=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2577/paper11 |storemode=property |title=Determining the Directions of Links in Undirected Networks of Terms |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2577/paper11.pdf |volume=Vol-2577 |authors=Dmytro Lande,Oleh Dmytrenko,Oksana Radziievska |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/its2/LandeDR19 }} ==Determining the Directions of Links in Undirected Networks of Terms== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2577/paper11.pdf

       Determining the Directions of Links in Undirected
                     Networks of Terms

              © Dmytro Lande 1,2,3[0000-0003-3945-1178] © Oleh Dmytrenko 1[0000-0001-8501-5313]
                               © Oksana Radziievska3[0000-0003-3813-3987]
             1 Institute for Information Recording of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
    2 National Technical University “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine
3 Scientific Research Institute for Informatics and Law of National Academy of Legal Sciences

                                   of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
      dwlande@gmail.com          dmytrenko.o@gmail.com radeoksa@gmail.com

         Abstract. This paper examines and analyzes approaches for constructing net-
         work of terms as an ontological subject domain model. In particular, new ap-
         proaches and rules for determining the syntax and semantic links between terms
         in the text and the directions of these links between nodes in undirected networks
         of terms constructed from terms of a thematic text corpus, are proposed and re-
         searched. Also, one of the methods for creating terminological ontologies – the
         algorithm for building the thematic networks of natural hierarchies of terms based
         on analysis of texts corpora – is considered and used to build a directed network
         of words and phrases (separate unigrams, bigrams and threegrams). The well-
         known fairy tale “The story of Little Red Riding Hood” is provided as examples
         to demonstrate an accuracy of the proposed rules. The Python programming lan-
         guage and its separate functions of a specialized add-in - the module NLTK (Nat-
         ural Language Toolkit open source library) is used to create the software realiza-
         tion of the proposed and considered approaches and methods. Using the software
         for modelling and visualization of graphs - Gephi, the built directed networks of
         terms were visualized for better visual perception. The proposed approach can be
         used for automatically creating terminological ontologies of subject domains
         with the participation of experts. Also, the research result can be used to create
         personal search interfaces for users of information retrieval systems and also can
         be used in navigation systems in databases. It should help users of such systems
         simplify the process of searching the relevant information.

         Keywords: Subject Domain, Terminological Ontology, Network of Terms, Hor-
         izontal Visibility Graph, Network of Natural Hierarchies of Terms, Syntax and
         Semantic Links, Undirected Network, Directed Network.

1        Formulation of the Problem

The development of computer technologies and, in particular, the Internet as the source
of information resources and a dynamic source of texts, opens new opportunities to
develop and apply the improved methods of their research. There are different methods,
Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

methodologies and techniques of computerized text processing and analysis. The mod-
ern software is increasingly in need of ready-made solutions to improve its systems.
   It should be noted that it is very important to formalize the knowledge of some sub-
ject domain while its studying. This process of representing, formal naming and defi-
nition of the categories, properties and relations between the concepts, data and entities
is known as ontology modeling of the subject domain. A network of terms can be con-
sidered as a model of some subject domain. In this network of terms, nodes correspond
to the individual words and phrases in the text and the edges to the links between them.
The process of ontology creating is usually very complex and resource-intensive, and
besides this, it is still an unsolved scientific and practical problem [1]. A separate step
in this formalization is to identify the basic objects. In the case of networks of terms
building, this step includes creation dictionaries, thesauruses, and subject dictionaries
of terms, which based on the text corpus. The task of effective selection of individual
terms from the text corpus and automating such selection is still open, important and
completely unresolved [2, 3].
   Due to the complexity of natural language, the determination of the syntax and se-
mantic links between nodes that correspond to the terms in the text and the determina-
tion of the directions of these links is also an equally complex and open problem of
   The purpose of this work is to propose and present new approaches for determining
the directions of links between nodes in undirected networks of terms built from words
and phrases (separate unigrams, bigrams and trigrams) of a thematic text corpus.

