=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2577/paper13 |storemode=property |title=Probabilistic criterion of information security management system development |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2577/paper13.pdf |volume=Vol-2577 |authors=Volodymyr Mokhor,Oleksandr Bakalynskyi,Vasyl Tsurkan |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/its2/MokhorBT19 }} ==Probabilistic criterion of information security management system development== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2577/paper13.pdf

          Probabilistic criterion of information security
               management system development

 © Volodymyr Mokhor1[0000-0001-5419-9332], © Oleksandr Bakalynskyi2[0000-0001-9712-2036],
                      © Vasyl Tsurkan3[0000-0003-1352-042X]
    1 Pukhov institute for modeling in energy engineering of National academy of sciences of

                                    Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
      2 Department of formation and implementation of state policy on cyber protection of

    Administration of State serves of special communication and information protection of
                                    Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
3 Institute of special communication and information protection National Technical University

              of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine
       v.mokhor@gmail.com, baov@meta.ua, v.v.tsurkan@gmail.com

        Abstract. The risk assessment presentation features of information security by
        the risk maps are considered. The attention is paid to special aspects of such a
        presentation. The established limit for discreteness and unevenness of changing
        the step the value of a risk. Using continuous risk maps is proposed to overcome
        the limit. This is due to income information security events with a continuous
        flow to consider the analogy information security management system with the
        queuing system. Therefore, the justification of continuous risk map is led to the
        probability of occurrence events with risk acceptance. For this, the concept and
        methods of geometric probability are used. Through this received “unit square”
        as a reflection of probabilistic geometry which is corresponding to the value nor-
        malized quantity of information security risk. The admissibility limit is repre-
        sented by a hyperbola. With this in mind, use the continuous risk maps is justi-

        Keywords: information security, risk, risk assessment, continuous risk map.

1       Introduction
Systemic, visual representation of information security risk assessments is carried out
by using maps. Traditionally, they are represented by the coordinate plane whose axes
are the risk parameters. For the most part, such parameters are the probability of the
threat and the number of losses [1] - [6].
   However, in practice, the use of maps is limited to their discreteness and unevenness
of changing the step the values of risk [5], [6].

Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

2      Justification for choosing a continuous risk map

Using continuous risk maps is proposed to overcome the limit [5]. Using continuous
risk maps is proposed to overcome the limit. They are obtained by increasing the mul-
tiplicity of discrete risk maps. This transition is due to income information security
events with a continuous flow to consider the analogy information security manage-
ment system with the queueing system. That’s why this process is the best to display
by continuous risk maps. That’s why effectiveness is confirmed by examples of appli-
cations in medicine [5], [7].

      2.1    Establish analogies information security management system with
             the queuing system
To identify the most common analogies between the Information Security Management
System (ISMS) and the well-known formal systems, consider the basic characteristics
of the ISMS [8]. According to [1], the information security management system is “that
part of the overall management system of an organization that is based on risk assess-
ment. It, as part of the overall management system, creates implements, operates, mon-
itors, revises, maintains and improves information security”. From this definition, it
follows that all and any ISMS can consider as a class of systems that is appropriate to
repeatedly solve problems of the same type, in a certain sense.
   This interpretation suggests an analogy between the ISMS and the queuing system
(QS), in which the requirements for the work performed in the form of information
security events.
   We should also note that in general, the sequence of service requirements that have
the type of information security events/risks is occasional both in terms of the occur-
rence of events/risks and the type of such events/risks. The occurrence of the sequence
of events/risks served by the ISMS is another aspect of the analogy between the ISMS
and the QS.
   According to ISO/IEC 27001:2013, all information security events could be divided
into separate groups depending on which clauses of Appendix A of the
standard [2], [3] they are implemented. In particular, this may be, for example, events
in the infrastructure of IT-organization, facts of the unauthorized crossing of the secu-
rity perimeter, personnel problems, non-compliance with certain legislative norms,
emergencies. Information security events fall into each of such separate groups is usu-
ally handled by specially trained teams of specialists, and sometimes by external or-
ganizations, including law enforcement agencies. Each of these certain teams can be
considered as a certain channel for servicing information security events/risks, special-
izing in events/risks of a certain group, but, in principle, able to serve events/risks re-
lated to other groups. Thus, the presence of processing channels is traced, and this is
the essence of another analogy between the ISMS and the QS.
   Those information security events involve consequence represented by damage of a
certain size H, the occurrence of which is associated with a certain probability p. At the
same time, we’ve known that the combination of the amount of damage and the prob-
ability of its occurrence is a risk which is determined in the simplest case by the ratio

