=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2584/NLP4RE-paper4 |storemode=property |title=Opinion Analysis and Organization of Mobile Application User Reviews |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2584/NLP4RE-paper4.pdf |volume=Vol-2584 |authors=Long Wang,Hiroyuki Nakagawa,Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/refsq/WangNT20 }} ==Opinion Analysis and Organization of Mobile Application User Reviews== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2584/NLP4RE-paper4.pdf
             Opinion Analysis and Organization of Mobile
                      Application User Reviews

                    Long Wang                Hiroyuki Nakagawa                  Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya
                               Graduate School of Information Science and Technology,
                                    Osaka University, Suita-shi, 565-0871, Japan
                                   {l-wang, nakagawa, t-tutiya}@ist.osaka-u.ac.jp

                       User reviews play a vital role in mobile application development. New
                       users can grasp the pros and cons of an app from user reviews, and de-
                       velopers can improve the app by addressing the issues mentioned in the
                       user reviews. However, scanning and analyzing massive user reviews is
                       always a challenging and time-consuming task for both users and de-
                       velopers. This paper proposes a solution to build a tool for analyzing
                       and organizing user reviews. To analyze user reviews, we classify the
                       sentences in the reviews into predefined categories by using a machine
                       learning algorithm; then, we apply text classification techniques to de-
                       termine the review sentence’s polarity and finally to mine key phrases
                       from the sentences. We conducted an experiment using user reviews
                       for two messaging apps. The experimental results demonstrate that
                       we can organize the core information of each review and present the
                       information to users and developers in respectively different ways.

1    Introduction
Mobile application development keeps growing fast today, and many applications become significantly important
in our life. A popular application category, like messaging application, usually has more than one hundred
apps available in the market. How to quickly find the right one among numerous apps can be difficult for
new users. Fortunately, mobile application user reviews could provide necessary information for helping users
to make the right decision [KM17] [SJ15]. Also, user reviews could help developers improve the application
because the reviews report what kind of issues users have experienced or reveal why certain users like or dislike
the application [KH06]. However, manually scanning massive unstructured reviews is always a challenge task
[BGHM+ 08] [DLP03], since reviews usually contain many texts and require hours to browse.
   Today many user reviews come typically with a rating that reflects the user’s preference towards the application
[Tan06], and these review ratings are intended to help users and developers speed up the review scanning process.
However, since the review rating can be inconsistent and biased[DLP03], a single rating can not be a valuable
medium to represent the entire application correctly. For example, a rating can be highly subjective when a user
rated an app with one star when a minor feature failed. In another example, a user could write a review and

Copyright c 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC
BY 4.0).
In: M. Sabetzadeh, A. Vogelsang, S. Abualhaija, M. Borg, F. Dalpiaz, M. Daneva, N. Fernández, X. Franch, D. Fucci, V. Gervasi,
E. Groen, R. Guizzardi, A. Herrmann, J. Horkoff, L. Mich, A. Perini, A. Susi (eds.): Joint Proceedings of REFSQ-2020 Workshops,
Doctoral Symposium, Live Studies Track, and Poster Track, Pisa, Italy, 24-03-2020, published at http://ceur-ws.org
give a perfect rating to an application at the beginning, but the user may find some issues afterward. If the user
later modifies the review message without updating the rating, the perfect rating then will hide the potential
   The existing mobile application stores do not provide well-organized tools to assist people in scan reviews.
In this study, we propose a tool for analyzing and organizing reviews, and therefore provide a solution to meet
different kinds of demands from users and developers. When users and developers are scanning reviews, their
focus could be different. Users like to browse a group of reviews together, which makes them focus on the
collective ideas from a group. On the other hand, developers want to check the reviews successively, because
each review could contain different issues with each other. With machine learning techniques, our tool is able to
provide summarized information to users and developers in respectively different ways.
   The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 sketches related work. Section 3 presents methods to
design and construct the tool. Section 4 describes data collection process, and Section 5 explains our analyzing
process. Section 6 demonstrates how we organize the results and present it to users and developers. Finally,
Section 7 concludes with future work.