2      Method for Building Undirected Networks of Terms

There are several approaches for transforming the texts into a network of terms and
different ways to interpret nodes and connections [4, 5]. It leads to different kinds of
presentation of these networks [6].
   In this work, the compactified horizontal visibility graph (CHVG) algorithm for cre-
ating terminological ontologies of subject domains for key terms (separate unigrams,
bigrams and trigrams) is used.

2.1    Compactified Horizontal Visibility Graph (CHVG) Algorithm
The horizontal visibility graph (HVG) algorithm [7, 8, 9] is a modification of a common
visibility algorithm [10].
   In the work [11], the next steps are proposed to build undirected networks of terms
using the HVG algorithm. The first step is to mark on the horizontal axis a number of
nodes, each of which corresponds to the terms in the order in which they occur in the
text; and the weighted values – numerical estimates xi that is intended to reflect how
important a word is to a document in a collection or corpus are marked on the vertical
axis. In the second stage, the horizontal visibility graph is built.
   Two nodes ti and tj corresponding to the elements of the time series xi and xj, are is
connected in a HVG if and only if, when xk < min(xi; xj) for all tk (ti < tk < tj).

   In the third stage, the network that obtained on in the previous steps is compactified:
the nodes that correspond to the same terms are combined into a single node. The ob-
tained undirected network of terms is called the compactified horizontal visibility graph
(CHVG) (see fig. 1).

       Рис. 1. Stages of a building of the compactified horizontal visibility graph [11].

   Thus, the CHVG algorithm allows building an undirected network of terms in case,
when the numerical values are assigned to separated words or phrases (separate uni-
grams, bigrams and trigrams) of a thematic text corpus.

2.2    Text Corpora Pre-processing
   Languages we speak and write are made up of several words often derived from one
   When a language contains words that are derived from another word as their use in
the speech changes is called Inflected Language. It is clear to understand that an in-
flected word(s) will have a common root form.
   In this section, we briefly describe the main parts of processing text documents such
as tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, lemmatization, stop words removal, stemming
process and terms weighting.

   Tokenization and lemmatization
   For preliminary lexical analysis, breaking text up into its single words (tokens) –
tokenization, is made.

    Lemmatization usually refers to doing things properly with the use of vocabulary and
morphological analysis of words, normally aiming to remove inflectional endings only
and to return the base or dictionary form of a word, which is known as the lemma. A
lemma (plural lemmas or lemmata) is the canonical form, dictionary form, or citation
form of a set of words.
    For example, "runs", "running", "ran" are all forms of the word "run", therefore "run"
is the lemma of all these words. Because lemmatization returns an actual word of the
language, it is used where it is necessary to get valid words.
    In this work, “WordNet Lemmatizer” provided by Python NLTK was used to lem-
matize the tokens. “WordNet Lemmatizer” uses the WordNet Database to lookup lem-
mas of words.
    Tokenization and lemmatization are usually the initial stages of word processing be-
cause they allow you to work with a word as a single entity, knowing its context [12].

    Part-of-Speech Tagging
    POS tagging is one of the first steps in computer text analysis.
    Before lemmatization, it is necessary to provide the context in which you want to
lemmatize that is the parts-of-speech (POS) [13].
    In corpus linguistics, part-of-speech tagging (POS tagging or PoS tagging or POST),
also called grammatical tagging or word-category disambiguation, is the process of
marking up a word in a text (corpus) as corresponding to a particular part of speech,
based on both its definition and its context—i.e., its relationship with adjacent and re-
lated words in a phrase, sentence, or paragraph. A simplified form of this is commonly
taught to school-age children, in the identification of words as nouns, verbs, adjectives,
adverbs, etc.
    In general, PoS tagging algorithms are divided into two distinct groups: rule-based
and stochastic. E. Brill's tagging method [14], which uses rule-based algorithms, is the
first and most widely used method of tagging English-language texts.
    “Part of Speech tagging” is one of the more powerful aspects of the NLTK module
in the Python programming language. Basically, the goal of a POS tagger is to assign
linguistic (mostly grammatical) information to sub-sentential units - tokens.

