=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2572/paper17 |storemode=property |title=Learning Analysis Patterns using a Contextual Edit Distance |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2572/paper17.pdf |volume=Vol-2572 |authors=Clément Moreau,Verónika Peralta,Patrick Marcel,Alexandre Chanson,Thomas Devogele |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/dolap/MoreauPMD20 }} ==Learning Analysis Patterns using a Contextual Edit Distance== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2572/paper17.pdf
    Learning Analysis Patterns using a Contextual Edit Distance
     Clement Moreau, Veronika Peralta, Patrick Marcel, Alexandre Chanson and Thomas Devogele
                                                                       University of Tours
                                                                           Blois, France
ABSTRACT                                                                                 and are not appropriate to evaluate modern IDE systems [9].
This paper presents a proposal for learning users’ behavior pat-                         Identifying analysis patterns would allow to better model user’s
terns when they interactively analyse data. Users’ explorations                          explorations and mimic such activities in benchmark workloads.
(sequences of queries) are compared looking for subsequences                             Finally, we mention the detection of clandestine intentions [1]
of common actions or operations performed by the users dur-                              as another potential benefit. Indeed, as reported by [1], query se-
ing data analysis. We use a hierarchical clustering algorithm to                         quences may reflect such intentions, where users prefer to obtain
retrieve groups of similar explorations. The main difficulty is                          information by means of sequences of smaller, less conspicuous
to devise a similarity measure suitable to measure similarities                          queries to avoid direct queries which may disclose their true
between sequences of human actions. We propose to use a Con-                             interests. The identification of typical analysis patterns may help
textual Edit Distance (CED), a generalization of Edit Distance that                      distinguishing normal from clandestine intentions.
manages context-dependent edition costs. CED compares two                                   In this paper we deal with the identification of analysis pat-
users’ explorations, making special emphasis in the similarity of                        terns in a log of explorations devised by real users. We consider
queries with nearby queries in the exploration, which determines                         that an exploration is a coherent sequence of queries over a
a local context. We test our approach on three workloads of real                         database schema, done by a user with the goal of fulfilling an
users’ explorations, extracting common analysis patterns, both                           information need. In [19], Rizzi and Gallinucci described 4 re-
in explorations devised by students and expert analysts. We also                         current types of user analyses and propose a tool for generating
experiment on an artificial workload, generated with CubeLoad                            realistic explorations based on these usage types. Our goal is to
[19], showing that our approach is able to identify the patterns                         go a step forward and learn more analysis patterns from the ex-
imposed by the generator. To the best of our knowledge, this                             plorations of real users. Concretely, we aim to cluster together
is the first attempt to characterize human analysis behavior in                          explorations showing similar analysis patterns. The idea
workloads of data explorations.                                                          behind analysis patterns is to look for sequences of common
                                                                                         actions or operations performed together when analysing data,
                                                                                         as some kind of movements in a data space. From this point of
1     INTRODUCTION                                                                       view, OLAP operations (e.g. drilling down, adding a filter, chang-
Analyzing a database workload offers many practical interests,                           ing a measure) are first class citizens, while the actual analyzed
from the monitoring of database physical access structures [5]                           data is less important. For example, we can retain that a user
to the generation of user-tailored collaborative query recommen-                         performed a sequence of drills down, disregarding the dimension
dations for interactive exploration [10]. There has been much                            that was drilled down or the semantics of the underlying data.
attention lately devoted to the analysis of user past activities                         Explorations can be compared in such terms, i.e. to what extent
to support Interactive Database Exploration (IDE) [12]. OLAP                             they share the same sequences of operations and evolve at the
analysis is a particular case of IDE, that takes advantage of simple                     same level of aggregation and filtering.
primitives like drill-down or slice-and-dice for the navigation of                          Many distances proposed to compare sequences, for example
multidimensional data. These particularities enable the design of                        the Damerau-Levenshtein distance [6] or the Smith-Watermann
approaches for characterizing user explorations in how focused                           algorithm [21], part of Edit Distance family, count the mini-
they are [8], in how contributive a query is to the exploration [7],                     mum number of operations (modification, addition, deletion)
or even in how to ensure that a sequence of analytical queries                           required to transform one sequence into the other. They are
forms a coherent exploration [20]. Characterising user behavior                          particularly adapted for sequences of independent symbols, as
while analysing data, i.e. learning the way users analyse data (the                      DNA sequences or strings. However, when symbols represent
type and order of operations, the level of detail, the degree of                         human behavior, including homogeneous, interconnected and
focus) is a step forward in the understanding of analysis activities.                    repetitive actions, an appropriate distance should satisfy other
   Identifying analysis behavior has several applications. The                           requirements. In particular, we want the following requirements:
more natural one is a better support of IDE, for instance to under-
stand users’ information needs, to identify "struggling" during                           (R 1 ) edition cost depends on the similarity of nearby symbols.
the exploration, or to provide better query recommendations.                              (R 2 ) edition of repeated close symbols has little cost.
Notably, IDE systems usually do not offer such facilities. The pre-                       (R 3 ) permutation of close symbols has little cost.
diction of next analysis steps is particularly interesting, enabling                        Indeed, while edition cost is constant in classical Edit Distance,
beforehand execution of probable queries and caching of results,                         for comparing interconnected actions, it should take context (i.e.
as well as advanced optimization strategies. Another benefit is                          the nearby actions) into account. For example, removing a mea-
the design of more realistic workloads for database benchmark-                           sure should be costly within a focused sequence of drills down
ing. Classical benchmarks like TPC-H or TPC-DS poorly include                            and filters, while it should be cheaper inside a sequence with
interactive exploration activities in their synthetic workloads,                         other changes in measures. In addition, sequences of filters should
© Copyright 2020 for this paper held by its author(s). Published in the proceedings of   be similar, no matter how many filters there are. Furthermore,
DOLAP 2020 (March 30, 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, co-located with EDBT/ICDT               permuting operations should have little impact, e.g. filtering and
2020) on CEUR-WS.org. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution
4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).                                                           then drilling vs. drilling then filtering.
      Previous attempts made for measuring the similarity of se-                                                        • Slice All. Users are sometimes interested in navigating a
   quences of OLAP queries (like e.g. [3], that extends the Smith-                                                        cube by slices, i.e., repeatedly running the same query but
   Watermann algorithmm) were not designed to satisfy the stated                                                          with different selection predicates. Then, this templates
   requirements. We propose a Contextual Edit Distance (CED)                                                              generates sequences of unfilter/filter operations.
   specially designed to satisfy them.                                                                                  • Exploratory. The motivation for this template is the as-
      Our contributions, sketched in Figure 1 include: (i) a represen-                                                    sumption that several users, while exploring the cube in
   tation of queries and explorations in the space of OLAP opera-                                                         search of significant correlations, will be “attracted” by one
   tions, including a similarity function among OLAP operations                                                           surprising query and then evolve casually. So, explorations
   in such space (described in Section 3), (ii) a CED for comparing                                                       based on this template contain varied random operations.
   explorations considering context (Section 4), (iii) a proposal for                                                   • Goal Oriented. Explorations of this type are run by users
   clustering explorations, based on CED (Section 5), and (iv) a set                                                      who have a specific analysis goal, but whose OLAP skills
   of experiments showing that CED outperforms state of the art                                                           are limited so they may follow a complex path to reach
   distances allowing the learning of analysis behavior in varied                                                         their destination. Explorations of this template contain
   logs of explorations (Section 6).                                                                                      varied operations but converging to some specific point.
                                                                                                                      Other works analyse real workloads and observe tendences
    2                          RELATED WORK
                                                                                                                  or patterns. Aligon et al. [2] analyse a workload of explorations
   The recurrent types of user analyses described by Rizzi and                                                    devised by master students and observe some general tendence.
   Gallinucci [19] are the first attempt to define analysis patterns in                                           They report the number of OLAP operations used between two
   OLAP workloads. Authors claim that obtaining real OLAP work-                                                   consecutive queries, the level of detail and the number of filters
   loads by monitoring the queries actually issued in companies                                                   of queries in the explorations, as well as the queries indicated
   and organizations is hard, and propose a parametric generator                                                  as relevant by the students. As general behavior, they highlight
   of OLAP workloads, CubeLoad, based on a four templates that                                                    that explorations are more focused at the end (i.e. the number of
   model recurrent types of user analyses:                                                                        filters and level of detail increase along the exploration, while the
         • Slice And Drill. Following the default behavior of several                                             number of OLAP operations between consecutive queries varies
            OLAP front-ends, hierarchies are progressively navigated                                              before a final drop at the end of the exploration) and contain
            by choosing a member of a current group-by level, cre-                                                more relevant queries at the end. The term focus is used as in [8]:
            ating a selection predicate on such member and drilling                                               “When focused, an analyst would expect more precise queries,
            down on it. Therefore, explorations of this template con-                                             related to what she is currently analyzing. On the contrary, when
Base de trajectoires        Base
            tain sequences of     de and
                              filter trajectoires
                                          drill-down operations.                                                  exploring the data, the analyst would prefer more diverse queries,
spatio-temporelles                                        riche sémantiquement                                   for a better data space coverage." Djedaini et al. [7] analyse an-
                                    A                                                                             other workload of explorations of master students and propose a
                           T     e1 = hq1 , q2 , ..., qm i
                                 e2 = hq1 , q2 , ..., qn i
                                                                    TS                                            model for learning the quality of an exploration (and the skill of
                                                                                                                  the user) based on a set of query features.
                                  .                                                 d : Q ⇤ ⇥ Q ⇤ ! R+                To our knowledge, our work is the first devoted to discover
                               Métrique de comparaison sur
                                     = hq1 , q2 , ...,
                                les                    qp i
                                                  sémantiques                    S ⇥ onT S ! R+
                                                                            d : TMeasure                          exploration patterns in OLAP workloads.
                                                                                                            (b)       Many recent works aimed at comparing queries and sessions.
                                                                               exploration sessions
                                 Exploration sessions                                                             We mention as good recent surveys [3] for OLAP queries and
                                      {e1 , e2 , ..., ek } ✓ Q⇤
                                                                                                                  explorations, and [4] for SQL queries.
                                                                                                                      Aligon et al. [3] also proposes two similarity measures: one
                     Partitionnement -
Regroupement des trajectoiresHierarchical
                              en motifs                                                                           tailored for OLAP queries and another tailored for OLAP sessions.
          de comportements clustering
                              similaires                                                                          Their measures were designed for satisfying other requirements,
                                                                  (c)                                             in particular capturing the portions of the cube that are more
                                                                                                                  explored for improving query recommendation. Consequently,
                                                                                                                  similarity measures are based on common query parts (e.g. filters
                                  2                   1                                                           and measures) more than common operations, and are strongly
     selection predicate