2   Related Work
Many studies demonstrated how machine learning techniques could help users and developers analyze and or-
ganize data. Rajeev et al. [RR15] and Priyanka et al. [PTB15] show solutions to advise users in finding online
products. Chen et al. [CSM+ 18] present a tool to assist developers in software development. With practical
examples, these studies show that machine learning could be a powerful means which helps users and developers
to manipulate various kinds of data efficiently.
   There has been a trend towards analyzing and organizing reviews with machine learning technologies. Many
studies focus on text classification, data extraction, and information summarization. A standard method of
analyzing user reviews is to determine whether a review presents a positive or negative attitude. Pang et al.
[PLV02] and Turney et al. [Tur02] show that document-level sentimental analysis reaches a good result and even
performs better than human-produced baselines. Tanawongsuwan et al. [Tan10] demonstrate how to process
the sentiment classification on a product review through the analysis of parts of speech of the textual content.
Instead of merely determining whether a review has a positive or negative tone, Maalej et al. [MN15] concentrate
on review tagging. It proposed a method to determine whether a review is bug report, feature request, or praise.
   Data extraction is also a pivotal process in analyzing reviews. Somprasertsri et al. [SL10] develop a method to
extract product features and associated opinions from reviews through syntactic information based on dependency
analysis. Dave et al. [DLP03] propose a method for extracting a product attribute and aggregating opinions
about each of them; besides, this method can automatically differentiate positive reviews and negative reviews.
Kim et al. [KH06] represent a method not only to extract a products’ pros and cons from reviews but also to
mine the sentences which account for the reviewer’s preferences.
   Beyond text classification and data extraction in user reviews, Hu et al. [HL04] focus on mining and sum-
marizing reviews by extracting opinion sentences about product features. Blair-Goldensohn et al. [BGHM+ 08]
concentrate on aspect-based summarization models, where a summary is produced by extracting relevant aspects
of a local service, aggregating the sentiment per aspect, lastly selecting aspect-relevant text.
   The previous studies mostly concentrated on analyzing reviews to help users. They target on-line store
products and local service reviews, such as banks, restaurants, movies, and travel destinations. Our study differs
in essential ways from previous ones: it focuses on mobile application user reviews. In recent years, there are also
a number of studies concentrate on mining useful information from user reviews. Vu et al. [VNPN15] propose
a framework to help analysts to collect and mine user opinions from reviews. Guzman et al. [GM14] propose
an automated approach to help developers to filter and analyze user reviews. Our study is different as we are
interested in building a tool that aims to analyze reviews for both users and developers.

3   Methodology
Our tool aims to analyze reviews and adequately organize them for users and developers. The overall goal of
the tool is to help users and developers accelerate the review scanning process. In this study, we target on the
sentence-level analysis, since each review may contain various opinions. Also, these opinions could cover different
aspects of an app; for example, an opinion can discuss a specific function feature, or it can express a general
option towards the entire app. Consequently, we target the sentence-level analysis and focus on analyzing user
reviews in the following perspectives.
                                                Data Analyzing Process         Data Organizing Process

                                                     Classification                 Analyzed Result
                Data Preparation Process                                             Database

                    Data Collection
                                                                                User         Developer
                                                                               Version        Version
                                                     Key phrase                Output         Output

                                           Figure 1: Workflow of the tool

    • From what aspect did users review the app?

    • What is the polarity of each review sentence?

    • What is the primary meaning of a sentence?

   Figure 1 shows our tool’s workflow. The workflow consists of three major processes: the data preparation
process, the data analyzing process, and the data organizing process. In the data preparation process, we crawl
review data from the mobile application store and pre-process them for later analysis. In the data analyzing
process, we employ three different kinds of machine learning techniques. We use text classification to classify
each review sentence into a category tag. The category tag represents the review aspect, and thus solves the first
of the above three problems. For the second problem, we use sentimental analysis techniques to generate the
polarity tag for each review sentence. Lastly, in the key phrase mining process, we extract the core information
from review sentences to solve the third problem. In the data organizing process, we store the analyzed data
into a database and process them to provide output to users and developers.

