil                                                          id:RhpString
                                                                                                                                                                    1    T_2_2_v:Exchanger
                                                                                                                              1     T_26:Exchanger                                                                                                                                     name:RhpStri ng
                                                                                                                                                                                                               id:RhpString                    1    X_5_2:AirCoil
                                                                                     1     T_2_1_v:Exchanger                                                             substanceColdI n:Su...                                                                                        open:bool
                                                                                                                                   substanceColdI n:Su...                substanceColdO ut:S...                                                     id:RhpString                       roundSpeed:i nt
                                                                                         substance ColdI n:Substance                                                                                           open:bool
                                                          T_27:Exchanger                                                           substanceColdO ut:S...                                                                                           name:RhpString                     s ubs tanceH otI n:S...
                                                      1                                                                                                                                                        roundSpeed:int
                                                                                         substance ColdO ut:Substance                                                                                                                               open:bool                          s ubs tanceH otO ut:...
                                                                                                                                                                         exchange( hotI n:Sub...               substanceH otI n:S...
                                                          substanceCol dI n:S...                                                                                                                                                                    roundSpeed:int                     tEnv:double
                                                                                                                                   exchange( hotI n:Sub...               getColdO ut( ) :Substa...             substanceH otO ut:...
                                                          substanceCol dO ut:...         exchange( hotI n:Substance...                                                                                                                              substanceH otI n:S...
                                                                                                                                   getColdO ut( ) :Substa...             getH otO ut( ) :void                  tEnv:double                                                             getH otOut( ) :void
                                                                                         getColdO ut( ) :Substance                                                                                                                                  substanceH otO ut:...
                                                                                                                                   getH otO ut( ) :void
                                                                                         getH otO ut( ) :void                                                                                                                                       tEnv:double
                                                          exchange( hotI n:S...                                                                                                                                getH otO ut( ) :void
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           1        T_2_3_n:Exchanger
                                                          getColdO ut( ) :Subs...                                                                                                                                                                   getH otO ut( ) :void
                                                          getH otO ut( ) :void                                                                                                                                                                                                                     substance ColdI n:Substance
                                                                                                                                                                                      1   DieselOutCoilsBlock                                                                                      substance ColdO ut:Substan...
                                                                                                  1      T_2_2_n:Exchanger
                    1   H_3_2:Pump
                                                      1   K_1:StabilisationColumn                     substance ColdI n:Substance                                                                                                                                                                  exchange( hotI n:Substanc...
                        bearingTempera...                                                             substance ColdO ut:Substance                                                                                                                                                                 getColdO ut( ) :Substance
                        id:RhpString                      heavySubstanceI n:Substance                                                                                                                                                                1   T_2_1_n:Exchanger                         getH otO ut( ) :void
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1     T_4:Exchanger
                        name:RhpString                    lightSubstanceI n:Substance
                                                                                                      exchange( hotI n:Substance...
                        production:double                                                                                                                                                                                substanceCol dI n:S...           substanceColdI n:Sub...
                                                                                                      getColdO ut( ) :Substance
                        roundSpeed:dou...                                                                                                                                                                                substanceCol dO ut:...           substanceColdO ut:Su...
                                                                                                      getH otO ut( ) :void                                                                                                                                                                     1       T_2_3_v:Exchanger
                        s ubs tanceI n:Su...
                                                                                                                                                    1                    «Subsystem»                                     exchange( hotI n:S...
                        s ubs tanceO ut:S...
                                                                                                                                                          Equipment::StabilisationBlock                                  getColdOut( ) :Subs...           exchange( hotI n:Subs...                   substance ColdI n:Substance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          getColdO ut( ) :Substan...                 substance ColdO ut:Substance

