=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2572/paper18 |storemode=property |title=Query Optimization for Large Scale Clustered RDF Data |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2572/paper18.pdf |volume=Vol-2572 |authors=Ishaq Zouaghi,Amin Mesmoudi,Jorge Galicia,Ladjel Bellatreche,Taoufik Aguili |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/dolap/ZouaghiMGBA20 }} ==Query Optimization for Large Scale Clustered RDF Data== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2572/paper18.pdf
         Query Optimization for Large Scale Clustered RDF Data
                   Ishaq Zouaghi                                           Amin Mesmoudi                                   Jorge Galicia
             LIAS/ISAE-ENSMA                                          University of Poitiers                           LIAS/ISAE-ENSMA
        Chasseneuil-du-Poitou, France                                   Poitiers, France                          Chasseneuil-du-Poitou, France
          LR-Sys’Com-ENIT/UTM                                    amin.mesmoudi@univ-poitiers.fr                      jorge.galicia@ensma.fr
               Tunis, Tunisia

                                            Ladjel Bellatreche                                    Taoufik Aguili
                                          LIAS/ISAE-ENSMA                                     LR-Sys’Com-ENIT/UTM
                                     Chasseneuil-du-Poitou, France                                 Tunis, Tunisia
                                        bellatreche@ensma.fr                                 taoufik.aguili@enit.utm.tn

ABSTRACT                                                                                 the volume of available RDF data grows, the need for high perfor-
The popularity of the Resource Description Framework (RDF)                               mance RDF data management systems becomes more noticeable.
and SPARQL has thrust the development of high-performance                                    To cope with the proliferation of RDF datasets, early works
systems to manage data represented with this model. Former                               used the well-established relational model as backend, storing
approaches adapted the well-established relational model apply-                          RDF triples directly into tables (single-table [3, 10], vertical par-
ing its storage, query processing, and optimization strategies.                          titioning [1]). In these approaches, a SPARQL query, generally
However, the borrowed techniques from the relational model are                           specified as a sequence of triple patterns (TPs), is mapped to a
not universally applicable in the RDF context. First, the schema-                        SQL statement. Although, considerable research efforts were ded-
free nature of RDF induces intensive joins overheads. Also, opti-                        icated to these relational-based strategies, they rapidly suffered
mization strategies trying to find the optimal join order rely on                        from many intensive join overheads induced by the schema-free
error-prone statistics unable to capture all the correlations among                      nature of RDF. Some optimization strategies borrowed from the
triples. Graph-based approaches keep the graph structure of RDF                          relational model strive to reduce the evaluation cost by finding
representing the data directly as a graph. Their execution model                         an optimal execution order of a query expressed as a sequence
leans on graph exploration operators to find subgraph matches                            of TPs. For example, deciding the optimal join order for the TPs
to a query. Even if they have shown to outperform relational-                            of the query shown in Figure 2 (e.g. [(tp1 ▷◁?f tp2 ) ▷◁?f tp3 ])
based systems in complex queries, they are barely scalable and                               Furthermore, these strategies are not universally applicable in
optimization techniques are completely system dependent. In                              the RDF context. Firstly, because they rely on statistics that are
this paper, we propose optimization strategies for graph-based                           very error-prone since they are gathered on the entire collection
RDF management systems. We intend to take the strengths of                               of data (contrary to the relational model where statistics are cal-
relational databases and propose logical structures generically                          culated per table entity). Capturing statistics for datasets without
depicting graph-based query execution. First, we define novel                            an explicit schema is not a simple task. Former approaches col-
statistics collected for clusters of triples to better capture the                       lected statistics at the predicate level and assumed independence
dependencies found in the original graph. Second, we redefine                            between triples. However, as shown later by [6, 11] these assump-
an execution plan based on these logical structures. Finally, we                         tion led to considerable underestimations since RDF triples are
introduce an algorithm for selecting the optimal execution plan                          highly correlated. Capturing these correlations may prompt to
based on a customized cost model.                                                        exponentially huge statistics whose maintenance is very com-
                                                                                         plex. Although, some heuristics have been introduced [20], they
KEYWORDS                                                                                 are still not sufficient to estimate the cardinalities of complex
                                                                                         queries involving several joins. Moreover, these query optimiza-
Optimization, RDF, SPARQL, Cardinality Estimation, Cost Model.
                                                                                         tion strategies do not tackle the leading issue which is the in-
                                                                                         tensive joins product of the unsuited direct mapping of RDF to
1     INTRODUCTION                                                                       tables. Even with an optimal join order, the join operation would
The versatility of the Resource Description Framework (RDF) has                          still be the bottleneck at query runtime especially for complex
contributed to its rapid expansion not only as a standard data                           queries (which are more and more frequent in SPARQL).
model in the semantic Web but also as the preferred representa-                              Graph-based processing systems (e.g. [22]) keep the graph
tion for data from diverse domains (e.g. genetics, biology). The                         structure of RDF representing the data directly as a graph. In
RDF model uses triples consisting of a subject, a predicate and                          these systems, the graph essence of RDF is maintained and query
an object < s, p, o > to represent data and SPARQL as its query                          processing is turned into a subgraph matching problem. They out-
language. Currently, public RDF data sets (known as knowledge                            perform relational-based systems when solving complex queries
bases) with billions of triples are extensive sources of information                     [9, 22]. However, as shown in [2, 9] they are less scalable since
(e.g. DBPedia1 , Bio2RDF2 ) popularly queried and aggregated. As                         their processing is mostly based on main memory. There have not
1 https://wiki.dbpedia.org/                                                              been generic optimization strategies specifically built for these
2 https://bio2rdf.org/                                                                   systems. There is not a single logical layer enclosing their execu-
                                                                                         tion model (as a graph exploration) and their data organization;
© Copyright 2020 for this paper held by its author(s). Published in the proceedings of
DOLAP 2020 (March 30, 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, co-located with EDBT/ICDT
                                                                                         without a common scheme optimization strategies will still be
2020) on CEUR-WS.org. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution           completely system dependent. Even though the relational-based
