17th Workshop on Automotive Software Engineering Patrick Ebel Steffen Helke Ina Schaefer Andreas Vogelsang TU Berlin Fachhochschule Südwestfalen TU Braunschweig TU Berlin Berlin, Germany Hagen, Germany Braunschweig, Germany Berlin, Germany patrick.ebel@tu-berlin.de helke.steffen@fh-swf.de i.schaefer@tu-braunschweig.de andreas.vogelsang@tu-berlin.de The 17th Workshop on Automotive Software Engineering Program Committee (ASE’20) addresses the challenges of software development in the automotive sector and consequently with suitable methods, Dr. Christian Allmann techniques, and tools for this specific area. With the increasing Audi AG amount of connected vehicles, modern driver assistance sys- Prof. Dr. Marcel Baunach tems and the challenges of fully automated driving, automotive Technische Universität Graz software plays an important role today more than ever. Dr. Klaus Becker Furthermore, the distraction-free and intuitive operation of BMW Group vehicle applications via voice control plays an increasingly Dr. Mirko Conrad important role. The trend towards networking has long since samoconsult GmbH reached the vehicle. Driving a car is thus being changed by Dr. Heiko Dörr the advancing "digital cultures": Services such as WhatsApp, Model Engineering Solutions GmbH Skype or even Facebook will be integrated in the car in the near future and can then be operated by users while driving. Verena Klös The main objectives of the workshop are the exchange Technische Universität Berlin and discussion of how current challenges in automotive soft- Dr. Thomas Noack ware engineering can be mastered. The thematic orientation Individual Standard IVS GmbH offers many cross-references to the Software Engineering Prof. Dr. Jörn Schneider (SE) conference to which the workshop is colocated. The Hochschule Trier workshop addresses researchers, developers, and users from Dr. Thomas Sauer the automotive industry as well as scientists from research Volkswagen AG institutes and universities working in the field of automotive software engineering. Traditionally, the focus is less on theory than on applied research. Organization Two reviewers were selected for each of the four con- Patrick Ebel tributions submitted to this year’s workshop. Based on the Technische Universität Berlin reviews, we selected three high-quality papers for publication and presentations. Many thanks to all the reviewers who Prof. Dr. Steffen Helke contributed with great commitment to the review process. Fachhochschule Südwestfalen As in previous years, the workshop will be opened with a Prof. Dr. Ina Schaefer keynote speech. We would like to thank Dr. Alessio Gambi Technische Universität Braunschweig (Chair of Software Engineering II, University of Passau), who Prof. Dr. Andreas Vogelsang agreed to give this keynote. In addition, this year there are Technische Universität Berlin two invited talks by Rüdiger Heimgärtner (German UPA) and Stefan Kugele (TU München) and a session regarding the For many years, this workshop has been organized by the GI role of Automotive Software Engineering in teaching with interst group (Fachgruppe) “Automotive Software Engineer- the objective to create an Automotive Software Engineering ing”1 . The steering committee was consequently involved in curriculum. the organization of this workshop as well. 1 http://fg-ase.gi.de/ Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).