=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2581/aesp2020paper6 |storemode=property |title=Exploration of Lean Management Methods |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2581/aesp2020paper6.pdf |volume=Vol-2581 |authors=Robert Friedemann,Michaela Gläß |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/se/FriedemannG20 }} ==Exploration of Lean Management Methods== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2581/aesp2020paper6.pdf
             Exploration of Lean Management Methods
                  Dr. Robert Friedemann, MBA                                                       Prof. Dr. Michaela Gläß, MBA
                      Faculty of Economics                                                             Faculty of Economics
                  University of Applied Sciences                                                   University of Applied Sciences
                        Zwickau, Germany                                                                 Zwickau, Germany
                robert.friedemann@fh-zwickau.de                                                    michaela.glaeß@fh-zwickau.de

    Abstract— In the context of this paper the adaptation of the                                      II.    METHODOLOGY
classical Lean methods to the automated and ultramodern
manufacturing processes of modern production is to be carried                 A. Lean and ERP
out. The Lean methods were developed in the automotive and                       When comparing the intentions of ERP and Lean, some,
mechanical engineering industries, so that they can often only                here only selected, cooperating goals can be determined.
be used to a limited extent for modern, highly automated mass
                                                                              These include
                                                                                  •     Efficient use of resources
  Keywords—Lean           Management,        Exploration,     Methods,
NACE                                                                              •     No waste

                         I.    INTRODUCTION                                       •     Layout optimization
    While Lean in the early years largely dispensed with                          •     Lead time optimization
information technology development, an important part of
the third industrial revolution was the development of                            •     Minimization of consumables
enterprise resource planning systems. The basic goal of an                        •     Optimization of the circulation stock
ERP system is to efficiently and effectively manage,
influence and design the resources of all business areas. This                    •     Minimization of bearings
paper will show a Lean exploration related on the focused                         •     Among other things
methods of the hidden industries in the European union. So
the mindset for a Lean shopfloor which could be automatized                       This shows a certain synergy effect which is
and provided by an successful ERP implementation.                             controversially discussed in specialist media. This is due to
                                                                              the fact that the introduction of ERP systems works
    Lean Management has been an established and efficient                     successfully in only 39% of cases, every fifth project fails
management tool since the end of the 1980s and enjoys great                   and around 64% of all projects are too tight in terms of time.
popularity in mechanical engineering and automotive                           This shows that there is clear potential for improvement even
engineering. During a period of more than ten years, clear                    during the introduction of ERP systems. For example,
tendencies can be observed that companies from other                          organizational methods such as FiFo, Just in Time, Just in
branches of industry as well as service companies are using                   Sequence, Kanban, Poka Yoke, Muda, Muri or even 5S [22,
Lean Management approaches to make their business                             23] can already be taken into account when setting up the
processes significantly more efficient. From their own                        ERP system. For customers, this results in two advantages:
experience and coordination with other Lean experts, the                      the process flow is made significantly more efficient and the
idea has grown to review and evaluate the transformation and                  security and traceability of the data in the system can be
applicability in other areas. The problem of this research                    increased.
focuses on the manifold variance of various production
plants and the interactive interface between human efficiency                     Extensive research by the Kufstein University of Applied
and personnel optimization, as it is required in Lean                         Sciences under the direction of Prof. Dr. Martin Adam shows
Management, as well as the logistically optimized production                  that almost half of ERP manufacturers support Lean
area. Only the areas of production and process development                    Management in their software, but only a fraction of users
is considered, as the utilization factor is estimated at its                  use the functionalities. In his PhD thesis, Dr. Daryl Powell
highest and a consideration of all operational processes in the               describes the connection between Lean and ERP as a
context of this article is estimated as not manageable. For                   paradox. As an example, he cites the controversial goals of
methods with problems in the application [1], an adaptation                   fixed lead time for ERP in contrast to one-piece flow and
for the special requirements is to be developed. The methods                  just-in-time. With regard to this Symantik the inclusion of
of Lean Management are to be applied as a fundamental                         Lean in ERP systems is again not possible. Furthermore, he
approach to the entire production chain. At this point, a                     shows in his work that since the 1990s the demands placed
conflict arises between automated manufacturing, the classic                  on manufacturing companies have continued to change and
one-piece flow and the pull strategy. The article will start at               that Lean Management requirements must be mapped in
this point of conflict and identify suitable methods with                     relation to a successful company. Modern ERP systems
quantitative and qualitative research and network difficult                   support this.
methods across industries.[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14]
                                                                                 Lean Management has been used successfully for many
                                                                              years and has many supporters as well as some opponents.
