=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2574/short11 |storemode=property |title=Digital Transformation of Manufacturing Record Books – an Ontology-based Case Study (short paper) |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2574/short11.pdf |volume=Vol-2574 |authors=Bjørn Jæger,Beni Ruef |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/vmbo/JaegerR20 }} ==Digital Transformation of Manufacturing Record Books – an Ontology-based Case Study (short paper)== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2574/short11.pdf
 Digital Transformation of Manufacturing Record Books
            – An Ontology-Based Case Study

             Bjørn Jæger1[0000-0002-4661-5102] and Beni Ruef2[0000-0002-2436-2087]
       Molde University College, Specialized University in Logistics, Molde, Norway
                   Swiss Law Sources Foundation, Zurich, Switzerland
       bjorn.jager@himolde.no, bernhard.ruef@ssrq-sds-fds.ch

       Abstract. Manufacturers in the oil and gas industry face increasing documenta-
       tion requirements of assets for compliance, quality assurance and contractual pur-
       poses. The documentation includes hundreds of documents for each asset that are
       compiled into a Manufacturer Record Book (MRB) to be delivered with the asset.
       The MRB is created by collecting all necessary documents and storing them in
       the MRB as scanned copies in PDF format. Creating an MRB is a cumbersome,
       error-prone and time-consuming activity. Using an MRB in PDF format is
       equally hard as it requires humans to search and extract data. Several initiatives
       have been undertaken by joint industrial projects and standardization agencies to
       represent the documents by their data in a language understandable to computers
       and humans. It has been proven that ontologies are effective tools in digitalization
       by making data from diverse sources interoperable. This paper presents a case
       study of MRB digitalization for CodeIT, a company developing software solu-
       tions for industrial applications. The focus is on creating an ontology for a weld-
       ing certificate, following an Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) procedure that ex-
       tracts data from a welding certificate in PDF format and uses the ontology for
       transforming the data into subject-predicate-object triples in a Resource Descrip-
       tion Framework (RDF) model. The results demonstrate the applicability of on-
       tologies for digital transformations.
       Keywords: Manufacturing Record Book, Ontology, Interoperability, FAIR Prin-
       ciples, Digitalization.

1      Introduction

The oil and gas industry requires proper certification and authorization of any product
to ensure the purchased product is qualified according to legislative and safety require-
ments. Manufacturers and engineering companies must document the systems deliv-
ered including documentation of product designs, materials specifications, certificates,
operating procedures and inspection reports. Each system delivered is accompanied by
a Manufacturing Record Book (MRB) with the documentation related to the system.
Historically, an MRB consisted of a compilation of paper documents. The increase in
system complexity, as well as increasing safety requirements, cause a typical MRB to
consist of a large number of documents, often in the number of several hundred. As an
example, an MRB to support an offshore accommodation module may be 170 pages,


Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
containing documents such as technical drawings, bill-of-materials, certificates, elec-
trical equipment manuals, component certifications, external vendor information, qual-
ity plan, and acceptance test [1, 2].
    The MRB contains documentation verifying that a given product or system meets its
requirements. Contemporary MRBs are PDF documents, often in the form of scanned
paper documents. This allows computers to handle the documents, but not their con-
tents. This is not sufficient for business processes that require access to the contents,
especially since many of the business processes are inter-organizational processes. For
example, a company A approving the welding quality of a product by another company
B requires an employee in A to fetch, read, compare and verify several documents
fetched from B with A’s own requirements, resulting in final approval by signing other
documents. To automate such inter-organizational processes, a basic requirement is that
the data of each document are in a machine-readable form that can be understood by
each actor. A digital transformation of processes requires interoperability between the
processes and the related data contained in the MRB. The transformation includes the
transition from a document-centric to a data-centric documentation approach that al-
lows for automatic processing across organizations. Interoperability based on semantic
models and standards are required since ontology-based semantic approaches capture
more of the meaning than traditional conceptual modelling like Entity-Relationship,
Unified Modelling Language class diagrams or Object-Role Modelling [3]. An ontol-
ogy supports a richer information interchange, not only exchange of data, especially
since each class and relation (property) in the ontology must have a unique URI identi-
fier. Thus, having an information model according to an ontology means it is ready-
made for the web allowing interoperability across organizational boundaries.
    Each document represents a context giving meaning to the data in the document.
This context must be expressed formally in addition to the data to allow automated
processing. The typical approach to add meaning to data is by using semantics ex-
pressed by formal ontologies. Ontologies allow data to be understood by a computer in
the same way across various computer systems [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. Ontologies are explicit
formal specifications of the terms in the domain and relations among them [9]. In prac-
tice, the Resource Description Framework (RDF) can formalize existing data according
to an ontology. RDF was initially a language for encoding knowledge on Web pages to
make them understandable to electronic agents, developed by the WWW Consortium
(W3C) [10], but is used now mostly for data interchange in general.
    RDF expresses data in the form of subject-predicate-object triples formatted as URIs
(Uniform Resource Identifiers). URIs identify a specific resource and point to its attrib-
utes or other resources.
    Each document in an MRB has unique content and structure; for example, drawing
documents and weld-test-certificate documents have different formats. Generally, these
formats are difficult to convert into graph data automatically because each document
has a specific application domain, a unique content, a non-standardized structure, is a
PDF file, and there might be no ontology defined. For each file, one first needs to find
out whether an ontology for this type of document exists. If not, an ontology is created,
and an Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) procedure must be executed for each document:

