=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2580/DLT_2020_paper_3 |storemode=property |title=A Simulation-based and Data-driven Framework for Enabling the Analysis and Design of Business Processes based on Blockchain and Smart Contracts Solutions |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2580/DLT_2020_paper_3.pdf |volume=Vol-2580 |authors=Luciano Argento,Sabrina Graziano,Alfredo Garro,Antonella Guzzo,Francesco Pasqua,Domenico Saccà |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/itasec/ArgentoGGGPS20 }} ==A Simulation-based and Data-driven Framework for Enabling the Analysis and Design of Business Processes based on Blockchain and Smart Contracts Solutions== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2580/DLT_2020_paper_3.pdf
A simulation-based and data-driven framework for enabling
  the analysis and design of business processes based on
         blockchain and smart contracts solutions
     Luciano Argento1 , Sabrina Graziano1 , Alfredo Garro2 , Antonella Guzzo2 ,
                   Francesco Pasqua1 , and Domenico Saccà2
              {luciano.argento, sabrina.graziano, francesco.pasqua}@okt-srl.com
                                      University of Calabria
                      {alfredo.garro, antonella.guzzo, sacca}@unical.it

           Blockchain and smart contracts solutions can represent key enablers for implementing
       and enacting flexible and secure business processes, particularly those crossing organiza-
       tional boundaries (i.e. inter-organizational business processes). Even though organizations
       foresee enormous potential benefits in using such solutions, the percentage of projects in-
       volving Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) that reach the operational
       stage is still quite low. Among the several reasons that are limiting this growth, there is
       the lack of well-founded and integrated approaches that are able to help organizations in
       mitigating the risks of the concrete adoption of DLT-based business processes. To fill this
       lack, the paper proposes a methodological approach for the dynamic assessment of inter-
       organizational business processes in which virtual environments, combined with simulation
       and analytical techniques, are used to create, validate and subject to stress tests business
       processes relying on blockchain and smart contracts solutions. In application of the model
       continuity paradigm, the simulation models and the data-driven techniques used for ana-
       lyzing the business process under definition, represent the starting point for the design of
       an enactable business process as well as for implementing monitoring, corrective and evo-
       lutionary maintenance services related to its operation. In order to show the effectiveness
       of the proposal, a case study concerning a biomass production chain is presented.

1     Introduction
Blockchain technology has been gaining increasing popularity and, currently, is widely consid-
ered as a breakthrough invention which could change many everyday activities and business pro-
cesses in different application domains, like supply chain, healthcare and financial sectors[5, 6].
Currently there is a growing trend in the use of the blockchain as infrastructure for deploying
inter-organizational processes, i.e. processes involving different organizations, as shown by the
various applications and experiments in the field of academic and industrial research[7, 10].
In fact, as reported in [12], blockchain can help organizations in implementing and executing
business processes across organizational boundaries. The major features are:

    1. Blockchain enables these processes to be executed in a distributed manner without dele-
       gating trust to central authorities nor requiring mutual trust between each pair of parties.
     Copyright c 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribu-
tion 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
A simulation-based and data-driven framework for enabling business processes on Blockchain   Argento et al.

   2. Blockchain can serve as an immutable public register in which to store the history of the
      interactions (e.g. state change message) that in turn is made immediately accessible to
      the participants for the identification of any errors.

   3. Logic of interaction of the inter-organizational processes could be codified within smart
      contracts ensuring the correct execution of the shared process. Smart contracts are a fur-
      ther element of control of the execution of process, as they only accept coded interactions
      and only if executed by the participants who have the necessary authorizations.