4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
optimization strategies were not ideal, they offered some com-          in a wider table whose dimensions correspond to the number of
fort to the designer since they allowed to organize the execution       distinct subjects and predicates. The overheads of this approach
regardless of how the data were stored on disk (i.e. if the data        are the great number of null values and the treatment of multi-
are stored in a single table, binary tables).                           valued properties. The vertical partitioning approach proposed
   In this paper, we propose optimization strategies for graph-         in SW-Store[1] overcomes this drawback storing the data in n
based RDF management systems. Our strategies fit both central-          binary tables, where n is the number of distinct predicates. Still,
ized and distributed approaches. We took the strengths of the           overheads exists when many predicates are involved in a single
logical execution modeling from the relational databases and            query. Most recent approaches have tried to find the implicit
propose first logical structures to portray the query execution         schema of the data in an RDF dataset. These approaches use
based on the exploration of the query and input graphs. We re-          the characteristic sets [11] to distinguish entities and store the
define an execution plan based on these structures and present          data of similar entities together (e.g. EAGRE [21], [15]). Other ap-
an algorithm that generates and picks based on a cost model             proaches maintain the graph structure of RDF data representing
the optimal execution plan for a given query. Our cost model            the data as adjacency lists (e.g. gStore [22]). The main disad-
relies on statistics, but in contrast to former approaches estimat-     vantage of this approaches is related to scalability to large RDF
ing statistics on the global graph we collect them for clusters of      graphs [9].
triples (that we named graph fragments G f ) logically connected
in the original graph. Our cost model considers the interactions        2.2    DQE strategies
between graph fragments to estimate the network and disk costs
                                                                        Before describing optimization strategies applied during query
of a given query plan.
                                                                        execution, let us classify SPARQL evaluation approaches. In cen-
   The contributions of the paper are summarized as follows:
                                                                        tralized systems, the evaluation is either join-based (e.g. [10]) or
    (1) We formalize a logical model describing the query execu-        graph-matching based (e.g. [14]). The first approaches comprise
        tion of RDF systems based on graph exploration methods.         all systems translating each single graph pattern into SQL and
    (2) We present the essential statistics collected for each graph    combining the results on each iteration using the join operation
        fragment.                                                       (on a single or multiple tables). Indexing the data enhance the per-
    (3) We detail what is to the best of our knowledge the first        formance since the joins are performed as merge-joins (e.g. [12]).
        cost model to compare execution plans based on the disk         Graph matching approaches on the other side break a SPARQL
        and network costs in graph-based systems.                       query into subgraphs, and to avoid invalid intermediate results
    (4) We present a study of the problem allowing to choose            since at every iteration only valid subgraph bindings are kept.
        the optimal execution plan. We prove its complexity and            The static query optimization strategies use maintained sta-
        proffer a branch and bound like algorithm to efficiently        tistics about the data to determine an optimal query plan. The
        explore and select the optimal execution plan in terms of       estimation of the cardinality is the base measure used to evaluate
        our logical structures.                                         and compare execution plans for a specific query.
   The rest of the paper is organized as follows. First, Section 2
presents the state of the art of the optimization strategies pro-           Cardinality Estimation in RDBMS. It has been longly seen as a
posed for RDF systems. Then, Section 3, introduces the prelimi-         key component in the query optimization and it is a well estab-
nary definitions used to describe the query execution based on          lished field in the the relational database world[8]. It is usually
graph exploration. Section 4 presents the cost model allowing to        solved by using various summarization techniques such as one-
compare the equivalent plans and introduces an algorithm to find        dimensional synopsis (e.g. one-dimensional histograms[17]) Even
the best execution plan. Next, section 5 presents the experimental      if the cardinality estimation used in the relational model would
study. Finally, Section 6 summarizes the work and gives insights        seem useful for the semantic Web, its estimation has been less
on future researches.                                                   successful due to the heterogeneous, string-oriented nature and
                                                                        to the fact that queries in RDF contain many self-joins [16].
2     RELATED WORK                                                         Cardinality Estimation in SPARQL. Currently, several studies
In this section, we summarize the most relevant optimization            have investigated the cardinality estimation issues for SPARQL
strategies adopted by triple stores in the state of the art. We clas-   queries. A line of work uses very simplistic models based on
sify them according to whether the strategy is applied before or        RDF-specific statistical synopses including counters of frequent
during the query execution (BQE and DQE respectively). In the           predicate-sequences in paths of the data graph[13]. Similarly,
first category we consider approaches of organization, indexing         other approaches use one-dimensional histograms and pre-compute
and distribution of data; all of them have been implemented by          the number of occurrences of all predicates pairs to estimate the
different systems with the aim of finding the best query perfor-        triple pattern and joined triple patterns selectivities[19]. The first
mance. The second category depicts optimization strategies at           approach was implemented in RDF-3X and the second in Jena
query runtime.                                                          ARQ optimizer. The drawback of these approaches is that the
                                                                        formulas assume statistical independence between tuples, which
2.1    BQE strategies                                                   produce large estimation errors[6]. The second line of work in-
   2.1.1 Data organization. The earliest RDF processing systems         troduced a specific kind of summary based on a schema-level
adapted the prominent relational model. The naïve approach em-          synopsis for RDF data while preserving as much of its structure
braced by Sesame [3] stores the data in a single table of three         as possible[18]. Finally, the third line of approaches collected
columns (subject, predicate, object). Its major drawback is the         statistics for tuple groups based on characteristic sets[6, 18], or
processing of self-joins that turns quite expensive when SPARQL         by summarizing the graph into large entities[7].
queries become more complex. The property table approach                   Contrarily to existing techniques, the set of strategies pro-
(Jena2[10]) reduces the number of self-joins storing the data           posed in this paper are independent of the physical storage and
query evaluation models of any system. Our assumptions are                           A319                                                                        Paris Orly                  "ORY"
only that the data are logically clustered based on the predicates                                  pla
                                                                                                           _m                                             al
                                                                                                              o     de                              riv
and that the main query evaluation operator is based on a graph                                                        l                          ar