4     Data Preparation
We use reviews from mobile messaging applications as examples to demonstrate the analyzing and organizing
processes and tool implementation. Two popular messaging applications, WeChat1 and LINE2 , are used in this
study. They are available at the Google Play store and have sufficient user reviews. WeChat is a messaging
and social media app - it is a lifestyle for one billion users across the world. It provides not only chatting and
calling features but also gaming, mobile payment features, and many other features. In total, WeChat had 100,
000, 000+ installations and 5, 000, 000+ reviews. Another messaging application, LINE reshapes communication
around the globe, allowing users to enjoy not only messaging but also free voice and video calls. LINE had 500,
000, 000+ installations and 11, 000, 000+ reviews.
   Sometimes an app’s update may introduce new bugs and unsatisfied feature changes, and then it can cause
many alike user reviews. For the variety of data maintenance concerns, we collected review data from a one-year
period (April 2018 to April 2019) and selected the first 100 English reviews from each month. In such a way, we
can avoid similar bug reports or feature complaint reviews within a short period. Also, as suggested by Dave
and Lawrence [DLP03], we filtered out the reviews, which contain less than three words or primarily written
with symbols to avoid sparse data issue, from the collected data set.
    1 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tencent.mm\&hl=en
    2 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.naver.line.android\&hl=en
5     Data Analysis
Category classification. We employ text classification techniques to classify review sentences to category tags.
In the classification, the pre-processed review textual content is used as the feature.

    • Review sentence tagging. The tagging was performed manually in the category text classification pro-
      cess. The predefined categories for the messaging application reviews model include General opinion,
      F unctional f eature, and Out of domain. General opinion indicates a review sentence that has a
      broad opinion towards the application, and it generally presents whether users like the application or not.
      F unctional f eature indicates a review sentence that directly discusses a specific function or a feature of the
      application. Out of domain indicates a phrase that is neither talking about a specific function or a general
      review, and it describes a type of phrase that usually contains a single word or an unrelated discussion.
      Both WeChat and LINE’s review data are annotated with the above three categories. Table 1 shows the
      total number of sentences, the numbers of sentences tagged with different categories, and the number of
      vocabularies appearing in the review data.
    • The text pre-processing. Considering that users might write non-standard English words, such as emoji
      and online slang, in reviews, we simplify and clean the text before training. In our study, the processing
      steps are: lowering case conversion, converting numbers to words, tokenizing sentence, removing stop words,
      and reducing word forms. We use Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) 3 library to break a sentence into
      words; this library has a Tweet Tokenizer module which can recognize online slang and diminishes the word
      length; for example, “waaaaayyyy” is reduced to “waaayyy”.
    • Convolutional neural networks. In this study, the text classification algorithm is based on character-
      level Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). Recent studies proved that CNN works well for problems in the
      natural language processing [Kim14] [ZZL15], although CNN is more often apply to solve machine learning
      image problems. Gradually the CNN model had become a standard baseline for new text classification
      architectures. Unlike image pixels that are used as input in image problems, the input in our classification
      problem is a review sentence represented as matrix. Each row of the matrix is a vector that represents a
      word; moreover, the vector is the index of a word into vocabularies appearing in our collected data.

                                     Table 1: Statistics For Sentences Labeling

                          Categories                        WeChat      LINE      Combined
                          # Sentences                        3417        2803        6220
                          # Functional feature sentences     1486        1007        2493
                          # General opinion sentences        1034        1030        2063
                          # Out of domain sentences          897          766        1664
                          # Vocabularies                     3026        2744       4248*
                          # Preprocessed vocabularies        2127        1974       2955*
              (Note that duplicates were removed in the number of vocabularies and the number of preprocessed
                            vocabularies when combining vocabularies from WeChat and LINE.)

