=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2578/DARLIAP10 |storemode=property |title=Reddit Mining to Understand Women's Issues in STEM |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2578/DARLIAP10.pdf |volume=Vol-2578 |authors=Allison Jacobs,Shivangi Chopra,Lukasz Golab |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/edbt/JacobsCG20 }} ==Reddit Mining to Understand Women's Issues in STEM== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2578/DARLIAP10.pdf
          Reddit Mining to Understand Women’s Issues in STEM
                  Allison Jacobs                                         Shivangi Chopra                                      Lukasz Golab
            University of Waterloo                                    University of Waterloo                            University of Waterloo
           Waterloo, Ontario, Canada                                Waterloo, Ontario, Canada                          Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
            adjacobs@uwaterloo.ca                                    s9chopra@uwaterloo.ca                               lgolab@uwaterloo.ca

ABSTRACT                                                                               listed issues such as dissatisfaction over pay and promotion op-
We analyze social media discussions to understand the issues                           portunities [27], self-doubt [17, 18, 48], lifestyle values of raising
experienced by women in Science, Technology, Mathematics and                           a family and altruism [52, 55], under-representation [10], and
Engineering (STEM), both in the classroom and at work. To do                           sexism [9, 18]. However, most of this research is based on samples
so, we identify two relevant discussion forums on the Reddit                           collected during interviews and is mostly qualitative.
social media platform: r/womenEngineers and r/xxSTEM, and                                  In the context of data-intensive work on gender issues, there
we perform topic modelling to discover frequently discussed                            is work that analyzed gender differences in undergraduate Engi-
topics. Our analysis leads to three main findings. First, women                        neering applicants [11] and work-integrated learning programs
discuss harassment, inequality, and lack of representation. These                      [12, 13], and social media mining studies of the #MeToo [30, 37,
issues were found to persist in both academic and professional                         43] and the #ILookLikeAnEngineer [28] movements. With social
environments. Second, women express a lack of confidence and                           media providing an anonymous environment to discuss sensitive
feelings of being an imposter as well as having to change their                        topics [54], it has been used to analyze issues such as suicide [26],
appearance and behaviour to fit in with their coworkers. These                         domestic violence [46, 47], mental health [15, 31, 41], bullying
issues again did not disappear after academic life but tended to                       [58], and racial inequality [16]. However, we are not aware of
persist into professional careers. Finally, some women were faced                      any social media mining studies that analyze women’s issues in
with a lack of parental leave policies at their organizations.                         STEM.
                                                                                           To fill this gap, we contribute to the research on gender issues
   Keywords: Women in Engineering, STEM, Social Media Min-                             in STEM by analyzing the Reddit social media platform. We iden-
ing, Text Mining, Gender Imbalance                                                     tified two Reddit discussion forums — r/womenEngineers and
                                                                                       r/xxSTEM — designed for women to share their experiences in
                                                                                       STEM academics and workforce, and to offer advice to others con-
1    INTRODUCTION                                                                      sidering or newly entering the STEM workforce. Specifically, the
In recent years, marketing various Science, Technology, Engi-                          goal of this analysis is to identify topics that are frequently dis-
neering and Mathematics (STEM) programs to young women has                             cussed by women in STEM. To do so, we perform topic modelling
become important to post-secondary institutions in an attempt                          of the content of the above Reddit forums between December
to even the gender gap [2]. As a result, the percentage of women                       2015 and February 2019, using Non-negative Matrix Factorization
enrolled and graduating from engineering programs has seen                             (NMF) [40].
improvement over the past decade [23]. That said, the proportion                           Our analysis leads to three main findings. First, women dis-
of female graduates earning bachelor’s degrees in fields such                          cuss harassment, inequality, and lack of representation. These
as computer science and engineering is still low (around 20%)                          issues were found to persist in both academic and professional
[23, 51]. Although the attraction to engineering and the success                       environments. Second, women express a lack of confidence and
rates from an academic standpoint are increasing, there is a large                     feelings of being an imposter as well as having to change their
percentage of women who do not pursue a career in engineering                          appearance and behaviour to fit in with their coworkers. These
or leave the workforce [1]. For example, a longitudinal study                          issues also did not disappear after academic life but persisted
with 87 men and 34 women chemical engineering undergradu-                              into professional careers. Finally, some women were faced with
ates found that women scored better than men on pre-college                            a lack of parental leave policies at their organizations. Our social
admission tests and were highly motivated at the start of their                        media analysis confirms the findings obtained by qualitative prior
program, but, by the end of their sophomore year, twice the                            work and provides more specific details into the barriers faced
percentage of women, in comparison to men, dropped out [21].                           by women in STEM.
Studies also suggest that many female engineering graduates                                The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2
switch out of the field right after graduation or sometime after                       explains our dataset and method; Section 3 presents the results;
joining the workforce [27]. Overall, women make up less than                           Section 4 discusses our findings and compares them to prior work;
14 percent of the professional engineering workforce in Canada,                        and Section 5 concludes the paper with directions for future work.
a number that has remained constant for some time [8].
   Prior work has studied gender differences in STEM academics                         2 DATA AND METHOD
and careers from various perspectives, including differences in                        2.1 Data
biology, aptitude, attitude, motivation, interests, performance,
                                                                                       Reddit is a social media platform divided into discussion forums
choice, socio-cultural factors, and opportunity [55]. With a focus
                                                                                       referred to as subreddits. A subreddit contains posts that initiate a
on women’s barriers to entry and attrition [18, 49], studies have
                                                                                       discussion, and comments on the posts. This analysis is based on
                                                                                       Reddit data from December 2015 to February 2019, downloaded
© 2020 Copyright for this paper by its author(s). Published in the Workshop Proceed-
ings of the EDBT/ICDT 2020 Joint Conference (March 30-April 2, 2020, Copenhagen,       from a publicly available database stored on Google Big Query1 .
Denmark) on CEUR-WS.org. Use permitted under Creative Commons License At-
tribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
                                                                                       1 https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/
                  Table 1: Subreddit Statistics

