=Paper= {{Paper |id=Vol-2584/PT-paper5 |storemode=property |title=Towards a Catalog of Privacy Related Concepts |pdfUrl=https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2584/PT-paper5.pdf |volume=Vol-2584 |authors=Mariana Peixoto,Carla Silva,Helton Maia,João Araújo |dblpUrl=https://dblp.org/rec/conf/refsq/PeixotoSM020 }} ==Towards a Catalog of Privacy Related Concepts== https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2584/PT-paper5.pdf
          Towards a Catalog of Privacy Related Concepts

       Mariana Peixoto, Carla Silva                                      Helton Maia
    Universidade Federal de Pernambuco                   Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
                   Brazil                                                   Brazil
         {mmp2, ctlls}@cin.ufpe.br                                 helton.maia@ect.ufrn.br
                                                    João Araújo
                                            Universidade Nova de Lisboa

                       [Context and motivation] Data from software systems often cap-
                       tures a large amount of personal information and can be used for
                       purposes other than initially intended. Therefore, the Requirements
                       Engineering community has been recognizing the need for approaches
                       to consider privacy concerns from the early activities of the software
                       development process. [Question/problem] However, there is much
                       confusion regarding privacy among people involved in Software Engi-
                       neering because there is not a unified view of how to consider privacy in
                       software development. [Principal ideas/results] Motivated by this
                       situation, we conducted a Systematic Literature Review to investigate
                       how modeling languages address privacy related concepts. As a result,
                       we developed a catalog of privacy related concepts considered by mod-
                       eling languages and a conceptual model to show how these concepts
                       relate to each other. [Contribution] This paper contributes to the
                       state of art by presenting a basis to standardize privacy in the Require-
                       ments Engineering field and help developers in understanding privacy.

1    Introduction
Much of the information available in daily life has been digitized to facilitate quick and easy access. E-services,
for example, are relying on stored data for identifying customers, their preferences, and transactions [DWS+ 11,
KKG08]. These data often reveal large quantities of personal information and the exposure of such information
in an unregulated way may threaten user privacy. Thus, privacy concerns should be considered earlier when
developing software systems [OCS+ 13]. Users’ privacy can be defined as the right to determine when, how, and
to what purpose information about them is communicated to others [KKG08].
   Gharib et al. [GGM17] state that privacy violations can be avoided if privacy requirements are discovered
adequately during the Requirements Engineering (RE) phase when developing a privacy-sensitive system.

Copyright c 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC
BY 4.0).
In: M. Sabetzadeh, A. Vogelsang, S. Abualhaija, M. Borg, F. Dalpiaz, M. Daneva, N. Fernández, X. Franch, D. Fucci, V. Gervasi,
E. Groen, R. Guizzardi, A. Herrmann, J. Horkoff, L. Mich, A. Perini, A. Susi (eds.): Joint Proceedings of REFSQ-2020 Workshops,
Doctoral Symposium, Live Studies Track, and Poster Track, Pisa, Italy, 24-03-2020, published at http://ceur-ws.org
   Privacy is a multifaceted concept, as well as it can often be vague and elusive. It can represent many
conditions, relating to what one wishes to keep private [KKG08, GGM17]. Nevertheless, despite several efforts
made to clarify privacy related concepts by linking them to more refined ones, there is no consensus on the
definition of these concepts or which of them should be used to analyze privacy requirements when developing a
privacy-sensitive system [Bec12, GGM17]. This situation has resulted in much confusion among designers and
stakeholders and has led, in turn, to wrong design decisions [GGM17].
   The problem increases because many developers do not have sufficient knowledge and understanding about
privacy, nor do they sufficiently know how to develop software with privacy [HHA+ 18]. In addition, RE studies
often consider privacy as a general non-functional requirement, without specific approaches to deal/address how
it can be met, or as a security requirement [Bec12, GGM17]. Privacy and security are not opposites nor equals
but they are related because a security failure can lead to a privacy violation. However, privacy violations can
also happen without security failure when, for example, a personal data is disclosed to third parties without the
consent of the data owner.
   In this context, a better understanding of privacy related concepts (i.e., concepts to be considered when
developing a system that needs privacy), and their interrelationships, would be a major step towards providing
developers with more knowledge to elicit privacy requirements and, consequently, improving the quality of
systems that need privacy [GGM17]. Motivated by this scenario, in this paper, we take a step to address this
issue by creating a knowledge basis for privacy. For this purpose, we present part of the results of a Systematic
Literature Review (SLR) aimed at investigating the privacy related concepts addressed by requirements modeling
languages. These results comprise the creation of a conceptual model describing privacy related concepts and
how they relate to each other, and a catalog defining such concepts.
   This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the SLR research protocol. Section 3 details the con-
ceptual model and the catalog of privacy related concepts. Section 4 presents conclusions and future directions.