                                                                              The same can be shown for the application of Lean

Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).AESP20: 1st

Workshop on Requirement Management in Enterprise Systems Projects @ SE20, Innsbruck, Austria                                                         29
Management methods in the implementation and use of ERP                       While in Germany and Austria there is compulsory
systems by referring to the selected sources. In the following            membership in the chamber structure for many areas, in
exploration, the optimal methodical Lean setup for the                    Switzerland there is no comparable obligation in the chamber
individual industries will be determined, which can be used               and economic structure, which makes it difficult to consider
both in the pre-structuring before the ERP implementation or              all German-speaking countries. For this reason, the
in the ERP system for each industry.                                      consideration in Switzerland is left out and only the German-
                                                                          speaking area of Germany and Austria is considered. The
B. Surveyed Industries                                                    focus for ERP implementation is set in the German speaking
    The NACE classification, the statistical classification of            area, so with the substitutional choosing of the most
economic activities in the European Community (French:                    important industries this set up with the twelve biggest
Nomenclature statistique des activités économiques dans la                sectors is used.
Communauté européenne) was developed by the European
Union on the basis of the ISIC (International Standard                    C. Exploration
Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities) of the                  The explorative cross-industry research is carried out
United Nations. [15] This development goes back to the                    with a survey of fifteen Lean experts from industry and
1960s, when the ISIC was already being worked on by the                   science. The most of them also have and process and
UN in 1948. In Germany, a standardized aggregate called                   enterprise resource planning background. 15 experts are seen
aggregate A*38 or A*38 code was created for the national                  as the lower optimal limit of specialist interviews. In
accounts, which represents the NACE classification in 38                  preparation, a research of all available Lean methods was
categories. [16] Although this classification does not                    carried out. The identified Lean methods were then described
correspond to NACE, it can be mapped directly in the                      and defined. This elaboration is then implemented in the
system. The following table shows the comparison of the                   interview guideline in order to provide the Lean managers
2008 NACE revision with the A*38 code. [15, 16] In the                    with clues for possibly unknown methods. [17] Due to the
middle is the simplification of the standards in order to                 known problems in various industries, the explorative survey
generalise and simplify the statistical surveys of the article.           is carried out with specialists from these areas and also from
                                                                          other areas to identify problems in the application
A*38-Code                          NACE Rev. 2                            environment and to optimize the composition of the expert
CA                                 10 to 12                               team for the performance of the research. The explorative
                                                                          survey is conducted in three dimensions. For each method, a
CB                                 13 to 15                               decision must be made as to whether the application is
CC                                 16 to 18                               conceivable in the professional environment, whether the
                                                                          method has already been used and in which other branches of
CD                                 19                                     industry the application is conceivable. Numbered scales are
                                                                          used, but they are described verbally for each point. In
CE                                 20                                     general, the participant has a better description available and
CF                                 21                                     therefore the questions do not have to be scaled personally.
                                                                          The disadvantage is the ordinality of the data, as these cannot
CG                                 22 to 23                               simply be evaluated. In this questionnaire, an evaluation
CH                                 24 to 25                               level from "1" to "10" is provided, which is described in
                                                                          advance for each level in textual form. With this
CI                                 26                                     questionnaire     representation,     the    advantages     and
                                                                          disadvantages of the questionnaire technique are to be
CJ                                 27                                     optimally used for this survey in the form of an ordinal scale.
CK                                 28                                     The degree of application is to be answered with a number
                                                                          from "1" to "10", where "1" stands for a 100% possibility of
CL                                 29 to 30                               application/experience and "10" for no suitability at all. This
CM                                 31 to 33                               describes the quantitative part of exploration.[18] Bortz and
                                                                          Döring [19] also describe the ordinal scale as a suitable type
                                                                          of scale for such surveys. The survey was conducted online
    As the work draws its experimental focus from
                                                                          and anonymously.
semiconductor and microsystems engineering and data
processing and digitalization, Division 26 of the NACE
classification has deliberately been divided into three
subgroups: data processing, electronics/optics and
semiconductors/MST. Divisions 10-18, 22-25 and 27-30 are
completely preserved in their meaning, only their names are
simplified. Divisions 19-21 have been combined under the
generic term of the chemical industry, since the chemical-
pharmaceutical industry is also spoken of in professional
associations and similarities are assumed in the shop floor.
