Reflections on: Deep learning for noise-tolerant RDFS reasoning ? Bassem Makni1 and James Hendler2 1 IBM Research, 1101 Kitchawan Rd, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA 2 TWC, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 110 8th St, Troy, NY 12180, USA Abstract. Since the 2001 envisioning of the Semantic Web (SW), the main research focus in SW reasoning has been on the soundness and com- pleteness of reasoners. While these reasoners assume the veracity of input data, the reality is that the Web of data is inherently noisy. Although there has been recent work on noise-tolerant reasoning, it has focused on type inference rather than full RDFS reasoning. Even though RDFS closure generation can be seen as a Knowledge Graph (KG) comple- tion problem, the problem setting is different— making KG embedding techniques that were designed for link prediction not suitable for RDFS reasoning. This paper documents a novel approach that extends noise- tolerance in the SW to full RDFS reasoning. Our embedding technique— that is tailored for RDFS reasoning— consists of layering RDF graphs and encoding them in the form of 3D adjacency matrices where each layer layout forms a graph word. Each input graph and its entailments are then represented as sequences of graph words, and RDFS inference can be for- mulated as translation of these graph words sequences, achieved through neural machine translation. Our evaluation on LUBM1 synthetic dataset shows 97% validation accuracy and 87.76% on a subset of DBpedia while demonstrating a noise-tolerance unavailable with rule-based reasoners. 1 Introduction The Web is inherently noisy and as such its extension is noisy as well. This noise is as a result of inevitable human error when creating the content, designing the tools that facilitate the data exchange, conceptualizing the ontologies that allow machines to understand the data content, mapping concepts from differ- ent ontologies, etc. This paper documents a novel approach that takes previous research efforts on noise-tolerance to the next level of full RDF Schema (RDFS) reasoning. The proposed approach utilizes the recent advances in deep learning- that showed robustness to noise in other machine learning applications such as computer vision and natural language understanding- for semantic reasoning. The first step towards bridging the Neural-Symbolic gap for RDFS reasoning is ? The code, models and datasets for this paper are available at: Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). 2 B. Makni and J. Hendler to represent Resource Description Framework (RDF) graphs in a format that can be fed to neural networks. The most intuitive representation to use is graph representation. However, RDF graphs differ from simple graphs as defined in the graph theory in a number of ways. The different graph models for RDF in the literature were neither designed for RDFS reasoning requirements nor are they suitable for neural network input. The proposed graph model for RDF consists of layering RDF graphs and encoding them in the form of 3D adjacency matrices. Each layer layout in the 3D adjacency matrices forms what we termed as a graph word. Every input graph and its corresponding inference are then represented as sequences of graph words. The RDFS inference becomes equivalent to the translation of graph words that is achieved through neural network translation. The main contributions in this paper are: – Noise Intolerance Conditions. A taxonomy for noise types in SW data according to the impact of the noise on the inference is drawn along with the necessary conditions for a noise type to be propagable (i.e affect the inference). – Layered Graph Model for RDF. We propose a layered graph model for RDF that is tailored for RDFS reasoning. – Graph Words. Using the layered graph model, we propose a novel way of representing RDF graphs as a sequence of graph words. – Graph-to-Graph Learning. By representing RDF graphs as a sequence of graph words, we were able to use neural network translation techniques for translation of graph words. – Full RDFS reasoning with noise tolerance. Our evaluation shows not only comparable results with rule-based reasoners on intact data but also exceptional noise-tolerance compared to them: 99% for the deep reasoner vs 0% (by design) for Jena in the U GS100 dataset. In Section 2, we use three aspects to position our research with respect to the related work. Section 3 draws a taxonomy for noise types in SW data and illustrates the process of ground truthing and noise induction for LUBM and a subset of DBpedia. We describe the layered graph model for RDF in Section 4. Then, the overall approach including the creation of the RDF tensors and the RDF graph words is presented in Section 5. The results of the experiments are described in the Section 6. 