                                                                  …                                               dependent on cube schema. To our knowledge, no similarity
                                                                                 Synthèse des motifs issus
                                                                                                                  already proposed in the literature for comparing explorations
                                      4                                 1                                         includes the requirements presented in the previous section.
                               sclice and drill
                                                                                 des partitions
                                                                  sclice all
                                 group by                     2                    …
                                            3                                                                     3     EXPLORATION MODEL
                                                                                             User behavior
                                                                                          for data exploration    This section introduces the description of queries and explo-
                                                                                                                  rations used all along the paper as well as their representation in
                                                                                                                  a space of OLAP operations.
                                  exploratory                 goal oriented

                                                                                                                  3.1     Queries and explorations
    Figure 1: Overview of the approach: (a) explorations and                                                      In order to keep the formalism simple, we only take into account
    queries are represented in a space of OLAP operations, (b)                                                    cubes under a ROLAP perspective, described by a star schema
    computation of CED, (c) clustering of explorations based                                                      [14]. For convenience, we consider that a dimension consists of
    on CED, (d) extraction of patterns of user behavior (here,                                                    a unique hierarchy without branches, i.e., consisting of chains
    represented as the patterns of Cubeload).                                                                     of levels. In this paper, we focus on multidimensional queries
modeled as a collection of fragments extracted from the query                            Feature Description
expression, as in [3].                                                                   NAL       Number of added levels
                                                                                         NDL       Number of deleted levels
   Definition 3.1 (OLAP query). An OLAP query over cube schema                           NAF       Number of added filters
S is a triple q = ⟨G, P, M⟩ where:                                                       NDF       Number of deleted filters
   (1) G = {д1, . . . , дj } is the query group-by set, each дi being                    NAM       Number of added measures
       a level of a hierarchy of the cube;                                               NDM       Number of deleted measures
   (2) P = {p1, . . . , pk } is a set of Boolean predicates, of the form                 Adepth    Aggregation depth
       l = v, with l a level and v a value. Compound predicates                          Fdepth    Filter depth
       are build as the disjunction of predicates on a same level                               Table 1: Query features
       (l), at most one for each hierarchy, whose conjunction
       defines the selection predicate for q;
   (3) M = {m 1, . . . , ml } is the measure set whose values are
       returned by q.                                                         Number of Deleted Filters. N DF (qk , qk−1 ) counts the number
                                                                           of filters of qk−1 that are not longer used in qk .
   We intentionally remain independent of presentation and op-
                                                                                                N DF (qk , qk−1 ) = |Pk −1 − Pk |                      (4)
timization aspects, specially the order in which attributes are
projected (and visualized), the order of joins, etc.                         Number of Added Measures. N AM(qk , qk −1 ) counts the num-
   Finally, an exploration is a coherent sequence of queries over          ber of measures of qk that were not measures of qk −1 .
a cube schema, devised by a user with the goal of fulfilling an                                N AM(qk , qk −1 ) = |Mk − Mk −1 |                       (5)
information need that may not be well defined initially.
                                                                             Number of Deleted Measures. N DM(qk , qk −1 ) counts the num-
   Definition 3.2 (Exploration). Let S be a cube schema. An ex-            ber of measures of qk −1 that are not longer used in qk .
ploration e = ⟨q 1, . . . , qp ⟩ is a sequence of queries over S. We
                                                                                               N DM(qk , qk −1 ) = |Mk −1 − Mk |
note q ∈ e if q appears in the exploration e, and exploration(q)                                                                                       (6)
to refer to the explorations where q appears.                                 Aggregation Depth. Adepth(qk ) measures the granularity of
                                                                           qk in terms of the depth of each level in its hierarchy. It can
3.2    Query features                                                      be seen as the number of drills down necessaries for obtaining
For each query, we extract a set of simple features computed from          G k from the most aggregated group-by set. Let depth(дi ) be the
the query text and its relationship with previous query in an ex-          depth of level дi in the hierarchy hi to which it belongs (ranging
ploration. The set of features is inspired from our previous works         from 0 if дi is the top level of hi to |hi | − 1 if дi is the bottom
[7, 8]. It intends to capture various aspects of OLAP navigation,          level of hi ):                    Õ
in particular the set of OLAP operations that express one query                              Adepth(qk ) =         depth(дi )                 (7)
w.r.t. the previous one (e.g. a query being a drill down of the                                                   дi ∈G k
previous one), the level of aggregation (i.e. how deep the query              Filter Depth. Fdepth(qk ) measures the number of filters ap-
is in the aggregation lattice) and the level of filtering (i.e. how        pearing in qk .
filtered is the data space). Table 1 presents an overview of the                                   Fdepth(qk ) = |Pk |                     (8)
features, where added (resp., deleted) indicates the modification
                                                                              In what follows, we represent an OLAP query in the space
made compared to the previous query.
                                                                           of query features, i.e. as a 8-dimensional vector, each position
    For the following definitions let qk = ⟨G k , Pk , Mk ⟩ be the
                                                                           corresponding to one of the features described above. This rep-
query occurring at position k in the exploration e over cube
                                                                           resentation is at the core of our proposal for computing the
schema S. All the queries we considered are supposed to be
                                                                           similarity between queries and then between explorations. It
well formed, and so we do not deal with query errors. Features
                                                                           focuses in operations between queries and is independent of the
are computed comparing the query qk to the previous query
                                                                           underlying data cube, i.e. a given sequence of operations, even
in the exploration e, qk−1 = ⟨G k −1, Pk −1, Mk −1 ⟩. For the first
                                                                           on different data cubes, will result in the same sequence of query
query of e, i.e. q 1 , we consider as predecessor the "empty" query
q 0 = ⟨∅, ∅, ∅⟩. All the following features are defined for k ≥ 1.
                                                                               Example 1. Consider an exploration e 1 composed of 4 queries:
   Number of Added Levels. N AL(qk , qk −1 ) counts the number of          q 1 = ⟨{year }, ∅, {qty}⟩ – sales quantity per year;
levels in the group by set of qk that were not part of the group           q 2 = ⟨{year }, {year = “2019”}, {qty}⟩ – adds a filter;
