=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2574/short18 |storemode=property |title=Traditional Accounting with Decentralised Ledger Technology (short paper) |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2574/short18.pdf |volume=Vol-2574 |authors=Wim Laurier,Walter S.A Schwaiger,Simon Polovina |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/vmbo/LaurierSP20 }} ==Traditional Accounting with Decentralised Ledger Technology (short paper)== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2574/short18.pdf
         Traditional Accounting with Decentalised
                     Ledger Technology

       Wim Laurier1[0000−0002−9448−248X] , Walter S.A. Schwaiger2 , and Simon
                                 Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles,
                                Boulevard du Jardin Botanque 43,
                                     1000 Bruxelles, Belgique,
                                               TU Wien
                                      Theresianumgasse 27,
                                       1040 Wien, sterreich
                                     Sheffield Hallam University
                                  City Campus, Howard Street,
                                      Sheffield, S1 1WB, UK

         Abstract. Distributed ledger technology is by some believe to be the
         accounting system of the future, replacing the centuries old double-
         entry accounting paradigm, as it has desirable characteristics such as
         tamper-resistance. However, it might suffer from technology lock-in as
         double-entry bookkeeping, due to its long standing history, has offered
         the conceptual foundations for many laws, regulations and business prac-
         tices. While some of these laws, regulations and practices might become
         obsolete as a result of distributed ledger technology, some might still
         prove to be valuable in a new technological context. While aiming at
         unlocking the potential of distributed ledger technology in an account-
         ing context, we also want to preserve the wisdom of accounting crafts-
         man. For this reason, it is the aim of this paper to offer a bi-directional
         mapping between traditional double-entry bookkeeping and innovative
         paradigms that have proven their value in decentralised systems, of which
         distributed ledger technology is an exponent. This paper offers such a
         mapping for the Resource-Event-Agent paradigm.

         Keywords: Resource · Event · Agent.

 1     Introduction

 1.1     The Need for Collaborative Accounting

 The collaborative economy [1] is rapidly gaining importance [9] , while the ac-
 counting practice is still enterprise-centric [8] This might hamper a fair distribu-
 tion of value along the supply chain [4] (e.g. virtual enterprise, cradle-to-cradle).
 In order to enable enterprise-centric accounting to deal with the collaborative


Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
Wim Laurier et al.

logic, we propose an ontology-based approach that maps relevant accounting
data of trading-partners, allowing third parties and individual trading-partners
to assess a fair distribution of value along the supply chain. This research project
aims at mapping an accounting taxonomy (e.g. XBRL GL4 ) to an international
open-edi standard [5] in order to facilitate the simultaneous implementation of
both paradigms in distributed ledger technology, such as blockchain.

2     Methodology

We intend to formally validate the coherence of the ontology- mapping with For-
mal Concept Analysis.[10] Figure 1 visualises a lattice that allows of identifying
the intent and extent of a construct in a formal ontology.
    In a later phase we intend to implement the mapping in a real-world system
in accordance with the Action Design Research research paradigm. [11]

3     Retro-Engineering McCarthy ’82 [7] & Gal ’86 [2]

In this section we map REA2 , which has been demonstrated to cover both de-
pendent views of trading-partners in a collaboration space and the perspective of
any independent observer [6], with the most elementary notions of double-entry
accounting, showing that double-entry bookkeeping is inherently related to the
viewpoint of a single trading-partner. In a later phase, this minimal accounting
taxonomy (as partly shown in figure 3 & 4) will be replaced with a fully-fledged
accounting taxonomy such as XBRL GL4
    Figure 2 shows the REA value chain as represented in REA2 on the outside
and fundamental accounting notions at the center of the figure. It shows that an
Acquisition Duality is operationalised by an Liability in accounting terms.
When a purchase : economic event occurs, the inventory of the viewpoint-
defining economic agent (i.e. self : economic agent) increases. This increase
in raw material : inventory can be booked as an asset increase (i.e. debit),
for which the double in the journal entry is a : liability increase (i.e. credit).
This liability can then be settled by a requiting cash-disbursement : economic
event. This cash-disbursement decreases the cash : inventory (i.e. (i.e. credit), for
which the double in the journal entry is a : liability decrease (i.e. debit) that
settles the liability generated by the purchase : economic event. As such, in
the acquisition cycle, the : liability operationalises the second REA axiom
“All events effecting an outflow must be eventually paired in duality relationships
with events effecting an inflow and vice-versa.” [3]
    When consuming raw material : inventory, as shown by the consume
: economic event in figure 2, the raw material : inventory decreases (i.e.
credit), for which the double in the journal entry is a : cost increase (i.e. debit,
and an equity, which is a subtype of liability, decrease). When the Conversion
Duality produces final product : inventory, this is booked by means of a

                        Traditional Accounting with Decentalised Ledger Technology

produce : economic-event journal-entry in which the final product :
inventory increase (i.e. debit) has a revenue increase (i.e. credit, and an equity,
which is a subtype of liability, increase) as a double.
    A sale : economic event that decreases the final product : inventory (i.e.
credit), while its double in the journal entry is a : UOMe (i.e. You owe me, as a
subtype of asset) increase (i.e. debit). The acquisition duality is then established
by settling the : UOMe by means of a cash-receipt: economic event that
increases the cash : inventory (i.e. debit), for which the double in the journal
entry decreases the : UOMe (i.e. credit).

