The Traveling Analyst Problem: Definition and preliminary study Alexandre Chanson, Ben Stefano Rizzi Panos Vassiliadis Crulis, Nicolas Labroche, University of Bologna, Italy University of Ioannina, Greece Patrick Marcel, Verónika Peralta University of Tours, France ABSTRACT Practically, we envision TAP as being at the core of an IDE This paper introduces the Traveling Analyst Problem (TAP), an system being used by data analysts, like the one described in [16]. original strongly NP-hard problem where an automated algo- Analysts would not directly enter TAP parameters, but would rithm assists an analyst to explore a dataset, by suggesting the use storytelling mechanism instead (e.g., [8]) or patterns like “I most interesting and coherent set of queries that are estimated to want a quick short report around this query result” or “I want an be completed under a time constraint. We motivate the problem, in-depth analysis in this particular zone of the cube”. study its complexity, propose a simple heuristic under simplify- The contributions of this preliminary effort include the for- ing assumptions for approximating it, and run preliminary tests malization of TAP as well as the proof of its strong NP-hardness to observe the behavior of this heuristic. (Section 2), an approximation algorithm (Section 3), and some preliminary tests assessing the parameter sensitivity, execution time, and closeness to the optimal of our heuristics (Section 4). 1 INTRODUCTION Section 5 concludes the paper by discussing future research. Interactive data analysis (IDE) [10, 19] is an iterative process con- sisting in executing an action (e.g., a query or a pattern extraction 2 PROBLEM FORMULATION AND algorithm) over the data, receiving the result and deciding what query comes next. It is a challenging task that a number of pre- COMPLEXITY vious works aimed at facilitating (see e.g., [5, 19]). Automating In this section, we formalize TAP and show its NP-hardness. such a process raises a number of challenges [16, 25]: how to determine the direction to follow in often very large and disori- 2.1 Problem formulation enting datasets, how to decide what is the best query to apply, how to determine if a result is interesting, how to tell a story TAP is formulated as: with the data resulting from the analysis [8, 9], etc. Input: Given a set of n queries, a function interest estimat- If we define a data story as a coherent sequence of queries ing an interestingness score for each query, a function cost that answer a user goal, we can express this problem as the estimating the execution cost of each query, and a function computation of the most interesting and coherent data story that dist estimating a cognitive distance between queries, can be obtained within a reasonable time. Even with simplifying Do: find a sequence of m ≤ n queries (without repetition) assumptions, like restricting to exploratory OLAP queries over S.T.: the sequence has the following properties: a multidimensional schema (e.g., a star-schema, which allows (1) it maximizes the overall interestingness score, navigating hierarchically-structured data with a low formulation (2) the sum of the costs does not exceed a user-specified effort) and giving a particular starting point, this problem remains time budget t, inherently highly combinatorial. (3) it minimizes the overall cognitive distance between the This paper presents a preliminary study of this problem, that queries. we name the Traveling Analyst Problem (TAP). Similarly to auto- mated machine learning, which aims at finding the best model We assume that a storytelling mechanism (e.g., [8]) generates on a dataset given a time budget (see e.g., [7]), TAP aims at (i) a set of candidate queries towards producing a story. Thus, our finding, from a very large set of candidate queries, a subset of deliberations start with a set of n candidate queries whose exe- queries that maximizes their interest within a limited time bud- cution has to be optimized. Formally, let Q be a set of n queries, get, and (ii) ordering them so that they narrate a coherent data each associated with a positive time cost cost(qi ) and a positive story. More formally, each query is associated to an interest score interestingness score interest(qi ). Each pair of queries is associ- as well as to an execution cost. A distance between queries is ated with a metric dist(qi , q j ) for their cognitive distance. Given used to order the queries so that the transition cost between two a time budget t, the optimization problem consists in finding consecutive queries is minimized. Interestingly, a study of the a sequence ⟨q 1, . . . , qm ⟩ of queries, qi ∈ Q, without repetition, state-of-the-art reveals that TAP has not been studied in the Op- with m ≤ n, such that: erations Research community, while being close to two classical (1) max m interest(qi ), Í optimization problems (the Traveling Salesman Problem and the Ím i=1 Knapsack Problem) [11]. (2) i=1 cost(qi ) ≤ t (3) min m−1i=1 dist(qi , qi+1 ), Í © Copyright 2020 for this paper held by its author(s). Published in the proceedings of DOLAP 2020 (March 30, 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, co-located with EDBT/ICDT The decision problem associated with this optimization prob- 2020) on Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). lem is to decide if such a sequence exists. 