=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2583/1_ASSIN-2 |storemode=property |title=Organizing the ASSIN 2 Shared Task |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2583/1_ASSIN-2.pdf |volume=Vol-2583 |authors=Livy Real,Erick Fonseca,Hugo Gonçalo Oliveira |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/stil/RealFO19 }} ==Organizing the ASSIN 2 Shared Task== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2583/1_ASSIN-2.pdf
             Organizing the ASSIN 2 Shared Task

 Livy Real1 , Erick Fonseca2 , and Hugo Gonçalo Oliveira3[0000 0002 5779 8645]
         B2W Digital/Grupo de Linguı́stica Computacional – University of São Paulo,
          Instituto de Telecomunicações, Lisboa, Portugal, erick.fonseca@lx.it.pt
                  CISUC, University of Coimbra, Portugal, hroliv@dei.uc.pt

          Abstract. We describe ASSIN 2, the second edition of a task on the
          evaluation of Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) and Textual Entail-
          ment (RTE) in Portuguese. The ASSIN 2 task uses as dataset a collec-
          tion of pairs of sentences annotated with human judgments for textual
          entailment and semantic similarity. Interested teams could participate in
          either of the tasks (STS or RTE) or in both. Nine teams participated in
          STS and eight in the RTE. A workshop on this task was collocated with
          STIL 2019, in Salvador, Brazil. This paper describes the ASSIN 2 task
          and gives an overview of the participating systems.

          Keywords: Shared Task · Semantic Textual Similarity · Recognizing
          Textual Entailment · Natural Language Inference · Portuguese

1       Introduction
ASSIN4 stands for Avaliação de Similaridade Semântica e INferência Textual
(Evaluating Semantic Similarity and Textual Entailment) and is an evaluation
shared task in the scope of the computational processing of Portuguese. In fact,
as in the first ASSIN (hereafter, ASSIN 1), ASSIN 2, the second edition of this
task, consisted of two di↵erent tasks: Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE),
also known known as Natural Language Inference (NLI), and Semantic Textual
Similarity (STS).
    Following ASSIN 1 [11], ASSIN 2 o↵ered the interested community a new
benchmark for computational semantic tasks in Portuguese, thus advancing the
state-of-the-art. The shared task was collocated with the Symposium in Infor-
mation and Human Language Technology (STIL) in Salvador, BA, Brazil, with a
workshop held on October, 15th , 2019. A short paper on ASSIN 2 was published
in the Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Computational
Processing of Portuguese [24].
    Briefly, as defined in a SemEval 2012 task [1] on the topic, Semantic Textual
Similarity (STS) ‘measures the degree of semantic equivalence between two sen-
tences’. Given a set of pairs of textual fragments, often sentences, this kind of
task asks for the assignment of a score for their similarity. The similarity scale
    Assim in Portuguese means ‘in the same way’, so arguably an adequate name for a
    similarity task.

 Copyright c 2020 for this paper by its authors.
 Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
adopted in ASSIN 2 ranges between 1 and 5, with 1 meaning that the sentences
are totally di↵erent and 5 that they have virtually the same meaning. The pair
O cachorro está pegando uma bola azul/Uma bola azul está sendo pega pelo ca-
chorro 5 is an example of a pair scored with 5, while A menina está andando de
cavalo/O menino está borrifando as plantas com água 6 is scored 1.
    Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE), or Natural Language Infer-
ence (NLI), is the task of predicting whether a given text entails another (i.e.,
a premise implies a hypothesis). The entailment relation happens when, from
the premise [A], we can infer that another sentence [B] is also true. That is,
from [A] we can conclude [B]. For the pair [A] Um macaco está provocando um
cachorro no zoológico/ [B] Um cachorro está sendo provocado por um macaco
no zoológico 7 , we say A entails B. While for the pair [A]Um grupo de meninos
em um quintal está brincando e um homem está de pé ao fundo/ [B]Os meninos
jovens estão brincando ao ar livre e o homem está sorrindo por perto 8 , there is
no entailment relation from A to B9 .
    We follow the tradition of shared tasks for RTE that can be traced back to
2005 with the first Pascal Challenge [7], targeting RTE in a corpus of 1,367 pairs
annotated for entailment and non-entailment relations. Back then, the best
teams (MITRE and Bar Ilan teams) achieved an accuracy of 0.586. In the next
Pascal Challenges, di↵erent corpora and task designs were tried: paragraphs were
used instead of short sentences (Challenge 3 [12]); contradictions were added
to the data (Extended Challenge 3[27]); non-aligned texts were given to the
participants (Challenges 6 and 7) and, more recently, the task was presented as
multilingual [22,23].
    Regarding STS, shared tasks for English go back to SemEval 2012 [1]. Re-
cently, in 2017 [5], Arabic and Spanish were also included. SemEval 2014 also
included a related task on Compositionality, that put together both Semantic
Relatedness and Textual Entailment [19], which we modeled our dataset after.
For both STS and RTE, this task used the SICK corpus (‘Sentences Involving
Compositional Knowledge’) as its data source, the first corpus in the order of
10,000 sentence pairs annotated for inference.
    In 2015, SNLI, a corpus with more than 500,000 human-written English
sentences annotated for NLI was released[3] and, in 2017, RepEval [21] included
the MultiNLI corpus, with more than 430,000 pairs annotated for NLI, covering
di↵erent textual genres.

