Wide And Deep Transformers Applied to Semantic Relatedness and Textual Entailment Evandro Fonseca, João Paulo Reis Alvarenga STILINGUE {evandro, joaopaulo}@stilingue.com.br Abstract. In this paper we present our approach to deal with seman- tic relatedness and textual entailment, two tasks proposed in ASSIN-2 (Second evaluation of semantic relatedness and textual entailment). We develop 18 features that explore lexical, syntactic and semantic infor- mation. To train the models we applied both supervised machine learn- ing and an architecture based in Wide and Deep learning. Our proposal demonstrated to be competitive with the current state-of art models and with other participant models for Portuguese, mainly when the mean square error is considered. Keywords: Semantic Relatedness,Textual Entailment, Natural Language Processing 1 Introduction In this paper we present an approach to deal with Semantic Relatedness assertion and Textual Entailment Recognition. The Semantic Relatedness task (SR) is a process that measures the degree of semantic relatedness of a sentence pair by assigning a relatedness score ranging from 1 (completely unrelated) to 5 (very related). For example, in the pair (1) [Um homem está tocando o trompete – Alguém está brincando com um sapo] [A man is playing the trumpet – Someone is playing with a frog] the defined value is 1. It is because the sentence pair relates very distinct topics. In (2) [Um lêmure está lambendo o dedo de uma pessoa – Um lêmure está mordendo o dedo de uma pessoa] [A lemur is licking a person’s finger – A lemur is biting a person’s finger] we can see that the meaning is not the same, however the sentences share some aspects. So, we can infer that the relatedness value is close to 31 . And, in cases like: (3) [Um garoto está fazendo um discurso – Um garoto está falando] [A boy is giving a speech – A boy is talking] the relatedness value is close to 5. Textual Entailment (TE) consists of recognizing when a sentence "A" entails or not a sentence "B". In other words, this task consists in defining when we may conclude B from A. Thus, when we consider the Textual Entailment and the previous examples ((1), (2) and (3)) we can assert, respectively, "none","none" and "entailment". Both Semantic Relatedness and the Textual Entailment are very important tasks and also a 1 Samples collected from ASSIN-2 test corpus Copyright c 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). great challenges, it is because depends of many processing levels, such as: Part-of- speech tagging, Sentiment Analysis, Coreference Resolution, among others. Plus, when we deal with less resourceful languages like Portuguese, these challenges are even greater, due to lack of dense semantic bases, such as YAGO[19] and FrameNet[2]. The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents related work; in Section 3 we describe our proposed models; in Section 4 we show a summary of the official ASSIN-2[16] results; Section 5 presents an error analysis; in Section 6 the conclusions and future work are presented. 2 Related Work Transfer learning technique is widely used by many NLP tasks, such as Sentiment Analysis [14], Text Classification [22], Question Answering [20] among others. The reason of that is clear. Transfer learning models may improve significantly NLP models [10]. For SR and TE tasks it is not different. In 2018 Devlin et al. [6] has proposed an approach based on transfer learning (BERT) to solve SR and TE tasks for English. They achieved 0.865 of Pearson for SR and 70.1% of F1 for TE in GLUE Benchmark [21]. In 2019 some works based on BERT architecture were emerged (also for English), such as: RoBERTa [13], whose results were 0.922 of Person for SR and 88.2% of F1 for TE; and ALBERT [11], with 0.925 of Pearson for SR and 89.2% of F1 for TE. The current state of art for Portuguese is Fonseca’s work [7]. Fonseca has proposed the use of neural networks and syntactic trees distance to solve SR and TE tasks and as a result his model has achieving 0.577 of Pearson for SR and 74.2% of F1 for TE using ASSIN-2 corpus. In this competition we called his model of baseline. In our approach we propose the use of a machine learning architecture named Wide And Deep. Wide and Deep architecture consists of unifying handcrafted features with dense features. Cheng et al. [5] has proposed the use of Wide and Deep to deal with recommender systems and their results were encouraging. Plus, we believe that handcrafted features, based in linguistic knowledge, NLP techniques and in a corpora study may outperform pure deep learning features. However, when we apply handcrafted features only the results may be not so good. To show that, we train and test models using both Wide and Deep architecture and the traditional supervised machine learning architecture. The result shows that Wide and Deep architecture may outperforms significantly the traditional machine learning architecture with handcrafted features. 