                        changeRoundSp...                                                                                                                                                                                                                  getH otO ut( ) :void
                        compress( s ubs...                       1    StabilisationColumnBlock                                                                                                                                                                                                       exchange( hotI n:Substance...
                        getSubstanc eO ...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           getColdO ut( ) :Substance
                        off( ) :void                                                                                                                 1    SeparationBlock_of_StabilisationBloc k                              1   GasolineOutPumpBloc k                                              getH otO ut( ) :void
                        on( ) :void
                                                                                                                       1     P_2_R:Kiln
 1   H_2_1:Pump                                                                                                              fireTemperat...
                                                                                                                             substanceI ...                                                                                                                           1     H_3_3:Pump                   1    H_8_1:Pump
     bearingTempera...           1     H_2_2:Pump                 1    H_2_3:Pump             1    P_2_L:Kiln                substanceO ...                                                     1    X_10:LiquidCoil                                                        bearingTempera...                 bearingTempera...
                                       bearingTempera...              bearingTempera...
                                                                                                                                                          1     XK_1_2:AirCoil
     name:RhpString                                                                                fireTemperat...           heat( substa...                                                         id:RhpString                     1   C_5:Separator                     id:RhpString                      id:RhpString
     production:double                 id:RhpString                   id:RhpString                 s ubs tanceI ...                                            id:RhpString                                                                                                 name:RhpString                    name:RhpString
     roundSpeed:dou...                 name:RhpString                 name:RhpString               s ubs tanceO ...                                            name:RhpString                                                             pressure:double                   production:double                 production:double
                                                                                                                                                                                                     substanceColdI n:Sub...
     substanceI n:Su...                production:double              production:double                                1     XK_1_1:AirCoil                    open:bool                                                                  substanceI n[ 1..*] ...           roundSpeed:dou...                 roundSpeed:dou...
                                                                                                                                                                                                     substanceColdO ut:Su...
     substanceO ut:S...                roundSpeed:dou...              roundSpeed:dou...                                                                        roundSpeed:int                                                             substanceO ut[ 1..*...            substanceI n:Su...                substanceI n:Su...
                                                                                                                             id:RhpString                                                            substanceH otI n:Sub...
                                       substanceI n:Su...             substanceI n:Su...           heat( substa...                                                                                                                                                          substanceO ut:S...                substanceO ut:S...
                                                                                                                                                               substanceH otI n:Sub...               substanceH otO ut:do...              volume:doubl e
     changeRoundSp...                                                                                                        name:RhpString
                                       substanceO ut:S...             substanceO ut:S...                                                                       substanceH otO ut:do...
                                                                                                                             open:bool                                                               tEnviroment:double
     compres s ( s ubs ...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  changeRoundSp...                  changeRoundSp...
     getSubs tanc eO ...               changeRoundSp...               changeRoundSp...                                       roundSpeed:int                                                                                                                                 compress( s ubs...                compress( s ubs...
                                                                                                                                                                                                     getColdO ut( ) :Substa...
     off( ) :void                      compress( s ubs...             compress( s ubs...                                     substanceH otI n:S...                                                                                                                          getSubstanc eO ...                getSubstanc eO ...
                                                                                                                                                               getH otO ut( ) :void                  getH otO ut( ) :Substan...
     on( ) :void                       getSubstanc eO ...             getSubstanc eO ...                                     substanceH otO ut:...                                                                                                                          off( ) :void                      off( ) :void
                                                                                                                                                                                                     refrigerate( coldI n:Su...
                                       off( ) :void                   off( ) :void                                           tEnv:double                                                                                                                                    on( ) :void                       on( ) :void
                                       on( ) :void                    on( ) :void                                            getH otO ut( ) :void

Fig. 5. Conceptual view of stabilization block (Block diagram subsystem equipment stabilization block)
 1   temperature_bearing_1_PK_1_1
                                                                         1   bearing_1_PK_1_1        1   activityPK_1_1         1    PK_1_1:Compressor                       1   production_PK_1_1