  The dog is catching a blue ball/A blue ball is being caught by the dog.
  The girl is riding the horse/The boy is spraying the plants with water.
  A monkey is teasing a dog at the zoo/A dog is being teased by a monkey at the zoo.
  A group of boys in a backyard are playing and a man is standing in the background/
  Young boys are playing outdoors and the man is smiling nearby.
  One could possibly think there is an entailment relation among these sentences, since
  ‘meninos’ (boys) are always ‘meninos jovens’ (young boys) and that probably the
  man standing would be also smiling. Since it is also equally possible that the man
  nearby is not smiling, this pair is considered a non-entailment, that is, it is possible
  that the two scenes happens at the same time, but it is not necessary.

    When it comes to Portuguese processing, data availability and shared tasks
for semantic processing are still starting to become popular. In 2016, ASSIN [11]
was the first shared task for Portuguese STS and RTE. Its dataset included
10,000 pairs of annotated sentences, half in European Portuguese and half in
Brazilian Portuguese. ASSIN 2 follows the goal of ASSIN by o↵ering a new com-
putational semantic benchmark to the community interested in computational
processing of Portuguese.

2     Task and Data Design

When designing ASSIN 2, we considered the previous experience of ASSIN and
made some changes towards an improved task. This section describes the data
used in the ASSIN 2 collection, its annotation process, decisions taken and the
main di↵erences to ASSIN 1. It ends with a brief schedule of ASSIN 2.

2.1   Data Source

The ASSIN 1 dataset is based on news and imposes several linguistic challenges,
such as temporal expressions and reported speech. Following thoughts of the
ASSIN 1 organization [11], we opted to have a corpus specifically created for
the tasks, as SNLI and MultiNLI, and containing only simple facts, as SICK.
Therefore, the ASSIN 2 data was based on SICK-BR [25], a translation and
manual adaptation of SICK [19], the corpus used in SemEval 2014, Task 1. SICK
is known to be based on captions of pictures and to have fewer complex linguistic
phenomena, which perfectly suits our purposes. Since ASSIN 2 collection is made
upon SICK-BR, it only contains the Brazilian variant of Portuguese.

2.2   Data Balancing

Another goal considered in data design was to have a balanced corpus in terms
of RTE labels. Both ASSIN and SICK-BR data are unbalanced, o↵ering many
more neutral pairs than entailments. Even if this is more representative of the
reality of language usage by people, this is undesirable for machine learning tech-
niques. Since SICK-BR has less than 25% of entailment pairs, we had to create
and annotate more of them. To create such pairs we followed a semi-automated
strategy, starting from entailment SICK-BR pairs and changing synonyms or
removing adverbial or adjectival phrases in those. All generated pairs were man-
ually revised. We also manually created pairs hoping they would be annotated
as entailments, but trying as much as possible not to introduce artifact bias [14].

2.3   Data Annotation

All the annotators involved in the ASSIN 2 annotation task have linguistic train-
ing, being them professors, linguistics students or computational linguists. We