                                     R = H · p.                                       (1)

In this case, we can say that the ISMS is a QS, in which the requirements for the work
performed in the form of information security risks, and the essence of the work per-
formed is the maintenance of these risks following the recommendations of the
ISO/IEC 27k series of standards [1], [2].
    The service is understood in the sense that the ISMS assesses the level of resulting
risks and processes such as them which assessment turns out to be higher than the spec-
ified threshold. All other events are documented, but the ISMS does not run into the
processing state. In other words, the ISMS simply ignores such events. If in a case of a
separated event, let’s say zero security, we also consider the absence of any information
security events, then it’s obvious that such a zero, the event will be ignored in other
words. Thus, we can state that the mechanism of risk management in the ISMS should
handle all incoming risks, but it involves two non-overlapping classes of service states:
processing and ignoring.
    The specific number of analogies between the ISMS and the QS is enough to estab-
lish the possibility of interpreting the ISMS as the QS. Fundamentally ISMS may assess
any risk and another analogy between the ISMS and the QS is appeared [8].

     2.2    Evaluation of occurrence probability for acceptable risks
Based on the relation (1), we can form a trivial risk ranking criterion. But, besides, we
can assume that based on the relation (1) and the concept of acceptable risk R = R ,
one can determine the probabilistic criterion and its value, set as a design requirement
in the construction of the ISMS. For this, using the idea of an approach that called “risk
maps” which allow “risk-owners” to set acceptable risk levels R = R and divide all
risks into acceptable and unacceptable by having the appropriate lines on the “risk
maps”. Such an approach is set out in [2], [4], where the risk map is presented as a two-
dimensional table, whose cells at the intersections of the corresponding rows and col-
umns contain the corresponding risk values. At the same time, the risk values are eval-
uated, for example, on a scale from 0 to 8.
   However, it should be noted that the “risk maps” operate with single manifestations
of events and do not take into account their possible repeated (multiple) manifestations.
The accumulation of the consequences of a set of events, each of which falls into the
zone of tolerable, can lead to damage higher than that associated with each of the com-
ponents of a given level of risk, even without taking into account such phenomena as a
provocation by one risk of occurrence other. All this leads to the realization that the
level of acceptable risk of a single event cannot be used as a correct design requirement
for the construction of an ISMS. In other words, the currently existing methods for
constructing an ISMS cannot transform the acceptable risk level set by the owner into
the correct formal requirements for building the ISMS. And even if such requirements
are formally put forward, then there is no answer to the question of how to make sure
that the ISMS, built on the basis of the requirement to ensure a given level of risk,
ensures that this requirement is met.
   From the thesis stated in the previous paragraph, the conclusion about the non-con-
structiveness of the project requirement for an ISMS based on the concept “ensure that

the level of risk is not higher R ”. Based on established analogies between the ISMS
and the QS [8], the correct design requirement should be formulated differently, namely
this way [7]: the created ISMS should function as a queuing system that provides the
processing of the flow of risk events from levels of risk R ≥ R and a given probability
P of occurrence of such events.
   To substantiate the correctness of such a requirement, it is necessary to show the
possibility of determining, by a given acceptable risk R = R , the magnitude of the
probability P , with which the events associated with the risks occur R ≥ R .
   In other words, it is necessary to show the solvability of the following problem: for
a given level of acceptable risk R = R , it is necessary to estimate the probability p of
an event with risks R ≥ R . The dual setting of the same task: for a given level of ac-
ceptable risk R = R , estimate the probability p with which events with risks R < R
may appear. It is obvious that
                                     p + p = 1.
   Probability estimation p can be performed using the concept and methods of geo-
metric probability [7], [8]. First of all, we introduce a two-dimensional Cartesian coor-
dinate system, along the horizontal axis of which we will postpone the values of prob-
abilities p, and along the vertical axis, the values of damage H. It is obvious that the
values of probabilities vary in the range from p = 0 to p = 1, and the values of damage
in the range from H = 0 to H = H . For uniformity of the range of change in the
magnitude of damage with the range of variation of probabilities, we introduce into
consideration the normalized amount of damage

                                       h=       .

