=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2581/ase2020paper1 |storemode=property |title=Partial Consistency for Requirement Engineering with Traffic Sequence Charts |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2581/ase2020paper1.pdf |volume=Vol-2581 |authors=Jan Steffen Becker |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/se/Becker20 }} ==Partial Consistency for Requirement Engineering with Traffic Sequence Charts== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2581/ase2020paper1.pdf
    Partial Consistency for Requirement Engineering
              with Traffic Sequence Charts
                                                        Jan Steffen Becker
                                           OFFIS – Institute for Information Technology
                                                      Oldenburg, Germany

   Abstract—In the context of autonomous driving, new chal-                developed as a formal specification language. The contribution
lenges arise also in the requirements engineering process. The             of this paper is a formal but yet practical approach to find
specification needs to deal with a complex, open and highly                inconsistencies in TSC specifications.
dynamic context, which makes it hard to find an appropriate
and still comprehensible formalism for the specification. Also,               Traffic Sequence Charts are a graphical specification lan-
the requirements come from different sources, such as traffic              guage for traffic scenarios. As a running example, Figure 1
regulations and consumer needs, which makes it difficult but               shows a TSC that specifies how the HAV under develop-
yet important to maintain requirements consistency. This work              ment (white car in the figures) shall overtake slower ve-
focuses on consistency of those requirements that specify execu-           hicles (black car) on a highway. The TSC is described in
tion of driving maneuvers. In previous work, Traffic Sequence
Charts have been introduced as a specification language for                detail in Section II. The core idea of TSCs is to represent
those requirements. Traffic Sequence Charts are a graphical                a scenario as a seamless sequence of traffic situations, so
formalism with a well-defined formal semantics that enables                called snapshots. In each snapshot, the placement of symbols
formal methods to support the development process. In this                 describes the spatial relations of traffic participants to each
paper, a formal definition of consistency for TSCs is proposed,            other and the road infrastructure. This distinguishes TSCs
and its applicability in a tool-supported development process
elaborated. Experimental results with a prototypical consistency           from other formal requirements specification languages such
analysis tool for TSCs are provided.                                       as ForSeL [4] which require to express spatial constraints
                                                                           textually. In contrast to other scenario specification formats,
  Index Terms—Requirements engineering, Automated driving,
Formal methods, Consistency, Traffic Sequence Charts                       such as OpenSCENARIO [5], TSCs allow a high degree of
                                                                           freedom and abstraction. Being a graphical language with an
                                                                           intuitive semantics, understanding TSCs does not require deep
                        I. I NTRODUCTION                                   knowledge in formal methods. Hence, a TSC can be used to
   The development of a system is typically starting with a                display a requirement on the behavior of the driving function to
requirement elicitation process, which aims for a complete,                different stakeholders. Furthermore, TSCs have a well-defined
unambiguous and conflict-free specification of the system                  formal semantics that enable the use of formal methods and a
under design. For systems like highly automated vehicles                   wide range of tool support and automation in the development
(HAV), the specification needs to deal with a complex, open                process. As such, it is possible to identify inconsistencies in
and highly dynamic context, which makes it hard to find a                  TSCs automatically.
appropriate and still comprehensible formalism for the spec-                  Safety standards such as ISO 26262 in the automotive indus-
ification. Additionally, not only system-specific requirements             try define consistency as conflict-freeness of requirements. ISO
have to be handled, but also requirements that are induced                 26262 distinguishes between internal consistency, meaning a
from outside. For example, the requirements for the HAV will               requirement is free of contradictions within itself, and external
contain safety goals that come from hazard and risk analysis,              consistency, that is a requirement does not contradict other re-
traffic regulations, and consumer needs. This makes it hard but            quirements. This informal definition of consistency as conflict-
even more important to maintain requirement consistency, i.e.              freeness is too vague for the application of formal methods,
to ensure that the requirements do not conflict with each other.           though. Therefor two formal definitions of consistency, called
Although inconsistencies in the requirements will probably                 existential and partial consistency are presented in this work.
