=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2570/paper36 |storemode=property |title=Information support for organizational management of the training process for specialists |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2570/paper36.pdf |volume=Vol-2570 |authors=Oksana Nikulcheva,Sergey Tikhomirov,Igor Khaustov,Ludmila Nazina }} ==Information support for organizational management of the training process for specialists== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2570/paper36.pdf
    Information support for organizational management of
              the training process for specialists

           Nikulcheva O. S.,Tikhomirov S. G., Khaustov I. A., Nazina L. I.

      Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, Revolution av., 19,
                            394036 Voronezh, Russia

           Abstract. This article deals with an approach to the assessment of profes-
       sional competences development among university graduates. The main atten-
       tion is paid to the evaluation of academic achievements necessary for the suc-
       cessful fulfillment of tasks in any professional activity, taking into account the
       personality traits of the future professional. The model of a professional portrait
       of the graduate is created, including a set of competence formation assessments
       using types of control that are carried out within the framework of disciplinary
       evaluation, polydisciplinary and non-disciplinary. Polydisciplinary control al-
       lows to reveal the level of students' abilities and skills formation, non-
       disciplinary control includes the characteristic of student's personal qualities,
       which can be expressed through a portfolio. The obtained data are represented
       graphically in the form of vectors with the coordinates that characterize the lev-
       el of competences development in various areas of production activity. The
       proximity of a vector to any area allows one to recommend it to a graduate for
       further employment, and it is assumed that in this area the graduate will be
       more successful.

       Keywords: model of university graduate, vector approach, assessment of com-
       petence development.

1      Introduction

Information support of the training process for specialists, corresponding to current
trends in the development of higher education, provides for an assessment of the
learning process quality (where the competences are indicators of quality), and its
timely adjustment. At the same time, educational technologies are considered as a
way to form the competences (through the use of active and interactive training me-
thods), and assessment tools (through employers, experts from the professional envi-
ronment) are used as a tool for proving the competence development [1].

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Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
ICID-2019 Conference

   Assessment of the level of competence formation is a new task for universities,
which cannot be solved only with the help of traditional control methods and assess-
ment tools. The implementation of a competence-based approach is aimed at improv-
ing interaction with the labor market, increasing the competitiveness of specialists,
updating the content, methodology and relevant learning environment. At the mo-
ment, there is no universal method for evaluating the learning outcomes of university
graduates. Therefore, the development of the competence assessment methodology,
that increases the objectivity of evaluating learning outcomes (competence) of univer-
sity graduates, is an urgent task. In particular, it includes the possibility of providing
various recommendations based on the assessment for subsequent employment [2]
that significantly accelerates the social adaptation of graduates, as well as solves the
problem of customer satisfaction (employers).
   In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education
(FSES) in any field of education for the successful implementation of professional
tasks in each occupational category (OC) (research, production and technology, etc.)
graduate must have a set of professional competences (PC), forming a specific OC
(figure). Consequently, the model of graduate's professional portrait (profile) must
include a set of assessments of the formation of professional competences, taking into
account the personality traits of a future professional.

2      Methods andmaterials

While managing in market conditions, the principle of advancing, foreseeing of situa-
tion is extremely important. In this article, a vector method was used to assess compe-
tences. This method based on the results of students' learning activities, allows to
provide individual recommendations for further professional activities.

                                           m     
                                    Rспец = ∑ Q j I j                                 (1)
                                             j =1

where Rспец is a vector of the professional profile of the graduate, which shows the
direction of the student's professional growth;Qjis a graduate readiness assessment to
perform professional tasks in the j-th OС, characterized by a different set of compe-
tences, is a normalized value (weighted average); I j is a unit vector in the direction of
the j-thOС;m is a number of ОС.
         Any OC is formed by a set of competences, which is specified in the corres-
ponding FSES. The formation of each competence is carried out consistently in the
learning process during the studying a number of disciplines, passing a various types
of practice. Each competence is formed in the study of several disciplines during the
entire period of study, therefore the competences is crossing.
         A mathematical model for assessment of the competence formation in partic-
ular OC can be represented as:

                                     Q j = F j (θ j )                                    (2)

         Where θ j is a vector defining the composition of competences for the j-th
                                           ( ) ;
OC, θ j = A j q ;Aj is a diagonal matrix, aij

