=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2573/invited2 |storemode=property |title=Calibrating Mechanisms for Privacy Preserving Text Analysis |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2573/PrivateNLP_InvitedTalk2.pdf |volume=Vol-2573 |authors=Oluwaseyi Feyisetan,Borja Balle,Tom Diethe,Thomas Drake |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/wsdm/FeyisetanBDD20a }} ==Calibrating Mechanisms for Privacy Preserving Text Analysis== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2573/PrivateNLP_InvitedTalk2.pdf
    Calibrating Mechanisms for Privacy Preserving Text Analysis
                           Oluwaseyi Feyisetan                                                                 Borja Balle
                                    Amazon                                                                     Deep Mind
                                sey@amazon.com                                                           borja.balle@gmail.com

                                  Tom Diethe                                                                Thomas Drake
                                    Amazon                                                                      Amazon
                             tdiethe@amazon.com                                                           draket@amazon.com
ABSTRACT                                                                              x s has a non-negligible probability of being transformed into any
This talk presents a formal approach to carrying out privacy pre-                     other sentence x̂ s , no matter how unrelated x s and x̂ s are. Unfortu-
serving text perturbation using a variant of Differential Privacy (DP)                nately, this constraint makes it virtually impossible to enforce that
known as Metric DP (mDP). Our approach applies carefully cali-                        the semantics of x s are approximately captured by the privatized
brated noise to vector representation of words in a high dimension                    sentence x̂ s , since the space of sentences is exponentially large in
space as defined by word embedding models. We present a privacy                       the length |x s |, and the number of sentences semantically related
proof that satisfies mDP where the privacy parameter ε provides                       to x s will have vanishingly small probability under LDP.
guarantees with respect to a distance metric defined by the word                          To address this limitation we adopt metric DP (mDP) [1, 4], a
embedding space. We demonstrate how ε can be selected by analyz-                      relaxation of local DP that originated in the context of location
ing plausible deniability statistics backed up by large scale analysis                privacy to address precisely the limitation described above. In par-
on GloVe and fastText embeddings. We also conduct experiments                         ticular, mDP allows a mechanism to report a user’s location in
on well-known datasets to demonstrate the tradeoff between pri-                       a privacy-preserving manner, while giving higher probability to
vacy and utility for varying values of ε on different task types. Our                 locations which are close to the current location, and negligible
results provide insights into carrying out practical privatization on                 probability to locations in a completely different part of the planet.
text-based applications for a broad range of tasks.                                   Metric DP was originally developed as an abstraction of the privacy
                                                                                      model proposed in [2] to address the privacy-utility trade-off in
CCS CONCEPTS                                                                          location privacy. To the best of our knowledge, our paper [6, 7] was
                                                                                      the first to use mDP in the context of language data.
• Security and privacy → Privacy protections;
ACM Reference Format:
Oluwaseyi Feyisetan, Borja Balle, Tom Diethe, and Thomas Drake. 2020.
Calibrating Mechanisms for Privacy Preserving Text Analysis. In Proceedings
of Workshop on Privacy in Natural Language Processing (PrivateNLP ’20).
Houston, TX, USA, 4 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/nnnnnnn.nnnnnnn