3 Proposed model To address the semantic relatedness and textual entailment problem we propose eighteen features, which consists of exploring the lexical, syntactic and semantic information. Besides, we use Wide and Deep Transformer architecture, which mix our proposed features and deep learning features. In subsection 3.1 we show our set of propose features. Our set of features is based on some related works[7] 69 and also is empirically designed, through a case study based in ASSIN-2 training set2 . 3.1 Features 1. Sentiment Agreement: returns true when both sentences agree in the sentiment polarity[1] and false otherwise (as in below example). – O animal está comendo – The animal is eating (+) – O animal está mordendo uma pessoa – The animal is biting a person (-) 2. Negation Agreement: returns true when the both sentences agree in the co-occurrence of negative terms3 or expressions, such as: "jamais", "nada", "nenhum", "ninguém", "nunca", "não", among others. This feature is very relevant for textual entailment. It helps in cases such as: – O menino está pulando – The boy is jumping – Ninguém está pulando – Nobody is jumping 3. Synonym: returns the quantity of synonyms between the two sentences. To identify it we use Onto.PT [8]. This feature helps to improve the semantic relatedness process. It is because synonyms are used to refer to a same entity, as in below example: – Um garoto está fazendo um discurso – A young man is giving a speech – Um menino está falando – A boy is talking 4. Hyponym: returns the quantity of hyponyms between the two sentences. As in the Synonymy feature, we use Onto.PT to identify the semantic relations. 5. Verb Similarity: returns the number of similar verbs between two sen- tences. To recognize it, Onto.PT and VerbNet.Br[17] were used. It helps to identify pairs such as: – Uma menina está caminhando – A girl is stepping – Uma menina está andando – A girl is walking 6. Nouns Similarity: returns the quantity of similar nouns between two sen- tences. Here we use synonymy relation provided by Onto.PT and the lexical similarity(when two words is exactly equals). – O garoto está em casa – The young man is in home – O menino está em casa – The boy is in home 7. Adjectives Similarity: returns the quantity of similar adjectives between two sentences. As in Nouns Similarity, we use synonymy relation and the lexical similarity, but considers just adjectives. 8. Gender: returns the number of tokens that agree in gender (male/female). 2 available in: https://sites.google.com/view/assin2/ 3 never, nothing, no, nobody, no one, never,... 70 9. Number: returns the number of tokens that agree in number (singular/plural). To identify number and gender features we use SNLP4 10. Jaccard Similarity: returns a real number, containing the Jaccard[12] sim- ilarity between two sentences. Here we perform a preprocessing: firstly we remove determinants5 ; second we sort the tokens alphabetically6 ; and, finally, we calculate the Jaccard similarity. Basically, each sentence is modified as in the follow example: – A mulher está cortando cebola ! cebola cortando está mulher – The woman is cutting onion ! cutting is onion woman 11. Verb+Participle: returns true when both the sentences have a verb+participle construction„ which do not necessarily have to be equal, as in: – O urso está sentado – The bear is sitting – O urso está deitado – The bear is lying down 12. Verb+Participle+Equals: returns true when both the sentences have the same verb+participle construction, as in: – O urso está sentado – The bear is sitting – O urso está sentado – The bear is sitting 13. Conjunction_E_A: returns true when the sentence "A" has the "e"(and) conjunction, which helps in cases such as: – Um menino e uma menina estão caminhando – A boy and a girl are walking – Duas pessoas estão andando – Two people are walking 14. Conjunction_E_B: the same as Conjunction_E_A, but for sentence B. 15. TokensDif: calculates the difference in the amount of tokens between the sentences "A" and "B". It does not consider determinants. In the below ex- ample, TokensDif returns 2, because sentence A has six tokens and sentence B has four tokens7 ; – Uma mulher não está fritando algum alimento – A woman is not frying any food – Uma mulher está fritando comida – A woman is frying food 16. Same Word: returns an integer value, containing the number of exactly equal words in the sentences(common words). Here, we consider just verbs, nouns and adjectives and apply just lexical match. 17. Same Subject: returns true when the sentences has the same subject. 4 Stilingue proprietary software. 5 Although determinants may change a referent, in ASSIN-2 shared-task there is an agreement that consists of considering, for example "the girl" and "a girl" the same entity. 6 it is because, to calc Jaccard we want to consider just the tokens, not its sequence in the sentence. 7 determinants are not considered 71 18. Cosine Similarity: returns the cosine similarity8 of two sentences. Here we use FastText Skip-Gram 300d built by NILC9 [9]. 