=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2570/paper24 |storemode=property |title=Robot path planning for multiple robots considering safest and shortest path |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2570/paper24.pdf |volume=Vol-2570 |authors=Zhanna Gabbassova,Davoud Sedighizadeh }} ==Robot path planning for multiple robots considering safest and shortest path== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2570/paper24.pdf
      Robot Path Planning for Multiple Robots Considering
                   safest and shortest path

                      Zhanna Gabbassova1 and Davoud Sedighizadeh2
     Department of software engineering, Atyrau State University named after Khalel Dosmukha-
                                        medov, Kazakhstan
      Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, Saveh Branch Islamic Azad
                                      University, Saveh, Iran

         Abstract. In this paper, a new algorithm is developed for multi-robot path
         planning of mobile Robot in unknown environment. The robots use radiation
         from their sensors to detect their surroundings, as well as positions of the other
         robots. In this paper a new approach for simultaneous consideration of two ob-
         jectives is extended. The first objective is finding the safest path and another
         one is finding a path with minimum length. Voronoi Diagram is applied to
         achieve the safest path. In order to provide the safest path, we try to minimize
         the distance to the Voronoi Diagram (VD). Because the VD is a geometric loca-
         tion that is a distance from all obstacles to the workspace, it is therefore a safe
         place in terms of distance to obstacles. For gaining the second objective, short-
         est path, Euclidean distance from the current position of the robot to target is
         used. For solving this problem, it is used from particle swarm optimization

         Keywords: Multi Robot Path Planning, Particle Swarm Optimization, unknown

1        Introduction
The general Robot Motion Planning (RMP) problem deals with finding a collision-
free path for a robot from a start path to a goal path, in a workspace containing multi-
ple obstacles considering an objective function. In modeling this issue, the more we
bring things closer to the real world, the accuracy of the model increases when it is
used in the real world. It is also assumed that the problem has different objective, with
two objectives being the safest and shortest path. Finally, the problem is considered
online and it has been tried to make real world affairs possible under the assumptions
of the problem.
For the first time, online RMP for multiple robots is expanded in [1]. After that, it
was more extended in [2]. In this paper, it was used form a hieratical coordinator for a
systematic design procedure in a multiple robot system. This work aided to reduce
running time of the planner. In 2003, a decentralized motion planning for multiple
robots subject to sensing and communication constraints are expanded [3]. The goal
of this paper is reaching each robot to its goal keeping connectivity with the neigh-
bors. In 2016, a model is developed for online Multi-robot MP using a modified grav-

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ICID-2019 Conference

itational search method [4] Furthermore, an adaptive multi-objective PSO is devel-
oped for multi-RMP [5]. In this algorithm, five robots are considered for path plan-
ning and two objectives mentioned are including minimum length path and maximum
distance from the danger zones. Additionally, in 2017, a multi-objective multiple
robot is implemented in an online situation [6]. In this work, the problem is named
deployment problem. Two objectives are considered such as estimation of final posi-
tions that robots are reached and shortest path. In 2017, a multi-objective model is
developed for multiple systems in two cases [7]. In the first case, two objectives are
considered including finding a minimum distance to ward goal pints for two robots
and in the second case, shortest and smoothness path for three and four robots. In
2019, a multi-objective model is presented for Multi-Robot M [8]. Environment in
this model is continues and offline that a proposed Artificial Potential Filed (APF) is
used to build all feasible path for guarantee at least one feasible path. An enhanced
Genetic algorithm is applied for obtaining optimal path. In this algorithm, are used
form five new crossover and mutation operators. The objectives in this work are path
length, smoothness, and safety. In most articles, such as the article above-mentioned,
the greatest attention is paid to the minimum path length, and sometimes the smooth
or safe path is considered. In addition to the above mentioned, in our article, the min-
imum length is also considered as the second objective. Furthermore, the environment
is assumed offline, and the criteria or objective function considered for the safest is
different. In addition, we examined more different complex workspace for testing our
model and algorithm.
The rest of this paper is organized as follow. Section 2 states the proposed objective
function. Then, the problem formulation is discussed in Section 3. Afterwards, Sec-
tion 4 explains the proposed algorithm and numerical results and finally, conclusions
are given in Section 5.