2.2 Complexity k OLAP operations, i.e., the size of Q, can be done by assuming TAP can be related to two families of classical NP-hard opti- for simplicity that dimensions only have linear hierarchies (no mization problems: (i) the Knapsack problem, which consists branches): in picking weighted items from a set S such that the sum of |Q | = ((Πi hi − 1) + (|2D | − 1) + (|2M | − 1)) · k their values is maximum, without exceeding a given size [13], corresponding to constraints (1) and (2); and (ii) the traveling where hi is the number of levels in dimension i, D is the union of salesman problem (TSP), which aims at finding the shortest route the active domains of all levels, and M is the set of all measures that visits all cities and returns to the initial one [1] and is close in the cube. Changing the query group-by set means picking one to constraint (3). group-by set among all the possible ones, excluding the current In our context, the former problem would find the most inter- one д0 . Changing the selected values means picking a set of values esting queries given a time budget but, in its classical formulation, in the active domain, excluding the current one s 0 . Changing the it would miss the ordering of queries. A variant [4] includes the measure set means picking a set of measures among all possible position of each object in the Knapsack via the definition of a sets of measures excluding the current one m 0 . function (which is constant in the case of classical Knapsack). In order to approach solutions of TAP for arbitrary large sets of While this problem is closer to TAP, it involves a function that queries, we adopt the following strategy. We first use a heuristic only relies on the position (or order) of an object in the Knapsack, to solve the Knapsack problem and obtain a subset of queries, and not on the positions of objects previously picked. using estimated costs and interests, so that the estimated costs TAP could also be modeled as a TSP problem with particu- satisfy the time budget. Then, we order the queries by increasing lar constraints: (i) the TSP cities are the queries; (ii) inter-city estimated cost and evaluate them. We periodically check the distances correspond to the cognitive distance between queries, difference between the time budget constraint and the elapsed whose total must be minimized. However, differently from classi- time: if it is negative (too much time is taken) we redo a Knapsack cal TSP, TAP operates under strong constraints: (iii) it is possible to reduce the set of chosen queries; otherwise (we can benefit to visit only a subset of cities, each city has a weight correspond- from additional time), we redo a Knapsack adding previously not ing to the action’s interest, whose total is to be maximized; and taken queries. Finally, we determine an order on the chosen set of (iv) each city has a duration of visit corresponding to the cost of queries so that cognitive distance is minimized, using a heuristic the query, whose sum must not go beyond a given time budget. to solve the TSP. Interestingly, this optimization problem has not been studied in the literature yet. The variant of the TSP called TSP with profit (TSPwP), described by Feillet & al. in [6], is closer to our problem, 3 APPROXIMATION ALGORITHM but still differs in two aspects: (i) it looks for circuits and does Before presenting our approach we discuss its parameters, i.e., not reject any vertex in the solution, and (ii) it gives a limit in the three functions for cost, interest, and distance, and the set Q terms of the travel distance (inter-queries distance in our case) of queries. Choosing the best three functions or defining the best while our limit is on the cost of queries (the duration of visit). set of queries Q is outside the scope of this paper. Note that a An in-depth study of the TAP complexity is beyond the scope framework for learning cell interestingness in a cube is the topic of this paper. However, we can easily show that our problem is of a recent paper [17]. We give examples in this section, and we strongly NP-hard since the TSP is a particular case of it. Indeed, if indicate precisely in the tests of Section 4 the parameters used. the time budget t is high enough, i.e., all queries can be selected, then TAP is a TSP. This result means that, unless P=NP, the TAP 3.1 Cost problem can only be solved to optimality by algorithms with a The cost of a query is