    With this separation of the industries related to a
successful Lean Management method implementation the
pre-job for ERP projects is done. Each company could be
provided before starting an ERP implementation project with
the best acting methods for optimizing the company.                       Fig. 1. Dimension of the survey

AESP20: 1st Workshop on Requirement Management in Enterprise Systems Projects @ SE20, Innsbruck, Austria                              30
    The three-dimensional survey shown must be carried out                has his/her own experience with the method and how he/she
for each method in the areas of production and production                 will look into its applicability in the simplified industries.
development. From the approach of the survey several
directions of answers result, which are composed as follows:                  The evaluation is to be carried out in whole numbers
                                                                          from "1" to "10" for one's own experience and each industry.
    •    Assessment of the applicability of the respective                Levels 1-3 indicate that the method is applicable; 4-7
         method in production/process development from 0%                 corresponds to a partial, i.e. problematic, applicability of the
         to 100%;                                                         method. 8-10 indicates that the method is not applicable. The
                                                                          gradations within the answer groups should give the
    •    own practical experience with the respective method              participant the opportunity to create gradations within the
         in production/process development from 0% to                     group. The levels should have the following description [18]:
                                                                             1: The method can be used without restriction, there are
    •    Assessment of the applicability of the respective                no obstacles in the implementation.
         method in the production/process development of the
         individual branches of industry from 0% to 100%;                     2: The method can be used without restrictions, an
                                                                          introduction to the topic is required.
    In order to be able to make a statement of the highest
possible quality, the group of experts interviewed is made up                 3: The method can be used without restrictions, further
as follows:                                                               training in the subject is required.
    •    Key Expert Lean Production                of   a   leading           4: The method is partially applicable, small modifications
         optoelectronics company                                          for the application must be made.

    •    Production engineer of a leading optoelectronics                     5: The method is partially applicable, modifications for
         company                                                          the application must be made.

    •    Head of microtechnology training at a world-leading                6: The method is partially applicable,                 larger
         technology group                                                 modifications for the application must be made.
                                                                              7: The method is partially applicable, large modifications
    •    Plant manager of a medium-sized electronics
                                                                          for the application must be made, the application usually
         company in the Upper Palatinate
                                                                          shows no success.
    •    Production technician of a worldwide leading
                                                                              8: The method is not applicable, although the structure
         automotive supplier
                                                                          corresponds to an applicability.
    •    Production manager of a German pressing plant                        9: The method is not applicable, the structure would have
    •    Lean manager of a German stamping plant                          to be changed significantly to make the method applicable.

    •    IT production expert for a European pharmaceutical                  10: The method is not applicable; no possibilities are
         company                                                          seen to modify this method to make it applicable.

    •    Project engineer and member of the examination                       It is analysed whether there are significant differences in
         board for production technology at an educational                individual methods and where the median and the arithmetic
         institution in Bavaria                                           mean are located. At the same time, the standard deviation
                                                                          and the number of participants and experts in this field are
    •    Head of a Master's programme in Business Process                 noted and compared, as it were, from which area this
         Management at an Austrian university of applied                  evaluation comes. [20] The evaluation is carried out under
         sciences                                                         the following conditions. A method counts as safe to use in
                                                                          the industry if the addition of the mean with the standard
    •    Professor for Operations Management at a German                  deviation is less than 3.5. This ensures that the mean
         University of Applied Sciences                                   variation is within the safe limit. This evaluation is
    •    Professor of Industrial Production at a State                    determined for all participants of the explorative analysis and
         Academy of Studies                                               for the specialists of the respective industry. If the standard
                                                                          deviation is greater than the applicability limit of 3.5 when
    •    Professor of International Management and Head of                added to the mean, it is no longer ensured that the
         an Institute for Management and Information at a                 applicability of the method is within the safe applicable limit.