would like to express the deepest appreciation to Alissa Canesim (Universi-
dade Estadual de Ponta Grossa), Amanda Oliveira (Stilingue), Ana Cláudia
Zandavalle (Stilingue), Beatriz Mastrantonio (Stilingue - Universidade Federal
de Ouro Preto), Carolina Gadelha (Stilingue), Denis Owa (Pontifı́cia Univer-
sidade Católica de São Paulo), Evandro Fonseca (Stilingue), Marcos Zandonai
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos), Renata Ramisch (Núcleo Interinsti-
tucional de Linguı́stica Computacional - Universidade Federal de São Carlos),
Talia Machado (Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa) for taking part of this
task with the single purpose of producing open resources for the community in-
terested on the computational processing Portuguese. We also thank the Group
of Computational Linguistics from University of São Paulo for making available
SICK-BR, which served as the base for the ASSIN corpus.
    All the pairs created for ASSIN were annotated by at least four native speak-
ers of Brazilian Portuguese. The annotation task was conducted using an online
tool prepared for the RTE and STS tasks, the same as in ASSIN 1.
    For the RTE task, only pairs annotated the same way by the majority of
the annotators were actually used in the dataset. It means that at least three
of four annotators agreed on the RTE labels present in ASSIN 2 collection. For
the STS task, the label is the average of the score given by all the annotators.
The final result was a dataset with about 10,000 sentence pairs: 6,500 used
for training, 500 for validation, and 2,448 for test, now available at https:
    Since we wanted to have a balanced corpus and a sound annotation strategy,
we opted for having only two RTE labels; entailment and non-entailment.
Di↵erently from ASSIN 1, we did not use the paraphrase label because a para-
phrase happens when there is a double-entailment, being, somehow, unnecessary
to annotate a double-entailment with a third label. This was further motivated
by the results of ASSIN 1, where systems showed much difficulty to outperform
the proposed baselines, which were the same as in ASSIN 2. For example, no par-
ticipant run did better than the RTE baseline in Brazilian Portuguese. Thus, we
decided to pursue a new task design having in mind its utility to the community.
    In fact, our original intent was to follow a tradition in inference that pays at-
tention to contradictions as much as to entailments, as Zaenen et al. [28] and de
Marne↵e et al. [20], as well as most recent datasets. However, having a soundly
annotated corpus for contradictions is not a trivial task. Firstly, defining con-
tradictions and having functional guidelines for the phenomenon is a task on
its own. While recent datasets aim to have a “human” perspective of the phe-
nomenon [4], semanticists and logicians have already pointed out that this lay
perspective on contradictions can lead to much noise on inference annotation10 ,
especially when considering contradictions’ annotation. For example, the work
of Kalouli et al. [16] shows that almost 50% of the contradictions in the SICK
dataset, around 15% of all the pairs, do not follow the basic ‘logical’ assump-
tion that, if the premise (sentence A) contradicts the hypothesis (sentence B),
the hypothesis (B) must also contradict the premise (A). After all, contradic-
     See Crouch (et al.)-Manning controversy for details on this point [28,18,6].

tions should be symmetric. Secondly, considering that we used SICK-BR as the
base of our dataset, we would have needed to correct all the contradictions that
were already in SICK, following Kalouli et al. [16], that finds many inconsisten-
cies on contradictions annotation. Another point for excluding contradictions in
ASSIN 2 is that we would also not have a balanced corpus among the labels,
since SICK (and SICK-BR) has less than 1,500 contradictions in a corpus of
10,000 pairs.

                       Table 1. Examples of ASSIN 2 data

Premise                             Hypothesis                     RTE STS
O cachorro castanho está correndo Um cachorro castanho está cor- Entails 5
na neve                             rendo na neve
Alguns animais estão brincando Alguns animais estão brincando na Entails 4.4
selvagemente na água               água
Dois meninos jovens estão olhando Duas jovens meninas estão o- None 3.7
para a câmera e um está pondo sua lhando uma câmera e uma está
lı́ngua para fora                   com a lı́ngua para fora
A menina jovem está soprando Não tem nenhuma menina de rosa None 2.1
uma bolha que é grande             girando uma fita
Um avião está voando              Um cachorro está latindo      None 1

   Table 1 illustrates the dataset with five annotated pairs. The collection of
ASSIN 2 is distributed in the same XML format adopted in ASSIN 1. Sentence
pairs are marked by the  element that includes elements  and ,
respectively for the first and second sentence. For illustrative purposes, Figure 1
represents the first example in Table 1.

        O cachorro castanho está correndo na neve
        Um cachorro castanho está correndo na neve

                  Fig. 1. Data format of the ASSIN 2 collection.