1. Extract the data from the PDF file
2. Transform the data to key-value pairs (subject-object pair in RDF terminology) sup-
   ported by the ontology
3. Load the key-value pairs into an RDF file identifying subject-predicate-object triples
In step 2, the data must be analyzed in order to transform them into key-value pairs.
Our approach analyzes the data and proposes likely key-value pairs based on the ontol-
ogy. In the beginning, the key-value pair generation must be supported by humans.
After a few times, it is envisioned to be automated by machine-learning methods based
on previous transformations. Additionally, proper nouns—which are the essence of cer-
tificates—can be identified by Named-entity recognition [11].
    In step 3, the key-value pairs must be converted to subject-predicate-object triples
that capture the semantics by expressing relations among subject-object pairs by pred-

1.1    Manufacturing Record Book Solutions

There exists some Manufacturing Record Book (MRB) IT applications in the market.
To our best knowledge, all of these are document-centric systems managing the docu-
ments and not their contents. Some of these are:

• CodeIT eMRB. This is the case company’s solution described below.
• Conoco Phillips, Technical Information Requirement Catalog (TIRC) [12]
• TIRC by the NORSOK Z-TI Joint Industry Project (JIP) [13]
• Global Cents’ MRB solution [14]

2      Case Study

2.1    The case company CodeIT

CodeIT AS is a Norwegian SME company founded in 2011 to develop and market a
software solution, CodeIT Enterprise, for implementing automatic identification (Au-
toID), labelling, marking and traceability of manufactured components and products.
[15]. During the development of the CodeIT Enterprise software solution for industrial
applications, CodeIT became aware that manufacturers needed to process and store an
increasing number of documents to comply with national and international regulations.
Manufacturers were documenting their product and manufacturing process using elec-
tronic document versions of paper documents. This invariably led to manual operations
to use the information in the documents in business processes. For example, the process
of verifying that a product’s welding procedures adhere to international quality stand-
ards require manually searching, fetching, reading and comparing PDF documents from
the manufacturer and the standardization agency. CodeIT identified an unfulfilled re-
quirement for an automated software solution that can capture all the data from a man-
ufacturing process as digital data elements. This would allow intelligent processing of

information simplifying current manual tasks and providing a foundation for new ser-
vice-based business models, especially within Life Cycle Maintenance.

2.2    Ontology definition for a Welding Certificate
For this case study, we selected a Welding Certificate document since certificates are a
common type of document in MRBs [2].
   In defining the ontology, we have followed the steps in the seminal paper by Noy
and McGuiness [16]. The ontology describes the entities relevant for a welding certifi-
cate, their attributes and their relations to other entities. In our case study, we have six
types of entities, i.e. six classes (names of classes and predicates in bold, classes start
with a capital letter):

• A Certificate has a certificateID, is issued at a date, validFrom a date and
  validUntil a date (these are the attributes). It coversStandard WeldingCode, is
  validFor Agent and is issuedBy CertificateIssuer (these are the relations).
• A StandardIssuer issuesStandard WeldingCode.
• Both CertificateIssuer and Agent hasAddress Address.
• An Address consists of a street, a city, a zipCode and a country.
For the sake of clarity our ontology is slightly simplified: In reality a welding certificate
does not cover a welding code [17] in its entirety but is valid for a specific range of
certification, specifying one or more welding processes (arc welding, gas welding, sol-
dering etc.) with their material groups, i.e. type of metal involved (steel, aluminium and
its alloys, cast irons etc.), cf. table in Figure 2. Furthermore, a welding certificate also
specifies a responsible welding coordinator (i.e. a specifically nominated person), not
only an agent (i.e. a company).

