To Each His Own: Accommodating Data Variety by a Multimodel Star Schema Sandro Bimonte Yassine Hifdi Mohammed Maliari University Clermont, TSCF, INRAE LIFAT Laboratory, University Tours ENSA Aubiere, France Blois, France Tangier, Maroc Patrick Marcel Stefano Rizzi LIFAT Laboratory, University Tours DISI, University of Bologna Blois, France Bologna, Italy ABSTRACT for the right data type is essential to grant good storage and anal- Recent approaches adopt multimodel databases (MMDBs) to ysis performance. Traditionally, each DBMS has been conceived natively handle the variety issues arising from the increasing for handling a specific data type; for example, relational DBMSs amounts of heterogeneous data (structured, semi-structured, graph- for structured data, document-based DBMSs for semi-structured based, etc.) made available. However, when it comes to analyzing data, etc. Therefore, when an application requires different data these data, traditional data warehouses (DWs) and OLAP systems types, two solutions are actually possible: (i) integrating all data fall short because they rely on relational Database Management into a single DBMS, or (ii) using two or more DBMSs together. Systems (DBMSs) for storage and querying, thus constraining The former solution presents serious drawbacks: first of all, some data variety into the rigidity of a structured schema. This pa- types of data cannot be stored and analyzed (e.g., the pure re- per provides a preliminary investigation of the performance of lational model does not support the storage of images, XML, an MMDB when used to store multidimensional data for OLAP arrays, etc. [29]); besides, even when data can be converted and analysis. A multimodel DW would store each of its elements stored in the target DBMS, querying performances could be un- according to its native model; among the benefits we envision for satisfactory. The latter approach (known as polyglot persistence this solution, that of bridging the architectural gap between data [16]) presents important challenges as well, namely, technically lakes and DWs, that of reducing the cost for ETL data transfor- managing more DBMSs, complex query languages, inadequate mations, and that of ensuring better flexibility, extensibility, and performance optimization, etc. Therefore, Multimodel databases evolvability thanks to the use of schemaless models. To support (MMDBs) have recently been proposed to overcome these issues. our investigation we present an implementation, based on the A MMDB is a DBMS that natively supports different data types UniBench benchmark dataset, that extends a star schema with under a single query language to grant performance, scalability, JSON, XML, spatial, and key-value data; we also define a sample and fault tolerance [21]. Remarkably, using a single platform for OLAP workload and use it to test the performance of our solution multimodel data promises to deliver several benefits to users and compare it with that of a classical star schema. As expected, besides that of providing a unified query interface; namely, it will the full-relational implementation performs better, but we believe simplify query operations, reduce development and maintenance that this gap could be balanced by the benefits of multimodel in issues, speed up development, and eliminate migration problems dealing with variety. Finally, we give our perspective view of the [21]. Examples of MMDBs are PostgreSQL and ArangoDB. Post- research on this topic. greSQL supports the row-oriented, column-oriented, key-value, and document-oriented data models, offering XML, HSTORE, JSON/JSONB data types for storage. ArangoDB supports the graph-based, key-value, and document-oriented data models. 1 INTRODUCTION Handling variety while granting at the same time volume and Big Data is notoriously characterized by (at least) the 3 V’s: vol- velocity is even more complex in Data Warehouses (DWs) and ume, velocity, and variety. To handle velocity and volume, some OLAP systems. Indeed, warehoused data result from the integra- distributed file system-based storage (such as Hadoop) and new tion of huge volumes of heterogeneous data, and OLAP requires Database Management Systems (DBMSs) have been proposed. very good performances for data-intensive analytical queries [20]. In particular, four main categories of NoSQL databases have Traditional DW architectures rely on a single, relational DBMS been proposed [2]: key-value, extensible record, graph-based, for storage and querying1 . To offer better support to volume and document-based. while maintaining velocity, some recent works propose the usage Although NoSQL DBMSs have successfully proved to support of NoSQL DBMSs; for example, [8] relies on a document-based the volume and velocity features, variety is still a challenge [21]. DBMS, and [5] on a column-based DBMS. NoSQL proposals for Indeed, several practical applications (e.g. retail, agriculture, etc.) DWs are based on a