                                              1      bearing_2_PK_1_1                                                               activity:d ouble
                                                                                                                                    bearingTemperatu re[1. . *].. .
                                                                                                                                    id :Rh pString                                                          1   line_4_PK_1_1
 1   temperature_bearing_2_PK_1_1                                                                                                   lineParameter[1. . *]:S ubst. . .
                                                 1    bearing_3_PK_1_1                  1        bearings_PK_1_1                    production:dou ble
                                                                                                                                                                         1   lineParameters_PK_1_1
                                                                                                                                    vibroAcceleratio n:d ouble
                                                                                                                                    vibroM ovement:double                                                                   1     temperature_line_4_PK_1_1
                                                                                                                                    vibroSpe ed:double
     1   temperature_bearing_3_PK_1_1
                                             1       bearing_4_PK_1_1                                                               changeA ctivity(numberActiv. . .
                                                                                                                                    comp ress(su bstanceIn:Subs. . .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        1       pressure_line_4_PK_1_1
                                                                                                                                    getSubst anceO ut():Subst a.. .
                                                                         1    bearing_5_PK_1_1       1   bearing_6_PK_1_1                                                1   line_2_PK_1_1       1     line_3_PK_1_1
                                                                                                                                    of f ():void
                                                                                                                                    O n():void
 1   temperature_bearing_4_PK_1_1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        1       temperature_line_3_PK_1_1
                                                                                                                                                         1   line_1_PK_1_1

                    1                                        1
                                                                                                     1    crankshaft_PK_1_1
                        temperature_bearing_5_PK_1_1             temperature_bearing_6_PK_1_1
                                                                                                                                                                                                        1   pressure_line_3_PK_1_1

                                                                    1 vibroMovement_PK_1_1                      1   vibroSpeed_PK_1_1                1   temperature_line_1_PK_1_1           1       temperature_line_2_PK_1_1

                                                                                1    vibroAcceleration_PK_1_1             1   pressure_line_1_PK_1_1                                 1   pressure_line_2_PK_1_1

Fig. 6. Conceptual architecture of compressors parameters
Take hydrogen gas as an example, because it interacts with the PK_1_1 compressor –
resource object, which described above. We distinguish the following properties of
the substance destiny, fair temperature, sour percent (special quality, that not included
in the physicochemical properties of substances, but isolated and important) boiling
temperature, autoignition temperature, ignition temperature, flash point, heat capacity.
The achievement of the required properties values of substances described earlier is
the goal of controlling the values of equipment parameters. To identify complex
dependencies between the values of the equipment parameters, – the resource object
and the material asset, – oil property values, consequently, neural network
technologies will be used to calculate the control action. Neural networks are widely
used for decision-making based on the analysis using technology data mining [20, 21].
   The equipment parameters obtained from sensors and the state of oil products
provide to the input layer of the NN. We use a multilayer neural network to identify
complex hidden relationships between input and output vectors. At the output, we get
a vector that describes the state of the oil product – the main asset, based on which,
through communications, we will determine the most influential equipment and
manage it.
   The target system is divided into five stage. The data from the sensors, that
describes real equipment, must be collected and processed. The first component will
collect data from sensors. The second component should sort into two parts: negative
and positive example. Then several data problems should be solved. Firstly, some
parameters or properties are analyzed once during a day or week. Second, data
dimensions are various. So, temperature is measured between minus 70 and plus 700 oC,
but pressure is measured between 0,1 and 6 MPa. It is a problem for NN training.
   Management system – is a deep neural network, which has input vector and output
vector. Input vector is a data, which describes real substance property, property, that
we wish, and the ideal property. Output vector is a data, which describes parameters
of the equipment; owing to we can reach necessary property.

3      Summarize

The main distinctive features of the proposed concept of the digital transformation
reference architecture are the following. The article presents the architecture solution
based on the digital twin object model. The architecture solution can be replicated for
other technological processes (or their segments) of production, which have
continuous production in their life cycle. The architecture is consistent with the
architecture of IoT, provides the ability to use synthesized machine learning
technologies, takes into account landscape interoperability, provides business logic
ERP SAP. Designing model approach as part of a software solution bases on the
principles of system engineering (MBSE, SуSML).

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