Providing Effective Visualizations over Big Linked Data Short Research Paper Federico Desimoni Laura Po “Enzo Ferrari" Engineering Department “Enzo Ferrari" Engineering Department University of Modena and Reggio Emilia University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Modena, Italy Modena, Italy ABSTRACT LD by offering different levels of abstraction. The first version The number and the size of Linked Data sources are constantly of H-BOLD appeared in 2018 [13, 15]. In this paper, we want to increasing. In some lucky case, the data source is equipped with a describe the re-engineering process that has been carried out and tool that guides and helps the user during the exploration of the the additional features developed. data, but in most cases, the data are published as an RDF dump The architecture of the tool is introduced in Section 2, while through a SPARQL endpoint that can be accessed only through the new features implemented are reported in Section 3. Related SPARQL queries. Although the RDF format was designed to be work are described in Section 4. Section 5 sketches conclusion processed by machines, there is a strong need for visualization and future work. and exploration tools. Data visualizations make big and small linked data easier for the human brain to understand, and visual- 2 H-BOLD ization also makes it easier to detect patterns, trends, and outliers H-BOLD1 (High-level visualizations on Big Open Linked Data) is in groups of data. a tool, available online, for visualizing, and interacting with LD. For this reason, we developed a tool called H-BOLD (High- It is defined in the context of hierarchical and interactive visual level Visualization over Big Linked Open Data). H-BOLD aims to exploration and analysis over LD [13]. help the user exploring the content of a Linked Data by providing H-BOLD starts from our past experience with the tool LODeX, a high-level view of the structure of the dataset and an interactive a tool able to automatically provide a summarization of a LD, exploration that allows users to focus on the connections and including its inferred schema [1–3, 5], and tried to overcome the attributes of one or more classes. Moreover, it provides a visual main limitations arose during its evaluation [4]. The main goal interface for querying the endpoint that automatically generates of H-BOLD was to facilitate the exploration of LD with a high SPARQL queries. number of classes. The current architecture of H-BOLD is shown in Figure 1 where the updates, with respect the previous version KEYWORDS [13], are highlighted in blue. Linked Data, Visualization, Big Data, SPARQL, Semantic Web, H-BOLD is composed of a server layer and a presentation layer Visual Querying, Data Visualization that will be described in the following. 2.1 Server layer 1 INTRODUCTION The server layer aims to generate high-level representations of a Since 2006, the year in which sir Tim Berners-Lee coined the set of LD starting from a list of SPARQL endpoints. The outputs term Linked Data (LD), leading to a new way in which data can are the Cluster Schema (a high level representation of a complex be structured and accessed through the Internet, the number and big source) and the Schema Summary (a low level repre- of LD exploded. Starting from governments, many institutions, sentation of the instanced classes within a source). The SPARQL enterprises, and privates adopted this method for publishing data. endpoint list is created starting from the old list of endpoints used As a result, there is a huge number of LD that can be accessed in LODeX and adding new SPARQL endpoints that are present through the Internet. Unfortunately, endpoints are big containers on Open data portals. Moreover, we enable users to manually of triples. They can contain every kind of information and the add a new URL for a SPARQL endpoint they wish to visualize high number of triples required to express a concept made LD and explore in H-BOLD. On each endpoint a set of queries is visualization a non-trivial task. Due to the volume and the variety executed in order to extract structural and statistical information of information, it is hard to find a common procedure for explor- that describe the LD, this phase is called Index Extraction. In ing every dataset but nonetheless, several research groups tried particular, the indexes are the number of instances, the number to address this task [10, 12, 16, 17]. A hierarchical visualization of classes, the list of classes with the respective properties and can address the problem of information overloading, offering an the number of instances belonging to a specific class. The Index effective mechanism for information abstraction and summariza- Extraction is able to deal with the performance issues of the dif- tion. Additionally, an interactive exploration allows the user to ferent implementations of SPARQL endpoints by using pattern understand step-by-step the content of even complex and big LD. strategies [1]. In this paper, we present a new version of the tool H-BOLD Starting from the indexes is then possible to create a Schema (High-level visualizations on Big Open Linked Data). H-BOLD Summary of the LD, a pseudograph that represents, through enables the exploratory search and multilevel analysis of Big nodes and arches, the relations between the various instantiated © 2020 Copyright for this paper by its author(s). Published in the Workshop Proceed- classes of the dataset [2, 5]. The Schema Summary