single data model, and all data are trans- ask for collecting and analyzing data of different types: structured formed to fit with that model (document, graph, etc.). Overall, (e.g., relational tables), semi-structured (e.g., XML and JSON), and although these approaches offer interesting results in terms of unstructured (such as text, images, etc.). Using the right DBMS volume and velocity, they have been mainly conceived and tested for structured data, without taking into account variety. © Copyright 2020 for this paper held by its author(s). Published in the proceedings of DOLAP 2020 (March 30, 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, co-located with EDBT/ICDT 1 More precisely, this is true for so-called ROLAP architectures. In MOLAP architec- 2020) on Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution tures, data are stored in multidimensional arrays. Finally, in HOLAP architectures, 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). a MOLAP and a ROLAP systems are coupled. Furthermore, to facilitate OLAP querying, DWs are normally Key-Value Relational XML based on the multidimensional model, which introduces the con- Ranking and Customers feedback Invoices cepts of facts, dimensions, and measures to analyze data, so source Vendors data must be forcibly transformed to fit a multidimensional logi- Graph cal schema following a so-called schema-on-write approach. Since Social networks this is not always painless because of the schemaless nature of Orders some source data, some recent work (such as [12]) propose to Products RegUsers directly rewrite OLAP queries over document stores that are not JSON organized according to the multidimensional model, following a schema-on-read approach (i.e., the multidimensional schema is Figure 1: Overview of the UniBench data not decided at design time and forced in a DW, but decided by each single user at querying time). However, even this approach relies on a single DBMS. logical model for column-based DWs has been proposed by [5] An interesting direction towards a solution for effectively and [7] to address volume scalability. In [28], transformation handling the 3 V’s in DW and OLAP systems is represented by rules for DW implementation in graph-based DBMSs have been MMDBs. A multimodel data warehouse (MMDW) can store data proposed for better handling social network data. To the best of according to the multidimensional model and, at the same time, our knowledge, only [22] presents a benchmark for comparing let each of its elements be natively represented through the most NoSQL DW proposals; specifically, this benchmark is applied to appropriate model. Among the benefits we envision for MMDWs, MongoDB and Hbase. Some works also study the usage of XML that of bridging the architectural gap between data lakes and DBMSs for warehousing XML data [24]. Although XML DWs DWs, that of reducing the cost for ETL data transformations, and represent a first effort towards native storage of semi-structured that of ensuring better flexibility, extensibility, and evolvability data, their querying performances do not scale well with size, thanks to the use of schemaless models. and compression techniques must be adopted [4]. In this paper we conduct a preliminary investigation of the Among all these proposals, it is hard to champion one logical performance of MMDWs to store multidimensional data. To this and physical implementation for NoSQL and XML DWs, since end we introduce a logical schema for MMDWs and its implemen- no approach clearly outperforms the other on the 3 V’s. More- tation on PostgreSQL, which gives native multimodel support. over, these single-model proposals do not address other issues Our schema extends the classical star schema introducing semi- related to warehousing big data, such as reducing the cost of ETL, structured (JSON, XML, and key-value) data in all the multidi- evolution and improving flexibility. mensional elements; thus, it goes in the direction of coupling the Recently, some approaches to execute OLAP queries directly pros of schema-on-write approaches (mainly, good performances against NoSQL data sources were proposed. In [12], a schema- and simple query formulation with no need for query rewriting) on-read approach to automatically extract facts and hierarchies with those of schema-on-read approaches (higher flexibility in from document data stores and trigger OLAP queries is proposed. ad-hoc querying). A similar approach is presented in [17]; there, schema variety is Due to the lack of a benchmark for multimodel data warehouse, explicitly taken into account by choosing not to design a single in this paper we propose our own OLAP workload to evaluate crisp schema where source fields are either included or absent, the performance of our proposal, which we also test against a but rather to enable an OLAP experience on some sort of “soft” full-relational implementation on PostgreSQL. To the best of our schema