2 Background and Problem Statement In this section we use three aspects to position our research with respect to related work: – Noise handling strategies: active vs adaptive. Active noise handling consists of detecting noise and cleansing the data before performing any tasks that might be affected by the presence of noise, while adaptive noise handling approaches focus rather on building techniques that are noise-tolerant. The research described in this paper falls into the latter category. Reflections on: Deep learning for noise-tolerant RDFS reasoning 3 – Knowledge graph completion categories: schema-guided vs data- driven RDFS closure can be seen as a Knowledge Graph Completion (KGC) problem— multi-relational link prediction problem in particular— where each RDFS rule generates different types of links. We refer to the RDFS closure computation as schema-guided KGC because the links are generated according to the ontology (TBox), unlike data-driven KGC where the links are predicted based on the analysis of the existing links in the KG. – Graph embedding output: Node/Edge embedding vs whole-graph embedding Graph embedding approaches can be classified using several cri- teria. One particular criterion of interest is the “problem setting” [3], where the type of graph input as well as the embedding output are used to clas- sify the embedding approach. The graph input can either be homogeneous or heterogeneous—where there are multiple types of nodes and/or multiple types of edges— which is the case for RDF graphs. The majority of graph embedding approaches yield node representation in a low dimensional space. This is why graph embedding and node embed- ding are often used interchangeably. However, there are other types of graph embedding outputs such as edge embedding and whole graph embedding— where the output is a vector representation of the whole graph not only node or edge vectors. The embedding vectors of similar graphs should be neigh- bors in the embedding space. The embedding of RDF graphs— in order to learn their inference— falls under this category. 2.1 Problem statement Existing embedding techniques for KGs were not designed for RDFS reasoning and they raise two main challenges if they were to be used for this task. 1. The first challenge is the need to check the validity of every possible triple using the scoring function in order to generate the full materialization. 2. The second challenge is the embedding of the relations that are seen only in the inference such as the super-properties. 3 Ground Truthing and Noise Induction For this research, the input is from one of two types of datasets: a synthetic dataset from LUBM and a real-world dataset from DBpedia [1]. The inferential target for these datasets is set using a rule-based SW reasoner (Jena [4]). Es- sentially, the goal for the deep reasoner is to learn the mapping between input RDF graphs and their entailed graphs in the presence of noise. Thus, noise was induced in the synthetic dataset to test the noise-tolerance of the deep reasoner. 3.1 Taxonomy of Semantic Web noise types The literature contains a few taxonomies for the types of noise that can impact RDF graphs; however they are not drawn with respect to the impact of the noise on the inference. The taxonomy illustrated in Fig. 1 serves this purpose. 4 B. Makni and J. Hendler TBox Noise is the type of noise that resides within the ontology, such as in the class hierarchy or domain and range properties. This type of Semantic Web noise noise impacts inference over the whole dataset. Reasoning with tolerance to TBox noise is outside the scope of this ABox noise research because using rule-based rea- soners for ground truthing with noise TBox noise Propagable noise Non-propagable in the TBox biases the whole ground noise truth. Non-propagable noise consists of any corrupted triple in the input Fig. 1: Semantic Web noise taxonomy graph that does not have any impact on the inference—for example when the original triple does not generate any inference nor does the corrupted triple. Propagable noise, on the other hand, is a corrupted triple in the input graph that changes the inference. The necessary conditions for RDFS rules to generate a noisy inference from a corrupted triple are identified in the extended journal paper. 3.2 Ground-Truthing in LUBM1 LUBM1 was generated according to the LUBM [6] ontology and contains 17, 189 subject-resources within 15 classes. Let R be the set of these subject-resources. For each resource r in R, a graph g is built by running the SPARQL DESCRIBE query. Let G be the set of graphs g obtained after this step. For each graph g in G, the RDFS inferential closure is generated according to the LUBM ontology using Jena. Let I be the set of inference graphs. Finally, G and I are split into training (G train,I train), validation and testing sets using a stratified splitting technique where the resource class is used as the label for the stratification. The input of the supervised learning algorithm is the set of graphs G train, the target is their corresponding inference graphs I train and the goal is to learn the inference generation. Noise Induction in LUBM1: In [11], a methodology for noise induction in LUBM was proposed in which three datasets were constructed by corrupting type assertions according to a given noise level. In RATA dataset, instances of type TeachingAssistant were corrupted to be of type ResearchAssistant, which is non-propagable because both concepts are sub-classes of the concept Person. In UGS, instances