by set of qk−1 .                                                           q 3 = ⟨{year, country}, ∅, {qty}⟩ – unfilter, drill-down;
                  N AL(qk , qk −1 ) = |G k − G k −1 |                (1)   q 4 = ⟨{year, city}, ∅, {qty, amount }⟩ – drill-down, adds measure;
                                                                           Vector for q 1 , ⟨1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0⟩, indicates an added level (year)
   Number of Deleted Levels. N DL(qk , qk−1 ) counts the number            and an added measure (qty) w.r.t. the empty query; last positions
of levels in the group by set of qk −1 that are not longer used in         correspond to aggregation and filter depths. Vectors for q 2, q 3 and q 4
qk .                                                                       indicate the differences w.r.t. previous queries and the changes in ag-
                  N DL(qk , qk −1 ) = |G k −1 − G k |          (2)         gregation and filter depths: ⟨0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1⟩, ⟨1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0⟩,
                                                                           ⟨1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0⟩, resp.
   Number of Added Filters. N AF (qk , qk −1 ) counts the number
                                                                              Finally, we use cosine similarity for computing similarity be-
of filters of qk that were not filters of qk −1 .
                                                                           tween queries. This measure is adapted to compute similarity of
                   N AF (qk , qk−1 ) = |Pk − Pk −1 |                 (3)   two vectors and is normalized in [0, 1]. In this way, it privileges
                                                                           the nature of OLAP operations and not their number.
4     CONTEXTUAL EDIT DISTANCE                                               • add : (e, q x , k) 7→ q 1, ..., qk−1, q x , qk , ..., qn
This section describes our proposal of Contextual Edit Distance:               Insert query q x at index k. The queries at and after index
definition and implementation issues.                                          k are shifted forward.
   CED is a generalization of the Edit Distance that incorporates            • del : (e, ε, k) 7→ q 1, ..., qk −1, qk +1, ..., qn
the following requirements:                                                    Delete the query at position k. The queries after position
                                                                               k are shifted backward.
    (1) Context-dependent cost: Edition cost depends on the simi-
        larity of nearby queries. The more similar and closer the           Given an operation o(e, q x , k), a context vector is a numeric
        queries, the lower the cost of operation.                        vector that indicates the level of influence of nearby queries for
    (2) Repetition: Edition of repeated close queries has low cost.      this operation, being stronger near index k and softening farther.
    (3) Permutation: Similar and close queries can be exchanged          We use the context vector for weighting the similarity between
        with a low cost.                                                 queries. Intuitively, the context vector quantifies the relationship
                                                                         between a query q x and another query qi . Thus, the greater vi ,
    Example 2. Consider an exploration reflecting an exploratory
                                                                         the greater the impact of query qi on q x . A seed function is used
behavior at the beginning (many changes in measures and group by
                                                                         to generate context vectors.
set) and more focus at the end (drilling and filtering). We can sketch
it as follows (where L, F and M means level, filter and measure,            Definition 4.2 (Context function and context vector). Consider
+ means addition and - means deletion; we skip aggregation and           a contextual edit operation o(e, q x , k) and a seed function fk :
filter depth for simplicity):                                            N → [0, 1] which holds the following properties:
⟨ +D+M, +M, +M, +D, +M-M, -M+D, -D+D, +F+D, +F+D, +F, +F ⟩.                 (1) fk (k) = 1.
    Consider the insertion of a query adding an additional measure          (2) fk is a monotonically increasing function on ] − ∞, k].
(+M). The edition cost should be low if the query is inserted at the        (3) fk is symmetrically centered on k.
beginning (as it is similar to near queries), even lower at positions
                                                                         The third property guarantees to take with the same importance
2 to 4 (because repeating the same operations), but high at the end.
                                                                         previous and future queries located at equal distance from qk .
   This requirements ensure that explorations reflecting a given            A context function φo : N∗ → [0, 1] is a transformation of fk
pattern (e.g. sequences of drill-downs) are judged to be very            stretching the function according to the type of operation o. We
similar no matter the exploration length (i.e. how many drill-           distinguish three cases for o in {mod, add, del}:
downs) nor the underlying data (which data was drilled-down).                • φ mod (x) = (
                                                                                           fk (x)
   We remark that although this paper deals with explorations,                               f (x + 1)        if x ≤ k − 1
CED definition and properties are independent on the type of                 • φ add (x) = k
                                                                                             fk (x)           if x ≥ k
explorations, the type of queries and even the nature of data. In-
deed, CED can be adapted to any type of sequence on an alphabet                             fk (x + 1)
                                                                                                             if x ≤ k − 1
                                                                             • φ del (x) = 0
of symbols provided that exists a similarity metric among them.                                               if x = k
                                                                                            fk (x − 1)       if x ≥ k + 1
4.1      Definition of Contextual Edit Distance
                                                                         Finally, a context vector v : O → [0, 1]n is defined as
The main contribution of CED is the modification of the cost
function γ which generalizes the classical definition of Edit Dis-                                 v(o) = ⟨v 1, . . . , vn ⟩
tance and takes into account the local context of each query in          where vi = φo (i).
the exploration. Intuitively, the cost of an edit operation will
be lower if the edited query (e.g. a query to be added to an ex-            About add and del contextual vector functions:
ploration) is similar to nearby queries (e.g. the queries that are           • For an insertion add : (e, q x , k), query qk −1 and qk are
near the position where the query is added). This notion of local              fully taken into account for the addition of q x in e because
context is modeled as a context vector, which controls the zone of             we insert q x between index k − 1 and k i.e. φ add (k − 1) = 1
influence of the context. This subsection presents these concepts              and φ add (k) = 1.
and a formal definition of CED.                                              • For a deletion del : (e, ε, k), the absence of the query
   Let Q be the set of all possible queries over a cube schema S               qk in e is quantified in relation to the remaining of e i.e.
and Q ∗ the set of all possible explorations on Q. For the following           φ del (k) = 0.
definitions, let e = ⟨q 1, ..., qn ⟩ be an exploration, qk be a query
in e, 1 ≤ k ≤ n, and q x be a new query to be edited in e. These                                                                   2
                                                                                                                              1 x −4
                                                                                                                           ( 2( 2 ))
                                                                                                                   f4 = exp −
notations are partially adapted from the formal language theory
community and particularly from [22].
   CED extends the set of edit operations of Edit Distance (usually
modification, addition, deletion) to take context into account.
                                                                                                            o = 𝚊𝚍𝚍 : (e, q x,4)
   Definition 4.1 (Contextual edit operation). A contextual edit
operation o is a function o : (Q ∗ × Q ∪ {ε} × N) → Q ∗ whose
arguments are an exploration, a new query to be included in the
                                                                                      q1          q2          q3           q4
exploration (or none) and the index (position) in the exploration                     |                {z                    }