exploration strategy. We propose a set of techniques allowing                                           has_flight                               departure                    iata_code
                                                                                  Air France                                  AF37                                El Prat                   "BCN"
to find the best way to explore the data graph in order to evalu-
                                                                                                                                                 rt    ure
ate a SPARQL query. We rely on a novel cost model that takes                                                                                de

into account the correlation between predicates and nodes. Our                                    has_flight                               arrival
proposal is not only adapted to centralized systems but also to                      Iberia                                IB52                                 London Heathrow
                                                                                                          de                                            e
parallel systems that rely on graph exploration as query eval-                                         mo
                                                                                                     e_ has_                                     par
                                                                                                 a n           fli                           de
uation technique. In this kind of systems, our cost model will                                pl                   gh
consider the interactions between fragments to estimate the disk                     B737                                  IB83                                Berlin Tegel
and network costs.

3 PRELIMINARIES                                                                                               Figure 1: RDF Graph G

3.1 RDF and SPARQL                                                                   has_flight           departure
                                                                                ?c                 ?f         pla                 El Prat
The Resource Description Framework (RDF) has been widely                                                         ne
                                                                                                                    _m                                         SELECT ?c ?f ?m WHERE {
                                                                                                                       o                                       ?c <:has_flight> ?f .       #tp1
accepted as the data model for the Linked Open Data and the                                                                  de
                                                                                                                                                               ?f <:departure>  . #tp2
semantic Web. The model uses triples consisting of a subject,                                                                         ?m                       ?f <:plane_model> ?m .      #tp3
a predicate and an object < s, p, o > as its main abstract struc-                                                                                              }

ture. The model provides flexibility without explicitly enforcing
a schema. A collection of interlinked RDF triples could be repre-                                       Figure 2: SPARQL query Q
sented as a graph as shown in Figure 1. The graph of the example
contains data related to air traffic control. The RDF graph is           into Data Stars (formally defined in Definition 3.3). Data stars al-
formally defined in Definition 3.1.                                      low identifying the triples related to a specific instance grouping
                                                                         the data by subject (or object).
   Definition 3.1. (RDF Graph) An RDF graph is denoted as G =
⟨Vc , LV , E, L E ⟩ where Vc is a collection of vertices corresponding      Definition 3.3. (Data Star) Given a node x (named data star
to all subjects and objects, LV is a collection of vertex labels, E      head) in a RDF graph G, a Data Star DS(x) is the set of triples
is a collection of directed edges that connect the corresponding         related to node x with a direct edge. We name Forward Data
subjects and objects, and L E is a collection of edge labels. Given                                                −→
                                                                         Star and Backward Data Star to the sets DS(x) = {(x, p, o)|∃p,o :
an edge e ∈ E, its edge label is its property .                                             ←−
                                                                         (x, p, o) ∈ G} and DS(x) = {(s, p, x)|∃s,p : (s, p, x) ∈ G} respec-
    SPARQL is the most popular query language for RDF. A simple          tively.
SPARQL query consists of a query form (e.g. SELECT in Figure 2),             Data Stars extend the notion of a record in the relational data-
a Basic Graph Pattern (BGP) and a set of SPARQL operations (e.g.         base model. The primary key of a DS(x) corresponds to its head x.
FILTER). A Basic Graph Pattern is composed of triple patterns            Records are grouped in tables in a RDBMS, following this logic we
(TPs). TPs are expressed in a triple form and they are composed          group records describing similar entities into sets named Graph
of at least one of S, P, O being a variable. An example query            Fragments.
with three TPs and its graph representation is shown in Figure               When building the Graph Fragments, ontologies could be ap-
2. In our work, we consider only SPARQL queries with bounded             plied since they intend to provide an overall schema of the data
predicates. A SPARQL query can also be represented as a graph            stored in an RDF graph. However, several studies show that
as described in Definition 3.2.                                          there is still a very partial use of ontology classes and sometimes
                                                                         subjects share triples with properties coming from different on-
   Definition 3.2. (Graph Query) A Graph Query is denoted as
                                                                         tological sources [15]. Consequently, we decided to group Data
Q = (V , LV , E, L E ), where V = Vp ∪ Vc is the union of the sets
                                                                         Stars in Graph Fragments based on the combination of properties
of variable and bounded vertices. LV is the set of vertex labels,
                                                                         characterizing an entity using Characteristic Sets [11].
the labels of variable vertices are distinguished with a leading
                                                                             Each subject s in the graph G has a characteristic set defined as
question mark symbol. E and L E represent the set directed edges         →
                                                                         − (s) = {p|∃ : (s, p, o) ∈ G}. Similarly, for the objects we define
                                                                         cs             o
between vertices and its labels respectively.                            ←−                                                               −−→
                                                                         cs (o) = {p|∃s : (s, p, o) ∈ G}. A Forward Graph Fragment G f
                                                                         groups Forward Data Stars having the same characteristic set.
3.2    Overview of Query Evaluation                                      Backward Graph Fragment G f are formed similarly. Its formal
In this section, we discuss the main definitions allowing to model       definition is given in Definition 3.4.
the logical organization of data in clusters keeping its graph               Definition 3.4. (Graph Fragment) A Graph Fragment is a set
structure. Then, we detail the query evaluation operators based                                                                    −−→
                                                                         of Data Stars, it is named a Forward Graph Fragment G f if it
on graph exploration on the clustered data.                                                                      −−→  −→
                                                                         groups Forward Data Stars such that G f = {DS(x)|∀i,j→   − (x ) =
                                                                                                                                  cs   i
   3.2.1 Graph storage. In contrast to several of the approaches         →
                                                                         −                                               ←−
                                                                         cs (x j )}. Likewise, a Backward Graph Fragment G f is defined as
mentioned in Section 2.1.1 in which the graph structure of the           ←−−       ←−          ←−(x ) = cs
                                                                                                        ←−(x )}.
loaded RDF data is broken, we strive to preserve it. The storage         G f = {DS(x)|∀i,j cs      i        j
model groups RDF data first such that implicit structures within           It is shown that indexing and compressing the data of frag-