    In[6] the current state of the art for the model-driven design and implementation of
blockchain-based process has been presented by comparing the features of two concrete ap-
proaches, namely Caterpillar and Lorikeet. Here, as also outlined in[12], the authors pointed
out that more investigation on how to support organizations in embracing the blockchain tech-
nology to implement their interorganizational processes is definitely needed[6]. Even tough or-
ganizations foresee enormous potential benefit in the deployment of blockchain-based processes,
including: the disintermediation of low value-added middlemen, increasing level of collabora-
tions, improved traceability, and enhanced transparency, there are still technical challenges to
be addressed, such as scalability, integrity of network participants, distribution of computational
power, reaching of consensus that require to research for a more robust solutions. According to
the data of the ”Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Observatory” of the Politecnico di Milano,
in the last 3 years, only 14% of the projects involving Blockchain and DLT based platforms
and services have became already operational, denoting also a distruth or caution in embracing
such application project.
    One of the major issues in the deployment of business processes through blockchain so-
lutions is to assess the suitability of applying a blockchain-based infrastructure against the
requirements of use cases and to clearly analyze and define its boundary. When, among the
others, a requirement is the deployment of inter-organizational processes, there is also the issue
of assuring monitoring and analysis of the process itself. To fill the lack of well-founded and
integrated approaches that are able to help organizations in mitigating the risks of the con-
crete adoption of DLT-based business processes, the paper proposes a methodological approach
for the dynamic assessment of inter-organizational business processes in which virtual environ-
ments, combined with simulation and analytical techniques, are used to create, validate and
subject to stress tests business processes relying on blockchain and smart contracts solutions.
The combination of simulation models with process mining techniques allow to perform both
predictive and prescriptive analysis and to effectively grasp the requirements of the system/in-
frastructure that has to deliver the process/service under analysis. In application of the model
continuity paradigm, the simulation models and the data-driven techniques used for analyzing
the business process under definition, represent the starting point for the design of an enactable
business process as well as for implementing monitoring, corrective and evolutionary mainte-
nance services related to its operation. The rest of the paper is structured as follows: In Section
2 the proposed simulation-based and data-driven framework for enabling the analysis and de-
sign of business processes based on blockchain and smart contracts solutions is presented; in
order to show the effectiveness of the proposal, Section 3 reports a case study, which concerns
a biomass production chain, developed in the context of the “Id-Service: Digital Identity and
Service Accountability” project, funded by the Ministry of Economic Development (MISE);
finally, conclusions are drawn and future work delineated.
A simulation-based and data-driven framework for enabling business processes on Blockchain   Argento et al.

2     The Methodological Framework
The proposed methodological framework for enabling the analysis and design of business pro-
cesses based on blockchain and smart contracts solutions is depicted in Figure 1. The method
combines simulation-based and data-driven approaches and techniques with the aim to provide
a full-fledged analysis of the business process under consideration that could benefit from the
exploitation of DLT-based solutions; in particular, four main phases can be identified:

           Figure 1: The Methodological framework: main phases and workproducts

    • Requirement Analysis and System Specification, in which the requirements of both the
      business process and the underlying system are derived along with its high-level model
      and the blockchain specifications;

    • Simulation-based and Data-driven Modeling and Assessment, in which, by using agent-
      based simulation and process mining techniques, a “Simulation Final Report” and a
      “Conformance Checking Report” are produced. Moreover, a “Simulation Data Exchange
      Model”, a “Network Configuration” document, and a report concerning the analysis of
      XES (eXtensible Event Stream)[3] logs are also delivered.

    • Financial Impact Analysis, in which a report concerning the financial impact of the solu-
      tion under evaluation is produced;
A simulation-based and data-driven framework for enabling business processes on Blockchain   Argento et al.

   • Design and Operation, in which the work products produced in the previous phases are
     refined to produce the detailed design of the enactable business process as well as for
     implementing monitoring, corrective and evolutionary maintenance services related to its

    In the following, the above introduced phases and work-products are discussed more in
details, using as reference the main steps provided by the IEEE Recommended Practice for
Distributed Simulation Engineering and Execution Process (DSEEP)[1], from conceptual anal-
ysis to simulation execution, data analysis and result evaluation.