where the edition takes place. We consider the following set                                            e
O = {mod, add, del} of edit operations:
                                                                              Figure 2: Add a new query q x in position 4 in e.
      • mod : (e, q x , k) 7→ q 1, ..., qk −1, q x , qk +1, ..., qn
        Replace the query at index k by the query q x .
   Example 3. Consider the operation o = add(e, q x , 4), adding                  Definition 4.5 (One-sided Contextual Edit Distance). Let d˜C ED :
a query at index 4 of an exploration. Figure 2 illustrates the com-            Q ∗ × Q ∗ → R+ be the Contextual Edit Distance from e               1 to e 2
putation of φ add (plotted in blue) from a given seed function (in             such that:
red). The corresponding context vector is v(o) = ⟨0.61, 0.88, 1, 1⟩. It                                                           
                                                                                                                                  Õ|P |         
                                                                                             d˜C ED (e 1, e 2 ) = min                    γ (oi )
                                                                                                                                                
indicates that the similarity score of queries at indexes 3 and 4 is                                                                                  (10)
fully considered (weight of 1) while a lower score is considered for                                             P ∈ P(e 1 ,e 2 ) 
                                                                                                                                   i=1          
                                                                                                                                                
query at index 1.
                                                                                  In this form, CED would be very similar to Hausdorff distance
   The cost function γ of CED generalizes the classical definition             [11], but would remain asymmetric. This is why we use the same
of Edit Distance and takes into account the local context of each              trick as Hausdorff distance and we apply the max operator on
query in the exploration.                                                      each one-sided contextual edit distance to recover the symmetry.

   Definition 4.3 (Cost function γ ). Given an operation o(e, q x , k),           Definition 4.6 (Contextual Edit Distance). Let dC ED                    : Q∗ ×
a cost function γ : O → [0, 1] for the contextual edit operations              Q ∗ → R+ be the Contextual Edit Distance such that:
                                                                                                              n                                       o
is defined as:                                                                         dC ED (e 1, e 2 ) = max d˜C ED (e 1, e 2 ), d˜C ED (e 2, e 1 )       (11)
   γ (o) = α × δ (o)+
                                                                             4.2     Implementation of CED
                    (1 − α) 1 − max {sim(qi , q x ) × vi (o)}           (9)    We can compute dC ED using a Dynamic Programming approach
                                  i ∈[[1,n]]
                                                                               like the classical Edit Distance [22]. This solution has a polyno-
where:                                                                         mial complexity in O(n × p) and can be adapted easily for the
     • α ∈ [0, 1] is a contextual parameter.                                   computation of CED.
       If α → 0 the contextual part is maximal and therefore the                  Algorithm 1 computes the context vector and the cost function
       distance between two queries will be strongly evaluated                 (as in Equation 9). Note that φo : N∗ → [0, 1] and α ∈ [0, 1] are
       according to the content of the exploration being edited ;              fixed parameters and operator · represents vector concatenation.
       if α → (1 then cost of edition is fixed.                                Algorithm 2 computes the one-sided Contextual Edit Distance
                1 − sim(qk , q x ) i f o = mod                                 (Equation 10), and Algorithm 3 recovers the symmetry.
     • δ (o) =
                1                  else
       is the local cost of the Edit Distance.                                  Algorithm 1: Cost function γ
     • sim : Q × Q → [0, 1] is a similarity measure between two                  Data: Contextual edit operator o : (e, q x , k).
       queries, computed as the cosine of query vectors.                         Result: Cost γ (o) of the operation o.
                                                                                 v(o) ← ⟨⟩
    Example 4. Consider the exploration e 1 of Example 1 and con-                for i ∈ ⟦1, |e |⟧ do
sider the insertion of query q x , with vector ⟨0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1⟩ (ad-         v(o) ← v(o) · ⟨φo (i)⟩
dition of a filter), at position 4, as shown in Figure 2, with α = 0.1.          vsim ← ⟨⟩
Then, the cost γ (o) is such that:                                               for i ∈ ⟦1, |e |⟧ do
                                cos(q 1, q x ) × φ add (1) 
                                                                                   vsim ← vsim · ⟨sim(qi , q x ) × vi (o)⟩
                                cos(q 2, q x ) × φ add (2) 
                   ©           
                                                           