where each source field is present to some extent. In knowledge, no benchmark dataset for DW (either relational or the same direction, [13] proposes a MapReduce-based algorithm NoSQL) supports variety; thus, for the experiments we use the to compute OLAP cubes on column stores, while [6] aims at schema and data provided by UniBench [30], a benchmark for delivering the OLAP experience over a graph-based database. MMDBs that well represents variety. The approaches mentioned above rely on a single-model data- The paper outline is as follows. After discussing the related base. Conversely, [19] proposes a pay-as-you-go approach which literature in Section 2, in Section 3 we present the UniBench case enables OLAP queries against a polystore supporting relational, study. Sections 4 and 5 introduce our logical schema for MMDWs document, and column data models by hiding heterogeneity be- and the related OLAP workload, respectively. Section 6 shows hind a dataspace layer. Data integration is carried out on-the-fly the results of the experiments we made, while Section 7 presents using a set of mappings. Even this approach can be classified as our vision of future MMDW research. Finally, in Section 8 we schema-on-read; the focus is on query rewriting against hetero- draw the conclusions. geneous databases and not on the performances of the approach. 2 RELATED WORK 3 CASE STUDY: UNIBENCH Some recent work concerns warehousing and OLAP using NoSQL UniBench is a benchmark for multimodel databases proposed DBMSs of different kinds. In [11], three different logical mod- in [30]. It includes a retail dataset composed of relational, XML, els are proposed, using 1 or N document collections to store JSON, key-value, and graph data as shown in Figure 1, which data in document-based DBMSs and highlighting the utility of makes it a good representative for variety. However, UniBench nested document and array types [10]. The same authors also was not conceived for OLAP queries. Since our goal is to han- investigate how to handle complex hierarchies and summariz- dle variety with specific reference to DWs, we had to derive a ability issues with document-based DWs [9]. The introduction multidimensional schema from UniBench. This adaptation re- of spatial data in document-based DWs has been discussed in quired some modifications, including the addition of descriptive [15], which proposes a new spatial multidimensional model to attributes (e.g., LastName), which allows to better test the ef- avoid redundancy of spatial data and improve performances. A fectiveness of the proposed approach; as a consequence, some Location Vendor Store that results from applying this guideline to the conceptual schema Year Price Month Image Comment in Figure 2. It can be described as follows: Day Product • The fact table, Fact_Order, has one tuple for each order Order and references the order customer and date via foreign keys. Each tuple includes a JSON document that stores TotalPrice Rating the totalPrice measure and an array of orderlines, each Customer FirstName CreationDate specifying a product. LastName Birthday • The customer dimension table, Dim_Customer, specifies UsedBrowser Gender each customer’s data in the form of XML documents. • The temporal dimension table, Dim_Date, stores in each Figure 2: Multidimensional schema for UniBench (the tuple a JSON document with the order date; to enable use- DFM notation [18] is used) ful aggregations, it also stores the corresponding month and year. • The product dimension table, Dim_Product, for each prod- additional data had to be (randomly) generated. The resulting uct stores its location (as a spatial attribute), vendor, and schema represents the Order fact; as shown in Figure 2 it presents store, as well as a JSON document with the product name three dimensions: (title), price, and image. Each product also has a Feedback • A Time dimension with levels Day, Month, and Year. attribute that stores all its ratings in key-value form, with • A Product dimension with one hierarchy including level the customer code as a key. Store and some descriptive attributes (e.g., Vendor). Inter- • As shown in Figure 2, each order refers to several prod- estingly, stores are described by a spatial level, Location. ucts. To model this non-strict hierarchy, rather than opt- The cloud symbol in the schema denotes that a product can ing for the classical relational solution (a many-to-many have some additional descriptive attributes not specified bridge table [18]), we established a connection between at design time. the InfoOrder document stored in the fact table and the • A Costumer dimension in which two hierarchies are rooted: Dim_Product dimension table via the asin attribute. one with level Gender, one with UsedBrowser. The cus- tomer also has some descriptive attributes, e.g., LastName. An example of instances of the fact table and of the product dimension table are shown in Figure 4. Attribute Rating is cross-dimensional, i.e., its value is jointly de- The cloud symbol in Figure 2 denotes that the product di- termined by Product and Customer (a customer can rate several mension can include some additional attributes not specified products). The fact has one measure, TotalPrice. at design time (hence, not included in the JSON schema). For Finally, since an order is associated to many products, a many- instance, some InfoPrdt documents will have an EU attribute to-many relationship is set between the fact and the product precising the category of product according to the EU classifica- dimension (non-strict hierarchy).2 tion (see Figure 5), while some InfoOrder documents will have a brand attribute. 