1    METRIC DIFFERENTIAL PRIVACY                                                      Figure 1: Contour plots of different metrics [11]. Left to
Over the last decade, Differential Privacy (DP) [5] has emerged as                    right: L 1 Manhattan distance, L 2 Euclidean distance, L ∞
a de facto standard for privacy-preserving data analysis algorithms.                  Chebyshev distance, Lp Minkowski distance (L 3 shown here)
One reason for such success is the robustness of DP against critical
pitfalls exhibited by previous attempts to formalize privacy in the                      Formally, mDP is defined for mechanisms whose inputs come
context of data analysis algorithms. Several variants of DP have                      from a set X equipped with a distance function d : X × X → R+
been proposed in the literature to address a variety of settings de-                  satisfying the axioms of a metric (i.e. identity of indiscernibles, sym-
pending on whether, for example, privacy is defined with respect to                   metry and triangle inequality). The definition of mDP depends on
aggregate statistics and Machine Learning (ML) models (curator DP)                    the particular distance function d being used and it is parametrized
[5], or privacy is defined with respect to the data points contributed                by a privacy parameter ε > 0. We say that a randomized mechanism
by each individual (local DP) [8].                                                    M : X → Y satisfies ε-mDP if for any x, x ′ ∈ X the distributions
   Since our application involves privatizing individual sentences                    over outputs of M(x) and M(x ′ ) satisfy the following bound: for all
submitted by each user, Local DP (LDP) would be the ideal privacy                     y ∈ Y we have
model to consider. However, LDP has a requirement that renders it                                           Pr[M(x) = y]
                                                                                                                            ≤ e εd (x,x ) .
impractical for our application: it requires that the secret sentence                                       Pr[M(x ′ ) = y]
                                                                                      We note that mDP exhibits the same desirable properties of DP (e.g.
Copyright ©2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons
License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Presented at the PrivateNLP 2020   composition, post-processing, robustness against side knowledge,
Workshop on Privacy in Natural Language Processing Colocated with 13th ACM            etc.), but we shall not be using these properties explicitly in our
International WSDM Conference, 2020, in Houston, Texas, USA.
                                                                                      analysis; we refer the reader to [4] for further details.
PrivateNLP ’20, February 7, 2020, Houston, TX, USA
© 2020                                                                                   The type of probabilistic guarantee described by (1) is charac-
                                                                                      teristic of DP: it says that the log-likelihood ratio of observing any
particular output y given two possible inputs x and x ′ is bounded            A key difference between LDP and mDP is that the former pro-
by εd(x, x ′ ). The key difference between mDP and local DP is that        vides a stronger form of plausible deniability by insisting that almost
the latter corresponds to a particular instance of the former when         every outcome is possible when a word is perturbed, while the later
the distance function is given by d(x, x ′ ) = 1 for every x , x ′ . Un-   only requires that we give enough probability mass to words close
fortunately, this Hamming metric does not provide a way to classify        to the original one to ensure that the output does not reveal what
some pairs of points in X as being closer than others. This indicates      the original word was, although it still releases information about
that local DP implies a strong notion of indistinguishability of the       the neighborhood where the original word was.
input, thus providing very strong privacy by “remembering almost              More formally, the statistics we look at are the probability Nw =
nothing” about the input. In contrast, metric DP is less restrictive       Pr[M(w) = w] of not modifying the input word w, and the (effec-
and allows the indistinguishability of the output distributions to be      tive) support of the output distribution Sw (i.e. number of possible
scaled by the distance between the respective inputs. In particular,       output words) for an input w. In particular, given a small probability
the further away a pair of inputs are, the more distinguishable the        parameter η > 0, we define Sw as the size of the smallest set of
output distributions can be, thus allowing these distributions to          words that accumulates probability at least 1 − η on input w:
remember more about their inputs than under the strictly stronger
definition of local DP.                                                                Sw = min |{S ⊆ X : Pr[M(w) < S] ≤ η}| .
    A point of consideration for mDP is that the meaning of the            Intuitively, a setting of ε providing plausible deniability should have
privacy parameter ε changes if one considers different metrics, and        Nw small and Sw large for (almost) all words in w ∈ W.