related to its execution time. Classically, worst-case time complexity in O ∗ (c n ), with c a positive root and this cost can be estimated by a query optimizer before the exe- n the size of Q. cution of the query. We therefore consider that we can measure a query cost in two ways, to obtain an a priori cost (e.g., using 2.3 Size of the problem and our naive the RDBMS optimizer) and an a posteriori cost (the actual query approach execution time). The a priori cost is used to decide if a query can We now discuss the size n of TAP (the number of queries in be included or not in the solution, while the a posteriori cost is Q) since the size of an optimization problem usually impacts used to compute the elapsed time. the choice of resolution approaches. Theoretically, given a cube schema, all non empty queries over this schema could be con- 3.2 Interestingness measure sidered. Practically, it is reasonable to consider that this set is A crucial part of TAP lies in the definition of an interestingness generated from a given initial query q 0 . measure to determine the optimal subset of queries. To quickly In what follows, we restrict to star join queries over a star decide if a query is interesting, it is preferable that this measure schema of the form q = (д, s, m) where д is the query group-by can be computed before the actual evaluation of the query by set, s is a set of selections, and m is a set of measures, all 3 sets the DBMS, therefore that it relies on the text of the query. In this being pairwise disjoint. Transforming a query into another with sense, we propose to follow the idea of subjective interestingness a simple OLAP operation means either changing the group-by measure of a pattern as developed by De Bie in the context of Ex- set д, changing a selection in s, or changing a measure in m. ploratory Data Mining (EDM) [2] and to extend it to measure the Even restricting Q to the set of queries that can be generated subjective interestingness of a query as expressed by a coherent by transforming an initial query q 0 = (д0, s 0, m 0 ) with a sequence set of query parts. of simple OLAP operations, the size of Q is potentially very large, In the information-theoretic formalism proposed by De Bie, in- not allowing to look for an exact solution. A rough estimate of terestingness is conditioned by the prior knowledge belie f (p) on the number of queries that can be generated from q 0 by applying a pattern p of the data space, which is expressed as a probability distribution over the set of patterns P. The interestingness mea- dimension). In the DIFF and RELAX operators [22, 23], the au- sure I M is derived by normalizing the belief by the complexity thors consider direct or distant drill-down (resp. roll-up) queries of the pattern as follows: that detail (resp. aggregate) two particular cells of a query result. Finally, the CubeLoad OLAP workload generator [21] is based − log(belie f (p)) on patterns modeling realistic OLAP sessions, that could be used I M(p) = (1) to generate the queries of Q. complexity(p) Ideally, the set Q should include all these potentially relevant In the context of BI, [3] introduces an innovative approach follow-up queries to q 0 . For the present work we will consider to learn the belief distribution associated to query parts. The different sets varying the generation of roll-up, drill-down, and approach considers a connected graph of query parts based on sibling queries (see Section 4). the schema of the cube and the past usage of query parts, and uses a random walk on this graph to produce the expected long-term distribution over query parts. Interestingly, by construction, the 3.5 A simple heuristic for approximating TAP probabilities obtained for each query part are independent, which Algorithm 1 presents our heuristic, named Reopt, since it is based allows to propose a simple formulation for the interestingness on a naive re-optimization principle. Note that the generation of measure of a query q = (д, s, m) based on its query parts p ∈ the set Q from an initial query q 0 is considered as a pre-processing (д ∪ s ∪ m): step. Algorithm 1 takes advantage of the fact that functions in- terest, cost, and distance can be computed solely on the basis of − p ∈(д∪s∪m) log(belie f (p)) the query expression (and not on the result of the queries). Í I M(q) = (2) First, Algorithm 1 splits the time budget t in tk (time for the |д| + |s | + |m| global query execution) and to (time for other tasks, like solving 3.3 Cognitive distance the Knapsack, solving the TSP, etc.). Then the Knapsack is solved (line 2), and the queries selected are ordered by their estimated To order a set of queries we draw inspiration from Hullman et al. evaluation cost (line 3). Queries are then executed (line 6) and, [9] who estimate the cognitive cost of transiting from the result after each execution, the elapsed time is checked. If it is esti- of