=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2570/paper9 |storemode=property |title=Scientific and methodological approaches to the generation of the internet information space of scientific and educational resources |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2570/paper9.pdf |volume=Vol-2570 |authors=Alexander Zatsarinny,Felix Ereshko,Viktor Medennikov }} ==Scientific and methodological approaches to the generation of the internet information space of scientific and educational resources== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2570/paper9.pdf
     Scientific and methodological approaches to the
 generation of the Internet information space of scientific
                 and educational resources

 A.A. Zatsarinny[0000-0002-8872-2774], F.I. Ereshko[0000-0002-1732-2204], V.I. Medennikov[0000-

Federal Research Center ”Informatics and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vavi-
                             lova 44-2, 119333,Moscow, Russia

       Abstract. The article considers scientific approaches to the formation of the in-
       formation space of scientific and educational resources. A methodology for as-
       sessing the effectiveness of their use is proposed.

       Keywords: scientific and educational resources, performance evaluation, model
       sites, university rankings.

1      Introduction

Currently the world is transiting to the digital economics, which requires the integra-
tion of both information resources and information systems. This is achieved through
the implementation of standards for representing information resources, management
functions, as well as through the complex approach to the design, development and
implementation of information systems, training of relevant specialists.
In connection with the exponential growth of information volumes in specific areas of
activity, there were problems of creating new information technologies that provide
the ability of necessary knowledge acquisition. These problems are of specific im-
portance in the field of information accumulation in education and science field.
In this connection, the task is to create the unified Internet information space of scien-
tific and educational resources, which will be in demand both in the process of scien-
tific research support and education efficiency improvement at all levels. In our opin-
ion, such the space should become a tool for resolution of the conflict between the
volumes of accumulated knowledge and the possibility of its effective use.
The article describes the methodological approaches to generating the Internet infor-
mation space of scientific and educational resources, as well as the methodology for
evaluating the effectiveness of its use in the transition to the digital economics.

Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
ICID-2019 Conference

2    Conceptual approaches to generating the unified Internet
information space of the scientific and educational resources of

The lack of integration technologies at the development of databases of various in-
formation scientific and educational resources leads to significant overexpenditure of
resources and confuses the increasing number of potential users, when searching for
the necessary information. For example, the state spends significant resources on the
development and maintenance of information scientific and educational resources
database: “The unified state information system for accounting results of commercial
research-and-development activities as well as technological works, the database of
the Federal Institute of Industrial Property (patent documents, trademarks, industrial
patterns, computer programs, databases and topologies of integrated microcircuits)
and Elibrary.ru, which have heterogeneous representation and rather narrow designat-
ed purpose, as well as very specific audience respectively. The purpose of the first
database can be easily defined from its name. The commercial research-and-
development activities as well as technological works are presented here in the form
of scientific reports, drawn up by the budget funds. The second database purpose is to
register the above mentioned developments without the possibility of studying them.
The purpose of the third database is to create the national science citation index with
the prospect of using it for evaluating the results of scientific work of scientists or
research groups. However, the narrow focus of these databases, mainly on the ac-
counting function, leads to the heterogeneity of their structures, making them un-
claimed for wide range of users who want to have convenient system for getting
knowledge. Unfortunately, valuable and up-to-date information from Russian scien-
tific foundations and federal targeted programs is also practically unavailable for use
in the innovation sphere.
The roots of this process lie in the lack of the integration approach in the technologies
of design and development of information systems in our country, resulting in appear-
ance of “hodgepodge” of tens and then hundreds and thousands of isolated and func-
tionally incompatible local control systems at plants, factories and agricultural-and-
industrial enterprises. The failure of the national network project, based on typifica-
tion and integration of information systems, proposed by academician Glushkov V.M.
[1, 2] on the creation of the National Automated System in the 60th of the XX centu-
ry, also played a negative role. Although significantly increased opportunities and the
level of Internet software and hardware development at present allow implementing
the ideas of Glushkov V.M. in full.
The transition to the integrated information systems in the Russian Federation is com-
plicated by some circumstances - the lack of the Internet intellectualization, i.e. the
providers have no online tools for the development of mathematical models, statistical
processing of information, expert systems, etc.
In the meantime, only very few providers have database management systems, which
are used by few people. For example, the studies have shown that no agricultural
higher educational institution uses database management systems, when creating
websites, which could make it impossible to automatically receive information from

