=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2584/LS-paper1 |storemode=property |title=Exploring the influence of the emotional state on the efficiency for correcting defects in conceptual models: a Live Study |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2584/LS-paper1.pdf |volume=Vol-2584 |authors=Franci Suni,Angela Mayhua,Maria Fernanda Granda |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/refsq/SuniMG20 }} ==Exploring the influence of the emotional state on the efficiency for correcting defects in conceptual models: a Live Study== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2584/LS-paper1.pdf
     Exploring the influence of the emotional state on the
    efficiency for correcting defects in conceptual models: a
                             live study

                          Franci Suni-Lopez                                     Angela Mayhua
                 Universidad Nacional de San Agustı́n                         Universidad La Salle
                          de Arequipa, Perú                                    Arequipa, Peru
                         fsunilo@unsa.edu.pe                                amayhua@ulasalle.edu.pe

                                             Maria Fernanda Granda
                                          Computer Science Department
                                         Universidad de Cuenca, Ecuador

                       The purpose of this live study is to investigate the impact of emotional
                       states on the efficiency of correcting defects within a Conceptual Model
                       verification context. We plan to use the CoSTest tool for verifying
                       defects and measure the experimented emotions during the testing tasks
                       through I-PANAS-SF and SUDS instruments. Furthermore, the design,
                       overview and potential threats of this experiment are presented.

1     Introduction
1.1   Research problem
Emotions have an important role in our life and their influence on our work is not an exception. According to
Weiss and Cropanzano [WC96], emotions and moods have effects on work performance, affecting the duration of
activities and the perceived experience. This situation is not only present in industrial activities; some researchers
have been analyzing the influence and importance of emotions in software engineering [Wro13, CSdlB+ 14, MF15,
RFB+ 19], being the software development process one of the principal centers of interest.
   Wrobel [Wro13] analyzed the influence of the emotional state on the performance of programming tasks
collecting data through a questionnaire and an interview for each participant, the Job Emotions Scale (JES) was
applied to measure human emotions. Romano et al. [RFB+ 19] also investigated in this area, analyzing emotions
when novice developers apply the TDD (Test-Driven Development) approach on change tasks; in a similar way,
they collected data through self-reported emotions by the participants. In the same way, we propose to analyze
the influence of the emotional state on the work productivity based on correcting defects in conceptual models.
   In line with this notion, according to Granda et al. [GCVP15], defects (e.g., missing, wrong and unnecessary
elements) in conceptual models (e.g., UML class diagram) can be located in several ways through Validation &
Verification techniques, which use a detection mechanism (based on rules, metrics, and modelling conventions)

   Copyright c 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International
(CC BY 4.0).
    In: M. Sabetzadeh, A. Vogelsang, S. Abualhaija, M. Borg, F. Dalpiaz, M. Daneva, N. Condori-Fernández, X. Franch, D. Fucci,
V. Gervasi, E. Groen, R. Guizzardi, A. Herrmann, J. Horkoff, L. Mich, A. Perini, A. Susi (eds.): Joint Proceedings of REFSQ-2020
Workshops, Doctoral Symposium, Live Studies Track, and Poster Track, Pisa, Italy, 24-03-2020, published at http://ceur-ws.org
for this purpose. According to the technique nature, this can be statically or dynamically supported by a tool
and they can have different scope and limitation depending on its purpose (i.e., detect, prevent and resolve).

1.2     Motivation to conduct the study
In this live study proposal, we start from the hypothesis that the emotional state of workers influences on their
productivity when they correct defects during the software development process [WC96]. It could be influenced
by the user profile (e.g., background, preferences, experience, personality) or the way how the emotions are
experiment for each one. Moreover, we focus on investigating the usefulness and user experience of using CoSTest
tool [GCVP17a], which is a tool created to help in the tasks of defect detection and correction.
   Therefore, in order to investigate 1) what emotions are experienced by the subjects during the correction of
defects using the tool, and 2) how useful the testing tool is perceived for supporting the verification of conceptual
models, we present the design and plan of a live study to be conducted with the REFSQ attendees.