the data are automatically discovered. Data are firstly grouped          ments in B+Trees improves significantly the performance at
                                                                                             ←−−       −−→        ←−−
query runtime[9, 12]. In the rest of the paper we assume that the                            QS (?m)   QS (?f )   QS (?f )
data are indexed using this structure, however the estimations                                ←−−       −−→        ←−−
                                                                                              G f 11    G f 13     G f 16
and the cost model are easily generalized to other data struc-
tures. Additionally, the data could be stored as Forward Graph
                                                                                                        −−→        ←−−
Fragments, Backward Graph Fragments or using both structures.                                           G f 14     G f 17
In the definitions of the following section, we assume that both
types of fragments are available, yet this is not a mandatory                                 ←−−       −−→        ←−−
                                                                                              G f 12    G f 15     G f 18
   3.2.2 Query execution. In this section we formalize the logical
structures used to describe the query evaluation. As previously                             Figure 3: Execution Plan
mentioned, a SPARQL query can also be represented as a directed
graph whose nodes are either variables (e.g. ?f, ?m in Figure 2)
or bounded values (e.g. ). Let us first recall how a           to the variables ?m and ?f. These mappings are sent to the for-
SPARQL query is evaluated in most of the state-of-the-art sys-          ward graph fragments whose characteristics match the predicates
tems. Traditionally, a SPARQL query is evaluated in a TP by TP                                       −→
                                                                        of the second Query Star QS(?f )2 . In this way, only the perti-
manner [4]. A query execution plan is then seen as a join of TPs                                          ←−        −→
on a variable. For example, an execution plan for the query of          nent mappings with respect to QS(?m)1, QS(?f )2 are kept. The
Figure 2 composed of three single triple patterns is:                   process continues similarly for the following query stars.
                                                                           It is evident that an Execution Plan represents a way to explore
                       tp1 ▷◁?f tp2 ▷◁?f tp3                            the graph. Indeed, finding the optimal execution plan conveys to
                                                                        find the best way to explore the data graph. In the next section
This representation can become quite complex when several
                                                                        we detail the optimization strategy followed to find the optimal
TPs are involved in the query. Optimization strategies for these
                                                                        query plans in terms of Query Stars. We define an acceptable
approaches seek to find the optimal execution order of triple
                                                                        query plan and then depict the algorithm used to generate them.
patterns according to pre-computed statistics.
                                                                        Then we present the cost model in terms of disk and network
    To shorten the logical query plan, TPs can be grouped if they
                                                                        cost applied to decide on the optimal plan.
share a common variable on the subject (or object). We name
these structures Forward Query Stars and Backward Query Stars
if they group the triples on subject or object respectively. Further-   4     GRAPH-BASED QUERY OPTIMIZATION
more, as it will be shown later, with these structures the query        In this section, we present our cost-based optimization strategy
execution can be easier tracked following a graph exploration           which allows comparing execution plans (based on Query Stars).
approach. Both structures are formally described in Definition          Firstly, we define an acceptable plan and we detail the statistics
3.5.                                                                    allowing to evaluate the cost of an execution plan based on the
                                                                        disk and network cost. Next we define the problem of finding an
   Definition 3.5. (Query Star) Let Q be the SPARQL query graph.        optimal plan and we describe a branch and bound based algorithm
A Forward Query Star QS(x) is the set of triple patterns such           used to generate the list of candidate execution plans.
that QS(x) = {(x, p, o)|∃p,o : (x, p, o) ∈ Q }, x is named the head
                                                           ←−           4.1     Acceptable Execution Plan AP
of the Query Star. Likewise, a Backward Query Star QS(x) is
←−                                                  −→ ←−
QS(x) = {(s, p, x)|∃s,p : (s, p, x) ∈ Q }. We use QS, QS to denote      In the last section, we defined an Execution Plan P as an order
the set of forward and backward graph stars and qs to denote            function applied to a set of Query Stars. An execution plan P
indistinctly a forward and backward query star.                         is called an Acceptable Execution Plan if it fulfills the following
    The execution of a query can be expressed as a join of Query
                                                                            (1) Coverage: All nodes and predicates of the given query
Stars. Since we consider two copies of the data, (one copy stored
   −−→                ←−−                                                       are covered by the set of Query Stars of the plan. For
as G f and another as G f ), the execution plans consider both types            example, for the query of Figure 2, the execution plan
of Query Stars. An execution plan is composed of a sequence of                   ←−       −→
                                                                                [QS(?m), QS(?f )] is not a valid plan since the node ?c and
joined Query Stars as shown in Definition 3.6.
                                                                                the edge has_flight are not covered by the plan.
   Definition 3.6. (Execution Plan) An execution plan is an order           (2) Instantiated head: This condition guarantees that for a plan
function applied on a set of Query Stars. The function denotes                  P = [SQ 1, ..., SQ n ], ∀i >1SQ, the head of the SQ i must be
the order in which the mappings for each Query Star will be                     already instantiated. We use this condition to avoid to a
found. We denote by P = [QS 1, QS 2, ..., QSn ] the plan formed by              cartesian product when mappings are exchanged between
executing QS 1 , then QS 2 ,..., and finally QSn .                              two star queries. For example, the plan shown in Figure 4a
                                                                                is not acceptable since the head of the second query star
   Let us consider for instance that the optimal query plan for the              −→
                            ←−         −→      ←−                               (QS(?c) is not instantiated before finding the mappings
query of Figure 2 is P1 = [QS(?m)1, QS(?f )2, QS(?f )3 ]. The exe-              for this query star. A plan in which the head has been
cution engine starts processing QS(?m)1 by loading all the back-                instantiated is shown in Figure 4b.
ward fragments whose characteristic set contains all the predi-
                                                          ←−               The formal definition of an Acceptable Plan is given in Propo-
cates (in this case only the plane_model predicate) of QS(?m)1 .        sition 4.1.
                                           ←−−       ←−−
Assuming that the backward fragments G f 11 and G f 12 are the
only backward fragments matching the predicates of the query               Proposition 4.1. (Acceptable Plan) AP Let us consider Q as
                                                                                       −→     ←−
star, the execution scans both fragments and finds the mappings         a given query, QS and QS as the sets of forward and backward
                                                                                               Table 1: Collected Statistics
                   dept.                        hs_fl                             Statistic                  Description
                  pl_m                                                      (a)   dist(G fk )                # of data stars in G fk .
                                                                            (b)   count(pi , G fk )          # of edges with predicate pi in G fk .
                                −−→        −−→                              (c)   dist_N E(pi , G fk )       # of distinct nodes linked to the data
                           (a) [Q S (?f ), Q S (?c)]                                                         star heads in G fk with respect to pi .
                                                                            (d)   SF (G fk , G f j , pi )    Proportion of the # of nodes in G fk
                                                                                                             pointing to G f j with respect to pi .
                           dept.       hs_fl