2.1    Requirements Analysis and System Specification
This first work phase requires domain specific analysis and requirements engineering techniques
in order to assess the AS-IS situation for the process at hand.
    Here the modelling effort starts with identifying the main concepts that need to be repre-
sented and with mapping high-level and domain-specific features of the application process; the
technical details—the main components of the operational perspective—are taken into account
in the configuration phase of the business process simulation.
    Moreover, since that phase guides the process implementation, more precise specifications
are required in the software layer and thus specified and formalized requirements should come
in the form of a standard BPMN document[14, 8], which is eventually enriched with a set of
annotations of expected performance as qualitative indicators.
According to said formal bounds, a Blockchain Specification must also be produced in this
phase: this document contains information about what kind of specific blockchain platform
and technology is best suited for the given field of analysis.

2.2    Simulation-based and data-driven modelling and assessment
Technology assessment, which can be described as the set of techniques, algorithms and method-
ologies used to assess complex processes and systems, is an element that, especially when com-
bined with Financial assessment, positively affects the Value proposition of a company.
    The simulation-based and data-driven modeling and assessment phase of the proposed
methodological framework encompasses a series of goals : Design and build a testbed blockchain
infrastructure, according to the Blockchain Specification produced before. Then, implement
data and Smart Contracts in accordance to an ad-hoc defined Platform Indipendent Model
(PIM ), called Process-Agnostic Smart Contract Specification. Finally, break down each step
found in the Business Process Model as a series of chained informational exchanges among
clearly identified actors, in order to power conformance checking based on process mining tech-
    The first activity changes heavily according to what specific blockchain platform has been
chosen after the analysis conducted before. Implementation of a test network with an API layer
varies a great deal from platform to platform, be it Corda, Hyperledger Fabric or Ethereum. It
also encompasses technical, DevOps oriented details, definitely not suited for an extensive and
in detail discussion in this paper, other than recommending the use of container technology,
given how widespread, mature and handy to deploy it has become.
    The second activity deals with implementing a process agnostic smart contract to then
deploy on the test network, while the third readies an interpretation layer for logs extracted
using process mining techniques from said contract’s event data, thanks to a mapping with the
A simulation-based and data-driven framework for enabling business processes on Blockchain   Argento et al.

   All the information produced during the last activity results in a Process Model document,
useful later on in reconstructing process-relevant knowledge from mining results.
   More details on the above mentioned activities and work products are reported in Section
3 with reference to the selected case study.

2.3    Financial Impact Analysis
If the results of the previous phase were positive, i.e. we were able to find a system config-
uration that fits the process requirements, then we move forward with the Financial Impact
Analysis phase. Here our objective is to evaluate the financial feasibility of the blockchain
system configuration, from the point of view of the commissioning organization.
    We conducted an in-depth study to determine how much hardware resources cost for building
up a network. We compared listings of blockchain resources offered by different cloud service
providers to estimate the cost of a blockchain configuration. Let us consider a single node with
250 GB of storage, if we look at the listings of Microsoft Azure, for say, a tentative Ethereum
like solution. We can conclude that a single node has a monthly cost of 195,786 EUR. The cost
is equal to 0,00447 EUR per node * 43.800 minutes per month of usage. For Storage resources
we have a monthly cost of 10,75 EUR per single node. The cost is equal to number of nodes *
250 GB * 0,043 EUR per GB.
    Obviously, such expenses per node vary heavily based on the choices discussed in the
Blockchain Specification document, as different technologies mandate different price structures
due to power consumption requirements. A proof of work based blockchain, such as Ethereum,
is going to require a lot more power to run, compared to other solutions, such as Corda.

2.4    Design and Operation
The simulation models and the data-driven techniques used for analyzing the business process
under consideration can be reused to support its operation by enabling the implementation of
monitoring, corrective and evolutionary maintenance services. In particular, the (agent-based)
simulation model used during the assessment phase can be refined and transformed into an
enactable process model running, as an example, on a BPMN-based environment (see [9] for
details); whereas the process mining algorithms, which during the previous phase were applied
on data coming from simulation, can be fed with data coming from the operation to monitoring
the process enactment for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and evolution purposes.

3     Case study: a Biomass production chain
This section discusses the case study that was considered for validating the methodology. The
discussion is structured as a function of the methodology phases.

