Procedural Model for Selecting Enterprise Systems Based on Project Management Software Christoph Weiss Johannes Keckeis AUB's German-language interdisciplinary Ph.D. programme Department of Strategic Management, Marketing and Tourism, (Economics) University of Innsbruck Budapest, Hungary Innsbruck, Austria Abstract - Project management software helps companies Many authors offer selecting consulting services, tools or plan, execute and control projects. The simpler and more platforms (see table 6 in annex). The consultancy service often efficient the processes for projects are executed, the more consists of requirement assessment and requirement definition profitable and more successful the projects are for companies. for the selection of project management software. Therefore, the process of defining and selecting requirements for a project management software is an important success factor for The aim is to develop a procedural model for selecting any company in any industry and company size. Based on a project management software from existing process models qualitative analysis of existing procedural models for the and to validate it with two user cases. The introduction or selection of project management software, a procedural model implementation of the project management software is for the selection of project management software is developed and validated with two user cases. So companies can execute and excluded (Implementation phase included in five analyzed support projects for the selection, implementation and procedural models (see Table 6 in annex). continuous development of project management software even more efficiently. II. METHODOLOGY Keywords – activities, analysis, enterprise systems The analysis of different process models for selecting evaluation, model, provider, procedural model, requirements, project management software takes place in two successive requirements management. project, project management phases: software, selection, software, tasks • In the first phase, a literature analysis (see list of I. INTRODUCTION literature) is carried out in order to find and identify possible procedural models for the selection of project Project management software is a type of software in the management software. family of enterprise systems. The term Enterprise Systems subsumes for example Business Intelligence, Customer • In the second phase, a detailed word analysis [5] is Relationship Management, Enterprise Resource Planning, performed. Sources, phases, activities and tasks are Product Lifecycle Management, Production Planning System coded, analyzed and finally summarized. As an and many more. Enterprise systems therefore subsumes all example, the condensation of the term "define" is software systems that are used to conduct and execute mentioned here: business processes in a company [1]. Define: appoint, define, establish, form, etc. Project management software is used for a wide variety of projects in a company including enterprise systems projects to Based on the literature and word analysis, a sequence of select, introduce and continuously develop them. identified and summarized phases for the new procedural model for the selection of project management software is Project management software is usually modular and determined. Three different calculation methods are used to consists of various modules or components such as multi find a new procedural model for selecting project management project management, project controlling, portfolio software [6]: management, resource management, and so on. [2]. These modules, with a variety of functions, are usually found in the • Mean from the first and last identified phase digit (see original project management software but also in other column heading A in Table 1) enterprise systems types such as Enterprise Resource • Average valuation with sum of the multiplication per Planning. They are sold and implemented by different vendors phase location in the order and number of phase (manufacturers and implementation partners) [3]. designations (see column heading B in Table 2) In contrast to Enterprise Resource Planning, there are less • Normalize (scaling to “one”, see Table 7 in annex) of scientific publications for the selection and evaluation of phases per procedural model and average valuation project management software [4]. In recent years (publication (see column heading C in Table 2) year: between 2009 and 2016) different consulting companies and consultants have dealt with the domain of selection and introduction of project management software and have Nomination developed their own process models with different phases and # Phase ∑ A R1 in phase sequences as well as tasks and activities (see table 5 in annex). These models can be found mainly on their websites or in Tab. 1: Grid to order the phases of the procedural model for selecting project special journals. management software I Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). AESP20: 1st Workshop on Requirement Management in Enterprise Systems Projects @ SE20, Innsbruck, Austria 24 ∑: Number of entries in the eleven previous models Tab. 4: Phases of the new procedural model for selecting project analyzed management software II (in alphabetical order) R1: Order Column A D: Mean A+B+C # B R2 C R3 D R4 P2 P1 Project P3 P4 Requirement initialization phase Analyze phase Presentation phase Tab. 2: Grid to order the phases for procedural model for selecting project definition phase management software II P5 P6 P7 R2: Order column B Test phase Selection phase Decision phase R3: Order column C Figure 1: Seven phase procedural model for selecting project management R4: Order column D software (R4) III. ANALYSIS The analysis of the results shows that the phase of the requirement definition is the most important, since with ten A. Selection phases of the procedural model for selecting mentions in eleven models it is most common in all models. It project management software can be concluded that you cannot get passed the requirement The analysis and subsequent formation of an order of the management. The second most important phase besides the eleven procedural models for selecting project management requirement definition is the selection phase with nine software results in a new procedural model for selecting responses followed by the analysis phase with five responses project management software with seven selection phases (see in the eleven models. Figure 1, Table 3 and 4). Only phases are included, which are used at least in four existing procedural models for the B. Selection activities of the procedural model for selection of project management software. selecting project management software The present and analyzed procedural models for selecting Different tasks and activities are performed at each stage of the calculated project management software selection project management software have a minimum of two phases process. The analysis of eleven procedural models for the and a maximum of nine phases. Looking at all eleven selection of project management software presents those tasks procedural models (see Annex) for selecting project management software, the average is 4.72 phases compared to and activities that are mentioned at least twice in the the seven phases of the new project management software procedural models (each in alphabetical order). selection process. Project initialization phase # Phase Nomination ∑ A R1 • Define goals in phase • Describe degree of maturity of the project 3 