=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2581/message |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2581/message.pdf |volume=Vol-2581 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2581/message.pdf
            Message from the SE’20 Workshop Chairs
                                 Regina Hebig                                                   Robert Heinrich
                    Chalmers | University of Gothenburg                              Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
                           Gothenburg, Sweden                                               Karlsruhe, Germany
                            hebig@chalmers.se                                              robert.heinrich@kit.edu

                                                                            engineering, focusing especially on the quality of system
  This volume includes the proceedings of the Work-                         requirements. Papers published at the workshop were con-
shops of the 2020 Software Engineering conference (SE’20).                  cerned with task-oriented functional requirements, handling
SE is the leading conference on software engineering in                     item characteristics in ERP systems, professionalization in
German-speaking countries and is annually organized by the                  ERP selection, a framework for combining corporate budget-
Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI). SE serves as a platform to               ing with agile project management, a procedural model for
exchange experiences and insights in the area of software                   selecting enterprise systems, and lean management methods.
engineering. The conference addresses a mixed audience from
practice and academia. SE’20 was hold in Innsbruck, Austria.                            II. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND T HANKS
The workshops were hold on the 24th and 25th of February                       We would like to thank all those who contributed to making
2020.                                                                       the SE workshops possible.
                                                                               First of all, we would like to thank the workshop organizers
                          I. W ORKSHOPS
                                                                            for their workshop ideas and the engagement and energy they
  The workshops were selected by the workshop chairs,                       put into making the workshops a reality. Namely, we thank:
considering the feasibility of the proposed workshop and the                   • Patrick Ebel, Steffen Helke, Ina Schaefer, and Andreas
potential to attract an engaged audience. All four submitted                      Vogelsang for organizing the 17th Workshop on Auto-
proposals were of high quality and therefore were accepted.                       motive Software Engineering (ASE 2020)
                                                                               • Christoph Weiss and Johannes Keckeis for organizing the
17th Workshop on Automotive Software Engineering (ASE’20)
                                                                                  1st Workshop Requirement Management in Enterprise
ASE’20 focuses on methods, techniques, and tools for support
                                                                                  Systems Projects (AESP 2020)
software development in the automotive domain. The work-
                                                                               • Björn Annighöfer, Andreas Schweiger, and Marina Reich
shop contributions addressed techniques to support consistency
                                                                                  for organizing the 2nd Workshop on Avionics Systems
of requirements, approaches to model architectures for safety
                                                                                  and Software Engineering (AVIOSE 2020)
critical software systems in the automotive domain, and run-
                                                                               • Reiner Jung, Marco Konersmann, and Eric Schmieders
time debugging techniques.
                                                                                  for organizing the 7th Collaborative Workshop on Evo-
2nd Workshop on Avionics Systems and Software Engineer-                           lution and Maintenance of Long-Living Systems (EMLS
ing (AvioSE’20) AvioSE’20 focused on system and software                          2020)
development in the aerospace domain, especially consider-                      Furthermore we are grateful to the members of the work-
ing issues caused by increasing complexity of systems. The                  shop program committees, who reviewed the workshop sub-
contributions of this workshop concerned an approach to sys-                missions and ensured quality of the presented works. An addi-
tematically test signal definitions for aircraft systems, the use           tional thanks goes to the authors of all workshop submissions
of formal methods is prototyping, automated reasoning over                  and the attendees of the workshops.
under-specifications for safety-critical systems, and software                 A special thanks goes to the Chair of the General Chair of
architectures for decentralized avionics and rocket missions.               the SE’20 Michael Felderer and his local organization team,
                                                                            namely Ilona Zaremba and Reiner Jung, for their continued
7th Collaborative Workshop on Evolution and Maintenance                     and outstanding support. Their work helped the workshop
of Long-Living Systems (EMLS’20) The EMLS series focuses                    organizers to create a great environment for the workshops.
on the different phases in the software life-cycle, considering                Finally, we would like to acknowledge the team at CEUR
especially the need for long-living systems. This year’s con-               who made publishing this volume possible, as well as the
tributions discussed model-driven development approaches to                 EasyChair team, whose software was instrumental during the
evolve secure software systems, methods for co-migration of                 review processes.
test cases, and maintenance of long-living smart contracts.
                                                                                                                              March 6, 2020
1st Workshop Requirement Management in Enterprise Systems
                                                                                                            Regina Hebig and Robert Heinrich
Projects (AESP’20) AESP was concerned with requirements

       Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).