3.1    Requirement Analysis and System Specification
We identified a process that could benefit from its integration with a blockchain-based technol-
ogy. Specifically, we chose to model a biomass production chain, which involves many different
organisations that cooperate to pursue a common goal, i.e. producing and delivering high qual-
ity biomass. The process was chosen due to the existence of accountability and traceability
issues [4][2], and how adversely these impact the end product’s quality. Accountability is a
property of utmost importance in this domain due to the rigourous necessity of compliance to
A simulation-based and data-driven framework for enabling business processes on Blockchain   Argento et al.

norms and regulations as well as the high level of legal and non-legal responsibilities related
to actions performed by the participants. Traceability is another very important property,
which is related to visibility, controllability and security requirements. The production chain is
characterised by intra and inter-organisation interactions.
    The accountability issue arises with inter-organisation interactions: while the identities of
a group of employees are clearly defined within an organisation, thus enabling accountability,
the same does not necessarily hold outside an organisation. The main idea behind the case
study was to address the above mentioned issues by integrating the process with a blockchain-
based technology, combined with digital identities. See Section 3.2.2 for additional details
on the implemented system. The result of such integration is a process in which actors that
participate in inter-organisation interactions use an identity-based digital service to certify
the operation(s) performed. The certification consists in writing an association between the
actors’ identity and operation-related documents on the blockchain so that a permanent record
is created. The record will serve as a verifiable and immutable trace of what has happened
between two participants.
    The domain process that was considered for the case study is briefly described below. The
biomass production chain involves a lot of different actors which are the following: landowner,
supplier, wood company, transformer operator, electricity company , competent bodies. Some of
the mentioned actors may be represented by a single organisation, for example supplier, wood
company and transformer operator may coincide.
    The process can be described with three macro activities: Preliminary Activity, Building
Site Activity and Delivery Activity. The above list shows a clear breakdown of activities, in
order of execution. Below we briefly describe each of these activities, assuming that the supplier
also acts as wood company and transformer operator. In the Preliminary Activity, the supplier
sends a competent body an authorisation request for harvesting raw materials and stipulates a
contract with one or more landowners. If everything goes well, the Building Site Activity may
start. The supplier opens the building site wherein biomass is produced. At the end of the
transformation and production activities, the supplier prepares the shipment. At this point, the
last macro activity begins. One or more logistics operators take part in the process to deliver
biomass produced by the supplier. The process ends when the biomass is delivered and sold to
the electricity company.
    The remainder of this section elaborates on the case study from the perspective of the two
central macro phases of the proposed methodology.

3.2     Simulation-based and Data-driven Modeling and Assessment
3.2.1    Process model design
The process model design is the starting point of the Simulation-based on Data-driven Modelling
and Assessment phase, along with the blockchain operational model design. The product of
this phase supports both the process mining analysis and the simulation-based modelling and
assessment process.
    We modelled the production chain in order to emphasise the entities (participants and
actors) that participate in the process and the interactions that are relevant from the account-
ability and traceability perspective. The result of the modelling phase is depicted in Figure
2. The model captures the most important actors, participants, operations that need to be
made accountable and states of the production process. Upon the successful execution of the
operations the process moves from the current state to the next one. Process states are repre-
sented as rectangles with rounded angles, whereas the operations as arrows that connect two
A simulation-based and data-driven framework for enabling business processes on Blockchain   Argento et al.

                  Figure 2: Model of a simple biomass production chain process

states. The actors are listed inside the rectangle at the bottom left of the figure. For the
sake of clarity, we refer to organisations as actors and employees as participants. Each ac-
tor’s name is written with a distinct colour and preceded by a label that is used to indicate
the organisation a participant works for. Each operation has a description, reported inside a
dashed rectangle, about the agents participating in the operation (note the preceding label),
the operation’s name and a few examples of operation-related data. Participants that are not
directly involved in the process, like employees of a competent body, were not included in the
representation. The model assumes that there are five actors that participate in the process:
Buyer, Supplier, Logistics operator, Landowner and Specialised company. The remaining or-
ganisations that were previously mentioned are not directly involved in the process, because
they do not need the operations performed to be both traceable and accountable. The model
assumes that Specialised company serves as both wood company and transformer operator.
Keep in mind that upon the completion of an operation the participants use the certification
service to certify the operation they’ve just performed in order to make the process move from
the current state to the next one. The following description specifies the state triggered by each
operation between parenthesis. The first four states are part of the Preliminary Activity. The
base scenario considered assumes that the specialised company first has to ask for permission
to harvest raw materials and then it can stipulate a contract with a landowner. The specialised
company sends a competent body an authorisation request (Authorisation requested ). After
receiving a positive response (Authorisation granted ), the company stipulates a contract with
A simulation-based and data-driven framework for enabling business processes on Blockchain   Argento et al.