                                                                           for a graph fragment G fk (forward or backward) whose char-
                                                                           acteristic set is cs = {p1, ..., pm }, considering that pi ∈ cs are
                                −−→        ←−−
                           (b) [Q S (?f ), Q S (?f )]                      summarized in Table 1. Some examples of statistics for the exam-
                                                                           ple graph of Figure 1 are given in Figure 5.
           Figure 4: Head instantiation examples                               Let us consider the statistics shown in Figure 5. The statistics
                                                                           for the backward graph fragment G f 4 are shown in Figure 5a.
                                                                           The dist(G f 4 ) is 3 since the fragment contains three data stars
graph star queries respectively, T as the set of triple patterns and       whose heads are AF37, IB62 and IB83. Both count(pi , G fk ) and
the following functions:                                                   dist_N E(pi , G fk ) are calculated only for the predicate has_flight
                −→ ←−
     • Tr: q ∪ QS ∪ QS → T It returns the set triple patterns of a         (identified as 1 in the Figure) since it is the only predicate in the
        graph.                                                             fragment’s characteristic set. There are three edges in the frag-
                 −→ ←−                                                     ment having has_flight as a predicate, therefore count(pi , G fk ) =
     • Nd: q ∪ QS ∪ QS → V It returns the nodes of a graph.
               −→ ←−                                                       3. For this fragment, dist_N E(pi , G fk ) = 2 since there are two
     • Head: QS ∪ QS → V a function that returns the head of a
                                                                           distinct nodes (Air France and Iberia) linked to the data star
        query star.                                                                    ←−−
                                                            −→ ←−          heads of G f 4 .
An acceptable plan AP is a tuple < X, f > where X ⊂ QS ∪ QS                    The selectivity factor SF (G fk , G f j , p) between two graph frag-
and f : X → {1...|X |} is the order function of query stars such           ments with respect to a predicate is the ratio of the number of
that:                                                                      edges in a node pointing to the data star’s head located in an-
   (1) Q S ∈X T r (QS) = Tr (q)
                                                                           other fragment. For example, in Figure 5c, the selectivity factor
                                                                                ←−− ←−−
   (2) ∀i ∈ {2...|X |}, head(f −1 (i)) ∈ i−1
                                          j=1 Nd(f (j))
                                                                           SF (G f 5, G f 4, 2) (2 is the id of the predicate arrival) is 2/2 since
                                                                           out of the 2 edges of the predicate arrival in G f 5 , 2 nodes (AF37
4.2    Cost model                                                                                                                  ←−−
                                                                           and IB83) are the heads of data stars located in G f 4 .
In this section, we present a novel cost model used to compare                 For simplicity and to keep the same notation, the selectiv-
execution plans P. As for distributed databases, the cost is ex-           ity of two graph fragments sharing the same head is repre-
pressed with respect to the estimated total time. The total time           sented as SF (G fk , G f j , −1). For example, the selectivity factor
is the sum of all time components (CPU, I/O, Communication),                    −−→ ←−−
                                                                           SF (G f 3, G f 5, −1) in Figure 5b is 1/2 since out of the two heads
however, the I/Os and the communication costs are generally                   −−→
the dominant factors. Our cost estimation considers both the               in G f 3 , one of them is a head of a data star in the graph fragment
disk and communication costs for each query star on the plan as            G f 5 (shown in Figure 5c).
shown in Equation 1. The parameters TI /0 and TT R are the time
of a disk I/0 and the time to transmit a data unit from one site               4.2.2 Disk cost. We present in this section the different for-
to another respectively. The estimated number of of I/O’s and              mulations that allow estimating the number of pages targeted by
network packets transmitted are represented by DC and N C                  a plan. We assume that the data on each fragment are stored as
and their calculation is described in the next sections.                   a clustered B+Tree as done in [9, 12]. Our disk cost is related to
                                                                           this data structure. However if the fragments were stored using
                           Õ                                               another data structure, only the parameters of the function calcu-
   Total_Cost(P) =                 TI /0 ∗ DC(qs) + TT R ∗ N C(qs)   (1)   lating the number pf disk pages (ND P ) would change. The disk
                         qs ∈ P                                            cost for a single query star is given in Equation 2. In this equation,
   Both the disk and network costs are estimated based on sta-             the N P function allows estimating the number of pages targeted
tistical information about each graph fragment G f (Definition             by a query star in a fragment and, the tuple (G f j , k j ) represents
3.4). For the disk cost, the statistics allow estimating the number        the estimation of the number of data stars k j in the fragment
of Data Stars loaded on each fragment that contains potential              G f j involved in the evaluation of such a query. In the following
query matches. Likewise, for the network cost, the number of               sections, we detail the function N P(G f , k) and we present the
intermediate results exchanged between fragments at different              formulations to estimate the number of data stars read on each
sites is estimated based on the same statistics. In the next section,      graph fragment (k).
we describe the statistical data collected for each graph fragment.
   4.2.1 Fragment statistics. We rely on statistical data are col-                    DC(qsi ) =                                ND P (G f j , k j )   (2)
lected for each Graph Fragment G fk . The statistical data collected                                  (Gf j ,k j )∈ input qsi
                  AF37                         Air France
                                                                                          Paris Orly                    "ORY"                                                  arrival
                                                                                                                                                           Paris Orly                       AF37
                  IB62                              Iberia
                               has                                                                     iata_code                                                                arrival
                                                                                           El Prat                     "BCN"                              Berlin Tegel                       IB83
                                                                                    (a)   pi    (b)      (c)   Gf j       pi      (d )             (a)    pi    (b)      (c)       Gf j      pi     (d )
          (a)      pi      (b)       (c)       Gf j      pi           (d)            2    5      2        2        5      -1      1/2               2      2     2       2           2        2     2/2
           3       1       3          2         1             1       2/3                                          6      -1      1/2                                                3       -1     1/2
                                                2            -1       3/3                                          8       5      2/2                                                4        2     2/2
                                     ←−−                                                                   −−→                                                             ←−−
                                 (a) Gf 4                                                              (b) Gf 3                                                        (c) Gf 5