                            r/womenEngineers      r/xxSTEM

         Number of Posts           243               702
    Number of Comments            1041               2305
  Number of Unique Users           388               763
Number of One-Time Users           205                413

                                                                     Figure 2: Coherence Plot for different numbers of topics;

                Figure 1: Summary of Method

   There are over one million subreddits in total. To find those
which are most closely related to our study of issues experienced
by women in STEM, we first identified all subreddits contain-
ing at least one of the following terms in their title: “women”,
“engineer”, “STEM”, or “feminism”. We selected these words to
capture elements of STEM, specifically engineering, as well as
                                                                     Figure 3: Coherence Plot for different numbers of topics;
feminism. We then read a sample of recent posts in each of these
subreddits to determine the topics being discussed among posts
as well as common themes in the discussions. We selected two
subreddits for analysis — r/womenEngineers and r/xxSTEM —
that included discussions of gender issues in STEM education         1095 comments in r/womenEngineers and 2446 in r/xxSTEM.
and workplace. Examples of subreddits that we examined but dis-      Discarding the deleted comments, we are left with 1041 and 2305,
carded are r/Feminism (containing discussions of gender issues,      respectively, as reported in Table 1.
but not related to STEM), r/AskEngineers (containing questions          Topic Modeling: Next, we run the Non-negative Matrix Fac-
about engineering education and careers, but not from a gender       torization (NMF) algorithm to segment the comments and iden-
perspective), and r/AskWomen (containing women’s perspective         tify underlying topics. NMF groups the comments into k clusters,
on various issues, but not related to STEM).                         with k being a user-specified parameter, and identifies a set of
   Table 1 contains some statistics for each of the chosen sub-      representative terms, which we refer to as topic keywords, for
reddits. The number of unique users is the number of users who       each cluster.
created at least one post or comment on the forum, whereas one-         To decide on the number of clusters or topics, we experimented
time users are those who only created one post or comment. Over      with k ∈ {10, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400}, and computed the coherence
half the users on both forums are one-time users, a trend previ-     of each choice [38]. Topic coherence allows for analysis to de-
ously observed in social media by [15, 41]. Notably, the number      termine the extent to which the top terms representing a topic
of users who posted or commented at least once on both forums        are semantically related, relative to some "background corpus".
is only 31, suggesting that the content on r/womenEngineers          A higher coherence is desirable.
and r/xxSTEM may be different, and thus motivating the need to          We plot the coherence as a function of the number of topics
analyze both of these forums.                                        in r/womenEngineers and r/xxSTEM in Figure 2 and Figure 3,
   We inspected a sample of posts and comments from the two          respectively. The y-axes of the figures start at 0.9, not 0, to empha-
selected subreddits. We observed that a post starts a conversation   size the differences in coherence. For r/womenEngineers, k = 50
and the sharing of experiences, but the comments on each post        has the highest coherence. For r/xxSTEM, highest coherence oc-
provide more insight into experiences and issues faced. Addition-    cured at 200 topics, but the coherence at 50 topics was nearly
ally, there are more comments than posts in total. As a result, we   as high. Standard data science practice dictates an affinity for a
selected only the comments for further analysis.                     smaller model, and to maintain consistency across subreddits,
                                                                     we chose k = 50 for both subreddits.
2.2    Method                                                           To verify the choice of k, we manually inspected the represen-
Our method to analyze the comments made on r/womenEngineers          tative terms of each cluster for each tested value of k. For k < 50,
and r/xxSTEM is summarized in Figure 1 and detailed below.           NMF returned terms that suggested several topics per cluster,
   Data pre-processing: We discarded comments of the form            whereas larger values of k produced clusters of repeating topics.
“[REMOVED]” and “[DELETED]”, indicating that they were re-              Topic Analysis: In this step, we manually examined the key-
moved by Reddit moderators. For the remaining comments, we           words returned by NMF for each topic, and we analyzed the
used Ekphrasis [3] to parse them, normalize the words, remove        comments belonging to each topic. Finally, after inspecting the
stopwords, and correct spelling errors. There were originally        topic keywords and reading a sample of comments assigned
to each topic, we manually extracted five frequently discussed           models.
themes that will be discussed below.
                                                                            Representation: "I went to school in a mostly male major, and
3 RESULTS                                                                I’m currently working in automotive manufacturing. It’s great hav-
                                                                         ing male friends, but every now and then I just want to be able to sit
3.1 Topic Analysis                                                       down and talk about nail polish colors with other girls. It’s good for
Table 2 and Table 3 show the topic keywords produced by NMF              your health, plus there’s a lot of conversations that are girls-only.
for five largest topics for the two subreddits, as well as the num-      My company is really small, so there’s not too many women I can
ber of comments categorized under each of these topics. For              hang out with after work. But it makes it so much more worth while
