=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2583/5_NILC. |storemode=property |title=NILC at ASSIN 2: Exploring Multilingual Approaches |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2583/5_NILC.pdf |volume=Vol-2583 |authors=Marco A. Sobrevilla Cabezudo,Marcio Inácio,Ana Carolina Rodrigues,Edresson Casanova,Rogério Figueredo de Sousa |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/stil/CabezudoIRCS19 }} ==NILC at ASSIN 2: Exploring Multilingual Approaches== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2583/5_NILC.pdf
       NILC at ASSIN 2: Exploring Multilingual

     Marco A. Sobrevilla Cabezudo, Marcio Inácio, Ana Carolina Rodrigues,
             Edresson Casanova, and Rogério Figueredo de Sousa

             NILC - Interinstitutional Center for Computational Linguistics
    Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação, Universidade de São Paulo,
                             São Carlos SP 13566-590, Brazil
           {msobrevillac, marciolimainacio, ana2.rodrigues, edresson,

        Abstract. Recognizing Textual Entailment, also known as Natural Lan-
        guage Inference recognition, aims to identify if it is possible to infer the
        meaning of a text from another fragment of text. In this work, we in-
        vestigate the use of multilingual models, through BERT, for recognizing
        inference and similarity in the ASSIN 2 dataset, an entailment recogni-
        tion and sentence similarity corpus for Portuguese. We also investigate
        possible features that could enhance the results, such as similarity scores
        or WordNet relations. Our results show that a multilingual pre-trained
        BERT model may be sufficient to outperform the current state-of-the-
        art in this task for the Portuguese Language. We also show that using
        other features did not necessarily improve the performance of the model,
        however deeper studies are needed to investigate the causes for this.

        Keywords: Natural Language Inference · BERT · Multilingual Training
        · Cross-lingual Training

1     Introduction

Recognizing meaning connections such as entailment relations and content sim-
ilarity among di↵erent statements is part of daily communication and usually
done e↵ortless by humans. However, automatizing such communication compo-
nent has been a challenge. Overcome it can help many Natural Language Pro-
cessing (NLP) applications such as Machine Translation, Question Answering,
Semantic Search and Information Extraction.
    Particularly, the task of recognizing textual entailment (RTE) has been widely
explored in natural language processing field. Inference recognition in NLP, also
called text entailment recognition, consist recognizing a directional relationship
between pairs of text expressions, in which a human reading the first text would
infer the second one is likely true.[7].
    Initially spread by the Pascal Challenge [6], several inference-annotated cor-
pus for English have been released in the last decade, such as MultiNLI [19],
XNLI [4], and SICK [13]. Specifically for Portuguese, multiple e↵orts have been

 Copyright c 2020 for this paper by its authors.
 Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
made to develop an inference-annotated corpus[11][16]. In 2016 the first shared
task for inference recognition for Portuguese, ASSIN [11], took place, followed
by the second edition in 2019 (ASSIN 2) [15].
    In addition to the growth of available corpora, several techniques have been
tested to improve inference recognition in NLP, including probabilistic models
and rule-based approaches [5]. Recently, with the expansion of machine learning
applications (and neural networks in particular), it has been tested on the lights
of pre-trained language representations [8][18].
    A broadly known one is the Bidirectional Encoder Representations from
Transformers (BERT). BERT has been used e↵ectively in multiple tasks like
Semantic Text Similarity, Paraphrase detection, among others[8]1 . BERT has
improved fine-tuning approaches using a masked language model (MLM), in
which parts of the input are randomly hidden to be predicted based only on
their context.
    In addition to MLM, the authors also use next sentence prediction task that
jointly pre-trains text-pair representations. BERT was the first fine-tuned rep-
resentation model to achieve state-of-the-art performance for a large number of
token and phrase-level tasks, outperforming models developed specifically for
these tasks. As far as we know, there are two monolingual pre-trained models
publicly available: one trained for English and one for Chinese, along with one
multilingual model. The multilingual model was trained for the 100 languages
with most articles on Wikipedia2 .
    This work presents the results achieved by the NILC group for the ASSIN
2 shared task. We firstly analyse the corpus in order to find correlation be-
tween features and classification labels. Then we fine-tune multilingual BERT
on sentence-pairs from ASSIN 2 corpus for the RTE task and finally, use the
generated embeddings and incorporate some linguistic features for the Semantic
Textual similarity (STS) evaluation. In general, we rank 3rd place for the RTE
task and 5th place for STS task.
    This paper is organized as follows. Firstly, we discuss previous related work
in section 2. Afterwards, we describe the ASSIN dataset in section 3, followed by
our experiments and results in section 5. Finally, some conclusions are presented
in section 6.

