=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2577/paper9 |storemode=property |title=Modeling Complexes of Organizational Management Automated Systems - a Means to Overcome the Management Crisis |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2577/paper9.pdf |volume=Vol-2577 |authors=Aleksandr Dodonov,Aleksey Nikiforov,Vladimir Putyatin,Vadim Dodonov |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/its2/DodonovNPD19 }} ==Modeling Complexes of Organizational Management Automated Systems - a Means to Overcome the Management Crisis== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2577/paper9.pdf

      Modeling Complexes of Organizational Management
        Automated Systems - a Means to Overcome the
                    Management Crisis
      © Aleksandr Dodonov2[0000-0001-7569-9360], © Aleksey Nikiforov1[0000-0002-0207-5175]
      © Vladimir Putyatin2[0000-0002-5575-9159] and © Vadim Dodonov2[0000-0003-2031-1941]
            1Ivan Kozhedub Kharkov National Air Force University, Kharkov, Ukraine
    2Institute for Information Registration Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,

                                           Kyiv, Ukraine


         Abstract. The modern management crisis is associated with insufficiently quick
         adaptation of organizational management existing institutional systems to
         changes in management concepts and paradigms, and with the mismatch of the
         mathematical models and decision-making methods used in the actual complex-
         ity of real controlled processes. Currently, many scientific organizations are con-
         ducting research on the creation of such automated control systems that would
         allow them to be restructured as widely as possible and as quickly as possible,
         while ensuring an acceptable level of complexity (dimension) of management
         tasks. IPRI also conducts such studies. At the same time, as a working toolkit, a
         special design environment is used. It called the modeling complex of the control
         system. Using this toolkit, it is convenient to develop modern automated systems
         of organizational management within the framework of the established manage-
         ment concept. A change of concept makes you change the original design. The
         difficulty of making changes is great enough, which slows down the system to
         practical implementation. The authors investigated the possibilities and sug-
         gested areas of scientific research on the development of the theory of designing
         organizational management systems that would be adapted to rapid conceptual
         changes in automated forms of activity. The article presents theoretical results
         obtained for the design of organizational management systems for aviation and
         marine forces. Shown are the needs for further development of the available re-
         sults, taking into account the expansion of tactical standards for the use of forces.
         Formulated research tasks on the development of existing results based on the
         methodology of conceptual design of systems and networks tensor analysis.

         Keywords: Organization, Organizational Management, Modeling Complex,
         Control System, Force Management, Conceptual Design, Construct, Tensor

1        Crisis of management

The modern world is experiencing another crisis of its development. In many ways, this
manifests itself as a managerial crisis, which manifests itself in the form of: misalloca-
tion of resources, setting inappropriate goals, improper use of production forces, slow

Copyright © 2019 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

response to changing conditions, lack of demand for many management functions in
the absence of management functions that take into account modern socio-economic
trends and phenomena. All this leads to the fact that we are increasingly hearing about
the excess billions of the population of planet Earth, about starving countries, about the
crisis of overproduction, about increasing national debt, about stagnating and depress-
ing national economies.
   These phenomena are global in nature, with varying degrees of severity, they appear
in all countries, not only in Ukraine. The reason for this is the discrepancy between
modern economic management systems and the rapidly changing technological struc-
ture. The created management institutes (organizations), the procedural rules used by
them, quickly become obsolete, ceasing to correspond to reality. Now, the average spe-
cialist, in order to meet the requirements of the time, needs to periodically once every
five to seven years substantially review and supplement his knowledge of the profes-
sion or even change the profession. Those who do not do this, are forced to move to the
periphery in their field of professional activity, lose their social status. The same can be
said of organizations. Created to solve specific problems [1], they must undergo per-
manent reform in the sense of revising (expanding) the forms of activity used and even
changing the very concept of their creation. Countries that neglect such an adaptation
of their organizational management systems lose their subjectivity (sovereignty) and
plunge their population into many disasters.
   The forms of inconsistency of existing systems of organizational management with
the nature and complexity of managed processes are very diverse. In [2], this is de-
scribed by the example of the problem of insufficient efficiency of the process control
system for the development of aviation forces of Ukraine. The authors have shown that
management problems here include:
─ resource-target imbalance of development programs or, otherwise, the gap between
  strategic development goals and private development programs of individual com-
  ponents of forces;
─ difficulty in maneuvering resources when adjusting development programs, lack of
  control over the development processes of aviation forces, as well as inefficient im-
  plementation (ignoring) of individual component development tasks due to incon-
  sistency of business interests of industrial enterprises and aircraft development goals.
   Problems of organizational management of the processes of the application of armed
forces are discussed in [3]. It is noted that the rapidly changing situation in the conduct
of hostilities leads to an acute shortage of time to coordinate the actions of forces when
adjusting a previously adopted decision. The old approaches do not allow coordinated
maneuvering by forces, falling within such a limited time frame. Force efficiency drops.
   Academicians V.S. Nemchinov [4] and V. M. Glushkov [5] also emphasized that
organizational management systems are characterized by a very large dimension of de-
cision-making space. This is due to the multiplicity of characteristics of the utility func-
tion, as well as the multiplicity of aspects of the interpretation of the results. For this
reason, it was not possible to create an automated state management system using the
concept of target-oriented planning based on the decomposition of optimization prob-