of type GraduateStudent were corrupted to be of type University, which is propagable by the RDFS9 rule because these concepts are not siblings. In GCC, instances of type Course were corrupted to be of type GraduateCourse. This type of noise is also non-propagable. As [11] focuses only on noisy type assertions, two additional datasets were created with noisy property assertions for the purpose of this research. In TEPA, the property publicationAuthor is corrupted to be teachingAssistantOf, which is propagable by RDFS2 and RDFS3 rules as the two properties have different Reflections on: Deep learning for noise-tolerant RDFS reasoning 5 domains and ranges. In WOAD, the property advisor is corrupted to be works- For. This noise is non-propagable as the property worksFor does not have any domain or range specification in the LUBM ontology. 3.3 Ground Truthing the Scientist Dataset from DBpedia From DBpedia [2], a dataset of scientists’ descriptions was built; 25, 760 URIs for scientists’ descriptions were retrieved. In order to diversify the types of classes in the scientists dataset, a few other classes that are related to the Scientist con- cept in DBpedia were also collected, namely: EducationalInstitution, Place and Award. The total number of triples obtained in the scientists dataset is ' 5.5 mil- lion. No artificial noise was induced in this dataset as it already has pre-existing noise. An example of noisy type assertion is the resource dbr:United States be- ing of type dbo:Person. There are 1, 761 resources in DBpedia that are of types dbo:Person and dbo:Place simultaneously, which obviously indicates that one of them is a noisy triple. 4 Layered Graph Model for RDF Even though the RDF conceptual model is designed as a graph, it differs from the graph theory definition of graphs in a number of ways. RDF graphs are heterogeneous multigraphs. Moreover, an edge in the ABox can be a node in the TBox (describing the properties hierarchy for example). Current research efforts to represent the RDF model as graphs— based on a: bipartite graph model [7], hypergraph model [9,8,10] or metagraph models [5]— target different goals ranging from storing and querying RDF graphs to reducing space and time complexity to solving the reification and provenance problem. Unfortunately, these goals do not coincide with RDFS reasoning. Moreover they use complex graph models which are not suitable for neural network input. The proposed layered graph model for RDF consists of an ordered sequence of directed graphs, where each directed graph represents the relations between the resources of the RDF graph according to one property (from the set of properties in the ontology plus rdf:Type). It is important to note that the transformation of an RDF graph into its layered directed graph representation is not bijective as two non-isomorphic RDF graphs can have the same layered directed graph representation. However this transformation guarantees that if two RDF graphs have the same layered directed graph representation then their RDFS inference graphs according to the ontology O are isomorphic. 5 Approach overview The overview of our approach is depicted in Fig. 2. It can be summarized in the following steps: 6 B. Makni and J. Hendler Fig. 2: Approach overview 1. Layering the RDF graphs: Using the layered graph model for RDF, we generate the layered graph version for each input and inference graph in the training set. The order of the properties corresponding to each layer can be chosen arbitrarily but it is crucial to maintain the same order across the dataset. In the simple version, each property in the ontology plus rdf:Type has its corresponding layer. While in the more efficient version, only the subset of ”active” properties is considered—where an active property is a property from the ontology that is used in the dataset. This reduces the number of layers dramatically in the case of the scientists dataset where only a small subset of the DBpedia properties is used. 2. RDF tensors creation Using the layered version of the RDF graphs, an ID must be assigned to each resource in the RDF graph to allow it to be represented as a 3D adjacency matrix. In the simplified version, two dictio- naries were created: one for the subject and object IDs— which is split into a global and a local dictionary— and one for the property IDs. The global resources dictionary contains the subject and object resources that are used throughout the G set (which are basically the RDFS classes in the ontol- ogy). While the local resources’ dictionaries contain the IDs for the resources specific to each graph. In the more advanced version—required for complex ontologies— instead of using the same local dictionary for all the layers, each group of properties share their own dictionaries of local resources. 