                                                             ª®
γ (o) = 0.1 + 0.9 ­1 − max                                                       if e = mod then
                   ­                                       
                                cos(q 3, q x ) × φ add (3) 
                   ­                                       ®                       δ (o) ← 1 − sim(qk , q x )
                                cos(q 4, q x ) × φ add (4) 
                                                           
                   «                                       ¬                   else
                                 0.47 × 0.61    
                                                 ª                                  δ (o) ← 1
                                0.94 × 0.88                                    return α × δ (o) + (1 − α) × (1 − max(vsim ))
                   ©           
      = 0.1 + 0.9 ­1 − max
                   ­                            ®
                   ­           
                                   0.66   1     
                                                  ®
                                                
                                   0.74   1     
      = 0.1 + 0.9 × (1 − 0.83) = 0.25                                             Next, we prove that the computation of CED is polynomial in

    The insertion of q x at position 2 (i.e. closer to other filter opera-     time:
tion) has cost 0.15.                                                             Theorem 4.7. CED is in O(n × p × max(n, p)) where |e 1 | = n
                                                                               and |e 2 | = p.
   Definition 4.4 (Edit path). Given two explorations e, e ′ ∈ Q ∗ ,
an edit path P = ⟨o 1, o 2, ..., om ⟩ from e to e ′ is a sequence of              Proof : Let’s note T (Ai ) the big O time complexity of the
operations that transform e in e ′ . We note P(e, e ′ ) the set of all         algorithm Ai , with i ∈ {1, 2, 3}.
edit paths to transform e in e ′ .                                             So we have :
                                                                                   • T (A1 (o)) = |e | where e is the edited exploration.
   An important point to be mentioned here is that, for efficiency
                                                                                   • T (A2 (e 1, e 2 )) = n × p × T (A1 (o : e 1, q x , k))
reasons, the context is static, i.e. it only considers the original
                                                                                                        = n2 × p
queries in exploration e. This means that the contextual edit
                                                                                   • T (A2 (e 2, e 1 )) = n × p × T (A1 (o : e 2, q x , k))
operation oi has no impact on the cost of operation oi+1 . If it was
                                                                                                        = n × p2
otherwise, i.e., dealing with dynamic context, the edition problem
                                                                                   • T (A3 (e 1, e 2 )) = T (A2 (e 1, e 2 )) + T (A2 (e 2, e 1 ))
would have been NP-hard by reduction to Job shop scheduling
                                                                                                        = n 2p + p 2 n
problem [13]. Also note that as the add operator is not the reverse
                                                                                                        ∈ O(n × p × max(n, p))
of del operator, the edition is asymmetric. Thus, by re-using the
definition of the Edit Distance in [22], we can define the one-side            As a result, the Algorithm 3 has a time complexity in O(n × p ×
distance from an exploration e 1 to an exploration e 2 .                       max(n, p)).
 Algorithm 2: One-sided Contextual Edit Distance d˜C ED                all the participants were volunteers. They developed explorations
                                                                       for answering four analytical questions on the IPUMS cube. The
  Data: Exploration couple (e 1, e 2 ).
                                                                       IPUMS cube integrates data from the IPUMS (Integrated Public
  Result: One-sided Context Edit Distance d˜C ED (e 1, e 2 )
                                                                       Use Microdata Series) website 1 . It is organized as a star schema
  D ← [0...|e 1 |][0...|e 2 |]
                                                                       with 5 dimensions, 12 (non-top) levels, 25 measures, and contains
  for i ∈ ⟦0, |e 1 |⟧ do
                                                                       500,000 facts recorded in the fact table. From this experiment,
      for j ∈ ⟦0, |e 2 |⟧ do
                                                                       we reuse 27 explorations and 306 queries, with an average of 11
          if i = 0 ∨ j = 0 then
                                                                       queries per exploration.
               D[i, j] ← i + j
                                                                           During a preliminary analysis of the workload, Aligon et al.
                                     (2)                               labelled explorations distinguishing five analysis styles:
               o mod ← mod : (e 1, q j−1, i − 1)
                                                                             • FOCUS. The exploration is more focused as time passes,
                o del ← del : (e 1, qi−1, i − 1)                             • OSCILLATE-FOCUS. The exploration is more exploratory
               o add ← add : (e 1, q j−1, i − 1)                               (the levels of detail and filtering oscillate) at the beginning
              D[i, j] ← min{                                                   but is more focused at the end,
                 D[i − 1, j − 1] + γ (o mod ),                               • OSCILLATE. The exploration is always exploratory,
                 D[i − 1, j] + γ (o del ),                                   • FIX. The exploration keeps constant levels of detail and
                 D[i, j − 1] + γ (o add )                                      filtering,
                 }                                                           • ATYPICAL. The exploration has atypical or erratic behav-
                                                                          Real explorations on open data. The second workload, hence-
                                                                       forth dubed Open, consists of navigation traces collected in the
 Algorithm 3: Contextual Edit Distance dC ED
                                                                       context of a French project on energy vulnerability. These traces
  Data: Exploration couple (e 1, e 2 ).                                were produced by 8 volunteer students of a Master’s degree in
             n Edit Distance dC ED (e 1o, e 2 ).
  Result: Context                                                      Business Intelligence, answering fuzzy information needs defined
  return max d˜C ED (e 1, e 2 ), d˜C ED (e 2, e 1 )                    by their lecturer, to develop explorative OLAP navigations using
                                                                       Saiku2 over three cubes instances [7]. The main cube is organized
                                                                       as a star schema with 19 dimensions, 68 (non-top) levels, 24 mea-
5     CLUSTERING OF EXPLORATIONS                                       sures, and contains 37,149 facts recorded in the fact table. The
                                                                       other cubes are organized in a similar way. From this experiment,
Our objective is to cluster together explorations showing the
                                                                       we reuse 28 explorations and 941 queries, with an average of 34
same user behavior. To this end, we pair CED to an off-the-shell
                                                                       queries per exploration. A particularity of some third party OLAP
clustering algorithm, and we test it against several workloads
                                                                       tools, like Saiku, is that their user interface submits a new query
concerning users with varied analytical skills and different UI,
                                                                       for each user action (including intermediate drag-and-drops),
aiming to discover different types of patterns. In addition, as some
                                                                       resulting in very long explorations in the log. Nevertheless, there
datasets come with a ground truth, they allow for the quantifica-
                                                                       were some extremely short explorations (6 explorations counting
tion of clustering quality and the comparison to state of the art
                                                                       less than 10 queries), which mainly correspond to incomplete
distances. The following subsections describe the workload used
in experiments, the experimental protocol and implementation
details.                                                                  Real explorations on cyber security data. The third workload,
                                                                       henceforth dubed Security, consists of analysis sessions made by
5.1    Workloads                                                       real analysts in the context of the "Honeynet Project" [15]. 56 an-
In our experiments, we reuse several workloads described in            alysts specialized in the domain of cyber-security were recruited
the literature [2, 7, 15] consisting of navigation traces of real      (via dedicated forums, network security firms, and volunteer se-
users on real data. We chose to test our proposal in several work-     nior students from the Israeli National Cyber-Security Program)
loads to avoid learning specific behavior of a set of users. The 3     and asked them to analyze 4 different datasets using a prototype
workloads concern users with different analysis skills (students,      web-based analysis platform. Each dataset contains between 350
experts), using different analysis tools (an OLAP tool, a research     to 13K rows of raw network logs that may reveal a distinct se-
prototype and an advanced IDE interface) and accessing data            curity event, e.g. malware communication hidden in network
cubes of different sizes and complexities. We are not aware of         traffic, hacking activity inside a local network, an IP range/port
other public analytical workloads, specially from senior analysts,     scan, etc. (there is no connection between the tuples of different
whose analysis activity is jealously guarded by companies [19].        datasets). The analysts were asked to perform as many analysis
We also generated artificial explorations on artificial data using     actions as required to reveal the details of the underlying security
a state-of-the-art workload generator [19].                            event of each dataset. They used a web-based analysis platform
                                                                       developed for the project [15].
   Real explorations on ipums data. The first workload, hence-            Even if there is no ground truth for this workload, it is inter-
forth dubed Ipums, consists of navigation traces of OLAP users         esting because queries were devised by expert analysts.
collected during the testing phase of the development of Falseto
[2], a tool meant to assist query and exploration composition, by        Artificial explorations. The last workload, with artificial data,
letting the user summarize, browse, query, and reuse former ana-       comes from the Star Schema Benchmark [17], and was used with
lytical explorations. The 17 OLAP users engaged in the test were       1 Minnesota Population Center. Integrated Public Use Microdata Series.
students of two Master’s programs specialized in Business Intelli-     http://www.ipums.org, 2008.
gence. The test was not part of the programs, was not graded and       2 http://meteorite.bi/products/saiku
artificial explorations. The Star Schema Benchmark (SSB) is a                                 f1              f3           f5
variation of TPC-H, a popular benchmark from the Transaction
Processing Performance Council (TPC). SSB cube consists of a
relational database under the form of a star schema, with one
fact table and 4 dimension tables.
                                                                                                     q 2q 1
   Instead of using the rather limited SSB workload, we generated                             q1              q3    q4     q5
artificial explorations using CubeLoad [19].