is a good ings of the EDBT/ICDT 2020 Joint Conference (March 30-April 2, 2020, Copenhagen, approach to compactly represent a RDF dataset, however when Denmark) on Use permitted under Creative Commons License At- tribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) 1 Figure 1: Architecture and Workflow of H-BOLD we are dealing with big sources, it happens that the number Another option for the user to start is from the exploration of classes is high, thus the graph contains a high number of of the Schema Summary, here, he/she will see a complete graph nodes and the visualization results complex and confused. On containing all the instantiated classes of the LD (see Figure 2, the Schema Summary, a set of community detection techniques step 4). The user can focus on a particular class and explore its has been used to create a high-level visualization for Big LD attributes and properties. Figure 2 shows the visualization steps [15]. The classes, of the Schema Summary, are grouped into in H-BOLD starting from the Cluster Schema and then selecting Clusters, therefore, a Cluster Schema is generated for each LD a class and expanding the graph till the visualization of the entire where nodes are groups of classes and arches are connections Schema Summary over the Scholarly LD2 . among these Clusters. In the clustering of the Schema Summary, the possibility that a node belongs to several Clusters is avoided. 3 RE-ENGINEERING THE TOOL The labels in the Cluster Schema are assigned based on the degree The H-BOLD application has been renovated both in the server (the sum of in-degree and out-degree) of the classes (nodes) that layer and in the presentation layer. The server layer is imple- are represented by the cluster. For the formal definition of the mented entirely in python and it uses MongoDB for the storage Schema Summary and Cluster Schema see [15]. of information. With respect to the previous version of H-BOLD, The Schema Summary and Cluster Schema offer several ad- it has been equipped with new features for making the applica- vantages: they can be easily memorized and retrieved on the tion more responsive to the user requests. First of all, to enhance MongoDB improving data recovery performance and graph visu- the understanding of the behavior of the tool, a guideline has alization. been drawn up: the application code has been studied and vari- ous flowcharts have been extracted. A process for continuously 2.2 Presentation layer updating and enriching our collection of SPARQL endpoints has been implemented (see Subsection 3.1 for further details). The In the presentation layer, the first step for a user is the selection Cluster Schema creation has been re-implemented and included of a dataset, then, the user can start the exploration of the Cluster in the Server Layer, while previously was calculated on-the-fly Schema or the exploration of the Schema Summary. The first is in the Presentation Layer (Subsection 3.2). The list of SPARQL more concise, while the second is the complete visualization of endpoints has been enriched thanks to the integration of three the structural information on the LD. new open data portals (Subsection 3.3). If the user opts for the Cluster Schema (see Figure 2, steps 1), The presentation layer went through a complete re-engineer- he/she will see a shrank representation of the Schema Summary ization. Due to many incompatibilities between the current brows- that is obtained by applying a community detection algorithm. ers and the version of Polymer3 in use (i.e. a javascript framework From the Cluster Schema, by selecting a class within a cluster, developed by Google that helps building web application through a new visualization focused on the selected class is proposed the concept of web components), we were forced to re-implement to the user. The user might then further explore the class, its the presentation layer of H-BOLD. connections with other classes and its attributes, or can itera- We started searching alternatives that could replace Polymer. tively increase the graph displayed by expanding the connections At the end of this research, we decided to move towards Boot- starting from some classes (nodes in the graph). In each partial strap4 , a javascript framework developed by Twitter for build- representation of the Schema Summary, the user is informed ing and styling web applications. Therefore, the interface of the about the percentage of the instances represented by the graph web application has been completed rebuilt with Bootstrap. The and the total number of nodes (see Figure 2, steps 2 and 3). This 2 expansion can be repeated until all the classes are displayed, as 3 in the Schema Summary visualization. 