                                                                            Figure 5: Subset of statistics for G of Figure 1

   The number of pages per fragment. Let us now detail the func-                                                  The input of a query star is expressed as a set of tuples (G f j , k j ).
tion N P estimating the number of pages read from the disk given                                               G f j is a Fragment satisfying the predicates of qs 1 and k j is the
a graph fragment G f j and a number of data stars k j as inputs:                                               number of data stars targeted by this query.
                                                                                                                  The Valid input data stars is calculated for each (G f j , k) ∈
                                                             NG f j                                            input_DSqsi and it is expressed as follows:
                         ND P (G f j , k) =                           r f (i)                                           valid_DS qsi = {(G f j , k ′ ) | k ′ = ⌈k ∗                        min             f (e)⌉}
                                                              i=1                                                                                                                  e ∈Edдes(qs i )
where,                                                                                                         Where
                           (                                                                                                      (
                                  NG f j      ∗ BGf j             i f i = HGf j                                                                     1
                                                                                                                                         dist _N E(e .l abel ,Gf j )      , i f e.node is constant
               r f (i) =                                                                                                f (e) =
                                 r i ∗ r f (i + 1)                otherwise                                                              1                                , otherwise
   The parameters and properties in the previous function are                                                  In the f (e) function, we calculate a reduction factor for each
defined as follows:                                                                                            predicate (e.label) to consider an estimation of the number of
   (1) BGf j : number of disk pages in the last level.                                                         data stars found in the fragment after the execution of the star
   (2) HGf j : number of levels.                                                                               query.
                                                                                                                  For each tuple (G f j , k ′ ) ∈ valid_DS qsi , we calculate the
   (3) r i : reduction factor for the i t h level. Given two levels "i"
                                                                                                               output_DSqsi expressed as a set of triplets (G f j , pi , k ′′ ) where
       and "i + 1", and "Z " and L as the number of pages for the
                                                                                                               G f j is the fragment from the input, pi is a predicate of the qsi
       level "i" and "i + 1" respectively, r i is defined as by Z /L.
                                                                                                               and k ′′ is the number of distinct edдe.node related to pi with
   (4) NGf j : number of data stars in the fragment G f (i.e., num-
                                                                                                               respect to the valid input. The Output is calculated as follows:
       ber of keys in the leaf level of the B+Tree).
   (5) r f (i): is the number of pages to be manipulated at the i th
       tree level.                                                                                             output_DSqsi = {(G f j , pi , k ′′ )|pi ∈ edдes(qsi )∧k ′′ = ⌈N DSpi ⌉}
   As it is shown in last equation, the number of pages N P is                                                 Where
                                                                                                                                                                                          , i f e.node is const
the sum of the number of pages manipulated at all levels.                                                                                1
                                                                                                               N DSpi =                     k′
   The number of data stars k. In this part we explain the pro-                                                                          dist (Gf j ) ∗ dist_N E(pi , G f j )             , otherwise
cedure to obtain the number of data stars per each star query                                                  N DSpi is the number of data stars head related to each predicate.
(represented as k). To better understand the procedure, let us                                                    After computing the output of the first query star, We can now
recall the graph exploration execution model illustrated in Figure                                             compute the input of the second query star. For each star order
3. For a given plan, the execution is done finding the mappings                                                greater than one in the plan, the input is computed as follows:
of one query star after another. This execution model guides the
estimation of data stars per query stars. We start calculating the
                                                                                                                          input_DS qsi = {(G f j , k) / G f j |= qs i ∧ k = ⌈N DS⌉}
number of data stars for the first query star (Input). Then we
estimate the number of data stars that we get after executing                                                     To calculate the Input we of qsi if the head of the query star is
this query star(Valid Input). Next, we estimate the number of                                                  a variable we consider two cases:
data stars sent to the next query star for each predicate (Output).                                               (i) Neighbor star queries: In this case, the last evaluated query
Finally, using the selectivity factor and the output, we calculate                                             star is a neighbor of the current query star, therefore in this case
the input of the next query star. This procedure continues until                                               we can use the selectivity factors. The data stars heads targeted
the last query star.                                                                                           in the fragment "G f j " are computed as follows:
   Let us introduce the estimation of the Input of the first query
                                                                                                                      N DS =                                   k ′′ ∗ SF (G fk , G f j , p)
star. We distinguish two cases:
                                                                                                                               (Gf k ,p,k ′′ ) ∈output qs i −1
   (i) If the head of the star query is a variable:
                                                                                                               Where p is the edge between qsi and qsi−1 .
     input_DS qs1 = {(G f j , k)|G f j |= qs 1 ∧ k = dist(GF j )}                                                 (ii) Same head star queries: In this case, the current query star
  (ii) If the head of the star query is a constant:                                                            has the same head of the last evaluated query star so there is
                                                                                                               no link between the star queries. In this case, when Head(qsi )
   input_DS qs1 = {(G f j , 1) | Head(qs 1 ) ∈ GF j ∧ G f j |= qs 1 }                                          is restricted, the number of data stars is equal to the product
between the selectivity of the query star head in the fragment                            Input mapping: The input of the first query star is computed
that satisfies qsi .                                                                   similarly as the inputs of the first query star for the disk cost in
                                                                                       which we distinguish two cases:
                                 Õ                                                        (i) If the head of the query star is a variable:
    N DS =                                              k ′ ∗ SF (G fk , G f j , −1)
              (Gf k   ,k ′   ) ∈val id _input qs i −1                                      input_MP qs1 = {(G f j , M)|G f j |= qs 1 ∧ M = dist(GF j )}
                                                                                          (ii) If the head of the star query is a constant:
   If the head of the query star is a bounded value, the input is
                                                                                                               (G f j , 1) | Head(qs 1 ) ∈ GF j ∧ G f j |= qs 1
calculated similarly to the first query star:
                                                                                         input_MP qs1 =
                                                                                                               (G f j , 0) | Head(qs 1 ) ∈ GF j ∧ G f j ̸ |= qs 1
    input_DS qsi = {(G f j , 1) | Head(qsi ) ∈ GF j ∧ G f j |= qs i }
                                                                                          Valid mapping: The valid mapping of the query star is com-
   4.2.3 Net cost. We present in this section the formulations to                      puted using the input mapping calculated in the previous step.
estimate the number of network packets exchanged between frag-                         The valid input estimates how many variable bindings exist after
ments in different machines. Unlike the Disk Cost in which we                          executing the current query star. For each input ((G f j , M)) we
estimate the number of data stars loaded by each graph fragment                        calculate the product between the number of mappings in the
in a query star, the Network Cost aims to estimate the number                          input M and the estimated number of mappings after the execu-
of mappings sent from one graph fragment to another.                                   tion of the current query star. The valid input is calculated for
   As a recall, a mapping is a binding between the nodes of the                        each input (G f j , M) as follows:
query star and the corresponding values in the input graph. For
example, the mappings of the first query star of Figure 3 are the                            valid_MP qsi = {(G f j , M ′ ) | M ′ = M ∗ P(qsi , G f j )}
bindings for variables ?m and ?f in the input graph (e.g. ?m →
                                                                                       The number of mappings after the execution of the current query
B737, ?f → IB83). As illustrated in Figure 3, these mappings are
                                                                                       star are the product of the mappings for each edge of the query
sent to the graph fragments of the following query stars. The total
                                                                                       star. For each edge e of the query, we calculate a permutation
network cost is equivalent to the sum of mappings exchanged
                                                                                       between n and k where n is the difference of the mean number of
between fragments located in different sites (illustrated with
                                                                                       edges on each data star of the fragment having the same predicate
dotted arrows in Figure 3).
                                                                                       as e.label and the number of edges in the query star pointing to
   The network cost is shown in Equation 3 as the sum of ex-
                                                                                       a constant node. The value of k equals to the number of edges in
changed packages between graph fragments. The function NN P
                                                                                       the query pointing to a variable node. More precisely,
returns the number of packages exchanged between two frag-
ments given a number of mappings M and its size S.
                                                                                                                          Ö          n!
                                                                                                      P(qsi , G f j ) =
                                                                                                                                  (n − k)!
                                                                                                                          e ∈Edдes(qs i )
         N C(qsi ) =                 NN P (G f k , G f j , M)   (3)
                               (Gf k ,Gf j ,M )                                        where,
                             ∈ output _M P qsi
                                                                                         n = count(e.label, G f j )/dist(G f j ) − N _const(e.label, qsi )

   Number of exchanged packages. Let us detail the function NN P                         k = count(e.label, qsi ) − N _const(e.label, qsi )
calculating the number of packages as the product between the                          and N_const is a function returning the number of edges labeled
number of mappings M, its size S and the output of the function                        as e.label in the query star pointing to a bounded node.
loc(G fk , G f j ) returning 1 if the fragments are located on distinct
sites and 0 otherwise. Its formulation is as follows:                                     Output mapping: After computing the valid_MP of the first
                                                                                     query star, we calculate the number of exchanged results between
  NN P (G f k , G f j , M) = M ∗ sizei ∗ loc(G f k , G f j ) /sizepack                 fragments using the selectivity factor. This value is calculated for
                                                                                       each graph fragment from the current query star qsi to the graph
   The parameter sizei represents the size of a single mapping                         fragments of the next query star qsi+1 . For each valid mapping
for the current query star and all the previously found mappings                       found previously, the output mapping is a set of triples defined
and sizepack indicates the size of a single package transmitted                        as follows:
over the network.
   The estimation of the number of mappings M from one query                           output_MP qsi = {(G fk , G f j , M ′′ )|G f j |= qs i+1 ∧M ′′ = ⌈IntMP⌉}
star to another is done at the graph fragment level of each query                         The intermediate mappings IntMP is a function returning the
star. We start calculating the number of data stars loaded per                         number of mappings sent to each graph fragment based on the
graph fragment for the first query star (input_MP). Then, based                        selectivity factor.
on this input, we estimate for each graph fragment the number
                                                                                                       M ∗ SF (G fk , G f j , p)    , i f qs i has neiдhbor
of mappings produced after the execution of the first query star                         IntMP =
(valid_MP). These mappings, named valid mappings, are multi-                                           M ′ ∗ SF (G fk , G f j , −1) , otherwise
plied by the selectivity factors between the graph fragments of                           The input of the following query star is calculated as follows:
the first and second query stars to obtain the output mapping
for each pair of graph fragments. The output mapping of the                             input_MP qsi = {(G f j , M) | G f j |= qs i ∧ M = Nbr _MP(G f j )}
first query star becomes the input of each fragment in the fol-                        The total number of mappings for a single graph fragment is the
lowing query star. The next mappings are estimated following                           sum of all the mappings received from all the graph fragments
the same methodology (calculating the input mappings, valid                            in the previous query star. It is calculated as:
input mappings and the output mappings for each fragment in                                                                   Õ
the query stars). Next, we detail the formulas used to calculate                         Nbr _MP(G f j ) =                                     M ′′
the mappings at each step.                                                                                     (Gf k ,Gf i ,M ′′ )∈output _M P qs i −1 ∧Gf i =Gf j
4.3     Stars Ordering and Selection Problem                                                                                                       []