2.4    Schedule
ASSIN 2 was announced on May 2019, in several NLP mailing lists. On June
2019, a Google Group was created for communication between the organiza-
tion and participants or other interested people (https://groups.google.com/
forum/#!forum/assin2). Training and validation data were released on 16th
June and testing data on 16th September, which also marked the beginning of

the evaluation period. The deadline for result submission was 10 days later, on
26th September, and the official results were announced a few days after this.
    A physical workshop where ASSIN 2 was presented, as well as some partici-
pations, was held on 15th October 2019, in Salvador, Brazil, collocated with the
STIL 2019 symposium11 . On 2nd March 2020, a second opportunity was given
to participants to present their work in the POP2 workshop, in Évora, Portugal,
collocated with the PROPOR 2020 conference12 .

2.5   Metrics

As it happened in ASSIN 1 and in other shared tasks with the same goal, systems’
performance on the RTE task was measured with the macro F1 of precision and
recall as the main metric. For STS, performance was measured with the Pearson
correlation index (⇢) between the gold and the submitted scores, with Mean
Squared Error (MSE) computed as a secondary metric. The evaluation scripts
can be found at https://github.com/erickrf/assin.

3     Participants and Results

ASSIN 2 had a total of nine participating teams, five from Portugal and four
from Brazil, namely:

 – CISUC-ASAPPj (Portugal)
 – CISUC-ASAPPy (Portugal)
 – Deep Learning Brasil (Brazil)
 – IPR (Portugal)
 – L2F/INESC (Portugal)
 – LIACC (Portugal)
 – NILC (Brazil)
 – PUCPR (Brazil)
 – Stilingue (Brazil)

    Each team could submit up to three runs and participate in both STS and
RTE, or in only one of them. Moreover, each team could participate without
attending the workshop venue, held in Salvador. We believe this was an im-
portant point for increasing participation, because travelling expenses can be
high, especially for those that were coming from Europe. The main drawback
was that only four teams actually presented their approaches in the ASSIN 2
workshop, namely CISUC-ASAPP, CISUC-ASAPPy, Deep Learning Brasil and
Stilingue. On the other hand, a total of six teams submitted a paper describing
their participation, to be included in this volume.

                                                     STS              RTE
     Team                          Run
                                            ⇢          MSE    F1        Accuracy
                                   1        0.642     0.63    0.560     58.91
     CISUC-ASAPPj                  2        0.652     0.61    0.606     62.05
                                   3        0.616     0.82    0.576     59.76
                                   1        0.726     0.58    0.401     53.10
     CISUC-ASAPPpy                 2        0.730     0.58    0.656     66.67
                                   3        0.740     0.60    0.649     65.52
                                   1        0.751     1.20    0.816     81.90
     Deep Learning Brasil          2        0.785     0.59    0.883     88.32
                                   3        0.657     0.65    0.333     50.00
                                   1        0.826     0.52    0.876     87.58
     IPR                           2        -0.037    15.48   0.873     87.38
                                   3        0.809     0.62    0.87      87.01
                                   1        0.771     0.54    0.775     77.66
     L2F/INESC                     2        0.778     0.52    0.784     78.47
                                   3        0.751     1.20    0.816     81.90
                                   1        0.493     1.08    0.77      77.41
     LIACC                         2        0.459     1.02    0.72      73.20
                                   3        0.458     1.04    0.733     74.31
                                   1        0.729     0.64    0.871     87.17
     NILC                          2        0.729     0.64    0.868     86.85
                                   3        0.729     0.64    0.865     86.56
                                   1        0.643     0.90    N/A       N/A
     PUCPR                         2        0.678     0.85    N/A       N/A
                                   3        0.646     0.92    N/A       N/A
                                   1        0.748     0.53    0.788     78.84
     Stilingue                     2        0.800     0.39    0.866     86.64
                                   3        0.817     0.47    0.866     86.64
     WordOverlap (baseline)       –         0.577   0.75     0.667      66.71
     BoW sentence 2 (baseline)    –         0.175   1.15     0.557      56.74
     Infernal (baseline)          –         N/A     N/A      0.742      74.18
                  Table 2. Results of each submitted run and baselines.