is in general incomparable with the ε parameter used in standard              These statistics can also be related to the two extremes of the
(local) DP. Thus, in order to understand the privacy consequences          Rényi entropy [10], thus providing an additional information-theoretic
of a given ε in mDP one needs to understand the structure of the           justification for the settings of ε that provide plausible deniability
underlying metric d.                                                       in terms of large entropy. Recall that for a distribution p over W
                                                                           with pw = PrW ∼p [W = w], the Rényi entropy of order α ≥ 0 is
2     PRIVACY MECHANISM                                                    given by
Our privacy mechanism is described over the metric space induced                                                              !
by word embeddings as follows:                                                                             1         Õ
                                                                                               H α (p) =       log        pw .
                                                                                                                  w ∈W
 Algorithm 1: Privacy Preserving Mechanism                                    The Hartley entropy H 0 is the special case of Rényi entropy
    Input: string x = w 1 w 2 · · · w ℓ , privacy parameter ε > 0          with α = 0. It depends on vocabulary size |W| and is therefore a
    for i ∈ {1, . . . , ℓ } do                                             best-case scenario as it represents the perfect privacy scenario for
        Compute embedding ϕi = ϕ(w i )                                     a user as the number of words grow. It is given by H 0 = log2 |W|.
        Perturb embedding to obtain ϕˆi = ϕi + N with noise density        Min-entropy H ∞ is the special case with α = ∞ which is a worst-
          p N (z) ∝ exp(−ε ∥z ∥)
                                                                           case scenario because it depends on the adversary attaching the
        Obtain perturbed word ŵ i = ar дmin u ∈W ∥ϕ(u) − ϕˆi ∥            highest probability to a specific word p(w). It is given by H ∞ =
        Insert ŵ i in ith position of x̂                                  − log2 max (p(w)).
    release x̂                                                                    w ∈W
                                                                              This implies that we can see the quantities Sw and Nw as prox-
                                                                           ies for the two extreme Rényi entropies through the approximate
                                                                           identities H 0 (M(w)) ≈ log Sw and H ∞ (M(w)) ≈ log 1/Nw , where
3     STATISTICS FOR PRIVACY CALIBRATION                                   the last approximation relies on the fact that (at least for small
We now present a methodology for calibrating the ε parameter of            enough ε), w should be the most likely word under the distribution
our mDP mechanism M based on the geometric structure of the                of M(w).
word embedding ϕ used to define the metric d. Our strategy boils
down to identifying a small number of statistics associated with           4   WORD EMBEDDINGS
the output distributions of M, and finding a range of parameters ε         A word embedding ϕ : W → Rn maps each word in some vocabu-
where these statistics behave as one would expect from a mecha-            lary to a vector of real numbers.
nism providing a prescribed level of plausible deniability. We recall          The geometry of the resulting embedding model has a direct
that the main reason this is necessary, and why the usual rules of         impact on defining the output distribution of our redaction mecha-
thumb for calibrating ε in traditional (i.e. non-metric) DP cannot be      nism. To get an intuition for the structure of these metric spaces –
applied here, is because the meaning of ε in mDP depends on the            i.e., how words cluster together and the distances between words
particular metric being used and is not transferable across metrics.       and their neighbors – we ran several analytical experiments on two
We start by making some qualitative observations about how ε               widely available word embedding models: GloVe [9] and fastText
affects the behavior of mechanism M. For the sake of simplicity we         [3]. We selected 319, 000 words that were present in both the GloVe
focus the discussion on the case where x is a single word x = w, but       and fastText embeddings. Though we present findings only from
all our observations can be directly generalized to the case |x | > 1.     the common 319, 000 words in the embedding vocabularies, we
We note these observations are essentially heuristic, although it is       carried out experiments over the entire vector space (i.e., 400, 000
not hard to turn them into precise mathematical statements.                for GloVe and 2, 519, 370 for fastText).
                                      GloVe word embeddings
                       1.25                                                                25000
                                                                                                                 GloVe embeddings at k = 10                                                      for matching average values of Nw for GloVe at ε = 29 and fastText
Distances at quantiles

