On Evaluating Performance of Balanced Optimization of ETL Processes for Streaming Data Sources Michał Bodziony Szymon Roszyk Robert Wrembel IBM Poland, Software Lab Kraków Poznan University of Technology Poznan University of Technology Kraków, Poland Poznań, Poland Poznań, Poland michal.bodziony@pl.ibm.com szymon.roszyk@student.put. robert.wrembel@cs.put.poznan.pl poznan.pl ABSTRACT apply task movement within an ETL process. One of such tech- A core component of each data warehouse architecture is the niques is called balanced optimization [17]. Research approaches Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) layer. The processes in this layer propose task re-ordering and parallel processing. integrate, transform, and move large volumes of data from data This paper presents first findings from an R&D project, jointly sources into a data warehouse (or data lake). For this reason, done by IBM Software Lab and Poznan University of Technol- efficient execution of ETL processes is of high practical impor- ogy, on assessing the performance of the balanced optimization tance. Research approaches propose task re-ordering and parallel on a streaming data source. In particular, we were interested in processing. In practice, companies apply scale-up or scale-out assessing: (1) if the balanced optimization may increase the per- techniques to increase performance of the ETL layer. ETL tools formance of ETL processes - run by IBM DataStage and ingesting existing on the market support mainly parallel processing of data from a stream DS - run by Kafka, (2) which ETL tasks may ETL tasks. Additionally, the IBM DataStage ETL engine applies benefit from the balanced optimization, and (3) what parameters the so-called balanced optimization that allows to execute ETL of the DS may affect performance. The findings are summarized tasks either in a data source or in a data warehouse, thus opti- in Section 4. mizing overall resource consumption. With the widespread of non-relational technologies for storing big data, it is essential to 2 RELATED WORK apply ETL processes to this type of data. In this paper, we present In this section we overview the solutions to optimizing ETL an initial assessment of the balanced optimization applied to IBM processes: (1) applied in practice by companies, (2) offered by ETL DataStage, ingesting data from Kafka streaming data source. engines existing on the market, and (3) developed by researchers. 2.1 Industrial approaches 1 INTRODUCTION Industrial projects utilizing ETL, reduce processing time of ETL A core component of a data warehouse (DW) [25] or a data lake processes by increasing computational power of an ETL server (DL) [22] is an Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) software. It is re- and by applying parallel processing of data. This can be achieved sponsible for ingesting data from data sources (DSs), integrating, by: (1) scaling-up an ETL server, i.e., by means of increasing the and cleaning data as well as uploading them into a DW/DL. ETL number of CPU and the size of memory, (2) scaling-out an ETL is implemented as a workflow (process) composed of tasks, man- architecture, i.e., by means of increasing the number of worksta- aged by an ETL engine, frequently run on a dedicated server or tions in a cluster running the ETL engine. All the commercial on a cluster. An ETL process moves large volumes of data be- ETL engines, cf. [8], support this kind of optimization. Parallel tween DSs and a DW. Therefore, its execution may take hours to processing is also applicable to uploading data into a data ware- complete. For example, simple movement of 1TB of data between house, e.g., command nzload (IBM Pure Data for Analytics, a.k.a. a DS and DW (which use magnetic disks with a typical 200MB/s Netezza) or import (Oracle). throughput) takes 2.7 hours by an ETL process. Resource con- On top of this, an ETL task re-ordering may be used to produce sumption and the overall processing time are further increased a more efficient processes. In the simplest case, called push down, by complex tasks executed within the process, including integrat- the most selective tasks are moved towards the beginning of ing, cleaning, and de-duplicating data. For this reason, providing an ETL process (towards data sources) to reduce a data volume means for optimization of ETL processes is of high practical (I/O) as soon as possible [26]. IBM extended this technique into importance. Big data add to the problem more complexity that balanced optimization, where some tasks are moved into DSs and results from: (1) bigger data volumes, and (2) much more complex some are moved into a DW, to be executed there, cf. Section 3. and diverse data models and formats that need to be processed by ETL. These characteristics call for yet more efficient execution 2.2 Research approaches of ETL processes. Research approaches to optimizing ETL execution can be catego- Unfortunately, this