lems. The problem of the formation of an optimality criterion and the correct aggrega-
tion of large-dimension data has not been solved. The created methods and models for
automating organizational management functions did not allow us to reflect the com-
plexity of real processes in their entirety, sufficient for the practice of managing large
   Thus, the management crisis is explained by the extremely high complexity of or-
ganizational management processes, requiring the expansion of the widespread concept
of target program and optimization approaches, as well as the acceleration of social
processes requiring accelerated restructuring of management systems. A natural way
out of this situation is the further expansion of the scope of application of management
automation, with a comprehensive coverage of organizational management functions,
[6] and subject to an improvement in the theory of design of such systems [7]. That is,
the problem of improving the methods of designing organizational management sys-
tems that are adequate to modern conditions and the complexity of management objects
is becoming particularly acute, its solution is an actual scientific task.

2      Modeling complexes - as a means of designing effective
       organizational management systems

Currently, research organizations (including the Institute for Information Registration
Problems (IPRI)) involved in the design of automated control systems have gained
widespread research and design, which is carried out as part of the development of
modeling complexes of automated control systems for various purposes.
   A computer modeling complex with appropriate tools, as noted in [8], is an environ-
ment for developing organizational management systems, modeling management pro-
cesses and solving automation problems for these processes. Modeling systems make
it possible to monitor in real time the dynamics of control, analyze decision-making
processes and other procedures. The use of modeling systems is advisable not only from
an economic point of view, since they, in fact, are simulators, but without alternative in
areas associated with great risks to the safety of people, the natural and artificial envi-
ronment (military, space, energy).
   Up to now, a number of prospecting and development work has been carried out in
IPRI to create the following modeling complexes:
─ monitoring of air, surface and ground space [9];
─ automated control system for the aviation complex [8];
─ command control system for ship carrier connection (under completion).
   Summing up the work done in terms of creating the theory of designing organiza-
tional management systems, it should be noted that the following results were obtained
in the framework of the projects listed.
   First, the subject area of aviation and naval forces control was described. The de-
scription is made in the form of a system of concepts, relationships between them, re-
lationships between sets (frames) of concepts. The description of the subject area was

