What are you thinking? Explaining conversational agent responses for criminal investigations Sam Hepenstal Leishi Zhang Defence Science Technology Laboratory, UK Middlesex University London, UK Neesha Kodagoda B. L. William Wong Middlesex University London, UK Middlesex University London, UK ABSTRACT is significant. In June 2019 Cressida Dick, the Commissioner of the The adoption of complex artificial intelligence (AI) systems in en- Metropolitan Police, explained that “sifting through vast amounts vironments that involve high risk and high consequence decision of phone and computer data is partly to blame (for low solved crime making is severely hampered by critical design issues. These issues rates) as it slows down investigations”[16]. A more natural inter- include system transparency which covers (i) the explainability of action, which removes the requirement for analysts to translate results and (ii) the ability of a user to inspect and verify system their questions into restrictive syntax or structures, could speed up goals and constraints. We present a novel approach to designing a this process significantly. If an analyst were able to communicate transparent conversational agent (CA) AI system for information re- with their data in the same way as they do with their colleagues, trieval to support criminal investigations. Our method draws from through natural language, then they could achieve significant time Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA) interviews to inform the system savings and speed up investigations. architecture, and Emergent Themes Analysis (ETA) of questions However, for complex applications to be used in high risk and about an investigation scenario, to understand the explanation high consequence domains, transparency is crucial. If an analyst needs of different system components. Furthermore, we implement misinterprets system processes and information caveats when re- our design approach to develop a preliminary prototype CA, named trieving information in a live investigation then the impacts can be Pan, which demonstrates transparency provision. We propose to serious, for example leading to errors such as directing resources use Pan for exploring system requirements further in the future. to the wrong location, or failing to find a vulnerable victim. Mis- Our approach enables complex AI systems, such as Pan, to be used interpretation is a particular risk where there are subjectivities, in sensitive environments introducing capabilities which otherwise such as when using a CA to interpret human intentions. We define would not be available. transparency as the ease with which a user can (i) explain results provided by a system, in addition to (ii) being able to inspect and CCS CONCEPTS verify the goals and constraints of the system within context [3]. • Computer systems organization  Human-centered com- Without transparency, including appropriate levels of audit, com- plex systems cannot be used by intelligence analysts to support puting. their investigations. The domain of intelligence analysis is broad and diverse, there- KEYWORDS fore we have focused upon a narrow spectrum of criminal intel- explainability, criminal intelligence analysis, conversational agents, ligence analysis and information retrieval tasks. To develop the transparency prototype we first gathered and analysed data from CTA interviews ACM Reference Format: with operational police analysts to identify the way they recognise, Sam Hepenstal, Leishi Zhang, Neesha Kodagoda, and B. L. William Wong. construct, and develop their questioning strategies in an investiga- 2020. What are you thinking? Explaining conversational agent responses for tion. We captured important attributes within the interview data criminal investigations. In Proceedings of the IUI workshop on Explainable linked to the Recognition-Primed Decision (RPD) model [9] and Smart Systems and Algorithmic Transparency in Emerging Technologies applied Formal Concept Analysis (FCA), a mathematical method (ExSS-ATEC’20). Cagliari, Italy, 7 pages. to transform question objects and associated functional attributes into lattice structures, to identify intention concepts (contribution 1 INTRODUCTION 1). We can therefore provide an explanation structure for each in- Artificial intelligence (AI) based conversational agent (CA) tech- tention, and the underlying system processes, which mirrors the nologies are complex systems which are increasing in popularity way in which humans recognise situations. We propose that this [5, 6], because they provide more intuitive, natural, and faster ac- approach enhances the ability to inspect system behaviour and cess to information. They could benefit criminal investigations, deliver transparency. where repeated information retrieval tasks are performed by ana- We also present findings from scenario based interviews with a lysts and the volume of data that requires filtering and processing different set of operational analysts. In these we looked to identify what information is required in explanations of the various com- ExSS-ATEC’20, March 2020, Cagliari, Italy ponents that form a CA. The