=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2581/emls2020preface |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2581/emls2020preface.pdf |volume=Vol-2581 |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/se/JungKS20a }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2581/emls2020preface.pdf
        7th Collaborative Workshop on Evolution and
            Maintenance of Long-Living Systems
                                       Reiner Jung2 , Marco Konersmann3 , Eric Schmieders4
                       Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, reiner.jung@email.uni-kiel.de
                            University of Koblenz-Landau, Koblenz, Germany, konersmann@uni-koblenz.de
                         Information und Technologie Nordrhein-Westfahlen (IT.NRW), Düsseldorf, Germany

Long-living systems are used and changed over a period of                                        II. W ORKSHOP P ROCESS
time. Living means that software is subject to change in                       This year’s workshop had three accepted contributions. 16
requirements and context, creating the demand to evolve the                 participants attended the workshop. Each session begun with
software. Long-loving software is software used for some                    a presentations of a contribution (10-15 minutes) concluding
years and continuously changed, but also software that run                  with questions to discuss. The major part of each session
with little change for decades and must undergo migration to                was a detailed discussion on the topic at hand by the authors
a new platform or language today.                                           and participants. Each discussion was guided by a moderator
   In recent years, the EMLS workshops have dealt with the                  utilizing state of the art discussion material (e.g., flip charts
challenges of the transition between development phases for                 and discussion cards) to guide the discussion and to prepare
long-living software. The workshops aim is to promote the                   the presentation of the results. At the end of each session, the
exchange on the challenges, solutions and experiences in                    discussion’s results were collected and presented in a poster.
evolution and maintenance of long-living software systems.                  All presentations in this year’s workshop will be made avail-
Experiences with specific technologies and solution strategies              able on the website https://rgse.uni-koblenz.de/emls/2020/.
are just as much demanded for the workshop as challenges
and evaluation strategies. The focus of the workshop is on                                 III. W ORKSHOP C ONTRIBUTIONS
intensive discussions. It is a forum in which the participants                 The first contribution Model-driven Development of
work on common topics collaboratively. We strive for an                     Evolving Secure Software Systems by Sven Peldzsus de-
exchange between research and industry. Therefore, accepted                 scribes 3 challenges that arose during the implementation of
contributions and summaries of the discussions are published                GraViTY, a framework that supports model-driven evolution
via different outlets including post proceedings and the work-              for secure software systems. The first challenge are transfor-
shop wbesite.                                                               mations between models of different granularity levels. We
                                                                            discussed related challenged from other fields and solution
                           I. K EYNOTE                                      ideas for the specific challenge. The second challenge is to
   The workshop was opened this year with a keynote                         propagate changes in interrelated models, when trace links
by Dr. Eric Schmieders from Information und Technologie                     are lost during the initial change. We discussed possibilities
Nordrhein-Westfahlen (IT.NRW), the IT service provider of the               to reduce the workload required by the current implementa-
federal state Northrhine-Westphalia in Germany. The keynote                 tion. The third challenge is the maintenance of networks of
Digitalisierung und Architekturmanagement dealt with the                    transformations, which is a challenging task in general [2].
challenges and solutions in the digitalization of administrative            We discussed possible solutions, taking the pragmatics of the
processes. Digitalization is a social and technological trans-              transformation domain into account, and considering solutions
formation. It does not only maps analog to digital processes,               to related problems, e.g., of the database or RE domains.
but also transforms processes fundamentally. German laws                       Whenever an application is migrated, the development of
demand the digitalization of administrative processes within                test cases for the migrated application causes significant costs
a specific time frame, affecting thousands of processes. Not                especially when test cases are developed from scratch. To
only do they have to be digitally operational, but they also                tackle this issue the second contribution Test Case Co-
need to be evolvable and maintainable for a long time. This                 Migration Method Patterns by Ivan Jovanovikj, Enes Yig-
induces contraints on the development and maintenance of the                itbas, Stefan Sauer, and Gregor Engels proposed method
software stack, including time to market, software quality and              patterns to co-migrate existing test cases of the application
personnel availability. A good compromise between individ-                  that is subject of migration. During the workshop, we dis-
ual developed and bought software seems, therefore, to be                   cussed two crucial questions. Firstly, we discussed on how
promising for the IT.NRW. Central for the IT.NRW is a good                  to assess the usefulness of the proposed method patterns in
requirement engineering processes which does identify shared                four dimensions: the derivation of “usefulness” into empirical
functionality, optimizes for costs, development personnel, and              and measurable units, the preconditions of the approach’s
current and future personnel for maintenance and evolution.                 applicability, the extension of the approach towards decision

 Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
transparency, and adequate evaluation setups. Secondly, we          tions and provided insights regarding the discussion.
identified and discussed factors that affect the usage of change         a) Moritz Balz: Ista International GmbH
patterns for concrete application migrations. We identified over         b) André van Hoorn: University of Stuttgart
10 factors and classified them into factors that characterize the        c) Heiko Koziolek: ABB Corporate Research
approach itself, e.g. efforts for applying a method pattern, and         d) Klaus Krogmann: Citrix Systems GmbH
factors that characterize the migrated application, e.g. code            e) Dušan Okanović: University of Stuttgart
coverage of the existing test cases.
                                                                         f) Volker Riediger: University of Koblenz-Landau
   The third contribution Maintenance of Long Living Smart
                                                                         g) Stefan Sauer: University of Paderborn
Contracts by Matthias Lohr and Sven Peldzsus discuss the
role of evolution and maintenance in smart contracts, espe-              h) Jochen Quante: Robert Bosch GmbH
cially in the Ethereum blockchain [1]. The concept contradicts           i) Bastian Tenbergen: State University of New York
the idea of immutable smart contracts on the block chain, but
has shown to be existent in practice, but not systematically.                      V. W ORKSHOP S UMMARY N OTES
Also, existing smart contracts that try to implement evolvabil-     Participants 16 including the authors
ity, such as proxy contracts, undermine the trustworthiness of      Contributions 3, covering topics from model-driven develop-
smart contracts.                                                    ment, software migration and smart contracts.
   The workshop concluded with a summary of the contribu-
tions and discussions. We thank all authors and participants of                                 R EFERENCES
the EMLS’20, and the organizers of the SE’20.
                                                                    [1] Ethereum. Ethereum: a global, open-source platform for decentralized
                 IV. P ROGRAM C OMMITTEE                                applications. https://ethereum.org/.
                                                                    [2] Perdita Stevens. Maintaining consistency in networks of models: bidi-
  Our program committee consist of members from industry                rectional transformations in the large. Software and Systems Modeling,
and academia. They rigorously reviewed the three contribu-              19(1):39–65, 2020.