=Paper= {{Paper |id=None |storemode=property |title=The Semantic Sensor Network Ontology, Revamped |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2576/paper11.pdf |volume=Vol-2576 |authors=Kerry Taylor,Armin Haller,Maxime Lefrancois,Simon Cox,Krzysztof Janowicz,Raul Garcia-Castro,Danh Le-Phuoc,Joshua Lieberman,Rob Atkinson,Claus Stadler |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/semweb/TaylorHLCJGPLAS19 }} ==The Semantic Sensor Network Ontology, Revamped== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2576/paper11.pdf
       The Semantic Sensor Network Ontology,

Kerry Taylor1,2 , Armin Haller1 , Maxime Lefrançois3 , Simon Cox4 , Krzysztof
Janowicz5 , Raúl Garcı́a-Castro6 , Danh Le-Phuoc7 , Joshua Lieberman8 , Rob
                        Atkinson9 , and Claus Stadler10
                 Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
                                University of Surrey, UK
  Mines de Saint-Étienne, Univ Lyon, CNRS, France maxime.lefrancois@emse.fr
                 CSIRO, Melbourne, Australia simon.cox@csiro.au
       University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA jano@geog.ucsb.edu
       Ontology Engineering Group, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
        Technische Universität Berlin, Germany danh.lephuoc@tu-berlin.de
       Center for Geographic Analysis, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA
            Metalinkage, Wollongong, Australia rob@metalinkage.com.au
            Institut für Informatik, Universität Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany

       Abstract. The Semantic Sensor Network Ontology, popularly known
       as SSN, was developed by an Incubator Group of the World Wide Web
       Consortium (W3C) over 2009 to 2011. Subsequently, the W3C and the
       Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) joined forces to update the SSN
       as informed by experience, to harmonize it with OGC’s O&M, and to
       publish a new version to be endorsed as both a W3C Recommendation
       and an OGC standard in late 2017. The major contribution of the new
       SSN is a modular structure designed to be more convenient for ontology
       engineers and data custodians. It also slightly extends the coverage of
       the previous SSN with new terms for sampling and actuation. SSN re-
       tains the ability to comprehensively represent: sensors in terms of what
       they can sense, and what and how they do sense; observations in terms
       of what they measure and what values they find; systems (or networks)
       of sensors in terms of sensor components and how they are deployed;
       and real-world objects (called features of interest, OGC-style) in terms of
       their physical properties, what can sense them, and what observations of
       them have been made. A few little-used SSN terms have been deprecated,
       and several others have been renamed. For a comprehensive description
       of new SSN the reader is referred to the specification [10]. A full descrip-
       tion of the scope, design rationale and additions, with examples of its
       application are presented in [11].

       Keywords: sensor · ontology · OGC standard · W3C recommendation

 Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
2      K. Taylor et al.

1   Introduction

The Semantic Sensor Network Ontology, popularly known as SSN, was devel-
oped by an Incubator Group of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) over
the period 2009 to 2011. It was well-timed for the rapid growth of industrial in-
terest in the Internet of Things that ramped up around 2012, when the concept
was expanded beyond RFID alone to include arbitrary sensors and actuators.
The original SSN, hereafter referred to as SSNX, was largely an experimen-
tal design. It was influenced in part by the by the Observations and Measure-
ments (O&M) model (issued in 2007 [6] and later standardised by ISO[13] and
the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) [8]). It was intended to serve research
projects in, for example, agriculture [30], smart campus [26], environmental mod-
elling [29,16], IoT [4], streaming [22], and climate modelling [18]. These projects
developed or exploited semantic technologies, and were seen to benefit from
a quality, shared ontology for describing sensors, networks of sensors, sensor
capability, and the phenomena they sense. Arguably, it was designed for an
ontology-expert audience and not for the emerging cohort of professional soft-
ware engineers developing linked data infrastructures. Indeed, it was linked to
the OGC’s SensorML standards [5] through patterns showing how SSNX terms
could be used to annotate entities and relations expressed SensorML’s XML [19],
but to the knowledge of the authors this design was seldom employed.
    In 2014 the W3C and the OGC decided to work together to jointly progress
the application of linked data techniques to spatial data, recognising the rela-
tively low uptake of traditional spatial data infrastructure standards based on
XML schemas and SOAP or REST interaction protocols. The Linking Geospa-
tial Data workshop [1] was convened in 2014 to gauge the demand and scope for
a joint standards activity. Later that year the Spatial Data on the Web Working
Group was established, chaired by the first author, with Ed Parsons of Google
[31]. Amongst many other goals, the Working Group was to bring SSN forward
as a formal recommendation of the W3C and a standard of the OGC. The key
requirement for the new standard was to address the perceived complexity of
the SSNX, considering modularisation as a possible approach to facilitate ease
of use.
    In this paper, written 18 months after the standard was published, we high-
light the significant features of the new SSN, particularly aiming to provide
insight into the rationale behind its design. We also take a look at how the new
SSN is being used through a very brief survey of the literature.