one query to the result of another. We use this cost as a proxy mated that the time budget tk will not be respected (line 9), then for cognitive distance. Interestingly, this cost can be estimated another Knapsack is triggered with the remaining time. If it is without having evaluated the query. Using controlled studies of estimated that the time budget will not be completely spent (line peoples’ preferences for different types of single visualization- 13), then another Knapsack is triggered with all the remaining to-visualization transitions, Hullman et al. [9] proposed a transi- queries. Finally, once all the queries of the chosen set of queries tion cost model that approximates the cognitive cost of moving are executed, the TSP is solved. It is easy to verify that Algorithm from one visualization to the next in a sequence of static views. 1 converges: the set K is at worst Q and, at each iteration of the The transition cost is defined as the number of transformations for loop (line 5-16), the set E is augmented with one more query required to convert the data shown in the first view to the sec- of K while such query is removed from K. ond. A single transformation is defined as a change to one of Note that, when actually executing the queries, Reopt attaches the data fields shown from the first view to the second. We use a particular importance to the estimated cost (see for instance this cost model to define a simple distance between queries as Line 3) compared to interest or distance. The main cause behind the Jaccard distance between sets of query parts. Formally, let this decision is due to the time budget that has to be respected: q 1 = (д1, s 1, m 1 ) and q 2 = (д2, s 2, m 2 ) be two queries; we define: had we given priority to distance from q 0 or interest, we might |(д1 ∪ s 1 ∪ m 1 ) ∩ (д2 ∪ s 2 ∪ m 2 )| have executed first costly queries or we might have many ties dist(q 1, q 2 ) = 1 − (3) (since many queries would be at the same distance from q 0 ). |д1 ∪ s 1 ∪ m 1 ∪ д2 ∪ s 2 ∪ m 2 | Although alternative formulations are also possible, due to the 3.4 Set of queries sensitivity of time efficiency in user interactions (keep in mind that we operate in the context of exploratory data analysis), it is TAP is defined for a given set Q of queries. Practically, we consider imperative that the other factors do not guide query execution that this set is generated from a given initial query, q 0 . This initial to take up too much time. query can be interpreted as a particular moment in an interactive Implementation-wise, the Knapsack problem is solved using analysis where the user considers what is retrieved is important a Fully Polynomial Time Approximation that gives a bound on and worth exploring “around” it, but has too many directions the divergence from the optimum [14], and for the TSP using the to explore. In what follows, we consider this initial query as a heuristic of [15]. parameter of our approach. Defining the set of queries worth exploring after q 0 should be rooted in the earlier OLAP literature, especially automatic 4 PRELIMINARY EXPERIMENTS reporting [8], automatic cube exploration [12], discovery driven Our preliminary experiments aim at understanding the behavior analysis [22, 23], and more generally realistic OLAP workloads of our naive algorithm Reopt. To this end, we have compared [21]. In the Cinecubes approach [8], the authors consider two it to two other algorithms: a brute force one that looks for the types of queries: (i) queries for values similar to those defining optimal solutions (named optimal), which obviously works only the selection filters of the initial query (i.e., siblings of ancestors), on small instances of TAP, and a simplistic one that consists of and (ii) direct drill-downs into the dimensions of the initial re- solving the Knapsack, then solving the TSP, and then executing sult, one dimension at a time. In the DICE approach [12], the the queries (named K +T SP). All the algorithms are implemented authors consider direct roll-up queries, direct drill-down queries, in Java 12 and run on a Core i7 with 16GB RAM under Linux sibling queries (a change of a dimension value, i.e., coordinate, Fedora. The code is available via Github ( in a dimension), and pivot queries (a change in the inspected OLAP3/CubeExplorer). Note that, in all tests, costs are estimated Algorithm 1: Reopt: simple re-optimization heuristic for TAP approximation Data: An instance (Q, interest(), dist(), cost(), t) of TAP Result: A sequence of queries 1 Split t = t k + to 2 K = knapsack(Q, t k ) 3 sort K by increasing cost 4 E = ∅ 5 for each query q ∈ K do 6 execute q 7 K = K \ {q} 8 E = E ∪ {q} if elapsedT ime + q ∈K cost(q) > tk then Í 9 10 //we may have less time than expected 11 K = knapsack(K, tk − elapsedTime) Figure 2: Total interestingness 12 sort K by increasing cost else if elapsedTime + q ∈K cost(q) < tk then Figure 