RIFs as the Formal Tool of Measuring Similarity between Sets Adam Grabowski Institute of Informatics, University of Bialystok Konstantego Ciolkowskiego 1M, 15-245 Bialystok, Poland adam@math.uwb.edu.pl Abstract. In my paper, I will present some results towards the formal- ization of Rough Inclusion Functions (RIFs) and their complementary mappings using the Mizar system. Following the lines established by Anna Gomolińska, we reuse the notions which are already present in the Mizar Mathematical Library, in the theory of metric spaces, in order to establish the connections between the theory of such metrics and the theory of rough sets. Keywords: rough approximation, formalization of mathematics, Mizar Mathematical Library 1 Motivation Rough sets discovered by Z. Pawlak [15] are a tool for knowledge discovery and modelling under imperfect information; this is especially the case nowa- days, where we often face large databases of information gathered from various sources. Knowledge discovery by means of computerized tools seems to be im- portant taking into account the amount of available information. Similar tools can be used in order to check of verify the correctness of mathematical theorems expressed in artificial (but still close to the the natural) language understandable for computers. Rough Inclusion Functions (RIFs for short) establish the connection between classical set theory and theory of rough sets. Their quantitative nature shows its feasibility in large databases; on the other hand such a view is also elegant from the mathematical point of view for the theory of rough sets, at the same time opening paths of further research – based on this single predicate one can build the whole theory, as it was done in the case of Leśniewski mereology. As the proof assistant used to formalize the theory we have chosen the Mizar system, relatively well-known system based on classical logic, together with its repository of texts formally verified by computer – the Mizar Mathematical Library (MML). At Concurrency Specification & Programming Workshop 2018 we presented the faithful translation of Gomolińska’s paper [4] on rough inclusion 1 Copyright c 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Com- mons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). functions. This time, extending the view presented in [4] and exploring the ideas from [3], we focus rather on the reuse of existing fields already present in the Mizar repository, namely complementary mappings, metric spaces, and similarity measures between subsets. In our formal approach to rough approximations, our choice was to have indiscernibility relation ρ defined as a binary relation on a non-empty universe U . Essentially then, this corresponds to an abstract relational structure R = hU, ρi with all properties credited to the internal relation of R. At the very beginning, we do not assume any of standard properties of approximations (or tolerances) added to the type of ρ, although we introduce two basic Mizar types, called Approximation_Space and Tolerance_Space, to have them available in the Mizar Mathematical Library. More thorough discussion on this development is given in [10]. Our core testing scenario for the formalization process was that, starting with the mapping complementary to rough inclusion function κ1 , we can obtain an instance of the Marczewski-Steinhaus metric (or, more generally, we can auto- matically discover metric properties of defined operators). Namely, for subsets X, Y of the non-empty universe U , we can define the operator δ1 as (see [3]) δ1 (X, Y ) = κ̄1 (X, Y ) + κ̄1 (Y, X). Essentially then, we have to build a path from approximation spaces on U to the theory of metric (or metrizable) spaces, where we can already find some well-known distance operators. In order to achieve this goal, a list of certain formalized notions should be available at hand. 2 Rough Inclusion Functions In this section, we will briefly sketch the content of the Mizar formalization [11] collected in the file under MML identifier ROUGHIF11 . For a given universe U , rough inclusion functions (RIFs for short) are the mappings κ from ℘U × ℘U into unit interval which satisfy two properties: rif1 (κ) ⇔ ∀X,Y ⊆U (κ(X, Y ) = 1 ⇔ X ⊆ Y ) rif2 (κ) ⇔ ∀X,Y,Z⊆U (Y ⊆ Z ⇒ κ(X, Y ) ≤ κ(X, Z)) These two characteristic properties were introduced in Mizar as attributes satisfying_RIF1 and satisfying_RIF2. For example, the first property is as follows: 1 The development is available at http://mizar.uwb.edu.pl/library/roughif1/ definition let R be non empty RelStr; let f be preRIF of R; attr f is satisfying_RIF1 means for X,Y being Subset of R holds f.(X,Y) = 1 iff X c= Y; end; The classical example of a RIF is the standard RIF, κ, defined formally in two steps. Firstly, the Mizar functor kappa is defined for two subsets of an approximation space (frankly, it was defined more generally): definition let R be finite Approximation_Space; let X,Y be Subset of R; func kappa (X,Y) -> Element of [.0,1.] equals card (X /\ Y) / card X if X <> {} otherwise 1; correctness; end; Then we can define appropriate mapping pointwise as definition let R be finite Approximation_Space; func kappa R -> Function of [:bool the carrier of R, bool the carrier of R:], [.0,1.] means for x,y being Subset of R holds it.(x,y) = kappa (x,y); end; To assure the automatic understanding that such defined kappa has the needed properties of RIF, the registration of a cluster is formulated and proved. registration let R be finite Approximation_Space; cluster kappa R -> satisfying_RIF1 satisfying_RIF2; coherence; end; Practically, all the content of a paper [4] devoted to RIFs is formalized al- ready. 