         German University of Applied Sciences                            The method is then assessed as applicable. This assessment
    •    Professor of General Business Administration at a                is determined for all participants of the explorative analysis
         Hungarian University                                             and for the specialists of the respective industry. A method
                                                                          counts as partially applicable in the industry if the mean of
    •    Senior Process Engineer of a leading optoelectronics             the measurement is greater than 3.5 but less than 7.5. This
         company                                                          evaluation is determined for all participants of the
                                                                          explorative analysis and for the specialists of the respective
    The questionnaire asks 51 of the most common Lean                     industry. A method counts as not applicable if the mean is
methods. The methods have been researched in detail. After                greater than or equal to 7.5. This evaluation is determined for
initially identifying 100 Lean methods, 51 methods were                   all participants of the explorative analysis and for the
retained after shortening the methods with the same content               specialists of the respective industry.
but different names and combining combined methods. For
each question, the interviewee should decide whether he/she

AESP20: 1st Workshop on Requirement Management in Enterprise Systems Projects @ SE20, Innsbruck, Austria                               31
    The evaluation of the explorative analysis is carried out             impression of how representative the industry is. In column
using simple statistical means. Since a complete statistical              nine, the number of responses is divided by the number of
evaluation with distribution considerations is very difficult             experts in the field. This ratio is used to determine a certain
for a maximum of 15 participants and industries, some of                  degree of certainty in the statement. If there are factors
which are only represented by one participant, and since                  greater than 100%, this answer was answered by more
statistical certainty is far from being established in the                participants than by specialists in this field. If the factor is
population as a whole. Since a distribution can only be tested            greater than 0% but less than or equal to 100%, fewer
with great uncertainty with such a small number of                        participants answered this question than specialists in this
participants in an exploration, a comparison is made here                 field are available. If the value is exactly 0%, no expert has
between the mean value, standard deviation and median in                  evaluated this industry.
relation to the response of all experts and the response of the
experts within the industry. The evaluation is carried out                    The visualisation of the evaluation of the explorative
using Microsoft Excel and Camline Cornerstone. Since a                    survey is carried out with the help of a table and two
number of 15 participants is far from representative of the               diagrams per examined method. In the table, the mean value,
entire population, no typical distribution functions are used             the standard deviation, the standard deviation are subtracted
                                                                          from the mean value, the mean value plus the standard
here, but only a simple statistical evaluation is carried out to
evaluate the significance of the answers of all specialists. By           deviation, the median, the number of participants, the
looking at the standard deviation in relation to the mean                 industry, the number of experts per industry and the factor
value, it is shown, even with a small sample of n maximum                 described above are determined for the individual industry
15, how large the dispersion of the results around the mean               sectors and the individual experience. The evaluation is
value is.                                                                 carried out according to the criteria of safe applicability,
                                                                          applicable, partially applicable or not applicable. The first
    In order to exclude this effect in the survey, the mean and           diagram serves as a statistical representation of the method.
median are used. After collecting the data, the mean, median              The crossed line in the middle visualizes the mean value of
and standard deviation are calculated for each question                   the method. The wide bars describe the confidence interval
group. Depending on whether the mean value and median are                 around the mean with plus and minus a standard deviation.
very different, a larger dispersion of the values can be                  The boundary points describe the extreme values of the
assumed. In the comparison of the arithmetic mean, the result             evaluation. With the help of this diagram, the statistical
of which includes all distributions of the results, with the              representation of the methods is to take place and a clear
median, which lies centrally in the absolute numbers of the               evaluation is to be represented. The second diagram shows
values. If both values deviate from each other, this indicates            the mean value, the median, the mean value plus the standard
that there is no equal distribution on both sides around the              deviation and the mean value minus the standard deviation.
mean value. In the overall consideration of the                           This should help to illustrate whether the method is about a
subtraction/addition of the mean value with the standard                  very large dispersion or whether the mean and median are far
deviation in comparison to the median, a fundamental                      apart or close to each other, this should give an indication of
statement can thus be made about the certainty of the result              the distribution of the answers and show the reader whether
and the dispersion of the answers. Further consideration of               there is a continuous or statistical fluctuation over the small
the standard deviation gives an impression of the width of                number of participants in the exploration.