                         Fig. 1. An ontology for welding certificates

2.3    Document selected for the Case Study

The document selected is the welding certificate shown in Figure 2.


                         Welding of railway vehicles and components according to
                                                                  EN 15085-2

               This is to certify that HAKAMA AG

                                           Hauptstrasse 50
                                           4l 12 Bätttl/il
               is qualified to perform welding work within the range of certification of:

                                          Certification level GLl according to EN 15085-2
               Field of application: . New construction of components for rail vehicles specially interior,
                                                   without design and purchase of welded components.

               Range of certification
                 Weldlng process            Material group according      Dlmenslons           Gomments
                 according to EN ISO        to GEN ISO/TR 15608
                 141                        8.1                           t=1-2mm              BW
                                            81                            t=105-3mm            FW
                 212                        8.1                           t=1.5mm
                 786                        8.1                           t=1.5mm              M3 M8

               Responsible welding coordinator:                Dipl.-lng. (TU) Christian Plötner (lWE) [external]
                                                               born: 17.05,1980
               Deputy with equal rights:
               Deputy:                                         Nicolas Schneider (lWS)                              born: 15.01.1972
               Certificate no.: SVS/15085/CL1121510A1117
               Valid:                from21.11.2017 to 20.11.2020
               lssued on:            15.11.20'18
               Auditor:              WLKE
               General regulations (see reverse)                                                         Grf¡tter
                                                                                                        certification body

                                                                      1 ol2

       Fig. 2. Sample certificate by Schweizerischer Verein für Schweisstechnik [18]

2.4   The Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) Procedure
• Step 1: Extract the data from the PDF file. This is done by OCR processing of the
  image-based PDF file. The OCR process used in the case study for the certificate in

  Figure 2 creates a two-layer PDF file with the recognized text as a layer under the
  graphic. This text layer can easily be extracted.
• Step 2: Transform the data to key-value pairs (subject-object pairs in RDF terminol-
  ogy). This is a manual process in the case study.
• Step 3: Load key-value pairs into an RDF-file with subject-predicate-object triples.
  The ontology guides the transformation.

Fig. 3. RDF representation of the certificate in Figure 2 coded as TTL (Terse RDF Triple Lan-
guage) [19]

3      Discussion

Interoperability is crucial in digital transformation. In the case of Manufacturing Rec-
ord Books, interoperability is important because of the diversity of documents and the
number of actors involved. Our case study showed that even when regarding only weld-
ing certificates, these can look very different because of the many existing issuers of
standards (ISO, EU standards, British Standards, several [sic!] American professional
associations etc., cf. [17]). Thus, a structured approach involving ontology-based mod-
elling is called for as a foundation for semantic interoperability across standards. In-
teroperability is closely related to the concepts of findability, accessibility and reusa-
bility. These four terms are also known as the FAIR Principles (Findable, Accessible,
Interoperable, Reusable). The term FAIR has its origin in scientific data management,
first coined at a workshop in 2014. In 2016, the ‘FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific
data management and stewardship’ were published in Scientific Data [20]. The authors
provided guidelines to improve the findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reuse

of digital assets. We are convinced that the FAIR principles are highly relevant for
business as well, and that they can be applied more or less unchanged following e.g.
the FAIRification Process [21].
   As we have discussed in the introduction, contemporary Manufacturing Record
Books are still a long way from being FAIR compliant. In the worst (and unfortunately
quite common) case they are a collection of digital images originating from scanned
paper documents, disguised as PDF files. In the best case, they are digitally born (i.e.
the PDF derives from a program like Microsoft Word or a CAD/CAE tool like Auto-
CAD) but even then, there exists no standard structure. Additionally, PDF is an inapt
format for our goals as it only describes the look of a document and its pages, respec-
tively. However, for automatic processing of a document one needs a format which
describes the structure and the semantics of a document. A much better choice than
PDF would be an XML-based format.

4      Conclusion

This paper presented a case study of MRB digitalization for industrial applications. An
ontology enables standardized digitalization of documents supporting interoperability
across actors. The case study demonstrated the feasibility of using an ontology for a
welding certificate that is part of an MRB.

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