become visible during later development steps, finding them                They have originally been defined and evaluated in [6], [7] for
early saves development costs [1] and avoids implementation                pattern-based functional requirements. In this paper, they are
faults caused by conflicting specifications. This work focuses             lifted to TSCs. In the context of TSCs, existential consistency
on requirements that describe the behavior of the HAV as                   is a form of internal consistency, and partial consistency –
a traffic participant, i.e. driving maneuvers by the HAV and               an extension of existential consistency – a notion of external
the situations that trigger them. For that kind of requirement,            consistency. The basic idea of existential consistency is to
Traffic Sequence Charts [2], [3] (TSCs for short) have been                find at least one exemplary trajectory, i.e. a timed sequence
                                                                           of system states, that fulfills a TSC, or show that this is
  This research was partly funded by the German Federal Ministry of
Education and Research (BMBF), under grants “ASSUME” (01IS15031H)          impossible. In the latter case, the TSC is called existentially
and “CrESt” (01IS16043).                                                   inconsistent. Partial consistency does something similar for

      Copyright c 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
                                                                                                      history                       future
a pair of TSCs. For partial consistency, possible cases are                b-board
identified where the TSCs are concurrently active. For each of                                                               δ

these cases it is checked whether it is possible to fulfill both              left_lane
                                                                              right_lane        ego.v > other.v                  other.a <= 0
TSCs. The term partial has been chosen, because the critical                  ego

cases are found based on a heuristic (in the case of TSCs                                             <= 50m          (1)                      (2)
by synchronizing the start of snapshots in the different TSCs).
Missing some conflicts in a specification is acceptable because                                                         ego.v >= other.v
                                                                                                                             + 20[km/h]
experience shows that it is more important for industrial

acceptance to not block the development process by reporting                                    (3)                                          (4)
spurious conflicts that need to be checked manually than
                                                                                               >= 50m
certifying conflict freeness [6], [8]. It is future work to extend         snapshot
partial consistency so that more conflicts can be found.                                                                          >= 50m
   The paper is structured as follows. Section II introduces                                                    (5)
TSCs in detail. In Section III a generalized software archi-
tecture for consistency analysis of TSCs is proposed, together
                                                                                           Fig. 1: TSC “Overtaking”
with the two concrete consistency notions for TSCs. This also
includes a short report on our prototypical implementation of
the approach. The paper closes with a short summary and
outlook in Section IV.                                               semantics of a TSC is as follows: Whenever the TSC’s history
                                                                     held from some point in the past until now, and the TSC’s
                                                                     future will hold from now till some point in the future, then
                                                                     also the consequence shall hold from now on. History and
   Traffic Sequence Charts are a relatively new graphical            future form the so-called pre-chart of a TSC. The pre-chart is
specification language for traffic scenarios. They enable a wide     drawn as a bisected dashed hexagon, where the history is in the
range of applications in the development process, because            left, and the future is in the right part (in Figure 1 history and
they have an intuitive, yet formal semantics. In [9], a wide         future consist of single snapshots). Everything that follows the
range of applications (including the use as a requirement            pre-chart in a TSC (i.e. the second and third row of Figure 1)
specification language) have already been identified. Recent         is part of the consequence. The rounded rectangle in Figure 1
work [10] exploits the use of TSCs in testing. Another work          is the bulletin board of the TSC and explained later.
[11] describes a discovery process for abstract scenarios –             In the following, we describe the different graphical no-
represented as TSCs – that exposes the violation of a safety         tations that are used in snapshots. In a snapshot, symbols
goal. In the following, the structure and semantics for TSCs is      are placed to describe the spatial relations of their real-
introduced. This paper uses only a subset of the TSC language.       world counterparts. For example, the snapshots (a) and (b)
For the complete language, refer to [2].                             in Figure 2 specify that the ego-vehicle (the HAV under
                                                                     development, white car) is on a lane, and that there exists a
A. An Overview on TSCs                                               second lane with another vehicle (black car) on the left of ego.
                                                                     The relative placement of symbols induces somewhat strict
   Figure 1 shows a TSC that specifies an overtaking scenario.
