=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2577/paper24 |storemode=property |title=Building Formal Model of the Internet Routing for Risk Evaluation of Cyberattacks on Global Routing |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2577/paper24.pdf |volume=Vol-2577 |authors=Vitalii Zubok |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/its2/Zubok19 }} ==Building Formal Model of the Internet Routing for Risk Evaluation of Cyberattacks on Global Routing== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2577/paper24.pdf

 Building Formal Model of the Internet Routing for Risk
     Evaluation of Cyberattacks on Global Routing

                                       © Vitalii Zubok

                   Pukhov Institute for Modelling in Energy Engineering
                  National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

       Abstract. One of the most significant problems deriving from the Border
       Gateway Protocol (BGP) weaknesses is route leaks and route hijacks. Estimat-
       ing the risks of route interception requires quantitative measurement of the im-
       pact of an attack on the routing distortion, and therefore, the loss of information
       security breach. This offers a way of exploring the topology of connections be-
       tween autonomous Internet systems to further formulate the risk management
       task as a topology problem. One of the most important steps in modeling the
       impact of routing attacks is to build a formal model of global Internet routing.
       In this paper we offer to provide formal description for objects, relations and
       processes of the Internet routing.
         Firstly we postulate the Internet as a set of IP addresses, grouped to address
       prefixes in routing tables. Prefixes are announced by autonomous systems with
       BGP protocol. Prefixes are aggregated and incapsulated one to another using
       subnet mask and this affects the accessibility of IP addresses in prefix. The set
       of routes to each prefix can be represented as directional graph, and combina-
       tion of all that graphs built as routes to all announced prefixes can be used as
       representation of the Internet at global routing level. We provide a formal de-
       scription of global routing objects and their relationships, as well as the process
       of route selection. All formulations are equally applicable to both IPv4 and IPv6
       types of prefixes. Therefore, a formal description of the two components of the
       routing process is provided: the calculation of the IP prefix and path selection.
       These steps are an important in formulating the route hijack risk management
       problem as a task for researching effective link topology.

       Keywords: Global Internet Routing, Route Hijacking, Routing Model, Cyber-

1      Introduction

Autonomous Systems (AS) use the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) to exchange
routes to their IP prefixes and set up cross-domain routes on the Internet. BGP is a
distributed protocol that lacks route validation and authentication. As a result, AS
may promote illegitimate routes for non-IP prefixes. These illegal route announce-
ments spread and "pollute" the Internet, affecting service availability, integrity and

Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

privacy of communications. This phenomenon, called BGP hijack hijacking, can be
caused by incorrect router configuration or malicious attacks. Because any route can
be originated and announced by any random network, independent of its rights to
announce that route, there needs to be an out-of-band method to help BGP manage
which network can announce which route. There are proposed proactive mechanisms
such as Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) [1]. It's part of the Internet Rout-
ing Registry system. This service provides a collective method to allow one network
to filter another networks routes. Method begins with cryptographic signing the route
origin. A Route Origin Authorisation (ROA) is a cryptographically signed object that
states which AS is authorised to originate a certain prefix. A ROA contains three in-
formational elements: the AS Number that is authorised, the prefix that may be origi-
nated from the AS, and the maximum length of the prefix.
    However such techniques are fully effective only in global deployment, and opera-
tors are reluctant to deploy them because of the associated technical and financial
costs. For example, Telia, one of the Tier-I Internet backbone operators, announced
that it's using RPKI for security in its internet routing infrastructure since only Sep-
tember, 2019.
    Anti-hijack protection consists of two steps: detection and mitigation. An analysis
of the mechanisms of the attack, depending on its objectives and options for its im-
plementation is described in detail in [2]. Detection is mainly provided by third-party
services such as BGPMon. They notify the network administrator of suspicious events
related to their prefixes based on routing information. They track worldwide routes by
tracing and keep track of route announcements in BGP. In the event of an incident,
the affected networks begin to mitigate the consequences of the event, for example by
announcing more specific prefixes to their networks or by requesting other ASs to
filter out false announcements.
    However, due to the combination of technological and practical deployment issues,
existing reactive approaches are largely inadequate. In particular, the most advanced
technologies have the following major problems:
      − the variety of types of routing attacks and combinations of methods lead to
           the lack of a reliable method for detecting route interception;
      − operators should be informed in advance of legitimate changes to their rout-
           ing policy (new interactions between AS, announcement of a new prefix,
           etc.) so that such changes are not considered suspicious events for condition-
           al third party detection systems. Otherwise, adopting a less rigorous policy to
           compensate for the lack of updated information and reducing the number of
           false positives carries the risk of neglecting real events and not detecting
           false negatives;
      − only few minutes of unauthorized traffic diversion can result in heavy finan-
           cial losses due to unavailability of service or security breaches. At the same
           time, the response time to incidents is slow in any case, as current practice
           requires the need to manually check alerts coming from monitoring systems
           and third-party services. The duration of widely known incidents ranged
           from several hours to months [3].
   In the risk assessment process, specific requirements for the quality of information
are raised at the risk identification stage. The highest possible level of completeness,

accuracy and conformity at the time of its receipt is required. Quality requirements
are also raised to the quality of information sources [3,4]. The outcome of a risk iden-
tification should be structured and encompass four elements: the sources of the risk,
the immediate events of the realization of the threats, the causes of these events and
the expected consequences. Building a formal model of Internet routing will help
solve the problem of predicting the consequences of events.

