=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2584/PT-paper4 |storemode=property |title=Formal Requirements Elicitation with FRET |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2584/PT-paper4.pdf |volume=Vol-2584 |authors=Dimitra Giannakopoulou,Thomas Pressburger,Anastasia Mavridou,Julian Rhein,Johann Schumann,Nija Shi |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/refsq/GiannakopoulouP20a }} ==Formal Requirements Elicitation with FRET== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2584/PT-paper4.pdf
             Formal Requirements Elicitation with FRET

               Dimitra Giannakopoulou,                        Anastasia Mavridou, Julian Rhein,
                 Thomas Pressburger                             Johann Schumann, Nija Shi
              NASA Ames Research Center                      KBR / NASA Ames Research Center

                       fret is a tool for writing, understanding, formalizing, and analyzing
                       requirements. Users write requirements in an intuitive, restricted
                       natural language, called fretish, with precise, unambiguous meaning.
                       For a fretish requirement, fret: 1) produces natural language
                       and diagrammatic explanations of its exact meaning, 2) formalizes
                       the requirement in future-time and past-time temporal logic, and 3)
                       supports interactive simulation of produced logic formulas to ensure
                       that they capture user intentions. fret connects to analysis tools
                       by facilitating the mapping between requirements and models/code,
                       and by generating verification code. fret is available open source at
                       https://github.com/NASA-SW-VnV/fret; a video can be accessed at:
1    Introduction
Requirements engineering is a central step in the development of safety-critical systems. The vision for NASA
Ames’ Formal Requirements Elicitation Tool (fret) is 1) to make the writing, understanding, and debugging of
formal requirements as natural and intuitive as possible, 2) to seamlessly connect to powerful external tools for
analysis, and 3) to support the correction of requirements suggested by analysis results. fret users have been
limited to teams within NASA Ames and external collaborators, but with fret’s recent open sourcing, we hope
to obtain feedback and contributions from the wider research community and industry. This paper presents the
features of the first fret release, which form a solid basis for extensions and further development.
   In practice, requirements are typically written in natural language, which is ambiguous and consequently not
amenable to formal analysis. Since formal, mathematical notations are unintuitive, requirements in fret are
entered in a restricted natural language named fretish. fret helps users write fretish requirements both
by providing grammar information and examples during editing, but also through English and diagrammatic
explanations to clarify subtle semantic issues. For each requirement, fret automatically produces formulas that
can be used by analysis tools at all phases of the software lifecycle. An extensive verification framework ensures
that the generated formulas conform to the semantics of the fretish language [9]. Moreover, fret supports
the mapping of high-level requirements to the signals or variables that appear in software models or code. fret
then exports verification code that can be used directly by a variety of analysis tools.
Novelty. fret incorporates ideas from several existing approaches to requirements engineering. The structure
of fretish requirements includes features from temporal logic, the Specification Pattern System (SPS) [5], and
the Easy Approach to Requirements Syntax (EARS, [13]), implemented in tools like Prospec [8], SPIDER [11],
SpeAR [7], and EARS-CTRL [12]. In the commercial tool STIMULUS [10], requirements are built by assembling
phrases. The ASSERTTM [4] tool uses the constrained natural language SADL for formalizing domain ontologies,
and a requirements language SRL that expresses requirements as assignments to controlled variables conditioned
on (possibly temporal) conditions. The main goal of fret is to be an open source, extensible requirements

   Copyright c 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International
(CC BY 4.0).
   In: M. Sabetzadeh, A. Vogelsang, S. Abualhaija, M. Borg, F. Dalpiaz, M. Daneva, N. Fernández, X. Franch, D. Fucci, V.
Gervasi, E. Groen, R. Guizzardi, A. Herrmann, J. Horkoff, L. Mich, A. Perini, A. Susi (eds.): Joint Proceedings of REFSQ-2020
Workshops, Doctoral Symposium, Live Studies Track, and Poster Track, Pisa, Italy, 24-03-2020, published at http://ceur-ws.org
                                             Figure 1: FRET dashboard

platform that can connect to external requirements analysis tools. As such, the fretish language and the
formalization capabilities aim at being inclusive, and for this reason are modular, and extensible. For example,
fret produces formalizations in both future-time and past-time metric linear temporal logic. Since we plan on
using fret in safety-critical contexts, ensuring correctness of the supported formalizations is key.