                       1.00                                                                20000
                                                                                                                                                                                                 at ε = 36 are also presented in Fig. 4.
                       0.75                                                                15000

                       0.50                                                                                                                                                                          105       GloVe at ε = 29; avg. Sw ≈ 750        105 fastText at ε = 33; a g. Sw ≈ 750
                                                             5th percentile                10000
                                                             20th percentile
                       0.25                                  50th percentile
                                                             80th percentile                                                                                                                         104                                             104
                                                             95th percentile                   5000
                       0.00                                                                                                                                                                          103                                             103
                              100           101        102              103


                                           K (log scale)                                                       0.4          0.6          0.8          1.0      1.2
                                                                                                                                                                                                     102                                             102
                                    fastText word embeddings
                       1.25                                                                25000
                                                                                                               fastText embeddings at k = 10                                                         101                                             101
Distances at quantiles

                       1.00                                                                20000                                                                                                     100                                             100
                                                                                                                                                                                                           0      200 400 600 800 1000                     0       200 400 600 800 1000
                       0.75                                                                                                                                                                                    Num. of di tinct word (of 1000)                  Num. of distinct words (of 1000)

                       0.50                                                                                                                                                                          105       GloVe at ε = 29; avg. Nw ≈ 136        105       fastText at ε = 36; avg. Nw ≈ 136
                                                             5th percentile
                                                             20th percentile               10000
                       0.25                                  50th percentile
                                                             80th percentile                                                                                                                         104                                             104
                                                             95th percentile                  5000
                       0.00                                                                                                                                                                          103                                             103
                              100           101        102              103


                                             K (log scale)                                                0.00       0.25         0.50         0.75     1.00        1.25
                                                                                                                                                                                                     102                                             102
                                                                                                                                                                                                     101                                             101
  Figure 2: Distribution of distances between a given vector
                                                                                                                                                                                                     100                                             100
  and its k closest neighbors for GloVe and fastText                                                                                                                                                       0     200 400 600 800 1000                      0      200 400 600 800 1000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Count of M(w) = w (of 1000)                      Count of M(w) = w (of 1000)

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Figure 4: Comparing the distribution of similar average Sw
     Our experiments provide: (i) insights into the distance d(x, x ′ )
                                                                                                                                                                                                 and Nw results for GloVe and fastText
  that controls the privacy guarantees of our mechanism for different
  embedding models; and (ii) empirical evaluation of the plausible
  deniability statistics Sw and Nw for the mechanisms obtained using
  different embeddings.                                                                                                                                                                          6         MORE CALIBRATION STATISTICS
                                                                                                                                                                                                 In this section, we highlight the results of empirical Sw and Nw
  5                       CHOOSING A WORD EMBEDDING MODEL                                                                                                                                        plausible deniability statistics for 300 dimension fastText and 50
  Our analysis gives a reasonable approach to selecting ε by means                                                                                                                               dimension GloVe embeddings. The results were designed to yield
  of the proxies provided by the plausible deniability statistics. In                                                                                                                            comparable numbers to those presented for 300 dimension GloVe
  general, tuning privacy parameters in (metric) differential privacy                                                                                                                            embeddings.
  is still a topic under active research, especially with respect to what
  ε means for different applications. Task owners ultimately need                                                                                                                                7         BIOGRAPHY
  to determine what is best for their users based on the available                                                                                                                               Dr. Oluwaseyi Feyisetan is an Applied Scientist at Amazon Alexa
  descriptive statistics.                                                                                                                                                                        where he works on Differential Privacy and Privacy Auditing mech-
                                                                                                                                                                                                 anisms within the context of Natural Language Processing. He
                                      fastText epsilon values                                                      fastText epsilon values                                                       holds 2 pending patents with Amazon on preserving privacy in
                    10000           10 20 30 40 50                    601000                         5000        10 20 30 40 50                                  60500
                                                                                                                                                                                                 NLP systems. He completed his PhD at the University of Southamp-
                                                             fastText                                            fastText
                                                                                                                                                                       fastText avg. Nw values
                                                                               fastText avg. Sw values

                     900                                                900
                                                                                GloVe avg. Nw values
GloVe avg. Sw values