2        Objective Function
Total Objective Function including safest and minimum length on the path

    𝑓𝑖𝑑𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑗𝑖 = πœ†1 Γ— 𝑓𝑖𝑑𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠1𝑗𝑖 + πœ†2 Γ— 𝑓𝑖𝑑𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠2𝑗𝑖                     (1)

By minimizing the general objective function and taking into account the appropriate
weights allocated to each criterion, a suitable path is obtained. The weights for the
safest and shortest length criteria are Ξ»1 and Ξ»2 respectively. After performing the sim-
ulation and trying and error, the best values for them were Ξ»1 = 1, Ξ»2 = 0.25.

2.1      Model Description
Since paths generated by a program must be run by robots, and each robot has its own
static and dynamic constraints, the program should generate a path that is collision-
free and efficient in relation to some performance criteria. The main performance
indicators and constraints inherently part of a motion planning is listed in Table 1.

2.2     Multi-objective function of the problem
The majority of motion planners are designed to produce an optimal path by consider-
ing a criterion similar to the time path or path length. However, in practice, it is a
feasible path if it meets two criteria including safety and shortest length, and so on.
A path that is defined as an optimal path with a particular criterion may not necessaril
y be optimal, for example, in terms of safety or other criteria [9].

               Table 1 Performance Indicators and Constraints on Path Planning

                                      Constraints                      Performance indicators

Position, speed, acceleration and shocks of joints           Time tracking
The forces and dynamics of the stimuli                       Speed of links and joints
Kinematics                                                   Length of path
Collision with obstacles

There are some papers in the Multi Objective Robot Motion Planning [10]. In this
work, the second-order motor model is used that helps the robot to Obstacle avoid-
ance. In this model, information is included such as the goal position of the robot and
the direction and speed of the obstacles. In addition, the problem has been discussed
in several ways, but of course, there are two goals that are counted in a weighted ag-
gregated approach. However, in these two goals, this is in fact a kind of obstacle
avoidance. Motion planning in dynamic environments focuses on the need to consider
several goals in motion planning.
The most important performance indicator is the time it takes to navigate. To find it
and some other factors, several equations will be extracted. First, assume that the path
consists of a number of discrete sections connected together to make the path of mo-
tion. Moving along the path will have several characteristics, and these will form the
basis of a series of equations. The important phrases involved in the proposed model
are described in detail below.

3       Formulation

    In this section, we describe the formulation as below.

3.1     Safest Path
In order to provide the safest path, we try to minimize the distance to the Voronoi
Diagram (VD). Because the VD is a geometric location that is a distance from all
obstacles to the workspace, it is therefore a safe place in terms of distance to obsta-
cles. Initially, the description of this algorithm is presented. The Voronoi diagram:
The fascinating truth about the Voronoi diagram is that its history dates back to the
seventeenth century, When Descartes used a subjectivity to describe the structure of
solar systems. Later mathematicians such as Dirichlet and Voronoi were principally
the first to introduce this approach. They used it for quadratic shapes in which the

branches, as well as the points, are measured in a regular diagram and measured by
Euclidean distance. The structure of the result is under titles: Dirichlet Tessellation
and Medial axis and Voronoi diagram, which is the standard name for this approach
today [11].

    Fig. 1 (a) Voronoi diagram and triangular pieces, (b) A Voronoi diagram consisting of 11
                                 points on the Euclidean page

In order to give a mathematical representation of VD; assume

                   d ( p , x ) ο€½ ( p1 ο€­ x1 )2  ( p2 ο€­ x2 )2             (2)

that indicates Euclidean distance of p=(p1,p2) and x=(x1,x2). Suppose pq is the line
segment p to q. Enclosed set A is shown as A . For p, qοƒŽS, assume

                  B( p, q) ο€½ x | d ( p, x) ο€½ d (q, x)                    (3)

is bisector p and q. B(p, q) is a vertical line from the center of the line segment pq. B
is the half-panel separator:

                 D( p, q) ο€½ x | d ( p, x) ο€Ό d (q, x)                    (4)

contains p of the half-panel D(p,q) containing q. We will say that V is the V region
relative to S. Thus,

                   VR ( p, s) ο€½       D ( p, q )
                                  qοƒŽs , q ο‚Ή p

that is region p Voronoi related to S. Finally, the Voronoi diagram for S is:

                   V (S ) ο€½       VR ( p, s)VR (q, s)
                              p , qοƒŽs , p ο‚Ή q