2    Interacting with FRET
This section describes a user’s end-to-end interaction with fret through an example from the publicly-available
Lockheed Martin Cyber Physical Systems (LMCPS) challenge [6]. The application of fret to LMCPS is, to
date, the largest fret case study [15]. fret’s entry point is a dashboard that summarizes the status of selected
projects, and provides a hierarchical view of all requirements, as shown in Figure 1 for LMCPS. The “Recent
Activity” tab summarizes requirements that were most recently edited, highlighting those that belong to the
selected project. Requirements can also be displayed in standard tabular form (see Figure 3).
   Requirements Elicitation. Figure 2 illustrates fret’s requirements elicitation interface. fretish require-
ment [AP-002a]:“in roll hold mode RollAutopilot shall always satisfy autopilot engaged & no other lateral mode” expresses
the natural language description included in the “Rationale and Comments” field. i.e., that the autopilot should
be engaged and no other lateral mode should be active when the Roll Autopilot is in roll hold mode. The
interface window consists of the editor, on the left, and a help tab on the right (gray background). The fretish
grammar, displayed as “railroad diagrams”, is accessible from this view by clicking on the question mark.
   A fretish requirement description is automatically parsed into six sequential fields, with the fret editor
dynamically coloring the text corresponding to the fields as the requirement is typed in (Figure 2): scope,
condition, component, shall , timing, and response. Help and examples on each specific field can be displayed
in the help tab by clicking on the corresponding field bubble. The mandatory component field specifies the
component that the requirement applies to (RollAutopilot). The shall keyword states that the component
behavior must conform to the requirement. The response field currently is of the form satisfy R, where R is a
non-temporal Boolean-valued expression.
   Field scope (optional) states that the requirement is only relevant in specific scopes of the system behavior,
                  Figure 2: fret editor with formalizations and explanations in the help tab

                                  Figure 3: FRET tabular view of requirements

for example when the system is “in roll hold mode”. The Boolean expression field condition (optional) states that,
within the specified mode, the requirement becomes relevant only from the point where the condition becomes
true. When, as in our example, condition is omitted, there is no such restriction. Field timing (optional) specifies
at which points the response must occur, for example “always”, meaning at all points where the system is “in
roll hold mode”. Default timing is eventually.
    By clicking semantics, the help tab displays various explanations of the requirement, as well as temporal
formulas. The diagram of Figure 2 illustrates that the requirement is only relevant within the grayed box M (M
represents intervals where the Autopilot is in “roll hold” mode). The green band states that “autopilot engaged &
no other lateral mode” is required to hold at all time points within the gray box.
    Requirements Visualization. Getting a requirement with temporal relationships right is a tricky and
subtle task. Errors and misunderstandings might creep into the formulation, resulting in a requirement that
does not correctly reflect the temporal interdependencies of the involved signals. Based upon the graphical
signal representation commonly used in digital electronics, we developed an interactive requirements visualizer
in fret, available by clicking simulate in the semantics view of the help tab (see Figure 2). Given a fret
requirement, it shows temporal traces of each of the signals (variables) involved as well as the valuation of the
requirement for each point in time (see Figure 4). The user can interactively modify the input signals; the
valuation of the requirement is updated automatically and thus makes it possible for the user to visually inspect
the temporal behavior of the requirement. The valuation is computed based on the construction of a finite state
machine from the input trace, which is then verified against the metric linear temporal logic (LTL) formalization
of the requirement, using the model checker NuSMV [2].

Requirements Analysis. fret’s main purpose is to facilitate the elic-
itation of unambiguous requirements. For analysis, it allows users to
export requirements in formats that can be digested by external analysis
tools. fret currently connects to the CoCoSim tool [3] for analysis of
Simulink models, and through CoCoSim to the Kind2 [1], Zustre1 , and
Simulink Design Verifier (SLDV) tools for analysis.
    To analyze requirements against an implementation as model or code,
one needs to associate the requirement variables, which are at a high lev-
el, with variables in the model or code (signals in the case of Simulink).
Moreover, fret needs to generate verification code that can be under-
stood by the target analysis tool. To connect with CoCoSim, fret
transforms requirements into CoCoSpec code. In this process, fret sup-
ports the import of Simulink model information provided by CoCoSim,
and association of high-level requirements with target model signals and
components (see Figure 5).                                                              Figure 4: Screenshot of visualiza-
                                                                                        tion for AP-002a (Figure 2)