5.2     Protocol                                                        Figure 3: Example of context function with k = 1, 3, 5 and
                                                                        |e | = 5
In order to cluster explorations, we execute an off-the-shelf clus-
tering algorithm using CED as distance function. For comparison,
we execute the same clustering algorithm with two alternative
distances: (i) the classical Edit Distance (henceforth dubed ED) as     based on a Gaussian√      function with a standard deviation coeffi-
a baseline, and (ii) Aligon et al.’s distance [3] (henceforth dubed     cient equal to 2 |ek +1
                                                                                             |  .  This coefficient is interesting because, as
AD), a state of the art metric for session similarity. We analyze       it depends on k, it allows to vary context size along the explo-
the obtained clusters under several angles:                             ration. In particular, when k is small (at the beginning of the
   Firstly, when we have some knowledge qualifying explorations,        exploration, when user intents are less defined and behavior is
even if it is not exactly a ground truth, we compare our results        more exploratory), the standard deviation is high (i.e. the curve
to such knowledge. For the artificial explorations we compare           of fk is flattened) which allows to include in local context, some
the obtained clusters with the Cubeload templates used for the          queries that are far from the index k. On the other hand, when
generation of the workload. This experiment aims to show that           k → |e | (at the end of the exploration, when behavior is more
our approach is able to cluster together all the explorations cor-      focused), the curve of fk narrows around k reducing context size.
responding to a given template. For the ipums workload we com-          Figure 3 illustrates the context function for several values of k.
pare to the preliminary labels assigned by Aligon et al. Actually,         As we do not know, a priori, the form of clusters, nor their
such labels are not a ground truth, as there were not produced          density, we use a hierarchical clustering algorithm, which pro-
with the goal of clustering explorations, but they may provide a        vides more flexibility than hyper-spherical and density-based
nice idea of the quality of the exploration. We report Adjusted         algorithms. In addition, it outputs a dendrogram that allows to
Rand Index (ARI) and V-measure (harmonic mean of clusters               parameter the setting of number of clusters and eases the visual
homogeneity and completeness) scores3 , and we compare our              analysis of clusters. In order to find a good balance, we experi-
clustering scores to those obtained with ED and AD distances.           mentally combine some criteria to cut the dendrogram: relative
   Second, for the four workloads, we report further scores con-        loss of inertia, cluster diameter and minimum number of clusters.
cerning intrinsic cluster quality. Indeed, too few clusters will mix    We use the Ward method as agglomeration criteria.
different behaviors, too many clusters will overfit user behav-            Finally, a correlation study among query features revealed that
ior. We aim to balance: number of clusters, cluster diameter (the       Fdepth was highly correlated with Adepth in all workloads. In
distance between the farthest objects in the cluster) and mean          consequence, we excluded Fdepth from query vector.
Silhouette Coefficient (a measure of how similar an object is to
its own cluster (cohesion) compared to other clusters (separa-          6     EXPERIMENTS
tion)). Silhouette scores3 are merely informative in out tests, as
                                                                        In this section we report the results of the experiments conducted
the metric is more adapted to hyper-spherical clusters.
                                                                        to validate our proposal.
   Finally, we study the medoids of each cluster (the exploration
that is the most similar to all other explorations in the cluster)
and we manually observe the OLAP operations of the medoid               6.1    Comparison against ground truth
for providing an explanation of the concerned behavior pattern.         In this experiment on Artificial and Ipums workloads, we com-
                                                                        pared the clusters obtained with our method to the available
5.3     Implementation and setting                                      ground truth (i.e. the template used to generate each exploration
Our methods are implemented in Python, using Scipy, Sklearn             and the preliminary classification of Ipums).
[18] and Matplotlib libraries. Code and data are available from            Figure 4 (a and d) shows the obtained dendrograms. Explo-
Github 4 . CED parameters were tuned and set as follows:                rations (identified by numbers) are arranged in the horizontal
                                                                        axis, plotting similar explorations close (according to CED). Links
     • Cosine similarity is used to compare two queries in an
                                                                        indicate which explorations are clustered together, shorter links
                                                                        meaning more similar explorations (vertical axis reports dis-
     • α parameter is set to 0 to give fully priority to context.
                                                                        tances). Links of the same color represent a cluster, while dotted
     • We use the following seed function.
                                                                        links just indicate inter-cluster distances. For easing the interpre-
                                   √              !2
                           © 1 2 k + 1(x − k) ª                         tation we also color explorations ids, according to ground truth
              fk (x) = exp ­−                                           labels. We deliberately chose the same set of colors as clusters to
                                        |e |
                           «                         ¬                  visually highlight the good matches.
   It is a Gaussian function centered at k, therefore satisfying
the properties announced in Definition 4.2. Furthermore, it is             Artificial workload. The dendrogram exhibits a perfect match
                                                                        among CubeLoad templates (Slice and Drill, Slide All, Exploratory
3 Metrics for clustering performance evaluation are well described in   and Goal Oriented, described in Section 2) constituting well sep-
https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/clustering.html sect. 2.3.10.
                                                                        arated clusters. We expected a good result with this workload, as
4 https://github.com/ClementMoreau-UnivTours/CED_Dolap                  CubeLoad templates are well differentiated.
                                     Colored Dendrogram ( 4 groups)                                                                                                                                          Colored Dendrogram ( 4 groups)