the distribution in relation to the position of the mean value
compared to the distribution shift in relation to the median.                                       III.   ANALYSIS
The decision of the evaluation is made according to the                   A. Overview of analysis
                                                                              In general, automotive technology and semiconductor
    From this statistical statement, the methods are identified           and microsystems technology are best represented. This is
which have to be analysed in the qualitative part of the work.            because Lean Management is most widespread in automotive
Based on this description, the authors formulate hypotheses,              engineering. The electrical engineering, mechanical
which should form a suitable basis for the expert evaluation.             engineering and electronics and optics industries are still
These hypotheses represent specific relationships between                 well represented, with two participants each. One
the individual areas.                                                     representative will be provided from the fields of metal
    The methods that are confirmed with "pass", a green                   construction, plastics, data processing, food and chemical
mark, are not subject to further investigation for the time               industry. There will be no representatives from the textile
being. Methods marked with "partial", a yellow mark, must                 and wood industries. Thus, the results can be well
be worked on in the expert workshop. The experts are                      represented for the industries of automotive engineering,
expected to provide a qualitative statement and a response                electrical engineering, metal and mechanical engineering,
based on their experience. Thus, the artefact is also based on            which are widespread in Germany and Austria, as well as for
an expert report. For each individual sector, the mean is                 many adjacent industrial sectors such as the semiconductor
evaluated in column "2", the standard deviation is calculated             industry, the food industry or the electronics and optical
in column "3", the mean is added to the standard deviation in             industry. Uncertainties in the valuation are seen for smaller
column "4" and subtracted in column "5". In the sixth                     branches of industry such as the wood industry or the textile
column, the median is calculated. Column "7" contains the                 industry. Industries with very high valuation factors such as
number of responses for this area and column "8" defines                  the chemical industry, the food industry, data processing or
how many experts from this industry participated.                         the plastics industry should also be critically evaluated in the
                                                                          exploration sector. For many methods, it can be seen that
    In addition, a quotient is calculated, which defines the              they can be applied across all areas. Particular importance
proportion of survey participants in relation to the                      should be attached to these methods, which differ widely in
participants from the industry. This figure gives a qualitative           individual sectors.

AESP20: 1st Workshop on Requirement Management in Enterprise Systems Projects @ SE20, Innsbruck, Austria                               32
                                                                                                       LCIA            Elektrotechnik     7     partiell anwendbar
                                                                                                       LCIA            Maschinenbau       6     partiell anwendbar
                                                                                                       LCIA            Metallbau          6     partiell anwendbar
                                                                                                       LCIA            Kunststoff         6     partiell anwendbar
                                                                                                       LCIA            Datenverarbeit.    7     partiell anwendbar
                                                                                                       LCIA            Elektronik/Optik   7     partiell anwendbar
                                                                                                       LCIA            Nahrungsmittel     7     partiell anwendbar
                                                                                                       LCIA            Chemieindustrie    7     partiell anwendbar
                                                                                                       LCIA            Textilindustrie    6     partiell anwendbar
    In the following chapter the partial and not usable                                                LCIA            Holzindustrie      6     partiell anwendbar
methods are presented. For the ERP setup it’s good to see                                              Milkrun         Erfahrung          10    partiell anwendbar
                                                                                                       Milkrun         Halbleiter/MST     7     partiell anwendbar
that there is not sucha big variance in the methods. The focus                                         Milkrun         Elektrotechnik     7     partiell anwendbar
is more on some not usable methods. For implementing                                                   Milkrun
                                                                                                                                                partiell anwendbar
                                                                                                                                                partiell anwendbar
efficient and optimized ERP processes and setups a setup of                                            Milkrun         Kunststoff         6     partiell anwendbar
                                                                                                       Milkrun         Datenverarbeit.    7     partiell anwendbar
around 45 to 50 Lean methods can be used. ERP provider                                                 Milkrun         Elektronik/Optik   7     partiell anwendbar
should be used the LM methods in two ways. Value stream                                                Milkrun         Nahrungsmittel     8     partiell anwendbar
                                                                                                       Milkrun         Chemieindustrie    8     partiell anwendbar
and process structured methods, like value stream mapping                                              Milkrun         Textilindustrie    6     partiell anwendbar
or Chaku Chaku, should be used inside the ERP systems as                                               Milkrun
                                                                                                                                                partiell anwendbar