4 A MULTIMODEL STAR SCHEMA FOR UNIBENCH In this section we present a MultiModel, MultiDimensional (in 5 AN OLAP WORKLOAD FOR UNIBENCH short, M3 D) logical schema for the Order fact introduced above. The workload we introduce to test our M3 D schema is inspired by Essentially, we use a classical star schema with a fact and di- that of the classical SSB benchmark [23], itself loosely based on mension tables, extended with semi-structured data in JSON and the TPC-H benchmark. The SSB workload is meant to function- XML form, and with spatial data. Starting from a star schema ally cover the different types of star schema queries while varying has several clear advantages: (i) the star schema is supported fact table selectivity. SSB queries are organized in 4 flights, where by all OLAP servers and already in use in a huge number of en- each flight is a list of 3 to 4 queries. Query flight 1 has restrictions terprise DWs; (ii) the best practices for designing a star schema on only 1 dimension, flight 2 has restrictions on 2 dimensions, from a conceptual schema are well understood and commonly flight 3 on 3, and flight 4 represents a what-if sequence of the adopted by practitioners; (iii) fact-dimension relationships are OLAP type. We adopt the same approach, while at the same time ruled by foreign keys so their consistence is natively checked classifying queries according to the usage of relational (R)/non by the DBMS; (iv) performance optimization of star schema has relational (NR) measures, relational/non relational group-by lev- been long studied and practiced at both the logical (e.g., via view els, and relational/non relational selection levels. We also add materialization) and the physical (e.g., via indexing) level. a parameter representing the type of join: relational means a Clearly, several possible alternatives arise for modeling the join using two relational attributes, while JSON means a join Order fact with an extended star schema. Defining a set of best between a JSON attribute and a relational one. Q10 and Q12 use practices for designing an M3 D schema that achieves the best selection attributes that are not part of the JSON schema (brand trade-off between the five advantages listed in Section 1 is out of and EU, respectively). In Table 1, which presents the workload, the scope of this paper; so, we opted for designing the schema “by” introduces a group-by and “for” a selection. based on a simple guideline: preserve as much as possible the source data variety, i.e., minimizing the transformations to be 6 MULTIMODEL VS. FULL-RELATIONAL applied to UniBench source data. Figure 3 shows the M3 D schema In this section we give a preliminary assessment of the effec- 2 We have not considered the graph data of UniBench, since the PostgreSQL DBMS tiveness and efficiency of MMDWs as compared to those of a used for implementation does not support them natively. classical relational implementation. Date Dim_Date { "$schema": "", "id": "#", Id_Date : Int "type": "object", Date : JSON "properties": { "orderDate": Month : Date { "type": "string" }}} Year : Date Dim_Product Feedback Fact_Order Dim_Customer Asin : String key : id_cust Feedback : Hstore Id_Order : String Id_Cust : String value : rating InfoPrdt : JSON Id_Cust : String InfoCust : XML Location : Geo Id_Date : Int Store : String InfoOrder : JSON Vendor : String InfoPrdt InfoOrder InfoCust { "$schema": "", { "$schema": "", "id": "#", "id": "#", { "title": { "type": "string" }, { "totalPrice": "price": { "type": "number" }, { "type": "number" }, "imhUrl": { "type": "string" }}}} "orderLine": { "type": "array", "items": { "id": "0", "type": "object", "properties": { "productId": { "type": "string" }, "asin": { "type": "string" }, "title": { "type": "string" }}}}}} Figure 3: Multimodel star schema in PostgreSQL (solid and dashed lines represent foreign key relationships and implicit relationships between relational and JSON attributes, respectively; in italics, level properties) Dim prod WITH EU Figure 4: Sample instances of Fact_Order (top) and Dim_Product (bottom) { "title": "5 LED Bicyle Rear Tail", 6.1 Efficiency "price": 8.26, "imhUrl": "", We have implemented the M3 D schema using PostgreSQL with "EU": "Electronics" }}}} its JSON, XML, key-value, and