3. Graph words generation At this stage, every RDF graph is represented as a 3D adjacency matrix of size: (active properties size, max number of resources, max number of resources). In theory the maximum number of possible layer layouts in a dataset of size dataset size is: 2 min(2max number of resources , dataset size ∗ active properties size) However, in practice, the number of layouts is much smaller than this theo- retical bound. For instance, in the LUBM1 dataset, we obtained 131 layouts versus 309, 402 possible layouts. This observation is a good indication that the encoding algorithm has achieved one of its major goals of having similar encodings for “similar” graphs. Reflections on: Deep learning for noise-tolerant RDFS reasoning 7 By assigning an ID for each layer’s layout, the 3D adjacency matrix can be represented as a sequence of layouts’ IDs as shown in Fig. 3. The layouts are termed “graph words”, as the sequence (or phrase) of graph words represents a 3D adjacency matrix and thus an RDF graph. Representing an RDF graph as a sequence of graph words has two main advantages: (a) Reducing the size of the encoded dataset: only the ID of the layer’s layout along with a catalog of layouts is saved. (b) Exploitation of the research results in neural machine translation. RDF:type 0 0 0 0 .... 0 0 0 0 .... ub:takesCourse 0 0 0 1 0 0 1.... 1 .... ub:publicationAuthor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.... 1 .... .... .... .... .... .... 0 0 0 0 1 0 0.... 0 .... 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.... 1 .... ub:advisor .... .... ............ .... 0 0 0 0 0 1 1.... 0 ub:subOrganizationOf 0 1 0 0 0 0 0.... 0 .... 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... .... .... .... .... .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.... 0 .... Layers catalog 0 0 1 0 0 0 0.... 0 .... ub:softwareVersion .... .... ............ .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.... 0 .... .... .... .... .... .... 0 0 0 0 .... 0 0 0 0 .... .... .... .... .... .... (4,5,3,1,0,0) Graph sentence of graph words Fig. 3: From a 3D adjacency matrix to a sentence of graph words The overall architecture of the model as well as its hyperparameters are detailed in the journal paper. 6 Evaluation Fig. 4 shows the training pro- 1 Training loss cess on the LUBM1 dataset. Af- 100 Best accuracy: 97.67% Validation accuracy ter approximately 12 minutes of 0.8 80 training, 98.8% training accu- 0.6 Accuracy racy was achieved. When testing 60 loss the trained model on the intact 40 0.4 LUBM1 test set, an overall per- 0.2 graph accuracy of 97.7% was ob- 20 tained. 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Epochs The trained model was then tested on the noisy datasets cre- Fig. 4: Training results on intact LUBM1 ated as described in Section 3. data Two metrics were designed: 8 B. Makni and J. Hendler – Macroscopic metric: Per-graph accuracy : Inferences in this metric are scored correct when dr and i are isomorphic— in other words, when the deep reasoner inference from the corrupted graph is isomorphic to the Jena inference from the intact graph. – Microscopic metric: Per-triple precision/recall. The previous metric overlooks the fact that some triples, generated by the deep reasoner and not by Jena, were in fact valid. The macro and micro evaluation on the 5 noisy datasets (Fig. 5) shows ex- ceptional noise-tolerance compared to rule-based reasoners: 99% for the deep reasoner vs 0% (by design) for Jena in the U GS100 dataset. The model used for the scientists dataset is like the LUBM1 model, ex- cept for the hyper-parameters. Train- Noisy Noisy ing to a validation accuracy of 87.76% type assertions property assertions 100 takes over 16 hours. The ‘scientists’ 100 99 99 95 93 92 91 90 dataset contains 94 graphs with the 80 81 Accuracy (%) 78 person-place noise out of which 38 in- 67 60 64 ference graphs generated by the deep 51 46 40 reasoner were perfect, containing ex- 20 actly the inference from Jena minus the noisy triple. For the remaining 0 0 person-place inferences, a few contain 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 10 10 10 S A C A D G C A T P A G U E O R ”false positive” triples not generated T W by Jena. For example, the deep rea- Per-graph accuracy Per-triple precision Per-triple recall soner inferred that dbr:Big Ben is of type dbo:HistoricPlace even though this information is not explicitly (i.e. Fig. 5: Macro and micro evaluation on embedded in the DBpedia graph of noisy LUBM1 datasets the the resource dbr:Big Ben) nor im- plicitly (i.e. can be inferred). The deep reasoner inferred this information by capturing the generalization that resources with similar links to dbr:Big Ben are usually of type dbo:HistoricPlace. 7 Conclusions, Discussions and Future Work The main contribution of this paper is the empirical evidence that deep learning (neural networks translation in particular) can in fact be used to learn semantic reasoning— RDFS rules specifically. The goal was not to reinvent the wheel and design a Yet another Semantic Reasoner (YaSR) using a new technology; it was rather to fill a gap that existing rule-based semantic reasoners could not sat- isfy, which is noise-tolerance. This research can be extended in a few directions. Currently the trained model on a specific domain with a given ontology cannot be used to generate inferences from a different domain. One promising research direction is to investigate transfer learning to bootstrap the adaption for new domains. 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