interview data is distilled to distinct © 2020 Crown copyright (2020), Dstl. Use permitted under Creative Commons License statements made by the analysts and further refined using Emer- Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). gent Themes Analysis (ETA), to form an explanation framework ExSS-ATEC’20, March 2020, Cagliari, Italy Sam Hepenstal, Leishi Zhang, Neesha Kodagoda, and B. L. William Wong covering CA system components (contribution 2). We describe a explaining the internals of a system and completeness is to describe novel CA prototype, named Pan, (contribution 3) designed to ad- it as accurately as possible. dress transparency issues, using our findings from the two sets of Intelligence analysis is a field where analysts operate in complex, interviews. subjective, uncertain and ambiguous environments, and a simple The work discussed in this paper provides a preliminary investi- explanation of the data or a model which defines a response is not gation of transparency issues for information retrieval with complex enough to satisfy their needs for understanding. For example, if systems, in the specific domain of criminal investigations. In fu- the method applied by the system presents significant constraints ture work we plan to probe further and to evaluate the prototype of which the analyst is not aware. Previous research has looked through experimentation with intelligence analysts. at this issue and developed a design framework for algorithmic transparency [3]. This describes the necessity to go beyond XAI 2 RELATED WORK when designing intelligent systems, to include visibility of the sys- tem goals and constraints within context of the situation. Context Analysts play an important role in criminal investigations, as the relates to the usage and user, including a user’s mental model for results of their analysis underpins decision making by police com- the ways in which the CA system works. Users who have a dif- manders. For example, intelligence analysis directs the prioritisation ferent mental model to the realities of the system can encounter of lines of inquiry in an investigation and assessments of key sus- difficulties and are prone to error [12]. pects. The process of intelligence analysis involves repetitive and intellectually non-trivial information retrieval tasks where “each 2.2 Structuring Human-Machine Recognition piece of insight leads to intense periods of manual information gathering”[4]. For example, if a new lead is provided about a sus- In a policing scenario, when an analyst is presented with a situation picious vehicle, analysts would ask questions such as ‘who owns they immediately look to make sense of it. They apply experience the vehicle?’ and ‘is the vehicle linked to any previous incidents?’ to recognise aspects of the situation and construct a plausible nar- If an intelligent system can improve this process the impact could rative explanation with supporting evidence. Klein [9] presents be significant. the Recognition-Primed Decision (RPD) model to characterise how Manual formulation of query syntax or interactions with tra- humans recognise and respond to situations, including their cues, ditional analysis tools can be cumbersome and time consuming. expectancies, actions and goals. The RPD model was first developed A more natural interaction, which removes the requirement for to understand how experienced people can make rapid decisions analysts to translate their questions into restrictive syntax or struc- using a case study on fire ground commanders, another high risk tures, could speed up this process significantly. If an analyst were and high consequence domain. able to communicate with their data in the same way as they do We desire a CA that can recognise situations in a similar fash- with their colleagues, through natural language, then they could ion and respond to analyst questions appropriately. We also need achieve significant time savings and speed up investigations. analysts to recognise the behaviour of a CA in each situation when We define typical CAs as being able to understand users by it attempts to understand and respond to the analyst. We propose matching their input pattern to a particular task category (inten- that the RPD model provides a useful foundation to designing CA tion), for example through ‘Artificial Intelligence Markup Language’ intentions so a CA can recognise analyst inputs, in addition to an (AIML) [15], where the intention triggers a set of functional pro- explanation structure so that its behaviour can also be recognised cesses. For banal tasks, such as playing a music playlist, the risks and understood by the analyst. of an incorrect or misleading response are low and the resulting consequences limited. As a result, traditional CAs have not been 3 MODELLING CA INTENTIONS built with algorithmic transparency in mind. If you ask Google 3.1 Participants and Method Assistant, for example, why it has provided a particular response it We conducted Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA) interviews, applying will not be able to tell you and instead responds with humour, such the Critical Decision Method [9], with four intelligence analysts to as ‘Let’s let mysteries remain mysteries.’ This is not appropriate delve into a particularly memorable incident for each. The analysts for use in criminal investigations where decisions can have serious have a minimum of 5 years operational experience. In this study, we impact, for example to direct resources towards the wrong suspect. analyse interview data to identify the thought processes of analysts, including the questions they asked during their investigations and 2.1 Criminal investigations need explaining requirements for responses. Some research to date has touched on the need for a CA to be able to explain its responses. Preece et al. describe the ability to 3.2 Analysis and Results ask a CA ‘why’ they have provided a particular response, so an For each interview we attempted to understand how analysts iden- analyst can obtain the agent’s rationale. An explanation could be tified what was happening and the information they needed to “a summary of some reasoning or provenance for facts”[13]. This advance their investigations. Critical to this process is how analysts understanding of explanation is consistent with research into ex- recognise and respond to situations. We analysed analyst interview plainable machine-learning, where the focus is placed upon the statements, structuring them against the Recognition-Primed Deci- specifics of the data retrieved, or the internals of a model. Gilpin sion (RPD) model [7], and found that the model is appropriate to et al. [2], defines eXplainable AI (XAI) as a combination of inter- capture and explain their processing of information in an investiga- pretability and completeness, where interpretability is linked to tion (Table 1). We propose that the RPD model, therefore, provides What are you thinking? Explaining conversational agent responses for criminal investigations ExSS-ATEC’20, March 2020, Cagliari, Italy Table 1: RPD Mapping from Interview Statements (Example from Interview 1) Transcript Statement [CTA: A1, 11:30] Goals Cues Expectancies Actions Why? What for? “We had no idea initially what the kidnap Understand Man gone There is Searched known To reduce To direct was for. We were searching associates, we the motive, missing. information associates, looked scope of next steps looked for any previous criminal convictions, the risk to Thought he for victim for previous con- investi- of investi- we spoke to neighbours, and telephone infor- the victim, had been within victions, spoke to gation gation and mation for his phone. One of the neighbours and possible kidnapped existing neighbours and and assess better use had suspected he had been kidnapped, and a suspects due to wit- databases witnesses, looked level of experience witness had seen him being bundled into a ness report. at telephone risk to recognise car and alerted the police because they knew known information. patterns he was vulnerable.” to be vulnerable Extracted Questions: Goals Cues Expectancies Actions Why? What for? What people are associates of victim? Find asso- Victim The victim Search for people To find po- So that in- ciates name knows the connected to vic- tential sus- quiries can offenders tim name pects be made into suspects Does the victim have any previous convic- Find convic- Victim The victim Search for con- To under- To assess tions? tions name has been victions directly stand past risk and targetted linked to victim victimi- inform pri- before name sation or oritisation offending What calls have involved the victims Find calls Victim The victim Search for calls To find To identify phone? phone has been involving phone recent possible number involved in number communi- leads or recent calls cations location a concise and clear representation of an analyst’s behaviour when Table 2: Example FCA-RPD Objects and Attributes retrieving information, and thus can be used to give an explanation structure for their intentions. We can design system processes that Recognition- FCA Object: “Has [victim name] mirror this representation. Primed Deci- been reported in any activity?” In Table 1, we also show how we extract individual questions sion Aspect asked by analysts from interview statements and can structure them Cues Pass specific input details (Vic- against the RPD model. Furthermore, we can interpret the RPD tim Name, Activity) attributes more generically to suit multiple questions of the same Goals Present confirmation type. During the interviews each analyst provided many examples Expectancies Expected that input details and of their information needs and the questions that they asked when pattern exist performing an investigation. For example, one analyst stated that Actions Perform adjacent information “I looked through every database for the victim’s name, custody search for entities extracted records, PNC (Police National Computer), stop and search, vehicles Why? Retrieve list for further explo- he drove, to see if he had been stopped and searched with other ration. people in the vehicle and if they had been named.” [CTA: A1, 15:00]. What for? To find new lines of inquiry. From this statement, we can extract