2     Scenario
In this section, we present the scenario that illustrates the context of the use of CoSTest tool [GCVP17a], which
takes as input a requirements model based on communication analysis to generate test cases and validate a
conceptual model (i.e., UML class diagram) evaluating its correctness and completeness.
   The software development process includes different tasks, where testing and correction tasks are important
to assure quality. Requirements engineers, analysts, and testers have an important role inside these tasks,
using a UML modeling editor and the CoSTest tool to detect defects and verify the changes in the UML class
diagram. Doing these tasks, they commonly experience a range of emotions (e.g., anger, frustration, stress,
anxiety, happiness), that could be generated by the use of the tool; knowing these emotions let us find potential
feedback to correct and improve CoSTest tool.

3     Study Design
3.1     Goal and research questions
The live study proposal aims to 1) analyze the influence of emotional state on the efficiency for performing defect
correction tasks, and 2) evaluate the utility and experience of using the CoSTest tool [GCVP17a] as a support
in the correction of conceptual model defects.
From this goal, the following research questions are derived:
RQ1 : How does the emotional state influence on efficiency for performing defect correction tasks?
RQ2 : Is the CoSTest tool perceived as useful to support the verification of conceptual models?
Type of study: to investigate this research problem, we propose to conduct a quasi-experiment, where all
participants have the same set of defects to be corrected and will use CoSTest1 as a support tool.
Variables and metrics: the following variables were identified: independent variables: CoSTest tool (used
to automatically detect defects in conceptual models). Other factors which can impact the results are the selected
Conceptual models (CM) (see Section 3.3.2 for more details about them) and the Defects injected into the CMs.
By using the defects classification proposed in [GCVP15], we will use three defect types (i.e., missing, wrong and
unnecessary elements) to inject six defects per CM (two for each defect type). As dependent variables: user
emotional state that can be determined by analyzing the self-reported emotions through specific questionnaires
(see Section 3.3.1 for more details); and efficiency for correcting defects that represents the relationship between
the total corrected defects and the total time assigned for correcting all defects.

3.2     Population of interest
3.2.1     Profile of the intended subjects
We plan for 30 participants. Students, senior researchers, and practitioners are very welcome and need to bring
their laptops to execute CoSTest tool, which is based on Java (jar file). In order to expedite the installation
of CoSTest and avoid compatibility problems with Java versions, we will provide a virtual machine with all the
software required in this study. Prior knowledge and experience on modeling UML-based conceptual schemas
(i.e., class diagrams) using tools (e.g., UML2Tools editor2 ) is required. However, some tips to remember or
    1 https://costestproject2017.wordpress.com/
    2 https://www.eclipse.org/modeling/mdt/?project=uml2tools
reinforce its use will be included in the training phase. We choose REFSQ’20 to run this experiment thanks to
the strong knowledge in testing and knowledge in model-driven development process of REFSQ’s attendees.

3.2.2    Benefits to the subjects of participating in the study
The testing tasks are the key leverage point for practitioners (e.g., project managers, analysts, testers) who want
to develop software systems with high quality level. In this context, we think that this study might benefit to
participants by getting:
  • Knowledge and training on a tool to support the verification of conceptual models through test cases, which
    could be applied on their workplaces or development tasks.
  • Experience in running studies to analyze emotions.
  • Access to instruments for evaluating and measuring emotions, such as International Positive and Negative
    Affect Schedule Short-Form (I-PANAS-SF) and Subjective Units of Distress Scale (SUDS), which could be
    used for the participants in other studies based on human emotions.