1 shows, on a logarithmic scale, the average time taken Í 13 14 //we may have more time than expected by the 3 algorithms to optimize (not counting the query execu- 15 K = knapsack(Q \ E, tk − elapsedTime) tion time) by different sizes of Q with time budget varying from 16 sort K by increasing cost 1 second to 10 seconds for Reopt and K + T SP. Results are as expected, with K +T SP outperforming its two competitors, since 17 S = T SP(E); // construct sequence it only runs once Knapsack solving. Notably, the time taken by 18 return S Reopt remains under control. To assess the benefit of our re-optimization step (line 9-16 of Algorithm 1), we counted the number of times each branch of the if statement in line 9 of Reopt is taken, i.e., the number of times for negative (lines 10-12) and for positive (lines 14-16) re-optimizations. We have observed that both branches are used, with positive re-optimizations being rarely done compared to neg- ative ones; precisely, over 399 total runs, positive re-optimizations are done 116 times while negative re-optimizations are done 851 times. This demonstrates that Reopt can adaptively respond to inaccurate estimates. 4.2 Distance and interestingness vs time budget For the next series of tests, we use a cube issued by a French project on energy vulnerability. It is organized as a star schema with 19 dimensions, 68 (non-top) levels, and 24 measures, and it Figure 1: Optimization time contains 37,149 facts recorded in the fact table. The cube is stored in SQL Server. We use 19 real user explorations over this cube (navigation traces generated by master students when analysing using not the estimation coming from the query optimizer of the data during a course) and pick as q 0 the first query of the explo- DBMS but a linear regressive model based on the query length rations. For each of these queries, we generate Q by rolling-up q 0 in ASCII, the number of tables, the number of projections, the in a dimension, drilling down q 0 in a dimension, or computing number of selections, and the number of aggregations of the SQL a sibling query in a dimension. We use this cube and set Q to star join query. This is because our empirical tests have shown obtain more realistic instances of TAP. Precisely, |Q | ranges from that this model was more accurate than the raw estimates given 29 to 149 queries for these tests. Over these sets Q we run Reopt by the query optimizer. and K + T SP and observe how total interestingness and average distance between queries change when increasing time budget t 4.1 Optimization time from 500 milliseconds to 5 seconds. In this first test, we use a simple synthetic cube under the schema Figures 2 and 3 show the results. It can be seen that Reopt of the SSB benchmark [20], with an instance of 1GB under Mari- outperforms the simplistic K + T SP in terms of interestingness, aDB, produced with the TPC-H data generator. The cube has which illustrates the benefit of our re-optimization heuristic, only one fact table and 5 dimension tables, which enables to keep while both algorithms achieve comparable average distance. the number of queries in Q under control for comparing Reopt and K + T SP with optimal. Over this schema, we have used the 4.3 Unused time CubeLoad generator [21] to generate 40 q 0 queries. These queries In this last test, using the same cube and protocol as in the previ- are used to generate Q with direct roll-up or drill down queries, ous subsection, we want to understand if the budget time is used i.e., Q can vary between 5 and 10. properly. in the context of data exploration, which means that optimiza- tion algorithms should take advantage of classical data manage- ment optimizations, like re-optimization (e.g., [18]), and that TAP should be declaratively formulated, for instance by having start- ing points expressed in an intentional fashion (e.g., [24]). User tests should be conducted for further evaluating the approach. Finally, we also note that the definition of TAP is general, leaving room for variants, e.g., changing the definition of queries (e.g., from non-OLAP SQL queries to more complex actions involving queries and pattern mining or statistical tests), as well as chang- ing cost (e.g., using self-adjusting cost model), interest (e.g., using statistics or data sampling), and distance functions. Acknowledgment. The authors would like to thank Vincent T’Kindt for his insights on TAP complexity. Figure 3: Average distance REFERENCES [1] David L. Applegate, Robert E. Bixby, Vašek Chvátal, and William J. Cook. The Traveling Salesman Problem, A Computational Study. Princeton Series in Applied Mathematics. Princeton UP, 2006. [2] Tijl De Bie. Subjective interestingness in exploratory data mining. In Proc. of IDA, pages 19–31, 2013. [3] Alexandre Chanson, Ben Crulis, Krista Drushku, Nicolas Labroche, and Patrick Marcel. 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