                                                                     constraints: Snapshot (a) is only satisfied in traffic situations
Intuitively, the TSC specifies the following behavior of the
                                                                     where front and rear of the two vehicles are exactly aligned,
                                                                     snapshot (b) is satisfied only if the front of ego is strictly
     Whenever you are on the right of two lanes and                  between front and rear of the other vehicle. Somewhere-
     there is another vehicle in front of you that is nearer         boxes as in snapshot (c) can be used to weaken some of the
     than 50 meters and slower than you, perform the                 constraints. The somewhere box in snapshot (c) means that
     following operations within 40 seconds, as long as              there is a vehicle somewhere on the left lane, next to or in
     the other vehicle stays on the right lane and does              front of ego. Note that the left border of the box is aligned with
     not accelerate:                                                 the left border of the ego-symbol, so the box does not match
        1) Move to the left lane, accelerate until you are           cars on the left lane behind ego. To this end, snapshots speak
           at least 20 km/h faster than the other vehicle,           only about the presence of objects at certain positions, but do
           but stay behind                                           not restrict the existence of other objects. For example, there
        2) Pass the other vehicle on the left lane                   could be additional cars around the ego vehicle in snapshots
        3) When you are at least 50 meters in front of the           (a) to (c). To specify absence, nowhere-boxes are used. They
           vehicle, move back to the right lane                      are used analogous to somewhere-boxes, but with the opposite
   As mentioned shortly in the introduction, the basic building      meaning. For example, the nowhere-box in snapshot (d) states
block of TSCs are the so-called snapshots, which are the             that there must not be another vehicle on the left lane next to
boxes numbered (1) to (6) in Figure 1. Every snapshot de-            or in front of ego. The graphical placement of symbols in a
scribes a traffic situation. Snapshots are assembled to so-called    snapshot is accomplished by textual annotations. A distance
snapshot-charts. A TSC consists of three snapshot charts,            line as in snapshot (5) restricts the distance between objects
the history, the future and the consequence. Informally, the         and/or boxes. The distance line in snapshot (e) states that the
                                                                                 pedestrians, . . . ) and their attributes. Furthermore, the world
                                                                                 model defines their dynamics, for example in form of hybrid
                                                                                 automata [12]. World models can be defined on different
           (a)                  (b)                (c)                 (d)       abstraction levels. Especially for analysis of requirements it
                                                  other.a <= 0
                                                                                 might be desirable to start the development process with a very
                                                                                 abstract world model that does not restrict the dynamics of
                           >= 50m
                                                                                 the system, and use more detailed world models in later steps.
                               (e)                       (f)                     As discussed later in Section III-A, a simpler world model
                                                                                 lowers the complexity of an analysis and allows complete
                        Fig. 2: Example snapshots
                                                                                 model-checking. During test-case generation for example, a
                                                                                 more exact world model is needed.
                                                                                    The link between the world model and a TSC is defined in
                                            A                            A
       A         B                                                               form of a so-called symbol dictionary. The symbol dictionary
                                            B                           B        links the graphical symbols used in the TSCs to object classes
     (a) sequence
                                                                   (c) choice    in the world model (in contrast to the bulletin board, which
                                      (b) concurrency
                                                                                 binds symbols to certain objects). In this paper, a very simple
                           δ                             δ≤5s      A         B   symbol dictionary is used that consists of only a symbol for
         A                 A          B     C     D                              straight lanes and a symbol for cars. The car symbol is used
                                 (e) hour glasses
                                                                   C         D   with different colors to distinguish the different symbols in the
    (d) negation
                                                                                 bulletin board.
                                                                 (f) time pins

                     Fig. 3: Snapshot chart operations                           B. TSC Formal Semantics
                                                                                    In [2], [3] the semantics of TSCs are formally defined. In
                                                                                 the following, we recall the semantics in a condensed form.
other vehicle is at most 50 meters behind ego. Additionally,                     We refer the reader to the related literature for the complete
textual constraints on the objects can be placed in a snapshot,                  semantics.
as shown in snapshot (f). Note that the empty snapshot           is                 Every snapshot chart SC can be translated to a multi-sorted
always satisfied.                                                                real-time logic (MSRTL) formula ϕSC that is interpreted over
   Snapshot charts combine snapshots with the operations se-                     some world model WM.
quence, concurrency, choice, and negation shown in Figure 3.                     Definition 1 (Multi-sorted Real-time Logic [2], [3]). A tra-
We use rounded rectangles (e.g. A ) as placeholders for                          jectory over an (ordered) set X of variables is a piece-wise
arbitrary sub-charts. A sequence of two snapshots means that                     continuous differentiable function π : R≥0 → RX . The term
first the first snapshot has to hold, followed by the second.                    π t0 denotes a trajectory π time-shifted by t0 , i.e. π t0 (t) =
The snapshots directly follow each other; there is no time                       π(t + t0 ).