2    Systematic Literature Review
The SLR followed the procedures indicated by Kitchenham and Charters [KC07]. SLR planning includes the
specification of the research questions and the development of the review protocol, followed by SLR conducting
and SLR reporting, which, in turn, presents the results obtained.
   The SLR was motivated by the need to discover what privacy related concepts are captured by modeling
languages and whether there is a consensus on these concepts among the languages. Therefore, this research is
of an exploratory type on privacy in RE. This SLR focuses on approaches that explicitly represent and analyze
privacy related concepts by using a visual requirements modeling language. The detailed protocol that guided
this research is presented in: supplementarymaterial.link.
   Specifying the research questions is the most important part of any SLR [KC07]. Considering the stage of
planning, this SLR answered the following Research Questions (RQs) to address the SLR motivation.
   RQ1: What are the languages used for the modeling and analysis of privacy requirements? (This question
aims to identify the modeling languages able to capture privacy related concepts. These languages will serve as
theoretical sources of the concepts that compose the privacy catalog).
   RQ2: What are the privacy related concepts captured by the modeling languages? (This question intends to
identify what concepts are supported by the selected modeling languages to capture privacy concerns and how
they relate to each other. These inputs will support the creation of a catalog and a conceptual model on privacy).
   We considered two types of search: automatic and snowball. For the identification of the primary studies
through the automatic search, we developed the following search string, containing relevant synonyms to cover
the RQs: (privacy) AND (“requirements engineering”) AND (modeling OR modelling OR model OR language
OR notation).
   The automatic search1 selection process occurred in three steps. Step 1: reading titles, abstracts, and key-
words, considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Step 2: reading introduction and conclusion, considering
the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Step 3: the studies included are fully read, excluding irrelevant papers for
the research questions.
   The snowball selection process started at the end of the automatic search selection process. That is, we used
the studies that were not excluded in step 3 (automatic search selection) as a source to look for new studies.
  1 1- IEEExplore: ieeexplore.ieee.org; 2- ACM Digital library: dl.acm.org; 3- Scopus: www.scopus.com; 4- Science Direct:

www.sciencedirect.com; 5- Ei Compendex: www.engineeringvillage.com; 6- Springer: www.springer.com.
From this, the titles that contained any term of the automatic search string were captured and participated in
three selection stages: Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3 (similarly to the automatic search selection process).
   As a result, we found 1352 titles, 1229 from automatic search, and 123 titles from snowball search. After
applying the selection process of three stages (previously explained), and the quality assessment, we extracted
data of 58 papers: 46 from automatic search and 12 from snowball search. The quality assessment is presented
in: supplementarymaterial.link.

3   A Catalog of Privacy Related Concepts
The first RQ was concerned with the modeling languages that capture privacy related concepts. In Table 1 we
present, in descending order of frequency in the selected papers, an overview of the modeling languages found in
the SLR and the number of concepts supported by each language. We observed that, 44 (75.9%) studies used an
existing language “as-is” and 14 (24.1%) studies proposed an extension of an existing language. Finally, we did
not find the proposal of any new language. From the 58 selected studies, 21 (36.2%) have tool support (only one
tool took privacy into consideration). Identifying these modeling languages is important because they served as
sources to create the privacy catalog and we can still observe the ranking of the languages supporting the higher
number of privacy related concepts, such as iStar, Secure Tropos and Problem Frames.