Several execution plans can be used to evaluate a given query. In
                                                                                                                          −−→                   −−→
Section 4.2 we develop a cost model allowing to compare equiva-                                                          [S Q (?c )]           [S Q (?f )]          ...
                                                                                                                        Cos t = c 1            Cos t = c 4
lent plans for a query. Finding an optimal acceptable execution
plan AP ∗ consists in selecting the acceptable plan for a given
                                                                                          −−→        −−→           −−→        ←−−                   −−→        ←−−
query such that it minimizes a given cost function (defined in                           [S Q (?c ), S Q (?f )]   [S Q (?f ), S Q (El Prat)]       [S Q (?f ), S Q (?f )]
                                                                                             Cos t = c 2                 Cos t = c 3                   Cos t = c 5
Equation 1). We name this problem as the Stars Ordering and
Selection problem since we seek to find the optimal ordering of
Query Stars in the plan. Its definition and complexity are given                         Figure 6: Decision Tree for Query of Figure 2
in Proposition 4.2 and Theorem 1 respectively.
  Proposition 4.2. Stars Ordering and Selection (SOS) problem                         Algorithm overview. The optimal execution plan discovery
Given a query q, find an acceptable plan P ∗ such that:                           algorithm follows a branch and bound strategy in which the set
             minimize Total_Cost(P ∗ ) (Eq. 1)                                    of candidate plans is enumerated in a decision tree. The root of
                                                                                  the tree contains the union of the sets of forward and backward
  Theorem 1. The Stars ordering and Selection (SOS) problem is
                                                                                  query stars for a specific query. Each node of the decision tree
                                                                                  contains a candidate plan, the Allowed_stars set for this plan
   Theorem 1 is explained as follows: our problem is as difficult                 and its cost (cost function described in Section 4.2). The children
as the well-known problems belonging to the NP-Hard class.                        nodes are the execution plans resulting from adding a query
There is no efficient (polynomial) algorithm that can solve this                  star from the set of Allowed_stars to the execution plan of the
problem. Then we face two cases: either an exact and exponential                  parent node. The Allowed_stars set is empty if the node’s plan
algorithm or a polynomial and not exact algorithm. In the next                    is an AP. If the cost of the plan in the node is greater than the
section we describe a branch and bound based algorithm allowing                   cost of the best plan (at that moment), then the node will not be
to find the optimal query plan based on some parameters. Due                      expanded to its children nodes even if there are still query stars
to the lack of space the proof of this theorem is found online 3 .                in the Allowed_stars set. The cost of the best plan is initialized
                                                                                  to infinite so the first AP generated becomes the best plan at an
4.4     Optimal P Finding Algorithm                                               early exploration.
We present in this section our parametric algorithm allowing                          Let us consider the example tree shown in Figure 6 in which the
to find the best plan for a given query. Our algorithm relies on                  the first star query to be explored is SQ(?c), with Allowed_Stars =
                                                                                    ←−              −→
a branch and bound strategy to enumerate candidate solutions.                     {SQ(El Prat), SQ(?f )} and with a cost c 1 . Since c 1 is not greater
To prune invalid execution plans it relies on the concepts of                     than infinite, we must continue expanding the node to the query
Allowed_Stars and Star_Distance defined next.                                                                            −→
                                                                                  stars in the Allowed_Stars set of SQ(?c). The tree is expanded
   Allowed Stars. This concept guarantees that all the generated                                                             −→       −→
                                                                                  and the child node contains the plan [SQ(?c), SQ(?f )] which is
execution plans are acceptable plans APs. For a given plan X , an                 an AP because its Allowed_stars is empty. Since the cost c 2 of
Allowed_Star is the set containing the query stars (forward and                   the plan is lower than infinite, the plan of the node becomes the
backward) such that any of them can be added to X and produce                     best query plan (at the moment). The tree continues to expand
an AP. For the example query of Figure 2, the Allowed_Star                                             −→       ←−
                  −→          −→       ←−−                                        creating the child [SQ(?f ), SQ(El Prat)]. Assuming that the cost
set for the plan [QS(?c)] is {QS(?f ), QS(El Prat)} since both                    c 3 > c 2 , the node will not be expanded even if the star query
        −→      −→         −→      ←−                                             −→
plans ([QS(?c), QS(?f )], [QS(?c), QS(El Prat)]) are acceptable.                  SQ(?f ) is still in the Acceptable_stars set of the node. The algo-
The formal definition is given in Proposition 4.3.                                rithm continues exploring similarly until no more star queries in
   Proposition 4.3. (Allowed stars) Let X be a valid plan, the                    the root could be expanded and the best possible plan has been
allowed stars set is defined as follows:                                          found.
                                  −→ ←−                                               The tree exploration technique is given in Algorithm 1. The
 Allowed_stars(X ) = {qs |qs ∈ QS ∪ QS and [X, qs] is an AP}                      initialization is done in steps 1-3. We start by creating a node
   Stars Distance. This user-defined parameter allows skipping                    under the root of the decision tree (step 5). Each node of the
some combination that the user does not want to explore based                     decision tree is characterized by three elements: the plan, the
on the concept of distance. The distance between two stars in                     allowed query stars and the cost. In steps 6-8 we initialize the
a query graph is the number of edges separating the heads of                      elements for the node created in step 5. Then in step 9, we call
the star queries by considering the shortest path. For example,                   a function named Add_Query_Star for each query star. This
for the query in Figure 2, the distance between the star queries                  function is described in Algorithm 2.
−→          ←−
QS(?c) and QS(?m) is 2 since between the heads of both heads                          The Add_Query_Star function (Alg. 2) receives as parameters
there are two predicates (has_flight and plane_model). The                        a query star, the node of the decision tree, the best plan (at the
distance between stars allows considering only plans that privi-                  moment) and the stars distance. It starts calculating the node’s
lege to evaluate neighbors’ stars. The formal definition is given                 elements: it adds the query star to the plan (step 1), then calculates
in Proposition 4.4.                                                               the allowed star (step 2) and the cost as defined in Section 4.2 (step
                                                                                  3). Next, if the cost of the plan is smaller than the cost of the plan
  Proposition 4.4. (Stars Distance) Given two query stars QS(x)                   defined as best plan then we call the Enumerate_Child_Branch
and QS(y), the distance between both queries is given by:                         function (step 5) defined in Algorithm 3. If the cost is greater,
   distance(QS(x), QS(y)) = |{p|p is a path between x and y}|                     then it exits (step 7).
3 Theorem 1’s proof & Experimental Queries: https://www.lias-lab.fr/~amesmoudi/       The Enumerate_Child_Brach (Alg. 3) function has as inputs
papers/dolap2020/SOS-NP-hardness-proof.pdf                                        the node of the decision tree, the best plan at the moment and the
 Algorithm 1: Optimal P Finding                                          statistics is negligible compared to the size and the loading times
                                  −→    ←−                               of the datasets. Next, to study the accuracy of the estimations of
      INPUTS: d: stars distance, QS(x), QS(x): forward and               data stars and mappings obtained with the cost model of Section
      backward star queries                                              4.2, we compared the predicted value (of data stars and mappings)
      OUTPUT: P: Best Plan                                               with the real number of structures exchanged in the solution
   1: P.Plan ←− [ ]                                                      of the plan considered as best plan. Finally, we evaluated the