4   Conclusion
Although the formalisation of the mapping will require considerably more re-
search and effort, the pattern in figure 2 already leads to the following observa-
 – The REA-construct economic event is a sub-type of the double-entry book-
   keeping construct journal entry
 – The double-entry bookkeeping construct inventory, which is a subtype of
   the double-entry bookkeeping construct asset, is related to the notion of
   custody in REA
 – debits make the view-defining self : economic agent richer (e.g. inven-
   tory increase, liability decrease, cost increase (i.e. liability decrease))
 – credits make the view-defining self : economic agent poorer (e.g. inven-
   tory decrease, liability increase, revenue increase (i.e. liability increase))
 – alternation debits and credits enforce a clockwise value flow in the REA
   value-chain from the perspective of the view-defining economic agent (i.e.
   the shareholder) as shown in figure 2

 1. Commission,        E.:      Collaborative        economy.        online       (2016),
    http://ec.europa.eu/growth/single-market/strategy/collaborative-economy nl
 2. Gal, G., McCarthy, W.E.: Operation of a relational accounting system. Advances
    in Accounting 3, 83–112 (1986)
 3. Geerts, G.L., McCarthy, W.E.: The ontological foundation of rea enterprise in-
    formation systems. In: Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association,
    Philadelphia, PA. vol. 362, pp. 127–150 (2000)
 4. Gordijn, J.: Networked business models with e3value. online (2016),
 5. ISO: Iso/iec 15944-4:2015. online (2015)
 6. Laurier, W., Kiehn, J., Polovina, S.: Rea 2: A unified formalisation of the resource-
    event-agent ontology. Applied Ontology 13(3), 201–224 (2018)
 7.    McCarthy, W.E.: The rea accounting model: A generalized framework for account-
       ing systems in a shared data environment. Accounting Review pp. 554–578 (1982)
 8.    mikorizal software: Why traditional erp and accounting software won’t work for
       networks. online (2016), http://mikorizal.org/software.html

Wim Laurier et al.

 9. Morgan, J.: Why the collaborative economy is changing everything. online
    (october 2014), http://www.forbes.com/sites/jacobmorgan/2014/10/16/why-the-
10. Priss, U.: Formal concept analysis in information science. Annual review of infor-
    mation science and technology 40(1), 521–543 (2006)
11. Sein, M., Henfridsson, O., Purao, S., Rossi, M., Lindgren, R.: Action design re-
    search. Management Information Systems Quarterly 35(1), 37–56 (2011)

5    Appendix

                         Fig. 1. Example Conceptual Graph

                                                                                                                                                                           Transformation Duality
                                                                                                                                                                           consume:economic event                       produce:economic event

                                                                                                                                  outflow                                                                                                                                    inflow

                                                                                                                       raw material:economic resource                     credit     debit                              credit debit                        final product:economic resource

                                                                                                                                                             decrease                                                  increase               increase
                                                                                                                                  inflow                                                                                                                                     outflow
                                                                                                                                                     raw material:inventory                     :cost                   :revenue     final product:inventory

                                                                                                                                              debitincrease                                                                                       decrease credit
                                                                                                                          purchase:economic event                                                                                                                        sale:economic event
                                                                                                                                                                                 has              has         has           has

                                                                                                                  from                      credit               to                                                                     from                debit                    to
                                                                                                                                                                                                    self:economic agent                                             increase
                                                                                            supplier:economic agent          Acquisition Duality         :liabilities          has                                               has          :UOMe                  Revenue Duality            client:economic agent
                                                                                                                                               decrease                                             defines the view
                                                                                                                      to                    debit                from                                                                   to                  credit                   from

                                                                                                                      cash-disbursement:economic event                      credit                    cash:inventory                    debit                    cash-receipt:economic event
                                                                                                                                                                                       decrease                               increase


                                                                                                                                                                                                  cash:economic resource
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Traditional Accounting with Decentalised Ledger Technology

      herently in the trading-partner / dependent view, and that should eventually become
      Fig. 2. Scruffy REA Value Chain object-model pattern for accounting, which is in-
Wim Laurier et al.

                                    Journal Entry

 Double-Entry       has           timestamp                      has       Double-Entry
     debit                                                                      credit
                                    P         P
                                      debit-     credit=0
 amount                                                                      amount
                                    Economic Event
                     has                                            has
                               MAR number
                                         P          P
                               balance=        debit-   credit

                     Asset                                       Liability

                             UOMe                                 Equity
           Inventory                                      increase      decrease

                                                         Revenue          Cost

Fig. 3. Scruffy mental model that goes with the REA Value Chain pattern and should
eventually become a ”neat” meta-model for it

                      Traditional Accounting with Decentalised Ledger Technology



                        REA               Double-Entry
                        Consume                Cost+


                        REA               Double-Entry
                        Produce               Liability+

   REA                                    Double-Entry     Double-Entry       Double-Entry
Economic Event                                Liability-           Debit               Credit

                        REA               Double-Entry
                         Give                 UOMe+


                        REA               Double-Entry
                         Take                  Asset+


Fig. 4. Scruffy mapping of REA and double-entry bookkeeping and should eventually
become a ”neat” meta-model for it