recorded in the form of a textual description of the controlled processes and logical
models of the databases of modeling complexes.
   A system of initial data is described, which is necessary for carrying out operational
calculations when planning the use of forces and during operational control of forces
and means during their use. Such data, for example, include:
─ performance characteristics of weapons and equipment;
─ data on calculating the range and duration of flight of aircraft;
─ data on calculating the effectiveness of the use of aviation weapons;
─ data on the calculation of the area of destruction of anti-aircraft missile systems;
─ data on the calculation of the range of radio systems and complexes;
─ data on calculating the range of sonar.
  Secondly, information objects are formed that are the result of information transfor-
mations in the organizational forces control system. It:
─ plan for the use of forces and means;
─ operational management commands.
   These objects have a complex structure and consist of hierarchically nested infor-
mation elements of different detail levels. So, the plan for the use (Fig. 1) consists of
separate tactical tasks (actions) that have logical-temporal connections with other ac-
tions and are personified with respect to units (subunits), tactical groups, single ships,
planes from the force grouping. Tactical tasks (actions) consist of tactical and technical
actions that form links with other tactical and technical actions and are personified with
respect to combat crews, crews, individual means, systems, aircraft. Tactical and tech-
nical actions are presented as a set of technical actions attributable to individual units,
systems, complexes. Each information element from the composition of the application
plan is characterized by a certain system of numerical metrics, with the help of which
the order, time, place and volume of the use of forces and means are determined.
   The information elements of the application plan can be characterized not by one,
but by several variants of combinations of values of the corresponding lists of numerical
metrics. The set of options for the implementation of the planned tactical, tactical, tech-
nical and technical actions is presented in the form of a structural table of actions (table.
1). Otherwise, this table is also called a tensor or decision matrix [10], [11].
   The structural table of actions (table. 1) contains:
─ names of tactical, tactical-technical and technical actions;
─ information about the actions, the implementation of which precedes the beginning
  (is a condition for the beginning) of the viewed action;
─ action option index;
─ the values of the parameters characterizing the considered embodiment of the action.
  As such parameters, various temporal, spatial, and other characteristics can be con-
  sidered that determine the order of the use of forces and means, the effectiveness
  achieved (feedback characteristic), as well as information about the personification
  of actions (who performs it, with the help of which).

                                                  Tactical tasks (actions)
             Tactical group 1                       Tactical group i                           Tactical group N
                   Task                                    Task                                      Task
                 (action)                ...             (action)            ...                   (action)
                     1                                       i                                        N

                                                Tactical and technical actions
             Ship (airplane) i.1                   Ship (airplane) i.j                     Ship (airplane) i.m

               Tactical and                            Tactical and                              Tactical and
                technical                               technical                                 technical
      ...        actions                 ...             actions             ...                   actions            ...
                    i.1                                     i.j                                      i.m

                                                     Technical actions

              Unit (system) i.j.1                   Unit (system) i.j.k                       Unit (system) i.m.r

                 Technical                               Technical                                 Technical
       ...        action                  ...             action              ...                   action             ...
                    i.j.1                                   i.j.k                                    i.m.r

Fig. 1. The structure of information elements representing the plan for the use of forces and

                             Table 1. Structural action table (decision tensor).

   Name of action             Predecessor         Case                         Parameters of actions
                                actions                               𝑥               𝑥                 𝑥           𝑥 …
 Tactical action №1                 -                               𝑥, ,               -                 -            -
 - Tactical action                                case
                                    -                                 -             𝑥 , , ,              -            -
 1.1                                             №1.1.1
 - Tactical action                                case
                                   1.1                                -                -             𝑥 , , ,          -
 1.2                                             №1.2.1
                                                                      -                -             𝑥 , , ,          -
 Tactical action №2                 1                                 -                -                 -          𝑥 , ,
 …                                 …               …                  …               …                 …            …

   Thirdly, a multidimensional approach to decision making on a variational network
of large dimension is proposed. At its core, the structural table of actions is a network

with varying connections between the nodes of this network (tactical, tactical-technical
and technical actions) and varying personalization relationships (distribution of tasks
between performers). When deciding on the use of forces from the set of possible net-
works connecting the elements of the plan, one or more options for network diagrams
of the sequence and order of actions of the forces are selected. The choice of solution
options is based on the ordering of options for performing actions according to the input
sets of particular criteria that are defined on the set of characteristics of actions
                        K i = K i (x1 , x 2 ,..., x N ), i = 1,..., M
                                                                        ,                              (1)
where i – particular decision-making criterion; M - the number of particular criteria
taken into account.