problem has been only partially addressed rized as: (1) optimization by task re-ordering augmented with: by technology and research, cf. Section 2. In practice, companies estimation of execution costs and parallelization and (2) optimiza- apply scale-up or scale-out for their ETL servers, to reduce pro- tion of ETL processes with user defined functions (UDFs). cessing time. ETL tools existing on the market support mainly parallel processing of ETL tasks. Some of them, on top of that, 2.2.1 Cost-based, task re-ordering, and parallelization. In [19, 20] the authors apply the MapReduce framework to pro- cess ETL workflows to feed in parallel dimensional schemas (star, © Copyright 2020 for this paper held by its author(s). Published in the proceedings of snowflake, and SCDs). The authors provide some processing DOLAP 2020 (March 30, 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, co-located with EDBT/ICDT 2020) on CEUR-WS.org. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution skeletons for MapReduce for dimensions of different sizes and 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). structures. A system for optimizing MapReduce workloads was presented in [11]. The optimization uses: sharing of data flows, the semantics of the operators must be known. Such a seman- materialization, and physical data layouts. However, neither an tics is known and understood for traditional operators based on optimization technique nor a cost function were explained. the relational algebra. However, the semantics of user defined [18] proposes to parallelize ETL process P in three steps. First, functions is typically unknown. For this reason, UDFs have been P is partitioned into linear sub-processes LPi . Second, in each LPi , handled by solutions that require: either (1) manual annotation input data are partitioned horizontally into n disjoint partitions of UDFs or (2) perform an analysis of an UDF code to explore (n is parameterized) and each partition is processed in parallel by some options for optimization or (3) use explicitly defined parallel a separate thread. Third, for tasks with a heavy computational skeletons. load, an internal multi-threading parallelization may be applied, In [12, 13], UDFs are treated as black boxes. The framework if needed. consists of the Nephele execution engine and the PACT compiler [10] assumes that an ETL process is assigned an estimated exe- to execute UDFs, based on the PACT programming model [5] cution cost and a more efficient variant of this process is produced (PACT is a generalization of MapReduce). PACT can use hints to by task re-ordering, but the authors do not provide any method execute a given task in parallel. Such hints are later exploited by for the re-ordering. The main goal of [10] is to identify a set of a cost-based optimizer to generate parallel execution plans. The statistics to collect for this kind of optimization. The constraint optimization is based on: (1) a re-ordering of UDFs in a workflow is that this set must be: minimal and applicable to estimate costs and (2) an execution of UDFs in a parallel environment. The re- of all possible task re-orderings. Moreover, the cost of collecting ordering takes into account properties of UDFs. The properties statistics must be minimal. The statistics include: a cardinality are discovered by means of a static code analysis. A cost-based of table Ti , attribute histograms of Ti , and a number of distinct optimizer (model) is used to construct some possible re-orderings. values of attributes of Ti . A proposed cost function includes: data Also in [9], UDFs annotations are used to generate an optimized statistics, CPU speed, disk-access speed, and memory usage. The query plan, but only for relational operators. authors proposed cost functions for the following ETL tasks (all A framework proposed in [7], called SQL/MR, enables a paral- expressed via SQL): select, project, join, group-by, and transform. lelization of UDFs in a massively-parallel shared-nothing data- To find the set of statistics, which is an NP-hard problem, the base. To achieve a parallelism, SQL/MR requires a definition of authors use linear programming. the Row and Partition functions and corresponding execution The approach presented in [24] goes one step further, as it models for the SQL/MR function instances. The Row function is proposes a specific performance optimization technique by task described as an equivalent to a Map function in MapReduce. Row re-ordering. To this end, each workload gets assigned an exe- functions perform row-level transformation and processing. The cution cost. The main components of the cost formula are time execution model of the Row function allows independent pro- and data volume. The five following workflow transformation cessing of each input row by exactly one instance of the SQL/MR operations were proposed: swap - changing the order of two function. The Partition function is