   Category classification cross-validation. To experimentally evaluate the performance of the category
classification process, we conducted a 3-fold cross validation using the reviews we collected. The whole data set
was shuffled and equally divided into three parts in the evaluation process. Each set was used as the testing set
once, and the other remaining two sets were used as the training set. As a result, three classification models
were developed for a given collection of data in the experiment. Table 2 presents classification results of using
only WeChat data, Table 3 presents the classification results of using only LINE data, and Table 4 shows the
classification results of using data from both WeChat and LINE.
   All the tables show that classification models have satisfying prediction scores on these three categories. The
f unctional f eature category has the best results, and the out of domain has the least prediction rate. The
reason could be that the f unctional f eature has the most extensive training set size, whereas the out of domain
has the least. Although WeChat had a slightly smaller number of reviews, each review from WeChat seems to
    3 available at https://www.nltk.org/
                                       Table 2: Evaluation result for WeChat

                    Categories                    Precision   Recall     F1-score    No. Test
                    Functional feature (1)          0.76       0.81        0.78        448
                    General opinion (1)             0.72       0.69        0.71        304
                    Out of domain (1)               0.63       0.59        0.61        249
                    Functional feature (2)          0.81       0.84        0.83        453
                    General opinion (2)             0.78       0.70        0.74        298
                    Out of domain (2)               0.61       0.64        0.62        250
                    Functional feature (3)          0.78       0.82        0.80        428
                    General opinion (3)             0.73       0.74        0.73        305
                    Out of domain (3)               0.64       0.58        0.61        267
                    Functional feature (Avg)       0.783      0.823       0.803        443
                    General opinion (Avg)          0.743      0.710       0.727        302
                    Out of domain (Avg)            0.627      0.603       0.613        255

                                        Table 3: Evaluation result for LINE

                    Categories                    Precision   Recall     F1-score    No. Test
                    Functional feature (1)          0.76       0.79        0.78        294
                    General opinion (1)             0.65       0.70        0.68        302
                    Out of domain (1)               0.68       0.59        0.63        251
                    Functional feature (2)          0.82       0.79        0.80        303
                    General opinion (2)             0.66       0.81        0.73        318
                    Out of domain (2)               0.68       0.49        0.57        227
                    Functional feature (3)          0.71       0.76        0.74        313
                    General opinion (3)             0.70       0.64        0.67        327
                    Out of domain (3)               0.57       0.58        0.57        207
                    Functional feature (Avg)       0.763       0.78       0.773        294
                    General opinion (Avg)          0.670      0.717       0.693        316
                    Out of domain (Avg)            0.643      0.553       0.590        228

contain more sentences and generate a large data set. As a result, the WeChat classification model generally
performs better than the LINE model. Since the same tagging rules were applied to WeChat and LINE review
data, we used the mixed data together to train another classification model. Appropriately, this classification
model also ended up satisfying classification results.

Sentiment analysis. After determining a review sentence category, we examine each sentence on whether its
attitude is positive or negative. For instance, consider the following review examples, “WeChat send messages
fast” and “WeChat lagging on taking pictures.” They both discuss functional features, but they have very
different attitudes towards the features. Knowing a sentence’s polarity undoubtedly helps users and developers
accelerate the scanning process. In this study, we use the NLTK library again for sentiment classification. It
can determine a review sentence, whether it expresses positive sentiment, negative sentiment, or if it is neutral.
This library uses hierarchical classification, where a sentence’s neutrality is checked first, and then the polarity
is determined.

Key phrases mining. To help developers speed up to discover any issue from reviews, we reduce the text
content amount developers need to read in reviews. To this end, we mine key phrases from review sentences.
We use a library called RAKE-NLTK (RAKE stands for Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction algorithm 4 ), to
mine key phrases. RAKE is a domain-independent keyword extraction algorithm, and it tries to discover key
phrases from the text body by analyzing the frequency of word appearance and word’s co-occurrence with other
  4 available at https://github.com/csurfer/rake-nltk
                                                       Table 4: Evaluation result for mixed data

                    Categories                                                      Precision                           Recall                             F1-score                                   No. Test
                    Functional feature (1)                                            0.80                               0.77                                0.79                                       806
                    General opinion (1)                                               0.71                               0.69                                0.70                                       682
                    Out of domain (1)                                                 0.59                               0.65                                0.62                                       511
                    Functional feature (2)                                            0.76                               0.79                                0.78                                       811
                    General opinion (2)                                               0.69                               0.70                                0.69                                       652
                    Out of domain (2)                                                 0.62                               0.57                                0.60                                       537
                    Functional feature (3)                                            0.74                               0.82                                0.78                                       806
                    General opinion (3)                                               0.71                               0.66                                0.68                                       672
                    Out of domain (3)                                                 0.62                               0.58                                0.60                                       522
                    Functional feature (Avg)                                         0.767                              0.793                               0.783                                       808
                    General opinion (Avg)                                            0.703                              0.683                               0.690                                       669
                    Out of domain (Avg)                                              0.610                              0.600                               0.607                                       523

words in the text [RECC10]. The mining algorithm takes a text sentence as an input and outputs a list of text
phrases with related scores. In this study, a simple filter algorithm was applied to the mining results. We rank
the results by their scores from the highest to lowest, and we filter out the phrases whose scores are equal to the
lowest score in the results.

