IPR: The Semantic Textual Similarity and Recognizing Textual Entailment systems Rui Rodrigues1 , Paula Couto1 , and Irene Rodrigues2 1 Centro de Matemática e Aplicações (CMA), FCT, UNL Departamento de Matemática, FCT, UNL Portugal 2 Laboratório de Informática, Sistemas e Paralelismo (LISP) Departamento de Informática, Universidade de Évora Portugal Abstract. We describe IPR’s systems developed for ASSIN2 (Evaluat- ing Semantic Similarity and Textual Entailment). Our best submission ranked first in the Semantic Textual Similarity task and second in the Recognizing Textual Entailment task. These systems were developed us- ing BERT, for each task we added one layer to a pre-trained Bert model and fine-tuned the whole task network. 1 Introduction In this paper, we describe the IPR team participation in the ASSIN2[11] (Eval- uating Semantic Similarity and Textual Entailment) tasks, Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) and Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE). STS and RTE are semantic tasks that infer two semantic relations between sentences, similarity and entailment. The STS task classifies, on a scale from 1 to 5, the level of semantic equivalence between sentences. The RTE task classifies the sentences entailment, Yes/No. In the ASSIN2, challenge the metrics used to evaluate the the predictions of the systems on the two tasks were: F1-measure (primary metric) and Accuracy (secondary metric), for RTE, and Pearson Corre- lation (primary metric) and Root Mean Square Error (MSE, secondary metric), for STS. Our systems were developed using BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Represen- tations from Transformers) [3]. We took a pre-trained BERT model, add, for each task, one untrained layer of neurons on the end, and then train the new models for our classification tasks. The train data used include: the ASSIN2 train data; the previous ASSIN Brazilian Portuguese and European Portuguese train and test data; and a Por- tuguese corpus build with the Portuguese Wikipedia and the journal extracts of Público and Folha de São Paulo included in corpus CHAVE[12]. In both tasks, in our best submission, we departed from the Multilingual BERT model. In the STE, task we fine-tuned the model to Portuguese using the Portuguese corpus. Then, for each task, we added a new layer and we used the Copyright c 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). ASSIN2 train data and the ASSIN train and test data to fine-tune the resulting network, giving rise to our systems. IPR’s best submission in the STS task ranked first (Pearson correlation). And in the RTE task ranked second (F1 score). In these semantic tasks, the strategy of using a BERT language model fine- tuned with the classification task data has obtained very good results, in section 2 it is provided an explanation of the method we followed. Section 3 describes our approach to the specific tasks and presents the results we achieved on these tasks along with instances where the systems did not perform so well. Section 4 dis- cusses our performance in ASSIN2 and includes also future plans for improving the systems. 2 Using BERT for NLP semantic tasks BERT models use what is known as Word Embeddings, models where words are represented as real number vectors in a predefined vector space. The use of real number vectors to represent words dates back to 1986 [5]. More recently, in 2003, in [1] a vector representation of words is obtained by using a neural network and the vectors are elements of a probabilistic language model. In 2008, [2], the network that produced such a vector representation was trained to create a language model together with several NLP tasks: part-of- speech tags, chunks, named entity tags, semantic roles, semantic similar words. In 2013 a significant advance was achieved with Word2vec [8]. Word2vec is a shallow model, log-bilinear, without non-linearities that en- ables the use of higher dimension vector representation and can be training on larger corpus. It achieved important results in several NLP tasks involving word semantic and syntactic similarity. GloVe [9], is also a log-bilinear model but it’s train di↵ers from the word2vec train since it uses global occurences of matrices. Glove achieved important results on NLP tasks like word analogy and Named Entities Recognition. In the these models, word representations do not distinguish the di↵erent meanings of some words: the vector representation is always the same for each word independently of context 3 . More recently, language models ELMo [10] and ULMFit [6] used recurrent bidirectional neural networks (LSTMs) to generate word vector representation of words based on the context. This contextualized word representations allowed improvements that brought these models to state-of-art in many NLP tasks. BERT [3] is a Transformer neural network [14] which has a better integra- tion of bidirectional context. The use of feedforward neural networks instead of recurrent allows for a much bigger model. BERT achieves on most NLP tasks better results than any previous models. The version we used, BERT-Base has 110 million parameters. Each BERT’s input is one sentence or a pair of sentences. Each sentence is previously converted to a sequence of tokens using ‘WordPiece’ tokenizer [13]. 