               1, if the i − th competence is in the j − th OC
         aij =                                                       ;
               0, if it is not
                                                        ( )
    q is a vector of acquisition assessment of PC 1, n , q = (q1 , q2 , , qn ) ;qi is an

assessment of the formation of the i-th competence of the educational program.
          The standard procedure for assessing students' achievements in the frame-
work of knowledge and skills does not allow to take into account many competences
that are necessary to compile a more accurate professional portrait (profile) of gradu-
ate. Currently, foreign and domestic researchers have developed the mathematical
models and approaches describing the stages of the learning outcomes monitoring
process [3-6]. Analysis of the work allows to conclude that it is necessary to develop
and implement additional (to existing methods of control) means of assessing the
students' learning outcomes, which reflect the personal qualities of the graduate.
          The block of professional competences is a system of knowledge, skills and
abilities acquired in a higher education institution taking into account depth and vo-
lume of their development. Professional competences describe the qualities and cha-
racteristics of a person, which are necessary for a specialist to solve tasks in a particu-
lar field of professional activity. In this regard, it is important to highlight the personal
qualities of the graduate in the formation and evaluation of competences, since this
component determines the level of self-esteem development, awareness of personal
importance in the profession, responsibility for the results of their activities, self-
realization in the professional activity.

3      Results and discussion.
          There is a need to develop a competency assessment system with using such
types of control, which are carried out within the framework of disciplinary, polydis-
ciplinary and non-disciplinary assessment. Polydisciplinary control allows to identify
the level of skills formation of students and includes the assessment of all types of
student practices, the implementation of course projects and research projects, as well
as graduate qualification work. Non-disciplinary control includes the characteristic of
the student's personal qualities, which can be expressed through a portfolio. This type
of control must be considered in assessment forming in each field of professional
          The level of graduate's competence development depends on a number of in-
terrelated factors: knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the subjects, the ability
to use this knowledge in practice, the ability to self-education, the ability to develop
the personal characteristics, etc. Insufficient level of development of any factor affect-
ing the formation competence, ultimately reduces the specialist's competence level. In

such cases, the selection criterion in a decision-making situation is a combination of
individual criteria, and the problem becomes multi-criteria. In solving multi-criteria
problems, various criteria convolution methods into one generalized (integral) crite-
rion are often used.
          The most popular way for obtaining a composite quality indicator is an addi-
tive convolution. It is a weighted average value, which is used if there is a possibility
of compensating the values of some criteria at the expense of others, that corresponds
to the assessment task of student's competence in the j-th OC:

                                                      ∑z q    i i
                                      Q j = δ j i =1r                  +γ j pj                                                 (3)
                                                       i =1

   Whereδj, γj arethe weighting factors determined by the expert method, taking into
account the influence of each type of assessment (disciplinary, polydisciplinary and
non-disciplinary) on competence in the j-th OС, provided that δ j + γ j = 1 ;r is a        (                           )
number of competences included in the j-thOC;zi is a number of credits for the i-
thcompetence;pj is an assessment for the portfolio (the part of the portfolio related to
the j-th OC is taken into account).
          Assessment of competency formation:

                                ∑α z d    ∑β z k ∑z t
                                                l l    l                           l l l                       l l
                           q =a        +b
                                                +c    (4)              l                               l

                                ∑α z      ∑β z     ∑z
                             i    i                                l                           i
                                                 l l                                l l                            l
                                            l                              l                               l

   whereal is a share of theoretical training for the lth discipline, forming the i-
thcompetence;l is a number of competences defining a specific field;zlis a number of
credits z in the l-th discipline, forming the i-th competence (part of the competence);dl
is a discipline assessment (mark in the examination record or rating grade in the dis-
cipline, the midterm assessment for which is "passed");βlis a share of training devoted
to the independent work of students (the implementation of course projects and
works, the preparation of practice reports, etc.,             ∑ [(α + β + 1)z ] = z ;k is apoly-
                                                                               l      l            l           i           l