the website for its use in other information systems, including the information system
of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science [3].
The analysis of websites of research institutions, higher educational institutions, in-
formation and consulting services allowed identifying seven types of information
resources that are present in some form on these websites: developments, publica-
tions, consulting activities, regulatory information, distance learning, application pro-
gram packages, databases. These are the types of scientific knowledge representation
that are most in demand in the economics [4].
At that the improvement of Internet technologies allows integrating them (on the basis
of ontological modeling) into the unified Internet information space of scientific and
educational resources from unified scientific and methodological positions with sim-
ple (understandable to any user) navigation system with placing information resources
in the cloud under control of the powerful database management system based on the
uniform classifiers, such as the State Rubricator of Scientific and Technical Infor-
mation and the All-Russian Classifier of Products [5, 6, 7].
For example, the manufacturer, having chosen some development as some disease
control means, can immediately receive all publications, all consultations, regulatory
information, and distance learning on this subject. Then he can find the necessary
drug supplier in the appropriate database. At the same time, the knowledge required
for the production is splitted to various databases that are not related to each other. At
that a huge amounts of money are spent on their implementation and maintenance.
However, only a small part of the databases is accessible for the scientific community,
and it is almost inaccessible for manufacturers.
The possibility of creating the unified Internet information space of scientific and
educational resources has been checked on the basis of economic and mathematical
modeling, as well as practical implementation at developing the portal of the Russian
Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 2007-2008. At that the following was registered
there: 12321 publications, 2541 developments, 444 consultants for conducting con-
sulting activities on the subject. At that time, Elibrary database contained significantly
less number of publications, and there were no other types of scientific and educa-
tional resources (and at the moment they are still not available there) [5].
The requirements, which are imposed for the websites of higher educational institu-
tions by the Ministry of Education and Science, the Federal Education and Science
Supervision Agency of the Russian Federation and branch ministries to evaluate the
activities of educational institutions, force these websites to become more similar to
each other. In the nearest future higher educational institutions should perform the
transition to standard websites. And this is the first step towards the generation of the
unified Internet information space of scientific and educational resources. When im-
plementing standard websites in higher educational institutions and research institu-
tions and their integrating with this space, the information scientific and educational
resources would automatically get there.
RePec (Research Papers in Economics) is the most interesting project in the West in
the field of integrating information and scientific resources, which is characterized by
the systematic approach that allows free global network access to the information
resources of scientific papers on economics published in the world.

RePec is a project based on the joint work of hundreds of volunteers from 93 coun-
tries to expand the researches in the field of economics and related sciences [8, 9].
The center of the project is the decentralized bibliographic database of scientific pa-
pers, reports, documents, journal articles, books, chapters of books and software
products released all over the world. RePec can be called the unified information
space for economic researches on global scale.
Currently RePec is the world's largest online collection of working documents, jour-
nal articles and software products for economics. The databases for organizations and
authors in the field of economics is also collected here. The high demand in such the
project is evidenced by the fact that the users downloaded 441,497 document files and
viewed 1,657,039 annotations in September 2017. In total 97,933,110 files were
downloaded and 393,736,069 annotations were viewed since January 1998.
Thus, we can conclude that in large Western universities, the authors do not provide
complete lists of their publications on their department website pages, but prefer to
represent links in places, where their papers can be viewed completely.

3    Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of using the
information scientific and educational resources

The requirements imposed to the website information content of educational institu-
tions by the Ministry of Education and Science, the Federal Education and Science
Supervision Agency of the Russian Federation have aroused the interest of various
researchers for evaluating their activities based on these data. The approach to the
selection of activities and their indicators in the West differs from the approach
adopted in Russia. The difference of approaches can be explained by the fact that the
scientific research is one of the main activities in foreign educational institutions and
in Russia the educational activities are at the first place.
To eliminate this lack and to increase capabilities of Internet technologies based on
the above mentioned, it is very important to develop the methods for evaluating the
effectiveness of using information scientific and educational resources of higher edu-
cational institutions in the Internet space, taking into account both the requirements
for the information content of educational institutions websites, imposed by the Min-
istry of Education and Science, the Federal Education and Science Supervision Agen-
cy, and their demand in the economics field, the impact on the training quality of
qualified specialists and scientists in educational institutions, the evaluation of web-
sites by webometrics methods, reflecting image and reputation of the higher educa-
tional institution, as well as current trends of providing information services by higher
educational institutions in the form of electronic labor exchanges and trading plat-
forms in the Internet space.
The special studies were conducted by the example of agricultural higher educational
institutions. For that purposes their websites were monitored and analyzed. At that the
specially developed original questionnaire was used at the websites, including the
indicators from the set of requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science, the
Federal Education and Science Supervision Agency of the Russian Federation, as well