   Stop Words Removal
   Also, after the stage of pre-procession of the textual documents and the extraction of
key terms in this study, it is proposed to remove stop words that have no semantic
strength, that is, informationally unimportant ones, as well as bigrams containing at
least one stop word and trigrams that start or end with a stop word. In general, stop
words are words that do not contain important significance to be used in Search Que-
ries. Usually, these words are filtered out from search queries because they return a vast
amount of unnecessary information. Mostly they are words that are commonly used in
the English language such as 'as, the, be, are' etc.
   The stop dictionary used in this work was based on different stop dictionaries, which
are available at:

   It should be noted, that each programming language will give its list of stop words
to use. In this work, the “SnowballStemmer” (stemmer that is realized in Python in
NLTK librаry – Natural Language Toolkit librаry) was also used to ignore stop words.
   Also, the formed stop dictionary was expanded by adding other stop words that were
identified by experts within the considered subject domain.

   After the stages described above, for combining the words that have a common root
into a single word it is proposed to carry out the process of stemming. Stemming is the
process of reducing inflection in words to their root forms such as mapping a group of
words to the same stem even if the stem itself is not a valid word in the Language [15].
Stemming usually refers to a crude heuristic process that chops off the ends of words
and often includes the removal of derivational affixes that are used with a word. So
words having the same stem will have a similar meaning. The results of stemming are
similar to determining the root of the word, but its algorithms are based on other prin-
ciples [16]. That is why, after stemming (processing with stemmer), the word may be
different from its morphological root.
   The goal of both stemming and lemmatization is to reduce inflectional forms and
sometimes derivationally related forms of a word to a common base form.
   However, the two processes differ in that stemming most commonly collapses deri-
vationally related words, whereas lemmatization commonly only collapses the different
inflectional forms of a lemma.
      If confronted with the token "saw", stemming might return just s, whereas lem-
matization would attempt to return either "see" or "saw" depending on whether the use
of the token was as a verb or a noun.
   To avoid the confusion described above, in this work the lemmatization process pre-
cedes the stemming process.
   Several stemming algorithms can be distinguished in terms of performance, accu-
racy, and how stemming problems are overcome [17].
   The most common algorithm for stemming English, and one that has repeatedly been
shown to be empirically very effective, is Porter's algorithm [18, 19]. In this work, the
“PorterStemmer” stemmer realized in Python in NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit)
librаry was used. This function is known for its simplicity and speed. As a result of its
use, words having the same stem will have a similar meaning.
   The pre-processing stages described above allows normalizing the text corpus.

2.3     Weighting and extraction of the key terms
After the pre-processing stages, the weighting and extraction of the key terms are made.
To form a time series, the function that reflects the term to number, this study uses the
modification of classic statistical weight indicator TF-IDF (from English, TF is Term
Frequency, IDF is Inverse Document Frequency) [20, 21] – GTF (Global Term Fre-
quency) [22] as a weight value of terms.
   This approach allows having a high statistical indicator of importance for informa-
tionally-important in global context elements of the text.

3      Rules for Determining the Directions of Links

As was mentioned above, the determination of the directions of links is a complex and
open problem of ontology creation. Below, we consider several new approaches for
determining the directions of links between nodes in undirected networks of terms built
from words and phrases (separate unigrams, bigrams and trigrams) of a thematic text
   Let G be the undirected network of terms that built according to the described above
rules: G:= (V, T) where V is the set of nodes, T is the set of the unordered pairs of nodes
from the set V that correspond to the causal links between the nodes.
   It is supposed that a causal link exists in the direction from the node ti to the node tj
for ∀ , : (ti, tj) ∈ T if:
   1. the numerical value of the node ti that corresponds to: a) degree [23, 24] b) HITS
score [25] c) PageRank score [26]) is higher than the numerical value of the corre-
sponded score of the node tj;
   2. within the sentence, the term to which the node ti corresponds precedes the term
to which the node tj corresponds;
   3. the term to which the node ti corresponds is shorter than the term to which the
node tj corresponds.
   One of the methods for creating terminological ontologies – the algorithm for build-
ing the thematic networks of natural hierarchies of terms based on analysis of texts
corpora – is used to build the directed network of words and phrases (separate unigrams,
bigrams and trigrams) according to the third rule. The work [27] notes that the algo-
rithm for building the networks of natural hierarchies of terms provides for the building
of a compactified horizontal visibility graph and the determining of directions of links
between the key terms according to the rule: a word is a part of a two-term phrase or a
three-term phrase and the two-term phrase is a part of the three-term phrase.

