=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2579/preface |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2579/preface.pdf |volume=Vol-2579 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2579/preface.pdf

Big Data Mining (KDD BigMine-19)
The 8th International Workshop on Big Data on Streams and Heterogeneous
Source Mining
Conference Dates: August 4-8, 2019
Workshop Date: Aug 5, 2019
Anchorage, Alaska - USA

Workshop Chairs
   • Albert Bifet, Telecom ParisTech;
   • Michele Berlingerio, Eaton, Dublin, Ireland;
   • João Gama, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal;
   • Jesse Read, cole Polytechnique, Paris, France;

   • Eugene Ryan, Eaton, Dublin, Ireland

Publicity Chair
   • Carlos Abreu Ferreira, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal

Steering Committee
   • Wei Fan, Tencent;
   • Albert Bifet, Telecom ParisTech;

   • Philip Yu, University of Illinois at Chicago;
   • Qiang Yang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

The goal of the workshop is to provide a forum to discuss important research
questions and practical challenges in big data mining and related areas. Novel
ideas, controversial issues, open problems and comparisons of competing ap-
proaches are strongly encouraged. Representation of alternative viewpoints and
discussions are also strongly encouraged.
We invite submission of papers describing innovative research on all aspects of
big data mining. Work-in-progress papers, demos, and visionary papers are also
Papers emphasizing theoretical foundations, algorithms, systems, applications,
language issues, data storage and access, architecture are particularly encour-

Examples of topics of interest include:
   • Scalable, Distributed and Parallel Algorithms;

   • Designing light-weighted data mining algorithm;
   • New Programming Model for Large Data beyond Hadoop/MapReduce,
     STORM, streaming languages;
   • Federated training using data from multiple devices;

   • Mining Algorithms of Data in non-traditional formats (unstructured, semi-
   • Applications: social media, Internet of Things, Smart Grid, Smart Trans-
     portation Systems;

   • Streaming Data Processing;
   • Heterogeneous Sources and Format Mining;
   • Privacy issues of on-device user data;
   • Systems Issues related to large datasets: clouds, streaming system, archi-
     tecture, and issues beyond cloud and streams;
   • System and platform for on-device learning;
   • Interfaces to database systems and analytics;
   • Evaluation Technologies;

   • Integrating the design of human computer interaction with machine learn-
     ing algorithms;

   • Visualization for Big Data;
   • Applications: Large scale recommendation systems, social media systems,
     social network systems, scientific data mining, environmental, urban and
     other large data mining applications.

We would like to thank the authors, and the program committee members:

   • Georges Hebrail, EDF Lab Saclay;
   • Geoffrey Holmes, University of Waikato;
   • Ana Rita Nogueira, INESC TEC;
   • Shazia Tabassum, University of Porto;
   • Herna Viktor, University of Ottawa;
   • Thiago Andrade, INESC TEC;
   • Gianmarco De Francisci Morales, ISI Foundation;
   • Jesse Read, Ecole Polytechnique;
   • Mario Cordeiro, ProDEI;
   • Frederic Stahl, University of Reading;
   • Chaitanya Manapragada, Monash University;
   • Ricardo Sousa, INESC TEC;
   • Fabiola Pereira, University of So Paulo;
   • Xian Wu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University;
   • Le Gruenwald, The University of Oklahoma;
   • Bruno Veloso, INESC TEC;
   • Elaine Faria, Federal University of Uberlandia;
   • Maria Pedroto, University of Porto;
   • Sofia Fernandes, Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Decision Sup-
   • Demetrios Zeinalipour-Yazti, University of Cyprus;
   • Hanghang Tong, Arizona State University;
   • Hasan Timucin Ozdemir, IAC;

• Michele Berlingerio;
• Eugene Ryan;
• Xingquan Zhu, Florida Atlantic University;
• Richard Hugh Moulton.
