=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2573/keynote |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2573/PrivateNLP_KeynoteAbstract.pdf |volume=Vol-2573 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/wsdm/DietheF20 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2573/PrivateNLP_KeynoteAbstract.pdf
                        Preserving Privacy in Analyses of Textual Data
                                  Tom Diethe                                                           Oluwaseyi Feyisetan
                                    Amazon                                                                     Amazon
                             tdiethe@amazon.com                                                            sey@amazon.com

                                   Borja Balle                                                             Thomas Drake
                                  Deep Mind                                                                    Amazon
                            borja.balle@gmail.com                                                        draket@amazon.com

Amazon prides itself on being the most customer-centric company
on earth. That means maintaining the highest possible standards
of both security and privacy when dealing with customer data.
   This month, at the ACM Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM)
Conference, my colleagues and I will describe a way to protect
privacy during large-scale analyses of textual data supplied by cus-
tomers. Our method works by, essentially, re-phrasing the customer-
supplied text and basing analysis on the new phrasing, rather than
on the customers’ own language.

• Security and privacy → Privacy protections;
                                                                                      Figure 1: The researchers’ technique adds noise (green) to
ACM Reference Format:                                                                 the embedding of a word (orange) from a textual data set,
Tom Diethe, Oluwaseyi Feyisetan, Borja Balle, and Thomas Drake. 2020.                 producing a new point in the embedding space. Then it finds
Preserving Privacy in Analyses of Textual Data. In Proceedings of Workshop            the valid embedding nearest that point - in this case, the em-
on Privacy in Natural Language Processing (PrivateNLP ’20). Houston, TX,              bedding for the word ’mobile’. (STACY REILLY)
USA, 3 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/nnnnnnn.nnnnnnn

Questions about data privacy are frequently met with the answer
’It’s anonymized! Identifying features have been scrubbed!’ How-
ever, studies such as this one from MIT show that attackers can                          Differential privacy provides a statistical assurance that the ag-
de-anonymize data by correlating it with ’side information’ from                      gregate figure will not leak information about which individuals
other data sources.                                                                   are in the data set. Say there are two data sets that are identical,
    Differential privacy [2] is a way to calculate the probability that               except that one includes Alice’s data and one doesn’t. Differential
analysis of a data set will leak information about any individual in                  privacy says that, given the result of an analysis - the aggregate
that data set. Within the differential-privacy framework, protecting                  figure - the probabilities that either of the two data sets was the
privacy usually means adding noise to a data set, to make data                        basis of the analysis should be virtually identical.
related to specific individuals more difficult to trace. Adding noise                    Of course, the smaller the data set, the more difficult this stan-
often means a loss of accuracy in data analyses, and differential pri-                dard is to meet. If the data set contains nine people with 15-minute
vacy also provides a way to quantify the trade-off between privacy                    commutes and one person, Bob, with a two-hour commute, the
and accuracy.                                                                         average commute time is very different for data sets that do and
    Let’s say that you have a data set of cell phone location traces for              do not contain Bob. Someone with side information - that Bob fre-
a particular city, and you want to estimate the residents’ average                    quently posts Instagram photos from a location two hours outside
commute time. The data set contains (anonymized) information                          the city - could easily determine whether Bob is included in the
about specific individuals, but the analyst is interested only in an                  data set.
aggregate figure - 37 minutes, say.                                                      Adding noise to the data can blur the distinctions between anal-
                                                                                      yses performed on slightly different data sets, but it can also reduce
Copyright ©2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons   the utility of the analyses. A very small data set might require
License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Presented at the PrivateNLP 2020
Workshop on Privacy in Natural Language Processing Colocated with 13th ACM
                                                                                      the addition of so much noise that analyses become essentially
International WSDM Conference, 2020, in Houston, Texas, USA.                          meaningless. But the expectation is that as the size of the data set
PrivateNLP ’20, February 7, 2020, Houston, TX, USA                                    grows, the trade-off between utility and privacy becomes more
© 2020                                                                                manageable.
2   PRIVACY IN THE SPACE OF WORD                                          4   HYPERBOLIC SPACE
    EMBEDDINGS                                                            In November 2019, at the IEEE International Conference on Data
In the field of natural-language processing, a word embedding is a        Mining (ICDM), we presented a paper [4] that, although it appeared
mapping from the space of words into a vector space, i.e., the space      first, is in fact a follow-up to our WSDM paper [3]. In that paper,
of real numbers. Often, this mapping depends on the frequency             we describe an extension of our work on metric differential privacy
with which words co-occur with each other, so that related words          to hyperbolic space.
tend to cluster near each other in the space:
   So how can we go about preserving privacy in such spaces?
One possibility is to modify the original text such that its author
cannot be identified, but the semantics are preserved. This means
adding noise in the space of word embeddings. The result is sort of
like a game of Mad Libs, where certain words are removed from a
sentence and replaced with others.
   While we can apply standard differential privacy in the space
of word embeddings, doing so would lead to poor performance.
Differential privacy requires that any data point in a data set can be
replaced by any other, without an appreciable effect on the results of
aggregate analyses. But we want to cast a narrower net, replacing a
given data point only with one that lies near it in the semantic space.
Hence we consider a more general definition known as ’metric’
differential privacy [1].