as those indicators, reflecting information about developments, publications, consult-
ing activities, regulatory information, distance learning, application program packag-
es, databases, electronic labor exchanges and trading platforms that were not included
in this list. Also the websites were evaluated using webometrics methods.
The questionnaire reflects 214 indicators of the activities of higher educational institu-
tions (122 indicators for evaluating the representation of the higher educational insti-
tution itself, 40 indicators for evaluating the department, 46 indicators for evaluating
the chairs and 6 indicators for overall website evaluation).
When selecting indicators from the set of requirements of the Ministry of Education
and Science of the Russian Federation, the Federal Education and Science Supervi-
sion Agency of the Russian Federation, the focus in studies was on selecting the most
significant indicators of the activities of higher educational institutions, affecting the
achievement of their goals: the training of qualified specialists and scientists, the pro-
duction of scientific products. The indicators, representing the information on devel-
opments, publications, consulting activities, regulatory information, distance learning,
application program packages, databases, are related to primary information scientific
and educational resources.
The information resources, reflecting the requirements of the Ministry of Education
and Science of the Russian Federation, the Federal Education and Science Supervi-
sion Agency of the Russian Federation, selected on the basis of expert examination,
most influencing the achievement of the goals of higher educational institutions, are
called secondary information scientific and educational resources. The indicators,
reflecting information on consulting activities, will be presented in terms of the num-
ber of consultants.
According to modern trends in the field of Internet technologies, when providers
begin providing services of website content storage in database management systems,
the information scientific and educational resources can be stored either in the form of
catalog or in the form of full-format representation (information resource storage
form). On the other hand, it can be stored either in the form of disordered list, or in
the form of ordered representation. The ordered representation provides the ability of
navigation, for example, on the basis of database management systems on thematic
rubrication by the State Rubricator of Scientific and Technical Information and the
All-Russian Classifier of Products, authors, organizations, keywords. The disordered
and ordered representation is called the information resource integration level.
The integral criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of using the information scien-
tific and educational resources of particular educational institution is defined as the
sum of weighted groups (the total sum of weights is equal to 1) of the following par-
ticular criteria: criterion for evaluating the types of information scientific and educa-
tional resources representation, criterion for evaluating the efficiency of using infor-
mation resources by webometrics methods, criterion for evaluating the effectiveness
of using information resources in terms of the state of the electronic trading platform,
criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of using the information resources in terms
of the state of the electronic labor exchange.
The values of weights for indicators of the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of
using the information resources are determined on the basis of expert evaluations

obtained by analyzing various articles of specialists in the educational field [5, 10],
methods for calculating various ratings of educational institutions, questioning teach-
ers of the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural
Academy, as well as the use of appropriate statistical methods.
At that the efficiency is considered as the productivity in achieving the goal in terms
of operation research methods. In our case, the goals of generating information scien-
tific and educational resources are:
- availability of information scientific and educational resources for wide range of
users (applicants, students, teachers, state authority officials, manufacturers, research-
ers, managers, population, etc.);
- variety of forms and qualities of information scientific and educational resources;
- completeness, efficiency and accuracy of the received information;
- comfort and ease of receiving information;
- minimizing costs of design, development and maintenance of information systems.
Mathematical description of the methodology
 i - code of integration level for primary information scientific and educational re-
sources, i  I ;
 l - code of storage form for primary information scientific and educational resources,
 l L ;
 n - code of representation type for primary information scientific and educational
resources, n N ;
j – code of particular criterion for effectiveness evaluation, j  J ;
m – number of higher educational institution, m M ;
s – code of criteria indicator for website evaluation in terms of electronic trading plat-
form, s  S ;
g - code of criteria indicator for website evaluation in terms of electronic labor ex-
change, g  G ;
h - code of indicator for secondary information scientific and educational resources,
 h H ;
Pjm – particular criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of using information scien-
tific and educational resources of the m-th higher educational institution in terms of
the j-th indicator;
 P m – integral criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of using information scien-
tific and educational resources of the m-th higher educational institution;
 i1 – weight of indicator value for level of integrating primary information scientific
and educational resources;
 l2 – weight of indicator value for form of storing primary information scientific and
educational resources;
 n3 – weight of indicator value for the n–th type of representing primary information
scientific and educational resources;