6   Data Organization
In this section, we describe how the analyzed information is presented into two kinds of output for users and
   The user version. This version of output is organized to help new users to quickly answer the following
two questions: 1) From what aspect did other users review the app? and 2) What are the polarities of these
aspects? For this reason, we select the review category tag and the polarity tag information from the analyzed
result database and draw them in the form of bar graphs for users. Figure 2 shows an example of analyzed
WeChat reviews from April 2019. The graph illustrates the number of aspects, which are out of domain,
general opinion, and f unctional f eature, mentioned in the reviews. The polarity information is colored and
visibly displayed. More importantly, the original review sentence can be traversed by clicking the corresponding
chart bar. Additionally, user version output supports the comparison mode so that users can compare the
analyzed reviews from two apps. Figure 3 shows an example of comparing results between WeChat and LINE; in
the figure, two analyzed results are horizontally presented side by side in one output. The output can efficiently
show the difference to users, and therefore clearly present which app is preferred by users in a given period of

                                                                                                                                            Functional Feature Details
                         Reviews Analysis Result: User Version                     WeChat                                                             Review Context
                                                                                   Total Installations: 5, 723, 045
                         Reviews Search By                                         Ratings: 3.8                       would you change your security login, would you?
                                  Monthly          2019/04
                                                                                                                      it needs to authenticate me by using a friend on wechat
                                 Compare with : none

                                                                                                                                             Functional Feature Details
                                                                                                                                                      Review Context

                                                                                                                      no video call blocking like before

                                                                                                                      i dont understand why is my account blocked for no reason

                                                                                                                      my message in the bottle is not working

                                                                                                                      why would you block me when i just try to register?


                                                                                                                                             Functional Feature Details
                                                                                                                                                       Review Context
                         Total Number of Reviews       Total Number of Sentences
                                                                                                                      will be great if there is a "reply" function like whatsapp or line in the app
                         66                            326
                                                                                                                      you guys should make it able to backup chat history into one single file that we
                         Category       Out of Domain        General        Functional                                can keep it in a safe place, keeping everything in the cellphone is not safe
                                                             Opinion        Feature
                         Total          89                   114            123

                     Figure 2: Example of user version output displaying WeChat reviews
                            Reviews Analysis Result: User Version                       WeChat                                                                                   LINE
                                                                                        Total Installations: 5, 723, 045                                                         Total Installations: 11, 773, 378
                            Reviews Search By                                           Ratings: 3.8                                                                             Ratings: 4.1
                                    Most Recent    100 Reviews
                                    Compare with : LINE

                            Total Number of Reviews       Total Number of Sentences                                           Total Number of Reviews   Total Number of Sentences
                            100                           363                                                                 100                       275

                            Category       Out of Domain        General             Functional                                Category    Out of Domain       General             Functional
                                                                Opinion             Feature                                                                   Opinion             Feature
                            Total          78                   129                 155                                       Total       71                  109                 95

             Figure 3: User version output comparing most recent 100 WeChat and LINE reviews
   The developer version. This version of output aims to assist developers to discover what kind of issue users
have when using the app. For this, each review is transformed into a compact version in the output. The review
sentence is replaced with a category tag, a corresponding polarity tag, and a list of key phrases. The polarity
tag combined with the list of key phrases can reveal the potential issues users mentioned in the review, and the
category tag indicates what aspect the issues mentioned. Similar to the user version’s output, the original review
text can be traversed by clicking the corresponding tags. Figure 4 shows an example of developer version output
for WeChat, and Figure 5 shows the difference between an original review and the related developer version
output. The developer version output reduced many texts from the original review, but it still retains the core
information. By reading the output, developers are able to develop an abstract understanding of the original