frame between the first and the second snapshot. Concurrency                        A MSRTL formula ϕ over variables X is of the form
means that both snapshot (charts) have to hold simultaneously,
choice means that at least one of the charts has to hold,                        ϕ ::= φ | ∃t : ϕ | ¬ϕ | ϕ1 ∧ ϕ2 | ϕ1 ∨ ϕ2 | [τ1 ,τ2 ) ϕ | τ1 ∼ τ2
respectively. Negation means the chart must not hold. There                      where φ is a predicate over X, t a time variable,, ∼ ∈ {<, ≤
are two kinds of timing constraints in TSCs. Hour glasses                        }, and τ1 , τ2 are linear expressions with free time variables.
constrain the duration of a snapshot chart. A full hour glass                    Satisfaction of a MSRTL formula ϕ by a trajectory π and a
( ) starts a clock, and the empty hour glass ( ) specifies                       valuation µ that assigns values to free time variables in ϕ is
a clock constraint. Another form of timing constraints are                       defined as follows:
synchronization lines (dotted horizontal line in Figure 3 (f),                     π, µ |= φ            :⇔ π(0) |= φ
also called time-pins). When two snapshots are connected by a                      π, µ |= [τ1 ,τ2 ) ϕ :⇔ ∀t ∈ [µ(τ1 ), µ(τ2 )) : π t |= ϕ
synchronization line, they have to start at the same time point.                   π, µ |= ∃t : ϕ       :⇔ ∃v ∈ R≥0 : π, µ ∪ {t 7→ v} |= ϕ
   The bulletin board binds symbols in the snapshots to certain                    π, µ |= τ1 ∼ τ2      :⇔ µ(τ1 ) ∼ µ(τ2 )
objects. A symbol that is contained in the bulletin board
refers to the same object in every snapshot. The bulletin board                  Boolean operators are defined as usual.
(rounded box) in Figure 1 binds the white car symbol to the                         We write a valuation that assigns values v1 , v2 , . . . to
ego vehicle, and the lane symbols to certain lanes of the road                   variables t1 , t2 , . . . as {t1 7→ v1 , t2 7→ v2 , . . . }. The term
where ego is on. Also, the black car symbol is bound to another                  µ ∪ {t 7→ v} denotes valuation µ extended by mapping t 7→ v.
vehicle; if the black car would not be in the bulletin board, it                 Note that we do not define the structure of predicates φ
could be a different vehicle in any snapshot.                                    explicitly here. We assume that the set X in the definition
   A TSC is always interpreted over some world model. As its                     is the union of the attributes of all the objects defined by
name suggests, the world model models the different objects                      the world model WM. Hence, π(t) is the state of the world
that a TSC can speak about. First of all, a world model                          model at time t. Accordingly, the considered predicates φ are
specifies a hierarchy of object types (e.g. obstacles, lanes, cars,              expressions over the world model’s state.
 Now, we are ready to define TSC semantics in terms of                     general architecture for a TSC consistency analysis tool. The
MSRTL.                                                                     architecture is independent from a concrete consistency notion,
                                                                           but takes the state of the art in the analysis of dense time and
Definition 2 (Snapshot Chart Translation). A snapshot chart
                                                                           hybrid systems into account. Afterwards, based on previous
SC is translated to a MSRTL formula ϕSC with free time
                                                                           work, two consistency notions for TSCs are developed that can
variables bSC and eSC that stand for begin and end of the chart
                                                                           be implemented within the architecture. The section concludes
in a trajectory. In the following, [x\y] denotes substitution of
                                                                           with a short evaluation based on a research prototype and the
variable x by variable y.
                                                                           running example.
   • If SC is a snapshot node, then ϕSC := bSC < eSC ∧
     [bSC ,eSC ) φ, where φ is the translation of the snapshot
     content into a predicate (see [2], [3] for the translation of         A. An Architecture for TSC Analysis
     snapshots).                                                              For consistency checking of formal requirements, symbolic
                                   A                                       model checking is the means of choice in most related work
  •   Concurrency: If SC =                then                             [6]–[8], [13]–[16]. An alternative approach is the simulation
                                   B                                       of the requirements in order to find conflicts [17]. Because
                                                                           TSCs by intention have a high degree of freedom (specifying
        ϕSC := ϕA [bA \bSC , eA \eSC ] ∧ ϕB [bB \bSC , eB \eSC ]
                                                                           a sequence of state invariants instead of concrete trajectories),
                            A                                              simulation can only give incomplete results for TSCs. Except
  •   Choice: If SC =              then                                    for some case studies [18], [19], model checking (and also sim-
                           B                                               ulation) has not been applied to TSCs so far. Also, decidability
        ϕSC := ϕA [bA \bSC , eA \eSC ] ∨ ϕB [bB \bSC , eB \eSC ]           questions for TSCs have not been elaborated, yet. However,
                                                                           it is possible to transfer some results for hybrid automata and
  •   Negation: If SC =        A    then                                   Duration Calculus (DC) [20] to TSCs.