similar to the Reduce function tasks, factorize - combining tasks that execute the same oper- in MapReduce. Exactly one instance of a SQL/MR function is ation on different flows, distribute - splitting the execution of used to independently process each group of rows defined by a task into n parallel tasks, merge - merging two consecutive the PARTITION BY clause in a query. Independent processing of tasks, and its reverse operation - split [23]. For each of these each partition allows the execution engine to achieve parallelism operations, criteria for correct workflow transformations were at the level of a partition. The dynamic cost-based optimization proposed. Finally, a heuristic for pruning the search space of is enabled for re-orderings of UDFs. all possible workflow transformations (by task re-ordering) was An optimizer proposed in [21] rewrites an execution plan proposed, with the main goal to filter data as soon as possible. based on: (1) automatically inferring the semantics of a MapRe- In [15], the re-ordering of operators is based on their semantics, duce style UDF and (2) a small set of rewrite rules. The semantics e.g., a highly selective operator would be placed (re-ordered) at can be provided by means of manual UDF annotations or an auto- the beginning of a workflow. matic discovery. The manual annotations include: a cost function, In the same spirit, workflow transformations were proposed in resource consumption, a number of input rows and output rows. [14] for the purpose of being able to reuse existing data processing The automatically discovered annotations include: paralleliza- workflows and integrate them into other workflows. tion function of a given operator, a schema information, and The approach proposed in [16] draws upon the contributions read/write operations on attributes. of [24]. In [16], possible tasks re-orderings are constrained by The aforementioned approaches require understanding the means of a dedicated structure called a dependency graph. This semantics of an UDF (a black-box) by means of either parsing an approach optimizes only linear workflows. To this end, a non- UDF code, or applying certain coding style, or using certain key- linear workflow is split into linear ones (called groups), by means words, or using parallelization hints. Moreover, the approaches of pre-defined split rules. Next, parallel groups are optimized do not provide means of analyzing an optimal architecture con- independently by task re-ordering - tasks can be moved between figuration (e.g., the number of nodes in a cluster) or a degree of adjacent groups, and adjacent groups can be merged. The draw- parallelism. back of this approach is however, that the most selective tasks In [2] the authors developed a framework for using pre-defined can be moved towards the end of a workflow as the result of a generic and specific code skeletons for writing programs to be re-ordering. executed in a parallel environment. The code is then generated automatically and the process is guided by configuration param- eters that define the number of nodes a program is executed 2.2.2 ETL with UDFs. on. None of the approaches described in Sections 2.2.1 and 2.1 sup- In [1, 3] the authors proposed an overall architecture for ex- ports the optimization of ETL processes with user-defined func- ecuting UDFs in a parallel environment. The architecture was tions. In the techniques based on the re-ordering of operators, further extended in [4] with a model for optimizing a cluster con- To this end a pico-cluster composed of four physical worksta- figuration, to provide a sub-optimal performance of a given ETL tions was built. Each workstation included: a 4-core CPU 3GHz, process with UDFs. The applied model is based on the multiple 16GB RAM, 256GB HDD, and was run under Linux RedHat. Two choice knapsack problem and the lp_solve library is used to solve workstations run Kafka and the other two run the IBM InfoSphere the problem (its implementation is available on GitHub1 ). DataStage ETL server. The ETL processes were designed using The work described in this paper applies: (1) the balanced DataStage Designer. The system was fed with rows from table optimization, which uses task re-orderings to move some ETL Store_Sales (1.5GB), from the TPC-D benchmark. The perfor- tasks into a data source, (2) parallel processing of ETL tasks, by mance statistics were measured on each node by iostat. In each standard parallelization mechanisms of IBM DataStage run in scenario 12 experiments were run. The lowest and the highest a micro-cluster, and (3) parallel processing of some ETL tasks measurements were discarded and the average of the remaining moved into and executed in a data source, by means of standard 10 was computed and is shown in all the figures. Due to the space parallelization mechanisms available in Kafka. constraints, we present only selected experimental scenarios. Notice that the goal of these