2      Graph Approach to the Internet Modelling

The telecommunication network is an integral part of the information and telecom-
munication systems and is characterized by different forms of communication and
different types of interaction. Often a graph can serve as a mathematical model for
such networks. A graph can be thought of as a set of points called vertices or nodes,
joined by lines called arcs or bonds. Each link and graph node can be matched by a
number of parameters that characterize natural constraints. For example, a telecom-
munications network may be represented as a graph in which the edges correspond to
the communication channels and the vertices to the switching nodes. Important pa-
rameters can be included in the model in the form of numbers or weights assigned to
the arcs and vertices of the graph. These scales can be fixed and random. Thus, for a
network, typical vertex representing a switching node may have the following
weights: maximum bandwidth, storage capacity etc. A typical edge is a communica-
tion line and may have the following weights: maximum bandwidth, average trans-
mission delay over the communication channel, reliability of the communication
channel, and so on.
   The feasibility of constructing and using a network model as a graph depends on
the physical nature of the network we study. The most obvious advisability of using
the graph model in solving problems related to connectivity. In usual cases we may be
interested in the task of delivering information from anywhere to anywhere. This is a
structural task in which at least one path from any vertex to any other path must be
established. Another important task is to find the shortest path between two, several,
or all vertices of the graph, as well as find the shortest path with different constraints.
Using graphs, we can also solve the problem of synthesis of network topology, that is,
building an optimal system. One of the possible optimality criteria may be the surviv-
ability or reliability of the telecommunication system. Since the telecommunication
networks tend to damage and failure (resulting in a breach of communication), a pos-
sible task may be to build a system in which the consequences of malfunctions are
minimal under the specified operating conditions.
   Mathematical apparatus of graph theory, and later - complex network theory, in
application to the global telecommunication network topology allows to analyze a
single nodes degree, the degree distribution, the shortest path between a pair of nodes,
the average shortest path in the network, the clustering, betweenness and many other
factors and characteristics. Currently, in many studies, the graph is used to build a
model of the Internet at the level of autonomous systems [5,6]. In those studies the
                                     G := (V , E )
Internet is represented as a graph                  where V is a set of autonomous sys-

tems, and E is their connections formed by the BGP-4 routing protocol. In this case,
the bandwidth of the connections between the nodes of the Internet is not taken into
account and does not affect the weight of the edges, thus the graph is unweighted.
Node relationships between offline systems on the Internet were explored. Several
types of relationships were identified, including “customer-provider”, “peer-peer”,
and others. In the case of the interaction of two equal status operators, they announce
to each other their own preferences and network prefixes of their customers. In the
case of provider-customer interaction, the provider announces to the client all the
prefixes available to him, and the client announces the prefixes of his own networks.
Thus, the connections between the autonomous systems appear to be bidirectional, so
the edges of the graph are undirected.
   Using the mathematical apparatus of graph theory, we have proposed a metric dis-
tance function on the Internet for such a graph and proved its correspondence to the
metric axioms of minimality, symmetry and the triangle inequality [7].

          3 Formal Description of Global Internet Routing Objects
       and Their Relations

   We come again with thought that in order to detect route hijcks and route leaks,
investigate the extent of the impact on the topology, and to further assess the risks, it
is necessary to have a global routing model of the Internet, that is, a BGP-based mod-
el. The first difference from the approaches presented in the previous section is that
the routing process itself is inextricably linked to the choice of destination. Therefore,
when investigating routing interference (when tampering results in unauthorized
change of direction), we will not be able to use an undirected graph as a model. To
determine the required qualities of the new model, it is proposed to formalize the
concept of routing.
   Let’s formulate the initial data. There is an address space of Internet A - a set of
unique IP addresses a, which are grouped into IP prefixes p (hereinafter simply "pre-
                           A = {a1 , a2 , a3 ,...a A : ai ≠ a j ,{i, j} ≤ A }
                                              a∈ p ⊂ A

   Prefixes, in turn, are grouped (often the term "aggregated" is used) from more spe-
cific to less specific, as defined in [8] and shown in Fig. 1. For a complete list of pre-
fixes, see the CIDR documentation. From the illustration it is clear that any IP address
belongs to 32 prefixes that are "encapsulated", i.e. include each other by changing the
network mask. So the entire address space A can be described by one prefix with the
length of the network mask 0, or by combining two prefixes with the netmask length
1, or four with the netmask length 2, and so on:
                       p3 ⊂ p2 ⊂ p1 ⊂ p0 ; p0 = 2 p1 = 4 p2 = 8 p3 .