2     Related Work
There are several works on textual inference for multiple languages. However,
due to di↵erences in corpora for other languages, we report mainly works done in
Brazilian Portuguese. This way, the works reported here use the corpus ASSIN,
thus making a closer comparison to our work.
   Rocha and Lopes Cardoso [17] reported only the result for European Por-
tuguese (PT-PT) and obtained F1 of 0.73. they explored the use of named en-
    Available at https://github.com/google-research/bert.
    Available at https://github.com/google-research/bert/blob/master/multilingual.

tities as a feature along with word similarity, number of semantically related
tokens, and whether both sentences have the same verb tense and voice.
    Fialho et al. [9] (from the INESC-ID group) obtained an F1 score of 0.71 in
Brazilian Portuguese (PT-BR) and 0.66 in PT-PT for textual inference in their
best experiment. The authors trained a Support Vector Machine (SVM) model
using 96 lexical features, including editing distance, BLEU score, word overlap,
ROUGE score, among others.
    Barbosa et al. [2] (from the Blue Man Group) obtained, in their best ex-
periment, an F1 score of 0.52 for PT-PB and 0.61 for PT-PT exploring the use
of word embeddings similarity. For classification, the authors used SVM and
Siamese Networks [3].
    Reciclagem and ASAPP were proposed by Alves et al. [1] (from the ASAPP
group). Reciclagem is based only on heuristics in semantic networks. While AS-
APP explores the use of lexical, syntactic, and semantic features extracted from
texts. Their best results were an F1 score of approximately 0.5 for PT-PB and
0.59 for PT-PT.
    Finally, Fonseca and Aluı́sio proposed the Infernal system [10]. The authors
explored some features such as syntactic knowledge, embedding-based similar-
ity, and well-established features that deal with word alignments, totalizing 28
features. Their best experiment for PT-BR achieved F1 score of 0.71, similarly
to the previously reported INESC-ID system. On the other hand, for PT-PT,
F1 score of 0.72 has been reported, lower than the one obtained by Rocha and
Lopes Cardoso [17]. When considering the entire dataset, i.e. both PT-BR and
PT-PT, the Infernal system reached F1 score of 0.72, currently the best result
reported for this dataset.

3   ASSIN 2 Dataset
The ASSIN 2 corpus consists of 10,000 pairs of sentences tagged with similarity
grading and entailment classification. Tags for the Recognizing Textual Entail-
ment (RTE) task are None, when both sentences are not related in any way and
Entailment when the second sentence is a direct inference of the first one.
   ASSIN 2 was also manually annotated for semantic textual similarity in a
range from 0 to 5, for which the pair was considered more similar by the anno-
tators as higher is the number.
   The corpus was split in two parts for the shared task, 7000 pairs were pro-
vided in advance as a training set and the other 3000 pairs later. The dataset
provided for training was balanced, with 3500 pairs labeled as None and 3500
as Entailment.

4   Corpus Analysis
As the dataset provided for training was balanced for the two entailment classes,
we verified if it was equally balanced for other features. We use OpenWordnet-
PT to extract the number of synonyms and hypernyms in each pair per class.

Hypernyms were counted when the second phrase contained any hypernym of
any word in the first one. Synonym values were calculated in a similar way.
Results are shown in figures 1 and 2.