3.1      Results

The results of the runs submitted by each team in the STS and RTE tasks are
shown in Table 2, together with three baselines.
   Considering the Pearson correlation (⇢), the best result in STS (0.826) was
achieved by the first run submitted by the IPR team, although the best MSE

was by the second run of Stilingue (0.39). We highlight that these were the only
teams with ⇢ higher than 0.8. Although Pearson ⇢ was used as the main metric,
this metric and the MSE are two di↵erent ways of analysing the results. A high
⇢ means that the ranking of most similar pairs is closer to the one in the gold
standard, while a low MSE means that the similarity scores are closer to the gold
ones. Both the best MSE and the best values of ⇢ are significantly better than
the best results achieved in ASSIN 1, both in the official evaluation (⇢=0.73 [9])
and in post-evaluation experiments (⇢=0.75 [2]).
    On RTE, Deep Learning Brasil had the best run (second run), considering
both F1 and Accuracy, though not very far from IPR, Stilingue and NILC.
Again, the values achieved are higher than the best official results in ASSIN 1.
    The globally higher performances suggest that, when compared to ASSIN 1,
ASSIN 2 was an easier task. This might, indeed, be true, especially considering
that, for RTE, the ASSIN 2 collection only used two labels, due to Paraphrases
being labelled as Entailment and thus not “competing”. ASSIN 2 data was also
aimed to be easier and not having complex linguistic phenomena. Another point
to keep in mind when comparing ASSIN 1 and ASSIN 2 is that in this edition,
competitors had access to a balanced corpus. This might have also contributed
to the better performance of systems in ASSIN 2 data. Still, we should also
consider that, in the last two years, NLP had substantial advances when it comes
to the representation of sentences and their meaning, which lead to significant
improvements in many tasks.

3.2   Approaches

Approaches followed by the participants show that the Portuguese NLP com-
munity is quickly adopting the most recent trends, with several teams (IPR,
Deep Learning Brasil, L2F/INESC, Stilingue and NILC), including those with
the best results, somehow exploring BERT [8] contextual embeddings, some
of which (IPR, NILC) fine-tuned for ASSIN 2. Some teams combined the
previous with other features commonly used in STS / RTE, including string
similarity measures (e.g., Jaccard for tokens, token n-grams and character n-
grams), agreement in negation and sentiment, lexical-semantic relations (syn-
onyms and hyponymy), as well as pre-trained classic word embeddings (e.g.,
word2vec, GloVe, fastText, all available for Portuguese as part of the NILC
embeddings [15]). Besides BERT, non-pretrained neural models, namely LSTM
Siamese Networks (PUCPR) and Transformers (Stilingue), were also used, while
a few teams (ASAPPpy, ASAPPj) followed a more classic machine learning ap-
proach, and learned a regressor from some of the previous features. Models were
trained not only in the ASSIN 2 train collection, but also in data from ASSIN 1.
    Towards the best Pearson ⇢, the IPR team relied on a pre-trained multilingual
BERT model, freely available by the developers of BERT, which they fine-tuned
with large Portuguese corpora. A neural network was built by adding one layer
to the resulting BERT model and trained with ASSIN 1 (train and test) and
ASSIN 2 (train) data.

    Stilingue relied on the exploration of Transformers, trained with BERT [8]
features, plus a set of 18 additional features covering sentiment and nega-
tion agreement, synonyms and hyponyms according to Onto.PT [13] and Verb-
Net [26], similarity, gender and number agreement, Jaccard similarity of shared
tokens, verb tense, presence of the conjunction ‘e’ (and), similar and di↵erent
tokens, sentence subject, and cosine of sentence embeddings computed with Fast-
Text [15].
    For RTE, the best run, by Deep Learning Brasil, was based on an ensemble of
multilingual BERT and RoBERTa [17], which improves on the results of BERT,
both fine-tuned for the ASSIN 2 data. However, for RoBERTa, this data was
previously translated to English, with Google Translate. The IPR team also
relied on BERT and used ASSIN 1 data to fine-tune the model.
    Our first baseline was the word overlap, which had very competitive results
in ASSIN 1. It counts the ratio of overlapping tokens in both the first and
second sentence, and trains a logistic/linear regressor (for RTE/STS) with these
two features. A second baseline is inspired by Gururangan et al. [14] and trains
the same algorithms on bag-of-words features extracted only from the second
sentence of each pair. It aims to detect biases in the construction of the dataset.
For RTE, a third baseline was considered, namely, Infernal [10], a system based
on hand designed features, which has state-of-the-art results on ASSIN 1.