a landowner (Specialised company acquired biomass). The Preliminary Activity ends with the
specialised company selling the biomass to be produced to the supplier (Specialised company
sold biomass), whose purpose is to sell the biomass to the buyer. In the Building Site Activity
the specialised company opens a building site (Building site opened ) wherein raw materials are
transformed into biomass. Upon the end of the production of biomass one or more logistics
operators are contacted for the shipment (Biomass shipment). This is where the last macro
activity begins. The logistics operator elaborates a delivery plan (Ready to deliver biomass).
Upon the delivery of the entire product (Biomass delivered ), a participant working for the sup-
plier verifies if all expected biomass was received (Supplier received biomass). Thereafter, the
supplier sells the buyer the biomass received in the previous phase (Biomass sold to the buyer).
The process concludes with the acquisition of biomass by the buyer (Biomass is transferred to
the buyer and Buyer obtained biomass).

3.2.2    Test Blockchain
For this case study, domain analysis pointed towards an Ethereum-like implementation with
blockchain 3.0 elements, in order to integrate master nodes, aptly named Accountability Nodes
    ANs serve as service providers w.r.t. users, and deploy user signed writes onto the
blockchain. We generated a Docker swarm based deployment suite, capable of instantiating
a full test blockchain network in one go, complete with an implementation of our PIM smart
contract, with other contracts designed to handle user login, and distributed public key man-

3.2.3    PIM Smart Contract implementation
The platform independent specification gave clear guidance in the implementation efforts to be
carried out, once a definite technological choice had been made, according to domain-specific
    We used Solidity, the premier programming language for Ethereum Smart Contracts at the
moment. The implementation created retains its property of being process agnostic. That
means: regardless of the process’ specific field of application, a smart contract modelled ac-
cording to the specified requirements, supports subsequent process mining efforts easily. The
finite state machine is also a kind of behaviour that can easily be created using language specific
features, like invocation modifiers.
    Code must, not only, support the PIM, but also respect the platform uniqueness. For
example in Ethereum, each and every transaction or, specifically, smart contract call, costs a
certain amount of gas. Gas is a way to measure the resources needed to accomplish a certain
computation on the distributed EVM-based network. The deployment itself of a smart contract
also costs gas, and such price heavily depends on code size: keeping code short, concise and
reusable is considered a definite plus.
    So, it is preferable to keep code as simple as possible, avoiding loops, redundant writes, and
unnecessarily complicated data structures.
    Also, it is very unwieldy to update smart contract code, while retaining all the information
contained within. Standard techniques should be employed, such as the usage of specific design
patterns (Check-Effects-Interactions and CRUD) and code must then be thoroughly tested.
    It should be noted that we used a slightly modified version of the classical Check-Effects-
Interactions pattern: we moved away from the require construct, using a simple if check, in
order to emit an event logging the unexpected condition.
    A simulation-based and data-driven framework for enabling business processes on Blockchain       Argento et al.

1    if ( log . isLogged ( _sender ) == false ) {
2         emit TradeFailed ( _sender , _receiver , _valueTradedHash , msg . sender ) ;
3         return false ;
4    }

        In order to correctly implement our PIM, we created a function for each edge connecting
    one state to another, exactly one event describing a correct execution for each function, and
    a certain number of other events emitted whenever execution encountered a particular error.
    Data was laid out in order to support the multi-FSM behaviour: the CRUD pattern was used
    in order to keep track of every new information exchange performed by actors. Structs and
    enums, instead, were put in place in order to contain relevant data, such as actors’ UIDs, and
    timestamps. As an example, here’s the signature for the OfferTradeSigned function.