spatial native storage. Data used to feed dimensions and facts has been extracted from the UniBench Figure 5: An InfoPrdt document including an extra- benchmark [30]. Specifically, we have 745 dates (|Dim_Date|), schema attribute, EU 9,949 customers (|Dim_Customer|), 10,116 products (|Dim_Product|), and 640,000 orders (|Fact_Order|). Table 1: OLAP queries on the Order fact Query Measure Group-by Selection Join Query Numb. of selections NR types Q0 R R R R Number of orders by months forQ2: given months and years 2 — Q1 R R R JSON Number of orders by months forselect count(distinct given stores and years o.Id_Order) as NumberOfOrders, 2 d.Month JSON Q2 R R NR JSON Number of orders by months forfrom given(years selectandId_Order, rating products->>'asin’2 as Asin JSON,key-value Q3 R NR R R Number of orders by months, gender forfrom given Fact_Order years o, 1 XML Q4 R NR NR JSON Number of orders by months, gender for given products 1 jsonb_array_elements(o.InfoOrder->'orderLine') asJSON,XML products Q5 NR R R JSON Total price by year for given stores 1 JSON Q6 NR R NR R Total price by year for given genders ) as op, Fact_Order o, Dim_Date d,1 JSON,XML Q7 NR NR R JSON ( select Total price by year, gender for given stores skeys(p.Feedback) as Id_Cust, and years 2 Asin, svals(p.Feedback) JSON as Rating Q8 NR NR NR R from and Total price by year of birth for given browsers Dim_Product genders p 2 XML Q9 NR NR NR JSON Total price by date, customer for given)months, as cp ratings, stores 3 JSON,key-value Q10 NR NR NR opt. R where Total price by date for given months, d.Year='2020' genders, brands and Rating>4 and o.Id_Date=d.Id_Date 3 JSON,XML Q11 NR NR NR JSON Total price by date, customer forand given months, genders, ratings o.Id_Cust=cp.Id_Cust 3 and o.Id_Order=op.Id_OrderJSON,XML,key-value and cp.Asin=op.Asin Q12 NR NR NR opt. JSON Total price by costumer for given EU values 1 JSON,XML group by d.Month Q2: Q2: select count(distinct o.Id_Order) as NumberOfOrders, d.Month select count(distinct Id_Order) as NumberOfOrders, d.Month from ( select Id_Order, products->>'asin’ as Asin from Fact_Order o, Dim_Date d, Bridge_Cust_Prod cp, Bridge_Ord_Prod op from Fact_Order o, where d.Year='2020' and Rating>4 and o.Id_Date=d.Id_Date jsonb_array_elements(o.InfoOrder->'orderLine') as products and o.Id_Cust=cp.Id_Cust and o.Id_Order=op.Id_Order and cp.Asin=op.Asin ) as op, Fact_Order o, Dim_Date d, group by d.Month ( select skeys(p.Feedback) as Id_Cust, Asin, svals(p.Feedback) as Rating from Dim_Product p ) as cp Figure 7: SQL formulation of query Q2 in PostgreSQL over where d.Year='2020' and Rating>4 and o.Id_Date=d.Id_Date the FR schema and o.Id_Cust=cp.Id_Cust and o.Id_Order=op.Id_Order and cp.Asin=op.Asin group by d.Month Dim_Date Q2: Figure 6: SQL formulation of query Q2 in PostgreSQL over Id_Date : Int select count(distinct Id_Order) as NumberOfOrders, d.Month Date : Date the M 3 D schema Month : Date from Fact_Order o, Dim_Date d, Bridge_Cust_Prod cp, Bridge_Ord_Prod op Bridge_Ord_Prod Year : Date where d.Year='2020' and Rating>4 and o.Id_Date=d.Id_Date Id_Order: String and o.Id_Cust=cp.Id_Cust and o.Id_Order=op.Id_Order and cp.Asin=op.Asin Asin : String Dim_Customer group by d.Month Id_Cust : String Fact_Order FirstName : String Dim_Product LastName : String All the OLAP queries proposed in Section 5 have been suc- Id_Order : String Gender : String Asin : String Id_Cust : String Birthday : Date cessfully formulated and executed over the M3 D schema, which Title : String Id_Date : Int CreationDate : Date Price : Double TotalPrice : Double BrowserUsed : String confirms the feasibility of using PostgreSQL as a platform for stor- ImhUrl : String Location: Geo ing and querying MMDWs. Figure 6 shows the SQL formulation Store : String Bridge_Cust_Prod Vendor : String of a sample query in PostgreSQL; note that attributes Feedback Id_Cust : String of type key-value and InfoOrder of type JSON are retrieved as Asin : String Rating : Int table views to be used for a join or a selection. In the following, we present some experiments aimed at quan- Figure 8: Full-relational star schema in PostgreSQL titatively comparing the querying performances of the M3 D schema and those of a full-relational star schema (from now on, FR). For the FR schema we used two bridge tables as shown Table 2: Performance of benchmark queries (in millisec- in Figure 8. The first one, Bridge_Ord_Prod, stores the many- onds) to-many relationship between an order and its products. The second one, Bridge_Cust_Prod, is necessary to store the Rating Query M3 D FR Q0 253 310 cross-dimensional attribute. Noticeably, attributes EU and brand Q1 712 633 are not included here since, as explained in Section 4, they were Q2 2509 1161 Q3 3996 1023 not known at design time. Clearly, unless some (costly) evolution Q4 1049 175 of the schema is carried out, these attributes cannot be loaded Q5 1437 714 Q6 1034 197 and they cannot be used for querying. The FR