r/womenEngineers, the terms suggest frequent discussions of              when I get that little break and I hangout with other girls!"
classroom experiences, job interview experiences, parental leave,
and pay. For r/xxSTEM, the representative terms suggest discus-             Confidence discussions frequented around the theme of im-
sions of gender bias and gender gap.                                     poster syndrome and self-doubt. Women discussed the guilt they
   We identified the following five themes that frequently oc-           felt for receiving scholarships and in general any form of aca-
curred in the discussions on both subreddits. Notably, these five        demic success.
themes were present both in discussions of academic and work-
place issues.                                                              Confidence: "That being said, I have also suffered from “Imposter
   (1) Representation: discussions of the lack of representation         Syndrome” a lot recently, so I completely understand where you are
       of women.                                                         coming from. It’s intimidating being in a field dominated by men
   (2) Personal: an experience that was unique to the person; e.g.,      where you basically stick out like a sore thumb. All you can do is
       an encounter that was sexist or classified as harassment.         your best and seek feedback/guidance whenever possible."
   (3) Confidence: imposter syndrome or other internal battles,
       i.e., feelings of inadequacy or self-doubt.                          Finally, Interests included discussions about the impact of
   (4) Interests: expressions of interests that have allowed women       engineering on the community as well as the reasons why the
       to continue or discontinue their engineering career.              individual has chosen to pursue an engineering education.
   (5) Equality: comparisons to another gender or person.
                                                                             Interests: "I was pretty lucky. Several adults recognized my apti-
                                                                         tude for engineering before I knew engineering was a thing. I was
3.2    Analysis of r/womenEngineers                                      encouraged by my dad and several teachers to continue developing
We now discuss the above five themes in more detail, starting            my skills in math and science, because I always excelled in those.
with r/womenEngineers. Table 4 summarizes the types of issues            Once I realized that I could use those skills (which I also genuinely
discussed under each theme in the context of academics and               enjoyed) to help contribute to new technology, I felt it was a perfect
careers.                                                                 fit. I always had a passion for learning, so I wanted to be at the
   In terms of academics, we found Equality to be frequently             vanguard, learning all the time."
discussed. This includes women comparing themselves to their
male peers and discussing experiences in which they were treated            At the career level, many comments referred to Personal expe-
differently. We give an example comment below.                           riences. This includes sharing experiences of sexism, harassment
                                                                         or other uncomfortable encounters. We show an example below.
   Equality: “I recently worked with a male project partner on an
electronics project for grad school, he didn’t know how to hook up          Personal:“I know it sucks to hear, but you need to grow tougher
the multimeter to measure current. Was that failure of knowledge         skin and stand your ground. You need to pull that guy aside and
because he was male? Nope, he just didn’t have much hands-on             frankly tell him that you’re not interested. If he continues to harass
experience with hardware. I think a lot of women growing up do           you, that is where you would consider going to the Title IX depart-
really well in school (which is often theory heavy) but aren’t nec-      ment. Continuous harassment being saying inappropriate things to
essarily offered the practical experience outside of school. Men are     you, gossiping about you behind your back, or sending you sexually
assumed to like tools and technology from a young age so it’s more       explicit images/messages. I had to go there to file a claim against a
likely their family members give them gifts that align with those        GTA who blatantly sexually harassed me and they’re nothing but
things and invite them to talk about and participate in engineering      welcoming.”
related projects. So, it can seem like women aren’t as good but the
actual reason isn’t gender but societal influence.”                         For the theme of Equality, women compared themselves to
                                                                         their male coworkers and commented on the wage gap.
   The Personal theme was also frequent. In these comments,
women were recounting experiences of harassment from their                  Equality: "I was in the same boat as you. I was paid way less
school life.                                                             than my male colleagues had more education - master’s degree
                                                                         vs colleagues having bachelor’s or some no degree. I was the only
   Personal: "Guy in charge of the school machine shop who sets          female engineer and other female engineers who started in my
all the equipment for his size at 6’3” where I am 5’3”: why are you      department were moved to non technical positions. (No idea if that
on your tip toes, you cut like a girl (how does one cut like a girl on   is what they wanted just something I noticed) I was given the soft
a band saw?)"                                                            jobs, less technical and after over a year of asking for the more
                                                                         interesting technical jobs, I ended up applying to other jobs out of
  Next, the topic of Representation included comments dis-               the company and left for job that paid me 20% more and for more
cussing the lack of female classmates, faculty members, and role
                                             Table 2: Five largest topics: r/womenEngineers