1     function o f f e r T r a de S i g n e d ( bytes32 _sender , bytes32 _receiver , bytes32
          _valueHash , uint _tmout ,
2     uint8 sigV , bytes32 sigR , bytes32 sigS ) returns ( bool success ) public {}

        This function implements the very first edge found in the PIM, with blockchain native
    signature checking. A correct execution of this particular function results in the emission of an
    instance of the following event.

2   event T r a d e O f f e r P l a c e d ( bytes32 indexed sender , bytes32 indexed receiver , bytes32
        valueTradedHash , address indexed callingAn )

        On the other hand, if the sender tries to re-enact an information exchange performed already
    in the past, execution stops, and this other event is emitted.

2   event V a l u e A l r e a d y T r a d e d ( bytes32 indexed sender , bytes32 indexed v al u eT ra de d Ha sh )

      By applying the same principles for the other remaining functions, a fully functional imple-
    mentation is obtained.

    3.2.4    Simulation-based Modelling and Assessment
    In order to validate the integration, we needed to create dynamic and complex scenarios that
    could help us reproduce many different situations to deeply understand if the chosen underly-
    ing blockchain technology provides satisfying responses. This requirement led us to choose the
    agent-based simulation approach [13][11] for simulating the biomass production chain. Agents
    are autonomous, social, reactive and proactive software entities that live and act in an envi-
    ronment within which they may be stimulated by events. These entities are able to reproduce
    complex behaviours of both humans and systems. The above mentioned features, as well as
    others, make the agent a powerful tool for building the desired scenarios.
        Agent-based simulation has proved to be a very powerful tool when it comes to manipulating
    the model. This type of model can be seen as an agent society which lives inside an environment
    where agents perform actions, interact with each other and respond to events according to their
    current state. By altering one or more of these elements (e.g. specific interactions, the set of
    agents) it is possible to explore many different scenarios.
        The process model presented previously helped us building the Conceptual Model and lay
    out the scenarios to simulate. Figure 2 refers to a base scenario that is characterised by a linear
A simulation-based and data-driven framework for enabling business processes on Blockchain   Argento et al.

Figure 3: Agent-based representation of a what-if scenario where multiple landowners and
logistics operators participate in the process.

execution without cycles and/or alternate paths. However, such scenario serves as a starting
point for laying out more complex what-if useful scenarios, two of which are shown in Figures
3 and 4, from the agent perspective. The scenarios are named Multiple stakeholder and Partial
delivery, respectively. The agent-based representation decorates every operation (arrow) with
a set of agents, which includes agents that either participate in the certification process or
provide a service that contributes to completing the operation. For instance, let us consider the
very first operation in Partial delivery scenario. Claudia is responsible for sending a competent
body an authorisation request. As can be seen in Figure 2, Claudia is presented as the only
participant. There may be operations that need to be made accountable that involve only one
participant. In this case, it would be risky to let only one participant use the certification
service, because she could alter the content of operation-related documents for personal gain.
In order to address this situation, the Conceptual Model ensures that the participant cannot use
the service without engaging a manager from the same organisation. This constrain introduces
new participants that act as witnesses. There are also agents that reproduce the behaviours of
external participants that do not participate in the certification process. An example of these
agents is Gennaro, an employee of a competent body.
    The scenario shown in Figure 3 is characterised by the presence of two logistics operators
and landowners. Increasing the number of actors has an impact on the number of operations
to perform and, as a consequence, the number of participants required may rise. This type of
scenario could be even more complex and could set up a basis for stress testing the infrastructure
A simulation-based and data-driven framework for enabling business processes on Blockchain   Argento et al.