disciplinary assessment of the disciplines forming the i-th competence, determined by
the set of results of the coursework and projects, forming a specific
OC;tlisapolydisciplinary assessment of practices forming the i-thcompetence;ai, bi,
ciare the weighting factors determined by the expert method, (ai + bi + ci ) = 1 .
         The search for means of assessment students' personal achievements must be
carried out among the forms of authentic assessment. Authentic assessment is a type
of assessment used in practice-oriented education, which involves the assessment of
the formation of skills, abilities and competence of students in situations as close as
possible to real life - daily or professional. The authors of [7] conducted a study

which proves that the valid means for assessing student competence in the framework
of non-disciplinary control are the portfolio and rating system.
          In focusing on new educational goals (transition to a competence-based ap-
proach), many countries include portfolios in their educational systems. The study of
works [7-9] allows to conclude that the application of the portfolio method allows to
analyze the significant results of the professional development process of the future
specialist, to ensure monitoring of the educational process.
          Currently, researchers in the practice of foreign and domestic universities
have developed a number of models and types of portfolios. Depending on the goal, a
different form of the portfolio is chosen: in order to track the dynamics of the stu-
dent's development - development portfolio; to predict and draw up a plan for the
learning process - educational portfolio; to demonstrate academic achievements -
indicative portfolio; to characterize professional readiness - employment portfolio.
          The accuracy of the assessment of students' achieved results depends on the
structure of the portfolio, which should be relevant to the goals of its creation and use.
Therefore, it is necessary to develop such a portfolio conception that reflects the stu-
dent's activities outside the disciplines, but at the same time provides an opportunity
to characterize his successes in each of the professional activity fields specified by the
FSES of each of the training areas. Indicators should be clearly defined by the corres-
ponding specific training area.
          The authors have developed the rating system for portfolio assessment, the
advantages of which are the promotion of effective student learning, the objective
assessment of each student, the ability to make timely adjustments to the organization
of the educational process. In developing of variable portfolio assessment system, it is
necessary to take into account different ideas about the quality of the prepared portfo-
lio materials, and use a 5-point scale.
          Each student can sum up his achievements not only after completion of train-
ing, but also after intermediate stages; specific groups of achievements are evaluated
only if there is confirmation in the main sections of the portfolio. Examples of portfo-
lio evaluation criteria are given in the table.

                       Table 1.Examples of the portfolio assessment.

   Kind ofachievements                Evaluation of academic achievements
   1. Print and electronic publica-   Article co-authored with supervisor – 2 points
   tion                               Selfarticle– 3 points
   1. Participation in the devel-     Intra-university level–1 point
   opment of documentation            City – 2 points
                                      Federal –3 points
   Institutional and managerial
   1. Participation in student        Intra-university level – 1 point
   councils and other bodies of       City – 2 points
   self-government                    Federal –3 points

    Production and technological
    1. Execution of course           Board's assessmentoftheproject
    projects on topics relevant to
    the enterprise and commis-
    sioned by the enterprise

          The developed model makes it possible to obtain an integral indicator cha-
racterizing the readiness of graduates to perform professional tasks in a specific field
of professional activity (production and technology, institutional and managerial,
etc.). The complexity of introducing this technique into practice is in the labour inten-
sity of competence assessment; therefore, the result processing must be automated
with the use of modern software (MS) [10-12].
          The use of information technology will reduce the workload of teacher, since
it is exempts from the primary processing of the results. In this case, it is possible to
evaluate the competence as an integral parameter. Consequently, the obtained assess-
ments are scientifically based and less susceptible to the influence of the teacher's
subjective opinion.
          For this purpose, a system [13] has been developed, designed to assess the
competences of graduates and build a vector portrait (model) of graduate. The devel-
oped system is embedded in the data base management system "Rating", available in
Voronezh State University of Engineering Technology. This system consists of the
following subsystems:

─ - data collection subsystem;
─ - data storage subsystem;
─ - data calculation subsystem;
─ - subsystem of statistical analysis;
─ - subsystem for developing recommendations for further employment.
         The obtained data are presented graphically in the form of vectors with coor-
dinates characterizing the level of competence development in various area of produc-
tion activity. The proximity of the vector to any area allows to recommend it to the
graduate for further employment, and it is assumed that in this area the graduate will
be the most successful.

4       Conclusions
          Thus, the competence assessment model and the information system for its
automated calculation have been developed, that allows to identify the specific cha-
racteristics of each graduate and recommend the most appropriate field of profession-
al activity.

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