a number of questions posed by the analyst that could be directed towards a CA, including “how many vehicles have travelled to the victims address?” To answer this question the analyst provides cues for ‘vehicles’, ‘travelled’ and ‘victims address’. Their goal is to retrieve summary information i.e. analysis approach which is effective at knowledge discovery and ‘how many’, and they are interested in finding a specific pattern of provides intuitive visualisations of hidden meaning in data [1]. FCA data in the database, which connect the cues. Table 2 provides a represents the subject domain through a formal context made of different example, with generic RPD attributes. objects and attributes of the subject domain [14]. By breaking down In this paper, we present how RPD attributes can be used to analyst questions and structuring their components against the dynamically model analyst intentions for searching and retrieving RPD model we extract attributes which can be used by a CA to pro- information, through Formal Concept Analysis (FCA). FCA is an cess a response. In this study we identified specific RPD attributes which address over 500 analyst questions, akin to those described ExSS-ATEC’20, March 2020, Cagliari, Italy Sam Hepenstal, Leishi Zhang, Neesha Kodagoda, and B. L. William Wong by analysts in interviews. We then performed FCA to identify in- Table 3: ETA Snapshot for Clarification of System Processes tention concepts. In our case, the subject domain comprises the intentions of an analyst when they ask questions in an investiga- Broad Sub-Theme Framework Statement tion. Therefore, FCA objects are questions including “Has [victim Theme Area name] been reported in any activity?”. FCA attributes are the RPD System Clarification Clarification I am concerned that model specifics which the CA must recognise and act upon in or- Processes of system info is missing because der to answer each question, such as the action ‘Perform adjacent inputs. of search criteria. information search’. Attributes can be simple methods, for example looking for single shortest paths or a pre-defined SPARQL pattern, Clarification Understanding as or they can be more advanced capabilities, such as clustering similar of system a tool is also important instances. Importantly, each generic RPD attribute corresponds to processes for the whole system, a functional process and therefore can be developed as a module. such as when and FCA allows us to group modules together to form intentions, with where to use it. question objects that can be used to train text classification for the user input to the CA. How have the re- The lattice, as shown in Figure 1, presents distinct object group- sults been worked out ings. The final layer of concept circles are complete concept inten- and what methods have tions, where all parts of the RPD are considered. The circles are been applied? sized based upon the number of associated questions. We can see that three questions in our set can be answered by combining the highlighted attributes. These attributes can answer the question, Table 4: CA Explanation Area Framework and Sub-Themes ‘how many vehicles are in our database?’, with ‘vehicle’ as a cue. The CA looks for adjacent information i.e. where there are instances Framework ETA Sub-Themes of the class ‘vehicles’, presents a summary count, and retrieves a list. Area To provide transparency we propose we can simply present what attributes, and therefore functional processes, underpin a concept Clarification Clarification of data attributes with their descriptions. Our model-agnostic and modular approach and structure, entity details, sys- is akin to what Molnar [11] describes as the future of machine tem input variables, metrics, learning interpretability. We have used the concept lattice to define question language, system pro- the intentions that an analyst can trigger through a CA interface, cesses, response methods, re- where each intention reflects our explanation structure; the RPD sponse language. model. Continuation Provide information to support continuation of investigation, 4 UNDERSTANDING CA RESPONSES including use of past interac- tions to move to next. 4.1 Participants and Method Exploration Associated/additional data in re- We interviewed four intelligence analysts with more than 10 years sponses or on periphery, inten- operational experience, from a different organisation to those in- tion match, system processes, terviewed previously. We aimed to explore their requirements for source documents. understanding the responses and processes of a CA in the context Justification Provide information to justify of a criminal investigation. Each interview lasted an hour and we selected system processes and presented interviewees with a series of questions and correspond- the data defining the response. ing CA responses with two explanation conditions, switching the Verification Additional details for entities, order of presentation. For one condition, responses described the correct intention match and im- data alone (1) and, in the other condition, the data and system pro- pact/constraints of system pro- cesses (2). We