                    Reviews Analysis Result: Developer Version                                           WeChat
                                                                                                         Total Installations: 5, 723, 045
                    Reviews Search By                                                                    Ratings: 3.8
                              Monthly              2019/04

                                                                                                       Rating: 1           Date: 04/02
                    General Opinion        Neu    [“suddenly stopped working without warning”]                                                          Start           4/ 5
                    General Opinion        Neg    [“nothing happens”, “error message”]
                                                                                                                                                        Review          kindly look into it seriously. After
                    Functional Feature     Neg     [“even login desktop”, “confirm desktop login”, “cant access”]                                                       the new updates, gf & myself
                                                                                                                                                                        realised that messages are often
                    Functional Feature     Neg    [“stopped working”, “reintall WeChat”, “even back” , ” chst history”, “chat history]                                  delay 3-5minutes only prompt out or
                                                                                                                                                                        until you open the apps only
                     Out of Domain         Neg    [“going”]                                                                                                             messages prompt. which caused
                    General Opinion        Neg     [“please update”]
                                                                                                                                                                        really inconvenience. Facing the
                                                                                                                                                                        same problem w data or wifi, do get
                                                                                                                                                                        it fix asap.
                                                                                                       Rating: 4           Date: 04/02
                                                                                                                                                        Date            2019. 04. 04
                    General Opinion        Pos     [“WearOS wach works extremely well”, “companion app”]

                    Functional Feature     Pos     [“reading message”, “minor issue”]

                     Out of Domain         Pos     [“please fix”]

                     Out of Domain         Pos     [“Thank”]

                                                                                          Rating: 4           Date: 04/03
                     Out of Domain         Pos    [“kindly look”]

                    Functional Feature     Pos     [“often delay”, “new updates”, “messages prompt”]

                    General Opinion        Neg    [“caused really inconvenience”]

                    General Opinion        Neu    [“problem w data”, “fix asap”]


                  Figure 4: Example of developer version output displaying WeChat reviews

7   Conclusion and Future Work
In this paper, we proposed a method to build a tool for analyzing and organizing user reviews. This tool can
generate two kinds of output in order to meet different demands from users and developers. The user version
            Start    1/5

            Review   WeChat has suddenly stopped                             Rating: 1       Date: 04/02
                     working without warning. Nothing
                     happens when I click on the app,                                                      [“suddenly stopped working without
                                                                             General Opinion      Neu
                     and there is no error message. Can't                                                  warning”]
                     even login desktop because the app                      General Opinion      Neg      [“nothing happens”, “error message”]
                     on the phone is required to confirm
                     desktop login, but I cant access the   Shrunk the          Functional                 [“even login desktop”, “confirm desktop login”, “cant
                                                            review to            Feature                   access”]
                     app. I want to backup my Chst
                     history so that I can reinstall        organized and       Functional        Neg
                                                                                                           [“stopped working”, “reintall WeChat”, “even back” ,
                     WeChat, but I can't even back up       compact output       Feature                   ” chst history”, “chat history]
                     my chat history because it needs to                      Out of Domain       Neg      [“going”]
                     confirm on the phone, which I can't
                     do because it has stopped working!                      General Opinion      Neg      [“please update”]
                     What's going on? Please update the
                     app to fix this issue!

            Date     2019. 04. 02

Figure 5: A comparison between the developer version output and the original review. The developer version
output significantly reduces the text amount and requires less scanning time.
output focuses on presenting the character of a group of data, and the developer version output focuses on
shrinking the review texts. Our tool consists of two primary parts: using machine learning techniques to analyze
user reviews, and organizing analyzed results for users and developers separately. We keep working on the
following tasks to build a more sophisticated tool in the future.
    In future work, an actual human evaluation should be involved. We will give the generated outputs to real
developers and ordinary volunteers, and ask them to provide confident rates for the analyzed and organized
results. Another work could be to improve the accuracy of key phrase mining. Currently, the algorithm of
filtering the mining result is naive. Additional techniques, such as removing the stop words and unnecessary
adjectives, could make the mining results clearer and more reliable.

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