 Topic keywords                                                                                                                  Number of comments

 Topic 47: go would make thing also say school ask differ experi lot find woman someth men class talk much could student                   218
 well someon like sure back work male start think engin
 Topic 0: like feel general seem person thing someth respons interview scienc right black field sometim part understand life               40
 crap yeah uncomfort awkward fashion may gender expect math unfair non shadow struggl
 Topic 3: number year graduat school go age start semest senior program week percent kid leav hour month never back gone                   37
 bachelor three worri junior money pay employe class next long
 Topic 2: engin degre field mechan comput studi mani life mind electr industri scienc sub probabl area graduat hey better                  31
 tech male see chang thread relat societi live question lot design role
 Topic 33: wear shirt casual jean offic blous dress slack black pant heel cardigan button comfort nice shoe color flat hair                29
 occasion cloth busi manufactur boot usual feminin tend fashion coupl tech

                                                   Table 3: Five largest topics: r/xxSTEM

 Topic keywords                                                                                                                  Number of comments

 Topic 46: think want need way ask also could see even someth talk differ take person someon experi find use question point                382
 start right lot guy give meet never may team happen
 Topic 7: women men stem gender issu confer woman bias male field tech societi support group mani secur hire career us                     83
 young think lot equal gap reason problem posit cultur treat event
 Topic 9: week last start next project today back bridg pe hour plan review trip still weekend busi big finish coupl current               79
 alreadi excit hous glad super new fire home friday laterg
 Topic 42: program degre phd scienc year appli comput internship univers requir start master interest graduat cs math stem                 76
 also lab student mani data undergradu languag research applic offer cours field colleg
 Topic 23: school grad student high undergrad gpa appli depart physic stress math colleg univers year lot went back choic                  59
 learn first late graduat still strong professor anxieti guy start top major

                                            Table 4: Discussion themes in r/womenEngineers

                    Representation                Personal                  Confidence                  Interests                     Equality

                                                                      imposter syndrome in
                                                                        program, guilt for                                      comparing to male
                     lack of female
                                           harassment from peers      scholarships, guilt for     family implications,          peers, differences in
  Academics     classmates, comparing
                                               and professors           academic success,       applications to industry         promoting STEM
                   enrollment rates
                                                                       comparing skills to                                           programs
                                                                           male peers
                                                                                                 starting a family, work
                     lack of female           harassment from         imposter syndrome in                                       comparing to male
                                                                                                    impact, changing
  Career           coworkers, lack of          coworkers and          position and worth in                                    coworkers, wage gaps,
                                                                                                    perspectives and
                        mentors                  managers                    company                                             unequal treatment

technical and interesting work. And I’m good at it :)"                        through the vendors and contractors I worked alongside. One of the
                                                                              biggest mentors I had was the COO of one of our vendor companies,
   Representation again discusses the lack of female coworkers                and I met her because she happened to come on site one day to see
or what it feels like to be the first female employee hired at a              how our installation and testing was going."
company. One comment example is below.
                                                                                Confidence discussions again related to the imposter syn-
    Representation: "If you aren’t able to find that within your own          drome and understanding one’s worth within the company.
organization, look to similar ones. At my last job I was the only
woman in our entire department, and the only women more senior                    Confidence: "The larger point to understand here is how the
than myself were in HR and Marketing (not that I was that senior,             system being tilted in your favor doesn’t do you any favors. Now a
it’s just that I worked at a brewery and there just aren’t a lot of           feeling of imposter-syndrome goes from being an anxiety-induced-
women). So I attended professional events like SWE and also in-               fabrication to justified and you can’t really tell how much of it
dustry specific events, and found women who were in those higher              is justified vs. emotional until you’re on the job and start accom-
level positions but with different companies. I also met women just           plishing tasks. Because the tilt of the system has pulled you ahead
of yourself you cannot perform. Because you cannot perform you             Interests focused on the difficulties starting a family in academia.
cannot be trusted with critical tasks. Because you are not trusted
with worthwhile tasks you do not improve."                                  Interests: "The thing that really annoys me is that academia in
                                                                         general is terrible at taking care of parents, especially mothers. My
   In a career context, discussions of Interests included reasons        graduate school didn’t have a maternity leave policy in place until
why women decided on their careers, and reasons for leaving a            two years ago. They presented that policy at the school wellness
job. Furthermore, commenters discussed the consequences as-              meeting and it was SO embarrassing. But even that maternity leave
sociated with deciding to start a family and the potential glass         policy is terrible. Only 4 weeks paid leave and that’s only for the
ceiling issues associated with promotions and career growth.             mother. Anyways this is a long way of saying I agree with you and
                                                                         I think the above stuff is a lot of the reason why women get lost
   Interests: "The worst issue was at my last job when my boss and       in the academia pipeline. They are basically actively punished for
I sat down to discuss my "5-year plan" and mentioned how I may           wanting a family."
want to get switch jobs due to the heavy travel in a few years when
I meet a man and want to settle down. I told him nope that I love          Confidence was commonly challenged for female students,
my job and don’t plan to leave because of the travel and possible        which has led them to feelings of self-doubt.
children (which is light years away, if at all). He said well, we’ll
keep it in mind that you might want to slow down."                          Confidence: "How do you know you got accepted purely on merit
                                                                         and not because you are a woman filling their quota?" Said to me
                                                                         by a woman. I don’t think she knows that 3/4 of my class and every
3.3    Analysis of r/xxSTEM
                                                                         class below me has been female. We’re not filling a quota, appar-
This analysis was repeated in the same manner for the second             ently women have stronger applications on average."
subreddit, r/xxSTEM. Table 5 summarizes the academic and ca-
reer issues discussed on this forum.                                        At the career level, Equality and Personal issues made up most
   For Academic issues, many discussions were Personal. This             of the comments. Below is an example of a comment discussing
included recounts of comparisons and assumptions made about              Equality.
a student based on their gender or recounts of harassment. We
give an example comment below.                                               Equality: “Women are consistently held to an impossibly higher
                                                                         standard compared to men in life in general it seems. So, if your
   Personal: "Of course you got a job at [company]. You’re a girl."      experience in life is that you have to be pretty damn near perfect,
– classmate. "Girls get all the scholarships." - classmate "Being a      you’re not going apply to something that you know you won’t get
woman must have helped you get the job." - my FEMALE co-op               if you don’t meet all the qualifications for. Whilst your male col-
coordinator "I never hire women. All they do is get pregnant and go      leagues, who society just automatically gives more respect to, can
on maternity leave." - my sister’s boss                                  afford to apply to things without all the qualifications.”

   Discussions of Equality described how to be seen and not                An example of a positive comment on equality is shown below.
treated differently from male peers. An example of this is below.
                                                                            Equality: "Yes it does! But not everywhere. The big tech compa-
   Equality: “In my high school, girls were actively discouraged/not     nies are great and actively work to make women and other minority
allowed to take these classes. I wanted to take wood shop, but wasn’t    groups feel welcome. I had a similar experience to you in school,
allowed. I ended up doing theatre and learned to build sets instead.”    constantly feeling like an outsider. After a few years of work and
                                                                         picking the right companies, I’m happy to say I feel accepted as
  One commenter discusses her early exposure to STEM and its             an engineer— not just a female engineer. Echoing a commenter
impact.                                                                  above, don’t forget to advocate for yourself. You are your own best
                                                                         cheerleader and won’t be happy in any situation if you let people
   Equality: "I was lucky my parents did this while I was growing up.    push you around."
I helped my Dad with his construction projects, he helped my sibling
and I with our homework (math & sci included), he took us to his           Another commenter further discusses comments made to them
work and other future engineering events, we had legos and K’nex,        about wage gaps and other general comparisons to their male
and his friends/coworkers were fairly diverse engineers. I was not       coworkers.
aware that women were an oddity in STEM until late in highschool"
                                                                             Equality: " 1. "Have fun making .75 for every dollar a man
   Representation discussions followed similar themes present            makes." 2. "You’re only here to get your Mrs. degree." Which is a
in r/womenEngineers.                                                     degree made up to imply that I’m only in college to find a husband
                                                                         to support me. I am currently on a web development team and
   Representation: "Of the 104 people who are “members of the de-        my supervisor is female, but the rest of my team of 2 besides me
partment” (PhD candidates, instructors, professors, research faculty,    are male. It is so important for more women to be in the engineer-
and post docs) only 17 are women. And 9 of those 17 are professors       ing/computer science field. Best of luck, engineering is tough but
or instructors and thus have keys to private restrooms. It just pisses   it’s worth it!"
me off that I’m so non existent to the department that I have to go
down 4 floors for a bathroom when my office and lab are up here.            Personal experiences including sexism were common as well
I’m an undergrad at an R1 school with 40,000 people."                    as general gender bias.
                                                 Table 5: Discussion themes in r/xxSTEM

                    Representation                Personal                Confidence                 Interests                 Equality

                 lack of female faculty,                                                       why STEM is chosen,        comparing to male
                                           harassment from peers
                lack of female research                              imposter syndrome, not     future career goals,        peers, STEM
  Academics                                and professors, gender
                   peers, minority in                                standing up for oneself      families within          encouragement
                                            bias and assumptions
                classroom environment                                                                academia                differences
                     lack of female
                   coworkers, lack of                                  imposter syndrome,
                                              harassment from                                                             comparing to male
                 other minorities and                                talking and presenting     personal goals and
                                           coworkers, bias against                                                      coworkers, wage gaps,
  Career             mentors in the                                     with confidence to       interests, family
                                               gender, gender                                                               gender gaps,
                 workplace, difficulty                                coworkers, how to be         implications
                                                assumptions                                                                 mistreatment
                 finding someone like                                    taken seriously

   Personal: "I never reported my harassers. Other women at the              4    DISCUSSION AND RELATED WORK
company reported their harassers and those women never worked                In general, this analysis revealed negative results. One reason for
there much longer. I wish I had been brave enough to do it but               the lack of positive discussions is that anonymous social media
I saw the pattern of report, quit or be fired and decided I wasn’t           platforms often provide a way to vent, or discuss problems and
ready to leave yet. I was the only woman on the team for a long              invite guidance and support from those who have experienced
while. I left the job this past August and moved to a way less hostile       similar situations.
environment."                                                                   Below, we reiterate our main findings, organized around our
                                                                             five themes, and compare them to those reported in prior work.
   Although women know there are a lack of role models in their                 Confidence: Women shared their problems with confidence
fields, there are those who are determined to see this change.               in their academics and careers or experienced some type of im-
One comment reads:                                                           poster syndrome and self-doubt. Past studies support this finding
                                                                             and report that women start college with a lower self-confidence
   Representation: "I came here to say this, a lot is based in gender        [57], a lower self-concept about their performance in STEM
expectations and a lack of inspirational role models, you rarely see         courses [44, 45], and a lower self-efficacy [34, 39]. As students
women in these roles in the media and that needs to be challenged            progressed through the curriculum, bad grades led to greater
and improved. It’s one of the reasons that I do outreach. It annoys          drops in self-esteem for women in engineering [14]. Additionally,
me but I know that by being there I am showing that women can                Fouad et. al found that women who leave engineering have lower
and do have jobs like this."                                                 levels of self-efficacy than women who stay in the profession [36].
                                                                             Other studies also identify self-doubt as an important reason for
   A recurring theme in the discussion of Interests was again                women’s attrition from STEM [17, 18, 48].
focused on maternity leave policies and how this impacts the                    Representation: We found that support and mentorship are
choice of company in the future.                                             critical to combating the confidence issues women may face.
                                                                             Women noted that mentorship was difficult to find in a male-
   Interests: "The culture will vary company to company. I would             dominated workforce. We found that women were frequently
recommend reaching out to mothers/women you can identify on                  asking for resources in which they can find the support that is
LinkedIn or through other networking and contact them directly to            lacking in the workplace environment. Past studies support this
ask about this info. This is the kind of thing where you really do           finding and suggest that under-representation may discourage
have to talk to employees outside the interview context to under-            females to pursue or continue in STEM [10, 50]. Similarly, Cadaret
stand the company culture and how that influences use of maternity           et al. suggest that career interventions can assist young women
leave policies."                                                             to strengthen their expectations for success in engineering fields,
                                                                             thus expanding their social support and improving their identity
  Finally discussions of Confidence again revolve around self-               as engineers through effective mentoring [33].
doubt.                                                                          Further to this, we found that improper forms of education
                                                                             counselling may prevent women from pursuing a STEM related
   Confidence: "We have a weekly status meeting as a team, and I             career. Studies show that a female student’s choice not to pursue
always make sure to talk about 2-3 things I did. The problem is if           a career in STEM is not due to their lack of technical skills, but
someone else talks about something before I get a chance, there’s            rather the perception of a lack of skills by parents, counsellors and
no need to repeat what’s already been said. I definitely have a              students themselves [5, 53, 55]. Textbooks mentioning the work
confidence problem. I still feel really unsure of what I’m doing,            and photographs of male scientists propagate a similar gender
which is why I usually seek confirmation from someone else. I think          bias [4], emphasizing the social and occupational segregation of
I’m really afraid to mess up or seem like I don’t know what I’m              gender [32].
doing. "                                                                        Interests: In the discussions of interests, we note that women
                                                                             discussed the implications of starting a family while also trying to
                                                                             succeed in their career. Studies have noted similar circumstances
affecting women’s careers, such as raising children, accommo-        5    CONCLUSIONS
dating a spouse’s career, or caring for elderly family members       In our analysis of the subreddits r/womenEngineers and r/xxSTEM,
[7, 22, 52, 55]. Women also described cases of discrimination and    we have found that there is valuable information being discussed
poor infrastructure in their workplace as they may have been the     by women at various points in their STEM careers. Beginning at
only employee pregnant at a time or one of a limited number of       an academic level and proceeding into their professional career,
female employees. One civil engineer recounts her experience by      women have noted different reasons for dissatisfaction and at-
noting that she was the first female her employer has ever hired,    trition. A trend that we were not expecting to see was the many
and that the maternity policy was never needed before her. It        discussions of beginning a family while also being a woman in
was also noted that although Information Technology related in-      engineering. Unequal treatment from male coworkers as well as
dustries are implementing maternity policies, industries such as     employers not having a maternity or paternity policy in place
construction are failing to change to meet the needs of their em-    have also placed a strain on women.
ployees, specifically women. This underscores the need for clear         These findings motivate the need for policies to effectively
parental leave information dissemination to all employees. Wang      support working mothers and allow them to succeed in their
and Degol note similar issues in STEM workplaces which often         career without dealing with a glass ceiling mentality and sacri-
lack the support required by women with young children and           ficing the want for a family to advance professionally. This issue
other care-taking responsibilities, which forces them to vacate      combines both the lack of equality in the workforce and the lack
STEM positions at greater rates than men [55].                       of representation. Women are commonly faced with the decision
   Other posts noted that starting a family would result in missed   between their career and a family and are therefore unable to
opportunities and chances to be promoted. Their managers sug-        move up the corporate ladder. They cannot situate themselves
gested they take jobs with less responsibility and no travel, so     in a position where they are able to become mentors and role
they can be ready for family life. This disparity was discussed by   models for the upcoming generation of engineers.
Hewlett [25]. After conducting a survey to explore the profes-           It is important to continue to examine the experiences of
sional and private lives of highly educated, high-earning profes-    women in engineering in a forum in which they can speak freely.
sionals, she found that 49 percent of those women were childless     In future work, we will carry out a similar text mining study on
compared to only 19 percent of men. Furthermore, she discusses       other social media platforms such as Twitter or Facebook. Fur-
the wage gap and its connection to the penalties women tend to       thermore, comments on platforms such as Glassdoor or LinkedIn
face when they interrupt their careers to have children. Recent      can provide unique insight into specific employers and industries.
studies have confirmed that an increasingly large part of the wage   Finally, as we mentioned earlier, comments on social media plat-
gap can now be explained by childbearing as this is something        forms have a tendency to be negative. An interesting direction
that interrupts a woman’s career, but not a man’s [6, 24].           for future work is to analyze positive discussions that specifi-
   Equality: Our results indicate that some women were treated       cally point out programs and initiatives to improve women’s
unequally by their classmates, coworkers, faculty, and managers.     satisfaction and persistence in STEM.
Differences in terms of career advice, kind of work assigned,
wage, and promotion, have been noted. Past studies found simi-
lar instances of inequality. Researchers found that male faculty
were more likely to ignore emails from prospective female gradu-     REFERENCES
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