                                     Table 1: Languages Used for Privacy.
           Language (Concepts*)        Frequency        Language (Concepts*)              Frequency
                  iStar (36)             9 (12.9%)     Goal/Agent Modeling (17)            8 (11.4%)
                 Tropos (19)             6 (8.6%)          Secure Tropos (32)               6 (8.6%)
             Problem Frames (30)         5 (7.1%)          Misuse Cases (11)                4 (5.7%)
            NFR Framework (12)           3 (4.3%)             UMLsec (9)                   3 (4.3%)
              SI* modelling (8)          3 (4.3%)              UML (14)                     3 (4.3%)
                   GRL(13)               3 (4.3%)             STS-ml (10)                  2 (2.9%)
              Threat Model (4)           2 (2.9%)            Legal GRL (7)                 2 (2.9%)
              Use Case Maps (7)          2 (2.9%)      CORAS Risk Modeling (8)              1 (1.4%)
              SecBPMN-ml (9)             1 (1.4%)   User Requirements Notation (7)         1 (1.4%)
                UML4PF (1)               1 (1.4%)              BPMN (4)                    1 (1.4%)
           Data Flow Diagrams (5)        1 (1.4%)      Security-Aware Tropos (4)            1 (1.4%)
                  KAOS (4)               1 (1.4%)           Threat Tree (10)               1 (1.4%)
                                           Total              70 (100.0%)
                                    Note: *Number of Concepts Supported.
   To answer RQ2, we present a privacy conceptual model to provide a better understanding of how the concepts
relate to each other. According to Da Silva [DS15], a conceptual model can help others to have a broad vision
and a better understanding of the domain and its key concepts and terminologies. In Figure 1, the conceptual
model is represented with UML (Unified Modeling Language) class diagram and each concept is described in
natural language to compose the catalog.
   Three steps were followed to design the catalog and the conceptual model. In the first step, we extract on
the papers the concepts related to privacy (for example, Awareness/Necessity to know/ Know). From a set of
correlated concepts, a single category was derived (for example, only Awareness). In the second step, we observed
what are the relationships between categories (for example, Awareness is a Privacy Mechanism). Finally, in the
third step, we create the relation between the categories (for example, relations between Awareness and Privacy
mechanism is a generalization relationship).
   In the conceptual model, an Owner/ controller has associations with Third Party and Processor. The Owner/
controller has zero or more Personal Information. This Personal Information can be specialized in Private, Public
or Semi-Public. Personal Information has zero or more associations with Collect, Use, Retention, Disclosure and
Privacy Mechanisms.
   Privacy Mechanism can be specialized in Safeguards, Awareness, Permission/Consent, Accuracy, Agreement,
Obligation, Socialization, Intentionality, Non Repudiation, Availability, Access Control, Autonomy, Confiden-
tiality, Intervenability, Detectability, Integrity, Unlinkability, Pseudonymity, Anonymity, Authentication, Autho-
rization, Assurance, Accountability, and Auditability. Privacy mechanism has an association with Risk, Trust,
Context and Constraint. If a constraint is broken, can result in a privacy violation. Constraint has zero or more
Privacy Preference and zero or more Compliance with one or more Privacy Policy.
   Privacy Mechanism has to deal with Risks that a system must take into account to assure the end user’s
privacy. Therefore, one or more Privacy Mechanism is associated with one or more Privacy Risk.
   Privacy Risk is a scenario that involves, Privacy Threat, Vulnerability, and Harm. Privacy Threat can be
seen as violation that are likely to happen. Privacy Threat can be specialized in Aggregation, Power Imbalance,
Identification, Misinformation, Intrusion, Exposure, or Surveillance. It is important to make it clear that Privacy
Threat types can be much more than we were able to find in the selected papers.
   An example of a Privacy Risk scenario could be a Privacy Threat that is the exposure of the user’s address,
which can be a menace to the user’s safety Vulnerability because somebody can use such information to cause
any Harm to the people living in the exposed address.
   We developed the catalog of privacy related concepts, beyond the conceptual model presented in Figure 1,
as a source of knowledge for developers. The descriptions of the catalog concepts were based on the definitions
presented in the papers found in the SLR.