                                                                              Duration Calculus is an interval logic on dense time. Al-
                    ϕSC := ¬ϕA [bA \bSC , eA \eSC ]                        though TSCs are not intended to be an interval logic, there are
                                                                           many similarities between snapshot charts and DC formulas.
  •   Sequence: If SC = A          B then
                                                                           Similar to snapshot charts, DC combines state invariants using
        ϕSC := ∃t : ϕA [bA \bSC , eA \t] ∧ ϕB [bB \t, eB \eSC ]            boolean connectives and a sequence operator, called chop.
                                                                           Timing constraints are expressed in DC by bounding the
   Note, that in the above inductive definition, the substitu-             duration of state invariants. Our research prototype that is
tions [x\y] only replace free variables. The resulting MSRTL               shown briefly in Section III-D uses a combination of results
formula ϕSC has exactly two free time variables bSC and eSC .              from [21], [22] originally developed for DC. It translates
Definition 3 (TSC Semantics). A TSC TSC with history H,                    snapshot charts into Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) [23]
future F , and consequence C is satisfied by some trajectory               problems and reduces consistency questions to the following
π, written π |= TSC, if                                                    satisfiability problem: Given a snapshot chart SC, do a tra-
                                                                           jectory π ∈ T (WM) and time point e ∈ R≥0 exist such
  ∀b, m, e ∈ R≥0 : π, {bH 7→ b, eH 7→ m, bF 7→ m,                          that π, {bSC 7→ 0, eSC 7→ e} |= ϕSC ? Here and in the rest
        eF 7→ e, bC 7→ m, eC 7→ e} |= ¬(ϕH ∧ ϕF ) ∨ ϕC .                   of the paper, T (WM) refers to all the trajectories possible
                                                                           within a world model WM. Unfortunately, the translation to
   Note that the original work [2], [3] defines a more expres-             SMT problems based on [21], [22] does not allow dynamics
sive MSRTL. Furthermore, [2], [3] defines the translation of               in the world model or negated sequences in the snapshot chart,
timing constraints and synchronization (time pins).                        except for some special cases.
Example 1. The consequence C of the TSC in Figure 1 is                        We see advantages in reducing consistency of TSCs to
translated to the MSRTL formula                                            satisfiability of snapshot charts without negated sequences as
                                                                           above also for other model-checking approaches. For example,
  ϕC := ∃t1 , t2 , t3 : bC < t1 < t2 < eC                                  in [24] a translation from a subset of DC into hybrid automata
            ∧ [bC ,t1 ) φ3 ∧ [t1 ,t2 ) φ4 ∧ t2 ,t3 ) φ5 [t3 ,eC ) φ6   is presented. Related work [25] gives a translation from
                                                                           negation-free DC into timed regular expressions, which in
where φ3 , . . . , φ6 are the predicates derived from snapshots            turn are expressible as timed automata. So we are optimistic
(3)–(6).                                                                   that it is possible to define similar translations from negation-
                                                                           free snapshot charts into hybrid automata. This reduces the
           III. PARTIAL C ONSISTENCY FOR TSC S                             satisfiability problem of snapshots charts to reachability in
   A lot of previous work has been done that lead to formal                hybrid automata, and allows also to use a network of hybrid
definitions of requirement consistency. When lifting existing              automata as a world model. A wide range of model-checking
formal consistency notions to TSCs, care must be taken that                tools for hybrid automata already exists, for example [26]–[29]
they can be applied in practice. In order to integrate formal              to mention a few.