were not attempting to test the differences between cesses. conditions, rather we used them as a starting point from which Check data reliability. we could explore additional needs. Throughout interviews a single researcher took extensive notes from which individual statements were extracted. In total there were 114 distinct statements extracted, of what the data is about, with structure, and is fast and practical with counts for each analyst ranging from 24 to 34. [10]. A single researcher analysed the statements and identified that they could be coded against the core functional components 4.2 Analysis and Results of a CA, for example ‘System Processes’ as shown in Table 3. From To analyse the statements we used an approach called Emergent these components, we have drawn out the specific understanding Themes Analysis (ETA), as described by Wong and Blandford [19, needed for CA responses as sub-themes. The sub-themes are further 20], where broad themes, which are similar ideas and concepts, are categorised to form a general framework (Table 4) for explanation identified, indexed and collated. ETA is useful for giving a feeling needs from an intelligent CA system. What are you thinking? Explaining conversational agent responses for criminal investigations ExSS-ATEC’20, March 2020, Cagliari, Italy Figure 1: Concept Lattice for RPD Model Intentions (computed and drawn with Concept Explorer [21]) Exploring the interview data through the ETA method and struc- In Table 4, we display the framework areas and related sub- ture is helpful when we come to design CA components. For ex- themes that emerged from ETA. Specific areas in the explanation ample, examining Table 3 again, we can see that to provide under- framework can be linked to existing models for sensemaking, such standing of system processes to an analyst we need to allow for as the Data Frame Model [8] for elaborating and reframing ques- clarification of both input variables and processes. Drawing upon tions, or Toulmin’s model for argumentation [17] to provide justifi- details in the statements we can see that it is important to clarify cation. Table 5 presents the key framework areas for each compo- any constraints related to the search inputs, the general capabilities nent theme, where at least two analysts made associated statements, of the system as a whole, and specific processes applied in any in- together with a summary of sub-themes specific to both CA com- stance. We can incorporate explanations that provide clarification ponent and framework area. Different CA components draw more of these aspects, in addition to solutions for other themes extracted heavily on particular aspects of the framework and therefore our through ETA, into the design of our prototype application. ETA analysis helps us to design and tailor explanations for each An analyst’s ability to have clarification, verification and justifi- component. cation of system processes is crucially important, as identified by all analysts interviewed. This finding supports the framework for providing algorithmic transparency presented by Hepenstal et. al 5 CA PROTOTYPE [3] and reiterates the need to go beyond traditional approaches to We have developed an initial prototype CA application called Pan, explainable AI (XAI) which focus upon explanations of the impor- which uses FCA to define the different intention concepts to which tant features for a model and accuracy measures. Specific concerns it can respond. The objects (questions) which are attached to a included a need to justify follow up questions and the underlying concept are used as training data for machine learning text classifi- rationale of the system for use in court (ETA: A1; Q2; C1). Addition- cation, so that a user’s question can be matched to an appropriate ally, an understanding of the system processes selected by the CA, intention. Each intention concept has associated attributes and including descriptions of the methods applied (all analysts, multiple we have developed methods to handle these as individual models, statements), and inherent constraints, such as the questions which which create query syntax and interact with the database. In this cannot be answered by the CA and information which has been way, FCA can combine multiple distinct combinations of attribute omitted by the process (ETA: A2; Q1; C2 | A3; Q2; C2; | A4; Q4; C2). models flexibly to meet different analyst intentions. We propose Essentially, analysts need to be able to justify, clarify and verify the that by combining model-based attributes with FCA to define inten- CA intention triggered by their query and the related functional tion concepts we provide a highly flexible approach to developing attributes. We believe our RPD explanation structure provides a CA intentions. The objects and corresponding RPD attributes are neat mechanism to pick apart the system processes and provide, critical for providing visibility to an analyst for the responses given for each, the understanding required. by a CA and are akin to explainability scenarios i.e. “narratives of possible use that seek to answer the questions: who will use this