        Fig. 1. Hypernym counts                     Fig. 2. Synonym counts

    As can be seen, sentence pairs with entailment tend to have more hypernyms
(as can be seen by the bars representing counts of 0 and 2). The same can be
observed for synonyms: there are more sentence pairs without entailment with
no synonyms than those with an entailment relation.
    Since the corpus was also annotated for semantic similarity in a continuous
range from 0 to 5, we investigate the relation between similarity index and en-
tailment classes. As a result, we find that entailment pairs have lower dispersion
than none ones, and, di↵erently from none, its range is mostly concentrated in
higher similarity values, as can be seen in Figure 3.

                            Fig. 3. Similarity per class

    Although similarity values shows notable correlation to entailment classes,
it was not possible to considered them for the entailment recognition task, once
it was part of the expected predicted result. In other words, textual similarity

annotation were hidden in the test set. Therefore, in order to incorporate this
kind of knowledge into the model, some metrics have been explored, namely
BLEU [14] and Levenshtein’s Edit Distance [12].
    Both metrics were calculated for each pair of sentences resulting in the dis-
tributions presented in figures 4 and 5. The figures show the distributions of the
metrics according to the classes in the corpus. The results for the BLEU metric,
as it is based on the calculation of string overlaps between texts, show greater
values for entailment (higher similarity). Accordingly, Edit Distance values are
lower for this class, as it computes how di↵erent a pair of sentences is, i.e. their

         Fig. 4. BLEU Metric                         Fig. 5. Edit distance

  From these analyses, these four features (synonyms and hypernyms counts,
BLEU and Edit Distance scores) seem applicable to text inference prediction.
Thus, we try to combine these features with the model selected for this task: the
BERT language model, as will be discussed later.

5     Experiments and Results

We analyze how BERT performs on Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE) and
Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) for Brazilian Portuguese in ASSIN 2 corpus.
    It is worth noting that our methods were tested on three variations of the
original dataset for RTE, which are the runs submitted to the shared task. On
the other hand, our submission to the Semantic Textual Similarity task only was
tested on the original dataset.

5.1   Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE)

We use BERT to train the RTE classifier. Specifically, we use a pre-trained BERT
model, add an untrained layer of neurons at the end, and train the new model

for the RTE task. For this purpose, we use the pre-trained BERT multilingual
model that includes Brazilian Portuguese3 along with other 103 languages. The
model was trained for 7 epochs with a learning rate of 0.00002, a batch size of
22 and a maximum sequence length of 128 tokens4 .
    As mentioned previously, linguistic features like BLEU, Edit-distance, num-
ber of hypernymns and synonymns between the sentence in a sentence-pair were
also used in the model, however, the introduction of these features did not con-
tribute positively to the final result.

5.2   Semantic Textual Similarity

Due to the high correlation between the Entailment class and the similarity val-
ues, we used the previous trained model for RTE to obtain embeddings for each
sentence-pair. Initially, we experiment using separate embeddings (an embedding
for each sentence, obtained through BERT), but the results were poor. Thus, we
use joint embeddings (size of 768) as input, obtained by providing both sentences
in the pair as an input to the BERT model, which creates a single representation
of the whole pair. Additionally, we incorporate the features BLEU, number of
synonyms and hypernyms in common for each sentence-pair.
    For experiments, we use a multilayer perceptron with a hidden layer (64
neurons), the logistic function as the activation function, the adam optimizer, a
learning rate of 0.001 and a maximum number of iterations of 1,000.

5.3   Results

As mentioned, our methods were trained and fine-tuned on three variations of
the original dataset. The first variation (”own” in Table 1), consists in splitting
the original training dataset (7,000 sentence-pairs) into 6,300 for training and
700 for development. This split has been done by a stratified sampling according
to both entailment and similarity values, to guarantee that their distribution is
also represented in the development set. The second one was provided by the
organization and it contains 6,500 sentence-pairs for training and 500 for devel-
opment (”assin-2” in Table 1). The last variation comprised all 7000 sentences
(”all” in Table 1).
    Table 1 shows the results of the best three teams (excluding our team), our
results and the baseline results for RTE. In general, our proposal obtained the
third place in the RTE task (being only surpassed by the Deep Learning Brasil
and IPR teams) and the di↵erence between our proposal and their proposals is
    Concerning our proposal, it is important to highlight three regards. Firstly,
the split performed by us shows the best results even containing fewer instances
  The model is available at https://storage.googleapis.com/bert models/2018 11 23/
  multi cased L-12 H-768 A-12.zip
  It is worth noting that other hyperparameters were tested. However, the results were
  not shown improvements and they are no reported in this paper.

in the training set than the original split, which could note the relevance of the
splitting strategy. However, we cannot affirm this due to the small improvements.