4      Results of the Study of the Proposed Approaches

The proposed approaches for determining the directions of links in undirected networks
of terms was tested on the example of the English-language text, namely – the well-
known fairy tale “The story of Little Red Riding Hood”.
    According to the described above method, the text pre-processing and the extraction
of the key terms (separate unigrams, bigrams and trigrams) were made (Table 1, 2 and

Table 1. Top 16 key unigrams and their degree, HITS and PageRank for the text “The story of
                                Little Red Riding Hood”.

             Unigrams          GTF         Degree        HITS         PageRank
            grandmoth          0.065        49           0.444        0.0545
            red                 0.059       32           0.3099       0.036
            hood                0.053       22           0.256        0.0252
            ride                0.053       2            0.051        0.0029
            wolf                0.031       30           0.301        0.0327
            wood                0.025       17           0.204        0.0169
            bed                 0.019       18           0.191        0.0186
            open                0.016       13           0.19         0.0148
            beauti              0.016       15           0.155        0.0154
            big                 0.012       9            0.088        0.0119
            cap                 0.012       12           0.162        0.0141
            cake                0.012       9            0.101        0.0116
            cut                 0.009       10           0.095        0.0127
            strang              0.009       13           0.116        0.0167
            ate                 0.009       7            0.134        0.0081
            huntsman            0.009       11           0.113        0.0148

 Table 2. Top 15 key bigrams and their degree, HITS and PageRank for the text “The story of
                                 Little Red Riding Hood”.

              Bigrams             GTF           Degree     HITS         PageRank
         ride_hood                0.053          26        0.465         0.0277
         red_ride                  0.053         28        0.494         0.0303
         grandmoth_big             0.009         11        0.177         0.0095
         hood_grandmoth            0.006         4         0.107         0.0047
         leav_path                 0.006         7         0.162         0.0084
         grandmoth_live            0.006         6         0.164         0.0071
         wolf_bodi                 0.006         7         0.160         0.0080
         grandmoth_bed             0.006         5         0.04          0.0060
         straight_grandmoth        0.006         7         0.133         0.0076
         beauti_wood               0.006         6         0.133         0.0070
         cake_wine                 0.006         8         0.172         0.0084
         wood_wolf                 0.006         7         0.193         0.0076
         press_latch               0.006         8         0.047         0.0064
         grandmoth_sick            0.006         5         0.096         0.0058
         door_open                 0.006         8         0.109         0.0085

 Table 3. Top 26 key trigrams and their degree, HITS and PageRank for the text “The story of
                                 Little Red Riding Hood”.

               Trigrams                GTF        Degree       HITS       PageRank
         red_ride_hood                0.1429        36         0.67        0.1042
         grandmoth_what_big           0.0252         6         0.145        0.0114
         press_the_latch              0.0168         6         0.059        0.0111
         leav_the_path                0.0168         4         0.153        0.0126
         sick_and_weak                0.0168         6         0.182        0.0179
         bed_and_pull                 0.0168         7         0.162        0.0188
         cake_and_wine                0.0168         5         0.160        0.0133
         hear_how_beauti              0.0084         2         0.111        0.0076
         look_so_strang               0.0084         2         0.03         0.0071
         hood_and_ate                 0.0084         2         0.111        0.0079
         listen_littl_red             0.0084         2         0.129        0.007
         bite_he_climb                0.0084         2         0.001        0.0101
         obey_her_mother              0.0084         2         0.021        0.0084
         lay_the_wolf                 0.0084         2         0            0.0105
         mind_your_manner             0.0084         2         0.054        0.0068
         open_hi_belli                0.0084         2         0.003        0.0096
         cake_and_drank               0.0084         2         0.018        0.0090
         snore_veri_loudli            0.0084         2         0            0.0105
         strang_oh_grandmoth          0.0084         2         0.028        0.0059
         bird_are_sing                0.0084         2         0.021        0.0084
         bed_fell_asleep              0.0084         2         0            0.0103
         ride_hood_enter              0.0084         2         0.114        0.0074
         larg_heavi_stone             0.0084         2         0.004        0.0093
         woman_wa_snore               0.0084         2         0.111        0.0076
         loudli_a_huntsman            0.0084         2         0            0.0105
         red_ride_hood                0.0084         2         0            0.1042