ExSS-ATEC’20, March 2020, Cagliari, Italy Sam Hepenstal, Leishi Zhang, Neesha Kodagoda, and B. L. William Wong Table 5: CA Component Core Understanding Needs the intention. For example, when a concept triggers the action for finding single shortest path connections between instances, the ana- CA Component Framework Area Summary of lyst is presented with a description that includes any constraints to Theme (common for mul- Sub-theme(s) be wary of. Specifically, that it will not find longer paths or consider tiple analysts) multiple routes. These caveats will impact how the analyst consid- ers any information returned or how to rephrase their question. Extracted Clarification + More information of en- The attribute descriptions for each RPD module hang together as a Entities Verification (3) tities extracted for clar- narrative, akin to explainability scenarios. We intend to run experi- ification and verifica- ments with Pan and operational intelligence analysts to validate tion. our understanding of explanation needs and our RPD explanation CA Intention Clarification (3), Clear language to un- structure for CA intentions. Interaction Continuation (2) derstand classification (i.e. no confusing re- sponse metric) and in- formation to support 6 USE CASES AND INITIAL FEEDBACK continuation of investi- In order for AI systems to be used for high risk and high conse- gation. quence decision making they must provide transparency of their System Continuation (4), User wants system un- reasoning. As put by one analyst, “[the principal analyst] said none Processes Verification (4), derstanding to support of my analysts would stand up in court where the beginning point Clarification (3), continuation of investi- of their evidence is an algorithm.” [CTA: A4, 32:30] and that “You Exploration (2), gation, to allow them to have to be able to trace it (your reasoning) all the way back to Justification (2) verify processes are cor- evidentially explain why you did each part... an analyst always has rect and explore them to justify what they have done, so does a system.” [CTA: A4, 35:00] in more or less de- We believe that Pan addresses these issues by providing algorith- tail and justify their mic transparency of its reasoning, using an architecture that aids use/approach and con- recognition and explanations that meet our explanation framework. straints. Early feedback from analysts on our approach is positive, open- Data Clarification (3) Clarification of data up- ing routes for Pan to be tested in high risk and high consequence dates and source, and application domains where traditional CAs would not be deployed. data structure to aid forming questions. Response Clarification (4), Justification of re- Justification (4), sponse with underlying 7 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK Exploration (2) data, clarification of In this paper, we describe our approach to capture and model analyst language (not trying thought when retrieving information in a criminal investigation. to be human) and We also present analysis to understand their needs for explanations terminology, ability to from a complex CA system. Finally, we describe a prototype CA explore results in more which incorporates FCA and RPD to build intention concepts and is detail. therefore, we believe, transparent by design. We plan to evaluate the transparency impacts of our approach to intention concept design, gather additional requirements, and to validate our explanation system and what might they need to know to be able to make sense framework through experimentation with operational analysts. To of its outputs?” [18] date we have not explored how a CA should present its responses Our work to identify the core understanding needs for CA com- to an analyst. Thus, we will look to explore how explanations are ponents has helped to inform the design of explanations for different communicated, such as the specific textual or visual method. parts of the system, for example, when the CA matches user input The role of investigation scope was prominent in CTA interviews to an intention concept, triggers associated attribute models, and with analysts, where their questions were framed by the initial responds. The explanation provides information required for an scope, thus introducing the risk that important information beyond analyst to understand the CA component themes of ‘Data’, ‘Ex- the scope is missed. We will consider how CAs can help mitigate tracted Entities’, and ‘Response’. As an analyst types their query the constraints of investigation scope, through machine reasoning and entities are extracted, they are provided with identifier infor- for example. Analysts expressed the desire to avoid obvious follow mation where possible. We have also designed for the ability for up questions, so it would be helpful for a CA to predict and explore an analyst to inspect and verify system goals and constraints. In additional questions autonomously. One approach for this is to our prototype we allow the user to step into the intention concept model investigation paths as a Bayesian network. 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