2   Disentangling the upper ontology

Firstly, and most significantly, it was readily agreed that the reliance of SSNX on
the Dolce Ultralite (DUL) upper ontology [24] through an owl:import statement
added more confusion than clarification, both through the introduction of very
abstract terms and also through the dependency for representation of concrete
measurement values. While it was recognised that the upper ontology gave some
                        The Semantic Sensor Network Ontology, Revamped          3

valuable structure and coherence to the design of SSNX, it was widely believed
to get in the way of learning and using the SSNX. The first step of redesign was
to move axioms relating SSN terms to DUL terms away from the SSN ontology
to a new Dolce Ultralite Alignment module, called SSN-DUL that itself imports
SSN and DUL. We were able to update the DUL URL at the same time, as DUL
had moved in the intervening years and this frequently annoyed SSN users. By
this simple redesign SSN could be readily used either with or without DUL.

3   Re-thinking the O&M relationship
For the SSNX it was determined very early that an ontology of sensors needs
to be able to talk about the observations sensors make. In O&M, arguably the
central concept is an Observation, and this was conceived as an act [7]. In
common language, as well as in related OCG documentation (such as https:
//www.opengeospatial.org/standards/om), while we may use the verb to ob-
serve, we usually talk about making an observation, and the Observation
itself is the artefact or record of the act of observing. The SSNX conceived the
concept Observation as an information construct or social construct, more pre-
cisely, as a DUL situation that conveniently groups together the things you
need to know about the what the Sensor did when it took a measurement.
However, by the time of the SSN development in the context of a joint working
group with the OGC, the conception of an observation as an event was entirely
familiar. Furthermore, in the near aftermath of the long-running debate about
the signifiers of URIs (http range 14 debate [32]), and declining interest in up-
per ontologies, there was little will for distinguishing physical world concepts
from a social or digital interpretation of them. Consequently, SSN reverted to
the O&M conception of an Observation as an event in explanatory annota-
tions. On the other hand, the SSN has retained the property madeObservation
and its inverse madeBySensor (previously observedBy) that connects Sensor to
Observation. Unfortunately by this SSN has inherited the ontological confusion
of O&M, stating that a Sensor makes an event Observation. In any case, in
SSN the distinction is not significant as the relationship of Observation to other
SSN concepts is unaffected; but it does make a difference to its integration with
other ontologies including PROV [17] (where it is a Prov:Activity) and DUL
(where it is now a dul:Event) [11].

4   Modularity
The working group began with a starting point for modularity developed by
Michael Compton, where parts of the ontology, with the topic-specific focus as
identified in the original SSN design, were separated into OWL ontologies with
owl:imports relationships amongst them. However, this was found to be diffi-
cult to work with as the dependency between the terms from different modules
typically led to an import of all modules, which increased the difficulty instead
of a simplification.
4        K. Taylor et al.