methods in a development process, easy to use tool support                    With this considerations on model checking, we propose
is essential. In the following, we start with proposing a                  the layered architecture depicted in Figure 4. As an input, the
                World Model WM + TSCs TSC1 , . . . , TSCn                     The authors of [6], [8] define consistency as follows: A set
                                                                           of requirements is consistent, if there exists at least one trajec-
      Derive Snapshot Charts SC1 , . . . , SCm and satisfaction problems   tory that satisfies all the requirements in the set. This is called
      ∃πi ∈ T (WM), ei ∈ R≥0 : πi , {bSCi 7→ 0, eSCi 7→ ei } |= ϕSCi
                                                                           existential consistency in [6]. Lifting existential consistency
                     Translate to model checking problem                   to TSCs means the following: A set of TSCs is existentially
      for each SCi                                                         consistent, if there exists at least one trajectory that satisfies
                      Call backend model checker/solver                    all the TSCs. In the following, we restrict ourselves to a set
                                                                           consisting of a single TSC and consider the case of multiple
                          Extract consistency result
                                                                           TSCs later. By Definition 3, a trajectory satisfies a TSC if,
               Trace source of (in)consistencies back to TSCs
                                                                           for any time points b < m < e where the history holds from
                                                                           b to m and the future holds from m to e, the consequence
          Fig. 4: Architecture for a consistency analysis                  holds from t to e. This is problematic for two reasons: On the
                                                                           one hand, the property is difficult to check, because there are
                                                                           typically infinitely many triples (b, t, e) on a trajectory where
analysis takes a set of TSCs and a world model definition. The             history and future hold. On the other hand, we may choose
input is translated into a set SC1 , . . . , SCn of snapshot charts        a trajectory for witness, where history and future are never
and satisfaction problems of the form                                      satisfied at all, in which case the consistency argument is not
                                                                           of practical use. The authors of [6], [8] had to deal at least
∃πi ∈ T (WM), ei ∈ R≥0 : πi , {bSCi 7→ 0, eSCi 7→ ei } |= ϕSCi             with the second problem. They solved this by requiring that
                                                                           the premise of the requirements shall be satisfied at least once
for i = 1, . . . , n. This and the following steps are independent
                                                                           on the witness trajectory. When speaking about TSCs, this
from the concrete consistency notion—the consistency notions
                                                                           means that we search for a trajectory π ∈ T (WM) where the
defined in Sections III-B and III-C are only one possibility.
                                                                           history occurs, directly followed by the future. Formally
The satisfaction problems are translated into an intermediate
representation that is input for a model checking tool or
                                                                             ∃b, m, e ∈ R≥0 : π, {bH 7→ b, eH 7→ m, bF 7→ m, eF 7→ e}
a solver. In our research prototype, this is a translation to
an SMT problem in the SMT-Lib format [30], but other                                                   |= 0 < b < m < e ∧ ϕH ∧ ϕF         (1)
formats, e.g. a network of hybrid automata, are also possible.             where H and F are history and future of the TSC. The
The problem descriptions are fed into a model checker or                   inequality 0 < b in that formula allows us to prefix the
solver backend. Finally, a consistency result is extracted from            sequence of H and F with an empty snapshot and to encode
the model checker/solver results, and presented to the user.
In many cases, the model checking tools give additional                    it as a single chart HF =       H F . Because of the empty
information on a result, that can be used to identify the cause            snapshot, we can fix the start of HF to 0, while the sub-chart
of an inconsistency, or give a witness for consistency.                    H still starts at a time point bH > 0. Because a snapshot by
                                                                           definition has a non-zero duration, bH = 0 is excluded. As a
                                                                           result we can rewrite (1) as
B. Existential Consistency
                                                                                     ∃e ∈ R≥0 : π, {bHF 7→ 0, eHF 7→ e} |= ϕHF            (2)
  We propose a notion for consitency of TSCs based on
previous work for pattern-based requirements [6]–[8] due to                As a consistency argument, we would like to see that it is
the following reasons:                                                     at least possible to satisfy the consequence C of the TSC in
  • The considered pattern languages define the semantics of               parallel to the future. This brings us to our first consistency
    requirements in terms of unbounded trajectories (system                notion for TSCs that we call existential consistency for TSCs.
    runs)                                                                  Definition 4 (Existential Consistency). A TSC with history
  • They allow “don’t care”s in the requirements
                                                                           H, future F , and consequence C is existential consistent wrt.