   Secondly, the introduction of linguistic features (BLEU, edit-distance, among
others) did not contribute positively to the final result. Thus, we only fine-tuned
the multilingual BERT on our RTE task. In principle, it could be thought that
multilingual BERT learned all these features, this way by including them, the
results did not improve. Another explanation could be that it is necessary to
explore other ways to integrate this kind of information. However, a deeper
study must be performed.

   Finally, it is worth noting the potential of multilingual BERT. This model
made our proposal easier in comparison to other approaches as it only needs
the pre-trained model and adding an untrained layer to perform the fine-tuning
process on the RTE task.

                       Table 1. Best teams entailment results

                      Team                    Run           Results
                                                         F1*   Acc.
           Deep Learning Brasil     Ensemble             0.883   88.32%
           IPR                      1                    0.876   87.58%
           Stilingue                2                    0.866   86.64%
           NILC                     own                  0.871   87.17%
           NILC                     assin-2              0.868   86.85%
           NILC                     all                  0.865   86.56%
           Baseline                 BoW sentence 2       0.557   56.74%
           Baseline                 Word Overlap         0.667   66.71%
           Baseline                 Infernal             0.742   74.18%

    Concerning the Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) task, our proposal ob-
tained smaller results than the other proposals. However, our results outper-
formed all baselines. It is interesting to note that fine-tuning multilingual BERT
on the RTE task contributes positively to the STS task. However, some linguis-
tic features had to be incorporated to obtain better results, showing that BERT
could not learn this kind of information. In that sense, an interesting direction
could be experimenting fine-tuning on STS task and then using this informa-
tion to apply to RTE task or trying to learn both tasks in a multi-task learning

                   Table 2. Best teams textual similarity results

                       Team                   Run           Results
                                                         Pearson* MSE
            IPR                         1                0.826      0.52
            Stilingue                   3                0.817      0.47
            Deep Learning Brasil        Ensemble         0.785      0.59
            L2F/INESC                   BL               0.778      0.52
            ASAPPpy                     2                0.740      0.60
            NILC                        -                0.729      0.64
            Baseline                    Word Overlap 0.577          0.75
            Baseline                    BoW sentence 2 0.175        1.15

6   Conclusions and Future Works
This work presents the results obtained by the NILC group for the shared task
ASSIN 2 on entailment and textual similarity recognition. We analyzed charac-
teristics of the ASSIN 2 dataset according to its entailment classes and tested
two approaches of classification using BERT.
    Fine-tuning BERT, on the ASSIN 2 corpus without any extra feature pre-
sented the best results, largely outperforming the baselines. Therefore, we show
that using a simple BERT model can provide satisfactory results in these tasks.
    As shown in the corpus analyses, similarity, BLEU and Edit Distance metrics
seem to be suitable for discriminating the entailment classes of the ASSIN 2
corpus. In particular, entailment pairs have higher similarity values and higher
BLEU scores, as well as lower Edit Distance values, than none class.
    The number of hypernyms and synonyms calculated consulting OpenWord-
Net-PT for each pair also indicates some level of distinction between the two
classes, there were considerable more entailment pairs containing these rela-
tions. However, incorporating these features as values concatenated to BERT
embedding vectors achieved poorer results.
    We considered some possibilities for these negative results, such as the way
features were incorporated, as a concatenation to BERT embeddings. Another
reason may be that BERT embeddings already incorporate such knowledge (sim-
ilarity, synonym and hypernym relations) within their representation. A future
deeper analysis about the incorporation of these features may lead to further
conclusions about these hypothesis.

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