      Prefix nota-       Network              Number of IP              Number of such
       tion            mask bit               addresses            prefixes in the addrss
                        length                                             space
       x.x.x.x/32               32                            1              4294967296
       x.x.x.x/31               31                            2              2147483648
       x.x.x.x/30               30                            4              1073741824
       x.x.x.x/29               29                            8               536870912
       x.x.x.0/24                24                          256              16777216
       x.x.x.0/23                23                          512               8388608
       x.x.x.0/22                22                         1024               4194304
       x.x.0.0/17                17                        32768                 131072
       x.x.0.0/16                16                        65536                  65536
       x.x.0.0/15                15                       131072                  32768
        x.0.0.0/9                 9                     33554432                     512
        x.0.0.0/8                 8                     16777216                     256
        x.0.0.0/7                 7                      8388608                     128
        x.0.0.0/3                 3                  536870912                         8
        x.0.0.0/2                 2                 1073741824                         4
        x.0.0.0/1                 1                 2147483648                         2                 0                 4294967296                         1

Fig.1. Aggregation of the IPv4 prefixes according to RFC 4632.

   In the general case, we can thus express the relation between the subsets of IP ad-
dresses defined by the prefix prefixes in the set of all IP addresses:
                          pi = 2 j −i p j ;
                          i ≤ j;
                          0 ≤ {i, j} ≤ log A
                                           2

    Prefixes are announced by autonomous systems (the term "originating" is used in
the literature), so each prefix has its "origin" - an autonomous system that announces
it. An example of AS interaction is shown in Fig. 2.
    In the normal state, each prefix is announced by only one autonomous system and
there is at least one route for each prefix
                              m( p) := v p , e p   ),                                (2)

which consists of directional edges          that correspond to the announcement of the
perfix between vertices        (autonomous systems). There are no routes to the unan-
nounced prefix, and it cannot be considered a member of the Internet.
  A set of routes p to a specific prefix p can be represented as a ring-bound, ori-
ented graph without loops:
                                 M p := (V p , E p )
                                                       ,                        (3)
where      - connections between autonomous systems that receive the announcement
of the prefix p, and p - autonomous systems that have routes to the prefix p.

Fig.2. An example of exporting announcements of IP-prefixes in the process of inter-
       action of autonomous systems.

   The vertices of the graph on the inbound edges receive prefix announcements, and
on the outbound edges they relay them to other vertices (whether or not relayed, de-
pending on the routing policy or channel status). One of the vertices has only the out-
bound edges, and it's origin AS. Other vertices must have inbound vertices (because
they accept announcements) and may have output ribbons (if they relay announce-
   The combination (ensemble) of all graphs is the set of all routes to all prefixes. It
forms a graph:             G := (V , E ) : V = V p ; E =  E p
                                                  p        p
   This graph that can be interpreted as an Internet network represented at the global
routing level.

                                                          p                            p
     Let's delve into the routing process. If the prefix j is a subset of the prefix i ,
        p j ⊂ pi
that is          , it does not mean that they necessarily have the same origin, in general
the prefix has origin regardless of the nesting. Example: a portion of a large ISP’s
prefix may be assigned to one of the ISP's clients and authorized to be announced by a
client to other ASs. On the other hand, if there is no announcement for a prefix j in
a certain autonomous system, it does not mean that it is unreachable through it: the
presence at some node of the announcement i also means the possibility of routing
to        (this is a unilateral statement):
                              p j ⊂ pi  m( p j ) ⊂ m( pi )
                                                              .               (4)

    A prime example of this is an edge network device connected to the network with
its single network interface. Its routing table can only contain a route to the general
prefix (see Figure 1), which is also called the default route. It should be
noted that the prefix is only announced in BGP for participants who use
equipment that cannot handle the full view - a complete routing table (usually end
users - small ASs that are not transitors) .