  The choice of a particular set of particular criteria depends on the aspects of force
─ the nature of the strategy (contrition, exhaustion);
─ nature of actions (defensive, offensive);
─ the type of tasks (air defense, anti-submarine defense, support for ground forces, and
  so on).
                                                                            X = {x j}
  It should be noted that the many characteristics of actions                           , given the variety
of forms of application of forces and means, as well as the multiplicity of aspects con-
sidered in decision-making, should be quite large. Therefore, the task of ordering op-
tions when making decisions to use of the forces is not trivial.
   Fourth, an approach is proposed for the formation of teams of operational command
and control of forces on the set of elements of the decision-making tensor. The opera-
tional management teams are personified fragments of the action schedule chosen when
making decisions to use of the forces
               Ψs = pls (Xs + ΔXs ), pls ∈ Pl(X), Xs ∈ X, s = 1, ... , S
                                                                                    ,                  (2)
        Ψs                                           pl
where        is the command for the s-th executor; s - a fragment of the plan, person-
ified in relation to the executor; s - a bunch of characteristics related to the actions
that are included in the fragment of the plan;          - changes in the characteristics of
                                 Pl( X)
the actions being considered;            - used decision plan in the operational manage-
ment of forces; S is the quantity of executors.
    Change action characteristics is carried out in accordance with the current situation,
taking into account the actual state of their forces and equipment.
    Fifth, options for procedural procedures for conducting operational calculations
were developed when planning the actions of forces and in managing them during use.
As a result of performing the procedures prescribed in the regulations, at the planning
stage, a structural table of action options is formed with the established values of the
characteristics of the actions and the relationships between them, otherwise - the deci-
sion-making tensor. At the operational management stage, a fragment of the structural

table is selected and the values of the characteristics of the elements in the selected
fragment are adjusted. In fact, the proposed procedural regulation is a sequence of con-
ducting operational-tactical calculations in the hierarchy of power control bodies. In the
planning mode, the sequence chart for solving functional problems has the form of a
global search algorithm for a rational (optimal) solution on a set of action characteris-
tics. In Fig. 2 shows an example of such a graph for the case of preparing the initial
data for making a decision on the use of naval forces in solving reconnaissance tasks.
In the operational control mode, the schedule for solving functional problems has the
form of a follow-up circuit. In the figure, the calculation procedures are shown as rec-
tangles with numbers. These rectangles are the vertices of the network diagram. The
sequence of calculations is determined using the edges of the network diagram. The
essence of the calculations performed using separate procedures or their groups is rep-
resented using callouts.
   The process of solving functional problems in the conversion of management infor-
mation, being distributed among various decision-making bodies (nodes), is imple-
mented in the modeling complex using the dispatch procedure. In Fig. 2, for example,
dispatching tasks are procedures numbered 5 and 18. The dispatching procedure allows
you to create a single information and functional space for those involved in the deci-
sion. Their work when using automation tools, for example, in planning mode, looks
like the process of filling out several options for the commander’s map, onto which
additional elements of the situation and planned actions of the forces are sequentially
applied (Fig. 3).

Fig. 2. The sequence of solving functional problems of the special software of the modeling
complex when preparing data for decision-making at the planning stage.

The following groups of procedures are indicated in the figure:
1 – Adversary Information;
2 – Operational Directive, disposition;
3 – Own Force Information;
4 – Interacting Force Information;
5 – Composition and basing of the enemy, his targets and goals;
6 – Composition, basing and condition of interacting forces;
7 – Enemy capabilities to solve reconnaissance and electronic warfare (EW) tasks;
8 – Interacting Force Capabilities;
9 – Evaluation of enemy EW methods;
10 – Enemy EW Options;
11 – Assessment of the situation for reconnaissance;
12 – State and readiness of reconnaissance forces and means (ships);
13 – Assessment of capabilities of reconnaissance forces and means (ships);
14 – Options for using shipborne reconnaissance equipment;
15 – Variants of application of radio engineering ship intelligence tools;
16 – Formation of a network diagram of the sequence of actions;
17 – Intelligence Plan Formation;
18 – Dispatching calculations and making decisions on combat support;
19 – Formation of a "paper" version of the Intelligence Plan;
20 – Formation of orders.

             Fig. 3. Automated distributed decision making mechanism.

