=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2581/aesp2020preface |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2581/aesp2020preface.pdf |volume=Vol-2581 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/se/WeissK20a }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2581/aesp2020preface.pdf
              1st Workshop Requirement Management in
                Enterprise Systems Projects (AESP20)
            Christoph Weiss                                     Johannes Keckeis
       AUB's German-language                           Department of Strategic Management,
  interdisciplinary Ph.D. programme                    Marketing and Tourism, University of
              (Economics)                                           Innsbruck
          Budapest, Hungary                                     Innsbruck, Austria
   christoph.weiss@andrassyuni.hu                         johannes.keckeis@uibk.ac.at

                       I. MOTIVATION                                                               IV. PROGRAM COMMITTEE
    ERP systems and other enterprise systems are the                               •     Martin Adam, FH Kufstein Tirol
backbone of any company in a digitized world. In almost
every company Enterprise Systems are adapted to the needs                          •     Wolfgang Ahammer, VFI GmbH
of the customers within the scope of parameterization,
                                                                                   •     Christian Bühl, FH Burgenland
modifications (changes to existing functions and logics) or
even extensions (new developments of existing functions and                        •     Roman Clara, Wuerth Phoenix S.R.L.
logics). However, many of such Enterprise Systems projects
fail due to missing, incorrect, inadequate or incomplete                           •     Fritz Fahringer, Standortagentur Tirol GmbH
requirements there are “incorrect” expectations, divergents in                     •     Sylvia Geyer, FH Technikum Wien
definition and attitudes on requirements management between
customers and suppliers. These challenges will be highlighted,                     •     Gunther Glawar, EVVA Sicherheitstechnologie
talked over and discussed during this workshop.                                          GmbH
                                                                                   •     Bernhard Göbl, Deloitte Services
                                                                                         Wirtschaftsprüfungs GmbH
                              WORKSHOP                                             •     Thomas Kalker, dOpener
    Presentation of points of view, ways of thinking, processes                    •     Bernd Lessmann, ams.erp Solution GmbH
and perceptions of Enterprise Systems customers or
prospective customers and providers in selection,                                  •     Felix Piazolo, Universität Innsbruck
implementation and further development of Enterprise                               •     Kurt Promberger, Universität Innsbruck
Systems in the context of requirement management. Sketching
of a new requirement management model in an Enterprise                             •     Ludwig Rupp, Rupp AG
Systems project for the further development of the existing
                                                                                   •     Anton Vorraber, KTM AG
system landscape.

                                                                                                         V. PERSPECTIVE
                    III. WORKSHOP AGENDA
                                                                                  The results of the development of the new procedure
    •     Introduction to the topic and keynote by the                         model for requirement management in an Enterprise Systems
          organizers of the workshop.                                          project for the further development of the existing system
    •     Presentation of the submitted and accepted papers                    landscape are processed in a paper and submitted to the next
          with subsequent discussion.                                          Software Engineering Conference 2021.
    •     Formation of a panel of experts out of the workshop
          participants (Enterprise Systems users, Enterprise
          Systems providers, consultants and academic staff
          from universities and technical colleges).
    •     Cardsorting: Each group of experts uses card-sorting
          to develop a requirements management model in an
          Enterprise Systems project to further develop the
          existing system landscape.
    •     The models are presented, laid over each other,
          discussed and subsequently derived a jointly new
    •     Summary and resume by the organizers.
Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

AESP20: 1st Workshop on Requirement Management in Enterprise Systems Projects @ SE20, Innsbruck, Austria                                  1