  Then the normalized damage value will vary in the range from h = 0 at (H = 0) to
h = 1 at H = H .
  In Cartesian coordinates (h0p) we define the “unit square” 𝑂𝐴𝐶𝐸 as the locus of
points corresponding to any possible values of the normalized risk r:

                                        r = h ∙ p,                                   (2)
where r is subject to the condition 0 ≤ r ≤ 1 due to the fulfillment of the conditions
   Since the length of each side of the square OACE is equal to one, then the square
S      of the square OACE is equal to one. We set the level of acceptable normalized
                                       r=r .
  Then from the relation (2) follows the functional dependence OACE

                                      h=r ⋅ ,                                        (3)

the geometrical place of the points of the set of all risks is divided into two subsets (see
Fig. 1): the figure OABDE determines the geometric location of the points of the set of
risk values for which the expression r < r holds, and the figure BCD defines the geo-
metric location of the points of the set of risk values for which the ratio is satisfied
r≥r .

 Fig. 1. Geometrical location of points of a set of risk values, divided by hyperbole h = 1⁄p

   In this case, the probability p that the value of an arbitrary normalized risk r will
not exceed the value of a given standardized risk level r = r is determined by the ratio
of the figure area OABDE to the area of the “unit square”

                                        p =          ,                                      (4)

where 𝑆        is the area of the figure OABDE, and S        is the area of the “unit
  Since it was previously shown that S     = 1, then relation (4) takes the form:

                                        p =S         .                                      (5)
    Thus, the probability p that for an arbitrary risk the condition R R will be equal
to the area OABDE of the figure. It remains to calculate the area of this figure (see Fig. 2)

                                    S         =S +S                                         (6)
   The area S is calculated as the area of the rectangle with the sides OA and AB. The
length of the side OA, as previously stipulated, is equal to 1. And the length of the side
AB is determined by the numerical value of the probability coordinate of the point B.
The point B is the point of intersection of the line b = 1 with the hyperbola, defined by
the relation (3). Then the numerical value of the probabilistic coordinate of a point B
can be determined by substituting the value h = 1 in the left side of relation (3):

                                         1=r ⋅ .

  From this relation, it follows that the numerical value of the probability coordinate
p = p of a point B is p = r .

      Fig. 2. Splitting a figure OABDE into two figures: a rectangle OABG and a figure GBDE

  Then the area S can be expressed by the following relationship:

                                     S =1⋅r =r .                                              (7)
   The area S of the second figure GBDE, which is formed by a hyperbola, defined by
the relation (3) and three straight lines: h = 0, p = p = r and p = 1, is calculated as
a definite integral using the following formula:

                          r              1
                S =         dp = r         dp = r ln p|       = r ln 1     ln r .
                          p              p

  Since ln 1 = 0 the formula for calculating the area S takes the following form:

                             S = r ln 1       ln r   =      r ln r .                          (8)
   Then, to calculate the area of the figure OABDE, we substitute the values (7) and (8)
into (6) and get:

                    S       =S +S =r             r ln r = r 1          ln r .                 (9)
    So, taking into account (5), a formula is obtained for estimating the probability p
that the normalized values of the magnitude of possible risks will not exceed the spec-
ified magnitude of the acceptable risk r (see Fig. 3):

                                      p =r 1         ln r
                                      𝑝 = 𝑟 1 + 𝑙𝑛 𝑟          .                           (10)
   Looking at the price, there is a list of non-valid cards for the presentation of some
risks and information.

       2.3     Using continuous risk map in information security
  Information security events are sent to the ISMS as a continuous stream according

to the analogy of ISMS and QS. That’s why this process is the best to image using a
continuous risk map. Due to this was chosen to use the Cartesian coordinate system
with probability values and losses in the ranges from 0 to 1 to reflect such an idea. As
a result, the risk values are within the “unit square” (see Fig. 1), which is created after
postponing the maximum value of probability and losses.