   The designed system of organizational management of forces operates as follows.
At the planning stage, the decision maker (commander) forms the plan for the use of
forces subordinate to him. The strategy looks like a certain sequence of accomplishment
of enlarged tactical tasks, defined in time, space, and assigned to the corresponding
performers (organizational-staff formations). The formed plan is put in line with a cer-
tain variant of the enemy’s actions and the conditions for the use of forces. The system
identifies episodes corresponding to various aspects of management from the an-
nounced plan of application. The classification of episodes occurs in such a way that
they form a simple sequence in time (at any moment in time, belonging to the period of
application of forces, only one episode is worked out). For example, in Fig. 4 shows
the sequence of episodes of the design of the use of naval forces in the defeat of enemy
naval assault forces. These are: an episode of leaving the point of permanent deploy-
ment and building a marching order; the episode of the transition to the tactical deploy-
ment area and the episode of the deployment of forces in battle formation and the ap-
plication of a comprehensive fire defeat to the enemy.

       Exit from the area of                                               Deployment in battle
      permanent deployment             Transition to the tactical       formation, the application
      and the construction of             deployment area                of a comprehensive fire
               hiking                                                            defeat

                                Fig. 4. Episodes of the use of force.

   For each episode of the use of forces, when preparing data into the decision of the
commander, a specific procedure for converting information by solving functional
problems of special software of the modeling complex is characteristic. This order is
determined by the aspect of force control. The system determines this aspect and sets
the sequence of calculations in accordance with the episode in question. Within the
framework of the established procedure for performing calculations, their variability is
regulated and, thereby, a space is created for decision-making.
   Based on the calculation results, the structural table of actions (decision-making ten-
sor) is filled. The tensor is filled using the dynamic programming method in accordance
with the Bellman scheme. First, the functional tasks are solved for the episode of the
application of complex fire destruction (third episode). Then, taking into account the
characteristics calculated for the third episode, the decision-making tensor is supple-
mented with data related to the episode of transition to the tactical deployment area
(second episode). Further, the calculations are performed for the episode of exiting the
permanent deployment point (first episode), but taking into account the data calculated
for the second and third episodes of application.
   When making a decision, the principle of dynamic programming is also used. First,
on the basis of a multitude of options for actions related to the application of complex
fire destruction, using a group of particular criteria, one or several options for the use
of forces are selected. Further, for each variant of the application of complex fire de-
struction, one or several transition options are selected. To select transition options, a
group of particular criteria is used, covering the corresponding aspect of management.

The exit options from the permanent deployment point are selected for the established
transition options when using the specified particular criteria.
   Such a reduced set of options for the use of force is used for subsequent analysis and
final decision making by the commander.
   At the stage of operational control of the use of forces, the situation is monitored for
the situation (weather conditions, enemy actions, the state of their forces) for their com-
pliance with the decision. In case of inconsistencies, adjustments are made to the pa-
rameters of the order of application of forces and means. With a significant discrepancy
between the plan and the situation, the decision is adjusted using the previously formed
decision tensor. Changes to the plan are made taking into account the actual situation.

3      Unresolved problems and current directions for further

As can be seen from the presented results of the design of modeling complexes, in IPRI
certain results have been achieved in building the theory of designing organizational
management systems.
   The main theoretical result is the development of a method for forming the decision
tensor (structural table of actions). The result obtained includes:
─ determination of the form of the structural table;
─ formalization of the elements of the structural table in the form of tactical, tactical,
  technical and technical actions, characterized by sets of numerical metrics and logi-
  cal-temporal relationships;
─ the sequence of calculations to determine the values of numerical action metrics fill-
  ing out the structural table;
─ synthesis of a sequence of complex calculations in the formation of a structural table
  for multi-aspect control of forces;
─ methods of multidimensional decision-making on the use of forces on the basis of a
  structural table of actions of large dimension;
─ a mechanism for controlling the process of solving functional problems that imple-
  ments the principle of distributed decision making.
   However, the above is far from completely exhausting the solution of the problem
of constructing an effective theory of designing systems of organizational control of
forces adapted to overcome the modern crisis of control (the complexity of the control
object and adaptation of the control system to rapidly changing conditions). What are
the scientific tasks that need to be solved in this area in order to get closer to the desired
solution to the identified problem, based on today's ideas and knowledge in this area?
   When designing any organizational management system, you have to create the fol-
lowing basic elements (Fig. 5):
─ a system of concepts or a model of a system;
─ a system of axioms or initial data for the regulation of the functioning of the system;

─ a system of procedures that is implemented during the operation of the control object
  and in the control system itself.

