=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2584/CreaRE-preface |storemode=property |title=None |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2584/CreaRE-preface.pdf |volume=Vol-2584 }} ==None== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2584/CreaRE-preface.pdf
 Preface: Ninth International Workshop on Creativity in
        Requirements Engineering (CreaRE 2020)

                      Andrea Herrmann                                                    Maya Daneva
        Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts                             University of Twente
                    Dortmund, Germany                                              Enschede, the Netherlands
              andrea.herrmann@fh-dortmund.de                                         m.daneva@utwente.nl

                                                Eduard C. Groen
                                                Fraunhofer IESE
                                            Kaiserslautern, Germany

1     Workshop Theme and Motivation
Where do great requirements come from? Creativity techniques help stakeholders identify delighter requirements,
which make aspects of the new system a real positive surprise. These delighters generally are highly innovative
features. In recent years, methods such as Design Thinking have gained popularity in industry and reflect the
need for creativity to develop new innovative products and innovate on existing products. But this is only
one possible application of creativity, while there are many more facets of creativity that can benefit RE in a
wide range of settings. The CreaRE workshop provides a platform for introducing, discussing and elaborating
creativity techniques used for Requirements Engineering (RE).

2     Goals of the Workshop
The purpose of the CreaRE 2020 workshop (see https://creare.iese.de/) is to provide a forum for the
exchange of ideas, experiences and research results. The participants will learn from the speakers and from each
other, and will possibly gain hands-on experiences in applying creativity techniques themselves. A special goal
for this edition of the workshop is to use the ten-year anniversary of the CreaRE workshop to reflect on how
the landscape has changed in the decade since it first was held in 2010, and to discuss what the future role of
creativity in RE might look like, according to experts in the field.

3     Workshop Topics
The workshop brings together the topics of creativity and requirements. Workshop topics include, but are not
restricted to:

    • Creative use of techniques originally designed for other purposes, but now applied as RE techniques, and/or
      creativity enhancers, especially for requirements elicitation

    • The application of known creativity techniques in RE activities

    • Promoting stakeholder participation in RE activities through creativity techniques

Copyright c 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC
BY 4.0).
In: M. Sabetzadeh, A. Vogelsang, S. Abualhaija, M. Borg, F. Dalpiaz, M. Daneva, N. Fernández, X. Franch, D. Fucci, V. Gervasi,
E. Groen, R. Guizzardi, A. Herrmann, J. Horkoff, L. Mich, A. Perini, A. Susi (eds.): Joint Proceedings of REFSQ-2020 Workshops,
Doctoral Symposium, Live Studies Track, and Poster Track, Pisa, Italy, 24-03-2020, published at http://ceur-ws.org
    • Emerging ideas for new or adapted creativity techniques for RE activities
    • Creativity in online settings, using the creativity of the crowd

    • Gamification and creativity for RE
    • Using creativity techniques to measure and enhance user experience
    • Tool support for creativity enhancement

    • Context dependency of creativity and creativity techniques
    • Experiences with and considerations about creativity techniques in RE in industry
    • RE techniques that enable or support creativity

4     Program
The CreaRE 2020 program starts with a keynote by Daniel M. Berry, professor at the University of Waterloo
(Canada), titled The Tenth Anniversary of the CreaRE Workshops: A Look Back and a Look Forward.
The program also includes two paper presentations:
    • Anne Hess, Patrick Mennig, Nedo Bartels:
      Conspiracy Walls in Requirements Engineering – Analyzing Requirements like a Detective
    • Anne Hess, Oliver Karras, Marcus Trapp, Norbert Seyff:
      Let’s get “InspiRE-D” for RE by Other Disciplines – A Creativity-Based Approach
The paper presentations will be followed by an interactive session.

5     Program Committee
Thanks go to the members of our program committee:

    • Fabiano Dalpiaz, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands

    • Jörg Dörr, Fraunhofer IESE, Germany
    • Jennifer Horkoff, Chalmers, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
    • Meira Levy, Shenkar College of Engineering, Design and Art, Israel

    • Luisa Mich, University of Trento, Italy
    • Kurt Schneider, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
    • Norbert Seyff, University of Zurich, Switzerland