3.3     Instrumentation
3.3.1    Questionnaire
We implement a web-based survey using the Qualtrics tool3 , which is composed by the following parts: 1) a
demographic and educational background questionnaire (e.g., sex, age, educational degree, domain expertise);
2) CoSTest training, we provide the required material to use CoSTest tool; 3) Relaxing, during this period we
ask to participants get relaxed; 4) Testing task, we provide two conceptual models with different defects for
correcting, also participants have an option to upload their responses; 5) Emotion state questionnaires; in order
to understand the different emotions experimented by the participants during the contest, we use the I-PANAS-
SF questionnaire and the SUDS scale. The I-PANAS-SF is a list of 10 adjectives used to describe different
emotional states: 5 states of Positive Affect (PA) and 5 states of Negative Affect (NA). The PA scale measures
activity and pleasure, while the NA scale relates to fear and stress [KWR11, Tho07]. The Subjective Units of
Distress Scale (SUDS) can be used to measure the intensity of anxiety/distress [BOC+ 10]; this instrument rates
on a scale from 0 to 10, so that subject marks a point on the range where he perceives his anxiety/distress state
has been located during the different situations presented on the contest. 6) CoSTest evaluation, we propose
different questions in order to investigate whether CoSTest tool was useful to test conceptual models, and 7)
Experiment feedback, we collect feedback about the study.

3.3.2    CoSTest: testing tasks
CoSTest [GCVP17a] is a tool to verify automatically conceptual models using test cases from an existing approach
to communication-oriented requirements engineering. In this live study , we will ask the participants to carry
out two testing tasks (i.e., two conceptual models, CM1 and CM2) and run three test cases associated with each
one by using the CoSTest tool. Participants will be asking to consider one test case at a time (starting with the
first one); if the result of the test case shows the conceptual model has a defect, they have to correct it and rerun
the test case to make sure that the defect correction was done well. The participants will be able to perform
the next test task when finishing the current one. The total time allocated to perform the two test tasks is 30
minutes, if the participant finish before ending time, he could try to generate new test cases in the tool to find
additional defects. The idea is to motivate participants to use the tool so that this will help to measure their
perception of the usefulness of CoSTest.
    The experimental objects consist of the specifications of two conceptual models: CM1 is a Super Stationery
(SS) system, where CM defines the information system of a company that provides stationery and office material
to its clients; and CM2 is a Photography Agency (PA) system where a CM defines the information system that
manages photographers and their photographic reports for distribution to newspaper publishers. Regardless
of the experimental object, we provide the participants with the following experimental material: (i) a brief
description for each information system modeled in CM1 and CM2; (ii) a template to create test cases using
CoSTest; and (iii) an example test suite (each one with three test cases), developed by the authors to test
each CM using CoSTest. We opted for SS and PA as experimental objects because they are often adopted to
learn/practice CoSTest and were used in past empirical studies on Mutation Testing [GCVP17c].
  3 https://www.qualtrics.com
3.4     Procedure

                                                 Analysis and             Report of
                                                Interpretation             results

                                                           Data collection

    Experimenter Tasks

    Subject Tasks

                                         Demographic and             Perception on usefulness,
                                      educational background         experience and emotions

      Instructions         CoSTest training         Relaxation         Correction contest        Questionnaire       Award
        (5 min)               (30 min)               (5 min)               (30 min)                (10 min)          (5 min)

                           Preparation                                                Experiment                 Post-experiment

                                                Figure 1: Live study’s procedure

    The study is composed of three phases, as shown in Figure 1. (i) Preparation: first we explain details
about the study and request to read and sign the informed consent form, where it is detailed the privacy and
confidentiality terms; after we ask to participants with a demographic and educational background questionnaire
(five minutes). As the CoSTest could be a new tool for the participants, we will give a training phase about how
to use it (30 minutes). As next step, we need to uniform the emotional state of all participants (e.g., someone
could came to the experiment already stressed) to avoid the influence of previous emotions in our experiment;
for that reason, participants are asked to stay quiet and watch a video during five minutes to get relaxed. (ii)
Experiment: in this phase, we provide different test cases for using the CoSTest tool (CMs are delivered in
random order), participants will have one attempt to send their solution for each task. With the objective to
generate competitiveness, during the experiment each time that a participant submit a correct solution of a
testing task, we will give a globe (similar to ICPC4 ). After the contest, participants will be asked about their
perceived emotions during the experiment, their experience using the CoSTest tool, and their feedback regarding
the study (see Section 3.3.1 for more details about these questionnaires). (iii) Post-experiment: after to process
all submissions of the participants, we will reward three participants who detect and correct more defects in the
less time.