   The following results were obtained after building the directed network according to
the first rule for different measures of network nodes (for the degree – fig. 2; for the
HITS – fig. 3; for the PageRank – fig. 4). Using the software for modeling and visual-
ization of graphs – Gephi (https://gephi.org), the built directed networks of terms were
visualized for better visual perception.

 Fig. 2. Fragment of the directed network, which built according to the first rule for node de-

  Fig. 3. Fragment of the directed network, which built according to the first rule for HITS.

Fig. 4. Fragment of the directed network, which built according to the first rule for PageRank.

  Fig. 5 shows the directed network of terms built according to the second rule.

     Fig. 5. Fragment of the directed network, which built according to the second rule.

   Fig. 6 shows the network of natural hierarchies of terms, which built according to
the third rule.

               Fig. 6. Fragment of the network of natural hierarchies of terms.

   After analyzing the obtained results, it was found that the directed network, which
built according to the second rule more precisely reflects the directions of links that
exist between the terms in the considered text, than the network, which built according
to the first rule. The network of natural hierarchies of terms has its peculiarities and
advantages, so it is difficult to compare it with the networks built according to the first
two rules. Taking account into the naturalness of links that determined in such a net-
work, we can talk about their syntactic adequacy.
   Considering, for example, the directions of links determined for key terms, we can
see that according to the first rule, the links between “wolf”-“grandmother”-“red” are
as follows (see fig. 2,3,4): for the degree, HITS and PageRank – the “grandmother”
influences on the “wolf” and the “red”, and the “red” influences on “wolf”. It does not
correspond to the real directions of links that exist in the text in terms of content anal-
ysis. While, according to the second rule, the “wolf” influences on the “grandmother”
and the “grandmother” influences on the “red”, which corresponds to the content of the
considered text.
   In comparison with other rules, the rule for determining the directions of links in
undirected networks of terms, when within the sentence, the term to which the node i
                                                     t                        t t ,t
corresponds precedes the term to which the node j corresponds (where j ( i j ) ∈ T)
is more informative among the first two rules. It is because the links determined ac-
cording to this rule more precisely corresponds to the content of the considered text
according to experts.

5      Conclusion

After studying the proposed rules for determining the directions of links in undirected
networks of terms, it was found that the second rule more precisely reflects the direc-
tions of links, which correspond to the content of the considered text according to ex-
perts and is more informative. On the example of the English-language text – the well-
known fairy tale “The story of Little Red Riding Hood” the undirected network of terms
was built. Using the proposed rules for determining the directions of links, the directed
networks of terms were obtained from undirected networks of terms. Informative con-
tent of network links built according to the second proposed rule is higher among the
other two rules according to experts. Taking account into the naturalness of links that
determined in the network of natural hierarchies of terms, we can talk about their syn-
tactic adequacy.
   The directed networks of words and phrases built according to the proposed ap-
proach can be used for automatically creating terminological ontologies of subject do-
mains with the participation of experts. Also, the research result can be used to create
personal search interfaces for users of information retrieval systems and also can be
used in navigation systems in databases. It should help users of such systems simplify
the process of searching the relevant information.
   As the task of improving the accuracy of determining the directions of links between
nodes in undirected networks of words and phrases is actual, then it is planned to con-
tinue working in this direction, developing new and modifying existing approaches.

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