  • The considered requirements are structured in a
                                                                           the world model WM if there exists a trajectory π ∈ T (WM)
    premise/consequence scheme                                             such that
Here, “don’t care” means that a requirement only restricts
some variables of the system, and even these restrictions may                      ∃e ∈ R≥0 : π, {bHFC 7→ 0, eHFC 7→ e} |= ϕHFC           (3)
allow a high degree of freedom. For example, a TSC typically
                                                                           with the snapshot chart
specifies the behavior of traffic participants in terms of distance
intervals. Within the interval, any behavior is valid. Also,
the TSCs that are considered in this paper consist of two                                     HFC =         H            .
parts: the pre-chart (history and future) and the consequence.                                                     C
On any sub-trajectory, where the history is followed by the
future, the consequence must hold in parallel to the future. The           Fact 1. Assume some TSC TSC with history H, future F
requirements tackled in [6]–[8] are structured similar: They               and consequence C that is interpreted over some world model
specify some consequence (called action in [6], [7]) that shall            WM. A trajectory π ∈ T (WM) that satisfies both π |= TSC
occur in response to some premise (called trigger in [6], [7]).            and equation (2), also satisfies equation (3).
   This fact follows with some basic algebra from Definitions 1       the following implication holds for every snapshot sn in the
to 3. The consequence of the fact is that existential consistency     consequence C1 of the first TSC:
does not produce false warnings, in the sense that if a
                                                                           (∃π1 ∈T (WM), e1 ∈R≥0 :π1 , {bSC1 7→0, eSC1 7→e1 }|=ϕSC1 )
TSC is existentially inconsistent, then it is indeed impossible
within the world model to find a trajectory that both satisfies        ⇒(∃π2 ∈T (WM), e2 ∈R≥0 :π2 , {bSC2 7→0, eSC2 7→e2 }|=ϕSC2 )
the TSC and where history and future occur. Note that the             with the snapshot charts
opposite is not true. A trajectory that satisfies equation (3) does
not necessarily satisfy the TSC. However, using this under-
approximation of a satisfying trajectory we get rid of the all-                                                                        F1
                                                                                                  F1                          H1
quantifier in the formal definition of satisfaction of a trajectory                   H1                                               C1sn
by a TSC. Also, we can restrict ourselves to search for a prefix                                  C1sn
                                                                        1 =                                      SCsn
                                                                                                                   2 =
of a trajectory, instead of a complete trajectory, which would
require some kind of unbounded model checking techniques                                H2        F2                          H2
in a consistency analysis.                                                                                                             C2

                                                                      where Hi , Fi and Ci are history, future and consequence of
C. From Existential to Partial Consistency
                                                                      TSCi (i ∈ {1, 2}). The snapshot chart C1sn is derived from
   Existential consistency as defined in the last section does        C1 by removing all branches of choice operations that bypass
not give meaningful results for sets of TSCs in most cases. If        sn.1 In both SCsn           sn
                                                                                       1 and SC2 , the start of F2 is synchronized
we build the conjunction of equation (3) over multiple TSCs,          with the start of sn in C1sn . Removing some choices from C1
e.g. searching for a trajectory π ∈ T (WM) that satisfies             is necessary because it is neither allowed in TSCs nor makes
                                                                      sense to synchronize sub-charts if one of them is part of a
                                  ^                                   choice.
  ∃ve ∈R≥0 :π, {b7→0, e7→ve }|=         ϕHFCi [bHFCi \b, eHFCi \e]
                                  i=1                                 Example 2. Consider the TSCs from Figure 1 and Figure 5.
                                                                      The latter says, that the ego vehicle must stay on the right lane
                                                                      and must not accelerate, as long as there is another vehicle
                                         Fi                           on the left lane, near ego. They are partially inconsistent.
