=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2579/schedule |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2579/schedule.pdf |volume=Vol-2579 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2579/schedule.pdf

Time          Description
13:00-13:05   Opening Remarks
              Keynote Talk by Jian Pei
              Mining Graphs and Networks: A 15-Year Journey
              Paper Session 1
14:00-14:30   Applying Vision Based Predictive Modelling for Rapid
              Characterization of Shape Memory Polymers
              Ritaban Dutta
14:30-15:00   Coffee Break
              Paper Session 2
              Online Transfer Learning for Concept Drifting Data Streams
              Helen Mckay, Nathan Griffiths, Phillip Taylor,
              Theo Damoulas and Xu Zhou.
              On-device Chatbot System using SuperChat Method on Raspberry Pi
15:00-17:00    and CNN Domain Specific Accelerator
              Hao Sha, Baohua Sun, Nicholas Yi, Wenhan Zhang, Lin Yang
              System Demonstration of MRAM Co-designed Processing-in-Memory
              CNN Accelerator for Mobile and IoT Applications
              Baohua Sun, Daniel Liu, Leo Yu, Jay Li, Helen Liu,
              Wenhan Zhang and Terry Torng
              SuperCaptioning: Image Captioning Using Two-dimensional Word
              Baohua Sun, Lin Yang, Michael Lin, Charles Young, Patrick Dong,
               Wenhan Zhang, Jason Dong
              Detecting Bursts of Activity in Telecommunications
              Bruno Veloso, Raul Azevedo and Joao Gama
17:00-17:05   Final Remarks