  Fig. 5. The constituent elements of a typical project of organizational management system.

    These elements, upon completion of the project, gain integrity. This integrity takes
the form of either a cognitive or ontological network of activity.
    In the presented results, which were obtained in the framework of the design of mod-
eling complexes of automated control systems for the aircraft complex and ship con-
nection, the concept system (system model) exists in the form of a description of control
processes, as well as a logical database model, including the decision-making tensor.
The system of axioms is presented in the form of regulations on the tactics of the use
of forces, as well as a source data system, based on which operational calculations are
made during the planning and operational control of forces. Tactical norms are present
in the form of settings for the calculation algorithms, and the initial data are entered
directly into the database of the modeling complex. The system of procedures is the
tactical, tactical, technical and technical actions of the forces, as well as settlement tasks
to determine the characteristics of these actions, linked to a logical network.
    Based on the design results, the developed automated force management system is
corporate. In other words, it is unique and applicable only to control specific forces. In
determining the concept of building a system, the accumulated experience of using and
controlling forces of the corresponding type was used to a large extent, as well as the
methods of system analysis and mathematical modeling. The created organizational
management system is adequate to the current level of complexity of the management
object, that is, it is effective. If you supplement the lists of concepts used, introduce
new tactical standards, change or expand the concept of force control, the designed
system will lose its effectiveness if you do not make the appropriate settings in the
software. Changes made to any element of the software (to the system of procedures)
are most likely to affect other elements. Changes to these new items will affect the
following pieces of software. So on an increasing, exponentially, the difficulty of mod-
ernizing the initial project will grow. In addition, multiple upgrades can lead to con-
flicting changes. To compensate for the contradictions, it will be necessary to introduce

additional information processing loops. In the end, under the weight of internal prob-
lems, the old project will "die" because it will be easier to start a new project "from
scratch" than to make corrections to the existing system.
   It is possible that one could put up with this state of affairs. In any case, the devel-
opers are guaranteed to have a permanent job. However, such a mode of permanent
project support is not always possible. For example, when working with a foreign cus-
tomer, the organization of this kind of work is fraught with great difficulties in imple-
menting interstate cooperation and is fraught with image losses for the developer.
   In this connection, speaking about the further development of the theory of designing
organizational systems to forces control, methods of consistent changes in the proce-
dures system (software), when changing the concepts system and the axioms system,
would be nice to get. That is, for example, a new type of weapon was adopted, which
to a large extent differs in capabilities from the means taken into account when devel-
oping the design tasks. The use of new weapons expands the tactics of the use of forces.
For the current state of design theory, in order to take into account the factor of the
emergence of a new type of weapon, it is necessary to significantly supplement and
adjust the system of calculation tasks to determine the numerical metrics of the planned
actions. If there are methods of consistent changes in the system of procedures, it is
enough to make changes to the system of concepts (model of the system under consid-
eration) and the system of axioms (tactics of forces and capabilities of weapons), then
the system automatically changes the calculation procedures and control procedures. In
this case, the time required to adapt the control system to changing conditions is signif-
icantly reduced. The management crisis, which was discussed at the beginning, can be
overcome by quickly restructuring the management in changing conditions.
   The construction of the procedural rules in the automatic (automated) mode can be
carried out on the basis of a certain set of initial (basic) procedural blocks (constructs)
[12]. To date, a team of researchers led by Academician S.P. Nikanorov developed a
set of such constructs that are characteristic of models (concepts) of systems of various
types [13]. For the designed system of organizational management of forces, these are
such types of systems as: open static system (for planning mode) and targeted stream
system (for operational management mode). In [12], models of systems and the corre-
sponding methods for synthesizing procedural procedures, based on sets of constructs
characteristic of these system models, were proposed. The method of synthesis of con-
sistent systems of procedures, based on the system of axioms and the system of con-
cepts (system model), is based on the approach of tensor analysis of networks [10].
   Consequently, the further development of the theoretical results that were obtained
in the framework of the creation of the mentioned modeling complexes should be:
─ isolating fragments from the system of created computational procedures that can be
  interpreted as concretization of constructs from lists characteristic of the systems
  under consideration;
─ the addition of many interpreted procedural fragments, procedures that interpret the
  remaining unaffected constructs;
─ the addition of many axioms with information on the tactics of the use of forces;