                                                                                                                                                partiell anwendbar
process managing support. On the other side the easy to use                                            Mizusumashu     Halbleiter/MST     8     partiell anwendbar
                                                                                                       Mizusumashu     Datenverarbeit.    7     partiell anwendbar
and shopfloor optimizing methods should be part of each                                                Multi-Machine   Datenverarbeit.    7     partiell anwendbar
ERP implementation project, because the shopfloor and the                                              Multi-Machine
                                                                                                                                                partiell anwendbar
                                                                                                                                                partiell anwendbar
logistics are more leaned and structured. So the                                                       Segmentierung   Erfahrung          11    partiell anwendbar
                                                                                                       SMED            Halbleiter/MST     8     partiell anwendbar
implementation is easier and faster.                                                                   SMED            Maschinenbau       8     partiell anwendbar
                                                                                                       SMED            Metallbau          8     partiell anwendbar
B. partial and not usable methods                                                                      SMED            Datenverarbeit.    7     partiell anwendbar
                                                                                                       SMED            Nahrungsmittel     9     partiell anwendbar
                                                    Exploration                                        SMED            Chemieindustrie    9     partiell anwendbar
                  Methode        Bereich       branchenübergreifend                                    SMED            Textilindustrie    8     partiell anwendbar
                                                                                                       SPC             Datenverarbeit.    8     partiell anwendbar
                                               Anz Anwendbarkeit
                                                                                                       Supermarkt      Halbleiter/MST     8     partiell anwendbar
            7W-Fragen         Erfahrung         10   partiell anwendbar
                                                                                                       Supermarkt      Datenverarbeit.    7     partiell anwendbar
            Alibi             Erfahrung         6    partiell anwendbar                                Taktzeit        Erfahrung          10    partiell anwendbar
            Alibi             Halbleiter/MST    4    partiell anwendbar                                Taktzeit        Halbleiter/MST     7     partiell anwendbar
            Alibi             Kraftfahrzeugt.   4    partiell anwendbar                                Taktzeit        Elektrotechnik     7     partiell anwendbar
            Alibi             Elektrotechnik    5     nicht anwendbar                                  Taktzeit        Kunststoff         7     partiell anwendbar
            Alibi             Maschinenbau      5     nicht anwendbar                                  Taktzeit        Datenverarbeit.    6     partiell anwendbar
                                                                                                       Taktzeit        Elektronik/Optik   7     partiell anwendbar
            Alibi             Metallbau         5     nicht anwendbar
                                                                                                       Taktzeit        Nahrungsmittel     8     partiell anwendbar
            Alibi             Kunststoff        4    partiell anwendbar                                Taktzeit        Chemieindustrie    8     partiell anwendbar
            Alibi             Datenverarbeit.   4    partiell anwendbar                                GD3             Erfahrung          8     partiell anwendbar
            Alibi             Elektronik/Optik  4    partiell anwendbar
            Alibi             Nahrungsmittel    5    partiell anwendbar                   Fig. 2. Methods with partial or not usable ratings
            Alibi             Chemieindustrie   5    partiell anwendbar
            Alibi             Textilindustrie   4    partiell anwendbar
            Alibi             Holzindustrie     4    partiell anwendbar                                         IV. C   ONCLUSION              [25]
            Andon             Datenverarbeit.   9    partiell anwendbar
            Autokorrelation   Erfahrung         8    partiell anwendbar                   Hypothesis 1 (Many methods follow general approaches
            Autokorrelation   Datenverarbeit.   3    partiell anwendbar               and are fully applicable in all industrial sectors): The largest
            Jidoka/BandStop Erfahrung           9    partiell anwendbar
            Jidoka/BandStop Halbleiter/MST      9    partiell anwendbar               single area of evaluation is shown by the applicable methods.
            Jidoka/BandStop Metallbau           9    partiell anwendbar               This confirms the first hypothesis that many methods are
            Jidoka/BandStop Datenverarbeit.     7    partiell anwendbar
            Jidoka/BandStop Elektronik/Optik    9    partiell anwendbar
                                                                                      fully applicable and each ERP implementation could use this
            Jidoka/BandStop Holzindustrie       9    partiell anwendbar               methods for optimizing and implantation in ERP software. A
            Blackbox          Chemieindustrie   11   partiell anwendbar               positive aspect of the general use of Lean Management in all
            ChakuChaku        Erfahrung         11   partiell anwendbar
            ChakuChaku        Halbleiter/MST    8    partiell anwendbar
                                                                                      industries is that there are no methods that are not applicable.
            ChakuChaku        Kraftfahrzeugt.   8    partiell anwendbar               Conversely, this means that for all methods examined in the
            ChakuChaku        Elektrotechnik    8    partiell anwendbar
            ChakuChaku        Maschinenbau      9    partiell anwendbar
                                                                                      context of this research question, there is an applicability or
            ChakuChaku        Metallbau         8    partiell anwendbar               at least a partial applicability for each method in each
            ChakuChaku        Kunststoff        7    partiell anwendbar               industry.