4 Figure 2: Step-by-step visualization of the Scholary LD. From left to right: 1) visualization of the Cluster Schema, 2) explo- ration of the "Event" class, 3) further expansion and exploration of the dataset, 4) complete visualization of the Schema Summary. javascript graphic library, D35 , already in use in H-BOLD, has 3.2 Cluster Schema visualization and been integrated with Bootstrap to create interactive visualiza- generation tions. Moreover, new features ameliorate H-BOLD. A new inter- The Cluster Schema is the core part that has been inserted in face for allowing user to manually insert a SPARQL endpoint H-BOLD, starting from the predecessor LODeX. The Cluster has been added (Subsection 3.4). New visualization layouts have Schema allows to visualize in an aggregated way all the classes of been conceived for the exploration of the Cluster Schema and a LD. In the previous demo of H-BOLD [13], the Cluster Schema the Schema Summary (Subsection 3.5). was calculated on-the-fly by running the community detection algorithm each time a user asked to see a Cluster Schema. This 3.1 Endpoint extraction automation and procedure shows different weak points. Since the Cluster Schema updates is computed over the Schema Summary, if the Schema Summary does not change then the Cluster Schema will not change neither, Adding new content inside a SPARQL endpoint is a simple task so it does not make sense to recompute the Cluster Schema on since the only constraint is that data must be represented in one each user click. Moreover, even if the community detection algo- of the RDF serialization formats. Adding new classes or relations rithm took short time to run, the user had to wait the information is just as simple as adding new instances. As a consequence, the to be both transformed and loaded before its visualization. For structure and also the content of a LD could change very often. these reasons, we inserted the computation of the community In H-BOLD, we want to display the most updated version of the detection algorithm on the server side layer and the storage of dataset we indexed. For this reason, we automated the procedure the Cluster Schema in the MongoDB. Now, the Cluster Schema of indexes extraction and Schema Summary and Cluster Schema is computed only once, after the index extraction procedure and generation to run daily. Working with SPARQL Endpoints since the Schema Summary computation, and then stored in the DB. 2014, we noticed two important aspects. First, a SPARQL End- Therefore, both the Schema Summary and Cluster Schema can point might be often not available6 , but this does not mean that be visualized by directly querying the DB. Experimental results it is completely out of order, it might work again after 1 or 2 days. showed that, on half of the SPARQL endpoints stored in H-BOLD, Second, LD do not change daily, they usually changed weekly, or the time needed to display the Cluster Schema to the user is monthly, or do not change ever. For these reasons, it is useless to decreased by the 35%. run the index extraction over all the datasets daily, it is enough to run it weekly. However, since a SPARQL endpoint might not be available one day, and maybe be online the next day, we should 3.3 Automatic insertion of SPARQL check its availability. Therefore, we decided to store the date of endpoints by crawling open data portals the last index extraction for each SPARQL endpoint. If the last In the previous version of H-BOLD, the list of datasets that users index extraction was executed more than seven days before, then could visualize was manually created from a list of SPARQL we do not update the information for that LD, however, if some endpoints available on DataHub. Unfortunately, the endpoint things went wrong with the last index extraction because the we queried for obtaining such information is no more available endpoint was not available, we can repeat the index extraction but the same data can be found at this link 7 . Moreover, that every day. list was quite old and some of the endpoints were no longer available. For this reason, we conducted a research to identify which were the most relevant open data portals that contains links to SPARQL endpoints. Then, we extended both the server 5 6 7 Figure 3: Interface for the insertion of a SPARQL endpoint and the e-mail of the successfully extraction layer and the presentation layer. The server layer was set up to 3.4 Manual insertion of new endpoints query three new open data portals. In particular, now, H-BOLD Even with the crawling of SPARQL endpoint from open data search for new endpoints in the following portals: portals, we are not able to reach, index and expose every SPARQL • European Data Portal8 . It contains open data published endpoint available on internet. Therefore, to further increase over the different european countries, regions and local the number of indexed datasets, we integrated in H-BOLD a administrations open data portals; procedure through which the user is able to upload the URL of a • EU Open Data Portal9 . It holds the data produced by the SPARQL endpoint and to see, this new dataset listed among the different organization of the European Union; others in the H-BOLD dataset list (we tested this procedure over • IO Data Science of Paris10 . Born with the idea of creat- some open datasets [6]). Since the index extraction procedure ing new synergies between data, it contains a metadata can be time-consuming, the user is asked to provide an e-mail description of several LD. address so that the system can notify he/she about the status of the extraction. At the end of the extraction, the e-mail address The portals were deeply explored in order to gain knowledge is deleted, since we do not want to keep person data, while the over their content. Initially, we tried to produce three ad-hoc dataset is added to the list of available datasets. In this way, queries for extracting the maximum amount possible of SPARQL we enlarge the list of LD that H-BOLD is able to visualize and endpoints but then we found that the query presented in Listing we made H-BOLD more responsive to the user requests. Figure 1 perfectly fits all the portals. 