                                                           (a): CED on Artificial                                                                                                                                                      (d): CED on Ipums

                                                                                                                  Atypical                                             Oscillate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Oscillate                                                                                     Focus

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and Fix

                     Goal Oriented       Exploratory   Slice All       Slice and Drill                                                                                                                                         focus
















                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Focus W
                                                                                                                      Atypic P

                                                                                                                                    Atypic S

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Fix N
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Osc_F U

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Fix D

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Osc_F G

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Focus M
                                                                                                                                                                                               Osc_F B

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Osc AA

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Osc_F Y
                                                                                                                                                Osc_F Z

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Osc_F T

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Focus H
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Osc Q

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Osc O
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Focus R

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Focus A

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Focus K
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Focus X

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Focus C
                                                                                                                                                             Osc_F J

                                                                                                                                                                                 Osc V

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Focus E
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Focus L
                                                                                                                                                                         Osc F

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Focus I










                               Colored Dendrogram ( 4 groups)

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Colored Dendrogram ( 3 groups)


                                                                   (b): ED on Artificial                                                                                                                                                       (e): ED on Ipums






















                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Focus W

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Atypic S

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Osc_F G

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Osc_F U
                                                                                                                                                                                               Focus M
                                                                                                                  Osc Q

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Osc O

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Osc_F B

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Osc AA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Osc_F Y
                                                                                                                                                                       Osc_F Z
                                                                                                        Osc V

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Osc_F T
                                                                                                                                                                                     Focus H

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Focus R
                                                                                                                                  Focus A

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Focus K

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Focus X
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Osc F

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Focus C
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Osc_F J

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Focus E
                                                                                                                                                           Focus L

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Fix N
                                                                                                                                               Focus I

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Fix D























                               Colored Dendrogram ( 6 groups)

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Colored Dendrogram ( 4 groups)


                                                            (c): AD on Artificial                                                                                                                                                              (f): AD on Ipums























                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Focus W
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Atypic P

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Atypic S
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Osc_F G

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Osc_F U

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Osc Q

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Osc O
                                                                                                        Osc_F B

                                                                                                                                                                                 Osc_F Y

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Osc_F Z
                                                                                                                                 Osc V

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Osc_F T
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Focus H

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Focus R
                                                                                                                                                                       Focus A

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Focus K
                                                                                                                     Osc F

                                                                                                                                                                                                Focus C

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Osc_F J

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Fix N
                                                                                                                                               Fix D

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Focus E

                                                                                                                                                          Focus I

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Osc AA
















                                     Figure 4: Dendrogram results on Artificial (on left) and Ipums (on right) workloads.