According to the above definition, each Voronoi region, such as VR (p, s), is a 1-n
intersection of the half-open plate containing the p location. Therefore, VR (p, s) is
open and convex. Voronoi areas are as distinct and discrete as shown in Fig. 1.
The remarkable point is that due to inaccuracy of the scanner, the barriers of the ob-
stacles are not exactly recognized. The generalized local VD obtained from the VD is
based on the algorithm [12]:
After VD is drawn up in the free space, it tries to achieve the minimum value in the
objective function of the safest path of the distance between each particle and VD:

                     𝑑(𝑝, π‘₯ ) = √(𝑝1 βˆ’ π‘₯1 ) + (𝑝2 βˆ’ π‘₯2 )
                      𝑑 (𝑝, π‘ž ) = {π‘₯|𝑑 (𝑝, π‘₯ ) < 𝑑(π‘ž, π‘₯ )}
                  𝑉𝑅 (𝑝, 𝑠) = β‹‚π‘žβˆˆπ‘ ,π‘žβ‰ π‘ 𝐷(𝑝, π‘ž)                             (7)

                       𝑉𝑆 = β‹‚ Μ…Μ…Μ…Μ…Μ…Μ…Μ…Μ…Μ…Μ…Μ…
                              𝑉𝑅 (𝑝, 𝑠) β‹‚ Μ…Μ…Μ…Μ…Μ…Μ…Μ…Μ…Μ…Μ…Μ…
                                          𝑉𝑅 (π‘ž, 𝑠)
                                π‘žβˆˆπ‘ ,π‘žβ‰ π‘

                           Fig. 2 Voronoi Diagram and Dirichlet

In the above relation, x is the sum of the geometric locations of the points on VD,
which aims at minimizing the distance between the current position and VD, thus:

       𝑓𝑖𝑑𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠1𝑗𝑖 = √(π‘π‘Ÿπ‘‘π‘π‘œπ‘ π‘—π‘– (π‘₯) βˆ’ π‘₯1 )2 + (π‘π‘Ÿπ‘‘π‘π‘œπ‘ π‘—π‘– (𝑦) βˆ’ π‘₯2 )2         (8)

3.2    Shortest Path
In this paper, two objectives are considered that are including safest path and the
shortest path as below:

Most path planners aim to generate an optimal path considering a single criterion like
path travel time or path length. However, in practice, a path is feasible if it meets
several conditions, such as safety, estimated needed time for navigation, shortest
length, etc.
A path which is considered as optimal in terms of a single criterion may not essential-
ly satisfy other criteria all together [9]. For instance, a shortest path is not required at
the expense of safety along the path.
Some works exist in the field of multi-objective robot motion planning, including an
approach for obstacle avoidance with multi-objective optimization by PSO in dynam-
ic environment in [10], and multi-objective optimal trajectory planning of a space
robot using PSO in [13].
Path planning in dynamic environments epitomizes the necessity of considering mul-
tiple objects in path planning: when the environment is time varying, the minimum
length path and minimum delay path are usually different issues. Delay is defined as
the time needed for traveling from start to goal, whereas length is the distance actually
traveled by the robot along the path.
For robots needing to reach their destination as early as possible, a minimum-time
path might seem desirable, but it may require a lot of time to be traversed due to un-
easy terrain. Surely there exist various feasible paths between start and goal points
being neither short nor fast but providing reasonable tradeoffs between shortness and
fastness. These are generally desirable paths, while a path optimal for a single criteri-
on without considering other equally important criteria is not desirable [9]. This is just
one type of problem for which our multi-objective search is designed.
A common method for enforcing multiple objectives is the Simple Additive
Weighting (SAW) method, in which a weighted sum of multiple objectives is ex-
pressed as a conventional single-objective function in the form of To-
tal Cost = w1z1 + w2z2 + …, where zi is the i-th cost and wi is its weight. By selecting
proper weights, a path with desirable property can be obtained by planning with a
single objective [14].
In the proposed method, the criterion for path shortness is defined as the Euclidean
distance between each particle and the goal point in each iteration, and the criterion
for path smoothness is defined as the angle between two hypothetical lines connecting
the goal point to the robot’s positions in two successive iterations, i.e. gbest i and
gbest iβˆ’1, in which i is the iteration number. The definition of path smoothness in this
way is a novel idea. The first objective function, the shortest path, is defined as:

               Fshort j ο€½ ( x prtposij ο€­ xgoal )2 ( y prtposij ο€­ ygoal )2


3.3    Total objective function
The aim of the total objective function is the simultaneous maximizing safety path
and minimizing length of path. As mentioned above for the safest path, minimizing
the distance to the geometric location of the points on VD is used and we use the ag-
gregated weighted approach to minimize them simultaneously. In order to make the

safest path, the total distance between the segments of the path and VD is considered.
In order to minimize length of path, Euclidean distance from the current position of
the robot to target of each segment is calculated. Each of these objective functions has
a weight in the total objective function.