3 contains the interface for uploading the URL of a SPARQL endpoint and the email that will be sent to the users in case the Listing 1: Query sent to the open data portals to extract a index extraction procedure is successful. list of SPARQL endpoints PREFIX d c a t : < h t t p : / / www. w3 . o r g / ns / d c a t # > 3.5 New visualizations PREFIX dc : < h t t p : / / p u r l . o r g / dc / t e r m s / > The previous version of H-BOLD adopted only graphs for display- SELECT ? d a t a s e t ? t i t l e ? u r l ing the information (as shown in Figure 2) and in some occasion WHERE { they were not suited for extracting the maximum of the infor- ? dataset a dcat : Dataset . mation. For instance, the number of instances belonging to a ? d a t a s e t dc : t i t l e ? t i t l e . ? dataset dcat : d i s t r i b u t i o n ? d i s t r i b u t i o n . class is hard to extrapolate from a graph and it is also hard to ? d i s t r i b u t i o n dcat : accessURL ? u r l . understand which classes have been aggregate in what cluster. f i l t e r ( regex ( ? u r l , ' s p a r q l ' ) ) . Moreover, when the number of classes and relations is high, it is } hard to understand the various connection. For this reason we With this research, we discovered 65 SPARQL endpoints on implemented four supplementary visualization layouts, three for the European Data Portal, 9 SPARQL endpoints on the EU Open the Cluster Schema and one for the Schema Summary. We drew Data Portal and 15 SPARQL endpoints on the IO Data Science of inspiration from an extensive analysis over other LD visualiza- Paris. Some endpoints were already present in H-BOLD, therefore tion tools [14]. The new visualizations for the Cluster Schema we were effectively able to increment the number of endpoints in allow displaying together the clusters and the classes, providing our collection by 70 units. As a result, the number of endpoints users with a complete high-level overview of the dataset. The listed in H-BOLD raised from 610 to 680. Since some of them new visualization for the Schema Summary allow to better under- are not working or are not compatible with the index extraction standing the inter-connections among classes and the incoming phase of H-BOLD, we were able to index and expose the structure and out-going properties. of 20 new datasets raising the number of indexed endpoints from 3.5.1 Treemap visualizations of the Cluster Schema. Treemaps 110 to 130. are an alternative way of visualising the hierarchical structure of a Cluster Schema while also displaying quantities for each cluster 8 and each class within the cluster via area size. Each cluster is 9 assigned to a rectangle area with a specific color and their classes 10 rectangles nested inside of it. When a quantity is assigned to Figure 4: Treemap visualization of the Cluster Schema a class, its rectangle area size is displayed in proportion to that quantity and to the other quantities within the same cluster in a part-to-whole relationship. Also, the area size of the cluster is the total of its classes. If no quantity is assigned to a class, then its area is divided equally amongst the other classes within its cluster. The treemap built over the instance’s count, shown Figure 6: Circle Pack visualization of the Cluster Schema in Figure 4), highlights the classes with the higher number of instances, the size of the clusters and the predominance of some represented as a circle and its sub-branches are represented as classes in terms of instances. circles inside it. Similarly to the rectangles in the Treemap, the circles might have different dimensions. As displayed in Figure 6, the inner circles represent the classes, while the intermediate circles represent the clusters, an external circle represents the entire dataset. In some cases, a cluster can contain only one class. Figure 5: Sunburst visualization of the Cluster Schema 3.5.2 Sunburst visualizations of the Cluster Schema. The Sun- burst Chart visualization (Figure 5) shows the hierarchy through a series of rings, that is sliced for each category node. The inner ring represents the clusters while the outer ring shows the classes grouped by the clusters. Figure 7: Hierarchical Edge graph visualization of the Schema Summary 3.5.3 Circle Pack visualizations of the Cluster Schema. The Circle Packing (Figure 6) is a variation of a Treemap that uses circles instead of rectangles. Containment within each circle 3.5.4 Hierarchical edge bundling visualization for the Schema represents a level in the hierarchy: each branch of the tree is Summary. Hierarchical edge bundling is a method developed by Holten in 2006 [11] for allowing to visualize adjacency relations project funded by the “Enzo Ferrari" Engineering Department between entities organized in a hierarchy. The idea is to bun- of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia within FAR2019. dle the adjacency edges together to decrease the clutter usually The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of its observed in complex networks. This data visualisation method authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European allows to check connections between leaves (classes in our case) Union. of a hierarchical network. Using the Hierarchical Edge Bundling layout, the classes are REFERENCES displayed over an invisible circumference and the properties are [1] Fabio Benedetti, Sonia Bergamaschi, and Laura Po. 2014. Online Index Ex- traction from Linked Open Data Sources. In LD4IE@ISWC (CEUR Workshop arcs within the circumference. 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