4         A Formal Description of the Route Selection Process

   The task of finding the best route is complicated. To solve this, the network topol-
ogy, communication bandwidths, average message length should be known. This is a
non-linear programming problem for which no algorithms exist, even with polynomi-
al complexity. Only heuristic algorithms are known, which allow us to obtain only an
approximate solution to the optimization problem. Therefore, the TCP/IP stack has
adopted the so-called one-step approach to optimizing the packet route (next-hop
routing) - each router and destination node only have to choose one step forward of
packet transmission. A one-step approach means a distributed computation of the task
of route selection, and this is an advantage that underlies the virtually endless scala-
bility of the Internet.
     The first step in choosing a delivery destination is choosing a prefix. The most
specific prefix must be selected in the routing table, taking into account (1):
                       p(a) = {min( p j ) : a ∈ p ⊂ A, 0 < j ≤ A }
                                                                     .         (5)
   As explained in the previous paragraph, the subject of route selection in global
routing is the graph node, that is, the autonomous system. The prerequisite for starting
the selection process is that there is more than one route to the same prefix p. One of
the available routes can be defined as the path between two nodes of graph (2), where
the initial node is the autonomous decision system and the final node is the autono-
mous system, which is the origin for the prefix p. Omitting specific local route attrib-
utes and administratively set routing rules, the only one factor that is taken into ac-

count is the network topology image “captured” at the time of the routing decision.
The common criterion for choosing a path is path length (best path) - the number of
transit nodes between the start and end nodes. Given (2) and (3), the route to the pre-
                      π ( p) :
fix will be this route v
                  π v ( p ) = {min ( mv ( p )) : π ∈ M p , v ∈ V p }
                               v                                       ,        (6)
  where v stands for outbound node in which desicion is made.
  Therefore, there are two components of the routing process - prefix calculation (5)
and path selection (6). A formal description is provided for them.

5      Relationships Between Global Routing Objects and Different
       Types of IP Addresses

To the date, there are two types of IP address that are different in bit rate on the Inter-
net. The traditional IP address consisted of 32 bits. This limited the number of possi-
ble addresses to 232 = 4294967296. The growth of the Internet, despite the introduc-
tion of economical allocation of address space, led to a lack of addresses. A modern
IP address, commonly referred to as an IPv6 address (unlike the traditional IPv4 ad-
dress), is 128 bits long. This difference affects the operation of the link layer and net-
work layer according to the OSI model. However, the principles of CIDR and routing
have generally not been changed by IPv6 implementation.
   From a CIDR perspective, the difference IPv6 from IPv4 is this:
     − the IPv6 address space consists of 2128 addresses;
     − the maximum length of the network mask is 128 bits instead of 32;
     − every network address in IPv6 address space is included in 128 IPv6 prefix-
          es, incapsulated in each other.
   Multiprotocol BGP is the supported exterior gateway protocol (EGP) for IPv6.
Multiprotocol BGP extensions for IPv6 supports many of the same features and func-
tionality as IPv4 BGP. IPv6 enhancements to multiprotocol BGP include support for
an IPv6 address family and network layer reachability information and next hop (the
next router in the path to the destination) attributes that use IPv6 addresses [9].
   So the BGP-4 protocol for IPv4 and IPv6 is no different - BGP speakers use the
same protocol messages, path attributes, route selection criteria for both the IPv4
address space and IPv6 address space. Therefore, the description of the global routing
model proposed in the previous section, including expressions (1), (4) - (6), is the
same regardless of the type of IP prefixes.

6      Conclusion

   An important step towards assessing the risk posed by attacks on global routing is
to predict the impact of the attack, namely to assess the scale of the attack (distribu-

tion routes, impact area, number of "damaged" routes). The routing process is inextri-
cably linked to the choice of direction, so it is obvious that the routing attack affects
direction change. When investigating routing interventions that result in an unauthor-
ized change of direction, we must have adequate routing model. In this paper we offer
to provide formal description for objects, relations and processes of the Internet rout-
ing. Firstly we postulate the Internet as a set of IP addresses, grouped to address pre-
fixes in routing tables. Prefixes are announced by autonomous systems with BGP
protocol. Prefixes are aggregated and incapsulated one to another using subnet mask
(1) and this affects the accessibility of IP addresses in prefix. The set of routes to each
prefix can be represented as directional graph (3) and combination of all that graphs
built as routes to all announced prefixes can be used as representation of the Internet
at global routing level.
   The TCP/IP stack uses the so-called one-step approach to optimizing next-hop
routing - each router and terminal node only have to choose one step (next step) for
packet transmission. The first step in choosing a delivery destination is choosing a
prefix. The most specific prefix must be selected in the routing table (5). The actor in
the process of choosing a route in global routing is a graph node, that is, an autono-
mous system. The prerequisite for starting the selection process is that there is more
than one route to the same p prefix. One of the available routes can be defined as the
path between two graph nodes. The general criterion for choosing a path is its length,
that is, the number of transit nodes between the start and end nodes (6). All formula-
tions are equally applicable to both IPv4 and IPv6 types of prefixes.
   Therefore, formal descriptions of global routing objects - autonomous systems, IP
prefixes, BGP announcements, and relationships between them - are offered. A for-
mal description of the two components of the routing process is identified and provid-
ed: the calculation of the IP prefix, and path selection. These steps are an important
step towards modeling cyberattacks on global Internet routing such as route hijacks in
order to formulate the risk management task for a particular node as a task for search-
ing its most effective communications topology.

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