4     Threats to validity and ethical issues
Internal validity

The different factors triggered by live study (e.g., place, settings) might affect the observed variables. We mitigate
this threat by performing the study in similar conditions for each participant (e.g., material, testing tasks, rules
of contest). The tools (i.e. CoSTest and UML2Tools Editor) used in this experiment will be tested to adjust the
settings on the virtual machine used for software installation. For this purpose, we will use 5 reference points,
taken from other MCs, which are not part of this study. Additionally, our study could be negatively affected
if both artifacts (MCs and injected defects) were not properly selected. The MCs have been taken from other
experiments that have been carried out with the tool [GCVP17b] and the defects are those generated by the
mutation tool [GCVP17c]. Another threat is the emotions of the participants before starting this live study
(due to some previous activities or experiences on the day) might affect the perception of their emotional state
during this study; to mitigate this threat, we have prepared a relaxing activity to uniform the emotions of all
participants before starting this experiment.

    4 https://icpc.baylor.edu/
External validity
This validity is regarding the generalization of our results outside the experiment setting; in this context, a
possible threat could be the selection of participants. Nonetheless, it is mitigated by the REFSQ attendees,
because they have different personalities, experiences and educational backgrounds, such as master/PhD students,
senior researchers, and practitioners. Another possible threat is that the environment where this study will be
carried out might not be a typical context for doing software work; to mitigate this threat, we will conduct the
study in a quiet environment, trying to limit unnecessary distractions and trying to give comfortable work-spaces
for the participants.

Construct validity
As part of this study, our instruments are based on questionnaires with self-reported responses and as conse-
quence, participants could be afraid of giving information about their emotional states or personal information;
however, this threat is mitigated through our privacy and confidentiality terms that specify their information and
responses are going to be anonymous. Furthermore, the selected instruments are well known and have been used
in other works to measure emotions [Epp16, AB18]. Some other possible threat is determining the correctness of
a solution for a defect because it could affect the measure of efficiency; this threat is mitigated by the CoSTest
tool, which verifies automatically if the defect was solved successfully or not.

5   About the researchers
Franci Suni Lopez is a PhD candidate at National University of San Agustin of Arequipa. His main research
focuses on using human emotions to empower the self-adaptation capability of software services. His research
interest also includes software engineering for mobile development and self-adaptive software. He executed one
empirical studies in the live study track of REFSQ (whose results have been published in [CFML19]) and an
experiment at MEGSUS [SLCFMA18].
Angela Mayhua Quispe is researcher at La Salle University (Arequipa, Peru) and PhD candidate at National
University of San Agustin of Arequipa. Her main research focuses on data visualization and pattern recognition
from images and signals. She has a particular interest in analyzing physiological signals to recognize human
emotions, with special emphasis on negative emotions.
Maria Fernanda Granda is a full professor and researcher of the Computer Science Department at University
of Cuenca (Ecuador). She obtained her Ph.D in Computing in 2017 at the Universitat Politècnica de València
(Spain). Her main research focuses on Requirements Engineering, Software Testing & Quality and Model-driven
Development. She has executed empirical studies using mutation testing and the results have been published in
[GCVP17b], [GCVP17c] and [GCVP16].

This work has been supported by the KUSISQA project (014-2019-FONDECYT-BM-INC.INV) from the Na-
tional Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FONDECYT-PERU) and World Bank, and the Di-
rección de Investigación de la Universidad de Cuenca (DIUC) - Ecuador. Authors also want to acknowledge the
anonymous reviewers and Live Study track chairs (Nelly Condori-Fernandez and Luisa Mich) for their valuable

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