    Modularity in DLs has been well-researched. The research has focused on
extracting modules with a selected focus from pre-existing non-modular ontolo-
gies to satisfy various desirable coherence properties. For example, [15] extracts
modules in EL and ALC, whereby a signature of terms define the focus of a
module and the module is populated with axioms from the source ontology such
that well-defined dependencies of the signature terms are maintained. Alterna-
tively, [3] develops package-based description logics that redefine the semantics
of interpretation of standard description logic together with a signature focus to
extract terms from multiple independent ontologies, aiming to satisfy desirable
coherence properties. Neither of these style of approaches was considered ap-
propriate for SSN where we had the opportunity to designing modularity from
scratch, and where a key requirement was always to make use of SSN easier by
ontology engineers and data custodians.
    One way to make it easier would be to reduce the signature, and another
would be to reduce the expressivity of the ontology language and thereby reduce
the burden of understanding the intent and consequence of complex axioms. The
modular architecture of SSN does both these things. Furthermore, we wanted
SSN modules to satisfy linked-data engineering practices that are not addressed
by established modularity designs. These included
    – That each ontology module is retrievable from the module URI;
    – That the namespace for each module is the same as its URI; and
    – That each term is defined in a unique module that is referenced using
      rdfs:isDefinedBy whenever it is used in an ontology
Our SSN design satisfies the desiderata of packaged description logics [3] by
design, without requiring its non-standard inference.
    As published, SSN has been designed with a central core ontology of terms
considered to be most in-demand for use of the ontology, called SOSA for Sen-
sor, Observation, Sample and Actuator which are its key concepts. The axioms
of SOSA are simple in two respects. The signature is minimised by avoiding
terms considered of only specialist use. The language of expression is minimised
by using only the ALI(D) DL language. This language is convenient for per-
formance of reasoning, and while OWL classes and object properties are de-
clared, the only constructs that require OWL reasoning services (or RDF(S), for
that matter) are inverse roles and concrete XML Schema datatypes. There is
no subclass nor subproperty hierarchy. Intended domains and ranges of object
properties are documented by way of schema.org’s schema:domainIncludes
and schema:rangeIncludes and these are explicitly declared to be annotation
properties, not object properties in SOSA, hence cannot be reasoned with.
    On the other hand, the interpretation of basic terms introduced in the SOSA
core is constrained by more expressive ALRIN axioms in the SSN module which
owl:imports SOSA. SSN also extends SOSA with further terms: 6 classes and
15 object properties to enrich the relationships amongst SOSA classes and to
extend the modelling to aspects of Systems of Sensors and Deployment.
    While SSN is consistent with SOSA, it cannot guarantee consistency with
arbitrary other ontologies that also extend SOSA, under the usual semantics. Nor
                         The Semantic Sensor Network Ontology, Revamped             5

can it guarantee consistency with ABox assertions that are made in the SOSA
context, with, for example, no formal domain, range or cardinality axioms. This
is unfortunate, as it would be very convenient for data integration to have the
property that any consistent SOSA ABox also forms a consistent ontology when
combined with the SSN TBox. On the other hand, any consistent SSN ABox
is a consistent ontology when combined with the SOSA TBox when instances
of terms not present in SOSA are removed, so a data integration strategy of
resorting to the lowest-common-denominator is simple to execute.
    Figure 1 is adapted from the figures presented in [10,11] and shows the import
relationships between the SSN, SSN-DUL and SOSA modules, together with
some other modules introduced in the following.

Fig. 1. The SSN family of ontologies showing import relations and normative or infor-
mative status in the SSN standard. Note that the sample relations module in the stan-
dard incorrectly imports SOSA at time of writing; instead the working group’s intended
relationship to SOSA and SSN is depicted in the figure. An improved version, that also
removes the SKOS import in the standard version, is available on the working group’s
repository at github.com/w3c/sdw/blob/gh-pages/ssn/rdf/sample-relations.ttl

5    How a sensor works
In the early days of the development of SSNX, there was an ontologically ele-
gant effort to structure the ontology around a skeleton fragment that explained
what Sensors do. In particular, this skeleton represented Sensors as things that
detect(s) a Stimulus in the physical world and that implement a Sensing
6      K. Taylor et al.

process to produce (that is, inverse isProducedBy) a SensorOutput. However,
ontology users have shown to be little interested in what sensors do when they
capture data, so this was determined to be overly-complex. In the SSN this part
of the skeleton was excised from the core SOSA where Observation has become
of more central importance.