Figure 4: Agent-based representation of a what-if scenario where the logistics operator is not
able to dispatch all biomass produced by the specialised company.

to evaluate if it can scale well up to the number of deployed agents. On the other hand, a scenario
like the one shown in Figure 4 is interesting to explore rare, unusual or alternate situations to see
how the process behaves from different perspectives. For instance, the Partial delivery scenario
was designed to simulate a situation wherein the logistics operator is not able to dispatch the
entire product. It would be interesting to see what is the impact of delivering only a partial
amount of biomass that is equal to the total transport capacity provided by the operator. This
scenario could lead the simulation team to lay out other what-if scenarios, where, for example,
recovery procedures are explored.
     The simulation environment derived from the Conceptual Model and other internal products
was first subject to testing to verify that the integrated member applications worked as intended
and then was executed to evaluate the performance of the infrastructure with respect to a set
of parameters of interest. The simulation execution and analysis were driven by the sets of
dependent and independent variables described below, both from the point of view of a single
AN, or the entire system as a whole: (i) Average Response Time, the average time taken by an
AN or the entire infrastructure to fulfil a transaction request from an end user; (ii) Throughput
of number of requests per time unit fulfilled by an AN, or by the entire infrastructure.
     The evaluation was conducted based on the following two independent variables: (i) Number
of ANs (ANw ), the number of AN that can actually write transaction on behalf of an end user;
(ii) Number of concurrent transaction requests (R).
     The above-mentioned sets of variables were determined based on our needs; other be-
A simulation-based and data-driven framework for enabling business processes on Blockchain   Argento et al.

                         (a)                                                  (b)

Figure 5: Average Response Time and System Throughput computed for requests processed
by both the blockchain and high-level API.

havioural aspects could be interesting for future analysis like system and blockchain usage.
ANw takes values from the set S1 = (1, 2, 3), whereas R from S2 = (5, 10, 15, 20). The num-
ber of ANs was determined based on the number of available ANs on the network, while the
number of concurrent transaction requests was based on available computational and memory
resources. We tested the behaviour of the infrastructure by combining the values of ANw and
R. In order to better understand how the evaluation was performed, it is important to note
that there is a one-to-one relationship between transaction requests and smart contract exe-
cution, i.e. given a user transaction request, the infrastructure executes only one transaction
(in other words only one atomic write operation). Moreover, a user request triggers a number
of calls within the infrastructure, a few of which do not interact with the blockchain. When
we measure the behaviour of the system as a whole we take into account both blockchain and
API-related operations. When it comes to variables that describe the behaviour of a single AN,
we also actually get readings on how the infrastructure behaves when it interacts solely with
the blockchain. At last, the measurements were taken only after a transaction got confirmed,
which means that we had to wait for a certain number of blocks to be mined (in our case 23
blocks). We conducted 12 simulation campaigns, which were divided in three groups. In each
group we execute a validation campaign for each level assigned to ANw . Specifically, we first
validate the infrastructure with only one AN that can write transactions on behalf of users,
then with two and at last with three. The difference between the groups lies in the maximum
number of concurrent transactions that can be observed. For instance, in one group we can
observe up to 5 transaction requests, in another 10 requests and so on.
    Figures 5 report the most significant results of the campaign, in the perspective of finding
the most suitable configuration that fit our needs. Figure 5a shows the Average Response Time
computed for requests processed by both the blockchain and high-level API. The maximum
number of concurrent transaction requests is reported on the x-axis, whereas the Average Re-
sponse Time, expressed as milliseconds, on the y-axis. Each curve describes how the system
behaves with a specific number of enabled ANs. As can be seen from the graph, the greater
the number of requests is, the lower the response time gets. From the minimum to the maxi-
mum level of R evaluated, the response time improves by about 1 second. It is interesting to
note that a few configurations with a smaller number of enabled ANs may perform better than
A simulation-based and data-driven framework for enabling business processes on Blockchain   Argento et al.