                HFCi =         Hi                  ,                  Intuitively, the conflict arises when the ego vehicle approaches
                                         Ci                           another car while a third vehicle is on the left lane. The
                                                                      first TSC says ego shall overtake, while the second says ego
we end up in most cases with a trajectory where the futures of        must keep right. The partial consistency check for these two
the different TSCs do not overlap. The result is not different        TSCs consists of five cases (four cases where the future of the
than checking existential consistency of each TSC separately.         second TSC is synchronized with one of the snapshots (3)–(6)
In practice, the future of a TSC usually speaks about some            from the first TSC’s consequence, and one where the future
behavior of the environment that is not under control of the ego      of the first TSC is synchronized with the consequence of the
vehicle. At least it is not the intended strategy for a controller    second). The case where the future of the TSC in Figure 5
to satisfy its specification by forcing a violation of history        is synchronized with snapshot (4) from the TSC in Figure 1
or future of the TSCs in the specification. As a consequence,         reveals the inconsistency. The consequence SC42 of that case is
a consistency analysis is needed that considers the possible          shown in Figure 6. The premise SC41 for that case is identical
overlappings between history and/or future of different TSCs.         to SC42 , except that the snapshot (7) is omitted. The premise
Therefor we develop a second consistency notion that is called        SC41 is satisfiable, which means it is possible to satisfy all parts
partial consistency for TSCs. It is inspired by the partial           of the first TSC (Figure 1) while the future of the second TSC
consistency for pattern-based requirements defined in [7]. The        (snapshot (7) in Figure 5) starts together with snapshot (4)
basic ideas are the following:                                        from the first TSC. An example of a satisfying trajectory is
  1) Consider pairs of TSCs.                                          depicted in Figure 7 as a sequence of snapshots. However,
  2) For every pair, determine the possible ways how the              the consequence SC42 is not satisfiable, which means it is
     futures of the two TSCs can overlap. We consider cases           not possible to find such a trajectory that also satisfies the
     where the future of the second TSC starts during the             consequence of the second TSC. In SC42 , snapshots (4) and
     consequence of the first one.                                    (8) must be fulfilled concurrently, but are clearly conflicting:
  3) For every possible overlapping, check if it is possible to       In (4), ego is on the left lane, while in (8) it is on the right
     satisfy both consequences.                                       lane.
Obviously, not all inconsistencies within a set of TSCs can             The case construction for partial consistency of two TSCs
be reduced to conflicts between pairs, therefor a possible            can be generalized to three TSCs by combining SCsn       sn
                                                                                                                       1 and SC2
generalization is briefly sketched at the end of this section.
Definition 5 (Partial Consistency). A pair TSC1 , TSC2 of               1 For example, if C
                                                                                              1   =          c   then C1a =   a    c    and C1b =
TSCs is partially consistent wrt. some world model WM if               b    c   and C1c = C1 .
                                                                              as possible, consistency of TSCs can be checked on different
                                   <= 50m                                     abstraction levels. The consistency notions defined here are
                                                          ego.a <= 0          independent from a concrete world model. The examples
                                                                              presented in this paper show that an analysis implementation
                                               (7)                            that abstracts from any differential equations in a hybrid world
                                                                              model already gives meaningful consistency results and finds
                                                                              conflicts in a specification. Performing consistency analysis on
Fig. 5: A TSC that prohibits lane changes and accelleration
                                                                              an abstract world model is not only caused by the limitations
while there is another vehicle around ego. Note the overlapping
                                                                              of current model checkers, but also driven by the fact that
                                                                              detailed world models may not be present in early development
                                                                              phases, where a consistency analysis is typically performed.
                                                                              Nonetheless our first experiments with the consistency analysis
                       H3                                                     showed that a consistency analysis on an abstract level cannot
with a chart                           derived from a third TSC, and
                            C3                                                find all the conflicts in a specification. In the running example
                                                                              (see Figure 1), it might be impossible for the ego vehicle to
synchronizing the start of F1 in SCsn            sn
                                     1 (resp. SC2 ) with one                  accelerate and to be at least 20km/h faster before passing the
snapshot from C3 , or synchronizing F3 with a snapshot from                   other vehicle. This conflict is not found because it depends
C1sn . This way, the consistency cases for a group of n TSCs                  both on the vehicle speeds at the beginning of the scenario and
can inductively be derived from the cases for n − 1 TSCs.                     the possible vehicle dynamics in the world model. Therefore
                                                                              future research directions are to (1) find more sophisticated
D. Prototypical Implementation                                                consistency notions that find more conflicts even on a high
   We evaluated the above consistency notions in a prototypical               abstract level (2) investigate into analysis methods for hybrid
implementation that has been partially already described in                   systems and how they can be used for consistency analysis of
Section III-A. The consistency analysis uses the Z3 SMT                       TSCs.
solver [31] in version 4.6.0. For the existential and partial
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                                                                                    + 20[km/h]
                                                                                                                                     >= 50m
                                                                   (3)                                   (4)                                  (6)

                                                                                 <= 50m


                                                                                ego.a <= 0


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