             In addition, many explorations of the Slice All template (and                                                    Nb
                                                                                                                  Dataset            ARI V-measure                                    Distance
          some of the Slice and Drill template) are highly similar (distance                                               clusters
          near 0) as they contain sequences of the very same operations,                                          CED          4      1         1
          even if exploration size is variable. This is one of the characteris-                                    ED          4     0.26      0.36
          tics that makes CED a well-adapted distance for this problem.                                            AD          6     0.76      0.88
                                                                                                                  CED          4     0.29      0.42
             Ipums workload. CED correctly classes most FOCUS and ATYP-                                 Ipums
                                                                                                                   ED          3     0.09      0.23
          ICAL explorations. However, it fails to distinguish between OSCI-                                        AD          4      0        0.19
          LLATE-FOCUS and OSCILLATE explorations, the frontier being                             Table 2: Comparison of clustering results for CED, ED and
          quite fuzzy, and FIX explorations are not distinguished from FO-                       AD distances
          CUS ones. We remind that these labels are not a real ground
          truth, but a preliminary classification for other purpose. Table 2
          indicates ARI and V-measure scores.
                                                                                                 more on the actual query parts to establish similarity, and tends
          6.2      Comparison with other distances                                               to cluster together explorations navigating in the same portion of
          In this experiment we compare the clusters obtained using 3                            a cube. Consequently, very different behaviors (e.g. those of Slice
          distances: CED, ED and AD. Results are reported in Table 2 and                         and Drill and Goal Oriented templates) are clustered together
          Figure 4. In Table 2 we can see that CED outperforms AD and ED                         (see Figure 4 (b)). On the other hand CED is solely based on the
          in both Artificial and Ipums workloads on both quality metrics.                        structural properties of the explorations.
             With ED, clusters reflect exploration sizes instead of query
          operations. For example, in Figure 4(e) the first cluster includes                     6.3              Other quality considerations
          short explorations, the second cluster contains the longest ones,                      In addition to ARI and V-measure scores (calculated w.r.t. a
          and the last cluster contains medium ones. Conversely, AD relies                       ground truth), we computed cluster diameters and Silhouette
               Nb      Max                                                  The interpretation of clusters is harder for this workload, as
  Dataset                      Silhouette ARI V-measure
            clusters diameter                                            Saiku tool produce very longs explorations (the longest in this
 Artificial     4       2.22       0.49      1        1                  workload counts 127 queries). So manual inspection of explo-
  Ipums         4       3.31       0.28    0.29     0.42                 rations is tedious and may lead to judgement errors. With this
   Open         6       4.53       0.37                                  disclaimer, we summarize the behavior represented by clusters
 Security       5       3.81       0.16                                  as follows:
Table 3: Nb of clusters, diameter, Silhouette, ARI and V-                      • The outlier in first cluster is the shortest exploration (4
measure scores for each workload using CED                                       queries), whose queries are fully aggregated (only ALL
                                                                                 levels), and operations only change measures.
                                                                               • The second cluster contains 10 explorations, many ones
                                                                                 being very short, including the medoid. A general behavior
scores to complete our quality analysis. Results are reported in                 is a constant or lightly increasing level of detail, sometimes
Table 3 for the 4 datasets.                                                      being high, sometimes medium. Most explorations (except
   Globally, we observe that most diameters are low, indicating                  one) have little filters, but exhibit some changes in the
that clusters are compact. Therefore, medoids are good represen-                 measure set.
tatives of each cluster. Most Silhouette scores are also positive,             • The third cluster contains 7 explorations, all of them con-
which is a good result given that our clusters are not hyper-                    tinuously increasing the level of detail and filtering. There
spherical. In particular, we note that even if CED was able to                   are multiple drill-downs and multiple filters all along the
generate a pure partition for the Artificial workload, we observe                explorations.
a low Silhouette score.                                                        • Cluster 4 contains another outlier clustered alone. It ex-
                                                                                 hibits several abrupt changes in the level of detail with
                                                                                 several peaks, continuous changes of measures and some
6.4     Interpretation of students’ behavior
                                                                                 filters in the middle.
The next experiment clusters students explorations of the Ipums                • Another exploration also clustered alone. It also shows
and Open workloads. We manually examine some explorations of                     many abrupt changes in the level of detail, with some
each cluster, including the centroid, with the goal of abstracting               changes in filters and measures at the beginning and an
students explorations patterns.                                                  increase in the filter level at the end.
   Ipums workload. The 27 explorations are arranged in 4 clusters              • The last cluster contains 8 explorations. Its medoid has no
of different sizes.                                                              filters nor changes in the measure set. OLAP operations
   Clusters of explorations represent the following behavior:                    include only drill-downs and roll-ups, with an increase of
                                                                                 the level of detail in the middle, decreasing at the end of
      • The 2 explorations in the first cluster start by many changes            the exploration. Other explorations in the cluster include
        in the measure set (as trying to choose the good measures),              other OLAP operations. The common behavior resides in
        followed by a long period of filter/unfilter operations, com-            the increasing-decreasing pattern in the level of detail.
        bined with some drill-downs and roll-ups, but with little
                                                                            In conclusion, this clustering confirmed some of the already
        changes in the level of detail.
                                                                         identified patterns and enabled to discover a new one. Specifically,
      • Globally, explorations in the second cluster alternates drill-
                                                                         cluster 3 corresponds quite well to the Focus cluster of Ipums
        downs and roll-ups. Some of them include a few filters,
                                                                         workload and the Slice and Drill template of CubeLoad; while
        but most of them (this is the case of the medoid) do not
                                                                         cluster 6 corresponds to the Oscillate cluster of Ipums (having no
        filter any data.
                                                                         equivalent template in CubeLoad). The new pattern, reflected by
      • The 3 explorations of the third cluster start alternating
                                                                         cluster 2, corresponds to less skilled students, making timid usage
        drills down and rolls up (as in cluster 2), then alternate
                                                                         of OLAP operations (some drill-downs and roll-ups, few filters,
        filters/unfilters, some of them focusing at the end (as in
                                                                         some changes of measure). The recognition of outlier behavior
        cluster 4). This cluster has common points with clusters 2
                                                                         is another strong point of our method.
        and 4, some kind of intermediate behavior.
      • The last cluster includes focused explorations, which reg-
        ularly increase the level of detail and filtering by adding
                                                                         6.5     Interpretation of experts’ behavior
        drill-down and filter operations. Some of them mix other         This experiment shows the application of our approach to a
        operations, mostly at the beginning, but drill-downs and         larger workload, whose explorations were devised by expert
        filters are the predominant operations.                          analysts using an advanced IDE interface. Surprisingly, many
                                                                         explorations of the Security workload contain only one query
   From a more general perspective, our study shows that half of
                                                                         (260 out of 723); we excluded them from the study. Another
the explorations follow a focused pattern (cluster 4) translating
                                                                         interesting point is that there are long sequences of repeated
that those students have developed a particular type of analy-
                                                                         queries (i.e. the exploration contains many times the same query).
sis skills, while other students are more exploratory (cluster 2),
                                                                         This may reflect movements in the way query results are arranged
perhaps translating a lack of maturity in their analysis skills,
                                                                         and visualized, while referring to the same underlying query.
perhaps just showing their style. Clusters 1 and 3 depicts outlier
                                                                            There is no ground truth and a manual observation of the 723
                                                                         explorations is not doable, however, we provide some general
   Open workload. Our method organizes the 28 explorations in 6          comments and a detailed analysis of the medoids of the 5 retrieved
clusters, 3 of them containing an outlier exploration, the first one     clusters (and some randomly picked explorations):
being very different from all the others (inter-cluster distance               • Explorations in cluster 1 do many movements in the group
around 50).                                                                      by set, oscillating the level of detail, with some peaks in
        Pattern       Artificial Ipums Open Security                   goal is to automatically classify explorations and qualify users
    Slice and Drill       4        4     3                             skills, allowing the recommendation of pertinent next queries,
       Slice All          3                                            among other applications.
     Exploratory          2                                               Finally, we remark that CED is not endemic to analysis behav-
    Goal Oriented         1                                            ior and it can be adapted to study other types of human behavior
      Oscilating                   2     6       1                     (provided that such behavior could be represented as a sequence
    Oscilate+Focus                 3                                   of symbols). In particular, we have used CED for comparing
  Constant Agg. level                    2       5                     human daily moves [16] and we are currently discovering and
 Add-Delete Fragment                             2                     analysing peculiar patterns of children mobility.
    Few operations                               3
   Repeted queries                               4                     ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
        Outliers                   1   1,4,5                           The authors would like to thank Nicolas Labroche for their useful
Table 4: Summary of discovered patterns and ids of the                 insights on clustering quality. This work is partially supported
concerned clusters.                                                    by French ANR Agency, in the context of Mobi’kids project.

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varied skilled and non-skilled users and different types of user
interfaces, before abstracting more general patterns.
   As future work, we plan to tune our method and study its
sensibility and robustness with respect to CED parameters, query
features and query similarity. We would also like to compare our
results to other clustering methods and distances. Our long term