3 see [10] for more details on the Word embeddings 40 More concretely each word is converted in one or more tokens: tokens are more meaningful when they correspond to frequent words, suffixes or prefixes. In our case, the output of BERT is a vector of 768 floats. BERT is pre-trained simultaneously on two tasks: – 10% of the words in a sentence are masked and BERT tries to predict them. – Two sentences, A and B, are given and BERT must decide if B is the sentence that follows A. Two network layers (in parallel) are added to BERT in order to train it on these tasks. 3 Our systems In this section we describe our systems approach using BERT, a Portuguese Corpus and the ASSIN1 and ASSIN2 datasets. 3.1 BERT versions The authors of BERT made available a pre-trained multilingual version. They used 104 languages, including Portuguese, Arabic, Russian, Chinese and Japanese. The resulting vocabulary consists of 119547 tokens. To compare with the En- glish BERT version which vocabulary contains 30000 tokens. Therefore, the set of tokens, in the multilingual version, can not be well adapted to each language . The example below presents the tokenization of an ASSIN2 sentence where tokens are separated by a space: O meni ##no e a meni ##na estão br ##in ##cando na academia ao ar livre4 We can see that words as “menina” and the verb “brincar” do not have a natural decomposition in tokens. The Multilingual Portuguese tokenization leads us to suspect that the use of this BERT version can not be optimal for Portuguese and possibly for other languages. So to adjust the network resources (weights) to Portuguese we de- cided to build a new version by using this Multilingual version fine-tuned in a Portuguese corpus5 . We used Portuguese Wikipedia and the journal extracts of Publico and Folha de São Paulo included in corpus CHAVE [12]. The set of tokens in this new BERT version, Multilingual fine-tuned in Portuguese, is the same set of the Multilingual version. To try to improve the tokenization we trained BERT from scratch on the same Portuguese Corpus used to fine-tune the Multilingual version. We used a set of 32000 tokens constructed only from our Portuguese Corpus. The tokenization we obtain for the previous sentence is now: 4 Sentence translation: The boy and the girl are playing at the gym outdoor 5 Note that this fine-tuning uses the original Multilingual tokenization. 41 O menino e a menina estão brinca ##ndo na academia ao ar livre6 In this example, only the word “brincando” (“playing”) is represented by two or more tokens, it is divided into a verb lemma and a common termination. This is one of the advantages of creating a tokens vocabulary based on the Portuguese language. This Portuguese BERT version was one of those used in our ASSIN2 tasks submissions. 3.2 Training datasets Since the previous ASSIN challenge data (ASSIN1) is available, we used it’s train and test datasets to fine-tune the network in each task. The ASSIN dataset for the RTE task is annotated with three-labels: entail- ment, paraphrase and neutral[4], for the STS task is annotated with a value between 1 and 5 as in ASSIN2. The ASSIN1 data has a subset for European Portuguese and another for Brazilian Portuguese. It is based on news with some linguistic complexity phenomena like temporal expressions. The ASSIN2 dataset has about 10,000 sentence pairs with no linguist chal- lenges: 6,500 used for training, 500 for validation, and 2,448 for test. It is available at https://sites.google.com/view/assin2/. In figure 1 we present three ASSIN2 dataset examples. The tag entailment can have the values “Entailment”/“None” and similarity a value between 1 and 5. – entailment=“None” id=“12” similarity=“2.4” Um homem está tocando teclado7 Um homem está tocando um violão elétrico8 – entailment=“Entailment” id=“451” similarity=“1.5” Um cara está brincando animadamente com uma bola de meia9 O homem não está tocando piano10 – entailment=“Entailment” id=“459” similarity=“4.7” Um homem está andando de cavalo na praia11 Um cara está montando um cavalo12 Fig. 1. Example of ASSIN2 data. 3.3 Neural Network For each ASSIN2 task, systems were built by adding one layer to each pre- trained BERT version (Multilingual, Multilingual-Portuguese and Portuguese) and fine-tuned the whole network on the task. 6 Sentence translation: The boy and the girl are playing at the gym outdoor 42 Fig. 2. Train run for the Similarity task with MSE measure. To train our systems in each task, several epochs of mini-batch gradient descent were run until the results on the dev set started to decline. In figure 2 we present the MSE values for a typical training run of the Similarity task. In this example, we used 33458 steps to train the model. Each epoch corresponds to 257 steps. In Figure 3 we present Pearson correlation values for the same training run. In Recognizing Textual Entailment task, the loss used for training was the binary cross-entropy, while in the Semantic Textual Similarity task, the loss used for training was Mean Square Error although the main metric for the task was Pearson Correlation. 