3 Complementary Mappings Having defined rough inclusion function, we can go on with the modification of this operator, using methods known from fuzzy set theory (as fuzzy implication operators or triangular norms or conorms in FUZIMPL1 or FUZNORM1). With any mapping f : ℘U × ℘U → [0, 1] we can associate a complementary mapping f¯ : ℘U × ℘U → [0, 1] as f¯(X, Y ) = 1 − f (X, Y ). Mizar version of the above is introduced as definition let R be finite Approximation_Space; let f be preRoughInclusionFunction of R; func CMap f -> preRoughInclusionFunction of R means for x,y being Subset of R holds it.(x,y) = 1 - f.(x,y); correctness; end; Using this definition, we can, e.g. the following: theorem PropEx3k: X <> {} implies (CMap kappa R).(X,Y) = card (X \ Y) / card X proof assume A1: X <> {}; X \ Y = X \ (X /\ Y) by XBOOLE_1:47; then T1: card (X \ Y) = card X - card (X /\ Y) by XBOOLE_1:17,CARD_2:44; (CMap kappa R).(X,Y) = 1 - (kappa R).(X,Y) by CDef .= 1 - kappa (X,Y) by ROUGHIF1:def 2 .= 1 - card (X /\ Y) / card X by A1,ROUGHIF1:def 1 .= (card X / card X) - card (X /\ Y) / card X by A1,XCMPLX_1:60 .= card (X \ Y) / card X by T1,XCMPLX_1:120; hence thesis; end; In order to shorten the notations, and to enhance the formulation of cor- responding properties, we introduced also the attribute co-RIF-like, stating that for every RIF f , the mapping complementary to f is again rough inclu- sion function. Obviously, every CMap f for arbitrary f , which is a RIF, has this property. Independently, we can prove the following analogon of Proposition 6a): theorem Prop6a: :: Proposition 6 a) for kap being RIF of R holds (CMap kap).(X,Y) = 0 iff X c= Y; In similar manner, we completed the whole Proposition 6 from [4]. 4 Metric Spaces Even if the repository of Mizar texts strongly depend on Tarski-Grothendieck set theory, which is roughly equivalent with Zermelo-Fraenkel with the Axiom of Choice, so-called structures are important element of the language, especially useful to define abstract algebraic structures. Metric spaces are excellent example of such a construction: we start with arbitrary set U and a real function from the Cartesian square of U . definition struct (1-sorted) MetrStruct (# carrier -> set, distance -> Function of [:the carrier,the carrier:],REAL #); end; Additional adjectives of the distance function correspond to standard prop- erties defining distance operators. For example, triangle means the following: definition let A be set; let f be PartFunc of [:A,A:], REAL; attr f is triangle means for a, b, c being Element of A holds f.(a,c) <= f.(a,b) + f.(b,c); end; Following these lines, the theory of metric spaces is build upon the Mizar type MetrSpace: definition mode MetrSpace is Reflexive discerning symmetric triangle MetrStruct; end; That is, metric spaces are structures MetrStruct under the aassumption that distance satisfies ordinary properties of the distance function. 5 Similarity Measures between Subsets Additionally, some preparatory work was started to bridge the gap between the theory of (abstract) metric spaces, concrete metrics defined to measure the distance between the subsets. I focus on the Hausdorff distance which was defined by me in the Mizar article HAUSDORF available in the Mizar Mathematical Library as the following2 : definition let M be non empty MetrSpace, P, Q be Subset of TopSpaceMetr M; func HausDist (P, Q) -> Real equals :: HAUSDORF:def 1 max ( max_dist_min (P, Q), max_dist_min (Q, P) ); commutativity; end; Such quite complicated definition using an auxiliary functor max_dist_min introduced previously allows me to show the ordinary metric-like properties of the above, e.g. the triangle inequality (so, it states that HausDist is triangle): 2 All item from MML can be tracked via its MML identifier at http://mizar.org/ version/current/html/ theorem :: HAUSDORF:38 for M being non empty MetrSpace, P, Q, R being non empty Subset of TopSpaceMetr M st P is compact & Q is compact & R is compact holds HausDist (P, R) <= HausDist (P, Q) + HausDist (Q, R); In order to show some rough set-specific connections, we defined relatively well-known Jaccard distance, starting with the number showing the similarity between subsets of arbitrary finite 1-sorted structure: definition let R be finite 1-sorted; let A, B be Subset of R; func JaccardIndex (A,B) -> Element of [.0,1.] equals :JacInd: card (A /\ B) / card (A \/ B) if A \/ B <> {} otherwise 1; correctness; end; Using this functor, and previously formalizing its basic properties, we can conclude with the definition of Jaccard function: definition let R be finite 1-sorted; func JaccardDistance R -> Function of [:bool the carrier of R, bool the carrier of R:], REAL means :JacDef: for A, B being Subset of R holds it.(A,B) = 1 - JaccardIndex (A,B); correctness; end; Some other distance operators are present in the MML, e.g. in the article METRIC_3. In the case of Jaccard distance, first three adjectives are rather sim- ple to show (that it is Reflexive, discerning, and symmetric). To prove the remaining one, first we constructed δ1 from Section 1, in a straightforward way: definition let R; func delta_1 R -> preRIF of R means :Delta1: for x,y being Subset of R holds it.(x,y) = (CMap kappa_1 R).(x,y) + (CMap kappa_1 R).(y,x); correctness; end; Finally, we can show that such defined δ1 and JaccardDistance coincide, and hence, as the earlier is a distance (and satisfies the triangle inequality), so is the latter. theorem for A, B being Subset of R holds (JaccardDistance R).(A,B) = (delta_1 R).(A,B); Although the formal proof in arbitrary setting is quite complex, our version, using the proven correspondence with rough sets, is immediate. registration let R be finite 1-sorted; cluster JaccardDistance R -> triangle; coherence; end; Having all these formal notions at hand, our future work will be to discover automatically possible connections between these topics, as suggested in [3]. 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