6   New terms

SSN has been extended very little from SSNX. While several new capabilities
were derived from proposed use cases or directly proposed by Working Group
members, these were largely eschewed in the interests of simplicity and generality.
    However, partly in SOSA and partly in the greater SSN, the pattern for
description of Observation has been cloned (with term changes) to describe
the acts of Actuation and Sampling. An Actuation is made by an Actuator
on a Feature of Interest, and a Sampling is made by a Sampler on a Feature
of Interest.
    In addition, in what may well be the most widely appreciated simple exten-
sion to SSNX, SOSA Observation has been extended by a simple datatype
property hasSimpleResult that can be used to directly assert the literal val-
ues of an Observation, Actuation or Sampling, without further reference to
external ontologies or via property chains or paths.
    About a dozen SSNX terms have been renamed.

7   Other SSN modules

In addition to ssn-dul, several small alignment ontologies to popular external on-
tologies have also been released with SSN. One, the SSNX alignment module, is
intended to ease the transition of existing SSNX applications to SSN by provid-
ing, as far as possible, subclass and subproperty relations that, interpreted by a
reasoner, can infer SSN instances from SSNX instances. Similarly, PROV-O[17]
and OBOE [23] alignments are provided.
    A System capabilities module extends SSN by the terms and axioms from
SSNX that are designed for modelling the capabilities of sensors and systems
of sensors to measure particular physical properties, and identifying their mea-
surement limitations. In this case they were separated from SSN as a separate
module due to an analysis of use that showed they were used less often than the
remaining SSN terms and so could be treated as specialist terms for a limited
audience that are better not clogging up SSN.
    Finally, the sample relations extends the basic structures for SOSA terms
for the sampling process, designed for asserting relationships amongst different
sampling individuals. Please refer to figure 1 for advice on using this module.
                        The Semantic Sensor Network Ontology, Revamped           7

8    Presentation
The presentation of the new SSN is improved over the original SSNX by tak-
ing advantage of improved tools and practices developed by the linked data
community. This new presentation should, itself, improve the usability of the
new SSN. In comparison with the presentation of SSNX, the new ontologies
consistently use rdfs:comment and skos:definition to annotate terms with
descriptive explanations, and skos:example for an example for how it might be
applied, expressed in English. The ontologies are documented with the Vocab-
ulary for Annotations (vann) and Vocabulary of a Friend (voaf) terms for use
with linked data tools.
   Further, updated examples are used in the specification to support under-
standing. A section on Common Modelling Questions has been included as a
response to the lessons learnt over the years of experience with SSNX.

9    SSN in the Wild
SOSA has been experimentally evaluated in the OGC [25] and some datasets and
ontologies using SSNX have been updated. For example, measurements made by
a meteorological station at an experimental farm in 2017 [27] are now published
and queryable via SOSA [12]. The new sampling terms have been applied to de-
scribe a collection comprising millions of geological samples at Geoscience Aus-
tralia [2]. Additional applications in research are published in the SSN workshop
held at ISWC in 2018 [20].

10    Conclusion
One-and-a-half years after the publication of the new SSN standard, and a half-
year since its publication in the academic literature[11,14], we find that the 2011
SSN Incubator Group Report [19] and 2012 journal paper [10] are being cited at
a greater rate than SSN. This may well be due to the time lag to create awareness
of the update, but it would seem plausible that the added visibility due to its
status as a standard of two standards organisations should have overcome the
lag by now. It is hoped that this paper will encourage the shift to the new SSN.
    While the simple core SOSA has not yet been taken up by schema.org [9],
there are some clear equivalence mappings to relevant schema.org terms includ-
ing sdo:variableMeasured with sosa:observedProperty;
sdo:measurementTechnique with sosa:procedure; and sdo:object with
sosa:featureOfInterest. Work will be undertaken to harmonise these vocab-
ulary fragments in the near future.
    Meanwhile, the complementary emerging W3C Web of Things standard [28],
that is protocol and security-focussed, offers a context extension method by
which SSN can be employed for data description. The comparable OGC Sen-
sorThings standard, that addresses both an interaction protocol (like Web of
Things), and a small vocabulary, has been published. It refers to part of the
prior O&M which is mirrored in SOSA[21].
8       K. Taylor et al.

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