 j – weight of criterion value for evaluating the effectiveness of using information
scientific and educational resources in terms of the j-th indicator;
vimln 0 – volume of information scientific and educational resources of the i-th integra-
tion level, l-th storage form, n–th representation type at the level of the m-th higher
educational institution;
 vfi mln f – volume of information scientific and educational resources of the i-th inte-
gration level, l-th storage form, n–th representation type at the level of the f-th de-
partment of the m-th higher educational institution;
vkimln k – volume of information scientific and educational resources of the i-th inte-
gration level, l-th storage form, n–th representation type at the level of the k-th chair
of the m-th higher educational institution;
imln – value of criteria for evaluating information scientific and educational resources
of the i-th integration level, l-th storage form, n–th representation type of the m-th
higher educational institution;
imln  (vimln 0   vfi lnm f   vkimln k ) / max (vimln 0   vfi lnm f   vkimln k )
                   f             k                             f             k
d   rm - volume of r-th indicator for website evaluation by webometrics methods in the

m-th higher educational institution, r  R ;
qrm  - value of the r-th indicator of criteria for website evaluation by webometrics
methods in the m-th higher educational institution;
 2      2          2
qrm = d rm / max d rm ;

   2
    r- weight of value for the r-the indicator of criteria for website evaluation by
webometrics methods;
d sm  - value for the s-th indicator of criteria for website evaluation in terms of the
state of the electronic trading platform in the m-th higher educational institution;
 s3 - weight of value for the s-th indicator of criteria for website evaluation in terms
of the electronic trading platform;
d gm  - value of the g-th indicator of criteria for website evaluation in terms of the
state of the electronic labor exchange in the m-th higher educational institution;
 g4 - weight of value of the g-th indicator of criteria for website evaluation in terms
of the state of the electronic labor exchange;
d hm  - volume of the h-th indicator for evaluating the efficiency of using secondary
information scientific and educational resources in the m-th educational institution;
 qhm - value of the h-th indicator for evaluating the efficiency of using secondary
information scientific and educational resources in the m-th educational institution;

 5      5          5
qhm = d hm / max d hm ;

   5
    hm - weight of value for the h-th indicator of criteria for evaluating the efficiency of
using secondary information scientific and educational resources in the m-th educa-
tional institution.
 Pm =    j
                                       i ,l ,n
              j Pjm , where P1m  imln i1 l2 n3 , P2m  k2 qkm


P   d
     m        3
                  gm ,   P   d
                          m        4
                                        gm ,     P   q
                                                  m       5 5
                                                          h hm .
          s                   g                       h
The detailed description of all the parameters of the methodology can be found in [5].
The studies have shown that the completeness of websites is still very far from opti-
mal in general. On average the websites contain just over half (55.4%) of all the nec-
essary information. The completeness of indicators, reflecting research activities, is
only 18.3%, which confirms the assumption that the requirements for the websites of
higher educational institutions, imposed by the Ministry of Education and Science, the
Federal Education and Science Supervision Agency, have some underestimation of
the scientific activities of higher educational institutions.
The integral evaluations of the efficiency of using information scientific and educa-
tional resources (maximum possible evaluation according to the method is equal to
one) do not exceed 40% even for the best higher educational institutions (Kuban State
Agrarian University - 39.15%, Orel State Agrarian University - 38.23%, Russian State
Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy - 32.58%, Krasnoyarsk State
Agrarian University - 30.89).

4        Comparison of ratings of higher educational institutions
         based on evaluating the effectiveness of using information
         scientific and educational resources with regional ratings

The following regional ratings are used for comparison with ratings of higher educa-
tional institutions: rating of social and economic development, rating of regional sub-
sidy assistance by the Ministry of Agriculture, rating of agricultural production effi-
ciency in the regions, rating of regional governors efficiency, rating of regional sci-
ence development. To establish the relationship between the ratings given above, we
use two the most well-known methods.
The first relates to the calculation of pair-wise relationships between Spearman's cor-
relation ranks or coefficients [11]. The calculations showed that only for the rating of
subsidy assistance and rating of agricultural production efficiency in regions the val-
ues of the Spearman’s correlation coefficient indicate the moderate relationship and
they are statistically significant with probability of <1% with ratings of higher educa-
tional institutions.
The second method is the calculation of the Kendall’s concordance coefficient. This
coefficient characterizes the degree of rankings proximity (in this case, the regional

ratings). The value of Kendall's concordance coefficient W  0.32 indicates low
degree of consistency between the ratings presented in the list.

5      Conclusions

5.1 The transition to the platform of the unified Internet information space of scien-
tific and educational resources of the country is one of high priority tasks in terms of
the transition to the digital economics. It will significantly (by tens of times) reduce
the costs of developing, implementing and maintaining information systems in sci-
ence and education field.
5.2 The proposed platform will be the powerful tool for bringing the most effective
innovative solutions to the economics. When recording publications, developments
and other types of knowledge representation on the websites of research institutions
and higher educational institutions, they will be automatically placed in other data-
bases. This work would be greatly simplified at transition of all these organizations
websites to the standard form.

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