schema is also Q7 1902 711 Q8 817 131 implemented in PostgreSQL; Figure 7 shows the SQL formulation Q9 187 732 of query Q2 over the FR schema. A comparison between Figures Q10 1660 — Q11 2726 517 6 and 7 suggests that the formulation over the M3 D schema is Q12 1165 — more complex; however, we wish to emphasize that there is no real difficulty in formulating queries on an MMDW in compar- ison to a traditional star schema, except that some knowledge on a Core i5 with 4 CPUs @2.3GHz laptop with 16 GB RAM and of the DBMS-specific operators to manipulate key-value, JSON, SSD running MacOS Mojave. and XML types is required. Table 2 shows the query execution in milliseconds against For both implementations, B+trees have been used to index both implementations. Note that Q10 and Q12 cannot be exe- relational attributes. For the M3 D schema, some tests were done cuted on the FR schema because they use attributes (brand and in order to find the best optimization plan for the workload EU, respectively) that were not known at design time so they queries. The results we report below use the following: (i) a Gist are not part of that schema. Not surprisingly, the full-relational index is used on the Feedback hstore attribute; (ii) B+trees and implementation outperforms the multimodel implementation Gin indexes are used on JSON attributes. All tests have been run over most queries. This can partly be explained by recalling that Table 3: Storage size ad-hoc queries to satisfy situational analysis needs [1]. Besides, mixing different models allows, in an MMDW, to Table M3 D FR achieve higher flexibility in the modeling solutions taken, Fact_Order 603 MB 41 MB Dim_Product 4160 kB 3896 kB for instance when dealing with many-to-many relation- Dim_Customer 3280 kB 824 kB Dim_Date 56 kB 40 kB ships. Bridge_Ord_Prod — 55 MB • Evolution. While the multimodel implementation is par- Bridge_Cust_Prod — 9864 kB tially schemaless, so it inherently supports evolution, the situation with the full-relational implementation is quite PostgreSQL was originally born as a relational DBMS, so semi- different. In fact, even adding a couple of simple levels structured and complex data querying is not fully optimized yet. (as EU and brand in our case study) requires, at the very In particular, PostgreSQL lacks specific optimization structures least, changing the relational schema of one or more tables, adapted to XML data, thus, the InfoCust attribute cannot be prop- editing the ETL procedures, and migrating the data from erly indexed; this impacts queries Q3, Q4, Q6, Q8, and Q10. M3 D the old schema to the new one. A more complex evolu- is also penalized by the necessity to have a JSON attribute in the tion, e.g., one involving a new many-to-many relationship, fact table to be joined with a dimension table (namely, InfoOrder). would have even more impact because it would require Additionally, the fact table in M3 D is quite larger than the one in creating new tables. In case users ask for a full versioning the FR schema, which results in slower star joins (even using the of the schemata, the effort would be greater still. An M3 D JSONB type instead of JSON, the improvement is very small). The schema represents a good trade-off here because most only case where the multimodel implementation significantly evolutions can be handled seamlessly with no impact on outperforms the full-relational one is Q9; this is due to the use of tables and ETL; clearly, a more invasive evolution (such as a bridge table in the relational implementation and specifically adding a new dimension or measure) would still require to the fact that, despite the presence of indexes, the optimizer a change to the relational part of the schema and to the uses sequential scan to access the bridge table. ETL. Table 3 shows the storage size of both implementations. Un- surprisingly, the relational implementation is more sober than 7 A PERSPECTIVE ON MMDW RESEARCH the multimodel one. The experiments we conduct in this work are encouraging enough Though devising complete guidelines and best practices for to set a short- and mid-term perspectives of the research on multimodel design is out of the scope of this paper, we observe MMDWs. The advantages we envision for MMDWs can be sum- that: marized as follows: (1) the relational model is still more efficient, so it should be used, during logical design, for the data sources that can (1) An MMDW will natively and efficiently support OLAP be smoothly transformed into relational form (i.e., those querying over large volumes of multimodel and multidi- whose transformation does not entail loss of information mensional data, thus ensuring support to both volume, content and can be accommodated within the time frame velocity, and variety. of ETL); (2) Storing data in their native model means reducing the (2) conversely, the data sources that hardly fit into the fixed data transformations required; hence, the effort for writing