   2: P.Cost ←− ∞                                                        precision of the algorithm selecting the optimal execution time
   3: T : decision tree                                                  based on a precision measure that we define in Sect 5.4.
                 −→      ←−
   4: for qs ∈ QS(x) ∪ QS(x) do
   5:     Create a new node N in T                                       5.1     Experimental setup
   6:     N .Plan ←− [ ]
                                                                         Hardware: We conducted all experiments on a machine with
   7:     N .Allowed_QSs ←− [ ]
                                                                         an Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 5118 CPU @ 2.30GHz CPU, 1TB hard
   8:     N .Cost ←− 0
                                                                         disk and 32GB of RAM. Ubuntu server 16.04 LTS is used as an
   9:     Add_Query_Star (qs, N , P, d)
                                                                         operating system.
  10: end for
                                                                         Datasets: We created statistics and evaluate execution times ex-
  11: Return P
                                                                         ecuting queries3 on real and synthetic datasets. We utilize the
                                                                         popular LUBM (16GB) and Watdiv (15GB) benchmarks as syn-
 Algorithm 2: Add_Query_Star                                             thetic datasets and a Yago2 (41GB) and DBLP (32GB) as real
       INPUTS: qs: Query Star,N : decision Tree node,P: Best
       Plan, d: stars distance                                           5.2     Collection of statistics
    1: N .Plan ←− N .Plan ∪ qs
    2: N .Allowed_QSs ←− Allowed_Stars (N.Plan)
                                                                         The evaluation of the process of statistics generation are sum-
    3: N.Cost←− Total_Cost(N.Plan) ◁ Defined in Sect. 4.2
                                                                         marized in Table 2. As it is shown, the size of the statistics is
    4: if N .Cost < P.Cost then
                                                                         very small compared to the actual size of the data, just a few
    5:    Enumerate_Child_Branch(N , P, d)                               MB for all the datasets. For example, in the Yago dataset (41GB)
    6: else
                                                                         the statistics are stored in a file of only 82MB (0.2%). The time
    7:    EXIT (i.e., abandon this branch)                               in minutes to generate the statistics is shown in the column ST.
    8: end if
                                                                         The time to generate the statistics is negligible compared to the
                                                                         loading times of the real database (in real datasets it was less than
                                                                         10% of the loading time). In our case, we intentionally worked
stars distance. If the set of allowed stars is empty, we consider the    with a hardware with limited specifications to prove that the
plan of this node and its cost as the new best plan and minimal          generation of statistics is scalable. We are able to generate the
cost respectively (steps 1-3). If there are query stars in the allowed   statistics without loading the entire database to main memory.
stars set, then for each element that fulfills the distance constraint
we call the Add_Query_Star function (steps 5-11).                              Table 2: Size of statistics M: millions, ST: Statistics,
                                                                                                  LT: loading time
 Algorithm 3: Enumerate_Child_Branch
                                                                                                 −−→     ←−−
        INPUTS: N : decision Tree node, P: Best Plan, d: stars            Dataset
                                                                                                |Gf |   |Gf |
                                                                                                                ST            %        ST     %
                                                                                      (M)                       (MB)          Size    (min)   LT.
     1: if N .Allowed_QSs is empty then                                   LUBM          19.9       11      13   0.008      0.00005     0.50    4.4
     2:    P.Plan ←− N .Plan                                              Watdiv        109    39,855   1,181     198           0.2    84.2   71.6
     3:    P.Cost ←− N .Cost                                              Yago          284    25,511   1,216      82          1.32    84.1    9.4
                                                                          DBLP          207       247      26   0.196   0.0006125       4.7    3.6
     4: else
     5:    for qs ∈ N .Allowed_QSs do
     6:      qs l ←− last query star in N .Plan
     7:       if distance(head(qs l ), head(qs) ≤ d) then                5.3     Evaluation of cost model
     8:          N’ ←− a copy of N                                       We evaluated the estimations of our model measuring the relative
     9:          Add_Query_Star (qs, N ′, P)                             error in the estimation of data stars and mappings for the query
    10:       end if                                                     selected as best query. The results of these estimations are shown
    11:    end for                                                       in Figure 7 (plotted with logarithmic scale for readability). The
    12: end if
                                                                         relative error is greater in queries that do not send back any
                                                                         result. However, as it is seen later, this estimation does not affect
                                                                         the choice of the best execution plan.
We conducted our experiments in the QDAG system [9], storing             5.4      Optimal P Algorithm
the data as graph fragments and solving queries using a graph-           We defined a precision measure to evaluate the choice of the
exploration approach. We evaluated firstly the time needed to            plan made by the selection algorithm. We sorted the execution
generate the proposed statistics. We do not give the total loading       plans for each query based on their execution time. The precision
times for the tested datasets (they are found in [5, 9]), instead we     measures how far is the best plan proposed by the algorithm
prove that the dimensions and generation time of the proposed            compared to the actual best plan in terms of execution time. The
                                    8                                                                                                       3
                                                                                             ∆DS                                                                                           ∆DS                                                     ∆DS                        12                        ∆DS
                                                                                             ∆MP                                                                                           ∆MP                                                     ∆MP                                                  ∆MP
       % Log Relative Error

                                                                                                                     % Log Relative Error

                                                                                                                                                                                                 % Relative Error

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           % Relative Error

                                                                                                                                            1                                                                                                                                  4
                                    2                                                                                                                                                                               1


                                    0                                                                                                       0                                                                       0                                                          0
                                                  1           2          3           4                                                                  1         2         3      4   5                                1   2    3     4   5   6                                   1    2       3   4
                                                              Query                                                                                                     Query                                                    Query                                                  Query

                                                          (a) Watdiv                                                                                             (b) LUBM                                                       (c) DBLP                                               (d) Yago

                                                                                                                                                                      Figure 7: Relative Error Estimation

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