Analyze 1, 2, 4 5 2,50 2 • Nominate project team 4 Decision 5, 6, 8 4 6,50 7 • Start project 5 Presentation 4 4 4,00 4 Requirement definition phase Project 6 1, 2 4 1,50 1 initialization • Analyze processes 1 Requirement 1, 2, 3, 5 10 3,00 3 • Analyze requirements definition • Capture processes 2 Selection 2, 3, 4, 6 9 4,00 4 • Conduct interviews 7 Test 5, 7 4 6,00 6 • Conduct workshops Tab. 3: Phases of the new procedural model for selecting project management software I (in alphabetical order) • Create request catalog • Document requirements # B R2 C R3 D R4 • Identify requirements 3 2,40 3 0,19 3 2,67 3 • Prioritize requirements 4 6,25 7 0,97 7 7,00 7 • Structure requirements 5 4,00 5 0,64 4 4,33 4 6 1,25 1 0,05 1 1,00 1 1 2,10 2 0,18 2 2,33 2 Analyze phase 2 3,33 4 0,85 6 4,67 6 • Analyze benefits 7 5,50 6 0,79 5 5,67 5 • Analyze costs AESP20: 1st Workshop on Requirement Management in Enterprise Systems Projects @ SE20, Innsbruck, Austria 25 • Define demand IV. USE CASES • Define stakeholders The analyzed and calculated procedural model for selecting project management software has been validated in • Define target two user cases. • Perform actual analysis In the first company, a service company in Austria, the application of the procedural model for the selection of a new Presentation phase project management software was applied as part of a • Assess evaluation consulting project. • Comment presentations The second company, a large company in the industry of plant engineering and construction with its headquarters in • Design evaluation Germany and several subsidiaries all over Europe, the new • Evaluate presentations procedural model for selecting project management software was used in the evaluation of the existing project management • Moderate presentations software in the course of evaluating the entire enterprise systems landscape. • Perform presentations In the planning phase of both projects for the selection of Test phase project management software, the companies identified two • Document tests gaps in the procedural model for selecting project management software in form of the evaluation phase and the • Obtain test positions contract phase, as these are two common phases in each selection project for both companies. Therefore, these two • Perform tests phases for the implementation of the selection project were • Schedule tests additionally added in the procedural model for the selection of project management software. Selection phase In the course of the project initialization phase, it was • Analyze software favorite apparent, that the analysis phase had to be carried out before • Carry out test positions the requirement definition phase and not the other way around to the service company at the beginning and to the plant • Decision engineering company at the end of the project initiation phase. Therefore, this should be taken into account in the new • Compare requirements procedural model for selecting project management software. • Conduct call for proposals In certain cases, from the point of view of both companies, these two phases could also be conducted in parallel. • Create evaluation Furthermore, in the course of the two selection projects, it • Create longlist was apparent that a specific tendering phase is necessary and should not be included in the selection phase. Therefore, this • Create shortlist further phase has been added in the procedural model for • Finalize software favorite selecting project management software. • Interview reference customers From the point of view of the two companies, possible reductions of different phases from the proposed procedural • Make presentations model for the selection of project management software were • Make selection not necessary, as all planned phases are considered indispensable. • Negotiate contracts V. EXPERIENCED MODEL FOR THE SELECTION OF • Obtain test positions PROJECT MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE • Perform feasibility analysis The ten phase process model for selecting project management software, derived from qualitative analysis and • Perform fine selection validation by two use cases, is shown in Figure 2. The • Pre-selection calculated procedural model with seven phases for selecting project management software was supplemented by three • Visit reference customers phases (marked gray) and the order of two phases were Decision phase changed (analysis phase follows requirement definition phase). • Decision P3 P1 Project P2 P4 P5 • Requirement Document presentations initialization phase Analyze phase definition phase Tendering phase Presentation phase • Evaluate presentations P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 Test phase Selection phase Evaluation phase Decision phase Contract phase • Perform presentations AESP20: 1st Workshop on Requirement Management in Enterprise Systems Projects @ SE20, Innsbruck, Austria 26 Figure 2: Ten phase procedural model for selecting project management selection software From the two use cases, the tasks and activities for the Selection help three complementary phases (contract, evaluation and Company [8] for PPM 4 Steps folder tendering) that were used in both user cases were determined. software This also applies to the additions to the requirement phase The six steps to (each in alphabetical order). the right project [2] 6 Steps Journal Requirement definition phase (supplements) management software • Analyze vulnerabilities [9] Project process 4 Phases Book • Analyze potentials Concept for • Create specifications selecting a [10] project 2 Steps Slides • Define technical requirements management software • Define data management Selection and Website • Document procedural requirements [11] introduction 6 Steps consul- process tant • Weight requirements Selection Tendering phase process for [12] project 9 Process Journal • Get initial offers management software • Market research (providers) Selection of • Market research (systems) project Website [13] 5 Levels consul- management Evaluation phase software tant • Carry out evaluation Software Website • Create evaluation criteria [14] Launch 2 Phases consul- Procedural tant Contract phase Model • Negotiate project management provider Procedural model pmcc and/or implementation partner Presen- [15] consulting PPM 6 Steps tation • Negotiate project management software software selection contracts Expiration of a • Obtain final offers [16] PM software 6 Phases Lecture document • Review contracts selection VI. FURTHER RESEARCH Tab. 5: Investigated procedural models for selecting project management software I The two user cases have shown that the calculated order of the determined phases for the new procedural model for Selection Evalu- Implementation Evaluation selecting project management software is a basis for practical Autor phase consul- platform ation application in companies. It is worth mentioning whether so tation tools many phases are really necessary for the selection of a project [7] X X X management software. This depends on the size of the company and the specific requirements or affinity of [8] stakeholders in relation to project management software. The new ten phase model for selecting project management [2] X software should therefore be confirmed in a broad and deep [9] X X analysis. This can be qualitatively verified either by a quantitative survey or by expert interviews. Further use cases [10] X X can certainly support the results. [11] X X X VII. 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