                                                                                    Figure 2: A two-dimensional hyperboloid
I said that differential privacy requires that the probabilities that a      The word-embedding space we describe in the WSDM paper is
statistic is derived from either of two data sets be virtually identi-    the standard Euclidean space. A two-dimensional Euclidean space is
cal. But what does ’virtually’ mean? With differential privacy, the       a plane. A two-dimensional hyperbolic space, by contrast, is curved.
allowable difference between the probabilities is controlled by a            In hyperbolic space, as in Euclidean space, distance between
parameter, epsilon, which the analyst must determine in advance.          embeddings indicates semantic similarity. But hyperbolic spaces
With metric differential privacy, the parameter is epsilon times the      have an additional degree of representational capacity: the different
distance between the two data sets, according to some distance            curvature of the space at different locations can indicate where
metric: the more similar the data sets are, the harder they must be       embeddings fall in a semantic hierarchy [5].
to distinguish.                                                              So, for instance, the embeddings of the words ’ibuprofen’, ’medi-
   Initially, metric differential privacy was an attempt to extend the    cation’, and ’drug’ may lie near each other in the space, but their
principle of differential privacy to location data. Protecting privacy    positions along the curve indicate which of them are more specific
means adding noise, but ideally, the noise should be added in a way       terms and which more general. This allows us to ensure that we
that preserves aggregate statistics. With location data, that means       are substituting more general terms for more specific ones, which
overwriting particular locations with locations that aren’t too far       makes personal data harder to extract.
away. Hence the need for a distance metric.                                  In experiments, we applied the same metric-differential-privacy
   The application to embedded linguistic data should be clear. But       framework to hyperbolic spaces that we had applied to Euclidean
there’s a subtle difference. With location data, adding noise to a        space and observed 20-fold greater guarantees on expected privacy
location always produces a valid location - a point somewhere on          in the worst case.
the earth’s surface. Adding noise to a word embedding produces a
new point in the representational space, but it’s probably not the
location of a valid word embedding. So once we’ve identified such
a point, we perform a search to find the nearest valid embedding.
Sometimes the nearest valid embedding will be the original word
itself; in that case, the original word is not overwritten.
   In our paper, we analyze the privacy implications of different
choices of epsilon value. In particular, we consider, for a given
epsilon value, the likelihood that any given word in a string of words
will be overwritten and the number of semantically related words
that fall within a fixed distance of each word in the embedding
space. This enables us to make some initial arguments about what
practical epsilon values might be.
Figure 3: A two-dimensional projection of word embeddings
in a hyperbolic space. More-general concepts cluster toward
the center, more specific concepts toward the edges.
Dr. Tom Diethe is an Applied Science Manager in Amazon Research,
Cambridge UK. Tom is also an Honorary Research Fellow at the
University of Bristol. Tom was formerly a Research Fellow for
the “SPHERE” Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration, which is
designing a platform for eHealth in a smart-home context. This
platform is currently being deployed into homes throughout Bristol.
   Tom specializes in probabilistic methods for machine learning,
applications to digital healthcare, and privacy enhancing technolo-
gies. He has a Ph.D. in Machine Learning applied to multivariate
signal processing from UCL, and was employed by Microsoft Re-
search Cambridge where he co-authored a book titled ‘Model-Based
Machine Learning.’ He also has significant industrial experience,
with positions at QinetiQ and the British Medical Journal. He is a
fellow of the Royal Statistical Society and a member of the IEEE
Signal Processing Society.

[1] Konstantinos Chatzikokolakis, Miguel E Andrés, Nicolás Emilio Bordenabe, and
    Catuscia Palamidessi. 2013. Broadening the scope of differential privacy using
    metrics. In International Symposium on Privacy Enhancing Technologies Sympo-
    sium. Springer, 82–102.
[2] Cynthia Dwork. 2008. Differential privacy: A survey of results. In International
    conference on theory and applications of models of computation. Springer, 1–19.
[3] Oluwaseyi Feyisetan, Borja Balle, Thomas Drake, and Tom Diethe. 2020. Privacy-
    and Utility- Preserving Textual Analysis via Calibrated Multivariate Perturbations.
    In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining.
[4] Oluwaseyi Feyisetan, Tom Diethe, and Thomas Drake. 2019. Leveraging Hi-
    erarchical Representations for Preserving Privacy and Utility in Text. In IEEE
    International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM).
[5] Maximillian Nickel and Douwe Kiela. 2017. Poincaré embeddings for learning
    hierarchical representations. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems.
   A version of this first appeared on the Amazon science blog at: