Explainable AI through Rule-based Interactive Conversation Christian Werner Christian.Werner@viadee.de ABSTRACT 3 PRELIMINARY RESULTS This is a work-in-progress paper which proposes a rule-based, System goals. Trust is essential when humans communicate interactive and conversational agent for explainable AI (XAI) with a system and driver for XAI [12]. However, to generate trust, called ERIC. It includes research from XAI, human computer an XAI system must first and foremost provide transparency interaction and social science to provide selected, personalized regarding its decision making process [13]. Furthermore, the and interactive explanations. system must present information in an understandable manner and avoid inconsistencies within the information it presents [15]. KEYWORDS Intelligibility types. Intelligibility types describe a set of intel- explainable, artificial intelligence, conversational, agent ligible elements which form a query paradigm that is derived from questions users of intelligent systems often ask [6]. Results from various experiments hint that these question-answer con- 1 INTRODUCTION structs can help to build mental models of a system in a user’s Nowadays, artificial intelligence (AI) has an ubiquitous impact mind who can then develop a certain level of trust regarding the on our life. This involves product recommendations, risk assess- system’s reasoning [9] [5]. Among others, ERIC implements the ment and systems that are essential for people’s survival such following intelligibility types: Why, Why-not, What-if, How-to. as medical diagnosis systems. Especially in case of such critical Suitable explanations such as rule-based explanations, feature decisions being made by a system, the question arises why and attributions and counterfactual explanations are used as output. how it came to a specific decision [3]. The problem is that many of the underlying algorithms of such systems appear as a black- Provide selected explanations. Selecting the right explanations box to the user and therefore suffer in terms of transparency [1]. for a context is one of the major challenges for an XAI agent. Not This is the driver for the research field of so-called explainable every explanation type is suitable to answer a user issued ques- AI (XAI). It provides a set of methods which can be used to de- tion and not every XAI method is applicable in every situation scribe the behaviour of a machine learning (ML) model and as [7]. Thus, ERIC includes specific domain knowledge about when such provides a certain degree of transparency [1]. The current to present what type of explanation based on contextual factors. research focuses on the development of new and mostly isolated Provide personalized explanations. Explanations provided to XAI methods, such as Surrogate Models, Partial Dependency a user must be tailored to the specific need and interest of the Plots, or Accumulated Local Effects rather than on what really user. This involves the complexity of the explanations (number makes up a good overall approach to explain a model’s behaviour of elements), the prioritization of information (which elements to the user [10]. The research question is how the results of such are important for the user), and the presentation format (textual methods can be used to answer the questions humans have about vs. visual) [14]. ERIC seeks to personalize explanations for a ML decision making? This work-in-progress paper introduces user by extracting preferences from user actions and by direct a new XAI system called ERIC - a Rule-based, Interactive and information elicitation. Conversational agent for Explainable AI. ERIC applies the most popular XAI methods on a ML model to extract knowledge that is Provide interactive explanations. One of the main insights about stored within a rule-based system. A potential user can communi- explanations from social science is that an explanation naturally cate with ERIC through a chat-like conversational interface and happens in an interactive conversation [11]. Hence, a user should receive appropriate explanations about the ML model’s reasoning have the possibility to actively explore the underlying ML model behaviour. This system is specifically targeted to domain experts as a continuous process. By doing that, the user can develop and seeks to provide everyday explanations. It combines insights step-by-step trust in the system [4]. ERIC implements a dialogue from the research fields of AI, human computer interaction and model that enables the user to iteratively query different types social science [12]. Other than existing related conversational of information. The presentation of an explanation is never an system (e.g. the Iris agent for performing data science tasks [2], end point and allows for further inquiries. or the LAKSA agent for explaining context-aware applications [8]), ERIC focuses on the explanations of ML models. 4 STATE AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS A first prototype of ERIC is implemented using the rule-based 2 METHODOLOGY programming language CLIPS and a Python interface revealing Research proposed in this paper follows a Design Science Re- promising results. The prototype allows for a basic interaction search (DSR) approach that is aimed to iteratively elaborate re- about a Python-based ML model using the proposed intelligi- quirements, implement and test them with real users. Require- bility types. Further requirements need to be elaborated and ments are drawn up from theoretical investigations in literature, implemented to further specify ERIC’s capabilities. User test- existing solution approaches and findings from user experiments. ing is essential to validate the effectiveness of ERIC and is still pending. An online available prototype is being planned. © 2020 Copyright for this paper by its author(s). Published in the Workshop Proceed- ings of the EDBT/ICDT 2020 Joint Conference (March 30-April 2, 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark) on CEUR-WS.org. Use permitted under Creative Commons License At- REFERENCES tribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) [1] A. Adadi and M. Berrada. 2018. Peeking Inside the Black-Box: A Survey on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI). IEEE Access 6 (2018), 52138–52160. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2870052 [2] Ethan Fast, Binbin Chen, Julia Mendelsohn, Jonathan Bassen, and Michael S Bernstein. 2018. Iris: A conversational agent for complex tasks. 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