experiments was to assess the 3 BALANCED OPTIMIZATION behaviour of the system only at the border between Kafka and The balanced optimization [17, 27] is implemented in IBM In- DataStage. For this reason, the ETL processes used in the ex- foSphere DataStage. Its overall goals are to: (1) minimize data periments included elementary tasks/components, like: Kafka movement, i.e., I/O, (2) use optimization techniques available in connector, column import, filtering, aggregation, and storing out- a source or target data servers, and (3) maximize parallel process- put in a file. An example process splitting a data flow is shown ing. The principle of this optimization is to balance processing in Figure 1. between a data source, an ETL server, and a destination (typically a data warehouse). To this end, a given ETL task can be moved into a data source (operation push down), to be executed there. It is typically applied to tasks at the beginning of an ETL process, i.e., ingesting, filtering, or pre-processing data. ETL tasks that cannot be moved into a data source are executed in the DataStage engine. Finally, tasks that profit from processing in a data ware- house are moved and executed there (operation push up). This way, specialized features of a DW management system can be Figure 1: An example ETL process splitting a data flow applied to processing these tasks, e.g., dedicated indexes, mul- tidimensional clusters, partitioning schemes, and materialized views. 4.1 Parameter RecordCount Moving tasks is controlled by DataStage preferences [17] that guide the DataStage engine to move certain pre-defined tasks RecordCount is a parameter of a connector from DataStage to into either a DS, or a DW, or execute them in the engine. The Kafka. It defines a number of rows (a rowset) that are read from following tasks are controlled by the preferences: transformation, a topic. After a rowset is read, the ETL connector outputs the filtering, aggregation, join, look-up, merge, project, bulk I/O, and rowset to the ETL process for further processing. temporary staging tables. Once a given ETL process has been The value of RecordCount in the experiments ranged from 1 to designed, a user specifies the preferences. Then the ETL process ’ALL’. In the latter case, the whole test data set was read before gets optimized by DataStage, taking into account the preferences. starting the ETL process (in the experiment 11 million of rows). An executable version of the process is generated and deployed. The elapsed times of processing the whole data set are shown So far, the balanced optimization has been proven to be prof- in Figure 2. The value of the standard deviation ranges from itable when applied to structured data sources. Since numerous 0.5 to 2.5. From the chart we observe that: (1) the performance NoSQL and stream DSs become first class citizens, assessing the strongly depends on the value of the parameter and (2) the perfor- applicability of this type of optimization to such data sources mance does not improve for values of RecordCount greater than may have a real business value. The work presented in this paper 50. Having analyzed detailed CPU and I/O statistics (not shown is the first one to assess the balanced optimization on a stream in this paper) we conclude that an optimal value of RecordCount data source. is within the range (400, 600). 4 EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION 4.2 The number of Kafka partitions Kafka allows to split streaming data into partitions, each of which The goal of the experiments was to assess if the balanced opti- is read by a consumer. As the number of partitions may strongly mization in IBM DataStage may increase the performance of an influence the performance of the whole ETL process2 , figuring ETL process ingesting data from a stream data source, run by out how performance is affected by the number of partitions is Kafka. Such a software architecture is frequently used by IBM of great interest. customers. In particular, we were interested in figuring out: (1) To assess the impact of the number of partitions on processing what parameters of Kafka may affect performance, cf. Sections time, in our experiments the number of partitions ranged from 1 4.1 and 4.2 as well as (2) which ETL tasks may benefit from the to 8. The number of partitions equaled to the number of Kafka balanced optimization. In this phase of the project we evaluated consumers. The performance results are shown in Figure 3. Here filtering (Section 4.3), dataflow split (Section 4.4), and aggregation we show only the results for RecordCount = ALL. As we can (Section 4.5). observe, the elapsed processing time of the ETL process varies and 1 https://github.com/fawadali/MCKPCostModel 2 https://www.confluent.io/blog/how-choose-number-topics-partitions-kafka-cluster 800 100 RecordCount=10 PD RecordCount=10 700 RecordCount=ALL PD RecordCount=ALL 80 600 elapsed time [s] elapsed time [s] 500 60 400 40 300 200 20 100 0 0 1 2 5 10 20 50 80 100 500 1000 2000 6000 ALL 10 50 90 value of parameter Record Count selectivity [%] Figure 2: The dependency of the elapsed processing time Figure 4: The dependency of the elapsed processing time on the value of parameter RecordCount on the selectivity; parameter RecordCount in {10, ALL} the best performance was achieved for the number of partitions equaled to 2 and 3. The standard deviation ranges from 0.5 to 1.3. 