structure of a relational schema, e.g., because their schema (time-consuming and error-prone) ETL procedures will be is not completely known in advance, should be left in their reduced in MMDWs, and the freshness of data in the DWs native form. will be increased. (3) MMDWs will bridge the architectural gap between data 6.2 Effectiveness lakes and DWs. A data lake ingests heterogeneously- In this section we provide a qualitative comparison of the two structured raw data from various sources and stores them solutions in terms of effectiveness from three points of view: in their native format, enabling their processing according • Transformation. The full-relational implementation required to changing requirements [25]. Differently from DWs, data all the UniBench data to be translated in relational form lakes support storage of any kind of data with low-cost according to the star schema in Figure 8. While in the M3 D design, provide increasing analysis capabilities, and offer schema the dimension and fact tables are fed with JSON an improvement in data ingestion; however, analysis tasks data with simple INSERT queries, in the FR schema more are more complex and time-consuming since a schema-on- steps are required. For instance, just to feed the bridge read approach must be followed. We believe MMDWs will table using the ETL Talend tool we need (i) a job for read- offer an effective architectural trade-off by enabling both ing the JSON collection (tFileInputJSOn); (ii) a loop JSON OLAP multidimensional analyses and ad-hoc analytics on query to read the array of products of each InfoOrder doc- the same repository. ument; (iii) a job for reading the Dim_Product dimension (4) Schema evolution is a crucial issue in traditional DW ar- table; and finally (iv) a join operation. This means that chitectures, since modifying relational schemata to accom- transformations may require a significant time and can be modate new user requirements is a complex and expensive error-prone, so they may be unsuitable in specific settings task. MMDWs can store schemaless data, so they will en- such as those of real-time DWs. sure a more effective support to schema evolution [27]. • Flexibility. Differently from the FR schema, the M3 D one (5) Again thanks to their support of schemaless data, higher preserves the data variety existing in the data sources. This flexibility and extensibility will be granted, which will is particularly relevant for instance in self-service busi- enhance analysis capabilities thus generating added value ness intelligence scenarios, where data scientist will write for users [3]. (6) More specifically, key-value stores on the one hand, 8 CONCLUSION and the array constructs supported by document-based Handling big data variety, volume, and velocity is an important databases on the other, provide an alternative solution challenge for decision-making information systems. On the one to model many-to-many relationships appearing in some hand, data lakes have been proposed to ensure flexible storage of multidimensional schemata. raw data, but at the price of making analyses more complex. On In our short-term research agenda on MMDWs we mainly the other hand, classical DW architectures provide an efficient plan to verify and quantify these benefits via an extensive set framework for analyzing transformed and integrated data, but of experiments based on a more comprehensive case study. This they fall short in natively handling data variety. Motivated by the will require, for instance, to measure the effort for writing ETL emerging trend of MMDBs, in this work we have investigated procedures to transform all data according to a single model; the feasibility of a multimodel approach to DW based on an to assess the increase in querying expressiveness achieved by extension of the well-known star schema with schemaless data MMDWs in function of the amount of data variety; to simulate as dimensions and facts. Our experiments are encouraging as dynamic settings so as to evaluate the saving in dealing with they show that all queries of our multimodel tailored OLAP schema evolution. In order to overcome performance limitations workload can run over the proposed multimodel star schema in described in the previous section, we think also that new exper- acceptable time compared to a full-relational implementation. iments are mandatory on another multimodel DBMS such as Based on these first results, we have presented many short- and Oracle, which provides other types of implementation for non mid-term research perspectives on MMDW. relational data, and also distributed storage and computation. In the mid-term, the preliminary work we presented in this ACKNOWLEDGEMENT paper opens several research issues: This work was partially supported by the French National Re- search Agency as part of the “Investissements d’Avenir” through • Multidimensional design from MMDBs. 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