                                                                                                     400                                                             400                         ton in the UK and has published in top tier conferences and journals
                     800                                                800
                     700                                                700                          300                                                             300                         on crowdsourcing, homomorphic encryption, and privacy in the
                     600                                                600                          200                                                             200                         context of Active Learning and NLP. He has served as a reviewer
                     500                                                500
                     400                                                400                          100                                                             100                         at top NLP conferences including ACL and EMNLP. He is the lead
                                    GloVe                                                                                                                   GloVe
                     3000           10      20 30 40 50               60300                               00     10       20 30 40 50                            600                             organizer of the Workshop on Privacy and Natural Language Pro-
                                         GloVe epsilon values                                                          GloVe epsilon values
                                                                                                                                                                                                 cessing (PrivateNLP) at WSDM with an upcoming event scheduled
                                                                                                                                                                                                 for EMNLP. Prior to working at Amazon in the US, he spent 7 years
  Figure 3: Average Sw and Nw statistics for GloVe and fastText                                                                                                                                  in the UK where he worked at different startups and institutions fo-
                                                                                                                                                                                                 cusing on regulatory compliance, machine learning and NLP within
     In Fig. 3, we present the average values of Sw and Nw statistics                                                                                                                            the finance sector, most recently, at the Bank of America.
  for GloVe and fastText. We observe that similar values over fast-
  Text cover a broader range of ε values when compared to GloVe.                                                                                                                                 REFERENCES
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                 Sw results at ε = 18           Sw results at ε = 24              Sw results at ε = 30              Sw results at ε = 36               Sw results at ε = 42
    104                                   104                             104                              104                                104

    102                                   102                             102                              102                                102

        0 200 400 600 800 1000 10 0 200 400 600 800 1000 10 0 200 400 600 800 1000 10 0 200 400 600 800 1000 10 0 200 400 600 800 1000
    100                                 0                                 0                                 0                                 0

       Num. of distinct words (of 1000)  Num. of distinct words (of 1000)  Num. of distinct words (of 1000)  Num. of distinct words (of 1000)  Num. of distinct words (of 1000)
            Nw results at ε = 18              Nw results at ε = 24              Nw results at ε = 30              Nw results at ε = 36              Nw results at ε = 42
    104                                   104                             104                              104                                104

    102                                   102                             102                              102                                102

                200 400 600 800 1000 10 0 200 400 600 800 1000 10 0 200 400 600 800 1000 10 0 200 400 600 800 1000 10 0 200 400 600 800 1000
                                          0                             0                             0                             0
              Count of M(w) = w (of 1000)   Count of M(w) = w (of 1000)   Count of M(w) = w (of 1000)   Count of M(w) = w (of 1000)   Count of M(w) = w (of 1000)

                                  Figure 5: Empirical Sw and Nw statistics for fastText word embeddings as a function of ε.

                  Sw results at ε = 5           Sw results at ε = 7                Sw results at ε = 9              Sw results at ε = 11               Sw results at ε = 12
    104                                   104                             104                              104                                104

    102                                   102                             102                              102                                102

        0 200 400 600 800 1000 10 0 200 400 600 800 1000 10 0 200 400 600 800 1000 10 0 200 400 600 800 1000 10 0 200 400 600 800 1000
    100                                 0                                 0                                 0                                 0

       Num. of distinct words (of 1000)  Num. of distinct words (of 1000)  Num. of distinct words (of 1000)  Num. of distinct words (of 1000)  Num. of distinct words (of 1000)
             Nw results at ε = 5               Nw results at ε = 7               Nw results at ε = 9              Nw results at ε = 11              Nw results at ε = 12
    104                                   104                             104                              104                                104

    102                                   102                             102                              102                                102

                200 400 600 800 1000 10 0 200 400 600 800 1000 10 0 200 400 600 800 1000 10 0 200 400 600 800 1000 10 0 200 400 600 800 1000
                                          0                             0                             0                             0
              Count of M(w) = w (of 1000)   Count of M(w) = w (of 1000)   Count of M(w) = w (of 1000)   Count of M(w) = w (of 1000)   Count of M(w) = w (of 1000)

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