3.4 Recognizing Textual Entailment In this task, our starting point was always the Multilingual-Portuguese fine- tuned BERT. Table 3.4 presents our results for 3 systems that were built with three sets of training data: 1. ASSIN2 training data (ASSIN2) 2. ASSIN1 Brazilian Portuguese training and test data plus ASSIN2 training data (ASSIN2+ASSIN1:ptbr) 3. ASSIN1 Brazilian and European Portuguese training and test data plus ASSIN2 training data (ASSIN2+ASSIN1:ptbr+pteu) 43 Fig. 3. Train run for the Similarity task with Pearson correlation. The use of ASSIN2+ASSIN1:ptbr training data had slightly better results than the others as it can be seen in Table 3.4 in bold. We used 25 epochs to train the system. Our best results are: – When the system is evaluated on dev, the ASSIN2 dataset used for test- ing/improving our systems, F1 - 0.956, Accuracy - 95.60. – When the system is evaluated on test, the ASSIN2 final competition dataset, F1 - 0.876, Accuracy - 87.58. Surprisingly, when we use ASSIN2+ASSIN1:ptbr+pteu training data the re- sults get worse in both sets: dev and test. This can be due to the fact that ASSIN2 dataset was built with Brazilian Portuguese. When only ASSIN2 is used as training data, the results get even worse in both sets, this confirms that the use of more data in the training can improve our systems. 3.5 Semantic Textual Similarity In this task we always used ASSIN1+ptbr+pteu data and the ASSIN2 training data to fine-tune some BERT version. We tried the three BERT versions described above. As Table 2 reports, the best results were achieved with the Multilingual version without fine-tuning to Portuguese and we used 235 epochs for training in the best submission. Multilingual best results were: 44 training dataset dev/test F1 accuracy test 0.876 87.58% ASSIN2 + ASSIN1:ptbr dev 0.956 95.60% test 0.873 87.38% ASSIN2 + ASSIN1:ptbr+ptpt dev 0.952 95.20% test 0.870 87.01% only ASSIN2 dev 0.950 95.0% Table 1. Results of the RTE task – When the system is evaluated on dev, the ASSIN2 dataset used for test- ing/improving our systems, Pearson Correlation - 0.968, MSE - 0.078. – When the system is evaluated on test, the ASSIN2 final competition dataset, Pearson Correlation - 0.826, MSE - 0.523. The Multilingual BERT fine-tuned Portuguese version that was submitted to ASSIN2 contained an error, so in Table 2 we present the results for the non official version. As you can see, in the Table, this version has a lower performance than the Multilingual version. The Portuguese version has the worst results, but encourage us to improve it by using more Portuguese data in the training of BERT. BERT version dev/test Pearson Correlation MSE test 0.826 0.523 Multilingual dev 0.968 0.078 Multilingual fine-tuned Portuguese test 0.821 0.552 (non official) dev 0.965 0.080 test 0.809 0.625 Portuguese dev 0.938 0.15 Table 2. Results of the STS task 4 Discussion Our results in the ASSIN2 challenge, see Table 3, first place in the Similarity task and second place in Entailment task, show that fine-tuning BERT is at the moment one of the best approaches on Portuguese semantic NLP tasks. We expect to improve the results by properly training BERT from scratch on a big and adapted Portuguese Corpus that has still to be assembled. Di↵erent versions of BERT need to be considered. We used BERT-Base but a larger version, BERT-Large (340 million parameters), achieved the better results on English NLP tasks. Given that the performance of a model depends also on the available training data and for the Portuguese language the available data is not so large as for English, we plan to experiment with ALBERT [7], a more light version of BERT. 45 Entailment Similarity Team F1* Accuracy Pearson* MSE ASAPPj 0.606 62.05 0.652 0.61 ASAPPpy 0.656 66.67 0.740 0.60 IPR 0.876 87.58 0.826 0.52 LIACC 0.770 77.41 0.493 1.08 NILC 0.871 87.17 0.729 0.64 PUCPR - - 0.678 0.85 L2F/INESC 0.784 78.47 0.778 0.52 Deep Learning Brasil 0.883 88.32 0.785 0.59 Stilingue 0.866 86.64 0.817 0.47 * : primary metric Table 3. Comparison of our results, IPR team, with the other teams’ results Acknowledgements This work was partially supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnolo- gia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) through the project UID/MAT/00297/2019 (Centro de Matemática e Aplicações) and the grant UID/CEC/4668/2016 (Laboratório de Informática, Sistemas e Paralelismo). References 1. 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