─ development of procedures for the synthesis of computing systems for the planning
  of the use of forces and their operational management as a concretization of the re-
  sults of the constructive design of procedural regulations;
─ expanding the results obtained to the entire class of systems of organizational man-
  agement of forces, including processes for managing development, security, and
To solve these scientific problems, it is advisable to use the following research scheme
(Fig. 6).
   Indicated in the figure:
   1 – Interpretation of a system model in relation to certain classes of models from the
model library;
   2 – The choice of sets of constructs used to describe the functioning and construction
of procedural regulations of systems of a particular class;
   3 – Interpretation of the construct system and operational calculation procedures.
Isolation of basic elements of algorithms as concretized constructs;
   4 – The inclusion of the basic provisions of tactics in the system of axioms.

   At the first stage, it is necessary to identify the classes of system models that are
used in the design. For classified models, identify them with a specific subject area.
Concretize concepts, their interconnections, define construct systems with the help of
which the subject area and functioning processes in the organizational system of the
class in question can be described.
   Next, you should interpret the established list of constructs on the system of compu-
tational procedures, isolating from it the basic computational algorithms corresponding
to certain constructs.
   Also, from the initial list of calculation procedures, axiomatic provisions on the tac-
tics of the use of forces should be distinguished, including them in the system of axi-
   For the basic list of calculation algorithms, using tensor analysis methods, it is nec-
essary to develop a methodology for synthesizing the procedural rules of the organiza-
tional management system on the basis of accepted management axioms (initial data
on calculating the capabilities of weapons and special equipment, basic provisions on
the tactics of using forces).
   The end result of this kind of research should be the theory of designing organiza-
tional management systems with a customizable system of functioning procedures de-
pending on changes in the concept of the use of forces and management of the processes
of their application.

Fig. 6. Directions for further research on creating the theory of designing systems of organiza-
tional management of forces.

4      Conclusion

Thus, the current management crisis is due mainly to insufficiently fast adaptation to
the rapidly changing conditions of existing institutional systems of organizational man-
agement, as well as the mismatch of the mathematical models and decision-making
methods used in the actual complexity of real controlled processes.
   In IPRI, using the design environment of modeling complexes of automated control
systems, work is underway to create effective organizational management systems for
forces for foreign customers. To date, significant results have been achieved that allow
us to talk about automation of the aviation complex and naval forces. The developed
automated organizational management systems are adequate to the existing concept of
the use of forces and means and significantly increase the efficiency of control bodies
through the use of distributed decision-making methods based on a large ontological
network in the modes of application planning and operational management of the use
of forces.
   Nevertheless, the ever-growing capabilities of modern means of warfare, the emer-
gence of new types of weapons, including those based on new physical principles, in a
fairly short time perspective, lead to a revision of the concept of the use of forces and,
therefore, the need to improve previously designed organizational management systems
for this area.
   In this article, the authors formulate ways to further develop the theory of designing
organizational systems based on the use of modeling systems in order to accelerate the
adaptation processes of software of automated systems in the context of a rapid change
in the concepts and paradigms of the use of forces.
   The methodological basis for the created design theory should be the theory of con-
ceptual design of organizational management systems, including the methods of tensor
analysis of networks.
   The main content of prospective studies should be the tasks of interpretation and
concretization of generalized models and constructs of systems of a certain class for the
developed description of the subject area and the created system of calculation prob-
lems. Also, for an educated, concise list of constructs, a description of the process, and
axioms of the use of forces, a method should be developed for synthesizing the proce-
dural rules of the system using the theory of tensor analysis of networks.
   The successful solution of the above problems in relation to the implemented pro-
jects of automated control of forces will allow us to create a theory of designing organ-
izational management systems with the provision of adaptation of procedural regula-
tions to changing management concepts.

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