3.3     Results in Harder Pairs
Similar to Gururangan et al. [14], we took all the pairs misclassified by our
second baseline and called them a hard subset of the data. In other words, these
pairs were not correctly classified by only looking at the hypothesis, the second
sentence of the pair. In order to provide an alternative view on the results, we
analysed the participants’ results on this subset.
    Results are shown in table 3. Though worse than the performance in the
full collection, in table 2, the di↵erences are not as large as those reported by
Gururangan et al. [14]. This is not surprising, as the second baseline had an F1
score only marginally above chance level13 , indicating that the dataset does not
su↵er from annotation artifacts as seriously as SNLI.
    A particular outlier is the second run of IPR in STS. But the highly di↵ering
value is due to their already very low Pearson ⇢ in the original data. Still, eight
runs had a decrease of more than 15% in RTE, suggesting they might have been
exploiting some bias in the collection.

4      Conclusions
ASSIN 2 was the second edition of ASSIN, a shared task targeting Recognizing
Textual Entailment / Natural Language Inference and Semantic Textual Simi-
larity in Portuguese. It had nine participating teams, from Portugal and Brazil,
     For comparison, Gururangan et al. [14] had 67% accuracy in a dataset with three

                                      STS                           RTE
Team                  Run
                            ⇢⇤      MSE   ⇢ di↵            F1      Acc     F1 di↵
                      1     0.567   0.75         -11.68%   0.526   64.02   -6.07%
ASAPPj                2     0.578   0.70         -11.35%   0.558   64.59   -7.92%
                      3     0.586   0.94         -4.87%    0.551   64.40   -4.34%
                      1     0.630   0.75         -13.22%   0.302   35.79   -24.69%
ASAPPpy               2     0.635   0.75         -13.01%   0.591   59.49   -9.91%
                      3     0.655   0.77         -11.49%   0.587   59.49   -9.55%
                      1     0.764   0.70         -7.51%   0.798    81.02   -8.90%
IPR                   2     0.018   13.43        -148.65% 0.788    79.89   -9.74%
                      3     0.734   0.86         -9.27%   0.781    79.32   -10.23%
                      1     0.368   1.20         -25.35%   0.630   63.36   -18.18%
LIACC                 2     0.383   1.09         -16.56%   0.574   57.41   -20.28%
                      3     0.348   1.15         -24.02%   0.581   58.07   -20.74%
                      1     0.632   0.88         -13.31%   0.777   78.94   -10.79%
NILC                  2     0.632   0.88         -13.31%   0.774   78.56   -10.83%
                      3     0.632   0.88         -13.31%   0.760   77.05   -12.14%
                      1     0.528   1.23         -17.88%   —       —       —
PUCPR                 2     0.562   1.17         -17.11%   —       —       —
                      3     0.528   1.25         -18.27%   —       —       —
                      1     0.593   0.77         -15.04%   0.639   66.76   -11.98%
L2F/INESC             2     0.677   0.73         -12.19%   0.644   65.34   -16.90%
                      3     0.684   0.71         -12.08%   0.658   66.95   -16.07%
                     1      0.659   1.54         -12.25%   0.681   68.56   -16.54%
Deep Learning Brasil 2      0.718   0.75         -8.54%    0.804   81.40   -8.95%
                     3      0.579   0.78         -11.87%   0.244   32.20   -26.73%
                      1     0.666 0.68       -10.96% 0.747       77.24    -5.20%
Stilingue             2     0.718 0.52       -10.25% 0.777       79.13    -10.28%
                      3     0.744 0.66       -8.94%    0.777     79.13    -10.28%
Table 3. Results of each submitted run in the harder pairs and di↵erence towards the
full results.

and, di↵erently from the previous ASSIN edition [11], most of the systems out-
performed the proposed baselines. We believe that the e↵ort of having a simpler
task in ASSIN 2 was beneficial, not only because systems could do better in this
edition, but also because the ASSIN 2 corpus has a sound annotation strategy,
comparable with previous shared tasks for English. Looking at the participation,
it seems that the Portuguese processing community is now more interested in
the proposed tasks.
   On the results achieved, it is notable that systems based on transfer learning
had better results in the competition for both tasks. A note should be added on
the Deep Learning Brasil team, which achieved the best scores for RTE with a

strategy based on translating the data to English, to make possible the use of
more powerful models. However, it is possible that the nature of the data, which
is a translated and adapted version of SICK, makes this strategy more sound
than it would be in real-world scenarios. After all, ASSIN 2 results may indicate
how the pre-trained language models used, namely BERT and RoBERTa, rapidly
improved the state-of-the-art of a given task. For the future, we would like to
discuss new ways of evaluating the generalization power of the proposed systems,
since intrinsic metrics, considering only a subset of the data that follows exactly
the same format of the training data, seems nowadays not to be enough to
e↵ectively evaluate the systems’ performance.

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