4      Computational results and analysis

In this section, it is assumed that the robot is not only unaware of its surroundings but
also of its location. Therefore, the robot uses the two PSO and VD algorithms as the
general and local search algorithms in the work environment to sense and identify the
environment, respectively. The paper assumes that borderlines are static in the work-
place and do not change over time.
How to use two of these algorithms in an online environment is that after sensing the
environment by a robot, the sensor is in a visual environment that is circular to the
radius of the robot's vision in its surroundings, a local and global search in the visible
space is done. First, using the PSO algorithm, the best robot next position, which is
the gbest, is determined in the visual environment.
Because in determining the gbest in the PSO algorithm, goal is secure path and short-
est length, and these goals are presented in the PSO objective function. How to do it is
that the gbest point is determined by the two goals of most safe path and minimum
path length and the robot moves to the gbest point. In the other worlds, the gbest point
obtained which satisfies the above-mentioned two goals.
 Using the VD algorithm, which is applied as a local optimizer, the visible region is
first obtained. How to use the Voronoi diagram, which is addressed as a first time in
this paper, that’s is that VD is using lines with an equal distance of the intersection
points obtained from the collision point of the sensor with surrounding obstacles. An
illustration of how to create a Voronoi diagram in each stage for the robot is shown in
Fig. 3.










                                0   2   4   6   8   10   12   14   16   18   20

      Fig 3. An overview of how to create a Voronoi diagram at each stage for the robot

For solving the problem and implementation it, we used from a hybrid of the algo-
rithms titled Basic PSO (BAPSO) and VD. In each of the mentioned algorithms, the
robot's motion is planned. In this way, the initial population is generated through re-
lated mechanism’s BAPSO, then VD is established, and in the visual range, based on
population upgrade mechanisms in the mentioned algorithms are searched.
Updating BAPSO is according equations (10) to (13).
             prtvel ij ο€½ w ο‚΄ prtvel ij ο€­1  c1 ο‚΄ rand ο‚΄ ( pbest ijο€­1 ο€­ prtpos ijο€­1 )
              c 2 ο‚΄ rand ο‚΄ ( gbest i ο€­1 ο€­ prtpos ijο€­1 )

                      prtpos ij ο€½ prtpos ij ο€­1  prtvel ji                       (11)

                        prtpos 0j ο€½ xmin  rand ( xmin ο€­ xmax )                  (12)

                                     xmin  rand ( xmin ο€­ xmax )
                       prtvel ij ο€½                                              (13)
After several tests for 14 problems, the mean and standard deviation of the results of
the time and distance traversed for the the BAPSO + VD and Genetic Algorithms
(GA) +VD method were obtained and the results are presented in Table 2 and the Figs
(4) to (6) are given.

                    Fig. 4 shows a simulation from robot motion planning

Fig. 5 shows a simulation from robot motion planning in the more complicated environment

Fig. 6 shows a simulation from robot motion planning in the most complicated environment

                                   Table 3 Details of time consumed

                                                             Five               Six     Seven
   .            Two Robots     Three Robots Four Robots
                                                            Robots             Robots   Robots
BAPSO+VD          30.18            33.14       37.24         42.15             46.18     50.11
 GA+ VD           43.12            47.11       51.16         58.19             60.23     66.18

  In addition, updating mechanism in BAPSO is illustrated as Fig 7.


                                              Collective Memory

                                                                  Personal Memory

                                                  Current Move
                                 Fig. 7 updating mechanism in BAPSO

  5        Conclusion

  In this article, the problem of Motion Planning for mobile Multiple Robots Consider-
  ing two objectives, the safest path with minimum of path length was analyzed. As the
  environmental conditions are timely. In fact, at this stage, for reaching to a safest
  path, we used from Voronoi Diagram for this objective. In addition, minimizing the
  length of path of the robot is also added to another problem objective and is consid-
  ered in the objective function of the algorithm. In finally the problem is solved with
  two algorithm named BAPSO+VD and GA+VD that the results illustrated that
  BAPSO+VD have the better results.

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