                                      Figure 1: Privacy Conceptual Model.
   In Table 2, we present a clipping of the catalog that contains each concept and its description. In addition,
the specializations of privacy mechanism contain more details (context and benefit) as the template used by
Ayala-Rivera and Pasquale [ARP18]. The complete explanation of the catalog can be found in: supplementary-

                                     Table 2: Privacy Catalog Clipping.
  Privacy Concept        Definition
  Disclosure             Exposure of information to individuals who are not supposed to have access to it.
  Vulnerability          An attacker or a malicious user might exploit fragility and get access.
  Risk                   This occurs when there is a vulnerability exploit in the system.
  Harm                   Associate with a threat. When privacy violation occurs to a user.
  Privacy Threat         A threat poses potential loss or indicates problems that can put personal informa-
                         tion at risk.
  Privacy Threats Ex-    Exposure: Personal/sensitive information received by unintended recipients.
  amples                 Surveillance: It refers to requests for information about a user. Aggregation:
                         It combines datasets to produce a new type of information without the user’s con-
                         sent. Misinformation: Inaccurate or insufficient level of information about a user
                         is transmitted. Power Imbalance: Third Party uses the information to control a
                         user. Intrusion: It occurs when the third party disturbs the user’s tranquility.
                         Identification: The user’s personal information is revealed.
  Privacy Mechanism      It refers to appropriate privacy protection mechanisms.
  Privacy  Mechanism
  Non Repudiation        Not being able to deny the authorship of an action.
  Context                It occurs when it is possible to provide proof of the origin of an action performed.
                         It prevents someone from denying that performed an action. For example, provide
                         digital signatures.
  Benefit                It prevents repudiation of authorship of an action. It can provide a basis for trust
                         between users.
  Confidentiality        It implies the protection of the information.
  Context                Guarantee that private information will not be disclosed to unauthorized parties
                         (e.g., individuals, programs, processes, devices, or other systems). For example,
                         when the system limits access to personal information.
  Benefit                For legal purposes, ensure the security of personal data.
  Autonomy               The owner of the information has the independence to make decisions.
  Context                This occurs when the system allows the owner of the information to decide on
                         his/her actions freely. For example, the system may present a consent decision
                         option and show that the user will not be punished depending on their choice
                         (e.g., deny access to a feature when the user does not allow the system to access
                         certain information).
  Benefit                The user can be confident in her/his decision making.
  Awareness/ Neces-      It occurs when the user is aware of the information he/she is supplying to the
  sity to know           system and the consequences of his/her act of sharing.
  Context                When the system itself can support users in privacy-aware decisions. For exam-
                         ple, presenting mechanisms with explanatory options about what information is
                         collected and how it will be used.
  Benefit                Users should be clearly informed and educated about the consequences of sharing
  Consent/    Permis-    It refers to the user giving consent for some action.
  Context                When the system itself may ask the user to show consent to perform an action.
                         For example, the system submits an explicit consent request.
  Benefit                Users can have real control over their data.
4   Conclusion and Future Work
This paper presented part of the results of a SLR which identified twenty-four modeling languages used to
capture privacy related concepts. Then, these privacy related concepts were captured to define a catalog and a
conceptual model that contribute to create the basis to standardize privacy related concepts. They can be used,
for example, to evaluate modeling languages regarding their support to privacy concerns [PS18].
   This work is a step further in relation to other studies, such as the privacy ontology proposed by Gharib et al.
[GGM17], because besides presenting the privacy related concepts and their relationships, we present a detailed
catalog that can be used as a privacy guide for developers.
   As ongoing research, we are working on the evolution and evaluation of a requirements specification method
created from the concepts of the privacy conceptual model. This method is called PCM (Privacy Criteria
Method) and aims at guiding the identification and specification of privacy requirements earlier in the software
development life-cycle [PSL+ 19]. The privacy catalog is part of PCM and its purpose is to serve as a source of
knowledge to make it easier the use of the method by developers who do not know much about privacy.

4.0.1     Acknowledgements
This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nı́vel Superior - Brasil
(CAPES) - Finance Code 001, and NOVA LINCS Research Laboratory (Ref. UID/CEC/04516/2019).

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