4.4 Flow split The purpose of a flow split is to divide a data flow into multiple 50 flows. In our case, we split the input flow into two, using a pa- rameterized split ratio: from 10% of data in one flow to an even 40 split. The flow split was executed in: (1) Kafka, as the result of push down, and (2) DataStage. The obtained elapsed execution elapsed time [s] 30 times for RecordCount=10 and RecordCount=ALL are shown in Figure 5. The standard deviation ranged from 1.3 to 3.3. 20 100 RecordCount=10 PD 10 RecordCount=10 RecordCount=ALL PD RecordCount=ALL 80 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 elapsed time [s] # partitions 60 Figure 3: The dependency of the elapsed processing 40 time on the number of partitions (consumers); parameter RecordCount=ALL 20 A detailed analysis of I/O (not shown here due to space con- 0 50/50 40/60 30/70 20/80 10/90 straints) reveals that the number of I/O increases with the in- data flow split ratio [%] creasing number of partitions. Similar increase was observed also in a CPU time. That may be some of the factors that influence Figure 5: The dependency of the elapsed processing time the characteristics shown in Figure 3. on the data flow split ratio; parameter RecordCount in {10, ALL} 4.3 Selectivity of data ingest In this experiment we assessed the elapsed ETL processing time w.r.t. the selectivity of a data ingest from Kafka (the selectivity The characteristics show the performance improvement while is defined as: the number of rows ingested / the total number of applied push down for RecordCount=10, cf. bars labeled Record- rows). Two scenarios were implemented. In the first one, oper- Count=10 PD vs. RecordCount=10. From other experiments (not ation push down was applied to move data filtering into Kafka discussed in this paper) we observed that the maximum value (available in library Kafka Streams). In the second one, data were of RecordCount that improved the performance is 10. From the filtered by a standard pre-defined task in DataStage. The results analysis of detailed data on CPU and I/O, we tentatively draw a for RecordCount=10 and RecordCount=ALL are shown in Figure conclusion that the observed behaviour is caused by Kafka that 4. The results labeled with suffix PD denote the scenario with was not able to deliver data on time into DataStage. operation push down applied. The standard deviation ranges from 0.1 to 2.8. 4.5 Aggregation The results clearly show that a wrong combination of Record- In this experiment, count is used to count records in groups. Count with applied push down can decrease the overall perfor- The number of groups ranges from 10 to 90. The aggregation is mance of an ETL process, cf. RecordCount=ALL PD (with push executed in two variants: (1) in Kafka (available in library Kafka down) vs. RecordCount=ALL (without push down), for selectiv- Streams), as the result of push down, and (2) in DataStage. The ity=90%. From other experiments (not presented in this paper) results are shown in Figure 6 for RecordCount=10 and Record- we observed that values of RecordCount ≤ 20, caused that push Count=ALL. The standard deviation ranged from 0.5 to 2.2. As down offered stable better performance for the whole range of we can see, the execution time does not profit from push down selectivities. in either of these cases, cf. bars labeled as RecordCount=10 PD (push down applied) vs. RecordCount=10 (without push down) and DataStage. The recommender will analyze experimental metadata RecordCount=ALL PD vs. RecordCount=ALL. to discover patterns and build recommendation models, with a The analysis of CPU and I/O reveals that push down caused goal to propose configuration parameters for a given ETL process higher CPU usage times and higher I/O, which resulted in much and to propose an orchestration scenarios of tasks within the worse performance of the aggregation in Kafka than in DataStage. balanced optimization. Acknowledgements. The work of Robert Wrembel is supported 180 RecordCount=10 PD by: (1) the grant of the Polish National Agency for Academic RecordCount=10 160 RecordCount=ALL PD RecordCount=ALL Exchange, within the Bekker Programme and (2) IBM Shared 140 University Reward 2019. 120 elapsed time [s] 100 REFERENCES [1] Syed Muhammad Fawad Ali. 2018. Next-generation ETL Framework to Ad- 80 dress the Challenges Posed by Big Data. In DOLAP. 60 [2] Syed Muhammad Fawad Ali, Johannes Mey, and Maik Thiele. 2019. 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