                            Figure 5: Associating fretish requirements with Simulink models

3     FRET architecture
fret is implemented mainly in JavaScript as an Electron JS app. Electron JS2 is a framework for creating
desktop-suite applications by using web development programming languages. Electron JS uses two main tech-
nologies: the Node.js runtime and the Chromium web browser. Its file system provided through the Node.js
API is compatible with Linux, Mac OS, and Windows. fret’s interactive interface was developed with the
React JavaScript library3 . fret uses PouchDB4 as an in-browser database that also runs in Node.js. fret’s
architecture is illustrated in Figure 6. This section reviews the main modules in the architecture.
Offline Formalization. Formalization of fretish requirements is performed by the formalizer component,
which is described in detail in [9]. Formalization is performed based on semantic template keys, which are
valuations of the fields that make up each fretish requirement. For example, the template key for requirement
[AP-002a] is [in, null, always], meaning that the scope is “in mode”, condition is omitted, and timing is
“always”. For each template key, the formalizer generates a variety of mathematical formulas, as well as
    1 https://github.com/coco-team/zustre
    2 https://electronjs.org/   3 https://reactjs.org/   4 https://pouchdb.com/learn.html
English language explanations and diagrams, which are all saved in a cache. Note that all these artefacts are
templates that contain variables. These variables get instantiated by fret to capture the details of specific
requirements, as will be described later.
    formalization verifier is a modular, extensible framework, which provides assurance that formulas gen-
erated by the formalizer capture the intended semantics. It implements 1) a module that generates traces,
i.e., example executions over which to interpret formulas; 2) a module that, given a trace and a template key,
generates an expected value of true or false based on the semantics of the fretish language, 3) a module which
interprets formulas over traces and compares the outcome to expected values, and 4) a module that compares
future and past-time formulas generated for the same template key, for equivalence.
                                             formalizer                                                fretish       editor/elicitor                              visualizer
                                                                                                                                           LTL formulas
                   template keys

                                             formula                                                                                                             simulator
                                                                   cache                                                                     architectural
                                             diagram                                                                                            data

                                                                                 template key                         requirement fields                             analysis portal

                                  trace                formalization verifier
                               generator                                                            instantiator                               formula translator
                                                semantics       equivalence
                                                 evaluator        checker
                                   oracle                                                        formalized requirement
                                                                                          (explanation + diagram + formulas)                     verification code + traceability data

                                                                                Figure 6: Architecture of fret
Requirements Elicitation. The bulk of the work in formalizing fretish requirements is performed offline
and cached. When users write a requirement, the parser identifies the corresponding template key, and the
values of the requirement fields, which instantiate the template key. The instantiator uses the template key
to fetch correct artefacts from the cache, and uses the requirement fields to appropriately instantiate them. The
produced LTL formulas can be explored interactively through the simulator.
Analysis Portal. This component connects fret with analysis tools. The user needs to define mappings
between fretish variables and model variables, as well as additional information such as variable types, which
is not relevant at a high level. Module requirements-model mapper supports this process and stores the
provided information in a database. It is also able to import architectural data about model components and
signals, when available, to facilitate this task. Module formula translator currently uses information from
the mapper, and the past-time LTL formalization of a requirement, to generate CoCoSpec code, as well as
traceability data. The latter is used to report analysis results in the context of fretish requirements. This
component could also be used in the context of other tools, and is described in detail in [14].

4   Applications and Future Work
   As mentioned, we have successfully applied fret to the LMCPS industrial case study; a detailed evaluation
is provided in [6]. fret is currently being used by a mission within the NASA Ames Research Center. We
are working closely with mission developers to help them with using the tool and get feedback regarding its
usability. We have noticed, for example, that developers initially need help from us to capture requirements in
fretish and understand the semantic nuances of the fields that are supported. However, their requirements
fall into recurring patterns, so they become effective with the use of fretish quite fast. For this reason, we
are considering ways of supporting new fretish users, by, for example, displaying typical requirement patterns
within a domain or project, and allowing users to import patterns within the editor and customize as needed.
   More generally, now that fret has its basic features established, we are focusing on improving the interaction
with users both in editing and correcting requirements. Similarly, we are working on additional analysis tool-
s/algorithms to integrate with fret; for example, we have been developing support for checking requirements
realizability. In general, given fret’s open source status, we hope to obtain feedback and contributions from the
wider research community. For example, we expect that as the tool gets used in various domains, fretish could
be extended or customized accordingly. Moreover, researchers could connect fret to issue and project tracking
systems, requirements management systems, assurance case environments, as well as additional analysis tools.
Acknowledgements. We thank David Bushnell and Tanja de Jong for working on early prototypes of fret.
This work was funded by the NASA ARMD System-Wide Safety Project.
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