configurations with a higher number of ANs. This behaviour is due to transaction-related com-
putational costs, and higher consensus cost per update, given a higher number of nodes to sync.
Regarding the System Throughput for blockchain and high-level API interactions, the results
are reported in Figure 5b. Similarly to the previous graph, the maximum number of concurrent
transaction requests is reported on the x-axis, while the System Throughput is expressed as
milliseconds/requests, on the y-axis. The behaviour observed fits our expectations: the more
simultaneous transaction requests arrive the better the throughput gets. Configurations with
two and three ANs achieve 180 requests per minute of throughput. If we consider the same
number of concurrent requests, the configuration with only one AN achieves 200 requests per
minute. The System Throughput tends to decrease as we enable new ANs, except for a few
cases, even though the difference is negligible. This trend becomes much more evident when
the configuration with only one AN is compared with the remaining two configurations. This
behaviour is caused by synchronisation costs which increase when new nodes are added to the
network. The analysis led us to choose a configuration with three ANs enabled for writing
transactions on behalf of end users, forming the Network Configuration. At first glance this
choice might seem odd, because the configurations with only one AN have often proved to offer
better performances. However, there are two reasons that support our decision: i) there is no
neat difference with the results observed for configurations with a higher number of nodes and
ii) the less nodes are available the weaker the infrastructure gets from a security perspective.
The financial evaluation determined that the total yearly cost of the blockchain infrastructure
would be about 7426 EUR.

3.2.5    Conformance Checking

After executing a set of campaigns, we extracted Simulation Logs from the blockchain itself, by
using the implemented data transformation tool. From the 10865 events extracted, distributed
among 5236 blocks of data generated by the simulation suite, the tool created a corresponding
XES Log showed in Figure 6 The format is compliant with the XES mapping PIM, with some
information added in order to track which AN was responsible for a specific computation. We
used Disco in order to analyze this XES log and obtained a trace graph, in the map view,
shown in Figure 7. In the map every interaction either starts with an error event, thus ending
the trace there and then, or with a Trade Offer Placed event, that, as we know, is only emitted
by a successful execution of the OfferTrade function. And then in the vast majority of cases,
a trace then moves from this event, towards either a successful TradeOfferAccepted, or other
error states, blocking the trace from progressing further. It is important to understand that
error events are related to invalid attempts at calling a specific function when the necessary
preconditions are not true. And those can either be signals of malicious activities, aimed at
subverting the business process, or benign, honest mistakes by actors. The map view, along
with the other views present in the Disco tool, are instrumental in finding out whether or not the
implemented process adheres to the model, or in other words, is compliant with business criteria
analyzed during the modelling phase.Visual reports concerning this property of adherence form
the Conformance Checking Report, while other, possibly non-visual and not strictly conformance
checking related forms of information extracted from the xes file form the XES Logs Analysis,
useful in the Design and Operation phase.
A simulation-based and data-driven framework for enabling business processes on Blockchain   Argento et al.

                              Figure 6: XES formatted blockchain log

                                        Figure 7: Trace Graph

4     Conclusions
To support organizations in mitigating the risks of the concrete adoption of DLT-based business
processes, the paper proposed a methodological approach for the dynamic assessment of inter-
organizational business processes in which virtual environments, combined with simulation and
analytical techniques, are used to create, validate and subject to stress tests business processes
relying on blockchain and smart contracts solutions. With reference to a specific business pro-
cess under investigation that could benefit from the exploitation of DLT-based solutions, the
proposed methodological framework, thanks to the combination of model-based and data driven
techniques, allows not only to perform what-if/predictive analysis but also to get prescriptions
on how to design, implement and configure the concrete process and the underlying infrastruc-
ture by also taking into account the financial impact of the development choices. Moreover,
the simulation models and the data-driven techniques used for analyzing the business process
under consideration can be reused to support its operation by enabling the implementation
of monitoring, corrective and evolutionary maintenance services. Future research efforts will
be devoted to further experiment the proposal with reference to inter-organizational business
processes in several application domains as well as to improve its descriptive, predictive and
prescriptive features.
A simulation-based and data-driven framework for enabling business processes on Blockchain   Argento et al.

5     Acknowledgments
This paper has been partially supported by the project “Id-Service: Digital Identity and Service
Accountability” funded by the Ministry of Economic Development (MISE), project code number
F/050238/01-03/X32. Terms and conditions enforced by the project regulation do not allow us
to make public the source code of the software platform.

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