            ChakuChaku        Datenverarbeit.   8    partiell anwendbar
            ChakuChaku        Elektronik/Optik  8    partiell anwendbar                   Hypothesis 2 (A small proportion of Lean methods show
            ChakuChaku        Nahrungsmittel    8    partiell anwendbar
            ChakuChaku        Chemieindustrie   8    partiell anwendbar               problems in implementation in all industrial sectors due to
            ChakuChaku        Textilindustrie   8    partiell anwendbar               their complexity.): The second hypothesis is limited by the
            ChakuChaku        Holzindustrie     8    partiell anwendbar
            Hancho            Erfahrung         11   partiell anwendbar
                                                                                      fact that there are no methods that are not applicable. Thus at
            Hejunka           Erfahrung         11   partiell anwendbar               least everywhere a partial applicability is given. However,
            Hejunka           Halbleiter/MST    9    partiell anwendbar               there are methods that show predominantly partial
            Hejunka           Elektrotechnik    9    partiell anwendbar
            Hejunka           Maschinenbau      10   partiell anwendbar               applicability in all industries and thus speak against a simple
            Hejunka           Metallbau         10   partiell anwendbar               implementation due to the complexity of the methodology.
            Hejunka           Kunststoff        9    partiell anwendbar
            Hejunka           Datenverarbeit.   8    partiell anwendbar
                                                                                      This hypothesis is thus partially confirmed. This methods
            Hejunka           Elektronik/Optik  9    partiell anwendbar               could be analyzed and used for the ERP implementation in
            Hejunka           Nahrungsmittel    10   partiell anwendbar               industries with significant positive results.
            Hejunka           Chemieindustrie   10   partiell anwendbar
            Hejunka           Textilindustrie   9    partiell anwendbar                   Hypothesis 3 (Methods that relate to the logistics process
            Hejunka           Holzindustrie     9    partiell anwendbar
            Just in Time      Halbleiter/MST    9    partiell anwendbar               within production show significant differences in the
            Just in Time      Metallbau         10   partiell anwendbar               individual industries): The only exceptions are the Kanban
            Just in Time      Datenverarbeit.   8    partiell anwendbar
            KanBan            Halbleiter/MST    9    partiell anwendbar
                                                                                      and FiFo methods, which can be applied in almost all
            Kreidekreis       Datenverarbeit.   10   partiell anwendbar               industries, at least according to the qualitative analysis. Other
            LCIA              Erfahrung         9    partiell anwendbar               logistic methods such as Chaku Chaku, Hejunka, Just in
            LCIA              Halbleiter/MST    7    partiell anwendbar
            LCIA              Elektrotechnik    7    partiell anwendbar               Time, Milkrun, Mizusumashu [21, 22, 23], segmentation and
            LCIA              Maschinenbau      6    partiell anwendbar               supermarket show predominantly significant differences or
            LCIA              Metallbau         6    partiell anwendbar
            LCIA              Kunststoff        6    partiell anwendbar
                                                                                      also partial applicabilities in the result. The expression here
            LCIA              Datenverarbeit.   7    partiell anwendbar               is significantly higher than with the other methods, thus the
            LCIA              Elektronik/Optik  7    partiell anwendbar               third working hypothesis is also confirmed. This methods are
            LCIA              Nahrungsmittel    7    partiell anwendbar
            LCIA              Chemieindustrie   7    partiell anwendbar
                                                                                      also relevant for the shopfloor restruction and the software
            LCIA              Textilindustrie   6    partiell anwendbar
            LCIA              Holzindustrie     6    partiell anwendbar
            Milkrun           Erfahrung         10   partiell anwendbar
            Milkrun           Halbleiter/MST    7    partiell anwendbar
AESP20: 1st Workshop          Elektrotechnik Management
                          on Requirement        7    partiell anwendbar
                                                                in Enterprise Systems Projects @ SE20, Innsbruck, Austria                                            33
            Milkrun           Maschinenbau      7    partiell anwendbar
            Milkrun           Metallbau         8    partiell anwendbar
            Milkrun           Kunststoff        6    partiell anwendbar
            Milkrun           Datenverarbeit.   7    partiell anwendbar
            Milkrun           Elektronik/Optik  7    partiell anwendbar
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