3.2 Model Set Up and Runs In the shared task, each participant was encouraged to submit three output files. Each output file could have results of one or the two proposed tasks. We performed experiments using three distinct configurations to produce the models. For the first model we use the traditional supervised machine learning. Basically we train a model using Random Forest[3] and our set of proposed features. For the second and third models the Wide And Deep architecture was used. For that, we use BERT-Base multilingual [6], Universal Sentence Encoder-Large multilingual[4] and our set of proposed features. In table 1 we detail the set up of each model. Table 1. Trained models Model Wide And Deep Random Forest Bert-Base Universal Sentence Encoder 1 x 2 x x 3 x x Using the proposed models we perform three runs, considering the two tasks, as in table 2: Table 2. Runnings and models Textual Entailment Semantic Relatedness Run Model 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 3 3 Basically, in the first run we use just Random Forest and our set of features. We tested some other traditional supervised machine learning algorithms, such as Multilayer Perceptron, Linear Regression, Naive Bayes, Decision Table, J48, Random Tree, among others. However, Random Forest easily outperforms all of then. In the second and third runs we use Wide and Deep architecture. We can see that the model three was used in second and third run. It is because in our tests we have not found a model that outperforms Bert-Base for textual entailment task. 8 We calc Cosine Similarity considering averaged word vectors of each sentence 9 http://nilc.icmc.usp.br/embeddings 72 4 Results In table 3 we show results10 of ASSIN-2 shared-task for the two proposed tasks. There is a great distance between Wide and Deep architecture and the tra- ditional supervised machine learning. Regarding our model and the best mod- els(winners), our models presents very close results. Basically, our model achieved 1.7 points less in F1 and 1.68 less accuracy for TE task. Regarding SR task, our model presented 0.009 less Pearson coefficient (for running 3) and 0.026 for run- ning 2. However, we can see that out model presents better mean squared error (MSE). It is known that the MSE penalizes outliers. Thus, we can say that our model is more linear than others. An error analysis is presented in Section 5. Table 3. ASSIN-2 results Textual Entailment Semantic Relatedness Team Run F1 Accuracy Pearson MSE 1 0.788 78.84 0.748 0.53 Stilingue (Our) 2 0.866 86.64 0.800 0.39 3 0.866 86.64 0.817 0.47 IPR 1 0.876 87.58 0.826 0.52 Deep Learning 1 0.883 88.32 0.785 0.59 Brasil Baseline [7] 1 0.742 74.18 0.577 0.75 5 Error Analysis In table 4 it is possible to see that there are over 1550 pairs with a range very near of the gold samples (ranges between 0 and 0.4); for 0.5 to 0.9 there are 618 pairs. It is important to say that this difference is acceptable. It is because, even in the annotation process, many human annotators disagree on this range. We also can see that for all 2448 pairs of test corpus, there is just one sample with a range above of 3.0. In this pair there are many equal words, however they refer to distinct facts. For the example below, our model has predicted 4.5 of similarity while gold is 1.5. – um cachorro preto e um branco estão correndo alegremente na grama – a black and a white dog are running happily in the grass – uma pessoa negra vestindo branco está correndo alegremente com o cachorro na grama – a black person wearing white is running happily with the dog on the grass 10 for baseline model we unify its runs and shows only its better results 73 Table 4. Semantic Relatedness error range Error Range Stances 0.0 ⇠ 0.4 1559 0.5 ⇠ 0.9 618 1.0 ⇠ 1.9 261 2.0 ⇠ 2.9 9 3.0 ⇠ 5.0 1 Regarding TE task we found two main errors: the first refers to cases which we have referential expressions, such as: – Um chefe mexicano está preparando uma refeição – A mexican chef is preparing a meal – Um chefe mexicano está cozinhando – A mexican chef is cooking – Um menino está fazendo um discurso – A boy is giving a speech – Um menino está falando – A boy is speaking We identify that there is a limitation in our model. It is because our syn- onymy feature just consider single words. The second main error found is when a sentence "A" has verb + participle construction and the sentence "B" has gerund and vice-versa, such as: – O pelo de um gato está sendo penteado por uma garota – A cat’s fur is being combed by a girl – Uma pessoa está penteando o pelo de um gato – A person is combing a cat’s fur – O cara está comendo uma banana – The guy is eating a banana – Uma banana está sendo comida por um cara – A banana is being eaten by a guy 6 Conclusion and Future Work In this paper we presented our models to deal with two important tasks, Semantic Relatedness and Textual Entailment. Our models were based in 18 features, that cover natural language patterns and Wide and Deep architecture. The latter explores the mix between our linguistic features and deep learning features. As results we show that our models can be competitive. 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