 Fig. 3. Position of p = r 1 + ln r     function graph relative to the p = r function graph

   When we are using the usual discrete risk maps, an attempt to reduce the uncertainty
of the “distances” between two neighboring risks leads to an increase in the multiplicity
of the risk map. Increasing the multiplicity of a discrete card leads to a big amount of
unacceptable information security risks when it is developing ISMS. It is difficult to
take into account the discreteness of information security risk assessments. Therefore,
this restriction is overcome by the use of continuous cards, which are used, for example,
in medicine (see Fig. 4) [5], [9].

                           Fig. 4. Type of continuous risk maps

   Consider the example (see Fig. 5) to meet the requirement “Take into account all
risks between 28 and 32” for nxn maps. For convenience, the values of risks that are
less than and equal to 28 are green, the values that are 32 and above are yellow.
   Considering to Fig. 5, it is appropriate to refer four cases corresponding to level
“30”. But, it is not clear what to do when the risk should be 31? And in the given range

from 28 to 32 there are three integers (29, 30, 31), how to take them into account? This
problem also has no solution, because, as it was noted, an attempt to increase the table
dimension will lead to unjustified time consumption or risk assessment errors [5], [6].

                  Fig. 5. Take into account all the risks between 28 and 32

  In the case of using multi-dimensional “risk maps”, we will increase the level of
maximum acceptable risk in each following option. For this purpose, we will use the
analogy with the previous example and get such values: 1, 3, 9. In Fig. 6 - 9, give an
example of defining risks that are greater than “9”, “10”, “12”, “14” [5], [6], [9].

                Fig. 6. Requirement: Take into account risks above level “9”

               Fig. 7. Requirement: Take into account risks above level “10”

               Fig. 8. Requirement: Take into account risks above level “12”

                Fig. 9. Requirement: Take into account risks above level “12”

   However, to set the levels of acceptable risks, the principle of the task must be
changed. For example, the most acceptable risk is each following number, in ascending
order, which follows the previous one in table (see Fig. 7-9) – 10, 12, 14. Therefore, in
applying this approach, it is necessary to look at all possible options for the magnitude
of the risks. First, the value of the acceptable risk for the specific iteration is searched
for, and then it is compared with other values. As a result, many unacceptable risks are
identified and taken into account when developing an information security management
   Thus, using risk maps like nxm creates even more difficulties than for equal in size
maps. For example, pay attention to Fig. 10 [5]. On the abscissa axis there is a proba-
bility value in percent, and on the ordinate axis - probable losses expressed in millions
of UAH. Curves on maps distinguish between different risk categories, but how 100%
and 16000 are related is not clear. At the same time, the question arises about the pos-
sibility of comparing them and the type of curves.
   To avoid these difficulties, the risk parameter values are usually normalized. For this
purpose, it is necessary to present probability and damage in the same units. For exam-
ple, if threat realization probability can range from 1% to 100%, it is also advisable to
estimate the losses in the same units. Then for example Fig. 10, the value of 100 con-
ventional units is 16,000 million dollars. Thus, one conventional unit is equal to 160
million dollars. The maximum risk value is 100. This approach allows bringing the nxm
map to the nxn dimensional map. It is also understood that after obtaining the results of
the risk assessment carried out in the normalized values, it is necessary to perform the
inverse conversion [5], [9].

                      Fig. 10. Example of a multi-dimensional risk map

3      Conclusion

The justification of the continuous risk map is led to the probability of occurrence
events with risk acceptance. For this, firstly we establish analogies information security
management system with the mass service system; secondly: the concept and methods
of geometric probability are used. Particularly, it is introduced a two-dimensional Car-
tesian coordinate system on which the value of the probability of threat implementation
is plotted on the horizontal axis, and the value of the loss is on vertical. The consistency
of the change in the value of both ranges is achieved by normalizing the value of the
losses. Thanks to this, in the Cartesian coordinate system a “unit square” is obtained.
The geometric locus is imaged by this figure which corresponds to the probable value
of the normalized value of the risk of information security. By assigning an acceptable
value to it the division of the set of risks into a subject of accepted and unacceptable.
The admissibility limit is represented by a hyperbola.
    It is allowed to income the limit for discreteness and unevenness the value of risk on
the map and as a consequence, justifies to use of continuous risk information security

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